#yes i know there are more panels of him getting hit im lazy and i thought the 1 punch was already a bit much
himbo · 4 months
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starting a collection
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mychlapci · 5 months
Same anon as the preggo roddy one from yesterdayy? Second time sending one because im getting bold already plus i love your writing👍
I was poking around, because im blessed with boredom and the horny thoughts are hitting, and saw Rescue bots, And i am obsessed with chase so much, also the rescue bots polyamory.
The four of then cuddled up in the bunker at night after going absolutely feral on eachother, panels barely able to close as a mix of fluids gather beneath them, whoever fucked who was forgotten the moment a shared overload rippled over the lot of them, and the four of them end up in a sticky puddle of transfluid and lubricant mixed, too lazy to move and much too happy, blissfully ignorant of that 𝑵𝒐 the walls arent soundproofed enough to block out Chase’s screams and 𝒀𝒆𝒔 they’re keeping the humans up, and Cody does know, but he’s more worried on why its either blades or chase screaming.
I definitely see and headcannon chase as a speedster frame, he barely ever stops doing something unless he physically cant, and it just seems like he puts his endless energy into something that isn’t being a whore 𝘙𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘮𝘶𝘴 ,and i wished he had doorwings or a spoiler, because he’s just so pretty and most definitely deserves the other three of them to take turns to fuck the energy out of his frame, grabbing at sensitive appendages like they’re handles to get a good grip while slamming into a valve that feels hot enough to burn <3
All three bots knowing how needy speedsters get, how much energy a speedster frame conceals without an output source, like a thick false spike that can adsorb energy or a clamp on his node that vibrates until his anterior node is numb and tingling, panels are barely able to stay closed during a high-speed chase because the charge his frame wracks up stimulates the clamp, and his node is just buzzing with pleasure and the moment him and Chief burns get back to the firehouse, he just collapses.
The humans are worried ofcourse, panicking because they think he’s hurt, when in reality it was blades or heatwave’s idea because i see both of them as kinky little fucks and Boulder just watches while trying not to laugh because they all 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 chase is gonna be absolutely pissed off at them.
In the end Chief burns has to try and carefully explain that: No, the bots cannot continue to act like horny rabbits: No, they cant do their jobs if they’re pregnant, its a safety risk and Yes, if they want to keep on doing what theyre doing they have to use protection. (Its too late one of them, probably Chase or Blades, are already preggo. I want to go into detail on Blades but Chase needs some love)
Does ‘facing like that boost their morale? Yes. Do they continue? Yes. Does Chief burns threaten to call Optimus up and make the prime tell them to stop? Also yes. Atleast they can repopulate the Rescue bots?.. its like putting an endangered species in a breeding sanctuary and NOT expecting them to breed like crazy once theyre in a safe environment with food, shelter and comfort.
Yes god please, rescue bots porn save me. I fucking love horny rescue bots. i mean, sure, they’re always busy with missions, but not always always, they have far more moments of peace than the battle-trained team Prime, so obviously they gotta fill that free time with something. Orgies seem like a good idea.
Also thank you for focusing on Chase. My babygirl Chase. I need to play with his holes so badly. I need to fuck him so hard he forgets his name. But it’s fine, the rest of the Rescue bots are doing a good enough job of that. I am also a speedster + doorwings Chase truther btw. Chase shuddering when his door-wings are rubbed, valve cycling down when someone, usually Heatwave, grabs his wings and pulls while fucking him from behind…
god, the bunker not being soundproofed at all. The first few weeks the bots were staying there, the poor family had to get used to the sounds of them squealing and moaning in overload every. Single Night. Everyone is uncomfortable, though Cody is mostly confused. As they branch out to stunts like shoving a false spike up Chase’s valve for an entire day just to watch him stumble and struggle to pretend he’s not overloading in the middle of a police chase, Chief Burns’ gotta start thinking about how to… regulate the bots’ interfacing habits. 
He reasons with them, saying that he wouldn’t want them to get sparked and end up incapable of fulfilling their vision (and bless whichever poor soul had to explain to him how cybertronians reproduce…) But oops. Big oops. I bet you Chase is already pregnant. Chief Burns is not strong enough to handle those news, not until he cools down and Chase has no choice but to start explaining the bump on his belly <33
bonus points if Charlie asks which one of the bots is the baby daddy and Chase casually admits he’s not sure. Maybe he babbles out some statistics based on which one of his teammates fucked him the most, but Chief Burns is not listening at that point. He really should call Optimus. 
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sometimesimawriter · 5 years
Mirror Effect
Part 3
A/N: so a little confusion but big gaps and/or switch in perspective or sudden shift in scenery often means a new paragraph for my style of writing! But yeah, have some budding romance and more newly found information. Stick around for the next part and see some more rising action and intensity- every story needs a build up.
