#yae miko fluff
Yae Miko x Ganyu-like!Male!Kitsune!Reader
CW: None. Pure fluff.
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For Miko, there's nothing cuter than you in the entire world. 
Kitsune tend to be confident, slightly malicious and crafty by nature, yet there you are. A complete opposite of her, and the traditional traits of the Kitsune race as a whole. 
But Miko? She is all for it. 
You’re quite the shy person, making you especially vulnerable to teasing. Even a slight remark sent your way is able to knock you off balance, leaving you flustered and blushy. Your occasional attempts at turning the tables usually end with Miko being able to effortlessly steer the conversation in her favor, and use your teasing attempts against you. 
Words are one thing, but physical contact? Sometimes Miko is genuinely worried you will melt or set on fire after she does something as ordinary as holding your hand or tracing her fingers along your back or neck areas. Maybe this timidness of yours, cute as it is, has some downsides? Luckily for you, Miko doesn’t exploit your weak spot to keep you a constant flustered mess. It’s not like she has the heart to. 
Why? Because you work so, so much. How can you do nine or ten hour shifts on a regular, weekly basis? And spend all this time slouching over paperwork too? For Miko, two forms to fill is a personal tragedy, but you seem to be able to handle whole mountains of documents with unshaken resolve. A truly fascinating creature you are. 
She doesn’t like the overtime you constantly take on, however. The core of the issue isn’t that you’re a pushover - though Miko is genuinely worried that your lack of confidence will get you in trouble some day - but that your work ethic, admirable as it is, stands as fairly rigid and harmful to yourself. Miko tries her best to convince you to change - she tries to reason with you, bribe you with extra affection or threaten you with being grumpy if you don't come home when you should. Sometimes it works, most times it doesn't. Luckily, being close friends with Ei has benefits - a few right words whispered into her ear will land you some much needed leave. 
When you finally return home, so adorably spent and sleepy, Miko won't spoil the daylights out of you. No - she will spoil not only the daylights, but also nightlights, dawnlights and dusklights. You will always be greeted with a warm meal and a warm bath. As your wife, it's her duty to care for you and reward all your efforts, no? Her skittish little husband brings out quite a motherly side of her out into the light. And rightfully so - you deserve more than the entire world. 
Once you’re full and relaxed, Miko’s going to cuddle you right to sleep. She’ll gladly let you rest your cute, weary face on her lap or her belly. As you drift off, Miko will play with your hair and ramble about whatever comes to her mind in a whispered tone, marveling at how peaceful your sleeping features are. 
While certainly not the typical Kitsune, you're certainly a fine specimen. Big, fluffy ears, beautiful tails and an even more cuddly fox form make you all the more precious (and handsome) in her eyes. But you don't seem to share her opinion. You are always noticeably shy when somebody mentions your unique features, even more so than usual. It's all about standing out, you try to tell her, but she always silences you with a kiss. Miko will always tell you that your ears are a point of pride and a source of respect for you, not a stigma. The respectful interest in your person doesn't seem to convince you of the benefits of being a fox envoy, so maybe her attention will, hm? Expect a lot of care directed at your special features. Miko will not only caress them, but also groom them. Such beautiful fur needs proper maintenence, and it's her privilage to indulge you.
You’re a bit more vertically challenged than her, but she doesn’t mind. Not at all. Your compact size makes you much easier to handle, and - aside from the obvious teasing opportunities - give her just the right tool to take care of your health. Finished work, but you want to do some at home? Nope. She’s going to grab you and carry you away to bed where she will cuddle all your senseless overworking impulses out of you. You say you need to work on a weekend? Good luck trying to get out of her iron grip and the deathold of her five fluffy tails in the morning. Miko is far stronger than she looks!
Unlike her, You’re quite innocent. While her idea of spending the evening after a nice date is, shall we say, a bit “for adults only”, you? Battleships, cookies and hot cocoa - that is what’s on your mind. Sometimes, Miko can’t help but chuckle at you and shake her head in disbelief. How can you be so cute so effortlessly? 
Your natural gentleness is very adorable. Miko can’t recall a time when you were raising your voice, aside from the one time when she took you on a date to the Test Of Courage. It was your idea initially - maybe you wanted to impress her by showing your bravery? She’s not sure. At first, Miko was quite amused at how anxious you were, but as soon as she realized just how tightly you held on to her, she got you out of there. Aside from lots of cuddles and kisses to calm your heart, you got a stern yet gentle lecture. 
Miko loves you as is, and there’s nothing she would ever change about you. 
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Thanks for reading!
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lumiconic · 2 years
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❥ summary: they love you so much it hurts
❥  characters: gorou ; yae miko ; shikanoin heizou ; mona ; xiao ; collei
❥ content: some angst but mostly fluff, gn reader
❥ note: this was so much fun!! i worked soo hard and i hope you enjoy it!!
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he pulls himself to a sitting position besides you, and stubbornly stares straight ahead at the drifting clouds, wishing his gaze would stop falling to your face. "i'm glad we're friends," you say with the happiest of expressions, and you look so contented, so truly at peace that it almost causes physical pain. "i really like being around you."
"yeah," he manages, and holds his tongue as best he can, focusing on the clean line of the sunny horizon and forcing down what rises in his throat and threatens to push its way out, allowing himself barely a selfish thought of saying his greatest desire out loud, that thought that in itself is a betrayal to both the friendship you treasure so much and to you.
"but i want to be -- " he bites his words back at the last second, a hand falling limply to his side, and he watches you stand up, your hair blowing gently in the wind, wishing with all his heart that he could be a person you expected to always be beside you. but you don't bother to check behind you to see whether he's following, even though of course he is, he always is. and he could never fault you for being oblivious, not when it's his own fault that he's too nervous to speak up.
of course, it's not your fault you're his only weakness, the person that makes his breath hitch and him stumble when it matters most, and he wishes he could blame you for everything, the terrible words that choke him and the wish to forever be close to you, but he knows that it's only his fault. and he can't do anything about it because when you laugh, your eyes crinkling with mirth and happiness -- it's like the whole world disappears.
she smirks, and laughs, and curls her hair around one finger as she speaks to you, and wonders if you know she's helplessly hyper aware of your reactions, that after so long of keeping her eyes on you it simply became muscle memory.
the hopeless truth that she scans you after every sneaky comment to see if you're turning red, the absurd adrenaline rush that it gives her to see you knocked off balance for barely a moment. it almost feels sadistic, how she loves the power she lords over you, wants you to feel the electricity in her fingertips when she brushes her hand over your skin.
but at the same time she wants you to be flattered, to see how hard she's trying, how much she's hoping that you'll return one of those tiny compliments she says as often as breathing, and she prays that you're catching on even with how you seem to brush off her comments like crystalflies alighting on your sleeves, so used to it that it seems more routine than sincerity at this point. what would she give for the same treatment from you ... ?
how embarrassing, she thinks, that she's memorizing every little part of your face so hopelessly, watching you when she hopes you're not looking because she just couldn't look away for a moment longer. she barely knows what she's searching for but she just loves how you light up in a blush when she startles you with a compliment, and she thinks that even if it is embarrassing she'd be able to put up with the mortification if it meant spending every waking moment with you.
it's hard for him to admit when he's wrong. after all, his role has been unquestioned detective for so long, his words always having been thought of as law, that after the initial feeling of adrenaline and superiority came a sense of lulling into boredom and security. there's never been a case he couldn't crack, an argument he couldn't win, no wall in his way as he walked down the path that he had easily carved out for himself, by himself.
but it's with unflinching confidence that you step up and argue, with a smooth charm and steadiness that rivals even his, and you knock the blade from his hand with one strike -- a singular piece of evidence he failed to consider, and force him to recognize his newfound laziness in this world where his verdict is final and taken without question.
he somehow loves it, loves the terrifying sensation of his breath being taken away, rendered speechless for the first time in who knows how long. that someone could finally counter his reckless announcements, his arrogant dependence on the irrational factor he called "intuition", brings him a heretofore unfound joy that he can't help but relish. a challenge, a race that he had previously been running alone, that makes him feel alive like nothing else.
the detective with no shame and no weaknesses, somehow brought to his knees after being graced with your presence, who runs like the wind itself and spends every waking moment on the move, finds himself slowing down for the first time. he can only reason that he must treasure his time in this waking dream so pleasing; knowing that someday it will end -- that it must -- but praying that the moment never comes.
before she met you, she had locked herself into an endless struggle, a perpetual purgatory of her own making that she regretted with every exhausted breath. she bore it alone on her own back, pained by the knowledge that this terrible, bland existence was of her own making. a pitiful story that kept her unable to ask for help, struck silent at the idea of explaining the result of the vain desire she had followed across the world.
she had seen it in herself, the glimmering of boundless potential like the reflection of a starry night sky in the sea, and reached grasping for her dream. far from her home, constantly barely scraping by, she found herself a stranger, somehow invisible to everyone who passed her by ... the brilliance that she upheld as her greatest belonging, the only treasure that she would always possess, going unrecognized.
