#would yous mind if i became a theatre freak for a bit
fullsaw · 27 days
Misha switching genres over to hiphop halfway into Thalia to show how angry he is that he'll never meet the love of his life save me
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nev3rfound · 3 years
blame it on the neighbours : b.b
having recently moved in next door, you and bucky become fast friends. however, there's something looming between the two of you and it comes to light when it's revealed you're in the hospital. (1.7k)
masterlist / permanent taglist / etsy shop - requests open!
requested: yes! by the very sweet @didsomeonesaybucky warnings: bucky freaking out if that counts? descriptions of hospitals
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website without being credited, it has not been approved to be shared by me. all rights reserved.)
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Ever since you moved in and became Bucky's next-door neighbour, he could tell things were going to be different. In the first instance, he could hear you in the corridor, chatting away happily to your other neighbours, offering baked goods. He watched cautiously through the peephole, still having to yet meet you, he merely observed from afar.
When he finally met you, it wasn't the interaction he quite hoped for.
Standing in front of his door with a tray of cookies in hand, you release a shaky breath having heard from your other neighbours that the occupant in apartment 4F wasn't the friendliest. But you would simply have to judge that for yourself, you told them.
"He's a bit of a strange one, dear." Your neighbour, Clarissa in 2F warned you as she accepted the container of muffins you had made that morning. "Doesn't really leave or go out much, I think I've only ever heard him say morning once in the six months he's been here!" Her words echo in the back of your mind as you lift your hand up, knuckles lightly tapping the door.
With wide eyes, Bucky hesitantly walks toward the door and stares straight through the peephole. His breath halters, watching as you stare down at your feet.
Taking a deep breath, Bucky glides his fingers over the several locks across his door and slides through the small gap in the doorway with an attempted smile gracing his lips.
"Hi," You start, now lifting your eyes up toward this mysterious neighbour who is definitely not what you anticipated. "I, I'm Y/n, I moved in next door a week ago," Motioning to your apartment, Bucky forces his eyes to glance across down the hall before averting them back to you, taking in your features up close as you rub your lips together.
"Yeah, I heard you moving in." Bucky comments, internally cringing at his choice of wording. "I mean, I," His words falter at the sound of you chuckling softly to yourself. "can I start again? Is that alright?" He asks, grateful that you nod. "It's nice to meet you, Y/n. I'm James."
"Well, it's lovely to know my other neighbour, James. I, these are for you." Thrusting the tray forward, Bucky pushes his door open further with his foot to accept the tray, forgetting he didn't have his glove on.
Your eyes wander down to see his left arm is entirely metal. "Thanks." He mutters, feeling your eyes burning into his arm.
"I'm sorry," You quickly say, looking up at his face. "it's rude to stare, my Mom would scold me if she were here right now."
Bucky shakes his head, moving his leg to catch the back of the door. "Don't worry 'bout it." He brushes it off, but he notices your eyes wandering around the bland corridor and your lips parting.
"You don't happen to know any good places for dinner 'round here?" You move the conversation on, causing Bucky to raise a brow in response. "I'm kinda new to the area and I was wondering if you knew any good spots." You shrug your shoulders, hoping he couldn't read your mind and know that sentence was a complete lie.
"Erm, yeah." He sheepishly tells you, hearing Doctor Raynor droning in the back of his mind about putting himself out there, and not on those godforsaken dating apps again. "There's a great sushi place I know of."
Your smile brightens at his suggestion, and Bucky can't ignore how his lips rise at the sight. "Great, wanna join me then since you know it so well?" You suggest nonchalantly. "And you can always enjoy those as a dessert afterwards."
Looking down at the tray of warm cookies, Bucky tries to hide the sound of his stomach grumbling against the tray.
"Sure," He reaches into his apartment, grabbing his things including his gloves before following you out. "so, what brings you to Brooklyn?"
It's been several months since you moved in next door, and Bucky couldn't be happier that you plucked up the courage to knock that day.
Every week you two hang out, sometimes you join him and Yori for lunch who spends most of the time trying to convince Bucky to ask you out (only to be scolded when you're absent.) Sometimes you'll cook dinner, dance around your apartment and watch movies or wander around the city whilst Bucky tells you old stories; just like normal friends do, right?
It was truly blissful, but there was still so much about each other you had yet to learn.
Running his fingers through his combed hair, Bucky tugs on his blue henley before heading out.
As he locks his front door, he carries out dinner that he promised to make for you tonight.
"Oh, James." Your neighbour in 2F, Clarissa, stands in front of her door with her handbag and walking stick.
"Hi, Clarissa." Bucky forces a small smile, having heard her conversations regarding his past, muttering about having a murderer in the building shouldn't be allowed.
"Heading into Y/n's I take it." She hums, eyeing him carefully as he nods in response. "She should be back later, told me she had to go to the hospital." Waving herself off, Clarissa turns the lock in her doors.
"The hospital?" Bucky speaks up as the containers in his hands begin to slip, his mind going a hundred miles an hour. "Y/n's in the hospital?" Trying not to yell, Bucky steps closer, causing Clarissa to clutch her handbag tightly in front of her chest.
"Yes," Clarissa states calmly, but Bucky notices the keys in her right hand begin to shake.
"Thanks." Bucky mutters, stepping away as he darts back into his own apartment and grabs his coat, barely able to process his thoughts before rushing down the stairwell with nothing but you on his mind.
Reaching the entrance to the hospital, Bucky hands the driver some money without any words being exchanged. Bucky knew he looked like hell; he couldn't focus properly on anything. He had only seen you last night, the two of you in his apartment painting his living room walls, laughing together as you accidentally flicked paint across his cheek.
The reception area was crowded, voices bounced from wall to wall as Bucky strode toward the desk where a woman sat, staring blankly at a screen.
"How can I help?" She asks, briefly glancing up at Bucky before focusing on her screen once more.
Suddenly lost for words, Bucky homes in on a man crying in the waiting area, loudly sobbing into his hands as a nurse stands over him.
"Y/n Y/l/n, I'm looking for Y/n." Bucky forces the words out as the Nurse simply nods whilst typing away, humming a tune to herself.
"Oh okay," The Nurse pauses as her eyes scan over the monitor.
Clutching the edge of the desk, Bucky can hear the plates in his metal arm whirring as his grip tightens, nearly tearing the panel off as the silence becomes insufferable.
"So Y/n is currently in the operating theatre." The nurse tells Bucky nonchalantly, glancing up to see something change in his expression.
"No," Shaking his head, Bucky steps back. "she, I, I we were going to have dinner." It sounds pathetic to him, saying it aloud. But seeing you, having any moment with you made him feel human again, almost normal.
"Yeah, crazy how schedules fall." A heavy sigh leaves the nurses lips, unaware of the cool gaze that is locking in on her.
"Do you know when she'll be-" Before Bucky can finish his sentence, he's caught off guard by someone calling his name from the corridor.
"James?" You chuckle, walking toward him wearing your uniform adorned with your badge.
"Doll?" Bucky stutters, stepping closer as he tries to stop the tears in his eyes from forming. "You, you're okay?" He mumbles, looking you over, keeping his hands on your arms.
"Why wouldn't I be?" You ask, evidently surprised. "Everything okay, James?" Lowering your voice, you peer down to look him in the eyes whilst his head hangs low.
"Clarissa said you were in the hospital." Bucky huffs in annoyance to himself. "I, I didn't put it together," He mumbles. "I forgot that you,"
"That I'm a Doctor?" Holding back the laugh in your throat, you sigh before tugging Bucky closer into your embrace. "I'm okay, James. I'm only sorry you came all this way."
Keeping you in his arms, Bucky doesn't want to let go. Whilst your face rests in the crook of his neck, he allows a few stray tears to fall in relief. "I, I made us dinner." He eventually says, feeling you pull back to look at him, your eyes softening at the trails left on his cheeks.
"Oh, James." Raising your hand, you cup his cheek. "I'll be off work in an hour. I'm so sorry I should've said something or let you know sooner."
Shaking his head, Bucky takes your hand from his cheek and runs his fingers over your knuckles. "Don't worry 'bout it, Y/n. I'm just glad you're safe." He tells you, wishing he could say something else, but for now, that was enough.
"Did you make,- Your eyes light up in excitement, but Bucky cuts you off before you can finish your sentence.
"Yep." Bucky chuckles as you do a little dance. "You're such a dork sometimes, doll."
"Yeah," You admit, slipping your hand from his as you bury them in your pockets. "but would you have me any other way, neighbour?" Raising a brow to him, Bucky shakes his head. "Thought as much."
"I'll keep dinner warm for you." He smiles, hearing the word neighbour circle his thoughts. Yet, for once, Bucky forces his intrusive thoughts aside as his lips brush across your forehead. "Be good, Doc." He can't help but laugh to himself at the sound of your heart beating rapidly whilst externally, you remain cool.
"I'll try my best, Barnes." You salute him, watching as he walks back out of the hospital, knowing he's one step closer to calling you his girl.
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lucysometimeswrites · 3 years
Hey can you please make a award season one but for a latina reader, if you would like you can keep the tom element. Sorry I'm asking again I accidentally deleted the last ask I made. I love your writing, you are amazing.❤️☺️
thank you thank you so much ur so sweet and of course! here you go and i hope you like it :) absolutely loved writing for latina!reader 
Awards Season (latina!reader)
“Here to present the award for Best Actress in a Leading Role, please welcome Meryl Streep!” the host announced. A roar came from the audience at the mention of her name, the very acclaimed actress welcoming the attention and making her way to the microphone.
“Oh, stop it” she said and waved them away, earning a laugh and even more cheering from the theatre. “If I’m honest, I really considered not presenting this award because it breaks me inside to give the Oscar to someone else when it’s rightfully mine” she said in a funny, raspy evil voice, resembling a witch, “But you know, sharing is caring or whatever. Alright let’s get to it.” she continued dejectedly, still joking.
“This year, we have been blessed with beautiful films and, along with them, incredible performances from beautiful and talented actresses. Viola Davis, your abilities to embody different characters and raise awareness to ongoing issues in society has always amazed us, and it does once again in Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom”, Meryl announced, the camera going to Viola who was sitting about 10 seats to my left, the audience (including me) applauding and praising her. Literally all of her performances are incredible.
Could I still believe I was here? Definitely not, and not any time soon. From small skits to my big break with Tom Holland in a stupid rom-com that I didn’t even want to make, to now. Tom knows it’s nothing against him, it’s just that I haven’t learned to appreciate romantic comedies the way he has, but the thing I loved most from doing it was finishing it with Tom. He had become such an important person in my life since that moment, what with guiding me through the newfound world of fame and being there for me when I joined the Marvel franchise, it was just more than I could ever dream of. Now I sit here at the freaking Oscars, with Tom Holland as my date, and having done one of the greatest films ever, nothing could keep the smile off my face. Or the nerves.
 My leg kept bouncing up and down, a nervous action I often did and one that the guy beside me had caught on to real quick when we first met. His warm hand gently squeezed my thigh, and I turned to look at him a little surprised.
“Hey, it’s okay” he softly said, his gaze soft and comforting.
“I didn’t even realize I was doing it” I answered in the same tone, whispering a thank you and letting my hand rest on top of his, weirdly interlocking our fingers. 
Meryl turned to where Olivia Colman was sitting, “Your Majesty,” she started, referencing her portrayals of royalty and causing her to chuckle, “your moving performances have always left us wanting more, and I’m sure that is what I and everyone felt when we saw you in The Father” a big smile broke out on her face, and cheering ensued once more for our queen, or at least one of mine.
“Aging is some we all go through...unfortunately,” Meryl uttered into the mic, touching up her almost white hair, “and you, Cynthia Erivo, made us relate to your character this way with your brilliant acting in Reaching 39″, that woman is simply amazing, I thought as I clapped and cheered with the audience.
“My dear Kate,” the camera panned to Kate Winslet, who just stared fondly at the woman on the stage, “watching you grow as an actress has been one of the pleasures of my life and you reach new heights both professionally and literally in Misdemeanors”, she is such an icon, oh my.
Finally, Meryl Streep turned to look at me in the front row with a grin on her face, and I quickly got into “camera mode”, as I like to call it. I sat up straighter, looking at her with gentle eyes and smile. 
“Señorita Y/N Y/L,” she started with the heavily accented Spanish word for Ms., “with your entrance into the world of filmmaking, you have set new expectations for all of us to reach. Even though this is your first nomination, I feel in my heart it won’t be the last, and we can’t wait to see more of you like we saw with your extraordinary performance in Paraíso” she finished, bringing a big smile to my face at her words. Turning to the camera, I became a bit shy and gave a small wave, feeling Tom squeeze my hand in comfort and another hand on my shoulder from behind. I turned to see Salma Hayek, one of my co-stars in the film, who gave me a strong nod and smile, loudly saying “Eso!” as a cheer for me.
“And the Oscar goes too...” ayyyyy no ay no que nervios que nervios que nervios me muero- all of this going through my head repeatedly but having to put on a smile and a calm façade for the camera was exhausting. Tranquila, tranquila, si no ganas está bien igual solo el hecho de estar aquí ya es lo más-
“Y/N Y/L, Paraíso!” Meryl announced, and all I heard were screams and loud clapping from around me. 
Shocked, I looked up with wide eyes and my jaw going slack a little. I felt a buzz fill my body and the idol on the stage beckoned me up, when I realized I hadn’t moved. I slowly stood up and instantly turned to Tom who quickly pulled me into his arms with a strong hug and whispering in my year, “I knew it! I knew you would do it darling. I’m so so proud of you babe, go get your award!” not giving me a chance to answer as he gave me a quick kiss and turned me around in the direction of the stage. Still in a bit of a daze, I didn’t see Salma, Eugenio (Derbez), and Benicio (del Toro) make their way to me, ambushing me in a group hug as they started jumping around and sort of with me, chanting “EH! EH! EH!” like Latinos at a party and causing me to laugh and come back to my senses. I hugged them all and continued to the stairs, stopping to hug my directors Guillermo del Toro and Alfonso Cuarón. 
I lifted my dress as I ascended the steps, and in true nervous fashion, stumbled and almost face planted in front of thousands of people. 
“Uy, mierda” I chuckled to myself, and accepted the help of none other than Chris Evans who lent his arm for the remaining steps. I thanked him with a smile and after his Congrats!, I made my way to Meryl who held the famous award in her hands. She handed it to me and pulled me into her embrace, saying “Beautiful job, sweetheart, you’re amazing”, and all I could answer was “Oh my, thank you so much, you’re the amazing one”, sharing a laugh with her and standing in front of the mic.
I looked out into the audience, who were still giving me a standing ovation. Almost like a camera in my head, I tried to ingrain this moment in my mind and took a deep breath, starting my speech.
“God, I really hope I don’t forget any words in English right now” I said with a breathless laugh, inciting one from the people below me. “Thank you so much. Thank you to...um...so many people. To the Academy for this great, great honor. To my fellow nominees for inspiring me every single day. Being in the same room as you is already insane, let alone being nominated with you, it’s just- it’s truly out of this world. Viola, Olivia, Kate, Cynthia, you are my literal idols and if I could physically cut this Oscar into five pieces,” I said as I made a motion of cutting the award and humoured the audience, “I would give a piece to all of you. Um, thank you to my team, my agent, Victoria, te adoro y te agradezco for believing in me and helping me live out my dream. Sorry, I’m probably gonna switch between languages during this.” I said with a laugh. 
“Paraíso was a project that, for me, came out of nowhere. But for my extraordinary directors los señores Guillermo del Toro and Alfonso Cuarón, it was a life’s work so to you, gracias por darme la oportunidad de darle vida a Marielos and for giving me the experience of a lifetime. Salma, Eugenio, Benicio, Gael, and all the cast and crew, thank you for becoming my second family and supporting me every step of the way. It has been my honor to work with you” I said with a hand on my chest, showing that I was speaking from my heart and smiling at the kisses and cheers sent to me from them, hearing a crazed Te amamos! from Eugenio. It eased the tension in my body which I was incredibly thankful for. 
“I also want to thank-” I stopped, getting a little choked up, “ha, sorry, it’s my family that couldn’t be here” I said, a wave of claps and cheering in comfort came from the audience. Quickly composing myself, I continued, “Ya, okay. All the way back home, lo hice! Familia, les dije que no les iba a agradecer si me ganaba un Oscar algún día por no creer en mi y hoy es ese día, pero no me lo perdonaría si no les agradezco. Gracias por apoyarme a pesar de que yo sé que les dio un ataque que quisiera ser actriz. Gracias por siempre estar ahí para mi, por quererme incondicionalmente y por enseñarme que trabajando duro todo se puede lograr. Los amo infinitamente.” I finished, with tears threatening to roll down my eyes. I tilted my head to the sky to prevent them from falling, and with a deep breath I turned to Tom who had his hands in a prayer stance while looking intently at me, the same smile from before still gracing his face.