Side note: after I’m done posting this whole story, I’m going to start up with another Academy fanfic because yeah well it’s my favorite show. Definitely plan for more action in that one though.
And back to your regularly scheduled program:
"This place is amazing" Klaus kept walking around the lab, touching the plants Kayla had deemed nonpoisonous, and opening then closing cabinets. The old house had four levels, a basement, kitchen/living area, bedrooms and infirmary, and then the attic which had been transformed into a greenhouse and lab area. It wasn't modern, and some panels above the plants looked as if they had been shattered, possibly by time? Kayla's work area was clean, save for a few papers scattered about, filled with formulas and equations. Klaus picked up one piece of paper, he didn't understand all the symbols on it, but he recognized a name, "Maximus Battle? Badass name."
"Yeah thats Razor, and not so much of a badass as he is a pussy." Kayla walked behind him and looked over his shoulder at the paper, "That's his DNA makeup, basically what I've figured out is that he heals faster than a normal person, his bone's are thicker due to a higher calcium concentration in his blood, and since he heals faster, thats makes sedating him real tough. Horse tranquilizers just make him yawn and then he's back at it." She scrunched her nose a bit, "Gets real fucking annoying when someone won't just lie down and knock out, you know?"
Klaus giggled at this, he liked her, she had a personality sometimes. He turned around to her and studied her for a bit, and his eyes landed on a gold chain tucked inside her shirt. He lifted one hand and gently picked it up, and a gold cross fell across her chest, "You're a Catholic?"
She gave a devilish grin at this, "No where near it. I guess I'm agnostic, I like studying it though. Religion is a strange concept, but what i do believe in is an afterlife."
Klaus gave a bright smile, "Woah, I'm agnostic too! Though i did have some questions after i met what i think is god; she was a little girl on a bike with flowers and pointed me to a cabin where my father who apparently killed himself gave me a real nice shave..."
He stopped when he noticed she was giving him a strange look.
"Wait let me explain more, so I can- um-" He gulped, hoping this wasn't going to ruin his chances with her, "I can talk to the dead."
Her mouth opened, then it looked like an idea popped into her head,
"So can you like, find out if Kurt Cobain actually killed himself or if Courtney Love murdered him?"
This caught him off guard, he was used to people dismissing him, normally his brothers and sisters, but she accepted this so...easily.
"I mean, I could try- no guarantees though."
"I suggest you try to not move this arm so much, I have a sling you may want to use." Christina fidgeted a bit around Five, obviously still flustered from the scene in the kitchen. She rummaged through drawers, and Five looked around the room. There were posters hung up, some about the biological makeup of a person, different bones, muscles, etc. One poster was of a kitten hanging on a branch with "Hang In There!" In bright pink letters. Christina caught him examining that one poster and blurted out "Oh no thats not mine! Kayla.. put that..there". Again, her faced turned pink and she kept moved through drawers. This was definitely her space, it was a complete mess. One corner had a nice alcove near the window, overlooking the neighbor's gardens. It had some papers on the floor around it and pasted on the walls near it. Lots of Beatles and Arctic Monkeys posters, like, a lot.
"You like alternative music." Five stated- no shit Sherlock but we'll let them have this moment.
"Yeah, love it actually. When Kayla and I were 16 we went and saw Arctic Monkeys in (God i hope I'm right im sorry chris) Brooklyn. It was in a tennis stadium, and she didn't really know a lot of their songs but it was a great time. I am in love with Alex Turner." She turned back around, thinking "Why the fuck did i say that last part ?"
But thankfully, Five turned out to be a music nerd too,
"If I weren't straight, I'd go gay for him too."
She let out a laugh, kind of choked, but eased into it as Five laughed with her.
"So Kayla and Emma were telling me that you play music, tell me more."
Christina beamed at this, she loved talking about music- so much so that Kayla and Emma tend to leave the room once she begins a tangent.
"Well, I really go solo as of now. I write some of my own music but I do a lot of covers too. I play the guitar and occasionally the ukulele."
Five leaned towards her, he was still sitting on the cot where she had just reexamined his arm.
"And-um- I try to get discovered. Really has opened some doors for me. Kayla and Emma go to every show they can. I've had some producers come up to me after shows, they seem a little shady though. I don't want to get trapped in some record deal either."
"That's understandable. What do you think of Bowie or Arcade Fire?"
Christina turned back around at him, beaming. "YES."
Five slipped off the table, moving next to her and lifted a sling from the drawer, "Is this what you were looking for?"
"Oh um yeah thats it, I guess i didn't see it. If you want me to put it on for you i can-"
She was silenced by his slow, lazy movement, leaning closer to her face. He stood about six inches taller than her, and he hovered above her, tension building between them. He moved closer, about to kiss her...
"ChRISTINA I- well we- FOUND SOMETHING" Emma's voiced boomed outside of the infirmary. Five cursed under his breath and retreated, "Hopefully something worthwhile, Diego?"