but you had seen her somehow, understood the prideful astrologist who fights an uphill battle for respect, become the one person able to push past the waspish bitterness she had somehow rightfully harbored. you had offered your help, a hand up, wanting nothing more than to clear away the thick fog that had seemed to hide her true self from view. it was a gesture that said nothing less than "i care about you", a gesture she had silently hoped to see for so long.
and she took it; flushed with embarrassment, finally allowing herself to understand that she couldn't do it alone, and being set free by it; becoming finally able to showcase the erudite, archaic wisdom she was so proud of. you had presented her thoughtlessly and thoughtfully with what she needed and wanted most. you had helped her, refusing to let her feel indebted, and yet she would give anything in the world to make you happy, the person she loves most in the world and the person she thinks deserves all it has to offer.
it's an unfamiliar feeling, the complete lack of animosity and hostility and suspicion, the gaze upon him being a kind one for the first time in what seems like millennia. yours is a face he could never be tired of seeing, someone who clearly, truly cares for him. for so long he had been trapped in his strained, painful routine; an unshakable, constant underlying tension stole into every interaction, made him even seek a slight relief in the comfort of battle knowing he would return there eventually, no matter how long he was away.
now, however, that artificial relief is replaced with the truer feeling of admiration, maybe even a quiet adoration for you that he holds within himself, treasuring as the best version of him there is, understanding silently that he is capable of loving another person and that even after all this time he has not lost his humanity. you truly seem to bring out the best in him, and it means more than he could ever put into words.
he almost feels weightless, safe, like being with you is a shield that hides him from the world that demands his help in every waking moment, a softness that allows him to melt into the moments that he silently longs to spend with you forever. it's a gentle, serene exhaustion that overtakes him in a matter of moments, a silent pensiveness not unlike floating in the ocean and allowing yourself to be carried along by its gentle waves.
and he feels so strangely happy about it, finally somehow some semblance of normal, just another teenage boy with a person he likes. but he thinks this feeling must be more than the simple "puppy love" that everyone seems to go through, because with the way his breath falls away when his eyes fall on you, he can't imagine how anything in the world would ever get done.
how could she ever allow herself to expect someone to love her? it's a question that she asks herself every day in disbelief at the way she settles into the motions of a relationship with you -- someone who offers a comforting eventuality that she thought would be difficult to ever find again. how ridiculous, such a question, that she would imagine there was someone willing to stay with her for so long, and yet you have, and it's almost a miracle to her.
she thanks the archon that she thought had forsaken her a time ago, but clearly that wasn't the case, because you became her blessing in disguise, and as you would tell it, she became yours. it still surprises and flusters and pleases and amazes her every time she hears your praise, your thrillingly sweet compliments, and she's more than a little embarrassed to admit that they make her feel so joyful to hear, but when she tells you this with a rose-red blush you simply smile and offer yet another.
it's shocking to her that you would accept her as she is, with her flaws, the huge deal breakers that she has always imagined them being. it was impossible for her to believe there was anyone in the world who could ignore them. the many that she has are so seemingly obvious to her, and yet it's like you don't even notice them, or if you do, you simply look past them and see the real her that she has only ever wanted people to love.
and you do, you love her, and she knows because you tell her so, tell her as often as you think she needs to hear it and as often as she wants to hear it. this is her happy ending that almost feels too amazing to be real, but it is, and she feels so heart-achingly happy that it fills her up with an almost chokingly powerful love that brings tears to her eyes, you are her one and only, someone she would be thrilled to be with until the end of time.
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thank you so much for reading, and pls leave a like + reblog + follow if you enjoyed!!
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teyvat-airlines · 1 year
Things you pick up from them
Characters included: Dottore, Scaramouche, Yae Miko,
Can be read as /p or /r
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You pick up his observation skills. He notices when you two mention the same small thing. He doesn't talk when you're in his lab with him. When he does it's more of a grumble than actual words.
You also pick up his mumbling. So another harbinger will walk in and just see you both mumbling about something. When he notices he thinks it's adorable. He 100 percent teases you about it.
He asks you what your hypothesis is on a few experiments. It's a bonding activity... of Sorts...
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Scaramouche (The Wanderer)
You pick up his sharp tongue. You have to be very patient to be friends with Scara. So it's warranted that you snap back at him from time to time.
You two go back and forth pretty frequently. It's mainly light-heartedly. Scara just hovers around you like a cat. He's always there holding your hand. Or touching you in some way.
When ever you fight it's mainly just you two shouting insults at each other.
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Yae Miko
You pick up her smirk. You know the one she does when she's about to mess with someone? Yeah, that one.
Being around Yae has gotten you roped into a few funny pranks, mainly on Ei and random civilians. She always smirks when she's plotting something and you kinda mimicked her without noticing.
When she notices don't expect to hear the end of it. Even though she teases you she finds it endearing in an odd way.
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watatsumiis · 11 months
'Friends in Unexpected Places' a Yae Miko x Reader drabble!
Dunno if I'd say this is Miko x reader, more so a Miko and reader interaction, but it can be read either way!
Gender neutral reader (one who is a little silly and chaotic), a few pet names used by Miko (little one, dear, darling). Generic mischievous Miko shenanigans!
The trek up to the Grand Narukami Shrine is long and arduous, as it always is. Despite being lauded as one of the most important shrines in Inazuma, the stairs aren’t exactly in great shape. 
Not for the first time, you wonder if there’s some kind of secret elevator shaft somewhere that Yae Miko simply never bothered to tell you about - you wouldn’t be surprised, considering how difficult it is to get up here individually, let alone carrying the heavy supply crates that regularly get delivered to the shrine. 
You wipe some sweat from your brow as you emerge onto the mountaintop plateau and look out over the railing at the sprawling landscape, so far below that you feel a little dizzy. If you narrow your eyes, you can just make out the dark smudge of Ritou in the far, far distance, and a cursory glance a ways off to the left presents Inazuma City in all its glory, though it’s so far away that the details are nigh on impossible to make out 
After taking a few minutes to regain your composure, you approach the temizuya and perform the cleansing ritual that Yae Miko had shown you upon your first visit to the shrine, making sure to perform the steps in the right order before setting the ladle back down. 
You were here today at the Guuji Yae’s behest - she’d sent you a letter inviting you for afternoon tea, but by the looks of things, she’s not here at the moment. You can’t help but feel a little disappointed, but you come to terms with it quickly. The head shrine maiden is a busy woman, the fact that this is the first time she’s ever been late to one of your catch-ups is a miracle in and of itself. 
Your shoes tap softly on the wood beneath your feet as you pass by a shrine maiden, who leans forward in the small booth she’s situated in and smiles politely at you. “Would you like to draw a fortune slip?” She asks, gesturing towards a small bamboo container in front of you. 
You pause for a few seconds, mulling it over. Well, you’ve got to try and fill your time with something. “Sure.” You offer a small smile to the woman, who returns it wholeheartedly. 
“All you have to do is pick up this cylinder, and shake it until a bamboo slip comes out.” You do as she asks until the slip falls out into your open palm. “Now pass it here, and I’ll give you your fortune.” You offer the slip, and she exchanges it for a carefully rolled up piece of paper.
You delicately unfurl it and take in the words written there. ‘Friends can be found at the most unexpected times and places.’ You furrow your brow at the vagueness of it. 
“If it’s a bad fortune,” The shrine maiden tells you, a slight frown pulling at her features. “You can tie it up over there, that may help change your luck.”
“It’s not a bad fortune, don’t worry.” You look up at her. “Thank you, though.” 
“Of course.” She smiles and dips her head, and you turn to walk away, rolling up the slip of paper and putting it in your pocket. 
You walk back the way you came, hoping that perhaps you’ll be able to spot Lady Yae coming up the stairs (though you’re not particularly inclined to believe she’d ever do such a tiring thing without good enough reason). 
You’re brought to an abrupt stop as your foot collides with something semi-solid, and a sharp yap comes from below. Quickly, you look down to see a fluffy little creature giving you a most offended look. 
It’s bright pink, but other than that, it looks just like almost any other juvenile fox. “I’m so sorry!” You exclaim, and it gives you a pointed look before turning away. 
You kneel down and reach a hand out tentatively, trying to see if it’s injured, but it coolly side-steps away with a flick of its tail. 
“What are you doing up here, anyways?” You’ve seen foxes roaming in the areas surrounding the mountain, and on the plains not far from Inazuma City, but never in the shrine itself. You figured it had something to do with Miko’s aura being so intimidating. “Come on, you must be lost.” You give it an encouraging wave and straighten back up. 
You’re almost positive that it can’t understand you, but the look on its face seems to border on amused as it plods along beside you, tail wagging back and forth slowly. Before you know it, you’re back at the entrance to the shrine, with a small fox at your heels.
“There you go, I’m sure you can find your way from here.” You gesture to the stairs, barely a stone's throw away. The fox sits down, resting its fluffy tail over its paws and yawning widely, showing off small, sharp fangs and blinking slowly.
