#you sent this right as the holidays were swinging at me full force šŸ˜­
oraclebabsday Ā· 5 months
um hello!! im very new to comics, but of the characters Iā€™ve seen so far, I really like Barbara and I was just wondering if you had any comic recommendations on where to start..? its very confusing trying to get into it all, but Iā€™d like to be able to hold a conversation about someone I find interesting with my boyfriend so I can hear him info dump on me more cus heā€™s deep into dc so :)
Hi!!! That is so sweet omg šŸ˜­ Welcome to the weird wonderful world of comics!!! and also iā€™m so sorry for what Iā€™m abt to throw at you lmao
Since youā€™ve sent this ask into an Oracle-centric blog, Iā€™m gonna keep this rec list Oracle!Babs-centric (& also encourage my fellow mods to add on if they also have some recs!) I actually donā€™t have a whole lot of recs for Batgirl!Babs anyways, but Iā€™ll be tagging my gen dc blog at the end in case youā€™d like to talk abt those or any other characters!
Also before I get Into the recs, I wanna give you some words of encouragement: thereā€™s no right or wrong way to read! Youā€™re also likely gonna have some well a lot of confusion at the beginning, esp bc there will be Eventsā„¢ļø that have ramificationsā„¢ļø and youā€™re not always given full context of whatā€™s come before or whatā€™s happening concurrently with what youā€™re reading. Iā€™ve been doing this for awhile and if Iā€™ve learned anything, itā€™s that the more that you read & explore, the more fun youā€™ll have & the more things will usually start to make sense! But itā€™s all gotta start somewhere first! :D and youā€™ve def chosen a great character to be your launching point!
Im gonna be hopping around a bit in my recs here but Iā€™ll try to keep it mostly in chronological order. That said, first up:
Suicide Squad (1987) - she appeared semi-regularly starting in #23! This was also her debut as Oracle! I really enjoyed the overall run & would normally highly recommend it, but also want to warn that itā€™s a pretty heavy read in terms of content itself (canon-typical violence ofc esp for a SuiSq comic, discussions of suicide ideation, period typical stereotyping/ā€˜subversionā€™ of said stereotypes, but thatā€™s a deeper discussion for a different blog) For that reason, I donā€™t necessarily recommend it for a first-time reader, esp if youā€™re wanting to solely focus on Babs. Team books usually arenā€™t super great when youā€™re reading for an individual character, in my experience, esp in a case like this where the character isnā€™t always necessarily part of the team or appears sporadically enough to disrupt the flow of following a storyline.
Birds of Prey (1999) - This team book breaks that prev rule tho, bc Babs is the leader & is in Damn near every issue of this run šŸ˜‚ Thereā€™s several smaller team-ups before the main ā€˜99 run (BoP:Manhunt, BoP:Wolves, etc), which are also good as a prelude before the main run itself. This will be the longest thing that will give you a LOT to parse through & ymmv with a lot of it. (Dixon & Simone are the most prominent writers for it & without getting Into It they each have their Issuesā„¢ļø & Crimesā„¢ļø) It also crosses over with a few events/references others. Imo itā€™s a good window into what comics are like overall, esp when you get into a longer run with multiple writers at the helm. But it has an added bonus of keeping a pretty small cast at its forefront (for about half the run, itā€™s solely Babs n Dinah!) It also has a follow-up run in 2010 which is broken up by-
Oracle: The Cure - (technically a 3-issue mini-series but!!!) this oneā€™s a culmination of Oracle & Calculatorā€™s (itā€™s not rivalry? That canā€™t be the right wordā€¦ Uhhh, nemesis-sitch?) from BoP & leads right into bringing Babs back to Gotham in Stephā€™s Batgirl run as well as the next BoP run I mentioned just a sec ago. Itā€™s what I like to call connective (t)issues lol. Ymmv I think depending on if youā€™ve read BoP ā€˜99/TT ā€˜03 beforehand, but I hadnā€™t read a lot of TT before reading it at the time, and I enjoyed it a lot!
A couple individual issues I wanna suggest:
Batman Chronicles #5 - Oracle: Year One!!!!! Cannot rec this one enough!!! In lieu of reading Killing Joke (which really only serves Bruce, Joker, Jim Gordonā€™s characters) read this!!! LICHERALLY her origin in coming into her own as Oracle!!! This one is THE place to start, actually, before you read anything start here šŸ˜‚
Batman: Gotham Knights #6 - okay, this one is admittedly a self-indulgent rec. Without spoiling the plot, itā€™s CLASSIC soap-opera level shit. The TENSION at play & the layers of Bruce & Babs dynamic, the messiness of the batfam!!! šŸ‘Œ *chefs kiss* GK as a run in general too was a LOT of fun for me & Babs is a pretty prominent player in much of it, but this issue rlly takes the cake for me ngl
And to tie it all together for an extra couple of Important Event recs that youā€™ll run into esp if you pick up BoP first:
Batman: No Manā€™s Land - okay, this event was a Behemoth. Itā€™s a LOT to read, but it is REALLY good imo as a launching point for where Bat-comics were at the start of the millennium. Babs takes the narrative role SO many times throughout & she rlly comes into her own by becoming a linchpin for the info system she builds for the batfam. Again, I donā€™t wanna discourage you when I say itā€™s a Long read, bc itā€™s well worth it imo, but also 100% okay to skip when youā€™re just starting out! Itā€™s a big time sink!