“Tommy...” I started, and the audience audibly awed at the nickname, “Oh, you don’t even know what I’m gonna say to him” I said with narrowed eyes, but my gaze found my love once more.
“Thank you so much for being my rock ever since we met. I’m beyond thankful for you and all you do for me, baby. You make me the happiest and thank you for pushing me to do things that scare me. For being there for me in case I fall and for being my person. Te amo, amor.” I blowed him a kiss which he caught and jokingly used to wipe his tears, making me and the other celebrities laugh.
Please wrap up, I read from the screen, and let out and “Ay, perdón! I gotta wrap up sorry sorry” hurriedly finishing up my speech. 
“Lastly, this award goes out to all the Latina girls out there with big dreams. Nunca se den por vencidas. No dejen que nadie les diga que no porque de que se puede, se puede. Querer es poder! I love you guys, my fans oh my gosh, thank you thank you, gracias!” I rushed out, raising the award to the air with one last big smile as Meryl guided me backstage to answer some questions. Just before I was off sight, I turned and looked out to the stage once more.
Lo logré...
once again, disclaimer, movie names are mostly fictitious. feedback and requests always welcome!
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stellar-imagines · 3 years
HEADCANONS REQUEST: ❝theatre kid /SO.❞
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[ Fandom: Haikyuu ] [ Characters: Kuroo Tetsurou, Bokuto Koutarou, Oikawa Tooru ]
「Headcanons of Kuroo, Bokuto, and Oikawa with a theatre kid S/O.」
♤ Kuroo is a person who knows quite a lot of things. He knows all those famous plays by Shakespeare and reads a few novels himself. He’s a very thoughtful person and is probably one of the very few people you know that can actually understand your hardships. You claimed that your friends were the only ones from the drama club but Kuroo easily became your friend, bonding with you over his favorite plays. He might not be into it like you were but he's a great listener.
♤ Honestly, your ability to memorize things always makes him wonder if you were some sort of secret genius. You merely told him that it was something normal since you had to memorize lines for a play numerous times. Kuroo likes to call it a talent of yours and that it was like some sort of cheat from a game. Of course, it doesn't mean you can memorize things easily. You'd like to say that the trick was to imagine that your textbook was a script.
♤ You always never have the time to hang out with your classmates after classes because of rehearsal and club activities. However, with Kuroo it was different. Since the two of you had club activities, you both would coincidentally meet up a couple of times by the school gate. He would walk you home, claiming that his house was nearby but you learned that it wasn’t from his teammates. In the end, you decided to just let him be and it made you kind of touched that he would go out his way just to walk you home.
♤ A great practice partner but sometimes he can be overly dramatic. He actually likes to rehearse with you since he gets to see your different expressions. Kuroo finds it amazing how you can switch between many roles, personalities and feelings so easily. One day you will be practicing a character who's brash and hardheaded and on another day you'll be practicing a character who's quiet and timid. Every single day, you'd be a different person depending on what role you're given for your next play.
♤ Super excited to watch your play during Cultural Festival. No matter what role you were given, big or small, he will be there supporting you. He will try to catch you during the little break time you're given and express how amazing you were on stage. This guy always shows his interest in your club activities. Kuroo really likes it when you talk about your club members and spill all the drama that happened between your friends in the club.
☆ His enthusiasm matches yours. Bokuto is the most supportive friend/boyfriend you'll ever have. This guy will be at all your performances, minus the ones that clash with his practice hours and games. However, he'll get someone to record it for him so he can watch you perform on stage. He's like your number one fan, the one who will be supporting you before you become well-known to the world, someone who will watch over you throughout your entire growth.
☆ Definitely not a reader but loves hearing you recite Shakespeare and quote from some of your favorite plays. He eventually knows how to respond to your lines and it becomes a thing that you both would do from time to time. If you both start dating, he's prepared himself for the movie marathons. that you will initiate. Bokuto brings a ton of snacks and will cuddle you throughout the entire movie.
☆ Bokuto helps you recite your lines for your next drama and he does a pretty great job at it too. You were super excited when you saw potential in him, trying to convince him to get into the drama club but of course, he's dedicated to volleyball because it's his passion. He can really read those lines well and never fails to amaze you every single time he practices with you. He's a really fin practice partner and always shows interest in your future plays.
☆ Gets very jealous when you're in a play with another guy and he actually tries to get you to change your roles. It took you some time to tell him that he shouldn't be jealous because you will only have eyes on him. Gives you that pout that always makes you weak and it really does work but you tell yourself that you couldn't be swayed. All it took was a lot of convincing and a promise to give him all your time and attention later on.
☆ Remember the cast list you have been waiting for? The one that could make you throw up in anticipation? Because Bokuto remembers that, he will be far more excited than you, dragging you to see whether you got a role in the next play or not. If you didn’t, he’s there for you and ensuring that you don’t beat yourself up for it. But when you make it in, he will be celebrating it with you and he kinda brags about it to his teammates about how amazing you are.
♡ Oikawa has greatly misunderstood how hard it is. You constantly tell him that being in the drama club wasn't that easy. People may seem friendly and all that but you remind him that there are always two sides of a coin. You'd often tell him about what's going on within the club that is not known to anyone outside of it. Oikawa loves heaving these juicy gossips and finds it interesting that there was so much going on in your club.
♡ Oikawa has heard that everyone thinks he practices volleyball a bit too much, when he sees you practicing for your next play and memorizing scripts, he feels like he's not that bad. At first, he always thought that you were waiting for him to finish practice every single day. He always thought that your "I wasn't waiting that long." was just you being nice but it turned out that you had been rehearsing with your friends and finished up late.
♡ You have tried to drag him into the drama club from time to time, claiming that he would actually fit in because he's very overdramatic. Though you bluntly told him that he could probably be popular in the club by looks alone. Oikawa took offense and yelled at you for it but you stood your ground. Well, you're not wrong because he's already popular with the girls because of his looks and physique. This guy whines about how you only looked at his appearance and never accounted for his personality.
♡ Man, this guy gets very emotional when he watches some plays with you. It was common to have him tearing up at the sad moments. But of course, it wasn't like you're any different. You still can't over that one scene that always brought you to tears. You introduced a lot of things to Oikawa and it became a thing for you two to watch something together during the weekends. You thought that he was a volleyball freak who practices 24/7 but thanks to you, he found a way to relax.
♡ Finds it amusing how you're always like a different person every day thanks to your club. Every single day, you will be in a different role. He rehearses with you from time to time but this guy lets every little compliment you throw at him get the best of him. He finds your stage costumes interesting as well as the makeup. He thinks you look good in them and never fails to tell you so.
Total: 1284 words Published: 18.07.2021
Thank you for requesting! 。٩(ˊᗜˋ)و*。 Honestly, I hope we got the theater kid stuff right..... We hope you liked it! ― author Lou
Thank you for requesting it! Hope you enjoyed this! Please don’t hesitate to tell us more on what it truly means to be classified as a theater kid. Our chat is always open! ― author Natsuki
Requests are closed! Matchups are closed!
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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daydreamrry · 3 years
I think some fans think acting will take over. I do believe him when he says how much he loves touring and performing but I do understand where fans are coming from
Yes, anon, you are completely right.
The funny and interesting thing about being older than the majority of H's fandom is that I've seen/lived all of this before. For me, all these changes look like a "mid-life career crisis", that every artist goes through at some point. You know, especially for those who started at a young age, they get to the point where they need to do something new, first to fulfil their creative desires, and second to keep the relevancy their original career gave them. And I don't think this is bad. Damn, we also go through it. We change positions at a company, we change jobs, we just change. And they're allowed to do the same.
But the fact that we make those moves and start something new, doesn't necessarily mean we're gonna stop doing what we did before. At the end of the day, it's just something else we add to our resumé and that made us better people and professionals. I have a friend who was originally a model. After a few years, she became a TV hostess, tried the acting career and decided to go back to the previous step, and now she presents three TV shows. But she never stopped modelling. That's who she is, what she likes, and the other "sides" of her just added more experience in her life.
My favourite singer also decided to do some acting jobs, just like Harry. She had her own TV series for a couple of years, was the main character in a soap opera and on a movie, and will present a cooking show, that will start in a few days. But she's still a singer, and we're enjoying the moment with her while waiting patiently for the new album and tour.
They need this. They need to take risks, they need to experiment more, exercise their creativity. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if we see Harry in musical plays in a couple of years. Man can sing, is learning acting, can dance. It would be interesting to see him in theatres. Instead of freaking out and criticizing him, the fandom should open their minds and embrace these adventures with H. It's a joy to see their development and accomplishments while knowing they'll always come back to us in their "original selves". Because trust me, babes: singer Harry is going nowhere. By the end of the day, he'll always be there, hoping to see us on tour again!
edit: “ awww so true, just wish he would say I’m not going anywhere every once in awhile . He has to know his fans are a bit confused and worried. Probably why he would say “ It’s my favorite right to do at the shows as reassurance. Someone should make a sign like “ Don’t leave us” thank you for the music””
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congregamus · 2 years
Character Sketch: Μελάνθιος (Melanthios)
My Greek mother, Cressida, called me Melanthios. Never mind that my Roman father, Gnaeus, actually named me Secundus. He was the only person who ever called me that name, and even he eventually gave up and called me ‘Thio’ like everyone else did. 
Mamá, who liked the Christians but could not openly convert, said I was her ‘little blasphemy,’ because my nickname, Thio, sounds the same as the word for ‘God’ in Greek, the language my family spoke. I was the spitting image of Gnaeus Caprinius Iustinius in miniature, and my mother worshipped for it. My older brother would inherit, so Primus was pretty square. I stood to inherit next to nothing, so nobody really cared what I did. I turned into the family clown, and I wallowed in their laughter and approval.
It did me no favors in the character department, let me tell you, but I loved it. 
We lived in Corinth, which had been a rich and important Greek city before General Mummius of Rome all but salted the earth a few hundred years before I was born. Julius Caesar brought Corinth back to life as a Roman colony. Within a hundred years, it was a booming business again. 
Maybe it was the diakolos bridge that could be used to roll ships overland on the isthmus to the gulf of Corinth, cutting off hundreds of miles of dangerous sea travel, boosting trade.
Or maybe it was the cult of Aphrodite and her temple prostitutes, the games, theatre, and the general free-for-all that was my city. Corinth was like nowhere else in Greece, and that’s saying something, because things could get pretty weird, even kinky, all over the Peloponnesus. The Olympians really flew their freak flag, as we say now, and we Corinthians were not far behind. It’s hard to say if Corinth was more popular for the money or the sex. My answer, judging by my life, at least, would be, “both.” 
A Roman soldier, patér “retired” to Corinth. It would be nice to say that the old man came back for mamá and his two sons, but he loved the whores, the games, and the whole bit. (Who wouldn't?) He used his pension from the army to make minor investments, like a small grove of olive trees and a few slaves, so that his life would be managed, and so that he could focus on what Corinth was famous for.  
It’s not really honest to say that I stood to inherit next to nothing from him, because Gnaeus was a very handsome man, and he gave me a copy of his face, which, it turned out, did convert directly into cash by way of more business in “the trade.” That inheritance more than paid me back. As far as I'm concerned, we're even.
Growing up, I could tell from the way people treated me, the same as with patér, that I was — as we said back then — a real spread of taramosalata.
I’m not sure when I became conscious of the fact that not everyone enthusiastically accepted whispered invitations to the bedroom. I received more than my share all over town. Consequently, I…developed early. I thought everyone was just like that, but then I figured out that they were only like that for me (and some other people that I also wanted very much to bed).
It seemed natural to me, in that circumstance and in that place, to take up "the trade," which people do for all kinds of reasons. Mostly, people are forced into the work because of poverty, or through some other social disgrace, with others getting into it because they can't be satisfied. While it's likely the trade might have eventually been an economic necessity for me, what actually happened was that I saw an opportunity to take control of my future doing something I was good at. My other option was begging off Primus for the rest of my life, and I didn't have any interest.
So I took a little room in the back of a taverna a couple of streets off Cardo Maximus, where I did a decent business. It wasn't a great choice, but I'm not ashamed of it. The patricians got their throats slit the same as everyone else when the barbarians invaded. And we all landed in the same Hell.
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notyourdayrdream · 3 years
Summer’s Almost Over (So Come Spend it with Me)
Day Eleven, Side A: Vigilant
read it here on AO3
A/N: this update will so much more sense if you’ve read day three of this collection, which was the word ‘ubiquitous’!
Diner in the Sky is closing.
Their bosses, a middle aged couple, told them in tears before the morning shift, how the whole mayor thing had died down and customers had tanked with it. They would shut down the last week of summer.
Being dramatic theatre kids, the New Directions and Blaine worked after hours to try and save the restaurant. Finn and Puck brought the football players and The Unholy Trinity brought the cheerleaders, and that night became a whole party. While it was fun, nobody had really bought anything. Blaine’s idea to perform turned out much better. He and the Warblers became a group of singing quartets, cooing to customers instead of a jukebox. Kurt thought it was fantastic, not just because he got to watch his boyfriend sing and dance around in a striped shirt and tight jeans all night. And oh, was it so sweet to mess up his gelled quiff during makeout sessions in the backseat of his car.
But it wasn’t enough. The Walken’s were grateful, but they had already sold, and with a heavy heart let all of their teenage employees go. Their last day was a week before their place would be cleared out and devoid of any fifties charm Kurt had grown to love.
But once again, being dramatic theatre kids, Rachel and Mercedes asked if they could use the restaurant one last time. And the Walken’s agreed.
“Oh my God!” Santana cried, clicking a few photos with her phone. “I will never get over you guys in those costumes.” Her arm is stretched around the red leather booth, not enough to draw suspicion to why it’s draped around Brittany. But Kurt notices.
Mercedes, Rachel, and Blaine do the Charlie's Angels pose, cracking up their friends, who’ve shoved themselves into three booths, back to back.
“Look, I’m gonna miss this dress, okay?” Mercedes says, pushing her way into a seat, squishing next to Nick. She has a plate of chili cheese fries in her hands, even though they agreed they wouldn’t actually work tonight. They all ended up doing it anyway. “It makes me feel like Tiana, a real Disney Princess.”
“Oh please, you sing like one already,” Blaine interjects, barely sitting on the end of the seat. His bowtie is crooked. Mercedes swats his arm, but Kurt can see her blush.
At first Kurt was a bit nervous about introducing Blaine to everyone. His dad and Carole were no big deal, Blaine has enough charm to sweet talk a lion into not eating him. No, he had been nervous for him to meet the New Directions. They were known to be judgy. Before they went out to a Movie in the Park night, Kurt ran down every moment of drama since the group’s founding. Offending one member would seriously hurt Blaine’s chances of being accepted. But, of course, he didn’t need it at all. He was a natural, jumping back and forth conversations before and after the movie, making everybody feel special. When he hit it off with Sam, Kurt and Mercedes were ecstatic at the thought of their boyfriends becoming best friends like them.
“I’m actually really sad this place is closing,” Rachel says, picking the bacon bits off her cobb salad. Kurt already knows she’s gonna give one of the cooks an earful about that. “Yeah it was a job, but it was so much fun!” Everyone else nods.
“What’s it going to be turned into, anway?” David asks, twisting around from his seat at the booth behind them.
Kurt rolls his eyes. “A laundromat,” he groans. In the middle of downtown. Whoever was doing the layout for Lima’s recreational district needed to be fired. “So now you can wash your dirty clothes with the stench of hot dogs wafting through the air!”
His friends crack up, and soon he’s laughing too. He loves that feeling, when your joke lands really well and everyone laughs with you. It’s the closest Kurt gets to a standing ovation everyday.
“I love you,” Blaine gets out through laughs, probably not even processing what he just said. But Kurt does, and his heart stops like a chipped record.
Yeah, Kurt’s known about Blaine loving him since that night in July, but he’s never said it. And in his eyes those are two different things. So as Kurt’s mind races to process what he just said (“does he really mean that? what if he just said it to be funny?”), Blaine stops laughing, his face white as a sheet.