“Right. Well.” You turn on your heel. “Bye.” You’re not sure exactly why you’re talking to a fox, but it’s not really the strangest thing you’ve done, you don’t think. 
From the corner of your eye, you see the fox stand, and watch its fur shift as it stretches languidly and flicks its fluffy tail. It pauses for a few moments before turning and padding after you once more.
You stop in your tracks, and the fox stops with you, staring expectantly at you and tilting its head to the side. 
“I don’t have any treats for you.” You turn to face it and hold your hands out to show that they’re empty. “I don’t even know what foxes eat.” It’s not an entirely untrue statement - though you know what Lady Yae likes, you feel like actual foxes probably don’t enjoy fried tofu as much as she does. Actually, you don’t know if anyone enjoys fried tofu as much as Miko does. 
You’re momentarily distracted as a shrine maiden walks by and casts her gaze over you, then the fox. Something close to amusement passes over her face, but she continues on her way without a word. 
“Go on. Shoo.” You wave your hand towards the exit, but the fox just stares at you unblinkingly. “You can’t stay here. You’re going to get stepped on.” 
The look it’s giving you almost feels like one of amusement, though you don’t know if foxes can even feel amusement, much less express it so openly. It takes a few steps closer to you and sits down, lifting one front paw to nudge at your foot insistently before giving a soft yip. 
“If I carry you down part of the way,” you bargain, as if this ridiculously coloured creature can possibly understand you. “Will you go the rest of the way on your own?” 
The fox cocks its chin up and lets out a little huff that you take to be an affirmative answer. 
You kneel down and hold your hands out, but the fox just stands there, watching on with judgemental eyes. 
“Come on.” You twitch your fingers at it, and one of its ears flicks down for a brief moment. You try making a few little kissy noises, as if calling for a cat. The fox just shifts its weight and wraps its tail around itself, watching you expectantly. “Pspsps.” 
It noses into its chest fur for a moment, nudging a tuft that was sticking out back into place. You take the opportunity to shuffle forward a little closer, wondering if this might just be an absolutely absurd idea. The fox leans towards you, and you awkwardly wrap your arms around it.
It’s like a strange, uncomfortable mix of lifting a dog and lifting a cat, mixed in with handling a ferret. The fox seems to suddenly be all lanky limbs and fur so silky soft that it’s hard to keep a good grip. 
The fox lets out an aggrieved puff and adjusts itself, giving you a little warning nip as you try to steady it by placing a hand on its haunch. It takes a few awkward moments until the fox is settled in your arms, curled up close to your chest with its tail dangling off of your arm. It tilts its head up towards the entrance, and you begin walking, taking it a little slower so that the fox you’ve found yourself taking care of won’t get jostled about too much. It’s heavier than it looks, like its body is denser than most animals. It’s a bit of an odd feeling.
“You know, I didn’t think foxes would be this soft.” You observe aloud, rubbing a little tuft of fur between your forefinger and thumb. 
The fox turns its nose up, seeming affronted. 
“I didn’t mean it like that.” You say, as if the fox can actually understand you. “I just thought maybe foxes would feel more like dogs.” 
Suddenly, the fox shifts its weight, and you pause on the steps, worried about it accidentally falling. You grimace as it presses its paw down on a particularly tender spot on your arm, pushing all its weight down until you flinch slightly. “Ow!” You complain. 
The fox then stops abruptly, curling back close to your chest with a sniff of disdain. You can’t help but feel like it was trying to punish you. 
You walk down the stairs in silence until you come to a small plateau of grass. You kneel down to set the fox back on the ground, but it doesn’t seem to want to. You try to awkwardly get it to roll out of your arms and deposit it on the ground, but it moves with a slinky, lazy sort of elegance that makes it impossible. 
“Come on, it’s time to go.” You complain. “I’m meeting with someone, and she will never let me hear the end of it if I’m somehow even later than she is because I was babysitting a pink puffball.” 
Even as you straighten your arms out, the fox rolls and contorts in a way that almost definitely should not be possible while keeping its spine intact. 
“Are you Miko’s pet or something?” You ask, beginning to become frustrated with the increasingly difficult behaviour the fox is exhibiting. “You’re just as difficult.” This statement is met with a sharp nip to your fingertips, and you suck in a pained breath through your teeth. “Are you made of her fur sheddings? The way you’re sticking to me, I wouldn’t be surprised. Come on, shoo!” 
You feel worry begin to patter in your chest at the idea of being late for your afternoon tea, but you still can’t seem to manage to untangle yourself from the little fox that has become so attached to you. “Fine then, you can come to afternoon tea with me. And I won’t say anything to defend you when Miko bullies you for being a scrawny little kit.” This statement is met with another bite to your upper arm, sharp little teeth sinking into your clothing. 
“Stop that!” You exclaim, standing up and walking over to sit on the stairs. The fox drops into your lap, showing no trace of its previous determination to stay wrapped up in your arms. It curls up on your thighs, stepping on just about every sensitive spot you have with its full weight before it finally settles and looks up at you with big, dark purple eyes. 
“You must be Miko’s pet.” You observe. “Only she would get her hands on a fox that looks just like her.” You shake your head and sigh. The fox continues to stare at you. “But even so, that won’t stop me from pulling your tail.” You wrap your fingers tentatively around the bundle of fluff, though you don’t have any real intention of pulling on it at all. That just feels too mean. 
You stop in your tracks as you hear a noise on the wind - a faint chuckle, one that you recognise all too well. Every muscle in your body stiffens as you look around, searching for the source. “L-Lady Yae?” You call hesitantly, brow furrowing in confusion. 
“Oh, little one.” Her voice is a little clearer now, and you feel the weight in your lap shift and disappear. Oh, now you go running off. You roll your eyes. Her laughter comes again, and with it, a heavier weight dropping in your lap. 
You jump in surprise as, in a blur of pink, red and white, Miko herself all but appears in your lap, her arms wrapped around your neck and legs thrown off to one side.
You hold yourself tensely, a little unsure of what the appropriate way to react would be. “It’s…uh…nice to see you?” You hazard tentatively, casting your gaze around the small landing you’re on. 
“And you, dear.” She coos, twirling loose parts of your clothing around her fingers. 
“Did you…uh…see where that fox got to?” Despite the squabble, you can’t help but feel a little worried for the small creature you’d briefly taken under your care. “Is it a pet of yours?” 
Miko throws her head back and laughs, a high and breathy laugh, more open and expressive than she ever allows herself to be normally. “The fox.” She echoes, shaking her head and focusing her intense violet gaze upon you. “Darling, you wouldn’t recognise a youkai if one haunted your house.” She traces her fingers down your cheek in a playful manner. “Or if it bit you. Quite literally, might I add.” She moves her hand from your cheek to your upper arm, then to your fingertips, where the fox nipped at you. 
“Wait, what do you mean?” Despite feigning ignorance, you feel the apprehension dawning as clear as day. “You…that wasn’t…You’re not…?” 
Miko gives you a fangy grin. “Oh, did I neglect to show you my fox form?” She teases, the symmetrical dimples beside her eyes deepening as her grin just grows at your shocked reaction. “Silly me.”
You sputter for a few moments, unable to get together the words to express how you’re feeling or what to do to rectify the fact that you had just babied fox-form Miko, and talked badly about her to her face. “I-I…” You begin, only for Miko to interrupt you as she presses one perfectly manicured finger against your nose. 
“I’ll admit, your reactions were quite amusing.” She informs you. “I think you’d make quite an interesting light novel protagonist.” 
“Did you do all of that just to…to prank me?” You ask, feeling a little taken aback at her behaviour, though it’s far from unexpected at this point.
Miko crinkles her face up in amusement. You feel a tug on one of your pockets, and before you know it, she’s unravelling the fortune you pulled earlier. “Friends can be found at the most unexpected times and places.” She recites with a sly wink and a mischievous grin on her face.
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagiarise my writing! I do not consent for my works to be translated and posted elsewhere, or used to teach bots!
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lume-nosity · 1 year
under the mistletoe
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characters: shenhe, yae miko, wanderer/scaramouche, kuki shinobu, kazuha
style: fluff
song inspo: mistletoe by justin bieber
an: i was originally going to finish this at the christmas party, but it was dreading and hard to focus since nobody wanted to go home till 1 in the morning.. (in addition to the loud noises) but here’s another christmas themed post i pushed out!! idc if it’s late by a few days, this idea’s been sitting in my head for a while. and bro i forgot how to use vocabulary and grammar in this one, because of the damn party that ruined my brain 😭
notes: not proofread, reader is gender neutral, written at a very crowded party but finished at home, swearing in scara’s/wanderer’s part, shinobu’s part is a little long, some crack, lowercase intended, kazuha calls you a sweet dove, i do not know much about mistletoes, how tf do you write kissing
reblogs are appreciated!!
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“are you alright? your face is heating up.”
