#your life is truly your own until you're out of high school i made the younger strawhats (and vivi) 2 years older
sualne · 5 months
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first meeting and now
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thoseboysinblue · 9 months
I Kissed Someone New Last Night
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Christian Pulisic x reader
You visit your best friend, Christian, in Milan after a break up.
Word count: 4150+
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, mentions of weight loss, mentions of death of parents
Song Inspo: Kelsea Ballerini's Penthouse (Healed Version)
Requested: No
"Come to Milan" he pleads with you through the phone, "I'm worried about you, y/n."
"Christian, you know I can't do that," you frown at him.
"Please," he says quietly, "you've lost too much weight, you're not taking care of yourself, and no offense but you kind of look like shit," he tries to lighten the mood just a bit.
The truth is, there is nothing stopping you from hopping on the next flight to see your best friend and both of you know it. You broke off your engagement a few months ago, after finding out your fiancé was cheating on you. You also recently quit your job because no matter how hard you tried you always were bumping into him and you desperately needed a fresh start.
You had considered moving to Florida to be closer to Christian's family, the only real support system you had left. And even though he was far away, Christian never failed to be there for you through every heartbreak you had endured in your short life.
The night your mom died when the two of you were in high school, he dropped everything to be by your side, staying with you through all of it, holding you when you cried, staying strong for you when you completely fell apart.
He flew home as soon as he heard the news of your father's passing a few years later, and again, he was your rock. As everything in your life seemed to crash down, he was the constant, steady presence.
His family had welcomed you with open arms, including you in their holidays, family vacations, and trips to visit Christian and watch him play. They always made sure you felt like you had a place to call home. In recent years, you had opted to go to Christian for holidays so that he wouldn't have to spend them alone, the two of you setting about creating your own traditions. That was until your ex came along and you felt like you should spend holidays with him, but it broke your heart knowing Christian was spending them alone again.
Christian never really liked your ex, he couldn't put his finger on exactly why, but something about him made his guard go up. And it broke his heart when he found out he was right all along, maybe if he had said something he could have spared you the heartbreak, but you seemed happy and he wasn't going to interfere if that was truly the case.
"Come see me, I'll take care of you, I'll feed you pasta and let you get drunk on Italian wine. We can see the city together, I haven't gotten to do much exploring yet. It will be good for you to get away, take a break, get some fresh air, come on y/n, please?" he continues to plead with you.
"Ok" you whisper and you see his face light up, immediately grabbing his laptop and searching for flights before you have a chance to change your mind.
"How soon can you leave, looks like I can get you on a flight tonight, or tomorrow," he grins into the phone.
"Christian, you don't have to do that, I'll book something," you roll your eyes at him. He never failed to be generous and take care of you, whatever you needed, you didn't even have to ask most of the time.
"Nope. Not happening. Tonight or tomorrow, y/n? You better give me an answer or I'm closing h my eyes and clicking on whatever I land on," he chuckles.
"Fuck it, tonight," you grin at him, the first genuine smile he's seen from you in as long as he can remember.
You have to admit that the thought of landing in Italy tomorrow morning to spend however long you wanted with Christian makes you a little dizzy.
"Ok, pack your bags sweetheart, I'm sending you your boarding pass now," he smiles at you, "fuck I'm so excited to see you, it's been ages since we've gotten to spend time together."
"Christian, I just saw you this summer in Florida," you chuckle at him.
"Yeah, but that was less than 24 hours and you had the dickhead with you so it doesn't really count," he huffs at you.
"Christian this boarding pass says seat 4C, you did not just book me a first class ticket did you, you jackass."
"I sure did, because I can, and because I wanted to, and because there wasn't much left on the flight anyways. Now, get off the phone and start packing. Call me when you leave for the airport. Love you, y/n."
"Love you too, Chris." you shake your head at him before you hang up.
A few hours later, you have taken care of anything that might need your attention in the next few weeks since you were unsure of exactly when you would be back. You had packed and showered, and were set to leave for the airport. Making one final check that you had everything you needed, you call Christian, who answers sleepily, "I'm headed to the airport," you smile, even though he can't see you. "Ok, I'll see you in the morning," he says through a yawn, "safe travels."
