princemick · 10 months
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blahblahbih · 14 days
Imola recap
Me the entire race
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Me the last 4 laps
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That’s it thank you
We got yoints
No one got buried in the gravel
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glai1023-blog · 26 days
Dear Yuki,
Stay there, the only place you're allowed to go is upwards ok?
Love, the Yuki-nators (me)
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maxpadelchampion · 28 days
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strugglingyetvibing · 2 months
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swiftferrari · 6 months
YUKI P1!!!!!!
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qqlimnn · 7 months
alonso thank you for your sacrifice for yuki lets hope its not in vain
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mcl4r3n · 10 months
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moviestarmartini · 28 days
yuki after hearing for one (1) day that danny ric is better than him
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genuinely delighted for yuki, but also for the fans who have been so lovely and kind towards the drivers this weekend and absolutely deserve to see their home-race hero thrive.
the formula 1 fandom has increasingly become more and more disrespectful and insensitive towards the drivers and teams so seeing so many of the drivers saying how wonderful the fans in japan are is just.
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princemick · 10 months
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astaom · 1 month
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at the fushimi inari taisha shrine today ... manifesting
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maxpadelchampion · 28 days
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strugglingyetvibing · 2 months
not only did we get yoints, we got p8 yoints!!!
let's gooooo
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lil-shiro · 1 year
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Yuki via @.michaelitaliano
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ytsunodabrainrotbaybee · 10 months
I Put a Spell on You
-> I Put a Spell on You from Hocus Pocus
Yuki Tsunoda x the short alt reader face claim: Jenna Ortega
In honor of the Belgian Yoints, enjoy some post race celebration fluff. Referencing some spice, but not nsfw.
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Liked by yukitsunoda0511, pierregasly and Others
yourinstagram weekend fits babe 🖤
yukitsunoda0511 I do still think you should wear more AlphaTauri gear
yourinstagram As long as it isn’t another neon pink
alphataurif1 We’ll see what we can do 👀
formulawhat Yuki can you fight?
userrrrrr Didn’t think Yuki would be into that
yourinstagram tbh neither did I
You watched from the garages. A promising p11 qualifying led to a very loud garage. Mechanics around you holding their breaths, jumping with every overtake. By the time lap 40 rolled around you had been crouched on your chair, fingers crossed and eyes trained on the screens.
The last lap closed out, with Yuki taking home the point. Mechanics swarmed him as he pulled into the garage. As soon as he could tear his helmet off you had all but jumped into his arms. He held onto you before the two of you were ushered out and towards the media pens.
Your arm tossed over his shoulder, his held your waist close.
The two of you walked on, being led by officials to the media pens. You would hang back, watching as he would chat on about his points finish. As usual, post race media took way too long. Before his interviews were even done he had grabbed you by the hand, holding you close to his side as he spoke to Will Buxton.
It took entirely too long before the two of you made it back to his motor home, and even longer before the two of you had settled into his bed after the more interesting post race celebrations.
His hair brushed against your nose as he pushed himself up to lay on your chest. His hands buried themselves under the oversized band shirt you had changed into, massaging your sides in a half asleep haze.
A soft groan left him as you raked your own hands through his hair. Sure, you just had to get his hair out of your nose, but it did evolve into brushing through his hair as you looked down at him.
His eyes moved under closed lids.
“What’re you thinking about?” You asked, moving his head up to face you with a finger under his chin.
With his eyes still closed he moved a hand to your face, cupping your cheek while still rubbing on your side with his free hand. “You,” he said before finally opening his eyes back up.
Your hand found it’s way back into his hair, “what about me?”
“Let’s get married.”
You laughed it off. You knew well enough that whenever he came off of that post race adrenaline he was always more affectionate. The way he looked at you had you melting inside. Those brown eyes glowing in the dim light of the motorhome. Windows shielded by blackout curtains save for a sliver of sunlight peeking through to perfectly reflect that deep brown in the warmest way.
Those brown eyes that always looked best in the dusk hours when the sun starts to set. However the sun wouldn’t set for another few hours, the simulated darkness would do.
“I’m serious,” he said, voice dropping to a whisper as he pulled himself closer to your face. His nose brushing against yours, breath against your face. “You can pick out your ring, I’ll take you anywhere.”
His lips caught yours in a slow progression. Lazy, after the high speed day the two of you had thus far. You responded between long, drawn out kisses. He wouldn’t let you get away with more than one or two words before catching you again.
“I want,”
“Propose to me”
He only nodded, continuing his unspoken praises. The fire he might have had some twenty minutes before had died down into a low simmer that professed his love for you between every kiss. Time would drag on, for maybe a minute more, before he planted a quick kiss on your nose. Another to your cheek. And one on your neck as he settled against you to finally pass out from the day.
Leaving you to once again brush through his hair, and stare down at him. Taking in that face. The face you could get used to waking up with every morning. Doing taxes and folding laundry with. The face you could never live without. The whole thing.
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Liked by yourinstagram, pierregasly and Others
yukitsunoda0511 So happy for p10, glad to get points before summer break. Always thank you yourinstagram for being here for me, and always feeding me after races. Now to rest up for the next half of the season 👍👍
yourinstagram that’s my mans 😩😩
yukitsunoda0511 And your mom says she doesn’t like me
yourmom Yuki!! You know you’re my favorite!
f1fannn Oh Yuki definitely got laid after this
formulawhat they’re basically Morticia and Gomez, he would’ve gotten some if he dnfed
f1fannn You right, did you see the way he was looking at her during the post race show?
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