“don’t you see what we’re under?” you pointed at the nice mistletoe dangling above you both
shenhe looks up at what you’re pointing at, but she’s still confused. she’s never seen such a thing within her years of mastering adepti art
“what is it?”
“it’s… a mistletoe. when two people are under it, they have to kiss.”
shenhe glances back at you with the same stoic face that’s been plastered on her face the whole conversation
“hm. sounds simple enough.”
your eyes just pop out of their sockets, literally. because not only was she nonchalant about your explanation, she said those words with a straight face.
before you’re able to respond, she pulled you close to her, placed a hand on your cheek, and kissed you. after she released you she went: “so, was that all we had to do?”
poor you, blinking your eyes, and your brain is loading. it didn’t help the sheer embarrassment clearly shown on your face as if it was never said before.
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yae miko
“ah, it seems we’ve gotten ourselves into quite the predicament.”
she was looking up at the mistletoe the whole time, while you were shifting uncomfortably in your shoes.
yae miko paused in observing the mistletoe to look at you, she sees your figure sweating bullets.
“oh? are you nervous little one? there’s no need to be afraid.”
you jumped when she was referring to you. snapping you of your countless thoughts plaguing your mind
“i’m sorry, i didn’t think we’d be here of all places. and i wasn’t sure if it’d be okay for-“
“wasn’t sure that i’d be okay for this? my, you amuse me.”
you tilted your head slightly, confused with what she said.
yae miko turned to your direction, her piercing gaze strikes your own. “it’s natural to be nervous over situations such as these, but,”
she leaned down to your level and planted a quick and light kiss on your nose, effectively rendering you speechless
“you should be glad it’s me you’re under this mistletoe with.”
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he finds it silly for you both to be under a little mistletoe and kiss under it. in his mind, he thinks ‘anywhere else is better than this cramped and narrowed hallway.’ because yk, bro would prefer if the environment is appealing to kiss in. he has standards.
“why the hell would i kiss you under a fucking plant?”
“because it’s tradition??”
“*scoff* a dumb one at that.”
you crossed your arms and looked away from him, not wanting to deal with his bullshit again for the night
he took notice of your behavior though
“huh? why the long face? what, did you think i was serious?”
your eyes shifted towards his direction. “yes..? because you’re always like this.”
“oh, i was serious about the first half.”
you raised your eyebrows. “what do you mean by ‘first half?’”
scaramouche quickly pulled you closer to him which almost made you lose balance, but with his firm hold on you, you didn’t fall.
and with that, he kissed you, for a short while (which felt like forever)
when he lets you of go you, albeit a light and gentle shove, you stumbled back a bit, and shook your head a little in an attempt to process what happened
“i just find it stupid to kiss here of all places. it’d be better if there were people around, so then they’d all know that you belong to me and me only.”
“…” (they were too stunned to speak)
“and if this place was more clean.”
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kuki shinobu
in all honesty, the arataki gang pushed her under the mistletoe with you while you were just eating a nice christmas snack and. you weren’t aware of being under it too. head empty just food type beat.
shinobu immediately knew what was going on after she saw the mistletoe. as she was gonna turn around and fist fight the gang, they’ve ran away and hid behind something. their heads were slightly peeking out of them and itto’s head stood out the most
shinobu groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose, and then heard distant cheering from the back, clearly from her gang.
when you swallowed your last bite, you didn’t notice shinobu until now
“oh, hey shinobu! i just finished my snack. what are you doing here?”
she opened her eyes and released her hand off of her nose and pointed above. you followed what she was pointing at and saw the obvious-looking mistletoe hanging above you both before reverting your attention back to her.
“before you say anything, my gang brought us into this mess. so for that, i apologize on their behalf.”
“oh no worries, they always get into some sort of trouble, so i don’t blame you.”
shinobu looked from the corner of her eye and saw her gang whispering the words: ‘go for it!’ ‘do it!’ ‘kiss them!!’
she sighed and then stood up straight, looking directly into your eyes. “well, now that we’re here, i think we should entertain them for a bit. if you’re okay with it of course.”
you turned your head into the direction she was previously looking at and saw her gang. they kept nodding vigorously and made gestures for you to turn back around.
you laughed a bit at them, and you turned back to shinobu. she nodded, you nodded, and then she made her move. shinobu removed her mask to shield her gang from seeing your kiss with her.
the arataki jumped from their spots to cheer and scream for their deputy leader. while a bunch of chaos was happening, that’s all but blind noise. because you’re melting in the kiss.
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he’d most likely compliment the mistletoe
something along the lines of “such an intricate and well-made mistletoe.” and “its little leaves compliment the red very well.”
like bro stfu and kiss them already, you know the rules. (and so do i)
as kazuha was admiring the mistletoe, he’s sensed you being impatient. (and jealous) so his eyes shifted to your own
“ah, my apologies [name]. i was too focused on this mistletoe hovering above us, that i forgot what we had to do.”
“took you long enough, you think staring up at that mistletoe is more important than me?”
kazuha strutted towards your direction, his scarlet eyes never breaking eye contact with you.
“now, who said that i find mistletoes important to gaze upon?”
he held your hands into his own, intertwining your fingers with his. “they are nothing compared to you, for you are the one i’d love to gaze upon for the rest of my days. my sweet dove.”
his lips pressed against your own, effectively catching you off guard by his boldness. but despite that, your shoulders relaxed, and you’ve let yourself go. to relax yourself in this shared warmth.
kazuha is known to be good with words, but through his current actions, they spoke louder than his flowery words.
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nativeofsumeru · 1 year
My lovely Kistune (Yae Miko x kistune!reader
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A/N: This is from the polls I made a while ago, I'm finally delivering. I'm going to do my best to keep it gender neutral.
"My love, why do you continue to stare at the sakura at this time in the evening?" Yae Miko, love of your life, Lady Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine, took a seat next to you holding sake. "They're lovely this time of year." The fall breeze stirred a few petals in the direction of your hand. "Reminds me of home." You reminisced the past, days with the youkai, as a young kistune. "Darling, you know things can't stay the same forever. Time is inevitable, things have to change." She said, taking a sip of her sake. Your ear flicked as you stared at the shrine maidens carrying on with their business down below. You loved your perch atop the shrine building facing the Sacred Sakura. It was your favorite view...After staring at Yae, you decided to scratch that thought. "A kistune can hope." You replied sadly. "I miss them." She frowned. Today was a special day for your clan, however it was centuries ago since the last time you were able to celebrate it. "It's not too late you know," She started. "We could always start the celebrations now if you'd like." You looked over at her. Damn she was gorgeous in the light of the sunset. She glowed in the fading warm rays. "Oh Lady Guuji, how I do love you." She smiled softly at you. "It's about time you do. I didn't spend all these centuries with you for nothing, my dear." She pointed her nose towards the sky in pride. "Tell me my lovely kistune, which celebration would you like to partake in first?" She questioned. You felt a smile tugging at your lips. ~~
Bonus Ending: "You want me to do what?" Ei asked her best friend curiously. "It's not that hard of a task Ei." Yae turned her head to gaze in your direction. "I simply want them to feel more at home." Ei nodded in understanding. "A national holiday it is." Ei declared. Yae couldn't help but beam with happiness. "Wonderful! (Y/N)!" You pause your conversation with the Tenshukaku guard. "Yes?" "Guess what I just did." She smirked. She was going to be sure you wouldn't be able to thank her enough.
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machi-luvv · 2 years
Taking a bath with my fav Genshin women.
Character(s) : Lisa, Rosaria, Yae Miko
- Fem!Reader
Warning(s) : Suggestive content
These women need to be in my bed asap
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Lisa has asked you to take a bath with her before, unsurprisingly
That was early on in your relationship though, and it was simply a joke. Despite you actually considering it in the moment
After the both of you are far more comfortable in your relationship, you bring up the topic again
To which she accepts immediately
While you're silently wetting your hair, you hear the sound of a bottle open
She asks to wash your hair, and you oblige with the biggest smile on your face
Its honestly one of the most heavenly experiences of your lifetime
She's like crazy good at it
Expect her to just randomly lick your skin sometimes, she's a weirdo but thats okay
She thought about bringing in a book to read together, but the possibility of her dropping it in the water made her think otherwise
She'll also give you some bomb massages
Some candles surrounding you two and everything
All in all its just so relaxing
"How does it feel?"
"Very, very, relieving."
"Mm, I'm glad cutie"
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You were a little hesitant to ask her
But she actually accepted without hesitation
She knew what it would've meant to you, but she herself was nervous
She's never taken a bath with anyone before, but you reassure her that it will be solely relaxing and intimate
She trusts you very much
Pls take care of her
At first, she's very stiff. Though, you offer to have her sit in front of you so you could wash her back, to which she accepts.
She literally melts in your touch
She keeps her composure, but you can feel how her tense muscles instantly give in
The silence between the two of you is comforting, the swish of water being the only thing that echoes in the room
Occasionally she'll lay against your body, humming contently at the warmth
She'll never admit it, but she absolutely loves it
"Rose are you falling asleep?"