"Thank you for this" you whisper but you can hear him snoring through the phone so you quietly end the call, after whispering another "love you."
You phone dings when you turn it off of airplane mode and you look down to see a message from Christian.
Christian: ciao bella 🤌🏻 there will be a car waiting for you to take you to my apartment. I'll be in training when you land, but should be home when you get there. Can't wait to see you 🫶🏻 Love you.
Y/N: oh god, am I going to be subjected to your attempts at learning Italian?
Y/N: thank you for the flight and arranging the car. I'll meet you at home. I can't wait to see you either. Love you, Chris 🫶🏻
Christian: do not insult my Italian, y/n. On my way home now, see you there 😍
When you arrive, he is waiting outside for you, pulling you into a warm embrace. It feels like he might crush you, but being in his arms heals your soul just a tiny bit.
"You've bulked up," you chuckle, your head resting against his chest. "You're skin and bones" he whispers leaning down to kiss the top of your head.
"Come on" he says retrieving your bags from the car and thanking the driver, waving off your attempts to help carry your things.
He leads you inside his new apartment, sitting your bags just inside the door before intertwining his fingers with yours, "let me show you around," he smiles at you adoringly.
He leads you from room to room, letting you know his plans for each of the ones that aren't quiet fully furnished yet. He grabs your bags as you follow him up the stairs opening the door to what you presume is his bedroom.
"Christian, this is gorgeous," you say taking in the room, the view out of his window to die for.
"It is," he smiles, never taking his eyes off of you.
You and Christian always share a bed when you are together so you aren't sure why it makes you slightly nervous to think about staying with him now, but it does. Your stomach flips as he moves your bag into the walk in closet, sitting your toiletry bag on the bathroom counter.
"Are you tired?" he whispers tucking a loose strand of hair around your ear and settling his hand on you jaw, smiling a the way you lean into him and shake your head, your eyes already a little brighter.
"Hungry?" he grins when you nod.
"You feel up to going somewhere, or do you want me to cook here, or we can order in?"
"We can go out, but can I have a few minutes to freshen up? You know I always feel gross after a long flight."
"Of course," he smiles, leading you into the bathroom, grabbing a towel for you and turning on the shower.
"Thank you," you whisper, wrapping your arms around his waist, "for everything," a couple of tears slip from your eyes which you try to hide from him but he definitely notices.
"Always, y/n" he breathes out, kissing you on the forehead.
After your shower, you wrap yourself in a towel, walking into Christian's room so that you can grab some clothes out of your suitcase. Christian is sitting on the bed when you walk out of the bathroom and his heart sinks when he realizes just how thin you've gotten. He knows it's just from the stress, and that you tend to lose weight when you are dealing with heavy emotions, and that you always return to your normal with a little TLC, usually from him.
He doesn't say anything, he knows he doesn't have to, you can read perfectly well the look of concern on his face.
"I'll be fine, Christian," you whisper as he nods.
"I know you will be now," he offers you a weak smile, but the look of concern is still evident.
You quickly get dressed, noticing that Christian has already unpacked your things and placed them on the empty shelves in his closet, your heart fluttering at the kind gesture.
"Come here" he gestures, patting the empty space on the bed beside him.
You waste no time in climbing over him and tucking yourself into his side, your head resting on his chest as he scratches your back.
"You know I'm here for anything you need, right? Forever." he speaks quietly.
You nod, allowing the familiar sound of his heart and his scent to wash over you. You never feel more cared for than you do when you are wrapped in Christian's arms, his warm embrace always soothing you, no matter what is going on in your life.
"You sure you don't want a nap," he asks quietly, a small yawn escaping his lips.
"We can nap if you are tired, Chris," you whisper.
"That's not what I asked," he chuckles.
Your stomach rumbles loudly and he kisses you on the top of the head, "food first, then naps."
He takes you to a small restaurant close to his apartment, filling you with as much pasta as you can hold before you make the short walk back to his place.
Once you arrive back at Christian's, he closes the room darkening shades in his living room and the two of you settle down on the couch to watch a movie.