He won’t meet Kurt’s eyes. “Um.” The room’s gone deathly quiet, save for the jukebox, constant in its crackling. “I’m gonna start cleaning up now. In the kitchen.” Blaine grabs the plate that Puck was still picking at and rushes into the kitchen. Kurt can’t decide if it’s more sweet or sad.
“Was that the first time he said it?” Tina asked from behind him. The whole diner seems to waits on his every word. Kurt doesn’t trust his voice, so he just nods. Every girl at the tables loses their collective minds, shrieking and telling stories all at the same time. Even though he can’t tell his heart to stop freaking out, he smiles to himself.
“I’ll be right back.” He stands up, knocking the table with his knees. His hands are clammy, when did that happen? Rachel and Wes push him forward when his feet feel planted. Eventually they back off and Kurt pushes through the double doors.
“Hey…” he starts, watching as his boyfriend vigilantly scrubs at a spotless looking bowl. “Are you okay? You kinda disappeared there.”
Blaine nods and keeps his eyes down. “Yep! I’m totally fine,” he grits his teeth in pretending to wipe off a dish. Kurt snorts despite himself, his boyfriend’s just a really awful actor.
“Stop laughing,” Blaine pouts. There’s dozens of reflections of him in the shiny silver pots and pans and refrigerators. “It’s not funny.” He flicks some soapy water at Kurt’s forehead, and it slides down his nose.
He watches the clump of soap run down his face and flop unceremoniously onto the floor. He’ll have to do his skincare routine twice. “Oh it is on.” Kurt comes closer and scoops up a handful of suds just to dump it onto Blaine’s hair.
Blaine gasps, wiping the rest off his head before it pops. He smirks and throws some more soap at Kurt’s chest. And so the war begins.
They attack each other like it’s a snowball fight, racing to grab armfuls of soap suds and throwing them, even if they float to the ground. They fling gray water back and forth at each other and run around the kitchen to dodge it. It’s absolutely gross and undignified, but Kurt finds that he could care less.
After they’ve soaked themselves and the floor, Blaine waives a towel in surrender. “Okay! Okay! You win!” he laughs. His face is slick with a mix of sweat at sink water, and his shirt clings to his chest.
Kurt grins and grabs a towel, linking up beside him to help dry. It’s still on his mind, the whole thing that happened outside, but he doesn’t press. They’re a unit, drying and stacking dishes together, humming a song Kurt can’t exactly recognize.
“I just wanted it to be special,” Blaine admits after a while. “I was gonna set up something really cute here one day, like a candlelit dinner, and get French food from that place across the street. Something big.”
Kurt sets his glass plate down and turns to see Blaine’s face. “As much as I love French food, you didn’t have to do something so grandiose.” He’s learned Blaine loves doing things big. When it was Lauren’s birthday, one of the chefs, he had the entire staff decorate the outside of the restaurant in a beach theme since she was from California. It was gorgeous, if not time consuming.
“But you deserve it,” Blaine replied, eyebrows knitting together. “You deserve the world, Kurt.” And the great goes back to washing dishes like he didn’t say the most romantic thing on the planet.
Kurt presses his against the stainless steel counter and kisses him when words fail. Blaine smells like soapy water and the familiarity of his pine scented cologne. Kurt kisses him softly, his favorite way to kiss (he never thought he’d have a favorite way to kiss, but life has just been full of surprises recently). Blaine absolutely falls apart like this, sighing into his mouth and pulling at the back of Kurt’s shirt.
And he hopes, absolutely prays to a god he doesn’t believe in, that a kiss can convey how he feels. How he’s felt since that night in the heat of July with Italian diners.
“I love you too.”
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Fresh Squeeze, Ch. 5
Pairing: Daveed Diggs x OFC Linden Marshall
Set in 2023, post-pandemic
Warnings: Cursing, Angsty Angst, drug and alcohol use, surprise flights, Anthony Ramos. Lots of Plot.
Word Count: 3.5 K
Plot: Linden Marshall just finished law school at Columbia University in NYC. Daveed Diggs is still creating magic with his platonic life partner Rafael Casal in the form of their Blindspotting musical, Bay Boys. Linden’s boyfriend WAS Mark Monaco, star of the superhero movie series Invincible.  They were together for years, and her trauma and his addictions were toxic. She knows now that wasn’t love. 
A/N: Keep in mind that this the same AU as Arrivals, with Holly Woods, but is BEFORE Rafa and Holly get together. And don’t come for me about Anthony.
Read the Previous Chapter.
NYC, May 2023
Jasmine was blowing up your phone as you were trying to get dressed.  You had to search for it under the pile of clothes on your bed.
You had procrastinated getting ready, trying to finish one of your applications for a summer internship at this law firm in Harlem that you were excited about.  
You wanted to finally relax after finishing Columbia law in the top 10% of your class. You just wanted to relax and enjoy this weekend.
Craig, your mom and your uncle were the only ones to attend your graduation.  They knew you didn’t want any fanfare, so your famous friends didn’t attend, and they had a show to do, but they’d sent you tons of well wishes.
We're coming up, get decent!
You chuckled and shook your head. Anthony usually raided the refrigerator when he came over. This time, you told him to bring his own snacks..
You slipped on what you were wearing for the night.  Craig was in his room getting ready and you had volunteered his place, so you were playing hostess. You were surprised that he was so chill about it, actually. 
“Pika Pika,” you said to yourself in the mirror then ran to answer the doorbell. It was almost 6 pm.
You opened the door for Cookie Monster and Big Bird.  You burst out laughing. But you stopped when you saw Anthony's face. He had like five bags from Whole Foods that he was juggling in his blue arms.
"Jazzy!!!! There's my girl.  Hey Ant! leave the food and your girl. We may run off together."
Anthony came in the door loaded down with bags and kissed you on the cheek.  
“I love you Lindy, but fuck you man.” You punched him on the shoulder. 
“Ow! Time to get this party started!”
Linden heard Jazzy’s Brooklyn accent turn into a London lilt as she started play fighting with Ant. They felt like family at this point.
Ever since the launch party in January, Jasmine had pursued you as a friend persistently. You normally didn’t let anyone in because of the circumstances of your life, but Jas was oblivious to your awkwardness with normal human beings.
“Girl, you are fucking DOPE, and you are NOT gonna deny my love.  I know your life has been a trip, and you don’t have to tell me all of it, but I’m not gonna let you shrivel up and be a little retiring wallflower. Life is to be lived.” 
Jasmine telling you that during a Saturday brunch date in February was the key to your heart. She drew you out, and you didn’t see what value you added to her life.
But she loved you anyway. And you loved her, and of course, Anthony was part of the package.  
He was beautiful, loud, talented, and reckless, but he reminded you too fucking much of Dell to be annoyed with him very long.
Your circle had certainly widened from just Craig. That was one thing for which you could thank Mark. You were working on him being a distant memory.  He hadn’t lasted too long in Bay Boys, quitting soon after the musical opened in March.  
Daveed’s hands and feet had ‘slipped’ one too many times during the scene when he was stomping his ass on stage. Mark cited health reasons, and publicly spiraled a bit. He was currently in rehab. 
You had not heard from him and that was absolutely fine with you.
Because Jasmine was in Bay Boys and that was her life, the cast and crew became yours as well. Rafael was the type of chaotic creative genius that fascinated you; you could listen to him talk for hours.  
Things with Daveed were more tricky. Ever since that awkwardness with him after the launch party, you’d kept your distance, but you hung out a lot, so you were trying to be friends.
When you and Jas and Ant and Rafa hung out and talked, Daveed was there, smiling shyly and sneaking glances at you, throwing in pearls of wisdom every so often. 
He was so dope and so talented and intelligent and so freaking hot, but you were trying to get yourself together.  You were convinced that night in January had been a mistake. 
You needed some space. And time.  Law school was no joke, and you were in therapy so entanglements was not what was up.
Daveed sensed your hesitancy and decided to stop pursuing you. But he couldn’t stop how he felt.
You were both a little wasted and keyed up the night of the launch party, and despite the way you were beautiful and intelligent and sexy as fucking hell, he was not going to press you. 
Daveed was sure that you two could be something special if you would give it a chance, but he didn’t want to chase you, but he was so gone for you, that if you just nodded your head at him, he would be at your feet.
The attraction was undeniable. There was a crazy little dance you two did that everyone recognized and respected.  This group seemed to know you were fragile, and that you didn’t need to be pushed too far.
But the more they persisted, the more you came out of your shell.  The more you trusted, the more the old Lindy came back. 
Craig noticed first soon after you started hanging with the crew when you were trying to find a place to live. He went to one showing with you and sat you down for a talk.
“Girl, I love the light in your eyes.  I haven’t seen this Lindy since…well in a long time. Stay with me for as long as you want. I know you need to get through this last semester of school, you don’t need one more thing to think about. I’m proud of the work that you’re doing on yourself, Linden.”
You were grateful to Craig.  His place on the Upper West Side was super convenient to Columbia, and not having to think about finding a place was so clutch.  Third year was kicking your ass.
“Besides, I wouldn’t have this place if it wasn’t for…”
“Hush,  I don’t want to hear that.  Dell would have wanted this. I love you cuzzo.” 
Craig came out in a Sully onesie and immediately dragged Jasmine into a conversation about the Met Gala that had happened a few days ago. 
You approached the kitchen where Ant stood, food all around him on the counter. You were whispering. He smiled a secret smile at you.
“I’m so proud of you doing this for Jasmine.  It’s good for you all to get away. I’m glad that she got a little break. She deserves it all.”
Anthony had arranged for this little get together to be a surprise for Jasmine. This was going to be a kickback weekend.
The show was on a four day hiatus while the set was moved to a bigger theatre.  It was a hit and was destined for a long run.
Ant’s green eyes lit up as you kept talking about Jasmine.
“Yeah, she does. And the woman of the hour deserves all the happiness in the world.” He lifted his beer to you.
They way he said that was weird and you were about to ask him what was up with that when the doorbell started ringing, you went to answer it and were stuck there for a few minutes as people started coming in. 
The food and the drinks were flowing while all kinds of characters came in. 
Now they also had Jack Skellingtom, and a Care Bear in the house to add to Big bird, Cookie Monster, Pikachu and Sully. It was an odd cast of characters who were jamming to 90's rap, eating chicken wings and basically tripping like only friends could do.
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Then there was Toni, some tag-along chick who showed up with Rafa.  She had on a plain gray onesie.  What a downer.  
You’d  pegged her for  a star fucker who only hung with Rafa because of who he and his friends were.  The girl was too much in everyone's business. 
"Sooooo. You and Mark ARE broken up for real for real. The tabloids say y’all are back together!  I told my friend Susie you weren’t, but she wouldn't believe me."
You  just smiled and didn't confirm or deny, treating Toni like the paparazzi. The girl was oblivious to your hate and just kept talking.
Daveed rescued you. 
"Hey, Toni, show these folks how you can blow. They're setting up the karaoke machine over there. Show us what you're working with. Someone might hook you up with a gig."
Toni perked up and hurried over to Anthony and Craig, who were setting up the lyrics on the big screen to match the karaoke music. Some Bad Boy joints were up.
Rafa was behind them screaming, "Dylan, Dylan, Dylan!" 
They were a scene.  You  breathed and relaxed a little.
"Don't stress. She's not coming with us  to the island."
You looked up at the tall, fine Grumpy Care Bear who was nursing some of your special 18-year-old Chivas Regal that you had gotten for graduation. His beautiful smile shined out of his brown face and beneath the curls tumbling out of his hood. 
“I’m not pressed. I’m chilling. You can do what you want. With who you want.”
“She’s not with me. Rafa brought her for the ride to the airport. And it’s not entirely true that I can do what I want. With who I want. Because what if who I want to do doesn’t want to do me?”
You knew what he meant. But you eyed his drink instead of looking at him. It wasn’t that you didn’t want him. That was far from the truth. You didn’t want to get lost in him. And you could see that happening.
Daveed saw your wheels turning. You were over analyzing again.  He’d spent three months observing you every chance he got. He felt like he knew your anxieties.  So fucking smart, but here you were thinking too much.
"Hey Genuis Ass. Want some?" Daveed’s voice was softer as he grinned and offered you some of his drink.  “Or, I could go make you something?” For some reason he wanted you to get loose. 
"Nah, I'm good Diggs.”  For some reason you needed to stay in control.  You played it off by changing the subject. 
“I still can’t believe y’all call me that.” 
Daveed just smiled and nodded, chuckling a little. He craned his neck and looked at it, having to dodge a smack upside the head.
“That ass is genius, you know. That’s the one thing He Who Shall Not Be Named was right about. And you’re one of the smartest humans I know.”  
You had to look at him then. The flecks of gold in his eyes tho.  But you could tell from the slight redness that he was a little zooted.  He didn’t get that way around you a lot, but you knew for the stories that he partied occasionally. 
He and Rafa and that Toni chick must have pre-gamed.  You remembered the last time you two were  tipsy together.You cleared your throat and looked away.
“Why did you lie to that girl? She can’t sing.” You were shaking your head, scowling at Toni’s screeching from the karaoke machine.
He winked at you. D was well on his way to getting LIT.
"What? She can blow.”  Daveed sipped his drink and watched her. 
“She’ll suck your soul out and spit it back in your mouth." Daveed was loose. And so was his mouth. But he didn’t care.
Your mouth was hanging open at Daveed as you wondered what Daveed had done with Toni, what Daveed AND Rafa had done with Toni... 
Shit, you were just going to ask.
"How do you know that she..."
“No, I was like, negative 5..”
You raised your voice as he traveled away from you, smiling. He was not slick.
“Well you missed out being tardy to the party…” 
He was backing toward the mic, knocking it out of Anthony’s hand and starting the rap. Rafa joined him, trading verses.
Now as the record spins around, you recognize this sound,
Well, it's the underground,
You know that we're down with wutchyalike
Yeah, with wutchyalike, yeah
And though we're usually on the serious tip, check it out:
Tonight we're gonna flip and trip and let it all hang out tonight,
We're gonna say what we like.
'Cause, yo, yo, we want to know how many people in the flow,
Would like to just let yourselves go
And doowutchyalike,
Yeah, well tonight's your night.
Just eat food, try not to be crude or rude,
Kill the attitude, chill the serious mood,
And doowutchyalike,
Yeah, and doowutchyalike,
Everybody doowutchyalike
Everyone was dancing and Daveed had effectively deflected your question. But you would never forget.
By 8 o’clock, Craig grabbed the mic and motioned for Jasmine to come with him. You had enjoyed some cocktails finally, and just figured they were going to duet Wind Beneath My Wings just like they always did. 
You were actually moving to the music and feeling good.
"Ok guys, whew.  I'm hot.  Is it hot in herrrre?" Craig was fanning himself.
“Whoooo! Nelly!”
You yelled and everyone laughed.
Craig took his hood off and started to unzip his onesie. Jasmine did the same.
You kept dancing nervously, not realizing it, looking around at the others who were also disrobing. You did a double take as D’s abs came into view.  What was going on?
Craig continued.
"Lindy, I just need a minute to talk, can you stop whatever it is you're doing?"  He grinned at you from across the room. "You're still moving Lindy."
You blushed and stopped fidgeting.
"Ummm, Craig, what the..."
One by one people dropped their onesies, all except Toni, who had no clue what was going on. Soon, everyone was standing in Craig’s condo in their swimsuits, looking fine as hell. 
You just looked around, then in your cup wondering if you were too drunk and hallucinating.
“Lindy, you’ve worked real hard, and this past few months have been crazy, so we wanted to do something special for you this weekend, for your graduation, and for your birthday, WHICH IS SUNDAY!!”
Everyone cheered as Jasmine took the mic. “You think this party is for me. Well the joke’s on you bitch, because you have been hosting your own party!”
You opened your mouth, squeaked a little, then spoke,
"But why?.. Everybody?  But what..."
Daveed moved close.
"Damn, you fine," you whispered. 
Your hand flew to your mouth when he smirked in response. Everyone was rolling because turns out, you didn’t whisper.
Daveed cleared his throat. "Thank you. You’re fine yaseif. Anyway, Anthony and Jasmine have a house there, and we’re flying out of JFK tonight.  In about two and a half hours in fact. So we gotta get going.”
You still had only a part of a clue of what was going on. But you couldn't resist all of this.
"Okay? But... I don't have any clothes. And I don’t have a ticket..."
Craig came from the storage room off the kitchen with one of your suitcases. Others started getting their bags as well
"Everybody's shit has been in my house for a week. And girl, you know I got your information. It ain’t nothing but a thang.  Your ticket is ready and waiting. Just sent it to your email.”