"Hm..? Mm I don't know what you're talking about."
"Uh huh.."
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Yae Miko
Oh god the TEASING
She teases you relentlessly for bringing it up, but still accepts
Basically bullies you into the tub fjsnkfndkf
Although she doesn't let up on her teasing, she holds you so closely
Her hands are soooo soft against your skin
Mini massages here and there
The conversations you two have are so intimate. She has you lay in between her legs, and keeps her face close against yours. Speaking softly to each other the entire time
She still pokes fun at you tho
It might even get to the point the both of you are laughing messing around, the water just flying everywhere
She seems very free in such a comfortable position
Its honestly so nice seeing her laugh
"Miko! The water's getting out!"
"Really? I had no clue-"
"Ouch! Quit flicking me."
"Hm, you're adorable."
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Silly Miko is best Miko 🫡
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byizoyas · 1 year
© byizoyas.
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random girlfriend texts with: yae miko. — notes: this is to thank you for 100 followers<3 you may find two other works like this one here : alhaitham | dottore
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buoyant-breeze · 2 years
hello! first of all i hope you're having a great day, you deserve all happiness <3
second of all, i've fallen in love with your headcanons recently, and since i saw you're requests are still open may i ask for some scaramouche hcs? i'm okay with anything from fluff/cuddling/kissing or even something more nsfw, i just really wanna read what you have to write about him ahah ♥️
wishing you all the best!
— 🌱 anon (if that's okay? :))
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author’s note ⊱ no problem! decided to take this into a part two of how they cuddle! i went all the way and added his tormenting family, lmao
part one is here (albedo, childe, diluc, kaeya, kazuha, thoma, venti, xiao, zhongli)
characters ⊱ scaramouche, ei / raiden shogun, yae miko
warnings ⊱ completely safe!
rating ⊱ sfw
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by nature, he is not much for touch. he simultaneously yearns it more than anything, and despises it with all his heart.
it is at his weakest he will accept it. on his knees, at the end of the world. he’s sharp and ugly at his worst, and yet, there you are. 
when you hold him, he shudders and exhales deep against your chest, as if he cannot bear the weight of you around him. and yet, instead of running, he just burrows in, and hides himself in your arms.
in time, he learns. he reaches for you even when he has no reason to. he tucks his arms around you, and burrows his head into your shoulder.
he often rests against you, face pressed against your chest, or nose tucked against your throat; always looking for the beat of your heart.
in bed, he counts your ribs with the tips of his fingers, and cocoons his head into the shape of your neck as it meets your collarbone, counting the time with each breath of your lungs.
ei / raiden shogun
she cradles you, eyes drifting closed, brows furrowing down; it’s nearly a mournful look, but she keeps you close
only ends the embrace when you do; she never pulls away first
keeps a hand on your back and another curled around your waist
she has a habit of trying to hold you to her chest, and she’ll generally rest her head against the top of yours, sighing into your hair as if you erase every burden inside of her
usually makes soft comments, “the rain has grown still, and the moon is high. and you are here. safe, in my arms.”
yae miko
she teases you for wanting affection each time. “a 'snuggle’? well, i suppose. if you think you’ve truly earned it.”
but it’s only bark and no bite; each time, she’ll pull you into her arms regardless. she has a very soothing hold, and this close, you can catch the scent of something sharp and floral, like cherry blossoms and perfume.
likes to scratch at your scalp and the back of your neck. she’d never tell you, but it’s just a much a comfort to her to feel something as it is for you to be touched.
her guard is down when she’s asleep, and it is only like this that you can truly hold her back. she’d feel rather blissful, indeed, if she subconsciously felt you spooning her from behind, legs tangled together.
in public, she generally prefers the hugs where you mostly hug her arm, rather than her whole person. she finds your presence in such cases a delight, and not as much a hinderance.
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Perfect Match - Yae Miko & Lynette x Male!Hybrid!Reader
A/N: This is the start of a new fluff series, which will feature all the animal/yokai/adepti/hybrid girls and a reader of the same species - Kokomi included. If Fem!Readers will be interested, I might do a bit for the hybrid men. Enjoy! CW: Male!Reader, reader is the same species as the character, mentions of kids, might contain lore inaccuracies.
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Having someone who can understand her and relate to her way of being is such an immense joy for Miko. Kitsune are nowhere near as numerous as they were back in the day, so having a handsome, charming and attractive one as her husband is a true blessing. 
As a fellow fox envoy, you have more than the necessary knowledge on fur care, so she'll gladly use your skills. Gentle brushes through her tails not only help keep them in pristine condition, but also feel wonderful. Nothing compares to your ear massages, however. When she lies in your arms and your hands scratch at them lightly, she just melts away, quietly mumbling about her day. 
If Miko feels more cuddly than usual, she will have no problem with asking you for some fox cuddles. Fox bodies are a great deal better for cuddles, with the fluffy fur and flexible, small bodies. There's no better thing than curling up on the beanbag in your bedroom on cold days. It adjusts so perfectly to your little, furry bodies, and retains warmth very well. If she's in the mood for scritches, you will be able to tell as she always lies down on the couch, belly up and ready for affection. 
Since you molt too, the ever-present hair is not as much of an annoyance for you. It also helps in diffusing the responsibility for stray hairs in food. Both of you have pink fur, so how will you prove it’s hers? 
Not transforming into her other form recklessly granted her one big advantage - anonymity. Even if she is a fox of rather refined taste, who said that simple and silly pleasures don't interest her? The rumors of two small foxes zooming around and playing in the woods under the cover of night always bring a smile to her face. Her mind still can't understand just why and how sprinting around and tackling each other is so fun. And when you’ve had enough fun, you can either go back home or find one of your well-furnished hiding spots and spend the night there, curled into each other without a care in the world.
Affection towards you comes naturally to her, obviously, but your Kitsune blood pokes at the more foxy part of her mind. When you’re alone, no matter the form, Miko has a tendency to nibble on you. It can be your shoulder, your lip, ear or finger. Her teeth are very sharp, true, but her gentleness removes any risk of harm to you. Just this simple and natural (for Kitsune) act tends to get some nice reactions out of you with how openly she admits it. The small, barely visible teeth marks look so good on your skin, so why should she hold herself back?
When the exhaustion from your secret zoomies kicks in, Miko will gladly have you climb up on the roof of your residence and stargaze. A single blanket and your hand in hers improves on the experience, changing it from grim and lonely to comforting and familiar. Four hundred years is a lot of time, but one day, both of you will roam the skies as Kitsune Ascendants, together, for as long as the universe itself exists. Miko never stops the dreamy sigh from escaping her lips while considering the future you two have before you. Perhaps, with enough time, you will even become genuine fox deities. 
For now, however, using life for all it's worth seems like a sound plan. Whenever a particular gust of boredom hits you, Miko will coax you into participating in her schemes. Her favorite type of activity is creating problems in the shrine - especially those of the "What would happen if Lady Guuji saw this?!" variety. As the shrine maidens would struggle to solve the conundrum, you and Miko would wait in your fox forms, hidden in some dark nook of the shrine, listening and waiting for the right moment. When it eventually comes, you would emerge from the hiding spot and turn back into human forms behind a corner, and approach the maiden seemingly out of nowhere. The looks of terror on their faces are sure to stick in her mind for weeks, if not months to come. 
Of course, turning into inanimate objects is also a possibility, but is a lot more risky. Since there's no mobility to be had, an escape in case of someone trying to use the item for its intended purpose, oblivious to the fact that it's actually you and Miko playing a prank would require a shift back to human form, which in turn would reveal Miko's fairly childish sense of humor. The only people she can fool recklessly are the maids, but they've learned by now that, in a Kitsune's home, nothing is as it seems. Pranking you is out of the question since you can easily pick up her scent, though it doesn't mean that she won't try to mask it with perfume or cook distractingly delicious food. Beware!
Occasionally, when you wrap your tails around each other and love for the other fills you to the absolute limit, you might just experience shared dreams. Your adventures are very varied in activities and locations, but all have just one thing in common - you.
Having and raising kids, especially as many as you were gifted with, is an enormous task, but as most things in life, does not go without its benefits. They are cute, amusingly chaotic and so lovely. They way they stalk finches and other birds, their irises expanding before pouncing and failing to catch it never fails to make her chuckle. Their play fights look concerning, but Miko knows better than to break them up. A few bruises and scratches never killed anyone. No matter what they do or what form they take, they are always eight balls of pure, chaotic Kitsune energy. 
Even if their stamina for spreading entropy is baffling, it's not infinite. They will drag themselves home eventually, dirty, exhausted, but absolutely happy - as children in that state usually are. After a big meal and a thorough bath, the kids will turn into their animal forms and snuggle up to you and Miko, thus forming a big pile of fur, ears, tails and snouts. It's extremely cozy, warm and relaxing, but the sheer amount of Kitsune makes it hard to crawl out of it in the morning. That said, getting a bigger beanbag is a good idea - who said those eight are the last kids Miko wants? 
