sadbocchi · 2 days
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please do not be mean to her
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aimseytv · 1 day
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aimsey television will be proving life is strange at 6pm BST
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pipthegreat · 14 hours
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Guys I swear I don't have a favorite au character to draw 🥺
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certified3nakin · 19 hours
Draw Nuzi hugging
Can be comfort or just hugs
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This is only rendered a bit, but here you go!
(I'll finish rendering if I find the motivation.)
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forevercr1nge · 23 hours
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Happy gay month cuz u know u gay and stuff,,,,, /ref
Anywaysss, here are the sillies for pride month!
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fyodor ass lol
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vampovers · 2 days
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loving machine - tv girl
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xxlady-lunaxx · 2 days
Why do you cry? | {SabiGiyuu}
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Theme: Slight angst to fluff<3
Note: can be taken as platonic or romantic :3
-Requested ;; sabigiyuu fluff
Tags: @kitkat-moon
Sabito had always been the more confident one. He was sure of himself, he was stronger, both physically and mentally. So it seemed nothing could deter him and Giyuu found himself even insecure beside his best friend, wishing he could be like that. Giyuu cried often, he wasn’t as nearly as strong or fast as Sabito, sometimes he just wanted to curl up in a ball and hide away from the world. He figured Sabito had never wanted to do this before, had never felt so alone. He was seemingly always there to comfort, not to feel anything negative. Somehow, he always was raising Giyuu’s spirits, smiling for him even in the middle of the night when he woke up to Giyuu’s crying.
So it came as a shock, of course, to find Sabito hiding in the back, his knees drawn up to his chest and face buried in his arms. For a moment, Giyuu thought he was sleeping. What else could it be? But then, upon hearing his arrival, Sabito looked up. His face was streaked with tears and his hair was messy, sticking to his forehead from sweat; the weather was increasingly warm and they had been training earlier. Immediately, a hand darted up to rub at the lavender eyes, but it was already too late. Giyuu went over and crouched in front of him, eyebrows creased with worry.
“Sabito?” He didn’t know what to say. After all, he was accustomed to being the comforted, not the comforter. “Are you… okay?” Well that was easily answered. What was he supposed to say, though?
Sabito nodded slowly, turning his head. His cheeks were flushed slightly, but from crying or embarrassment, or the heat, it was hard to tell. “Yeah. Fine,” he mumbled. His voice was hoarse and it made Giyuu wonder just how long he had been here.
“Are you sure? You don’t look that great,” Giyuu said uncertainly.
Sabito let out a breath, then composed himself, raising an eyebrow at Giyuu’s direction. “Are you saying I look horrendous? Wow, Giyuu. Rude.”
Giyuu huffed, rolling his eyes. “No! You know what I mean!”
“Yeah, okay. Is it lunch? Why’re you here?” Sabito asked, covertly trying to change the subject. It backfired on him, unfortunately, because it only served as a reminder to Giyuu as to Sabito’s state.
“I don’t think Urokodaki-sensei is done with lunch,” he said. Then paused. “Why are you here, though? Why were you crying?”
“You know, Giyuu. You don’t just ask people that when they’re upset,” Sabito said pointedly.
“But you are upset, right? What’s wrong?” Giyuu asked, settling down next to him, crossing his legs and leaning his head back against the wall.
Sabito shifted to turn his back towards Giyuu, drawing his legs down and placing his hands flat on his lap. “No reason. Should we train before the food is ready?”
Giyuu frowned and scooted over to sit in front of him again. “Sabitooo, tell me what happened! You don’t usually cry!”
“Nothing happened! I’m fine!” Sabito said. Abruptly, he stood, making Giyuu tip back. He lent him a hand and Giyuu took it, standing as well. “Let’s train, okay?”
“No! Tell me why you were crying or I’ll tell Urokodaki-sensei!” Giyuu retorted, placing his hands on his hips and trying to look stern.
Sabito bit back a smile at the sight and shook his head. “It’s nothing, Giyuu.”
“Uhm, nothing isn’t you crying for the first time in your life!” Giyuu said defiantly.
“First time…?” Sabito asked incredulously. “Damn, that’s quite an assumption.”
Giyuu’s frown deepened. “I’m going to Urokodaki-sen-”
“Okay–” Sabito interrupted. He didn’t want their mentor to know he was going off hiding and crying, although he had a hunch Urokodaki would only be worried. “Okay, fine. But seriously, it wasn’t anything. I was just sad or whatever.”