Diego and Emma moved into the room; Christina noticed that Emma had left the house with her hair in a messy bun, but now she had it hanging past her shoulders; something she would only do when she absolutely needed to look decent. Emma saw her studying her and made a face, with an unspoken message: "say something and i'll hit you".
Diego spoke up, "yeah, found a blood trail. Led a few blocks down to an abandoned storage facility." He then held up two limber blades and smiled, "Got my knives back."
Five looked between the two, "Did you go inside?"
Emma crossed her arms and tipped her chin up at him, obviously not liking his condescending tone, "Of course we went in,"
"Went in where?" Kayla questioned, entering the infirmary with Klaus trailing behind her.
Emma turned to face her, "remember that storage place on East Ave? Where Brendan had that party that got busted last week?"
"Oh yeah, i got fucked up there, man. Oh and him and Matt are coming over today, they got word that the Academy was in town."
Klaus perked up at the mention of two other guys, "Who's Brendan and Matt?"
Christina answered this, "They're our verbally adopted brothers."
Five gave her a questioning look, "what does that even mean?"
"We grew up with them, so, why not call them our brothers. That's what you guys do."
Diego snickered, "yeah, that makes sense when you put it that way. So why are they coming here?"
Kayla turned to him, "Well they also have their abilities-"
Five looked at her incredulously, "Wait, how many people do you know with powers?"
Emma, seemingly deciding she didn't like him, remarked, "if you kept up with your origins, there were 43 women who gave birth on the same day, same circumstances. Y'all a'int that special."
"So what are they're abilities?" Klaus seemed unnerved by this.
"Brendan's like a shapeshifter, minus the shape shifting. He can turn into any material he touches. Matthew is a telepathic son of a-" Kayla was abruptly interrupted by a voice, but it wasn't connected to a body, except it was in her head, well, everyone's heads.
"Fuck off maybe?" The voice rumbled.
Kayla started in, obviously accustomed to hearing voices in her head, "Yeah well how about you show up so i can kick the shit out of you?"
Then another voice, behind the group, "Bet."
Two men, one with a buzz cut and the other with a middle aged man's haircut stepped into the room. Buzz cut then placed his hand on a medical metal tray, and his fingertips turned silver, as did his forearm, and then the rest of his body. His now metallic eyes turned to the other guy, presumably Matthew, "Your turn."
Matthew grinned at him, and a millisecond later Metal Man flew across the room, smashing into the cot that Five was on a few minutes ago.
Kayla crossed her arms at them, "Hey asshats, stop wrecking shit in my house."
The Academy brothers looked at the two new guys, Diego and Five looking torn between deciding to fight or continue to stare in awe, and Klaus was holding in a laugh at the scene. Matthew looked each brother up and down, then glanced at the distances between each guy from girl. He knew Kayla, Emma, and Christina long enough that at least one of them had to be trying to get with one of the brothers, and seeing by the proximity of each to the other, he could make out the forming couples- not even needing to read their minds to figure it out. He then extended his hand to Klaus, him being the closest, "Matthew." Klaus tried to mimic the formality Matthew had just introduced himself, despite the hilarious scene of Brendan trying to untangled himself from the wrecked cot, "Hey pal, name's Klaus, sometimes I go by Seance though."
Matthew looked at his hand, noticing "goodbye" was written on it, "Yeah, you're the medium of the Hargreaves family."
Diego was the next one to approach him, "Diego, and if we're giving super names, Kraken." Matthew shook his hand and nodded, pulling his lips tight together as he did it. He had a habit of doing that, made his cheeks look real chubby. Next, he approached Five, "Five. No super name."
Brendan finally got himself to his feet, now his skin resembled the linen on the cot. He nodded towards the group, "Brendan. My girl calls me Metamorph."
Klaus looked at Matthew, "I think your name should be... Professor X- no wait, copyright- Mind Seeker- no too wordy... Psionic!"
Matthew seemed to think this over, "I like it. So Kayla, what's the deal with Max. I heard he's responsible for a bunch of the murders?"
She looked down, visibly upset by the situation, Matthew moved closer to her a put a hand on her arm, "Hey, sorry, that was too harsh."
She gave him a weak smile, and moved away, taking in a deep breath. "We're working on it, trying to find a way to take him out without killing him."
Brendan turned his skin back to a normal human hide, "I say we take out this motherfucker, I wanna strangle him."
Emma rolled her eyes, "Brendan his nails can rip through metal."
"So I'll turn into a rock."
Christina sighed, "Dumbass, metal is stronger than rock."
Brendan gestured towards Matthew, "Why doesn't he just get into his head?"
"Tried that. The guy doesn't have a single coherent thought. Dumber than the guy who can turn into a rock, surprisingly." Brendan flipped him off. "How's the tranquilizer going, Kayla?"