Batman: Officer Down - okay put away the meme forJUST A SEC, our old friend Jim Gordonā€™s been shot & itā€™s up to Batma- oh wait bruce sulks by Jimā€™s bedside while Babs rallies the troops and GETS SHIT DONE to find who shot her dad? INTERESTING šŸ§ In all seriousness tho, & compared to NML, this is a much easier bite-sized event that can give you a taste of what Event/crossoverComicsā„¢ļø are generally like šŸ‘
Bruce Wayne: Murderer?/Fugitive - okay so, take that same energy of the batfam having to Put In The Work to help Bruce out & flip it around bc now Bruce is the Main Suspect. The drama, the Intrigueā„¢ļø. Pretty much everyone in the fam gets a moment to shine & this is def peak of how Babs fits into the fam during this era. This one runs a bit on the longer side & babs is again, more of a support role here, but god damn I loved it a lot!
I feel like Iā€™m obligated to at least Mention Batman: War Games, mostly to note that it finally shakes the foundation of Oracle being the batfamā€™s main support (her CLOCKTOWER gets nerfed in this event šŸ˜­) If you read all of BoP and skip over this event & then are confused abt why Babs is suddenly being ejected from Gotham, just remember that her clocktower gets blown up, Steph dies, Bruce n Babs have a falling out & thatā€™s basically why Babs starts flying around the country & settles in Metropolis for a bit instead of going back to Gotham. I reread this event at least once a year bc it gave me brainworms, I can not in good conscience recommend it to anyone bc no one understands her (War Games) like i do šŸ’• Godspeed if you decide to read it o7
Other recs/mentions:
Batgirl (2000) - okay if you end up reading NML, youā€™ll be introduced to Cass in it, & this run picks up with her. Babs is in it a LOT at the beginning as supporting cast to Cass (up to War Games ofc, but I wonā€™t say much more abt that lol) Iā€™m ngl, when I was trying to get more into comics, this run was what HOOKED me
Batgirl (2009) - so in a similar vein, Babs also features as a support for Steph too in her batgirl run. Itā€™sā€¦ different from Cassā€™ run, but I also rlly love this one too. And also am forever bitter that the Batgirls run didnā€™t realize their potential BUT WEā€™RE NOT GETTING INTO THAT HERE.
Gonna mention Batman: Gotham Knights one more time bc again, while Babs isnā€™t a main focus, I think itā€™s rlly good at tying the batfam together during that era & giving a reader glimpses into other characters/dynamics. I think I got more out of it after I had read a few other runs from this time period (namely Robin, Azrael & some prominent stuff with Huntress), but can also see it as a potential launching point for new readers too šŸ‘ if you wanna get more into the batfam/Batman but are intimidated by the Big Runs, this can potentially be a good bridge!
Gonna rapid fire mention that Babs as Oracle has a lot of appearances in Robin (93), Nightwing (96), JLA (96), Azrael (95) and obvsly Batman/Detective Comics from the 90s into 00s. Iā€™ve read a few of these runs, and ymmv depending on how attached you may get to certain characters. But thatā€™s what comics is all about! Getting attached and exploring other characters n teams n stuff!
A Gen note that I wanna end on: I wasnā€™t exaggerating when I said earlier abt how the more you read the more youā€™ll have fun. I canā€™t even begin to count the number of times that Iā€™ve read something from a 90s/00s comic & was essentially jumpscared by a sudden Oracle cameo that I wasnā€™t expecting! She pops up in so many things throughout the universe at the time!!! She was THE info broker for all the supers!!! It makes me so insane that DC threw that all away to magi-cure her and demote her back to batgirl when she had grown so much šŸ˜­
anyways I hope you have fun!!! And again if youā€™re ever looking for other recs my more Gen dc blog is @dyketectivecomics! If my fellow mods or anyone else have some recs to add or to dispute haha, Iā€™ll be tagging this so others can see/rb/reply to add their recs too šŸ‘
Okay! \o/ thatā€™s all I got for now! Happy reading anon!!!!
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