Your mouth dropped open and you stared at Craig as everyone pulled their onesies back up and got their bags together.
Your eyes filled with tears that you hurriedly brushed away. Craig came over and hugged you. Then every else joined in for a group hug.
"You deserve, Lindy. Let us celebrate you."
You looked like you didn't quite believe it, but you went along. You laughed, visibly deciding to go with the flow.
"I'm down!"
Toni was nearby. When the hug broke up, she started asking questions.  Your  patience was wearing thin.
"I don’t believe that all these people really roll like this. Y’all wild. Susie won that bet."
You just continued to look at this fool.
"But isn’t this dope?  All these famous, successful men being so fearless with their love and appreciation for Black women, of all people. Who woulda thunk they didn't want white women?"
Toni just kept saying the wrong thing. It was the "of all people" for you.
You stared daggers at your houseguest. Toni caught the look.
"Wait, are you mixed?"
You narrowed your eyes and said, "Black mixed with Black."
Toni clutched her pearls.
"Oh wow. Didn't mean to offend. I just mean everyone knows Jasmine is mixed, with her dad and all, as black as can be. But her white British mom saved her from his skin tone. I mean, she has braids in now, so you can see it, but all she has to do is blow her hair straight and she can pass..."
Toni jumped when Rafa spoke. She didn't know he was there.
"Toni. Not Jas. She's the homie." 
The look in his ice blue eyes could burn. 
"And you are a Black woman, so you know how dope they are. Why would anyone NOT worship at your feet?"
Lindy just sipped her drink as Craig entered the chat. "Amen!"
"Maybe it is time for you to get going, honey. I might call you when I get back."
Rafa  led Toni to the door as she protested.
"But I was going to take you to the air..."
"And I APPRECIATE you Black woman, but we'll get there.  See you later."
Then Rafa shut the door in her face. Linden discovered she loved him eternally at that moment. She was rolling.
No one mourned Toni’s departure as arrangements were made for cars to take everyone to the airport.
"You and Daveed can ride with us, Rafa." Ant to the rescue.
"Yeah, Jasmine loves to look at my profile." Jas pinched him so hard he jumped.
Ant  was screaming as he, Jasmine and Rafa went out the door. 
"Peace! See you at airport security.  If you get nabbed by TSA, you on your own!”
Daveed lingered. “I don’t know if all of us and our bags will fit in one car. Can I ride with you and Lindy, Craig?”
Craig smirked at Daveed, but didn’t say anything. “Of course...you good with that Lindy?”
You tried to keep it light. 
“Sure.. no biggie,” you cleared your throat and headed to the bathroom to make sure you had everything you needed.
By the time you got to your Uber, the traffic was horrible. It took over an hour to get to the airport. You felt both anxious about missing the flight and keyed up about sitting next to Daveed in the car.
His thigh and side pressing into yours in the dark in the back of an Uber Black brought back memories of that reckless night. 
When he put his arm up on the seat behind you, “For more room,” he said, in that voice and flashing that megawatt smile, you were enveloped more into his scent and warmth. You had to control yourself not to melt into him.
Craig was sitting on his phone, sneaking glances at you and smirking the entire ride. He’d insisted that you be in the middle because you were so tiny.
The whole world was against you, you thought, as you and Daveed both stared straight ahead, both flashing back to that January night.
You were the last three people to run through the airline gate just at they were about to close it. All your friends in first class cheered when you took their seats, and Rafa popped a bottle of champagne.
"Talk about cutting it close," Ant commented as Rafa gave Daveed a high five.
Daveed looked at you. You shook your head at him. Somehow, you were sitting next to him. You just decided to let it be and have some time.
“Just make sure you don’t molest me under this blanket, Ms. Marshall,” Daveed intoned when you were settled and given amenities for the night.
The flight attendant had to tell y’all to keep quiet as the cat calls went up.
Welp, you thought. This will be the vibe the entire weekend. 
You weren’t mad at it. You loved these people. And you were safe. You just smiled, settled down, and looked out of the window to watch the lights of New York fade away.
Read the next chapter
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thewhizzyhead · 3 years
Hey, your misfits musical thing sounded super super interesting! Any other details about it that you're willing to share? Minor plot points? Gay Relationship stuff? :0
oh boy this is gonna be long *cracks knuckles* here we go
SO FUN BACKSTORY BEFORE I GET TO THE PLOT PARTS TJXJJS: my sunday school has a tradition of um holding productions of christmas musicals every december. My teachers would find american christian christmas kiddy musicals productions on youtube and then basically um translate all the dialogue to Filipino (the songs stay in English) and have us um reenact the whole thing and ngl it was a lot of fun! I even acted as some of the main roles there when I was like 10-13 so um I can kinda say that I have some experience with musical theatre YAYYY (jk jk that doesn't really count djsff).
When I was around 12-13 years old, I became obsessed with A Very Potter Musical and wondered what it would be like to make AVPM but Christmas so that my church could perform it (very silly idea but shh i was 12 and I was obsessed) and then over time a plot that Was Definitely Not Harry Potter started to form and them um here we are fjsjd so thank you Starkid for making me go down this hellhole
Oki backstory over, now here comes the very long part:
(Also um warning this musical concept involves a lot of religion talk since majority of the thingy is me criticizing a lot of the hypocrisies in religious institutions here based on my experience so um yea proceed with caution if ur sensitive to religion-related stuff)
p.s. ari i am so so sorry but this is so fucking long and definitely more than what you asked for so um yea goodluck fjxjsjf
SO BASICALLY Misfits is about 5 "narrators" - these guys serve as the "floor directors" of the show and um yea they make sure that the plot actuall happens and everything goes exactly according to the script given by the church higher ups or "producers" - who have to bring 3 teens branded by their church as "Misfits" back to Bethlehem 1 CE in order to "teach them a lesson about God" aka convert them to Christianity thus removing the "Misfits" branding. (Also they can only go back once they successfully arrive at the manger because um that's how the producers want it to be tjxjs)
I have to emphasize that although this tackles a lot of stuff related to Christianity and religion as a whole, this really isn't a Christian Musical and that this very morally questionable mission (through the power of Stage Magic and Super Powers, the Narrators essentially bring the Misfits back to the past against their will for the sake of completing their mission) goes horribly, horribly wrong very very quickly.
Throughout the course of the musical, the 5 Narrators struggle to stick to the given script and get their mission done as the 3 Misfits prove to not only be very freaking stubborn but also quite insightful as well as they bring up really good points in regards to religious hypocrisies and socially questionable, prejudiced and backward views commonly held by most religious institutions here i.e gender roles, homophobia, the demonization of science and technology at times, elitism and classism, etc etc (i can only speak in behalf of the Philippines so um yea Philippines). Overall, this is kinda a case study on as to how religion can influence and shape people's mindsets for either the better or the worse and how it is often used by the authorities to simultaneously give hope to the people (especially those of the poorer sectors wherein because of how hopeless the present seems here because a very flawed system kept in place by the exploitative privilged here, they choose to just trust in God instead and also hope that the afterlife is much much better than this shit) while also keeping them in line and like preventing them from rioting. (Church and politics undeniably go hand in hand here even though we have legislations enforcing the separation of the church and state and um yEA THIS WHOLE THING HAS BEEN VERY PROMINENT THROUGHOUT PHILIPPINE HISTORY AND WE CAN ALL THANK THE SPANIARDS but um anyways that'll be a rant for another day)
On a more personal and emotional aspect, this thingy also tackles a lot of stuff I find rather common among kids my age, especially those who had a very Christian upbringing (aka 99.9% of the philippine population tjxbdbf). There's a lot of questioning involved in regards to one's faith, sexuality, perspective and purpose in life and all that fun stuff and how oftentimes said questioning is discouraged due to the church (and ph society overall) wanting us to just like um sTICK TO THE STATUS QUOoOoO and just comply with what is seen as appropriate and godly cause anything out of the ordinary is ngl treated like it's heresy. (YES THERE WILL BE A LOT OF SELF PROJECTION HERE)
One final and important thing to note is that the show is essentially a musical-inside-a-musical in a way fjsjf I originally designed this thing to be like um produce-able on my church's stage (because they were supposed to help me produce the first version of misfits which um yea that's def not gonna happen now tjxjdv) which um kinda looks like the OG Spring Awakening Stage (and yes Misfits is very much inspired by Spring Awakening God I love that show) which is why the show is kinda stylized like a concert with handheld mics and all wherein um the 5 narrators are aware that they are putting on a show to the point of even directly addressing the audience a lot while the 3 Misfits (except for 1 which i'll get to in a bit) aren't aware that they are in a show. The three do eventually find that out and that's when all hell breaks loose to the point that the "producers" (represented by Hades-ish voices) have to intervene by literally changing and manipulating the show's setting and plot to make sure that their script gets followed and that's when the characters really try to break the show to get out of it bUT THE POINT I WANNA MAKE HERE IS THXJD keeping in mind that I had initially planned for Misfits to be produced by my church prior to the many drastic changes, the show the narrators were putting on (aka the musical-inside-the-musical) was made with the intention to pander to a Very Religious Audience. Successfully convincing people to convert to Christianity, especially those of the youth, is what many religious audiences want to see and that is exactly what the "producers" have written for the 5 "narrators and floor directors" to enact. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a Christian and preaching the Gospel and bringing in new believers isn't essentially a bad thing; if they want to believe in the religion then woo good for them! But, such preaching becomes detrimental when you take away one's agency and basically force them into Christianity by means of guilt tripping and manipulation which is sadly very much a reality here (again, a rant for another day) and a representation of such is shown here in the show where um the 3 Misfits were basically forced into this show that 5 Narrators are putting on and, through the influence of the 5 Narrators, the 3 Misfits have to decide to become "good Christian youths" for the show to conclude because that's show the "producers" have written. So when the 3 Misfits stubborness goes to the point that even the 5 Narrators start questioning the morals of their mission, that's when the show starts to go off-script and that's when the production starts to like umm "break" and whenever that happens, the "producers" start speaking to the Narrators, reminding them that they have an audience that they need to please and a message that they need to convey.
So while the Misfits (2 of them, at least, cause um the third one has um yea i'll get to him in a bit) mainly focus on figuring out what in the everliving fuck is going on (while also dealing with their um unfortunate circumstances, childhood trauma, a shit ton of guilt and the concept of salvation and self-forgiveness), the Narrators are tasked with the burden of carrying the show and making sure that the audience finds it appealing while trying to convince themselves that what the church wants them to do is "right" and what the Misfits keep telling them is "wrong" ala um Holier-Than-Thou mindset. Once they eventually start becoming more willing to see the true nature of both the Misfits and the Producers despite the fear of disappointing everyone who's watching, that's when the Narrators and Misfits all start breaking the show by going off-script and completely destroying the plot and production that the Producers have made for the audience - thus making a statement of refusing to comply with a flawed system for the sake of audience approval while also making the first step to fixing that system for the good of all.
Also fun fact: Although it'll make my job a lot harder because I am more fluent in English than in Filipino, i wanna write the thingy in both English and Filipino fjxjdf the dialogue can be Taglish but um the songs that are "part of the script" aka what the Producers want the characters to sing are in English while the songs that aren't part of the script are in Filipino; songs that are both in Filipino and in English are um i guess indicative of the struggle to follow the script while also trying to do what you believe is right (an example of a song with that style is Interpretasyon - which means Interpretation and um Ezekiel (one of the Misfits) sings in Filipino while Joshua (leader of the narrators) sings in English and um just imagine Wallflower cuz IT IS VERY MUCH LIKE WALLFLOWER GJDJNF) and um yea i kinda imagine it to be some sort of rock-pop musical concert thingy so um woo thank you pma for once again influencing my work
Okay so far 4/8 of the characters here have queerness directly related to their individual plotlines here but um yea honestly i'm tempted to make all of them queer CAUSE IT'S FUN oki so um anyways on to the character dynamics (I won't be able to include more in depth descriptions because im hungry and GOD THIS IS LONG so um yea)
June & Anna (Narrator 2) - oki so June here is one of the Misfits and she's from the poorer sectors (i'm still working on her backstory to make it more believable but um yea) and she isn't able to go to school due to having to prioritize providing for her family first. Due to a very unfortunate childhood event (one that involves Zack, another Misfit), she had to grow up fast and now appears to have a rather jaded view of the world. Anna, one of the Narrators, is the very opposite of that - she's privileged and wealthy-as-fuck and seems to be very optimisitc and friendly. However, ever since she has been blackmailed by her own churchmates for merely questioning her sexuality (true story), she became a more reserved and emotionally closed person despite her very friendly and cheerful demeanor. So when she finds out that June's music carries a lot of beautiful insight and hope in spite of her unfortunate circumstances (the two girls bond over music btw that's how Anna got June to trust in her), she becomes confused because how can June, a girl who has nothing, not even faith, still have hope that she'll be able to find some semblance of happiness while Anna, who has everything, has such a downtrodded view of the world? So um basically their dynamic will also consist of Anna checking her privilege, June explaining how good people turn against the world when the world turns against them (YES A LOT OF TALK ABOUT POVERTY AND HOW THAT IS A RESULT OF CAPITALISTIC EXPLOITATION) (yes June will talk about that a lot), and um what it means to hope with or without faith and what it means to trust another and oneself again. Oh and also lots of philosophy talk and emotional expression through music wie
Zack and Mikael (Narrator 3) - Zack, another Misfit, is a childhood friend of June and a younger stepbrother of Ezekiel (the third Misfit). After Zack and June lost contact after the 'unfortunate childhood event' (i am not sure on what exactly it'll be but in the earlier drafts a fire burned both of their homes and killed both of their dads and rn I have a song concept describing that called "Umaapoy" which means "Burns" but i dunno i'm still working on it), he became best friends with Mikael and um yea said best-friendship was Definitely Not Platonic. After a picture of them kissing was sent to not only the school principal but to basically everyone in the school, both of their parents were called to the principal's office which led to both of the boys moving to different schools to um mitigate the damage i guess gjdjd while Zack's mom eventually learned to accept her son's sexuality, Mikael um wasn't so lucky - I'd say he went through um a lot of religious intervention almost akin to conversion therapy which then um yea has caused him a lot of internalized homophobia and um yea Mikael and Zack haven't been able to talk or even chat in about 3-4 years so imagine Mikael's surprise when he found out that his mission involved Zack - who does not and cannot recognize Mikael because welp not part of the script. Zack, a bit braver now, takes a liking to Mikael and wants to at least be friends with him partly because he somehow finds him really familiar while um Mikael tries to maintain a strictly professional demeanor out of fear that Zack will recognize him and out of fear that he'll fall in love with Zack again. Their dynamic will also include um learning to trust one another and oneself again (like June & Anna's dynamic), to learn how to be brave and be sure in one's beliefs (Mikael um doesn't really speak up that much out of fear while Zack is not only outspoken, but is also an activist - this is another one of the many reasons why Zack is branded as a "Misfit" aside from the fact that he's gay and um yea Ezekiel spends almost 2 minutes berating Joshua for this out of pure anger and disgust), and what it means to reconnect with the past and to forgive oneself (although that is much more expounded upon with June & Zack's dynamic).
Ezekiel and Joshua (Narrator 1) - SAY HI TO THE RILEY AND CAIRO DYNAMIC WOOOOOOO but yea ari dude your analysis on Riley and Cairo (and Kate) being the Main MAIN characters and everything about cheerwives gave me a lot of think about and SO I PUT IT IN HERE WOOOOOO so basically um Ezekiel is the older stepbrother of Zack and the first of the 3 Misfits to figure out that they are in a show. He figures this out because he recognizes Joshua aka the leader of the Narrators aka his former churchmate and ex-bestfriend. He also realizes that they are in a show because he recognizes their tricks which he knew about because he had participated in these missions before as one of the Narrators (Joshua and Ezekiel are older than the rest of the cast and the other narrators don't know that Ezekiel was once a Narrator as well). Due to an Unfortunate Incident (that i'm still working on) 3 years prior to the events in the show, Ezekiel cut off all ties to the church but he is still viewed as this "perfect role model golden boy" which is why the 4 Narrators were shocked to find out that Ezekiel was part of their mission. Joshua, knowing that the real reason to his sudden involvement is due to "producers" somehow finding out their secret about the Unfortunate Incident, lied and told the others that he was just included to make converting his brother a lot easier, which they believed. Out of all the narrators, Joshua is the one who tries his best to stick to the script the most because he knows that if he doesn't, the true nature of that Unfortunate Incident will not only be revealed to his companions but to everyone else watching. Meanwhile Ezekiel, who doesn't know that him being involved in this mission is some sort of um penance for his involvement in that Unfortunate Incident, tries his hardest to sabotage he show by being the most outspoken when pointing out a lot of hypocrisies within religious institutions and in ph society in general (he refuses to tell the other two that they are in a show though because if that happens, he knows the Narrators, Joshua especially will um get very heavily scolded by the producers and despite everything, he still cares for Joshua a lot). I'd say that these two are the ones that push the plot the most - one wants to push the show accordingly to plan in order to please the audience and the producers and in order to not let his and Ezekiel's secret go out while the other wants to push the show off-script in retaliation against the producers (and yes the Unfortunate Incident involved the time travelling thingy which is why he really wants to sabotage this). In fact, these two have 2 duets that are basically them trying to convince the other to go along with their plan ("Interpretasyon" which means Interpretation and "Sikreto" which means secret). This dynamic involves um yea trying to convince the other to switch sides gjxjd and um reconciliation, responsibility out of guilt, and what it means to forgive oneself (forgiveness is a common theme here) and to start to heal from trauma and to not deny the existence of said trauma any longer.