Klaus spoke up in her place, "Not well, we gotta-"
Matthew didn't like this, "I'm sorry, didn't realize your name was Kayla. Speaking of, where's your engineering degree, huh buddy?"
In return, Diego didn't like someone picking on his brother, "How about you calm down pal-"
Matthew turned on him, "No i won't calm down, I just saw one of my sisters get out of an abusive relationship, and there's no way in hell I'm letting that happen again-"
"Well my brother isn't fucking abusive, you self-worshipping bit-"
"Both of you shut the fuck up," Kayla's voice was low, and it was a distinct change from her normal, happier temperament. "We are working on something, I was hoping Klaus could help. Matthew, I am fine. Diego, don't start with him. Got it?" She looked between the two, and they nodded. "Good. Now, why don't we go back to the storage facility and check for anything?" She turned and left the room, and slowly everyone followed.
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dawittiest · 6 years
daredevil vol. 1 recs
for safekeeping purposes, here’s a totally subjective rec list as i posted it in parts on DD discord (come join us!):
hoookay so I digged through the backlog of DD Vol. 1 and BEHOLD the recs:
so basically up until #150s or so, DD is a fun light-hearted goofy comic and it should be read as such. so expect a lot of silliness and fun
#1 AKA Daredevil is born!!! it still holds up, imo. worth reading if only for seeing matt’s first appearance
#3 its HILARIOUS. the Owl’s here and he’s the most ridiculous villain ever!!!!! featuring such attractions as: owl-shaped castle!!!!!! matt coming up with THE WORST excuses to karen (literally nothing tops that)!!! all around silver age silliness!!!!! it’s so GOOFY but its fun
#18 foggy is pretending to be daredevil?? and it goes hilariously bad hilariously fast. go figure. featuring the gladiator
#20-21 man oh man THE OWL IS BACK!!!!! AND GUYS, HE CHOOSES THE MOST HILARIOUS FASHION EVER: he decides to put the judge who tried him on “trial” and kidnaps the Best Lawyer in The Country Ever to play the role of his attorney – guess who!!!!! big ass cages and owl shaped things feature again. yes Leland is my fave, how did you guess?????
#25-26 THE INFAMOUS MIKE MURDOCK IS BORN. he sticks around for like 20 issues or so but most of it is……well, its silver age. but these are worth reading if only just to experience the amazingness of Mike Murdock first-hand and terrible terrible excuses from mr matt murdock
#99 dd vs hawkeye! matt and natasha are living together in San Francisco and nat’s old flame, clint does not like it so he decided to come beat matt up…..like one does. this is where the infamous light arrow from waid’s run comes from. despite the sexist premise and gratuitous hero vs hero fight it’s quite fun!! and the art is lovely
#131-132 bullseye makes his first appreance!!!! and he’s hilarious!!!!!! look at this panel what an icon
lester is my actual favorite ok (if I finally don’t get him in s3 im gonna riot)
#164 aka the famous issue in which ben confronts matt about being dd. it lives up to its hype A++++
#166-191 frank miller is here to shake things up forever!!!
I unironically love all of miller’s run. it has legitimate problems but it’s a classic and reads easily (hes also a co-author of #165 in which theres doc ock??? you can skip it) it has its better and worse moments but overall it’s def worth reading
#192 aka the ben centric issue about journalism ethics which I LOVE. hands down one of my favorite one issue DD stories
#201 fun matt and natasha team up! it has kind of gross objectifying art but its also pretty :/ what do
#216 the GAEL IS BACK! And he’s just as boring and irrelevant as he was in #205. all you need to know is that he’s an irish-themed villain who’s after glori o’breen (if you don’t know who that is, she’s matt’s and later foggy’s irish photographer girlfriend and shes awesome). but read this issue for gorgeous art and matt and glori being the cutest
#217 more natasha and matt! and pretty art! glori’s in peril! a villain of the week can make everyone go blind! oh no whatever matt will do?? (matt has A LOT of villains with this shtick. a helluva of coincidence hm….)
#223 the price!!!!! aka another one of spectacular one issue storylines. matt gets his sight back!!!! but it comes….you guessed it….at a price!!!! matt has gotten his sight back a few times but its my favorite. featuring: pretty art! glori being cute! matt overjoyed at the world he can finally see and having to make difficult choices!!!! alas!!!!!
BORN AGAIN!!! AKA the storyline everyone tells you to read. it’s worth it. the main event plus fall out is #227-233 but I recommend you read #226 too for more context
everyone will tell you to read ann nocenti but I find large parts of her run unreadable, so I’ll skip most of it (plus art is………not great)
the exception is her last big storyline on daredevil which is actually one of my favorite arcs. what you need to know is that matt has been through (literal) hell and now hes back!!!!! except??? its taken a toll on him. read for all the matt angst, matt having (another) mental breakdown and being homeless (……again)!!!!!! and bullseye (this is probs my fav bullseye storyline)!!!! and nyla skin who is great!!! #284-290
then you have chichester who, like my friend brian micheal b*ndis, is a hit or miss for me. I absolutely adore large portions of his run while some of them are………not readable at all. but we gave my Kathy Malper AKA my favorite forgotten daredevil supporting cast member so !!!!
heres some of his run that I recommend:
#298-300 – dd vs kingpin showdown number…..which one is it again?? anyway its fun. it actually starts way before that but there you have typhoid mary and some really upsetting stuff so you like….dont need it
#304 aka 34 hours!!!! another one of one issue favorites of mine. you see matts day as he helps ordinary people and is superheroing. its fun!
