#xero creations
starheirxero · 3 days
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Belated thank you @justafunkything @o-i-w-u @zayaayame @crack-a-lackin-max @ichangenameseveryfiveseconds for participating and to everyone else who just spectated!! Y'all're all delights <3
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thehappiestgolucky · 1 year
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Girl whoops I did it again. Now there’s two of them!
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seraphimsirius · 5 months
Sorry for disappearing again. I made some low effort doodles (and a horror) while I was absent, and I will gladly share them with the world.
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ranjith11 · 9 months
My favourite ways of using blank report in Xero | financial Reporting
In this video Neha shows the best way to use Blank reports in Xero. In this comprehensive guide, I reveal my favorite ways of using a blank report in Xero for financial reporting. Whether you're a seasoned Xero user or just getting started, you'll find valuable insights and tips that will elevate your financial reporting game. Join me on this journey to master Xero reporting and boost your financial management skills.
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jacky93sims · 2 months
Nynaeve Jacks Shower and Xero Shower for The Sims 2
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These are 4to2 conversions from NynaeveDesign, medium poly. Jacks Shower has 16 colors, while Xero Showers has 4 colors.
If you want to support my creations, you can send me a donation with Paypal or Ko-fi ☕ If you want to ask for a Paid Commission, HERE you can find more details. Thank you <3
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kagrenacs · 1 year
yo im gonna revamp one of my old characters to be a demiprince of meridia. for insp I would like you to tell me your thoughts on meridia 🎤 - tumblr user mothermara
boy would I!!!
Lets start with her origins: She was created by Magnus from the Aether, as Merid-Nunda. Essentially born of him, and him alone. This particular text describes Magnus as cold, and uncaring. His love for his creations seems to be like how one can love an object, or a piece of art. Merid is often described as a wayward daughter, and I like to draw upon this in my canon pretty strongly.
The Magne-Ge pantheon (actually the hardest tes text I have read) describes her with high importance. She was Magnus' daughter, an act of glorious creation. This is headcanon (with support) territory, but I consider her an active agent of the relatively passive Magnus. She hunted down spirits that disrupted the natural flow of things, which was often Molag Bal.
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She changed when Lorkhan came along, which started her path to becoming Meridia. However unlike the aedra she didn't participate in his creation, and fled with her father. I think she regretted this decision (which is explicitly stated here), because she began to distance herself from her father. She became a Star-Orphan (not to be confused with Magne-ge), along with spirits such as Xero-Lyg and Mnemo-Li. But Lorkhan, whom she loved, according to this text, died, and she was left alone with her sisters.
It's been my theory for a few years, that she created Mehrunes Dagon in Lyg to fill the void left in his wake. And hence why Dagon considers himself the rightful owner of Mundus. She consorted with the Daedra (I don't take consort to mean an actual consort, just an association with Daedra), and her father cast her down. She's left alone, an orphaned star, but she continues on and takes it upon herself to guard Lorkhan's creation, ensuring the energies of it flow, and it never falls stagnant.
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Hi! First of all thanks for running this blog, it's a goldmine. So I've been running Spire and spy fiction is obviously a major touchstone for it but I'd like to know if there are more games that scratch that itch, regardless of setting.
I have a preference for the less "spectacular" kind of spy (more intelligence-gathering and political intrigue than stealthy gadgets and action scenes) but any suggestion is welcomed :)
THEME: Spies & Intrigue
Thank you very much for your sentiments! I feel very good about the options I’ve managed to rustle up for you today.
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Uneasy Lies the Head, by Adam Bell.
A cracked throne, an imploded sun, revolution at the gates: disaster looms over the realm as self-serving nobles plot and scheme to shape the world to their liking. When those visions clash, turmoil erupts and the court is thrown into chaos.
Uneasy Lies the Head is a GM-less tabletop RPG where everyone plays a member of a tumultuous royal court. Each player chooses a playbook to define their character, and weaves a web of alliance and animosity with the other players.
This isn’t necessarily a spy game, but it will give you the intrigue you’re looking for, and there are mechanics built-in for a betrayal of some kind. Each player has their own playbook with special moves associated with their role. Using resources such as tokens and dice, players will attempt to fulfill their agendas by bartering resources, making alliances, and forging deals. The game is also setting-flexible, so you could play as a space oligarchy, a feudal monarchy, or a high school lunch table! If you want social intrigue, I recommend Uneasy Lies the Head.
Shot Through The Heart, By Roll for Romance.
Go undercover and get under the covers as you take on a top-secret mission filled with danger, desire, and deception!