Giyuu tilted his head to the side, his arms falling. “Sad about what?”
Sabito let out a breath. “Okay, not sad? Tired? I don’t know.”
“Oh. You should sleep,” Giyuu said matter-of-factly.
A bitter smile rose on Sabito’s face and Giyuu stepped back slightly. It was strange to see him like this, and the abnormality of it sent a small panic in the ravenette’s mind.
“It’s not that easy,” Sabito said. His voice was calm, but if Giyuu focused, he could hear a hint of contained exhaustion laced between the words.
“Why? Have you been training too much? Are you sore, or something?” Giyuu asked, confused.
“No! Just, like, tired of… living? I don’t know,” Sabito repeated, running a hand through his hair. The peachy waves slumped against his forehead, as if they were tired too.
“Wha–but, but Sabito, you told me that– You said I should– But– Why would?-” Words came tumbling from Giyuu’s mouth as he cut himself off several times, not knowing what to say. Sabito? Not wanting to live? What world was he in?
Sabito shook his head. “Okay, it’s not exactly that. I’m just tired of dealing with being alive, but it’s not like I actually want to die, that’s… no. I still want to save people and everything, but the road to that is getting exhausting and I guess it just all caught up to me.”
Giyuu nodded slowly, trying to take that in. “Okay… Good. Because you have to live! I couldn’t do a thing without you.”
“Well you can’t rely on me for everything,” Sabito said, pushing him playfully.
Giyuu stumbled back, shaking his head. “No, well, I won’t! I’m not! …wait, am I? But that’s not what I mean! You still help me just by being alive and like I know you’re safe,” he explained, trying to find the words to describe it.
“Oh. Awhh, so sentimental, Giyuu,” Sabito teased, a smile grazing his lips. He reached forward, pulling Giyuu into an awkward embrace. “Love you too.”
“Eh? Sabito!” Giyuu whined. “Anyway, you don’t have to cry ‘cuz… ‘cause I’ll, uhm, always be here,” he concluded stupidly.
Sabito laughed. “Well, aren’t I the lucky one. But in all seriousness, Giyuu, I do care about you. In case you haven’t noticed.”
Giyuu smiled. “I do too.”
“Okay, good, because I would be mad if you didn’t.”
“Huh? Really?”
“No. That was a joke.”
Giyuu glared at him, trying to get out of the hug. Urokodaki appeared, his head popping up from around the corner of the house.
“Lunch is ready! And what are you two doing here?” he asked, doing a double take.
They untangled themselves from each other.
“Nothing…” Sabito said quickly. “C’mon, Giyuu. I’ll race you there.”
He darted off and Giyuu, only just registering his words, shouted after him. “SABITO! THAT’S NOT FAIR!!”
Urokodaki sighed, though he bore a smile under his mask. “Don’t run inside the house!”
His order was met with a half-hearted, muffled, “SORRY!” from inside as he made his way back to the front.
« Word count: 1170 »
Ok that wasn’t necessarily mostly fluff but… shhh..
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defiant-art · 9 hours
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Finally finished my realism study of Davros !!! This is technically the first drawing of him I ever did, I’ve been working on him on and off since late April
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kameonerd566 · 22 hours
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The Craving - Twenty Øne Piløts
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sadbocchi · 2 days
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another one
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imsmallfry · 24 hours
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I am very excited to do a Twin Peaks/Alan Wake mashup!! Here's Alan and Rose enjoying a cup of Bright Falls blend coffee at the Oh Deer Diner :3 I referenced a Twin Peaks poster and I'm super happy with how it turned out
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fattonibabe · 1 day
I got temp banned from Feabie for a week, and suspended from Instagram all within the last 24 hours 🤪🫠. Don’t want anyone to think I’m leaving the community or social media. So if ya don’t see me on either of those platforms, that’s why!
Follow my new insta page please ❤️ I appreciate the support!
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vivi-ness · 2 days
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you did it
I almost finished drawing the next stage, stay tuned !!
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lavadorafangirl · 2 days
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🏳️‍🌈Day 4: Jules & Rue (Euphoria) 💎🏳️‍⚧️✨
drawing them is always a PLEASURE thank you for request these girls again<3
follow me so you don't miss the rest of the pride drawings🩷🩷
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crow2222 · 4 hours
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I'd say he deserves it
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