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It’s such a refreshment, to have someone who perfectly fits her needs. The chemistry between the two of you is natural, as in a world of noisy humans, feline blood guarantees at least a little quiet. 
Sure, she loves her brothers, but even they tend to be louder than she can take. Moving to your house was a notable step up in Lynette’s overall living comfort. Your movements, as silent and graceful as hers, never disturb her sleep nor catch her attention. Although for a child of The House that would be concerning, she never once caught you lying or acting even slightly suspicious.
Speaking of silence, most onlookers would never guess that you’re a couple if they were to examine your average day. Very few words are exchanged between you - your tails and ears, as well as subtle facial expressions, can signal almost everything. The right gaze into your eyes can get her exactly where she wants to be - be that an outing to a cafe, a cuddle session or an intimate moment - without the need to utter a single word. Frequently, your house is filled with nothing but the silent ticking of the clock. 
Having never experienced real intimacy, Lynette longs for your touch. She likes her cuddles tight and warm. There is no need for a fireplace to comfort her when she can snuggle into your arms and rest on your chest. The heat radiating from you is addictive, just as the rhythmic beating of your heart and gentle breathing are. Your touch is precise and skilled, scratching and caressing just the right spots to make her drowsy just after a few moments. What’s even more wonderful is the simple fact that you are nocturnal as well, meaning that you will never judge or get upset over her sleeping most of the day. Napping is her favorite activity, and should you join her, feels like heaven. 
Night is when you truly feel at home. The delightful stillness of the capital encourages exploration of the streets, now free of the crowds and bothersome noise. For somebody as agile as you two, scaling the outer walls is no problem, so the highest tier tends to be your hangout spot. Thanks to the wonders of portable kettles, it’s quite easy to have tea in the moonlight with Lynette, along with delectable biscuits. The nightly chill helps cool down the beverage, and in your excellent company, time flies by at breakneck speed. Before long, the sun rises again, and the Court Of Fontaine awakes. It’s not as much of a problem as it is an annoyance.
Being in a similar body to her means you face the same problems as she does, as well as share a few preferences. Your lifelong enjoyment of fish dishes means your skill in cooking them is up to par. Even despite being able to cook various exquisite and complex meals, such as the renowned Squirrel Fish, Lynette tends to ask for mostly simple salmon sushi. The strong taste of the raw fish coupled with the gentle base of rice tickles her taste buds in all the right ways. 
When it comes to ear and tail hygiene, she prefers to do it herself, but the care you provide on demand is undeniably pleasant. Lynette would much rather groom yours, without much real thought behind the reason as to why. Perhaps interacting with your unique features eases the feeling of standing out from the crowd? 
Sometimes, instead of a standard kiss, she might bump your cheek or touch your nose with hers. It's a silly little gesture, one that she will do her best to keep under wraps. One morning, however, somnolent Lynette did just that while greeting you in her family home. Luck had it that Freminet was the only witness… What would be if Lyney saw it? She wouldn't hear the end of it for at least a week, that's certain. 
Lynette is no stranger to catnip. Her sense of smell is as developed as that of a cat, and the plant still activates her hormones all the same. The magician used it only on a handful of occasions, scared of both clouding her mind and her brothers finding out. Now that she lives with you, the threat of the latter is no more, and she can enjoy her narcotic with you in privacy. Though the sober Lynette is reserved, the high Lynette is an absolute cuddlebug with her purring matching the dishwasher in volume. The sleep afterwards remains one of the best things in life in her opinion. 
Just use it in moderation. Addiction to catnip is a real problem amongst the feline population, and she doesn't want either of you going down that path. 
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Thanks for reading!
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emocka · 1 year
The tattoo
Warning mention of attempted suicide, reader has a semi colon tattoo gn reader
Main note: if you ever have these thought please call you suicide hot line and do not read this.
Note: I've been thinking about the semi colon recently and this came to mind
The butterfly landed on: aether, xiao, kazuha, albedo, scaramouche, and Yae miko
He knew about the semi colon. He had one himself. But imagine to his surprise that someone yourself , so bubbly kind and caring has one.
Then he learned your story. Before your relationship with him you were forced into an arranged marriage. It was a deadly one. The guy was abusive. The marriage was so bad you attempted to take your life. And yet your parents refused to let you divorce.
'I managed to get the divorce granted after I tried three more times.' You said looking down at your wrist.
'Do you know why you stopped your attempts?' He asked taking a hold of your hand.
'I ran into you. Believe it or not it was you.' You smiled at him 'I remembered our time as high school sweethearts.'
Aether chuckled pulling your hand close. He kissed it.
'I'm glad your around still.' He smiled. 'I know it been rough but we're here now.'
You nodded.
'Good. Cuddles?'
Like aether xiao had one as well. He suspected you had one as well. The daily therapy was obvious.
You wore a tank top one day. On your wrists sat a butterfly with a name. The body of the butterfly was a semi colon.
He pulled you down in his lap asking about it.
You explained the meaning of it. The semi colon showed you battling with your thoughts while the butterfly showed rebirth. The name was your grandparents name.
He hugged you tightly. You returned the gesture running your hands through his hair.
'Can I ask why you stopped?' He asked quietly.
'Three. My grandparent said they rain hell down on everyone if I decided to follow through. Two. That black jackass over in the cat tree acting smug. One' you kissed his head.
He looked at you then the cat. He gave a small smile.
'Yea those are great reasons' He pushed you off his lap.
'Hug?' He asked.
You gave him one of the warmest hugs possible.
Kazuha had one but it was on his back. You knew he got it after your brother his best friend tomo died. You got one to.
For a completely different reason. You struggled with depression all your life. When tomo died it sent you into a deeper spiral. It sent you over the edge.
Tomo was your protector from anyone and everything.
Luckily kazuha was able to get you help when he found you.
He spotted the tattoo on your pinky finger. He gave a small smile. Taking your hand he kissed it.
'Y/N. You've been strong going through all this hell.' He started. 'I know it's been difficult since Tomo passed.'
You looked at him tears threatening to spill. He sat on the bed patting the spot next to him. You sat down next to him. He pulled you close.
'We'll both get through this together.' He said. 'I promise'
His was behind his ear. Your was on your leg. You had a little ankle braclet tattoo on your ankle the semi colon 'hanging' from it.
He was there to witness everything. The previous relationship, your parents, and your job.
He was the one who rushed you to the hospital years ago.
He sighed looking at your ankle one last time. He got up as you walked passed him. Following you He quickly grabbed you throwing you over his shoulder.
You shrugged and let it happen.
'Were going to bed.' He said gently dumping you on the bed.
You smiled and waited for him to crawl in. When he did you planted yourself on top of him. Pulling the blanket over you hummed a tune. Soon you both fell asleep. Scaramouche unconsciously wrapping his arms around you tightly.
He didn't have one. He has heard of it. When he met you he spotted it. It was placed behind your eat with a feather below it.
When asked what happened you explained. You were a victim. It was difficult to talk about but with albedo it was actually easy to spill.
He held you hand.
'Your very brave to fight through all that. It's time you got a break.'
You nodded.
He smiled at you before holding his out to you.
Yae miko
She heard about them. Didn't think about the impact it had until she met you.
You were suffering from severe depression. With the many attempts you finally got the help you needed.
Your was located on your forearm. The semicolon was on the back of a nine tail kitsune.
She tapped your shoulder opening her arms for a hug. You returned the gesture.
Later that night while you slept a pink fox showed up at your window. Sneaking in she curled up against you. Keeping you warm safe from harm.
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the-white-void · 6 months
Mon cœur est tout ce que j'ai pour toi
Summary: With everything you could ever want, but the only thing special they can give, is their heart.
Note: Heyyy @cro0kedme , I got you for the Genshin Secret Santa Event. I chose Yae Miko and Venti cuz I'm old af on writing and haven't updated on things yet and I'm a bit rusty so... ya know
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While walking along the plains surrounding the tree where the last Lionfang knight had ascended, you noticed a tune being played near the tree.
You stepped closer and found a short figure adorned in green clothing playing the tune. You sat near the statue of Barbatos and continued listening to the chords strummed on the lyre.
After a while of listening to the melody, your eyes began to fall heavy. Rubbing your temples, you feel your eyes getting blurry. Eventually, you fell asleep from the soothing melody.
"Your eminence. This is all I can give you. A peace of mind and a melody." The green bard then leans over and dusts off some stray hairs off your face before pressing his lips on your forehead. "And lastly, my heart."
Yae Miko
You walk around the Chinju Forest near the Shrine, feeling the cold and calming aroma gloating in the forest as you let the worries of the tribunal in the mortal world slip away.
You were then interrupted by the sound of the grass crunching as if someone was walking toward you and closer.
"Oh! Is that their Eminence I see on the grass? How could someone as distinguished as you be sitting here all gloomy?" *A teasing voice of a woman echoed through the wind while the sound of the steps came closer.