#305-306 fun superhero team up with spidey!!! plus some morbid organ stealing oops
then his run gets incomprehensible for a long while and then just plain awful and then he leaves….like its honestly unreadable. but in between all that is #316!!!! another one issue fav (chichester just should stick to small arcs imo). featuring matt on subway and delivering alien babies (well not actually alien just drawn terribly)!!! matt doesn’t don dd suit once and gets to be a superhero aka my one true weakness
then comes dematteis! who decides to fix everything that was wrong with the run before his (I approve). his beginnings are….less than ideal. I mean it has foggy FINALLY finding out about matt being dd!!! karen being supportive and great!!!! matt dissociating and curling up in bathroom having a mental breakdown which is always fun!!!! but its also kinda incomprehensible at times and theres a lot of upsetting offensive things there too. so you can come back to it later but for now id skip it. lets get to the good stuff which is #353-380 (skip #376-379). why but that’s the rest of vol. 1?? yes but read it because its great! art quality varies but you get lighthearted matt/foggy shenanigans!! rosalind sharpe!!!! my favorite karen!!! fun lawyering drama!!! KATHY MALPER!!!! basically its my favorite DD era (sans waid maybe) and I want to live in it :D (its funny because its not…..great era for a lot of comics but for DD it’s the best) (EDIT: I got lazy and it came off like it was all written by dematteis which is obviously not true. the rest of vol 1 is mostly the work of kesel and then kelly, and chichester even comes back for the last issue)
so that’s all!!! theres more worthwhile things in vol 1 but these are my faves and should be enough to get you started. plus I cant recommend enough @pluckyredhead‘s daredevil 101 series. it will get you brushed up on all the important dd things throughout history plus its hilarious
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prompt-master · 7 years
Relaxation and Experience
Anon asked: Can??? I??? Just??? I just wanna see keith and lance cuddling on the couch lead to something a bit more but then their fun is spoiled by the entire team walking in on them being so damn shocked because they had no idea and hunk just screams “IM GONNA BE THE FLOWER GIRL AT YOUR WEDDING”
Ay happy birthday Jon Arbuckle
Whenever things were peaceful in the Castle of Lions, everyone took advantage. Even Keith and Allura, who were known for their strict devotation to training and ending the war. So when the ship was tunneled into a peaceful dead zone of space and had seen no sign of any distress signals or Zarkon? Instant relaxation.
Shiro walked around the Castle by himself, getting lost in the winding rooms helped clear his head and it made him feel as though he was doing something. Later he’d find the others and have quick conversations with them before sitting with Allura in the projection room. Allura would at first try to work until Coran and her discuss the importance of the occasional break, and she’d enjoy a few good meals and the projection room. Hunk would cook and try to find a few good movies, even though they were all in altean. And who knew what Pidge was doing.
Lance looked down at the weird film in his hand, it was triangular shaped with text he didn’t understand. He’d ask Pidge what it meant but he’s pretty sure she’s deep in the air vents by now, and he defiently didn’t want to bother Allura when she was actually winding down. Hunk told him that this movie was funny to watch even though they couldn’t understand it, and well Lance had nothing else to do so. He placed his hand down onto the wall panel, lifting the door and revealing a couch with red and white boots propped up on the back cushions.
Lance sighed but instead of commenting he walked over began to set up the movie, taking a while with the unfamiliar technology. Keith’s eyes followed him in a lazy interest, his head propped up on the arm rest which left his body twisting in an awkward way since he still had his feet up in the air. Once the movie began to play Lance sat on the opposite side of the couch and propped his feet up over Keith’s stomach.
Keith looked at Lance’s sneakers, and then rested his arms over his legs, “Hey Lance”
Lance’s eyes didn’t move from the screen, “Hey Keith.”
A few months ago Keith would have ended the conversation there, or even shoved Lance off of him. Lately though they’d been getting along really well. He’d had a few moments in Lance’s bedroom. They two of them sat in close proximity and let loose as teenagers should. And in the heat of battle they’d share an intimate hug, and even once a kiss after an intense reuniting.
Keith blushed and shook the thought away, eyes following to look at the screen, “what are..uh what are we watching?”
“Honestly? I have no idea.” Lance’s voice was a bit flat, his left ankle rolled in slow circles.