Drawing inspiration from sexy spy tropes, Shot Through the Heart is a Caltrop Core game where players are secret agents on a mission and looking for love. With 4 classic agent types, over-the-top code names, and messy interparty romantic entanglements, each agent plays a unique role in the mission. Will you play as a seductive Fatale who charms their way past danger or perhaps a Tech Specialist who has yet to see a code they can't crack? 
Secret Objectives add intrigue and player vs. player dynamics that will leave players wondering if a fellow agent is a mole working to sabotage the mission or just flustered because they're secretly attracted to them.
This game is about literal spies and therefore will expect dramatic heists and stealthy conflict, but it adds a layer of personal entanglements, which will provide obstacles as they attempt to complete their dangerous heists and super-secret missions. The social aspect is highly personal, and threatened the party just as much as enemy agents. You definitely need player buy-in when it comes to the romantic entanglements, but if the players don’t mind wrestling with secret heartaches and heartbreaks, this might be the game for you!
Shadow Protocol, by Club Xero.
An ultra-lite ruleset for running espionage thrillers, Shadow Protocol is designed to fit any setting or era. Character creation is meant to be fast, stateless, and freeform.
The biggest risk in spy games is getting caught, and you’ll be fighting against that throughout an entire game of Shadow Protocol. You’ll have to do your best to avoid suspicion, manage your stress, and stop yourself to do something that brings unwanted trouble or personal harm. How much of the obstacles presented to the party are physical or social depends on both the characters all of the players decide to play, as well as the objectives set out by the GM. If you want to battle the pressure of keeping an operation under wraps, I heavily recommend this game.
The Service, by Rocket Surgeon Games.
It’s the height of the Cold War, and the world is divided into two competing superpowers. On the frontlines of this ideological conflict we find the spies and intelli- gence officers that use information, disinformation and coercion to any sordid ends their masters command. 
The United Kingdom, having lost much of its for- mer influence on the world stage, still actively uses its intelligence agencies to further its national interests, even if the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) can’t compete with the KGB or the CIA in terms of budget or power.
In The Service, players take on the roles of intelligence officers working for a the UK Secret Intelligence Service. It is meant to emulate the kind of unglamorous, bureaucratic and morally grey spy fiction of Le Carré, Len Deighton or The Sandbaggers.
Your characters in this game are not high-powered, fantastic individuals, but rather special officers doing the best they can in an extremely high-stakes scenario. This game is set in a very specific time period, and uses the Powered by the Apocalypse System to purposefully emulate WWII fiction. 
What I really like about this game is that the playbooks are designed to look like British passports, which immediately helps players understand what kind of game they’re playing, and also helps them immerse themselves in their characters. This game may only be in playtest, but there’s already a lot to love about it.
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bluegekk0 · 1 year
Hello! I’m quite new here and have done some reading up, but is there anywhere that explains what the AU is about / could you explain? Only if you don’t mind of course. (I love learning about others’ AUs.)
Also: -pokes PK’s belly-
oh absolutely! be prepared though, this is going to be a long one. also an important note: i can't write, so i haven't written any fics about this, which means many details can change/develop over time as it's something i think about 24/7, but i'll try to write down what i currently have in mind and what i'm more or less confident with
so the gist of the au is that pk went into hibernation in the dream realm, as opposed to dying as he (presumably) does in canon, and then moved to dirtmouth with hornet and hollow. but there's many aspects of the au that trace way back into his past, so i'll go over those first if you want to learn more. i will put a "keep reading" divider here cause it's going to be quite long haha
pk was always an outcast among other wyrms, he was born a runt and had no physical strength for playfighting with the other hatchlings, for which he was often mocked. instead, he preferred to quietly observe and study things, which is how he got interested in mortal bugs. yes, they were food, wyrms are a carnivorous species after all, but he felt it was wrong to treat them as just fodder, like the other members of his kind did. he wanted to create, not destroy, and he wanted to share it with the mortals, as he saw parts of himself in them and wanted to help them reach their full potential
wyrms as a species were highly territorial, so that and the fact that they could reproduce in litters and increase their population numbers ended up being their downfall, as their constant fights over territory became more and more violent, causing them to start killing each other much more frequently. this constant aggression caused their numbers to decrease over time, and eventually they disappeared. that is when pk decided to claim the territory that later became hallownest as his own, and abandoned his form in favor of something more approachable. he met the white lady, married her, and granted the most intelligent bugs in hallownest sapience, leading to the creation of the kingdom
it didn't take long until the cracks began to show. he wasn't used to getting this much attention, so when the bugs started worshiping him, he began hiding in his workshop, away from everyone, having doubts about his self-worth and whether he can live up to those expectations. alas, the worship he received lead to the moths abandoning the radiance, and the start of the infection. he promised himself he wouldn't fail the kingdom, and so he started looking for ways to stop it, eventually deciding on the vessel plan. he's always had doubts about it, but it was his last resort and he didn't have much time, so he had to try. and thus hollow was born, the vessel that was able to climb up the abyss, proving their strength and claiming the title of the hollow knight. unfortunately for pk, as much as he kept reminding himself that the vessels had no emotion or thought, that they weren't supposed to be children, the truth is that he got attached, as his parental instincts told him to do. with this realization, came intense guilt about all of the vessels, something which would haunt him from that point on, made even worse with the cryptic signs he saw in his dreams warning him of hallownest's downfall (this is how his foresight ability works in my au)