Joshua: (singing to Ezekiel) (this is also the first time Joshua sings a Filipino solo so this is him breaking the script for the first time) (also um yea the translations aren't direct translations cause I wanted to make them rhyme fnxnf) (So to those who know filipino i am terribly sorry cause yup this isnt an accurate translation fjfjd)
Ang natitirang alaala ay aking binura (I have scrubbed away all the memories that may have still remained)
‘di ko na sila kilala (I don't know them anymore)
Kinalimutan na kita (I have forgotten about your name)
Ngunit ang bigat ng pagsisisi ang aking dinadala (But the weight of regret, I carry all the same)
Ang sakit sa balikat, lagi kong dinarama (I constantly feel the sting of my shoulders' pain)
Pero masasabi ko pa rin na sinusubukan kong itama (But at least I can say, I tried to right-)
Ang aking mga pagkakamali (all that's wrong)
Ikaw, saan ka pumunta? (What about you? Where in the world have you gone?)
Tumakbo ka lang at iniwan mo ako (You ran, you just ran, and left me behind)
Sa pagbubuhat ng kasalanan at sikreto (In carrying the sins and secrets, and you paid me no mind)
Pero pinapanatili ko paring malinis ang ating munting kwento (But I stillade sure I kept our little story clean)
Patuloy na sinisigurong ‘di nila malalaman ang totoo (I kept on making sure the truth would never be seen)
Alam na natin ang kwento (We already know the story)
Alam na natin ang kwentong kailangang itago (We know the story that we need to hide)
Itong munting sikreto ay kailangan burahin (This little secret that has to be erased)
Ating pagkakamali, patuloy na bubuhatin (We will have to always carry, our sins and our mistakes)
Alam na natin ang kwento (We already know the story)
Alam natin ang katotohanan ng nakaraan (We very well know the truth of the past)
Ito'y nakabakas sa isipan, ‘di natin malilimutan (We'll never forget what will remain ingrained in our minds)
At sa Diyos na lang natin mahahanap ang kapatawaran (And from only God could we find forgiveness for what we left behind)
Habang buhay bubuhatin ng konsensiya (Forever will our consciences bear the weight and carry
ang ating pagkakasala, ang kwento't sikreto nating dalawa (our sins kept in secrecy, the story of you and me)
Pero ngayon, ‘di ko alam paano pero nalaman nila (But now, I don't know how, but somehow they know)
At ngayon, dinedemanda na nila ang penitensya (And now, penitence is what they demand)
Kaya ngayon, naghihingi ako ng pasensiya (So now, patience and forgiveness is what I ask)
Sa iyo at sa kanila (From you and from them)
Sa aking gagawin at mga nagawa (for what I'll do and I've done)
Baka nga (Perhaps)
Tama nga mga sinabi mo (What you've said all this time is right)
Na ‘di tayo ang tanging may sala rito (That we aren't the ones only at fault here)
Pero ‘di ko matatakasan ang aking naging tungkulin (But I can't really escape my little role here, because)
Sana ‘di mo nakalimutan: lahat sila nakatingin (God I hope you haven't forgotten: they're all looking at us)
Lagi silang nakatingin (Always looking at us)
Kahit ano man ang iyong gawin (No matter what we do)
Tayo'y mananatili sa entablado (On the stage we shall stay)
At lahat sila nakatingi- (And the stares still won't go awa-) (He then realizes that he's on stage and Should Not Be Having A Breakdown In Front Of The Audience Because Duh and Because That's Not Part Of The Script)
Oki that's all for today hdhdh there are two more characters (narrators 4 and 5) but i'm still working on them and i kinda wanna make the both of them not cis cause WHY NOT also i have been typing this for like 6 hours now and i'm tired and hungry so tjjxjs anyways if you read to the end, I'm sending you carbonara-
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citizen-l · 3 years
01. Door
Chanyeol curses and wonders what he did to be locked out of his own apartment as the door slams on his face. In truth, it wasn't his fault. How was he to know that taking his roommate to a party would lead to him falling for Chanyeol's best friend. Which would lead to steamy make out sessions, and possibly more, in his apartment. Resulting in him being kicked out for the night. 
Chanyeol tried not to think about the mess Junmyeon and Sehun would probably make. God, they better clean up afterwards. 
He sighed and looked at the keys in his hand. Not his keys. Sehun had tossed those before shutting the door, telling Chanyeol to sleep at Sehun's place for the night. Jeez, a little warning would have been nice! Chanyeol didn't even get to unplug his phone from the charger. His laptop and notes are still open on his desk. This was ridiculous! 
At least it was Friday. And Sehun did say his roommate was out on a date. So Chanyeol will have the place to himself. Since Sehun and Baekhyun even got a TV in their apartment, Chanyeol can just binge shitty soap operas and pass the night. Great plan, sure. Not like Chanyeol had a life or anything. 
The walk to Sehun's place was short, and the night wasn't too warm or cold for Chanyeol to feel uncomfortable in his bed clothes. Jesus. He was wearing his sweats and an oversized sweater. He would've been embarrassed if people saw him like this in the daytime. Thankfully it was late enough in the night that not many were out and about. He felt like he was the one making the walk of shame back to his apartment. Ironic, since he was single, too busy to be in a relationship with anyone, and hadn't decided whether he just didn't like anyone all that much or if he was plainly aro. Not something he wanted to think about tonight. 
He walked up the stairs to the third floor and went down the hall to Sehun's door. Chanyeol had been here multiple times since Sehun had moved in, but he never stayed over at night. Mainly because of Baekhyun. To be completely honest, Chanyeol was a little afraid of Sehun's flatmate. He wasn't sure what it was, but that tiny boy with cotton candy hair always made Chanyeol nervous. 
Well, at least Baekhyun was out tonight. And judging by the way Sehun explained it, Baekhyun was unlikely to return until the next day. Chanyeol would be long gone by then. 
Sehun's apartment was posh, spacious and modern, unlike Chanyeol and Junmyeon's tiny cramped flat with just two room and a tiny kitchen. The lights were on. Maybe it was a rich people thing, leaving the light on. Who cared about bills? Or maybe Sehun was too whipped and crazy for a fuck that he didn't even bother turning off the switches. 
Jesus. Chanyeol sounded angry even to himself. He wasn't actually that angry, just a bit irritated to be collateral to other people's sexual activities. 
Barely two steps in and he stopped dead, caught in a stare with a green faced guy standing in front on the kitchen with a bowl of soup. Before Chanyeol could do anything, the guy screamed and stumbled back, hitting the stool with his leg and splashing hot soup all over himself as he lost his grip on the bowl. Chanyeol hurried towards him to help, but it only backfired. The guy, Baekhyun, judging by the hair, became more agitated and fell back right where the bowl had crashed and broken. 
"Motherfucker, ow!" Baekhyun cursed, forgetting for a moment his terror of seeing another person in his apartment. 
Chanyeol's fear came true as Baekhyun inspected the pain in his hand and found a large cut, blood oozing down his arm. Chanyeol was there just in time to catch the pink haired boy before Baekhyun cursed again and fainted at the sight of blood. 
Jesus, how did a lazy evening in Chanyeol's own apartment turn into spilled soup, bloody wounds and an unconscious twenty-two year old in his arms? 
It took him two hours to get it all cleaned up. He debated calling Sehun, but he was probably too busy in the throes of passion to pick up the phone anyway, so Chanyeol decided to tackle one pressing issue at a time. 
Baekhyun's cut wasn't deep, but it was long enough to cause alarm. Poor guy must've slid his hand right over the broken ceramic. Thankfully the soup wasn't scalding, not hot enough to bruise. Chanyeol decided the leather couch can weather some sticky chicken soup and carried Baekhyun over to lay him down. He found the first aid kit in the bathroom cabinet and went on to clean and dress the wound before Baekhyun woke up. Chanyeol never would have thought he'd be the kind of guy to lose his shit at the sight of blood. But, oh well, everyone had their kryptonite. 
Cleaning up the broken bowl and soup was a bit harder, Chanyeol had to look for missing pieces of ceramic that got knocked away out of sight. It could cause more problems later on. By the time he was done, it was past midnight, and he was hungry enough to indulge in cooking himself a quick snack. Baekhyun was still unconscious on the sofa with his injured hand propped up over his head, breathing normally. He probably didn't get to have dinner if the soup was it. Chanyeol decided to make use of the ingredients in their fridge and make something for both of them. 
"Ah fuck," Baekhyun cursed the moment he woke up. "This is so not my day."
"Hey," Chanyeol said quietly. "Don't freak out. I'm Chanyeol, Sehun's friend, remember?"
"Jesus, you could've knocked maybe?"
"Sorry," Chanyeol did realize he shouldn't have barged in like that. But in his defense, Sehun had told him nobody would be home. "I had Sehun's keys, he's spending the night at my place so, he said I could stay here, and that you'd be out. I didn't know you'd be at home."
"Right. Wait, why is he at your place?"
"Uh, my roommate, Junmyeon... "
"Good God, stop. No more. I've heard enough about Junmyeon this, Junmyeon that. No more. Let them fuck it out. I need a break."
Chanyeol agreed. It was slightly getting on his nerves as well. He went back to his meal, sitting on the floor and watching the muted sitcom.
"Oh, Uh, did you…?" Baekhyun sat up and fumbled with his bandaged hand. 
"Oh yeah," Chanyeol looked back at him. "Sorry about that, I really didn't mean to startle you. I cleaned it up, the kitchen too, so don't worry about it. And, the cut isn't deep as far as I can tell, but you probably should get it checked out tomorrow, might require stitches."
"Just my luck," Baekhyun sighed. "You said you cleaned the kitchen?"
"Yeah, didn't want any more accidents happening tonight. Also, there's some stir fried rice and chicken if you want. I was hungry so..." Chanyeol pointed at his own food. 
"You cleaned, and you cooked," Baekhyun repeated like he couldn't wrap his head around the facts. "Please switch places with Sehun and move in with me."
Chanyeol laughed, if only. His meager job wasn't even remotely enough to afford all this luxury. 
"Alright, I'm gonna...I'm gonna go clean up. Jesus, what a night to do some beauty care. I've probably aged five years, a lot of good this mask will do me. And ugh, I smell like chicken, probably taste like it too."
Chanyeol couldn't help but laugh as Baekhyun slowly went to his room down the hallway grumbling about his bad luck. That was when Chanyeol realized that this was probably the first time he was ever alone with Baekhyun, and not once did he feel nervous or unsettled. He laughed, Baekhyun was actually funny. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad spending a night here like this. Granted, he could've done without the mess and injury. 
Chanyeol finished his meal and cleaned up the leather sofa where Baekhyun had laid unconscious by the time the other boy came freshly showered and a little out of it. 
"Uh, not to sound demanding or anything, but," Baekhyun sounded a little nervous. "Do you mind cleaning the bandage? It got wet and there's a red patch and...yeah."
Chanyeol tried not to laugh because it wasn't actually funny, it was just too adorable. Never did he imagine Byun Baekhyun, the boisterous theatre major around campus to be lightheaded because of blood. He looked too cute with his wet hair and too big T-shirt and loose shorts, holding up his injured arm and desperately trying not to look at the wound. 
"Sit down, I'll get it cleaned up," Chanyeol said, taking out the aid kit again. 
"You cleaned the couch," Baekhyun observed as he sat down, momentarily forgetting all about his injury and sounding surprised. 
Chanyeol didn't bother replying, he focused on the task at hand. 
"Close your eyes," he said and Baekhyun shut his eyes instantly. Button-like nose scrunched up, face a little red from rubbing off the mask, hand trembling outstretched. 
Chanyeol sat on the floor and changed the dressing. Then he put things away neatly and brought Baekhyun the meal he had prepared. 
"You can use your left hand, right?" Chanyeol asked. 
Baekhyun gaped at the food, spoon clumsily held in his left grip. He nodded minutely and Chanyeol decided to focus on the TV screen. 
"You can turn on the sound now, I'm wide awake," Baekhyun said. "Sorry for the drama, but then again, I'm an actor, what did you expect?"
"You're majoring in Theatre, right?" Chanyeol asked in conversation as Baekhyun nodded. "What do you do when you have to act with props like blood?"
"Well," Baekhyun scrunched up his red nose and Chanyeol had to bite his cheek to not smile. "It's not a big deal since I know it's fake. But when it's real…"
"That's okay," Chanyeol felt the sudden urge to reassure the guy. "I don't think there's anything to worry about, give it a week and it'll heal properly."
"Thanks," Baekhyun avoided eye contact. "For patching me up, twice. And for the meal."
"No worries. I'm sorry again for walking in on you like this. Giving you such a scare. Sehun told me you went on a date and won't be home tonight."
Baekhyun made a face. "Yeah, that…"
Chanyeol guessed it didn't go well. But he didn't want to ask, it was private. 
"I didn't show," Baekhyun said. 
He stood his date up? That's… a bit cruel, Chanyeol thought. 
"No, that's a lie," Baekhyun sighed. "I showed up two hours early and sat watch from a distance and I was right, some guys just wanted to mess with me. So I came home and decided to pamper myself."
Chanyeol really wanted to know who those guys were. The anger he felt wasn't new, and he wasn't surprised how much he hated whoever those people were who wanted to mess with Baekhyun. Chanyeol hated guys like that who only preyed on other people thinking they were weak. Sure, Baekhyun was maybe small compared to a lot of the guys around campus, and his sassy attitude and cotton candy hair would hurt a lot fragile egos, but Chanyeol really struggled to understand why people would want to hurt a complete stranger. 
"Do you know those guys?" Chanyeol asked even as he tried to hold himself back. 
"Yeah, don't worry about it, I took care of them. They're probably sitting in a cell for the night. I reported them."
Chanyeol felt relieved. Though guys like that deserved more than a night in a cell, at least nobody got hurt today. Or, at least not by them. He felt a pang of guilt thinking he was the reason Baekhyun got hurt. Jeez, why couldn't Sehun just wait until daytime to have his way with Junmyeon?
"You always like this, a neat freak?" Baekhyun asked when Chanyeol grabbed his empty plate and went on to clean it at the sink. 
Heat in his cheeks probably was evidence enough that he was blushing. Chanyeol's inability to leave anything unclean or untidy was not necessarily a problem, he didn't think he was obsessive about it. But it did stand out sometimes. Especially while living with Junmyeon who was not the neatest or tidiest person in the world. 
"Sorry, habit," Chanyeol said. 
"Oh, don't be sorry at all. I haven't done a single thing since you came. Please teach some manners to Sehun."
"He's a little beyond help."
Baekhyun bid him goodnight, giving him free reign of Sehun's bed as he went to his own. Chanyeol never made it to the bed, however. He was dozing while sitting on the ground with his head back on the couch when cold fingers shook him awake. 
It took him a while to wake and sit up properly, not knowing what was going on since it was still pitch dark with only the light of the TV. 
Then he registered Baekhyun's strained voice. He was alert immediately, remembering everything that happened last night. 
"Uh, I think… I got hurt… in my sleep… it's... "
The wound was bleeding, blood seeped through the hem of the bandage and down Baekhyun's arm. Maybe the wound was deeper than Chanyeol thought. 
Before he could say anything, Baekhyun fainted right on top of him like a sack of potatoes. He was lighter than Chanyeol thought, which he hadn't exactly noticed hours before when Baekhyun first fainted. 