“You sound pretty bored man”
Lance sighed, hand reaching to scratch at the back of his neck, “I mean yeah?” His eyes met Keith’s finally, “I am pretty bored so…”
Keith hummed, trying to focus on the horrifying monster on screen that seemed to be sobbing over a bowl of some strange alien food, “you wanna make up subtitles?” Lance had told him that was one of his favorite things to do as a kid.
“No…uh…actually could we just…you know?” Lance’s head gestured towards Keith before himself, and he looked back at the screen nervously.
“Yeah, sure.” He slowly lifted up Lance’s legs, then shifted himself around the couch until his head was laying on Lance’s chest. Eyes on the screen again, he focused on the sound of his heartbeat.
“This ok?”
Lance’s hand ran down his back, sending shudders through him, “yeah…this is perfect.”
They watched the movie in a comfortable silence after that, enjoying the feeling of each other with their legs tangled. Keith smiled whenever Lance laughed, his head bouncing with the rhythm of his chest. At some point the movie had hit a slump, becoming one of those scenes where dramatics hit. Ah plot, normally plot’ s great but neither understood what the drama was. In the confusion, Lance placed a kiss down on Keith’s forehead.
Keith rolled over so that they were chest to chest, he placed a kiss on Lance’s chin, “two can play that game”
Lance smiled, hands up and down Keith’s back, “you know, I like it when you get all affectionate”
Keith stared down at Lance’s lips, noticing how they were chapped, “oh do you now?” He placed a quick kiss to them
One of Lance’s hands reached up and tucked some of Keith’s hair behind his ear, “yeah. I like it a lot.”
The way his voice went deep and quiet left Keith red in the face. “Oh?” He kissed him again, this time lingering a little longer, “why’s that?”
“Cuz” his hands slid down the back of his neck, the line of his spine, and went back up the under of his shirt. Stopping to hold his waist at bare skin, “you’re not like this with the others, it’s like I’ve got a side of Keith all to myself”
Keith had to admit he felt the same way about Lance, he liked how there was a certain glint in his eyes that he only had when looking at him. Only him. He loved that look, the one that was scanning his collarbone. Lance gently grabbed his chin and pulled him in for another kiss. Lance tugged at his bottom lip, and after a shuddering breath from Keith they both pulled away.
Keith swallowed, looking down at Lance, “hey is it ok if I uh-”
“I didn’t even tell you what I was gonna do?”
Lance shrugged, “I trust you.”
Keith rolled his eyes, placing a few kisses to Lance’s neck. As he reached down to his collarbone he mumbled against tan skin, “I love you”
“Shit man,” Lance said, eyes shut in bliss. “You too”
Keith brought his lips back down to the others quickly, “I really love you”
“Can’t say I blame you”
A tug at Keith’s hair and they were finally at a more heated kiss. They felt stuck, melted together in their own little world. The movie long forgotten, they allowed each other to relish in the feeling of what they should be able to enjoy more often. Like how the rest of the team took advantage of being able to relax, Keith and Lance took advantage of being able to express. Their kiss was slow rather than hungry or desperate, the two of them just wanting to savor the moment. They were so caught up in the moment they didn’t hear the whoosh of the door sliding open until a voice spoke up.
“Ew. They’re eating each other.”
The two on the couch felt their whole body get a rush of unpleasant shock before going straight red. They pulled away, Keith diving to the other side of the couch, and mumbled complete garbage of excuses. They looked at Pidge, who had spoken, in shame.
Shiro then covered Pidge’s eyes “what the- I thought you two knew better than this! On the couch no less. I’m happy for you but-”
Keith groaned, wanting to die “Shiro please..”
Allura tilted her head, “is this some sort of strange Earth custom…why were you eating each other like that.”
Clean shook his head “no princess I believe that was the kissing thing Lance attempted to explain to me”
“Oh yes! Kissing…so are you two mates then?”
Pidge groaned, “for my sanity I hope not”
Lance was frozen in an embarassed shock, “g-guys what- shut up!!”
“I can’t believe we got caught fully making out we’re so stupid”
Lance looked over to Hunk, who was staring at him with these…starry eyes. Like the kind he got when they’d found rare collectors cards as kids. Hunk who had been covering his mouth, moved them to show the wide exaggerated smile on his face.
“Oh no..”
“Oh my God. Lance, buddy- I totally knew it! Didn’t I Pidge?!”
“Yes Hunk, you called it-”
“I’m so happy for you guys! We need to celebrate! Oh wait for your wedding-” Keith choked on his spit"-can I be the flower girl?! I gotta be the flower girl ok Lance? Heck I’ll plan your whole wedding i just…I’m telling you I would plan such a good wedding, I’ve watched so much HGTV with my moms I’ve got an eye for decor.“
"What?” Lance raised an eyebrow, “don’t you wanna be my best man?”
“That doesn’t matter there isn’t going to be a wedding!”