but he had to proceed with the plan, he had no other choice, and that prompted the bargain with herrah and the birth of hornet. he immediately got attached, all his instincts which he had to repress with hollow have finally found an outlet. hornet became the light of his life, and they grew extremely close, especially after herrah went to sleep, as pk made sure to be here for her at all times, taking the role of both her father and mother (and going as far as killing and decapitating xero in a blind feral rage when he threatened her). unfortunately, all the guilt about the vessels led to him and the white lady separating down the line, as even just looking at each other caused both of them immense pain. so after that, and after hollow was sealed in the temple of the black egg, it was just him and hornet, which made their bond even stronger as they were the only family each of them had left
but as we know, the plan failed, and the infection returned. this caused pk to completely break down, all his fears and guilt piling up, making him unable to do anything. he wouldn't leave his palace room, he wouldn't do his duties as the king, he was as good as dead. hornet was away at the hive at the time, training with queen vespa and her knights, so she wasn't there when pk's breakdown lead to his disappearance, although she noticed there was something bothering him long before that, he just never talked about it with her. she was shocked to learn that he was gone, and after a period of blaming herself for not being there for him, she grew bitter and angry about the fact that he left her all alone with no word
the reason for his disappearance was hibernation. this is a process that is extremely rare among wyrms, as it's caused by intense distress and fracturing of the mind, and for such a violent species, death often comes way before that point. it's essentially a rebirth, a complete reset of their mind and memories that allows them to continue. in the case of pk, this process was interrupted by ghost, which caused him to lose all of his powers. no powers meant that he wasn't able to sustain himself with soul, and had to find actual food, so he left the white palace behind in the dream realm (while he was able to exit it, he had no means of entering it again) and spent the next few weeks running around hallownest and surviving off of tiktiks and other non-sapient bugs. he wanted to be forgotten, so he avoided any interaction with bugs who still lived there (as a side note, i quite like the idea of him defacing statues of himself, in an effort to make them unrecognizable and to show that he never deserved them in the first place. so you'd find old statues of the pale king with their faces scratched away or horns broken off, and any king's idols you'd encounter would be shattered into pieces)
hornet was not aware that her father was back until she heard zote's panicked warning about a "white monster with a crown who killed and ate bugs" after he ran into pk in greenpath. she had to go and check herself, as she had a feeling the description matched someone she had known before, and she was correct. after stumbling upon pk in greenpath, and following a brief angry exchange, she decided to take him with her to dirtmouth, where he met hollow. seeing hollow forgive their father made hornet realize that she also wants to give him a second chance, as despite her anger, she did miss him a lot
this is also where grimm comes into play, as he and his troupe remained in dirtmouth after the ritual was interrupted by ghost's disappearance in godhome. grimm and pk met years ago, not long after the kingdom was first created, and over time became close friends, which evolved into something more, though neither of them admitted it at the time. their reunion in dirtmouth caused all of those feelings to spark up again, leading to them starting a relationship
all of the sins of the past still greatly affect pk. his fear of failure makes him terrified of making even the smallest mistakes, he's prone to panicking and apologizing for even the most insignificant matters, and he's frequently haunted by nightmares of the vessels, his failure to save the kingdom and all the pain he caused his family. then there's the more feral side of him, something which he tried to repress while he was a king, and now embraces as part of his new life (he is cringe but he is free...). moreover, he's ashamed of his mistakes, and refuses to let anyone call him "the pale king", choosing to go by the name "wyrm" instead. he's grateful for the second chance he was given, he wants to do better and be a good father, especially to hollow, but he's still emotionally broken. hornet's anger with him sours their relationship and makes it much more difficult for them to get as close as they used to, but i definitely see it improving over time, as they still love each other dearly, there's just a lot of emotional baggage both of them have to deal with first
i think that's basically it for the backbone of the au, it all leads to the point i'm at now: exploring the character dynamics, thinking of where they're going to go next, introducing more side characters (i still want to include quirrel, just thinking about his potential design and how he's going to fit in), making up silly non-canon scenarios, and so on. i want to eventually make a doc file, or something of that sort, detailing each character and the au in general. i picture it as kind of like fandom wiki articles, with personality descriptions, backstories and relationships included, just to keep it all neatly organized (and maybe suitable to share in public haha)
i apologize if this is all hard to get through, i tend to ramble quite a lot and, again, i'm not good at writing, so this is closer to an incoherent mess than an actual story overview, but i hope it's somewhat enjoyable to read. do feel free to ask any questions if you want to learn more! i always enjoy responding to them, plus it helps painting a clearer, more consistent picture of the au in my head :)
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autistichornet · 2 years
I am having thoughts. You are now subjected to my thoughts
Tiso has shit eye-sight and needs the bug equivalent of glasses. However not very practical in combat so he switched to goggles so they'd stay on his face.