You turn to see a tall woman with pink hair with gold ornaments around it while wearing a hakama befitting of a chief priestess. "Oh. Miss Miko, it's you." your tone sounded bland and plain.
"My my, your eminence doesn't seem too happy to see me~. Should I leave instead if it makes your eminence displeased~>" The fox youkai's teasing tone remained as she tilted her head with her brows curved up while smiling.
"No, it's fine." Your tone was tired as it left a sigh.
The Guuji smirks before getting in from of you. "Oh... I see. Your eminence is tired." She giggles before parting your head and look at you from her height. "Maybe~ if I were to cast a spell to wipe away the tiredness of yours, your eminence will also be able to return the favour, will you?" Her tone was teasing yet sincere.
You look at her a little shocked while trying to process what she want you to do. "So, you're saying, if you help dispell my tiredness; I help you with... whatever afterwards...?"
Miko smiles with a giggle leaving you a little scared of what she might ask. "Uhm... Erm... Alright...? Just don't make do things really weird." You hesitated with a wry smile.
She then places her form on what can be called 'centre stage' as she summons her suzu before she begins to move her form. "Then, keep your eyes on me." Swaying her body so elegantly while jingling her suzu in certaine poses.
Your gaze does not leave her for a moment; you were mesmerized how her body moved so elegantly while she rang and shook her suzu.
Eventually, her performance ended leaving you to clap with a smile.
"Hm~ it seems my show pleased your eminence." Miko smugs while resting her chin on her hand.
"Indeed it did, Miss Miko. It seems I owe you a favour now." You smiled as you stood up from the ground with a smile, the worry of what she wants seemed to slip your mind.
Yae Miko near herself to you. "Right, now, the favour." She then smirks with a mischievous look to it. "The favour is..."
You begin to shake as Yae Miko was known to tease people to the point where they feared here, and you don't want to do anything so humiliating.
"Start taking care of yourself."
You were confused as you were awaiting a request so humiliating that you might want to hurry yourself. But was confused at the sudden nice request. "... What?"
She then begins to pay your head. "I heard you were working to hard, get some rest." She then begins to walk away back to the Grand Narukami Shrine.
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gh9stirr · 2 years
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“ just another hallway crush.. “
summary ; your plans to finally talk to the pretty girl you always see in the hallway has been crushed after a schedule change. all hope is gone now! ...unless
featured ; yae miko, fem!reader
genre ; fluff, highschool! au
warnings ; lowercase writing, author didn’t bother checking his grammar and spelling. please bare with them. 
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“y/nnnnnnn, please just shoot your shot! i’m sick of hearing you whine about that yae miko girl every. damn. time!”
you sighed, putting down the magazine onto the bed. lumine scolded you really bad today because a certain sOMEONE WON’T TALK TO THAT ONE PRETTY GIRL  you’ve been whining to her about your “hallway crush,” as lumine would like to call it. 
“it isn’t that easy, lumi. she’s so pretty. i might embarrass myself just by even whispering something when she’s near!” you replied, letting yourself fall down on the soft bed. the shorter blonde just scoffed, rolling her eyes in disbelief. 
“you’re hopeless..”
“what? i’m just telling the truth. if you’re so scared of approaching her then why even bother going here just to rant!?” lumine has a point. what’s even the purpose of swooning over someone but not doing anything about it? 
of course, you were too stubborn to understand that.
you hugged the pillow tightly as you roll around the bed. lumine sighed, thinking ‘what am i gonna do with you?’ as she watched you slowly fall into insanity. 
“get your act together, y/n l/n!” the blonde yelled all of a sudden. “tomorrow, at monday, you’re gonna pass that hallway, you’re gonna swallow everything up and say hi! alright!?” the way she yelled at you sent shivers through your spine. it felt as if you were in the military. 
“but.. i don’t even know if she’s a lesbia-”
“of course she is! how are you this dense y/n!?”
“alright alright! don’t be so abusive with me, lumi!” you jokingly said, making lumine scoff. “whatever. just make sure you’ll get a date for tomorrow night, alright?” you blush thinking about the yae miko going on a date with you, but you could simply nod.
monday finally arrived, and it was about time for recess. you were so focused on what you planned for today that you couldn’t even hear what the teacher was talking about. you felt a bundle of emotions--honestly, you felt like throwing up--but you kept calm. the sound of the bell rang through your head, cutting off your thoughts. 
as you were about to pack things up, the teacher called you.
“where do you think you’re going, ms. l/n?” 
“don’t you remember? our section has an extended schedule today because of the upcoming competition we have regarding this topic.”
you almost cried. you dropped your bag and sloppily sat back down on your chair, trying to process everything your teacher said. as you looked out the window next to you, you could see everyone happily going outside of their classrooms. hell, you even saw lumine go out of her classroom!
you looked at the blonde helplessly as she could only mouth out a small “sorry” before going out with her twin brother.
you sighed,
‘how will i talk to her now..?’
when your section’s classes finally ended, almost everyone has left already. you didn’t really have much friends in your section which makes going home all the more lonelier. and to top it all off; yae miko has definitely left the campus already. 
“this is it. i will never get a chance like this again..” you dramatically mumbled, walking towards the exit. until you heard a small “psst!” come from your right. as you looked to the source of the noise, you saw-
“yae miko-!?” you whisper-shouted, completely shocked that the pink haired girl was still in campus- wait no, you’re more shocked that she was staying for YOU! you! the naïve, dense girl that could only hopelessly stare at the ground whenever you and her made eye contact!
yae miko chuckled at how you reacted, then made a hand sign to go closer to her. you looked around a bit, making sure there were no cameras, and hesitantly made your way towards the pink haired girl. she lead you to the back of the first building, and yae miko finally spoke, 
“my, it was kind of unfair on how your schedule got messed up a bit, i was really looking forward to meet you in the hallway again~” you could only blink in response. i mean-HER!? looking forward to meet YOU!? and she mentioned the hallway too, which means she’s pretty aware of your way too frequent meetings!
“hm, it seems you’re a bit too shocked at the moment. is everything alright?”
“y-yeah! everything’s... ok! ehehe...” you could spit out a few words, making it very obvious that you were nervous to be next to the pink haired girl. of course, as sly as yae miko is, she instantly took this to her advantage. 
she chuckled, “you’re so cute when you’re nervous, do you know that?” you were already feeling so embarrassed.
“to be honest, you look cute all the time~” oh my god.
“i always wanted you to make a move on me whenever we passed by each other, but oh well-”
“really!?” you cut her off, then immediately apologizing for how embarrassing that was. yae miko laughed at your actions, making your cheeks turn redder than they already are.
“yes, really. you always interested me, y/n. i’ve heard a lot about you from that lumine in my section and you seemed like a nice person. if i have to put what i feel in a simple way..”
she suddenly went closer and closer to you, to the point where you could feel each other’s breath. yae miko’s cheeks were a light pink, much more lighter than whatever you have spread across your cheeks. the shorter girl suddenly placed her head right where your ear was, and whispered..
“you’re definitely my type.” 
your brain went mush. it’s like you’ve lost your mind. yae miko pulled away with a smirk on her face, and she walked off like nothing happened, leaving you alone. your heartbeat suddenly went faster, and it felt like you were burning because of how hot your cheeks were. 
“oh and, by the way!” the shorter girl exclaimed, making you look towards her direction.
“call me!” she continued, and went over to the exit. your heartbeat finally calmed down, and you sighed in relief. as-
wait, did she just say “call me”? what does she mean by that? 
you reached over to your pocket and felt a small, pink paper inside it. you brought it out and slowly unfolded the piece, and it read..
“xxx-xxxx-xxx! xoxo ;))” 
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i had SOO MUCH FUN writing this! i hope you guys had fun reading this too! have a great day! <33
word count: 1,069 words
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covenantofthedeep · 2 years
i wanna be yours ☆
feat. | yae miko, kaedehara kazuha <;3 summary | @definitelynotahutaosimp 's prompt list, # 14! author's note | this was super super duper fun to write hehe. i love fluff <3
yae miko |
yae miko was beautiful, there was no doubt about it. but saying it? to her face? you’d rather die. 
so you found out other little ways to tell her she looked great, and somehow, by some miracle, she never picked up on the fact that you were complimenting her. or maybe she did realize, but felt bad for you and didn’t say anything. 
sometimes, when you talked to her, your heart would skip many beats (it was a surprise that you weren’t dead already) and your words would tangle up in your mouth and fall out in a clump of syllables. she’d laugh her clear-bell laugh and tap a finger on her chin. “what does that mean, lovely?” she’d tease, causing your cheeks to heat and a quick laugh to spew from you. 
you loved her so much it hurt, and it hurt more because she just saw you as a friend. or so you thought. sometimes you’d hope otherwise, but who knew what was going on inside her plotting mind? guuji yae, head of the yae publishing house, a formidable force to be reckoned with, and also the stealer of many hearts, including yours. 
sometimes, you’d work together (her muttering insults under her breath as she scanned through paperwork, you stifling your laughter behind your hand, although not very well) and you occasionally found yourself staring off into space, pretending not to watch her… but watching her.
her vision sparks lilac across the pages as she gets frustrated, a frown creasing between her brows. she huffs out a sigh and slams the book shut, leaning back in her chair. and then you have to say it. 