Shiro sighed, rubbing the bridge of his noise, “you two can’t let your relationship get in the way of voltron Ok? I’m happy for you but-”
“I know Shiro..i know just…can Lance and I have a moment?”
There was a beat of silence.
“…you two aren’t going to make out on the couch again are you?”
“Just making sure, ok come on everyone. Pidge stop gagging.”
With everyone out the two boys slumped over and let out a heavy breath of air. Lance looked over to Keith, “you just said that so everyone could leave didn’t you?”
Keith smirked and nodded, “now we have a chance to go to my room, I got a nice knife collection”
Lance rolled his eyes and stood up, placing a kiss to Keith’s cheek before offering a hand to help him up, “you’re lucky I love you”
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putaloadintrucks · 7 years
From hell to paradise
“You’re no son of mine”
Shayne winced softly. It hadn’t been a good week so far for him. After being fired from his last job farther up state, he had been pulled over in V8 Valley for speeding. Lucky for him, the cop there had given a very different and…pleasurable… way to avoid the ticket. The cop had even given him the address to the station afterwards when he had told him about his job situation. It had been.. nice of him to do so and Shayne had really appreciated that he been thoughtful enough of a stranger to do so (Of course, just the thought of the cop made Shayne’s engine flutter, but that was something else entirely) Afterwards he had rushed to make it home, tired from everything that had happened and just wanting a chance to relax before plunging back into the job markets. Of course, it had even gone further down hill from there, as his mom had not been pleased to see him. Not that she was ever pleased to see him it seemed, but she had been really not happy at all when he had come home. It never ended well for him when she was really pissed.
“But mom” he started to say, earning a hard smack on his hood from the older mustang, an angry glare in her eyes as she growled at the Mustang
“Don’t mom me, you disgusting piece of shit” threatened his mom, the sound of a tire hitting a fender sounded again, a whimper escaping from Shayne as he eyes his caved in Fender. That was gonna suck later to get out, if his mom didn’t kill him right here and now. “You have failed me as a child. Not only getting yourself fired, but I have been hearing certain things from around town. About how a certain fox body has been getting awfully close to the men of this town. You have anything to say, faggot?” she growled, pushing Shayne up against the wall, a whimper escaping from him as his moms blue eyes narrowed at him.
“Mom I swear, I didn’t-“he tried to say, push a rough shove and the sound of a mirror snapping of his body quickly shut him up.
“You are not allowed to speak; I’ve had it up to here with your antics. You are a lazy fucker who can’t seem to hold a job to save your pathetic life, BUT now it seems you are a faggot as well. Do you enjoy sucking their cocks huh? I bet you are selling yourself on the streets at this point” she uttered, earning a whimper from Shayne as he felt his fenders slowly push in on themselves, the force against the wall causing his body to softly creak under the pressure. He wanted it to stop, all of it. His mom had never been this angry before, and now he was generally worried he might die here.
“Mo-om, please, You-u’re hurting me” whined Shayne, tears forming in his eyes as his mom gave another shunt, the dry wall behind him cracking as a result.
“You don’t get to call me that, I want you out of this house” she said angrily, pushing the fox body towards the door with a hard shunt, his grill bending inwards from the impact as he whimpered.
“But But” he whined, the glare being given off from his mom just making him whimper as he slowly rolled backwards to the door
“OUT!” She screamed chucking a lamp at Shayne, the lamp bouncing off his hood with a loud clang as tears flowed from his eyes. He barreled himself through the door as his mother continued to throw things at him, screaming and yelling coming from the home as he barreled down the road. His motor rumbled widely as he drove down the road, tears freely flowing from his eyes at this point as tried to get as far away from his house as possible. His dented and abused body rattling softly as panels loosed in the abuse rattled in the fast wind speeds.
He just wanted to get as far as away as possible.
After a certain period, He pulled to the side off the road, away from the eyes of passing motorists as he whimpered. It just wasn’t fair, it had never been fair to the little car for as long as he could remember. Job from job, boyfriend to boyfriend, nothing had ever managed to stick with him. No matter what he tried, it seemed like giving his all just led to more and more failure. He was tired, oh so very tired of all of it, from the abuse to the failings, and he did not know how much more he could do with it anymore it seemed.
His tires softly unfolded the paper the cop had given him, a crudely written address starring back at him. Maybe a change of scenery was best in order, somewhere with fewer cars to judge him and his attitude. Plus the cop had been cute. His engine rumbled softly at the thought of him, his oil fuel pump pumping as he thought more of him.
Yes, Maybe a Scenery change was exactly in order.
“Dodger, tell me the truth, how many this time?”