Myla and the other crystal peak bugs used to sing for company and entertainment while working, just imagine many voices echoing around the caverns like a sea shanty. Although relatively small bugs by themselves, when singing as a large group they are intimidating. Like those bees that make patterns on the outside of hives to scare predators!
City of tears is now a very cold place because of the constant rain, buildings aren't very good at keeping warmth and mainly everyone there is infected so nobody really feels it except Lemm (Emilitia just doesn't care/notice). Hiding away in his small relic shop and having a constant downpour outside doesn't help with his chronic pain. Neck and back pain interfere with translating relics and he gets super pissed.
PK burrows. Wyrm things baby! He is guaranteed to have moved from where he fell asleep, most likely ending up in a hole somewhere he dug while sleeping. He also burries/hoards random shit out of habit.
The vessels don't have a voice but can communicate with each other using telepathy. Also body language! Ghost isn't very expressive but has the energy of a cat making direct eye contact as they push something off a table.
Vessels vibrate. They make no noise but they can purr and you can feel them vibrating if you touch their shell/mask.
When the nailmasters where little they were scared of the dark, Sly held onto the lantern he used back then for as long as he could, eventually selling it in his shop because the brothers had all grown up and left.
Hegemol was a menderbug :D
Hornet trained in the hive the same time Hive Knight was being trained, because of that, their spike ball attacks are similar as Vespa taught them both
Cloth's weapon is a tooth from a beast that she defeated alongside Nola back in her homeland.
Xero had 4 arms before his execution in which they were cut off (a bit morbid but his sprite has no visible arms and I think it's cool + kinda sad)
The Collector obsession with grubs came from its creation as akingsmould imbued with the purpose of protecting the wyrm. As defective kingsmould the Collector instead sees grubs as very tiny baby wyrms and tries to protect them. (It's also obsessed because grubs are cute and I'm also obsessed with grub cuteness)
Monomon is cold to the touch, though she had a thin outer layer that feels like putting your hand in tingly mist. The layer can allow her out of acid for longer periods of time.
Pk has wings! Under that cloak he got 3 ol' pairs of iridescent wings. Although the public never saw them, his image is often depicted with them. Also monarch wings? Wings OF a monarch.
Hornet had to stop Hollow from putting random shit in their mouth. They once tried to eat mosscreep who didn't seem to realise it was being consumed.
One day baby quirrel walked into the archive and nearly got blown up. That encounter made him want to be there even more much to Monomon's confusion.
Grimm carries Grimmchild by the scruff of its neck like a cat.
and uh. hornet autism
ok I've spilled my brain juice now I can sleep ^__^
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tesworldthink · 11 months
Magna Ge \ Магне-Ге
"Magnus is the sun, the largest hole in Oblivion, and the gateway to magic. Magnus was present at the creation of the mortal plane, and, in fact, was its architect (Lorkhan was its advocate and inspiration). Prehistoric (before ME2500, startyear) Nirn was a magical place, and highly unstable to the first mortals. Magnus then left, some say in disgust, and Oblivion filled in the void with the Void. His escape was not easy, and tatters of Magnus remain in the firmament as stars." ― Cosmology
The Magna Ge, also known as Magne-Ge, Children of Magnus, or Star Orphans, are a group of Et'Ada who followed Magnus into Aetherius when he fled Mundus during the Dawn Era. Whereas Magnus tore a hole through Oblivion into Aetherius which later became the sun, the Magne Ge tore smaller holes which became the stars. The Magna Ge are now synonymous with the stars which they had created. Some say what is left of Magnus on the world is felt and controlled by mortals as magic.