“you look cute,” you say, and then clap your hands over your mouth.
“what?” she asks, a smile spreading across her face.
“um, um, i mean, um. uh,” you stammer. “i said.. you look like a fruit! yes, a watermelon.” your heart’s racing and your blood pounds in your ears. you’re almost positive that your face will explode. your whole head is hot. can she tell that you’re this close to melting into a puddle of shame?
miko clicks her tongue, leaning across the table to take your chin. “that doesn’t even make any sense,” she says. and then she kisses you.
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kaedehara kazuha |
kazuha is very pretty. you’d have to be blind to not realize, you think, leaning over the deck of the crux to watch him work. it’s not creepy, you tell yourself, the sun glinting off of the sparkling blue water and partially blinding you. friends can watch other friends, right?
below, on the deck, kazuha rolls up his sleeves and waves at you. you wave back, smiling. he beckons you down, pointing to a pile of slimy ropes. you shudder. those ropes look like they’ve been dragged through hell and back, and you have no intention of laying a hand on them. 
but kazuha… down there, his sleeves rolled up… honestly. the things you do for him. as a friend, of course.
you make your way down, squinting into the air. the day is perfect and warm, no clouds on the sky and the wind a soft summer breeze. kazuha works methodically, humming softly to himself as he rolls up the ropes. he pauses and peers into the distance. probably writing a poem. 
“yn,” he says, smiling as you approach. and oh, that smile. it’s soft and sweet and a little bit cocky, and how can you resist? his lock of red hair slips into his eyes and he continues, unbothered. “ready to roll the ropes?“
you gag. “no, thanks,” you reply. “i’d rather watch.”
kazuha shrugs. he gestures for you to sit, and you do, watching his lithe form expertly wind up the ropes or hook them into place. an hour passes, the sun outlining his body, tracing a glowing line around him, almost like a halo. he looks so perfect, you realize. when he flashes you a grin for the umpteenth time, he looks so cute.
“what?” kazuha asks, turning around to look at you.
oh, shit. did you say that out loud? “um. what? haha, what?” you offer weakly, trying to salvage the situation.
“did you say that i looked cute?” he questions, raising an eyebrow. a smirk plays across his lips. (those very, very kissable lips.)
“no, i said you looked like a fruit, of course,” you say, rolling your eyes. 
“a fruit. huh. that doesn’t even make any sense,” he mutters, laughing slightly as he goes back to rolling his ropes.
and later, when you find him after dinner, you press a chaste kiss to his cheek. “i do think you look cute,” you whisper.
“well, you’re in luck, because so do i,” he tells you, and you melt into a puddle on the floor.
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ninasmovingcastle · 1 year
Can I request Yae Miko with overworked sleepy reader? gender neutral is fine.
hi love, thank you for requesting !! i hope you like this <3
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overtime - yae miko
yae miko x gender neutral!reader
word count: 390
content warnings: overworked reader
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an editor's work is never done, especially when you work at the yae publishing house. being under the supervision of the guuji yae herself made your life a hundred times more stressful, as if editing wasn't hard enough.
your recent projects were mostly limited to light novels. due to a novelist submission contest being held in inazuma, you found yourself revising countless stories, filling plot hole after plot hole for young, amateur novelists.
yae miko had always told you to not burn yourself out, especially when working with literature. she constantly reminded you and your coworkers that forced work is always hard to read.
you're now sitting holed up in your office, reading through your twenty-sixth light novel of the day. according to your contract, you were supposed to have gone home hours ago. but here you were, cringing at a teen writer's attempt at a romance novel.
glancing at the clock suspended on your wall, you realized it was nearly midnight. you didn't have much time left until your deadline for editing. though you always tried to abide by miko's advice, you were sure you could handle this one tiny project.
the familiar clicking of shoes outside your office sent your heart racing, but your eyelids were becoming heavier and heavier. it was probably one of your fellow editors going home for the night. oh, how you'd love to go home for the night...
"my, what do we have here?"
standing over you was yae miko herself, her bright pink hair billowing around her like a veil. she maneuvers your pen out of your hand, eyeing the mountain of manuscripts on your desk. you began profusely apologizing to her, promising you could finish editing by midnight.
"midnight?" she asks. miko traces her fingertips over your shoulders, sending tingles through your body. it's like she's the pure embodiment of electro, every word and touch from her feels like a shock.
she studies your face. your eyes were probably drooping, evident exhaustion taking its toll on your body. she drags a finger over the stack of papers in front of you.
"give this all to me, darling. i'll handle it," she coos, piling manuscripts into her arms. "you need your beauty sleep. go on now, goodnight."
maybe the editor-in-chief wasn't so scary, after all.
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cynosdaydream · 2 years
𝙄𝙣 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙀𝙮𝙚𝙨
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ᴺᵒʷ ᴾˡᵃʸⁱⁿᵍ: ᵂⁱˡᵈᵉˢᵗ ᴰʳᵉᵃᵐˢ⁻⁻ᵀᵃʸˡᵒʳ ˢʷⁱᶠᵗ ↺ ᴿᴱᴾᴱᴬᵀ ‖ ᴾᴬᵁˢᴱ ≫ ᴺᴱˣᵀ ˢᴼᴺᴳ
ᵂᵒʳᵈ ᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗ: 0.6k
You’ve always liked Yae Miko. Meticulous, cunning Yae Miko. That was how other people saw her, at least. Owner of the Yae Publishing House, and closest acquaintance of the ruler of Inazuma.
But you were one of the few people who got to see the softer side of her. The side of her who would let you lie in her lap and softly read a light novel to you, smooth voice gently lulling you into a comfortable slumber. 
For years, you have been subtly pining over her, these romantic feelings locked deep inside your heart, guarded by thorns, in fear of the kitsune turning you down. Although some of her actions aren’t how you would treat someone who was just a friend, you didn't want to risk your many decades of friendship just for some personal feelings.  
“___! There you are!” You recognised the voice of the Crux Captain, Beidou. Alongside her was the Leader of Watatsumi island, Sangonomiya Kokomi. “To whom do I owe this pleasure?” You replied, usually not seeing the unusual pair side by side. “One of the restaurants in the city has a discount on alcohol after 7 in the evening today, and I thought it would be appropriate to invite the both of you.” Kokomi explained. Not wanting to miss an opportunity to hang out with your friends, you accepted the invitation without hesitation. 
As soon as you entered the restaurant, your eyes scanned the vicinity for your friends. And there they were, Beidou and Kokomi happily drinking away and ordering more drinks.  “___! Come have a seat!” You smiled, knowing either Beidou was going to challenge you to a drinking competition, which you usually turned down, or you had to carry Kokomi (a surprising lightweight) home. All three of you chatted for a while, until Beidou said, “Hey, ___, you know that there are a lot of people in Inazuma that fancy you, right?” This unexpected question made you flustered, not knowing how to respond to that question. “So has anyone caught your eye, perhaps?”
The image of the stunning shrine maiden immediately flashed in your mind, causing your face to turn so red you couldn’t blame it on the alcohol anymore. And being so tipsy, you answered without thinking. “You know Yae Miko, right? I’ve had a crush on her for a very long time…” Swirling your drink in your hand, you continued, “I’m pretty sure she doesn’t like me back though, but I don’t know how to act around her. She’s so gorgeous and affectionately a tease, she could crush me under her shoe and I’d thank her.” 
Unbeknownst to you, the exact person you were talking about walked right into the restaurant. You think Benett was unlucky? Well, look at you. “Miss Kokomi, there’s something I need to discuss with you about your upcoming light n-” “I’d kill someone just to feel her soft pink hair in my hands just one more time.” You whipped your head around, praying that this was just the drinks making your sense of reality distorted. But when your friends looked at you with wide eyes and you heard her speak again, you wanted to sink into the ground and die. Suddenly you were very interested in the melting cubes of ice in your glass, when Yae said, “Maybe we can discuss your light novel another time. I think I need to speak to __ right now, hm?”
With a smile that said “I wish you all the best” from Kokomi, you obediently followed Miko outside. “Oh, so this is how you really felt about me all this time? How adorable.” You said nothing, patiently waiting for the rejection to come so you could finally move on.
"I love you too." Even with the mischievous smile on her face, her cheeks that were flushed red betrayed her. Shocked silent , you stood in front of her, frozen and unable to form a coherent sentence. After what felt like several minutes, you remembered that you were supposed to give a reply. "I... Thank you." Words were conveyed through loving actions as you gently cradle her hand in yours and she gazes at you like you're her entire world. Everything else seemed to fade from your vision when you look into her eyes, seeing endless possibilities of the future.
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