#you get tinified
gbirrd · 18 days
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zelink nation I summon thee
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natures-uprise · 1 year
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bbunnybirdd · 2 years
You post a lot about Dungeon Meshi and I was wondering if you'd recommend it and what the plot is? It looks interesting ^-^
Oh definetly!! Dungeon meshi is mayhaps my favourite manga. Not to mention the soon coming anime!! Excited!!!! This is an advertizement essay now.
The start is very lighthearted (minus like the starting premise being that the protag's sister gets eaten by the dragon and that's why they have to rush back down to the dungeon to save her since resurrection is a thing) but it will get uhm. It will go to places. And on their way back to the lower levels of the dungeon they will cook various meals of monsters that they come across (since they didn't have time to get new resources)! That's where the manga's name comes from. (haha going in for funny monster food comedy oh oops THAT'S KIND OF A LOT GOING ON HUH)
So what I've gathered so far, I've seen many turn down reading by just seeing Laios and being like "oh boring protag man" but nope. He's a living monster encylopedia and yearns for info about the monsters all the way to their taste. He can imitate a dog perfectly. He thought a man who hated him was his best friend. I love him so much.
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Marcille first seems very soft uwu babey but no, we casually learn that she knows magic like,, actual necromancy. Not just resurrection. :) and she's actually quite unhinged. Also she's girl best friends with Falin (the sister of Laios I mentioned earlier) and wants to save her very much.
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Chilchuck is there to just do his work but gets attached to rest of the party. Also the fact that he's a half-foot and other races tend to mistake him for tall-man child when he's actually almost 29, has 3 children and his wife left him. Epic divorce man.
(for comparison half-foot live to be around 50 when elves can live to hundreds and this is important plot wise later on but would also be a spoiler so)
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Senshi is the "parent" of the group helping rest of the party to go to lower levels + is mainly the one teaching them about cooking (also we learn through his backstory that there's an extremely heart wrenching reason why he feels the need to keep everyone fed) He's also the fanservice of the series and the only character we've seen pantyshots of.
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Izutsumi joins the party way later and she has a cat soul bound with her own and she wants to break the curse that made this so. However later on we get hints that she's becoming more okay with having two souls. Also she's. A cat girl. Like not the usual depiction of just having ears and tail, her behaviours are very affected by the second soul.
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Izutsumi sensing a ghostie:
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Falin is Laios' sister and very loved and to describe her,, she would show you a cool bug she found. I can't tell too much about her without spoiling major plot points :-)
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Oops my hand slipped.
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+++ Ryoko Kui's art is very distinct in itself, her character design is pretty much always mentioned when talking about dunmeshi!! And the world building!!!
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Also people are being horny over the winged lion..,,
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This is not only my blog's desktop version's background but also my actual desktop image (tinified for tumblr):
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Heartwarming moments ;_;
+ special mention to characters I didn't even mention but you get to meet by reading!
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So I might really like this series.
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Bonus, this super cute comic set in our world from the mangaka's blog (izutsumi is a picky eater):
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jewishcissiekj · 7 months
Hey look I finished Tempest Runner so jusst read Trail of Shadows #2 and The High Republic (2021) #9-10 so here's a readthrough post (also feat. me simping for Keeve Lourna and Avar)
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Get tinified Eemrick Stellan Ghirra Lina and the other people here
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Big fan of this pnael Stellan looks so disturbed and Ghirra is unbothered. Wonderful really
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Ahhhhh Eemrick and sian are so cool! Love them!!