According to Mankar Camoran, they are attributed to secretly creating Mehrunes Dagon in the bowels of Lyg.
The existence of Magna-Ge under the names Mnemo-Li (Mnemoli, "Blue Star"), Merid-Nunda and Xero-Lyg, who escaped from Magnus, is known reliably.
Merid-Nunda became what is now called Meridia. It is known that she was associated with Magnus, the god of light, more than any other.
«Meridia was in some times associated with the Sun Magnus. The best known source of this association is the treatise Merid-nunda, openly depicting Meridia as the willful solar daughter, banished from heaven for her relationship with unauthorised spectra» ― The imperial censure of the Daedric Lords
Mnemoli only appears in the skies above Nirn during a period of no-time. There is some special mnemonic magic associated with it.
«...Special mention should be made of the Blue Star, called "Mnemoli" by the Alesstics, which passes through this part of Aurbis every untimely time. The Psijiks regard it with great reverence, and many of their brethren make pilgrimages to Velot as it approaches, for when it passes, flames engulf the mountain there. The mountain is regarded as one of the last safe havens of the Dwemers before they disappear from this world...» ― Vivek, The Book of Hours.
It is possible that the Star of Azura (the Twilight Star, which briefly appears in the sky under the constellation of the Horse when the sun hangs low above the horizon) is connected with Mnemoli, for Azura is the patroness of the Psijic Order and the Forerunner of the Sotha Sil, one of the best known of them.
«...According to the texts, Mnemoli is the willful child of ANU, one of a pantheon of forgotten deities known as the Star Orphans... a family of gods and goddesses who no doubt felt abandoned when the Sun retreated from the Creation World. Like many of her brothers and sisters, Mnemoli was both baffled and fascinated by Aurbis, and explored his five quarters as thoroughly as she could (...)» ― Vivek, The Book of Hours
"Магнус - это солнце, самая большая дыра в Забвении и врата в магию. Магнус присутствовал при создании плана смертных и, фактически, был его архитектором (Лорхан был его защитником и вдохновителем). Доисторический (до ME2500, звездный год) Нирн был магическим местом и очень нестабильным для первых смертных. Затем Магнус ушел, некоторые говорят, с отвращением, и Обливион заполнил пустоту Пустотой. Его побег был нелегким, и обрывки Магнуса остались на небосводе в виде звезд". ― Космология
Магне-Ге, также Магна Ге — что в переводе означает «Дети Магнуса» (следует понимать как «последователи Магнуса») и «Звёздные Сироты». Это группа эт'Ада, которые были «рождены» из чистой крови Ану. Магне-Ге, в отличие от аэдра, не стали жертвовать своим бессмертием ради Нирна, и, вслед за Магнусом, покинули его вскоре после создания. Уходя в Этериус, они прорвали завесу Обливиона, тем самым создавая звёзды (дыры в завесе, через которые свет Этериуса и магия созвездий попадают на план смертных, влияя на жизнь всех живущих в Нирне).
Достоверно известно о существовании М��гне-Ге под именами Мнемо-Ли (Мнемоли, «Синяя Звезда»), Мерид-Нунда и Ксеро-Лиг, сбежавших от Магнуса.
Мерид-Нунда стала той, кого ныне зовут Меридия. Известно, что она больше других была связана с Магнусом, богом света.
Меридия в некоторые времена ассоциировалась с Солнцем Магнусом. Наиболее известным источником такой связи является трактат „Мерид-нунда“, открыто изображающий Меридию в роли своенравной солнечной дочери, изгнанной с небес за отношения с недозволенными спектрами — Имперский ценз Даэдрических Лордов
Мнемоли появляется в небе над Нирном лишь в период безвременья. С ней связана некая особая мнемолическая магия.
…Особого упоминания заслуживает Синяя Звезда, которую Алесстики называют „Мнемоли“, что проходит через эту часть Аурбиса каждое безвременье. Псиджики относятся к ней с большим благоговением, а многие из их братии проделывают паломничество в Велот при её приближении, потому что когда она пролетает, тамошнюю гору охватывает пламя. Эта гора считается одним из последних прибежищ двемеров перед их исчезновением из этого мира… — Вивек, «Книга Часов»
Возможно, Звезда Азуры (Сумеречная Звезда, на короткое время появляющаяся на небе под созвездием Коня, когда солнце висит низко над горизонтом) связана с Мнемоли, ибо Азура — покровительница псиджиков и Предтеча Соты Сила, одного из известнейших среди них.