“Well, I mean Vic, there wasn’t- Okay stop glaring at me, It was like three. They wanted a good time, I gave it to them”
The Inline Fuel stop and Café was busy during this type of day, the season in full gear for tourists as they came all over the country to see the beautiful peaks and trees of the surrounding lands. Trees and flowers where flourishing in the beautiful landscape and many a vehicle where taking pictures or camping along the hiking trails that crisscrossed the land scape. The sky made the valley even more perfect at the time, No a cloud in sight and the rich clear blue of the sky settled the scenery nicely. Over all it was a beautiful day, and many vehicles, from the tiniest beetle to the largest Helicopter where buzzing around, taking full advantage of the gorgeous opportunity.
With the increase of vehicles, came an increased workload for the limited stations around the valley, and two cops from a nearby station where currently on break, after having to deal with a rather large accident earlier.
“God damnit Dodger, How is this station gonna make money if you keep fucking and letting go the speeders” grumbled a larger vehicle, a Suburban to be more precise. The white, blue, and red of his body framed him nicely, with the words Sheriff painted clearly on his hood and sides near his police stripes.
“Hey now Vic, I don’t fuck all of them.. Just a lot of them. ”mused the other cop known as Dodger. His smaller form, that of a Caprice, was decked out in the colors of a deputy, the black and white color scheme softly shining in the sunlight.
“You fuck enough of them that I am getting worried, sometimes I wonder why I hired you” grumbled Vic, nursing a cold can of Grape oil as Dodger cackled.
“Cause you hired my brother, and when you hire one, you get the other” stated Dodger, grinning as his sipped his warm can of Cherry oil, all the while cheekily grinning up at his boss.
“Don’t remind me” Vic mused, mumbling softly about deviant behavior as Dodger blew a Raspberry at him. The sat in silence for a few minutes, nursing their drinks as the traffic coming in and out of the café grew larger, the afternoon crowd coming in for the day.
“Any luck on finding a dispatcher? I know ya have been having issues finding one since the last one quit” asked Dodger, earning a grumble from Vic as he pushed away his drink.
“No , No one’s applied since that thieving bitch left. I swear, it’s like cars are avoiding applying here like the plague or something “growled Vic as he stomped down on his empty can, the metal crushing easily under his weight.
“Maybe our luck will change? I mean the city is thinking of sending a officer up here during the season to help with all the bullshit, maybe will get a dispatcher as well?” mused Dodger as Vic shook his hood.
“Honestly, I doubt we will see that officer. Apparently the head honcho down at their police department is being a prick about it” he said, sighing softly as a waitress removed the can, sliding a new one towards Vic before moving onto other customers.
“Eh you never know, someone could come right now from that road and ask for the dispatcher job” said Dodger, giggling softly as Vic gave a sigh and went to his new drink. Both went back to their drinks, not noticing Shayne slowly pulling into the café, spotting the two cops as he did so. He slowly drove towards them, his mind racing as he pulled up to them. Vic was the first one to notice, eyeing the fresh dents and broken grill, raising an eye ridge in the process.
“You look like shit kid” he muttered as Dodger looked over the Fox Body, his eyes lighting up in recognition as Shayne gave a soft smile towards Dodger.
“ Nice too see ya back, you know when you are not speeding through here like a Plymouth outta hell” stated Dodger, earning a soft giggle from the Mustang as Vic looked at Dodger with a puzzled look.
“Th-hanks, I gu-uess?” Shayne said, stuttering softly as he pulled out the piece of paper. “ Im, uh, here about the j-job you told me about?” he said softly, earning a cackle as Dodger nudged Vic.
“Told ya” he said simply, earning a sigh from Vic as he softly rubbed at his eyes.
“God damnit Dodger” muttered Vic as he looked over the Mustang, Shayne wiggling softly under the much larger Vehicles gaze as he sank himself towards the ground, nervous as all hell as the Suburban looked him over. “You applying to be a dispatcher?” he asked, earning a quick Nod from the Mustang
“ Ye-es Sir!” he stated, giving the Suburban a quick salute with his antenna, earning himself a giggle from Dodger and an eye roll from Vic.
“Fuck, Guess beggars can’t be chooser I suppose. You’re hired kid, head down to the station so we can start the bullshit that is paperwork” grumbled Vic as he crushed the second can flat and drove away from the two, leaving Dodger and Shayne at the café.
“Welcome to hell kid” grinned Dodger, giving Shayne’s grill a lick as the Stang sputtered. “Get yourself patched up, than I can show you the ropes~” he said with a smirk and a wink, Shayne’s hood turning an even deeper red from the blush that was quickly engulfing it. Dodger cackled, reversing away and back onto the road, leaving the Mustang to sit there, a wild blush on his body as the cars around him chuckled at the scene. All the while, He had the biggest and goofiest grin on his bumper. That had been surprisingly easier than he thought and he couldn’t wait till start as soon as possible. An added bonus was that he was gonna be close to the Caprice, which made his fuel plump flutter at the thought.
It was gonna be good here, and he know it deep down in his engine that he was gonna enjoy himself in this beautiful valley.
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