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Banger THR #9 covers I lobve womebn
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Ooooh look at Keeve she has piercings nad she cut her hair she's so evil and edgy Nihil I need to kiss her what the hell
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Love collecting these kinds of panels but two things 1) Who's the Wookie here? He isn't colored like Burry so it might be Arkoff but I checked Wookiepedia and I couldn't find anything so? another Wookie Jedi? Very cool either way and 2) Ngl I kinda hate how inconsistent the coloring of Keeve's skin is. And it's not lighting because she's at Starlight several times throughout the comic in modst probably the same lighting and her skin is much lighter, and I don't get the inconsistency
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Damn she's kinda hotter now who said that
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Avar looks so tired now:( Area blonde white woman get some rest pls
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Dude I kinda need her to do this to me my neck feels like shit right now maybe that'll help
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hey it's the fucking Yuri magnet go kiss some girls I think it wouldn't fix her but she should give it a try
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Well you see in this moment I lost all memory of Keeve having canonically left the order and of her being in Phase 3 because for a second there she had to stay with me and not die now
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What a nice couple do they need a third
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Damn she should kill me
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She stayed with me but at what cost:(
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Went to the Yuri factory (The High Republic content with Lourna Dee) and it's toxic can I still eat it
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Ending with a Peach Momoko cover because I need to read three books not all THR) and a few stories before moving on to issue #12
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miralwb · 2 years
Png compressor node.js npm package
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Png compressor node.js npm package how to#
Png compressor node.js npm package install#
Png compressor node.js npm package full#
"bottomNotice": "Kindly pay your invoice within 15 days."Įasyinvoice. Is it possible to create a PNG image from a pixel data array using Node.js I'd like to create a PNG image from an array of RGBA values, and then save it to a file. "logoExtension": "png", //only when logo is base64 This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry. for Node.js API which is a feature-rich, powerful and easy to use image manipulation and conversion Cloud API for Node.js platform. The following compression codings are supported: deflate gzip.
Png compressor node.js npm package how to#
"documentTitle": "RECEIPT", //Defaults to INVOICE How to Deskew PNG Using NodeJs Cloud API. Support for Apple's compression library ZLIB and XZ implementations This ZIP file deployment uses the same Kudu service that powers continuous integration-based deployments But the minute you went String/Buffer -> Compress -> Decompress -> String your data would be wrong if it had any UTF-8 encoded characters js: ExpressJS - Express is a flexible Node. The imagemin-pngquant NPM package is a Node.js implementation of the pngquant compression library and is a plugin for the imagemin NPM package.
Png compressor node.js npm package install#
By reducing the quality for PNG, it will enable the palette mode which will reduce the number of colours captured in the encoding. Compress Multiple PNG Images & Place Them in a New Directory Install NPM Packages Before we can start writing our code, we need to install both the imagemin and imagemin-pngquant NPM package. We can now install the Underscore package in the version we want. PNG is also quality, but as it is a lossless format, this is set to 100 by default. You can use this module to compress jpeg and png image by reducing resolution or. Install a Specific Version of an npm Package. Javascript module to be run in the web browser for image compression. There are 116 other projects in the npm registry using compressorjs. Start using compressorjs in your project by running npm i compressorjs. toBlob API to do the compression work, which means it is lossy compression.
Png compressor node.js npm package full#
→Keeping node server should be running.Var easyinvoice = require('easyinvoice') It runs a full Node.js environment and already has all of npm’s 1,000,000+ packages pre-installed, including int-compress-string with all npm packages installed. And now after getting the api key you need to create a new node.js project in the empty directory and issue the below command npm init -y This will create the empty package.json file for your project And now you need to install the tinify module of node. Latest version: 1.1.1, last published: a year ago. → STEP5: Here, we will write the logic for downloading excel in the User controller:Ĭontroller/User.js const User = require("./Models/User") // This has data to be used const excelJS = require("exceljs") const exportUser = async (req, res) => /users.xlsx`)
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dvbliew · 2 years
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6. I have never believed that anyone is replaceable. No one is. If anyone were replaceable, they would not exist in the first place. The advent of the internet, the world being tinified into 1s and 0s, and planes eating up distances in concorde-like fashion; has made us be too liberal with the, 'There are 7,000,000,000+ souls in the world' line of thought. There's always someone better out there. Hence we will not have difficult conversations. We will be proud and seek out the next soul. We refuse to work on our existing interactions and focus on the possible ones. Oh the pride! Imagine 1000 years ago. Our ancestors were respectful of limitation. They must have truly worked on their inter-personal skills because they really had no options. Horses and camels and dhows, sailships, could not allow you to eye your 'soulmate' even 5000 km away. You had to really humble yourself and work with the hardheaded soul that had been arranged for you. Which is why we exist and are strong. We were forged from dire circumstances. Our ancestors lived in such tight geographical spaces. They only saw the sun from one perspective. They only ate that which was around them naturally. They had to take care of their resources as there was no Elon to fly them to Mars once they had irrevocably, irreversibly broken the earth. Back to what we were talking about, sometimes, the infinity of options paralyses us as humans. It proudens us. And only in times of severe pain, and adversity do we get clarity and become united in one front. We need to hold everyone we have an honour of meeting in high esteem. All whilst commanding respect, and acknowledging that there are indeed options. Having options is no reason to treat people we once, or still, care for unjustly. Yes, there are 7 billion plus people, which is why you should be honoured that you have a specific picking of the 1 or 10 or 100 that you truly are in alignment with. You are not for the 7 billion. You are for those whose fates are intertwined with yours. (at Sarit Center, Nairobi, Kenya) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChosAinIdAOqtcsyqrtRTkbxDmsY5mp6BHqC5Q0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stelloids · 4 years
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today we’re enjoying the fireworks show (again hehe) and working on my town a bit more!! will i finally clean up me beaches?? maybe. only maybe
after that jon and i are playing grounded, a game where in a “honey, i shrunk the kids” scenario you and some pals get tinified to the size of ants and have to survive in your backyard!!