…согласно текстам, Мнемоли — своенравное дитя АНУ, одна из пантеона забытых божеств, известных как „Звёздные Сироты“… семейства богов и богинь, что, несомненно, почувствовали себя покинутыми, когда Солнце Отступило от Миро-Создания. Как и многие её братья и сёстры, Мнемоли была одновременно сбита с толку и восхищена Аурбисом, и исследовала пять его четвертей так тщательно, как только могла(…) — Вивек, «Книга Часов»
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unidentifiedsim · 2 years
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Xero Eyebrows V1
x40 colours
HQ compatible
Custom thumbnail
Child to elder
Gender neutral
Disallowed for random
Base game only
DL Xero Eyebrows V1 here 
Early access until 16th October 2022
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Feel free to tag me on Tumblr and Twitter. I'd love to see your pictures
Terms of Use: x Do not include my cc in your sims dumps, whether they are free or paid for. Please always link back to me. x Do not claim my creations as your own and do not reupload them. x Recolouring my CC is not allowed unless you ask for my permission. If permission is granted, do not upload my original mesh. Please link back to me. x Do not use a*fly or any link shortener. x Do not use my cc for patreon exclusive or early access benefits. x Do not edit my mesh in anyway for your own cc. x Do not convert my cc to other platforms such as Second Life etc.
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starheirxero · 6 months
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All gods have to start their fall from grace somewhere…
A few close-ups under the cut :3
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3 and 10 maybe? :D
"Favorite oc?" & "Favorite oc design?"
These are hard!!! I have a lot of favs. My favorite oc of ALL TIME though, is probably Xander. And his husband Eli, frequently bought together etc etc. Xander is, barring sonas, the oc who is most like myself and embodies a lot of what i went through and how it shaped who i am.
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This one is also hard!!! My tastes change all the time. To narrow it down I'll only pick ocs i've designed myself. Right now my design I'm the proudest of is my MYO Xero, Whiskey!
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bccfggffbgv · 2 years
Know your enemies Chapter 2: [The Savage Scavengers]
After the multiverse was fused together by The Gray Horde, chaos followed shortly after and there were those who embraced the madness and became bandits and raiders as a result. The many clans that make up this faction are all dangerous in their own unique ways...
The Serpents: The very first clan of bandits that had started the creation of The Savage Scavengers and "inspired" others to join their cause of toppling the control of all governments. They all mainly consist of escaped basilisk clones that believe in Master Xero's way of thinking.
The Pillagers: The basic "soldiers" of the faction who don't even know what is nor care about The Geneva convention and are all willing to do whatever it takes to win. They tend to raid and steal from towns and small cities the most due to other places having better security.
The Butchers: The main providers of the "food" the bandits eat whenever they don't just steal it from the villages they plunder themselves. Whenever any bandit describes what exactly "the meat" tastes like; they describe it tasting very similar to pork.
The Fishermen: They're also called pirates in certain circles due to their usage of stolen or makeshift boats and how they invade other sea vessels to steal everything they have. Deep sea areas aren't exactly safe either since they have old fashioned scuba diving suits and stolen submarines as well.
The Poachers: These individuals were all cruel people from the get-go and now they're going after what they claim as "The Most Dangerous Game"...People...And old habits die hard since they still continue to hunt endangered species that live across the entire multiverse.
The Techies: The main builders and engineers of The Savage Scavengers who create their weapons, mechs, cars/trucks, boats/subs, cybernetics, bots, beyond cruel traps and even aircrafts! These guys are capable of building anything out of any junk they can find.
The Trappers: After their old leader Bill was killed by Master Xero in a one on one duel for the leadership of the formerly named "Titan Trappers". They were renamed to just "The Trappers" afterwards and now are used to trap and capture anyone Master Xero wishes to meet "personally".
The Harmacists: Former doctors and scientists that were shunned/fired from their communities for medical malpractice and inhumane experimentations. They know enough to fix up their comrades but are willing to use their patients as guinea pigs for their various cruel experiments to either give them mutations or cybernetics to enhance their strength and speed to superhuman levels of power.
...Up next are the rotting and decayed members of The Grave Walkers.