Chanyeol laid the guy down on the sofa again and reached for his phone, only then remembering that his phone was back in his apartment. Christ. 
Chanyeol quickly walked to Baekhyun's room. His phone was password locked, but Chanyeol could still use it in case of emergency. He grabbed the first pair of shoes he thought would fit Baekhyun and slid them into unconscious feet. 
"Baekhyun? Baek... " waking the guy wasn't very successful. He was probably too tired, and the blood loss was probably not helping. Damn guy was too pale to have much blood in him anyway. 
Chanyeol knew he was being stupid. Baekhyun probably just needed a full night's rest and a visit to the doctor's in the morning. But the guilt was eating at Chanyeol. 
The pharmacy was maybe seven minutes away. Double, if Chanyeol had to carry an unconscious Baekhyun all the way there. But that was still better than sitting here and not doing anything. What if there was a piece of ceramic stuck in the wound that Chanyeol hadn't been able to clean? 
He roused Baekhyun enough to carry him on his back and make sure he wouldn't fall off, and then he locked the doors and headed out. 
"The wound nicked a vein, nothing big, just needed a few stitches," the pharmacist said while performing the sutures.
Chanyeol was a little relieved that Baekhyun was awake again. Sitting with his eyes closed, his uninjured hand gripping the packet of strawberry milk he had requested and humming some song to distract himself. At least he'll be fine.
Chanyeol, however, couldn't shake off the weird gaze of the pharmacist and his assistant at the counter. They looked at Chanyeol the same way people looked at murder suspects. He tried to not show his nervousness.
That worked until an officer walked in purposefully and stood right in front of, sizing Chanyeol up. 
"You okay, son?" the officer asked Baekhyun directly. 
"Oh, Joey! What are you doing here?" Baekhyun asked. Gone was the faintness of his voice and dullness of his eyes. He was again distracted from his own distress as he focused on anything but his injury. 
"Byun! I really didn't think you were the one they called me about, I got those bastards you told me about. I didn't think they hurt you!"
Someone called the officer. Probably the assistant pharmacist. Good God, they probably thought Chanyeol purposely hurt Baekhyun and brought him here at four in the morning. Jesus Christ, what the hell was happening?
"Oh no, this was at home," Baekhyun said casually. Almost cheerfully. 
Chanyeol nearly swallowed his own tongue as three pairs of eyes honed in on him and Baekhyun remained oblivious, or pretended to. That was it, Chanyeol was going to jail. 
"I slipped in the kitchen, got soup all over me. Dreadful thing. And then I managed to fall on my ass and scrape my hand on a broken bowl!" Baekhyun summarized it like telling a story. 
"I'd say this is more than a scrape," the pharmacist grumbled. "If you hadn't bandaged it properly, you would have lost a lot of blood by now."
"Well it's all thanks to Chanyeol. I can't even look at blood, makes me faint. He cleaned up the wound and everything. Even carried me all the way, can you believe it?"
No, they could not. But at least they didn't think Chanyeol knifed Baekhyun's hand himself. That was good enough for now. 
"I'd be lying in my own pool of blood, dead, if it weren't for Chanyeol!"
He probably wouldn't be hurt in the first place if it weren't for Chanyeol. But nobody needed to know that. He looked up at the others and they seemed convinced Chanyeol wasn't the bad guy here. 
This is why Chanyeol had always been nervous around Baekhyun. Or, to be more precise, nervous because of other people due to Baekhyun's presence. This guy could make friends with patrol officers and pharmacists and make them feel concerned for him in a heartbeat. That was some power to have over people. Not saying Baekhyun was manipulative, on the contrary, he was sweet and charming and that won hearts. 
"You sure you don't want me to drop you off?" Joey said as he got into his patrol car. 
"Nah, it's okay, I think I need to walk it off, have some fresh air to feel a bit better."
"Alright," Joey eyed Chanyeol one last time and then smiled at Baekhyun. "Call me if there's any trouble." And then he was off. 
Jesus, that was nerve wracking. Chanyeol desperately wanted to go back to his own cramped tiny apartment with the partitioned room he shared with Junmyeon and sleep in his own bed. 
"You really didn't have to carry me all the way here, did you?" Baekhyun asked as they walked back to the apartment. 
"Didn't wanna risk it, and it was a short distance."
"Short!" Baekhyun laughed. "I can't decide whether I should be glad you were there or me mad at you for causing the accident in the first place."
"Sor…" Chanyeol was going to apologize again but Baekhyun cut him off. 
"I'm not mad, don't worry about it. It was just an accident. I'd blame Sehun but it was my choice to come back home, my choice to go on a date with a douche bag in the first place, their fault for being douchebags and waiting to gang up on me… what's the point of blaming. We're all still alive and well, let's just enjoy the moment."
It wasn't such a bad philosophy, especially at nearly half past five with the sun coming up on the horizon and cold breeze sending mild chills through the body. Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun when he realized the boy was only wearing a thin, oversized T-shirt. He should've put a jacket on him before rushing him to the pharmacy. 
"Let's hurry back," Chanyeol said. 
"What's the rush, let me enjoy the cool weather."
"You'll catch a cold."
Chanyeol didn't realize Baekhyun had stopped walking until he was a few steps ahead without the pink head near his shoulder. He looked back to find Baekhyun gawking at him with his mouth open. 
"What, what's wrong?" Chayeol quickly turned back. "You okay? Feeling lightheaded?"
"Uh…" Baekhyun stuttered. "Yeah, I think so. Think you can carry me the rest of the way?"
"Yeah sure, get on my back, it'll be easier," Chanyeol crouched down and waited for him to lean forward. 
Even after seconds, Chanyeol didn't feel an extra body on him. He turned his head and looked up. Baekhyun was still staring at him open-mouthed. 
"Hm what?"
"Get on?"
"Oh yeah, never turning down a ride," Baekhyun said as he leaned his weight on Chanyeol and grabbed his shoulders while locking his legs around Chanyeol's waist. 
Chanyeol faintly wondered whether Baekhyun was joking or not, faking his lightheadedness. But he didn't think too much about it, the apartment was barely five minutes away. It was good exercise anyway. 
"Jesus, what do you do to become this giant ball of goodness with muscles?"
Chanyeol nearly avoided stumbling on the stairs as he went up to the apartment. Giant ball of goodness? What? 
"You can put me down now," Baekhyun whispered, breath fanning the shell of Chanyeol's ear and almost making him lose his grip on Baekhyun's thighs. 
Chanyeol dropped Baekhyun safely on his feet and handed him Sehun's keys. Baekhyun gladly opened the door and walked in.
"I think I'll head back now," Chanyeol said from the threshold. 
"Oh, isn't it too early?" Baekhyun looked back tilting his head. 
He looked less pale now, maybe the sugar of the strawberry milk helped, or maybe the walk. Baekhyun looked good, not sick. Better. Pale pink hair all ruffled, clothes swallowing his thin frame, shorts and boots looking adorably comical with his bed shirt. Chanyeol was staring. 
"No, Junmyeon usually gets up by now, I can catch him if I go now before he starts his morning run."
"Shame," Baekhyun said. "Well, if you must go."
Chanyeol didn't know what to do when Baekhyun kissed him full on the mouth. He tasted sweet like strawberry. Lips soft like candy. Chanyeol hardly brought up a hand, fingertips grazing Baekhyun's angular jaw when he suddenly pulled away, leaving Chanyeol gasping and gaping at the shorter guy. 
"Thanks for the rescue!" Baekhyun laughed. His cheeks soft and glowing in the rising sun. 
Chanyeol didn't have time to react until the apartment door was being shut. For the second time in less than 8 hours, Chanyeol was standing in front of a closed door and desperately questioning his life. What just happened?
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A Supernatural World: Chapter 2
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Summary: Fleeing their hometown of Miami, Florida due to it growing far too dangerous, Roman and his vampire brother Remus move to Detroit, Michigan. Remus hopes it’ll be safer here for his human (or so he thinks he’s human) brother. Roman only wishes to start anew after a traumatizing incident in his last college, hoping to make new friends and maybe even find love. They don’t know what this city or the future holds but it’s going to be quite the adventure as they explore their new surroundings and the…interesting people that live in it.
Pairings: Eventual roceit, Eventual Intrulogical, slowburn roceit, slowburn Intrulogical, romantic roceit, romantic Intrulogical. BROTHERLY CREATIVITWINS (rem/rom shippers fuck off)
Taglist: @mychemically-imbalanced-romance
(If anyone else would like to be tagged, let me know!)
Moving to a new apartment after being on the run for so long had been exhausting but they made it and they were a lot safer now. For the first time in a long time, Roman finds himself waking up with little to no worries in his mind. He sits up and yawns, stretching his arms. He takes a deep breath and perks up a little when he smells breakfast in the air. With a rumbling tummy, Roman slips out of bed and ambles out of the bedroom and to the kitchen, finding Remus at the stove and making breakfast. Bacon and eggs sizzle away in the frying pan.
“Morning, Ree. Where’d you get that?” Roman asks, plopping down at the dining table.
“Hey, sleepyhead. I wasn’t going to go grocery shopping until some time later but I figured we could use a good breakfast after all the shit we went through to get here. So, I went out and bought a few things at the convenience store across the street.” Remus replies, plating up the food.
“I do miss having good breakfasts like this.” Roman giggles before making a face. “I don’t think I want to eat more yucky hotel food or disgusting gas station meals.”
Remus huffs a laugh and gives Roman his plate.
“It wasn’t that bad.”
“I got food poisoning twice in Alabama and Kentucky.”
“Okay, fair point.” 
Remus shakes his head fondly at the memory of poor Ro throwing up in their motel room. He hadn’t meant to make his twin sick but he couldn’t exactly order anything fancy. He was trying to save up for an apartment. He did feel bad for Ro. His twin had been eager to try KFC when they got to Kentucky. Turns out that the KFC they ordered from was a bit, well, unsanitary. Oh well, at least they don’t have to worry about that now. Remus gets his own plate and sets it on the table before turning to the fridge to get juice for them both.
“So, did you sleep okay? I know I used my magic on you but it can’t always block the nightmares.” Remus says, setting the juice bottle on the counter and moving to get glasses.
Meanwhile, Roman eagerly starts eating. He makes a delighted noise and eats more.
“I did. It feels nice to wake up without worrying if someone broke in or freaking out because you thought the cleaning lady was an intruder.” he grins, taking another bite.
“That’s good. And don’t worry. I’m sure there’s no scary cleaning lady here this time.” Remus chuckles, pouring him and Roman some juice.
Roman giggles and goes back to eating, humming in thanks when Remus gives him his juice.
“I know, Ree. So, what are you going to do?” he asks.
“Well, since everything is mostly unpacked, I’m going to explore around the city and see what’s there to see. Maybe find a job too. We can’t exactly live on our money forever.” 
“True. I’m going to see if I can enroll in theatre after breakfast.” 
“Ooh, good luck with that. I know you’ll kill it out there.
“I know. Promise you won’t kill anyone out there?”
Remus huffs a laugh. 
“Promise, Ro.”
The twins share a laugh and continue talking, Roman eagerly telling Remus all the stuff he’s excited to do again. Roman used to be in theatre in high school but it wasn’t fun. He had constant pressure on his shoulders to be a star performer in their parents’ eyes. He’d spent restless nights rehearsing and practicing under his mother’s command. He’d endure other nights where his mother would reprimand him for even the smallest slip up in his plays or when he didn’t get the lead role she demanded him to get. He’d been forced into diets and dressed uncomfortably to look perfect for his parts. Theatre was ruined for him then and he endured it until high school was over.
Then there was his first year of college. Roman had been happy to have at least a bit of distance between him and his abusive home. He had tried for theatre again in hope it would go well this time. It didn’t. The professor who led the whole theatre crew was a creep along with a few techies. Roman was the poor victim who was constantly targeted, getting groped or hit on whenever he was alone with either a techie or the professor himself. At first, Roman had been clueless, thinking the groping was an accident and the flirting was all in good fun. Then it kept getting worse and worse until one day, the professor and his techies cornered Roman in the dressing room and left him a wreck with his costume torn. 
Remus found out when Roman came home crying and told him. They tried to get justice but the professor and the techies left no proof so their case fell flat and was never opened again. All they could do was leave that college. Of course, their parents didn’t side with them, accusing Roman of ‘asking for it’ and punishing him for ‘selling his body’. That’s when Remus had enough and broke out of the basement he was forced to stay in. He went to Roman and comforted him, telling him they weren’t staying here anymore. After waiting for their parents to leave the house for another drunken night at some bar, the twins packed up and left. Roman hasn’t tried theatre since. The funny thing is, that was only a year ago.
Now, Roman was feeling a bit confident and wanted to try theatre once more. He even wanted to help with costumes and makeup or maybe even make props. He also missed singing on stage so he was excited to do that again. Eager to try out again, Roman eats a little faster. He really wants to enroll and step up on the shiny stage floor again. 
Meanwhile, Remus huffs a laugh, seeing how eager his brother is.
“Easy, Ro. You have plenty of time to sign up for theatre.” he says, patting his twin’s head.
Roman smiles bashfully.
“I know. I’m just so excited, Ree! I miss the stage! Now that we’re free from our parents and those creeps, I feel like I can do theatre again without all these problems!” he exclaims, grinning.
“I know but you can’t do that if you choke on your breakfast.” 
Roman giggles.
“Right. Sorry.”
Roman slows down but keeps eating, babbling about theatre stuff in between while Remus listens along. It’s not long before Roman finishes and puts his dishes in the sink before going back to his room to get his laptop from his bag so he can start enrolling. His eager humming can be heard around the apartment and it makes the atmosphere a little bit more warm and peaceful.
Meanwhile, Remus quickly did the dishes then went to get ready to explore. He cleaned up as best as he could before getting changed into a black t-shirt, grey ripped jeans, combat boots, and a dark green leather jacket. He then returns to the bedroom and finds Roman sitting on his bed, already with his laptop on. Remus chuckles and ruffles his twin’s hair.
“Alright, I’m gonna head out now. Will you be okay with being alone for a bit?” Remus asks, watching for a moment as Roman reads through some search results.
“Yeah! I’ll call you if anything happens and Janus is upstairs too!” Roman beams.
“Good. I’ll be back later, Ro.”
“Kay! Stay safe!”
Remus gives Roman a lazy salute and leaves him to do his college hunting. He grabs his bat and his pocket knife from his backpack along with a pocket flask filled with emergency blood. Then he slips out the door and heads down to the lobby. He waves hello to Jeremiah as he exits the building, Detroit’s cool and smoggy air hitting his face. After making sure no one is around, Remus sneaks around to the back and jumps his way up the apartment building using the fire escapes there. He then climbs onto the roof. Sure, he could have taken the stairs but that wasn’t as fun. Remus takes a deep breath and walks over to the edge, taking in the view and plotting out a path.
Remus sees the bridge and the old freighter. In the distance, he can just make out the edge of Belle Isle in the morning fog. He can see a nearby police station too. Immediately, he makes a note to avoid the station for safety purposes. It takes a few more minutes but he figures out a route through a mostly empty street that leads to a cluster of small businesses and restaurants. Taking a deep breath, Remus turns and runs before leaping over a gap and landing onto the next roof. His speed picks up and he keeps moving, jumping from roof to roof.
To Remus, it always felt thrilling to go on a rooftop run. He liked the feeling of cool air on his skin and the rush he gets when he leaps high into the air. It’s almost like he was flying. He liked watching the cars and buildings rushing by him. He liked being able to explore and see new places, especially the ones with good views or creepy vibes. 
Maybe he’ll explore the burnt down mansion in the outskirts of Detroit some other time. He hears it’s haunted. Maybe he’ll explore that old tech company that shut down and became abandoned due to a lot of bad business incidents. He found some rumors online that the company was going to create an android before it fell apart and shut down. He also heard of an abandoned mansion hidden somewhere in an isolated location of Detroit. He heard rumors of the last owner being a rich CEO who was murdered by his wife and her sister. Others say his remains could be found at the bottom of his dried up indoor pool. 
The thought of it all excited Remus more. It felt nice to be in a new place so once he and Roman were settled in enough, he decided he’ll explore those places in the future. For now, he jumps to another rooftop and pauses to catch his breath. He may be a vampire but not even the undead can run without tiring. Remus decides to hop down from the roof, exiting through an alleyway and slipping wordlessly onto the street. He carefully weaves between some people and hums as he starts walking, passing by a grey haired man and his companion walking a Saint Bernard. 