stream starts in 40 minutes! link after the cut!
here! <3
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php-sp · 4 years
Menorah Restaurant - Restaurant Food Ordering System
New Post has been published on https://intramate.com/php-scripts/menorah-restaurant-restaurant-food-ordering-system/
Menorah Restaurant - Restaurant Food Ordering System
LIVE PREVIEWGet it now for only $49
Menorah Restaurant is a full-fledged food ordering system for restaurants. Menorah Restaurant comes with a responsive design and user-friendly interface, which is compatible with desktops, laptops, mobile phones, and tablets.
Menorah Restaurant is easy to set up and install. Menorah Restaurant comes with a lot of features like custom CMS, Order management, menu management, customer management, SMS Alerts, SEO optimization, Referral System etc..Using the admin panel, you can manage an order, create menu categories and items, and also set such parameters, as a currency, restaurant opening time, site language, site logo etc. From the admin panel, you can add, update data.
DEMO Credentials
Admin Login: [email protected] / password
Kitchen Manager : [email protected] / password
Delivery Manager : [email protected] / password
Customer : [email protected] / 123456
AWESOME FEATURES OF Menorah Restaurant
100% Responsive Design
Powerful Admin Panel
Easy Installation
Referral System
Dashboard Statistics
Pusher Notifications
SMS Alerts
Email Alerts
Social Logins (Facebook, Google plus)
Single Page Checkout
Well documented code
Admin Users Management
SEO Optimized
Kitchen Manager
Delivery Manager
Reports (Sales summary report by date wise,customer wise,item wise,location wise)
Sales summary report in chart form of every month
Orders showing in JQuery Calendar
Payment online/card or cash on delivery
General Features of Admin
Create Unlimited Menu Categories
Create Unlimited Items
Create Unlimited Add-ons
Create Unlimited Options
User Management
Customers Management
Order Management (New,Under Process, Out to Deliver, Delivered/Cancelled)
Language Management
Loyalty Points
Referral Settings
Location Management
Manage Settings (Site Settings, Email Settings, Paypal Settings, SMS Settings,SEO Settings,Social Network Settings,Pusher Notification Settings,Tinify Settings etc)
Custom Pages
Orders view in jQuery Calender
Order Summary in the form of Graphical format.
General Features of Kitchen Manager
View Processed Orders
Send Orders to Out to Deliver
Assign Delivery Manager
Profile Management
General Features of Delivery Manager
View Out to Deliver Orders
Send Orders for Delivery
Profile Management
General Features of Users
Register either Social/Web(Referral)
View Menus & Items
Book an Order (can use Loyalty Points)
Single page checkout
Add delivery locations
Pay online/offline
My Profile
My Addresses
My Orders
My Points
PHP Version 5.3 or higher
MySQL client version: 5.1.41 or higher
PDO Installed
Session enabled
Mail functions enabled
Mod_Rewrite Module Enabled
Skype : digishelp
We are dedicated to continue to improve this system, your suggestions are always welcome.
LIVE PREVIEWGet it now for only $49
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