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citynewsglobe · 2 days
[ad_1] An internet software is an interactive program that runs on an internet server and is accessed via an internet browser. It's designed in order that the consumer interface supplies suggestions to the event staff. This suggestions affords insights into buyer pursuits, utilization patterns, and preferences, which might be invaluable for product and advertising and marketing methods. Moreover, this knowledge can inform optimizations and different client-centered features of cellular and desktop purposes. Are you in the hunt for a good IT consulting firm in USA? If sure, your search ends right here. On this weblog we'll look at every thing about internet purposes and the necessity to develop them. A key distinction between internet purposes and webpages is that consumer expertise drives internet software design. Conventional internet design depends on server-side programmers making choices about what may improve usability. In distinction, an internet software options an software program interface (API) that collects large-scale knowledge from customers and funnels this data into automated processes. Net Purposes vs. Web sites The first distinction between internet purposes and web sites lies in consumer interplay. Net purposes concentrate on knowledge enter—permitting customers to create, learn, replace, and delete knowledge. Web sites, alternatively, are primarily about output—delivering data resembling information, advertising and marketing content material, and FAQs. This elementary distinction underpins the various functions and consumer experiences supplied by every sort of platform. Progressive Net Purposes An enormous improvement in internet app improvement is represented by Progressive Net Purposes (PWAs). PWAs present a browser-based consumer expertise just like native apps. To supply capabilities like offline entry and residential display set up, they make use of applied sciences like service staff, manifests, and push notifications. PWAs mix the online’s attain and native apps’ efficiency to create one of the best of each worlds. Examples of Net Purposes Google Docs Doc creation, studying, modifying, and deleting are all attainable with Google Docs, which is accessible as an internet and cellular software. It demonstrates the effectiveness of internet apps in enabling knowledge administration and real-time collaboration. Mailchimp The advertising and marketing automation platform Mailchimp specializes on e mail advertising and marketing. This internet software, which debuted in 2001, is an instance of minimalism with a sublime consumer interface. Notion Notion is a collaborative note-taking and markdown-enabled instrument multi functional. Its 2016 launch has made it a mainstay for quite a few small enterprises, showcasing the adaptability and energy of internet purposes. Airtable Airtable blends the familiarity of Excel with the superior options of a database. Its highly effective performance and intuitive interface make it a preferred alternative for companies in search of a sturdy internet software resolution. Xero Xero is an accounting internet software that simplifies complicated monetary computations. Its clear interface and complete options illustrate how internet purposes can handle intricate duties effectively. Salesforce Salesforce is the main SaaS product globally, offering a fancy CRM platform with a number of functionalities, together with dashboards, experiences, and tables. Its in depth capabilities spotlight the potential of internet purposes in enterprise operations. For peace of thoughts, be ready forward of time and keep protected. You may merely try Simply in Case Message! Why Develop a Net Software? Quick Deployments Net purposes provide fast deployment capabilities. In contrast to native cellular apps, which require submission to app shops and prolonged approval processes, internet apps might be deployed shortly by merely sharing a URL. This
pace and ease of entry make internet purposes extremely advantageous for well timed rollouts and updates. Simple Entry Customers switching units profit from internet apps accessible on any internet browser. By guaranteeing that staff and shoppers might all the time get hold of the sources they require, common entry boosts output and consumer pleasure. Extra Comfort Customers now not must obtain and set up software program, which might be time-consuming and discourage use, because of internet apps. Net purposes are extra handy as a result of they're browser-based and conform to consumer selections for easy entry and fewer muddle on the system. Decrease Improvement Prices Creating internet purposes is often inexpensive than growing desktop applications or native apps. The broad availability of front-end libraries, frameworks, and different instruments that expedite the event course of is the supply of this cost-effectiveness. Moreover, internet app improvement usually requires much less customized work, additional lowering prices and improvement time. Disadvantages of Net Purposes Reliance on Web Entry Most internet purposes require a steady web connection to perform totally. Though PWAs can mitigate this challenge by providing offline capabilities, conventional internet apps rely on connectivity, which could be a limitation in sure environments. Limits on Performance Net purposes might have limitations in accessing device-specific hardware and OS options, resembling cameras or push notifications. Attaining sure functionalities might be tougher and will lead to much less elegant options in comparison with native purposes. Consumer Retention In B2C contexts, consumer retention could be a concern with internet purposes. Whereas customers might favor the comfort of internet apps, native apps profit from being continuously seen on a consumer’s system, doubtlessly growing engagement and retention. Balancing these elements is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of an internet software. Conclusion Advantages of internet software improvement embody price financial savings, comfort, fast deployments, and quick access. Companies might select one of the best technique for his or her wants by understanding the variations between web sites, PWAs, and internet purposes. Net purposes are an interesting possibility for a lot of enterprises, even with their limitations. They permit them to create strong, user-friendly options which are accessible from any system.  To acquire extra particulars and assist with creating your internet purposes, take into consideration contacting IT consulting companies in USA. These professionals can provide the route and help it's essential make certain your internet software improvement initiatives succeed and obtain your organization targets.   [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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novacreatesthings · 13 days
VOL. 1 - Chapter VI
Back at the lobby, Helga and her friends were sitting with two guards, hoping that their friend is alright. Reggie was looking around while the guards were waiting for their leaders. Then, a door opened and a different tall figure walked into the lobby. The guards would bow as she walked in the room, so did Helga and the others.