Remus looks around as he walks. There isn’t much here. There’s a homeless man on the street corner, begging for change or food. There’s a stray cat sniffing at something in the garbage cans by the alleyway. There’s a small convenience store selling party decorations and supplies. Across it is an old bar with a flickering neon sign. A faded ‘Help Wanted’ sign sits in the window, asking for someone to come work as either a cleaner or to work behind the bar. Remus knew he had no skill in working behind the bar but he figured he could try for the cleaner position. Cleaning isn’t usually his thing but he’s willing to try so he can at least make enough money to pay for rent and for any funds Roman may have for theatre. Taking a deep breath, Remus steps inside.
“Oh! Welcome to Jimmy’s Bar! I’m Jimmy!”
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flowercrown-bard · 4 years
I saw you asking for prompts! I don't know what you prefer to write, but for your consideration: a modern geraskier au, it's the summer after high school graduation and college essays are due. But one of our boys is stuck on his, on account of low self esteem can make it hard to sell yourself in an essay. In my mind this would lead to a bunch of very sincere compliments, and eventual cuddles and love confessions. But whatever you think is best :)
Oh yeah, having to tell others how great you are is so stressful. Thankfully, I never had to write a college essay, but I looked them up and they look terrifying. I still don’t really get what exactly you are supposed to put in them, so this is probably going to a bit off. Hope you enjoy it anyway :)
„Finally!“ Jaskier closed his laptop and let his head drop back into the pillows.
When he heard no reaction from his best friend, he lifted his head and looked over to where Geralt was sitting at the desk, staring intently at his own laptop. He was scowling as though it had personally offended him.
“Geralt?” Jaskier asked and turned fully to him. “Are you ok?”
Geralt grunted, still not looking up from his work, but Jaskier could see one of his hands clenching into a first.
“Trouble with your essay?” Jaskier asked and sat up on the bed.
Geralt sighed. Jaskier couldn’t see his expression from where he sat, but the tension in his back told him enough.
“Come here.” Jaskier scooted over and patted the bed next to him.
“Jaskier, I can’t. I really have to get this essay finished. I’m already late.”
“I know. I’m going to help you.” He smiled. “And the first step is to make yourself a bit more comfortable. You’ve been sitting like that for hours now. I wouldn’t be able to concentrate like that either.”
“It’s not that I can’t concentrate,” Geralt said in a tone that almost sounded defeated, but he took his laptop and sat down next to Jaskier, leaning against the headboard. “I’m just stuck. And you really don’t need to help me. You’ve had enough stress with your own essay.”
Jaskier waved his hand through the air dismissively. “Don’t worry about that. After all, if I get accepted, I’ll have to write a lot of essays anyway. Might as well get some practice now.”
Geralt’s lips twitched. “If? They’d be stupid not to take you.”
Heat rose into Jaskier’s cheeks and he quickly leaned over Geralt’s laptop to hide the blush that was surely showing.
“Show me what you already got,” he said, not so subtly changing the topic.
“I… um. I haven’t actually written anything yet. I kind of tried to brainstorm first.”
“That’s ok.” Jaskier smiled at him. “We can work with that.”
Geralt rubbed his neck uncomfortably and tilted the laptop to give Jaskier a better view.
Things I am good at:
1.       Riding Horses (fucking useless. Should probably scratch that)
2.       Being silent (is that even a good thing??)
3.       ???
Jaskier couldn’t help the quiet “oh” that escaped him. “Geralt….”
“I’m sorry.” Geralt was staring at the laptop again, doing his best to avoid Jaskier’s eyes. “I know I have just wasted hours doing nothing. But I just have no idea what to write.”
Jaskier reached out, laying one hand on top of Geralt’s clenched fist.
“You didn’t waste time. Starting by figuring out your strengths was a great idea. That’s what I did too.”
Geralt huffed bitterly. “But you actually have things you are good at. I have no idea what my strengths are supposed to be.”
“You mean apart from your literal strength?” Jaskier poked a finger into Geralt’s arm that had more muscles than Jaskier could probably ever get.
Geralt cracked a smile, but the cloud hadn’t left his expression yet. “That doesn’t count.”
Jaskier snorted. “Of course it does. Here, let me-“ Without waiting for Geralt’s permission, Jaskier took the laptop and sat it onto his own lap. “I am very disciplined and able to work hard,” he said while typing.
Jaskier shrugged. “Well, you are. You don’t get those kinds of muscles by being lazy.”
He nudged Geralt and a low chuckle escaped Geralt.
“See?” Jaskier said, wiggling his fingers in excitement. “You just have to look at it from a different angle. So, about those horses. That is absolutely not useless.” He deleted that addition. “How about I am interested in activities which don’t necessarily follow the expectations others have of me. I am able to make decisions about doing what I enjoy without being intimidated by the judgements of others.”
Geralt snorted and Jaskier’s fingers stilled. He looked up at his best friend with confusion written all over his face.
“Jaskier,” he sighed, his fists starting to clench again. “I don’t… that sounds nice, but I don’t think it’s true. You know I care far too much about what others think. I… I don’t…”
“Hey,” Jaskier took Geralt’s hands in his, the laptop forgotten. “I know. We all care about what others think. But you still manage to do the things you do despite that. And I for one think that is really fucking admirable.”
Geralt’s lips quirked up a bit, but he remained silent. It wasn’t the silence of agreement, though.
Jaskier turned to face Geralt and squeezed his hands.
“Here, I’ll prove it to you.” Geralt lifted an eyebrow, which Jaskier took as an invitation to continue. “You remember when we first met?”
Geralt nodded, as scowl darkening his expression. “You were bullied by those assholes in your class.”
“For being a theatre kid, yeah. And you were the only one there who didn’t join in and made fun of me.” Geralt looked up at his words. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to argue, but Jaskier was not going to let Geralt play this down. “You were the new kid. Literally everyone else would have jumped at the possibility to fit in by bullying me. And instead you let me sit with you and glared at anyone who dared look at me weirdly.”
“And then we were both outsiders,” Geralt concluded, but it sounded almost proud.
“Hell yeah, we were. But we were outsiders together. Because you stood up for me. For the little guys no one likes.”
“I like you,” Geralt said quietly. “And people started liking you eventually.”
“And why do you think that is?” Jaskier cocked his head to the side. “They wouldn’t have even known I existed if I hadn’t gotten that role in the school play. And the only reason I got the confidence to audition was because you helped me. You helped me so much, Geralt. You are inspiring me to be better.”
Geralt still didn’t say anything, but his expression changed. There was something in his eyes that seemed almost vulnerable, so desperate to hear someone say that he was good enough for something.
“And you are selfless,” Jaskier continued. “You went to the school dance with me, even though you didn’t really want to, just because you knew it would make me happy.”
“Of course I wanted you to be happy,” Geralt said and looked down, suddenly very interested in what Jaskier’s fingers looked like, threated with his own. “And I had fun too. I liked dancing with you.”
“I liked dancing with you too.” Jaskier’s heart skipped a beat. “You looked absolutely gorgeous, by the way. Did I ever tell you that?”
Geralt chuckled. “Only like 10 times that day.”
“That’s not nearly enough,” Jaskier gasped and soaked up the way Geralt’s ears turned pink. “I should have told you far more often. And not only at the dance. You are always beautiful.”
Geralt snorted, the bitterness from before came back with full force. “You know that’s a lie.”
“Why?” Jaskier said, his tine challenging. “Because of your eyes? Because you have Coloboma?”
“I look like a freak.”
“Look at me, Geralt,” Jaskier said, his voice soft. Geralt complied. “You have the most incredible eyes. I don’t care what anyone else says. If anything, they make you look even more special. You are beautiful, Geralt, why else do you think I spent most of my time in geography just staring at you? And I have the bad grades to prove it,” he added with a smirk, before he became serious again. “Believe me, you are the most wonderful person I know and every day I am thankful that I have you in my life.”
Geralt didn’t answer, but there was something in the way his gaze darted between Jaskier’s eyes, as if he was searching for something. As if he needed an answer to a question he didn’t dare ask.
Eventually, he whispered “This isn’t about the essay anymore, is it?”
Jaskier’s lips parted in a smile. “No, it isn’t.”
“Then what is this about?”
Jaskier’s breath hitched. “This is about you being important to me. About you knowing that you are wonderful and that you are the best thing that ever happened to me.”
Something twitched in Geralt’s face. The slightest hint of hesitation, before he darted forward and pressed a quick kiss against Jaskier’s lips. Jaskier froze. It was over too quickly for him to even react.
“I-I’m sorry,” Geralt said, his voice tight and his eyes wide as he took his hands away from Jaskier. “I didn’t… I shouldn’t have… but you were saying all of those things and I just couldn’t…”
Geralt stopped his nervous rambling and looked at Jaskier with what almost looked like fear.
Jaskier leaned closer, a smile dancing on his lips. “Do it again?”
Geralt stayed frozen for a second, before a smile broke through the scared expression, like the sun breaking through storm clouds. He gave Jaskier another peck, smiling into it.
“You are important to me too, Jaskier. More important than anyone.” He hesitated. “Can I ask you for something? You don’t have to say yes, of course.”
“What is it?”
Geralt’s hands twitched.  “Hold me?” He sounded so unsure.
Without hesitation, Jaskier opened his arms. Geralt fit in them perfectly. He rested his head against Jaskier’s chest and Jaskier rubbed small circles on Geralt’s back, alternating between pressing soft kisses against his hair and telling him how much he meant to him.
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paulfwesley · 4 years
A Split Second (Part 1) [Bryce Lahela x f!MC]
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x f!MC (Dr. Claire King).
Chapter Rating: T
Word Count: 2.2K.
Description: A split second. That’s all it takes to take a life. TW: guns, violence, blood.  
Disclaimer: Characters, storyline, and parts of the dialogue are taken from Pixelberry’s Choices’ Open Heart. They fully own the characters, dialogue, backgrounds, etc. MC Claire King’s background is my own creation, based off of MC in-game’s personality.
Author’s Note: OKAY this is my first time EVER doing Bryce, and even though he technically does not show up in this part, he WILL be in the next part. I’m posting this fic in increments just to feel out the reaction first, if it’s something worth pursuing. I’ve added some trigger warnings just in case, they’re in the description! They’re applicable to the whole series, however many parts this ends up being, I don’t actually know yet. Okay, I’ve gone on too long. Let me know how I did! Also let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the tag list! 
Tagging: @n-wahz @anotherbeingsworld @graphitekayla @malxen @rookiefromedenbrook
As a doctor, Claire King stared death in the face every day. It was her job to delay the inevitable, after all. Every chest compression, every dose of medication, and every correct diagnosis resulted in Claire’s tally against Death inching higher and higher. But of course, there were always a few cases where even Claire couldn’t beat the Grim Reaper. And she’d walk out of the room of the grieving family with a fire stewing in her belly that drove her to want to do better so that the next time she and death met in the arena, she’d knock him out cold.
 Claire knew death. Claire understood death. She woke up every morning with a determination that she would stare death in the face and celebrate when she triumphed over it. 
But she didn’t fully understand what it meant to stare death in the face until she stood with her hands in the air, tears streaking down her pale cheeks, and her body shaking like a leaf as she stared at the end of a gun poised in her face. 
30 minutes earlier… 
Claire thought she would had it all figured out. Ethan ditched her to hang out in the Amazon for two months (though Sienna insisted that technically Ethan went to go help out with WHO, but Claire wasn’t in the mood to change her mind about her… ex? Her attending? The dude she slept with twice before he decided he didn’t like having to deal with feelings before buggering off?) so she was going to erase everything that had to do with Ethan Ramsey from her mind. That included only ever referring to him as “Doctor Ramsey”, whilst ignoring the way she missed the way his name tasted on her tongue when she was moaning it. It included putting a smile on her face and reassuring everyone who noticed her drop in mood in the days following when she showed up to work one day to find out that Ethan had left without so much as a goodbye, even though a bottle of pent up sorrow threatened to burst whenever she curled her lips up. And it included forcing herself out of the apartment when her friends wanted to go out while all she wanted to do was lay in bed and wallow in her own sadness. 
It was actually Bryce who started it. He could tell something was off with her, but luckily Bryce didn’t pry. The only people who knew why Claire was acting heartsick were Sienna and Elijah, and even then, it was because they were there the morning she snuck Ethan out of the apartment. If it were up to her, nobody would know the mess she had gotten into by falling for her attending. Grey’s Anatomy gave her too much hope. 
All Bryce wanted to know was what would make Claire happy. It started out simple; nights drinking at Donahue’s, roommate movie night, late night ice cream runs. Then it was Bryce attending plays with Claire, because none of their other friends would even humour her idea for live theatre. It was nice, even though most of the time, Bryce fell asleep shortly after the play began, only to wake up with intermission and then fall asleep again as soon as the house lights turned off. And then it was Claire attending a monster truck rally with Bryce because Elijah cancelled last minute, and even though she spent most of the evening thinking about the various dishes she could be cooking, it was worth it to watch Bryce freak out at the trucks crushing each other and then turning to her expectantly, waiting for her reaction. For his sake, she went as wild and crazy as he was. Standing there, staring up at Bryce and looking at the way the bright lights cast a shadow against his sharp, soft cheekbones, that was the first time she felt a turning in a stomach, a flutter that warmed her cold core. And when he turned and grinned at her, Claire felt like she had seen the sun for the first time. 
Then, when the yearning to be touched and held and kissed became too much for Claire, it turned into stolen kisses, hand brushes, intimate nights. With every swipe of Bryce’s hand up and down her arm while her head rested in the crook of his shoulder, with every tear that rolled down her cheeks from the jokes he told her, with every moment spent just in Bryce’s presence, her heart hurt a little bit less. And less, and less, until she completely forgot that she was supposed to be hurting. 
Then Ethan returned, unexpectedly, the night they were celebrating their last night as interns. 
When Claire’s eyes met his across the bench outside Donahue’s, she expected her stomach to drop. She expected her throat to close up, her chest to tighten, her tears to threaten at the corner of her eyes. Instead, she offered him a polite smile and a small nod before returning to what Elijah was saying. That feeling was all she needed to know that she was officially over Ethan Ramsey. She could be happy with someone else. She even had a certain meat headed, smooth talking, scalpel jockey in mind. 
Out of the corner of her eye she caught Bryce staring at her and following her gaze. When he looked back at her, she could practically see the curtain drop over his eyes, and it remained there for days following. Whenever she tried to talk to him, she always got the brush off. And it was killing her. She had gotten used to the the way his laughter lit up her world, the way his eyes raking over sent a thrill through her stomach, the way her heart skipped a beat whenever she turned a corner and hoped that he’d be on the other side. But nothing; these days he wouldn’t even look at her. 
After finishing her own rounds, making sure Esme had her tasks, and ordering tests for another patient, Claire sighed as she trudged through the hospital. She cradled a heavy case file against her chest sent over from Manhattan Presbyterian that she planned to pore over during her lunch break. She felt a presence beside her, and she looked over to see Sienna falling into step next to her. Her hair was pinned to the top of her head in a messy bun and she looked utterly exhausted, but she offered Claire a bright smile anyways. “Are you on your way to lunch?” 
“Yeah,” she answered. 
“Cool! I’m starving,” Sienna replied. She nodded at the file in Claire’s arms. “Big, fancy, diagnostic team case?”
Claire laughed. “Yeah.” She glanced down at the papers. “I’m hoping that it’ll be something surgical. That way Bryce will have to talk to me.”
Sienna frowned. “Bryce isn’t talking to you?”
“You haven’t noticed the way he doesn’t look at me anymore?” Claire asked as they walked down the stairs, heading for the cafeteria. “I think it has to do with the fact that…” Claire looked around for prying ears but dropped her voice as a precaution anyways. “... Doctor Ramsey’s back.”
Sienna’s eyes widened. “You told him about Doctor Ramsey?”
“No!” Claire protested. “If it were up to me, that secret would die with Ramsey and me. But I think he can tell.” She raised a brow. “Could you tell? Before you caught me sneaking him out?”
Sienna bit her lip. “Do you want the truth?” 
Claire stopped in her tracks. “You mean you knew? Before?” 
“I suspected!” Sienna corrected quickly. She walked back over to where Claire had stopped. “I didn’t know anything for sure, but you did mention wanting something to happen between the two of you when you went to Miami. You didn’t tell me anything had happened so I assumed nothing did. But despite that, it was so obvious. The first name Doctor Ramsey ever learned was yours, he kept his mouth shut about what happened with Mrs. Martinez even though as an attending he probably had a legal obligation to tell Doctor Emery, and just the way you both never took your eyes off of each other whenever you shared a room.”