“Lady Regina, we discovered that the Azulverse had been invaded by the shadow monsters.” a different guard spoke out as two commanders started typing on their holographic keyboard. “Xero must've escaped from his prison, he needs to be stopped.” another guard said as she pointed at the screen, showing the goddess.
Regina would turn to the teenagers and young adults, then turn to the guard. “Who are these people?” she questioned the guard. “These are the friends of an injured patient, but their friend needs to be recovered.” he informed her as Helga cleared her throat. “I’m Helga, this is my beloved partner Mo. These are my friends Serenity, Reggie, Ezekiel, and Jason. Our friend Rory has been bitten by a monster.”
“Wait, what would happen if he got bitten? I mean it looked kind of deep.” Jason said as the tall lady looked at the team, but the doctor spoke out. “That shadow monster only bit his right arm, but we need to make sure that he doesn’t get fully corrupted.” he said as he showed Regina his device. “I know some weakness for the shadow monsters. It’s salt, electricity, water, and fire, but not light. They can consume any light source and it’ll make them more powerful.” she spoke out.
While Rory was looking for the lobby, his arm started to ache a bit and he winced. He stood near the wall as he heard everybody else talking, but he walked out to the lobby. As he got to the area, he saw his friends with everybody else. “There’s a dark crystal that gets bigger whenever a light source is absorbed inside. All we need to do is destroy the crystal and stop Xero.” the commander spoke out and turned to the others. When Rory got close, they suddenly tripped and fell, making everybody notice them.
Ezekiel would help them up and look at their arm, then they both walked to the others. “I heard something about shadow monsters, what’s happening?” The goddess looked at the elf who was confused about everything. “You must be Rory, one of your friends told me what happened.” Regina said and looked at the rest of the ship. “Well, why did Xero and the shadow monsters come?” Mo asked as the goddess and they looked at the screen.
Regina snapped her fingers and an orb appeared, showing the galaxy. “Xero, the ruler of darkness… he wanted revenge because of me from 500 years ago.” she said as the orb showed what happened. “When I was creating the Azulverse, I met Xero and we both worked on my creation and universes. I also created two places such as the Void and the Unknown Worlds. The Void was created just to keep evildoers out of trouble. The Unknown Worlds was made for godly beings and mortals, it is a place where you’ll see many things you have never seen before.” she spoke as Rory looked at the orb. “How did Xero become like this?” Reggie asked her and his left ear twitched.
“It was because I found out he was using his powers to change some things. I noticed that he created a dark orb by himself and tried to corrupt half of the world, claiming it as his land. That’s when I had no choice but to banish him to the Void, keeping him out of the Unknown Worlds and the Azulverse. As years go by, other gods and immortal beings have come to the Unknown Worlds and join an alliance in order to protect both worlds and the galaxy.”
Rory continued listening to the goddess and he looked at her, slowly feeling worried. “While Xero was stuck in his prison, he decided to gain strength from the dark powers of the Void. He created his own armies and started making his plan, waiting for the right time to strike. A few days ago, he changed the Void to his personal domain after getting stronger. And now, he’s planning on corrupting the whole planet.” she explained.
Everyone was silent as Regina looked down at the orb. She slowly shed a tear and looked at everyone around her. “It’s all my fault for letting it happen… I’m the one who is responsible for this…” she said as she turned to the giant window, looking at the stars in space. The elf with dreadlocks looked at the goddess. “We need to get the young ones ready. Take them to the armory.” the guard spoke out to the first commander.
When Rory and his team were taken to the armory, he noticed Regina was standing by the window. As he walked into the armory, he saw different kinds of weapons and items. Ezekiel and Helga looked at the sword section on the wall while the others were looking around. But the elf was feeling a little concerned about the goddess.
The first commander would be showing them their weapons and abilities. Rory would be looking at the paper of his symbols he kept in his pocket. “This is where we keep weapons and special items that are used for battles.” the commander spoke out as she showed the rest. “Damn, they must be fighting for a long time.” Jason said as Ezekiel nodded and looked at the displays. But the elf decided to try to talk with Regina, so he walked out of the armory and saw her walking to a different room.
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