A blush brushed Claire’s cheeks. “Well, I don’t feel like that anymore.” She paused. “Well, I suppose I do, but now I feel like that whenever I see Bryce. And I want to tell him that, but the meathead runs away at the sight of me.”
They both resumed their walking. “I feel like straight up avoidance isn’t Bryce’s style though,” Sienna pointed out. She crossed her arms over her chest. “If you want, I can lock the two of you inside a supply closet until he gets his shit together.”
Claire chuckled. “That offer actually sounds tempting.”
All of a sudden, both of their pagers went off. Claire reached into her pocket and produced hers just as they reached the cafeteria. She frowned at the message that stared back at her before looking back up at Sienna. “Lockdown? Is this some kind of drill?”
“I think if it was, Doctor Banerjee would have said so,” Sienna replied casually. She was trying to pass it off like it was nothing, but Claire could see the worrying lines in her forehead. She reached out and grabbed Sienna’s arm. “How about we skip the cafeteria food and just grab something from the vending machine for now? We can hide out in a closet or something until this drill ends.” 
“And you’re absolutely sure it’s a drill because?” Sienna asked, but she let Claire lead her away and down the hall. 
“Because there’s no way we’re in a situation where Edenbrook has to go under lockdown,” she said. “I bet a baby went missing from the NICU or something.”
Sienna gawked. “That’s terrible!” 
Claire stopped at a vending machine, turning her back to Sienna. “All the more reason to grab an unhealthy snack and wait this thing out.” She bent down and placed the file on the floor. As she stood back up, she reached into her pocket for her wallet. “What do you want? It’s on me.”
“Claire…” Sienna’s voice was a soft whisper. 
“What?” Claire said, her eyes scanning the options. A Snickers bar? Nah. It wasn’t filling enough. A bag of chips? That was even worse. This was a hospital. They were doctors. They always went on about healthy eating yet never practiced what they preached. 
“Claire!” Sienna said, louder this time, though the tremors in her voice betrayed the strength. 
“What?” Claire’s tone dripped with annoyance as she turned to look at her friend, but the sight of Sienna’s face, drained of blood with her eyes wide and her lips parted with a slight tremble raised alarms. “Sienna? Sienna, what is it?” 
Sienna didn’t say anything. She couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe. But her eyes never wavered from the direction she was staring at over Claire’s shoulder. 
Claire turned to see what Sienna was gaping at, and her stomach fell through the floor at the sight of the tall, middle-aged man standing six feet away from them. He wore a black blazer over a plain t-shirt flecked with bright red spots that Claire could only assume was fresh blood from the way it stained the pure white fabric. Blessed (or cursed, in her opinion) with an excellent memory, Claire never forgot a face once she had seen it. It was Walter Cameron, a patient she had treated weeks ago. He came in after he had been in a car accident that caused mild injuries, and Claire remembered joking easily with him as she pulled out glass from his body and stitching him up. Claire’s eyes traveled from his brown eyes, down his sweat soaked cheeks, down his leather clad arm, and landed on the pistol in his hand, aimed directly at Claire’s chest. 
Her breath caught in her throat. The only sounds she could make out in the otherwise silent, empty hallway were Sienna’s faint whimpering behind her, Walter’s ragged breaths, and her own heart thumping against her chest. 
She felt a shaky hand on her shoulder. “Claire, we need to get out of here!” Sienna whisper-shouted.
“No!” Walter boomed, taking a rather large step forward. He brandished the gun at them, waving it wildly as his finger rested on the trigger. Both girls let out an involuntary shrieks as they staggered backwards. “Doctor King isn’t going anywhere.” He turned the gun so the mouth was directed at Sienna. “You, on the other hand, will get out of here.” With a jerk of his thumb, he clicked the safety off. “If you know what’s good for you.”
Claire swallowed thickly. Despite the tremors in her throat, she said, “Sienna, go.”
She could feel Sienna’s eyes stare at her in bewilderment, but Claire never broke eye contact with Walter. “What? But Claire—!”
“Go!” Claire said again, stronger this time. She didn’t know Walter, not really, so she couldn’t guarantee whether or not he was crazy enough to take a shot at her or her friend, and Claire didn’t want to jeopardize anyone else’s life if there was a chance to save someone. Under her breath, her lips barely moving, she whispered, “Go find help.” 
The echoing of a sneaker hitting linoleum reluctantly bounced against the walls. One, and then another, and then another, until the echoes got further and further as Sienna dashed down the hall in desperation. 
Once she was out of sight, Claire returned her attention to Walter. Slowly, deliberately, she raised her hands so they were in his sight. 
“Ahh, alone at last,” Walter sighed dreamily. 
Claire sucked a worrying breath in. “Mr. Cameron—” she began.
“It’s Wally!” he cut her off angrily, but the heat in his eyes quickly disappeared in favour of turning soft as he gazed at Claire. “It’s Wally, remember, Doctor King? Like Wally West? Like you said?” 
She nodded. “Yes, I remember.” She gulped noisily, her eyes zeroing in on the weapon in his hands. “What are you doing with the gun, Wally?” 
 He scoffed. “Isn’t it obvious?” He smiled at her, a wicked glint in his eye. “I’m going to kill you, Doctor King.” 
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rose-of-fair · 4 years
Hii! I was just reading ur Arcana college hcs and I adored them! I wanted to ask you what subjects do you think the Arcana characters would take? What would their professions be?? May I get headcanons?? Pleaaaase????????
-I imagine Asra would gravitate towards religion and culture studies with a biology minor
-Asra likes learning new things about different groups of people and places around the world. It motivates him to complete his studies and go travelling for a few years to experience it all.
-Honestly at first Asra was a bit indecisive on what he wanted to major in! So he started off by taking general classes and soon narrowed it down to some subjects that he liked.
-They tend to write and conduct research last minute but it works out well in their favour every time. You will rarely see Asra stressed out over college. I envy them so much!
-Definitely a science major!
-Though he did consider changing his major to English and Theatre studies once after breaking down over his low test score from a midterm he studied so hard for.
-Always the one who has full confidence in the classroom but bring in practicals and he is nervous as heck. He is quite smart and efficient though! He just needs to work on building that confidence in the hands on work.
-Certainly a workaholic. Will soend hours staying up late at night working on assignments and creating a complicated timetable to best complete everything.
-She is the ambitious future law student. Nadia goes to college to study business and marketing but will select electives that involve law in some way such as history.
-Nadia is very passionate about her future and always gets excellent grades. Her professors love her and she finds every opportunity to make meaningful connections so that she may use them in the future.
-Balances a part-time, studies and leisure activities like it is nothing. Honestly many ask her how she does it.
-Always open to help her classmates improve in the course. She is a wonderful teacher!
-Lucio would only be a business major just because he wants to be his own boss. He has wild dreams being a successful and rich CEO.
-Though he really struggles to grasp some of the content. He really isn’t meant for this program but he swears it’s in his blood.
-Often will cling to Nadia for support and she doesn’t like it. He would rather go off and party than indulge in studying or take his career seriously. All he thinks of it eh money and fame, not the hard work that must be put forward in order to make your dreams a reality.
-Deep down he doesn’t really know what he wants. He just thinks about the end goal but not what sort of work he wants to put forth. It is impressive how passionate he can become but he needs to learn how to direct those feelings ina more productive manner.
-I see Muriel studying animals or forestry. Certainly the outdoors type of man who enjoys being in a nature enviornment. It’s an element he is very comfortable in.
-He is often a ghost in his classes. He tries to not stand out and would rather not have anyone talk to him. He just wants to get the program over and done with as swiftly as possible.
-Studies and completes his work pretty early. He doesn’t indulge in after school activities besides his evening walks so he has a ton of free time to get assignments done.
-He and Asra became friends through a mutual class they took. Despite Asra not joining the same major as he, they still make time to hang out with Muriel.
-I could see Portia getting involved in Botanical Studies. She really loves plants and flowers and is quite good at caring for them! Her apartment is littered in plants. It looks more like a small greenhouse than your usual apartment.
-She can get stressed easily. Portia may not show it on the outside but deep down she is freaking out about that assignment that is due at midnight and she hasn’t even started it yet.
-Doesn’t mind studying but it has to be creative and fun. She can’t look down at a book for long as she tend to lose concentration easily.
-Definitely will go out every Friday night to the pub and do karaoke and drink a bit. She needs to unwind after a very busy week of classes and studies!
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mrsacklesevansmgk · 4 years
My Decade in Ships
In no particular order :P
True Blood: Eric and Sookie - both Books and Show!
I shipped these two from when I started reading the books. I prefer the book version up until a certain point, rather than the show. Show gave too much importance to Bill, whereas in the books, Bill was shown to be a traitor and manipulated Sookie a lot. Eric was genuine with Sookie. I’m so glad we got to see amnesia Eric in like...Season 4 of TB.
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TVD: Damon and Elena aka Delena
I shipped this from the books too, although the show is miles different from the books! I never thought that she had that spark with Stefan that she had with Damon, so I’m glad that he ended up with the girl in the end...even though Elena is a dumb character and Nina annoys me haha.
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Arrow: Oliver and Felicity
I shipped it before *it* was really happening. I loved their dynamic together in those early seasons. When Oli slipped her the needle, after saying that he cared for her, I was freaking out thinking that it was alllllll a fake out. And I mean, it was. BUT Oli definitely had the feels for Felicity. 
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GOT: Jon and Dany
I was a firm believer in R + L = J from quite early on in GOT and while I fully believed that Jon was Dany’s nephew and it creeped me out a little bit, it wasn’t so weird in the world of Game of Thrones or for the Targaryen’s. So when it dropped that R + L = J was legit and canon I was over the moon! Now all I needed was for Dany and Jon to meet and fall in love and swoon...happy ever after!! And I almost got that until D&D fucked it all up! But Jonerys was like my first major major ship that wasn’t canon that I truly believed in, that finally became canon only for it to end in tragedy...still doesn’t make sense!
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GOT: Arya and Gendry
Well, I definitely did NOT ship this from the beginning. It was somewhere around Season 4-ish, just before the premiere and I did a re-watch and things changed for me...I was like, wait! Arya is totally into him! So I was proud as punch when they reunited...and Gendry was totally blown away by her and the woman she had become!! It was quite cute watching them flirt around each other! And I’m super chuffed they got their one night together. I was hoping that at the end of it all, Arya would have gone to Gendry and they could have lived together, happily ever after. When you think back to their earlier interactions, she said that him not having a title or status didn’t mean anything to her...and that is 100% true, but now that he did have a title, I was still hoping that she would accept him and marry him. But no :( :( It wasn’t to be...
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D: Skye and Ward
I was late to the AoS bandwagon and by the time I got around to watching it, I had already seen some spoilers of Ward’s betrayal...and I was confused. I didn’t want to like him or love them together...but I couldn’t help it. I wish that they could have been together properly :(
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Star Wars: Rey and Kylo/Ben aka Reylo
I hadn’t put much thought into it to be honest. I seen TFA and was interested in their dynamic but hadn’t thought more. I went to TLJ and I left the theatre a full blown Reylo...came home to Tumblr and was lost in the Reylo world and fandom that I didn’t even know existed before! I never believed that they were related...that didn’t make sense to me at all. And even if TRoS went a different way, we still have that connection between them in TLJ. BUT TRoS went above and beyond my expectations...I never expected it to become canon!! But Rey and Ben!! They love each other!!
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Charmed: Harry and Macy
These two...this one snuck up on me. I liked Harry. I liked Macy. Never thought of them together...but then their dynamic and chemistry...blew my mind!
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NCIS: LA: Deeks and Kensie
Totally shipped this before it was a thing, so when they got together I was sooo excited! I’m glad that it didn’t change the dynamics of the team at all too like it usually does when 2 people get together. But it was also good when they paired them up with the others.
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TVD: Klaroline aka Klaus and Caroline
Ohhhh these two, these two had some major chemistry!! I wanted them to be together sooo badly! And I had high hopes for it when TVD finished, that Caroline would eventually find her way to Klaus after she got over the headbreak of losing Stefan and she could find happiness with Klaus again. I haven’t actually watched the rest of the Originals so I have no idea what happens...I’ll watch it eventually haha
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Criminal Minds: JJ and Reid
Ohhhh....I’ve been wanting this one for a while now! I’ve always felt they’ve had a great friendship, that, if given the opportunity could have grown into something more, but JJ was married and she was happy. BUT this latest season...WOWZA! I can’t wait to see where that goes next season!
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Alright, that’s all I can think of atm.
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life-with-lo · 3 years
About Me!
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Hey there! I’m Lola Balli! What’s up? How are you? Hope you’re well! It’s nice to meet you! ♥️
A little quick thing about me and my name: I’m hispanic, my family comes from Spain so my last name is pronounced “Bi-Yee”, but it’s commonly mistaken for “Bay-lee” or “Ball-ee”. My Dad had a different First Name in mind for me, but then one day he listened to the song “The CopaCabana” by: Barry Manilow and decided Lola would be a better fit for me. I’ll admit, I am quite nervous about putting myself out there, but I hope this can be the start of a wonderful thing! 😁
I am a granddaughter/daughter, I’m a sister, I’m a niece/cousin, I’m a friend, I’m a proud Texan, and I’m an aspiring entrepreneur following in the steps of my Father.
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My story, just like anyone else’s, is a wild rollercoaster ride! Ups, downs— highs, lows, but in short? I was born in Austin, Texas and moved around a lot around the Lone-Star state with my biological Mother as a little kid, never really having much of a permanent address. I had tough times in school, having ADHD and unsure of how to really make friends, but around 14 I started to figure out who I was as a person and found out what I was passionate about. I enjoyed Theatre in school and took the elective from 6th grade all the way till my Freshman year in high school. I also had a passion for Dance in high school and met a lot of amazing girls and guys because of the department, I am a huge classic movie fan, I love musicals, I love a good tvshow on Netflix, I’m always down to read a good Self-Help book, and what can I say? I’m a sucker for animals! I live in Austin, Texas with my Father, Stepmother, and Brother and our dog, 7! Yes as in the number, there is a whole story to that and if you wanna know more about it, maybe I’ll share it 🤔😉!
As for my occupation currently, I work alongside my Father at our family owned company: CryoFit!
I am passionate about my job as a tech at CryoFit [a full recovery and wellness center] because of the amazing people I see and care for everyday! I learn so much about healing, recovery, ways to improve one’s self. Because if CryoFit, I am always thinking of ways to improve myself and find ways to be better everyday. I began working full time right when COVID-19 struck and we were a bit understaffed. I stepped up, wanting nothing more than to help and learn and become independent as I had just graduated with the Class of 2020! During Quarantine, during the lockdowns and going stir crazy like everybody else, I became a freak about skincare. I did so much research on what I should be using for my skin, for my hair (and it helps my Stepmom owns her own hair salon) and after talking with clients at CryoFit, friends online, and more, I’ve wanted to share the little things I’ve learned this far on this planet — which isn’t much, but I hope it’s enough.
I try to live my life as happy and as carefree as I can. I would like to consider myself an optimist, a goofball, a hardworker, a fun loving person, but truly? I’m a wild, animated mess and there isn’t much more to it and I hope I can at least give helpful insight once in a while and share things that make me smile in hopes of making you smile!
I wanted to start this blog, or whatever you want to call it, as a way to connect with others and share experiences. On Instagram I have gotten DM’s from people asking me questions about life, skincare, how to handle tough heartbreaking situations, people asking for advice. I figured why not create a safe place to talk about it with others.
I want to make Mental Health a topic of discussion and share what I have learned from others throughout growing up. I want to talk about things that make YOU happy and what can help those who read and maybe be an outlet for them to talk about hardships. I want to make this account a place for people to feel comfortable, or talk anonymously, about whatever is on your mind and however I can be of some sort of help.
With what I have learned with people like my Uncle, my Father, Close Friends, my coworkers, my Aunt, my Grandmother, my InstaFriends, I would like to share a bit of what I have been taught and hopefully share those important lessons or messages with those who want it. ♥️
So on that note: please feel free to leave me messages in my inbox, ask me questions (please be appropriate and kind) and I will do my best to answer! I’m new to this, but saw a friend do it and thought I could give this a try! Hopefully this will all work out and we can all learn together!
— 𝐿𝑜𝓁𝒶
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