Before long, you fall asleep wrapped up in Christian's arms and he does the same. You aren't sure how long you've slept when you stir slightly, waking Christian up.
"You ok?" he whispers into the dark, a sigh escaping his lips when you nod and nuzzle your face into his chest. You let out a giggle when his stomach rumbles, "you can't be hungry again, Chris."
"I'm starving, actually" he chuckles when you move slightly allowing him to stand up and pull you to your feet. He makes the two of you a sandwich, both of you eating before heading up to get changed for bed.
You wander out of the en-suite bathroom in Christian's room after finishing your skincare to find Christian sitting in the bed, already under the covers.
You give him a hesitant look, chewing on your bottom lip, "you sure you want me to stay in here, I could stay in the guest room or..." you trail off as he stands up and makes his way over to you wrapping you in a hug.
"Why wouldn't you stay in here, we've been sharing a bed since we were kids, y/n," he says quietly his hand stroking your back.
"I don't know," you whisper, "I just wasn't sure you wanted me in here."
"Of course I do," he says taking your hand and guiding you towards the bed, "but only if you want to be in here. I can definitely get you set up in the guest room if you would feel more comfortable."
"No, this is fine," you offer him a smile, your moment of anxiety passing.
"You know, I think my parents always thought we were up to something when we kept sharing a bed when we got older," he chuckles, "led to me getting the talk from my dad on more than one occasion."
"No, really?" you groan, your cheeks painted with embarrassment as you try to hide your face with your hands.
"Mmmhmmm" he laughs pulling your hands from your face, "I think they were worried that we might figure out that one of us is a boy and the other is a girl when we were younger, but as we got older, I think there were secretly rooting for it."
"I figured they would eventually put a stop to it, but I guess they trusted you far more than the trusted me," he grins.
"Guess we've disappointed them then," you chuckle tucking yourself into his side as he kisses the top of your head.
"Sleep well, y/n, wake me if you need anything," he whispers as he turns off the lights leaving the two of you wrapped up in nothing but the darkness and each other's arms.
The next several days in Milan Christian works to improve your mood as much as he can, enjoying when he catches flickers of you returning to your normal self.
You wake up early with him, enjoying quiet mornings before he has to leave for training. He even asks if he can bring you along for a few sessions giving you a chance to catch up with his old Chelsea teammates. You spend afternoons wandering the city and learning Italian with him. Evenings, which he knows you typically dread, are spent, snuggled up together watching movies or binge watching some of your favorite series.
Being constantly surrounded by Christian's presence is working wonders for you, you can feel yourself healing from everything you've been through the past few months. During a face time with Christian's mom she mentions that she can tell both of you are in a better place mentally and physically and that she's glad you are getting to spend some time together.
You cannot deny how much you enjoy being with him, here in a safe bubble, seemingly protected from the outside world. And Christian, he's enjoying your company more and more each day. Things are seamless and comfortable between the two of you, conversations are easy, and the silences are never awkward.
He has been thrilled to have you with him as he embarks on a new season with Milan. You've been able to travel to away games with him and we're blown away on your first trip to the San Siro.
One particularly warm evening after a match, you walk out of the bathroom in a pair of pajamas that show far more skin than any others you've worn around him. You pretend not to notice the way his breath hitches in his throat when he sees you and the way his eyes follow you as you slip into bed next to him.
"You ok?" you whisper, resting your head on his chest noticing the way his heart is hammering away.
"Couldn't be better," he sighs, trailing his hands over the exposed skin on your back and shoulders noticing when your skin erupts in goosebumps, a reaction he's not used to from you.
"I've got the next couple of days off, I thought we might take a little trip to Lake Como tomorrow, have some lunch, see the area," he says quietly, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
"That sounds nice," you whisper, turning to place a kiss to his chest.
"And I have a surprise for you tomorrow night," he smiles as you turn to look him in the eyes, resting your chin on his chest.
"You know I hate surprises," you grin, a glint of playfulness in your eyes.
"I know, but this is a good one, and you're not getting it out of me," he grins back at you, tickling your sides and making you squeal.
"Now, let's get some sleep, we have an early morning tomorrow," he says, reaching to turn off the light and gesturing for you to turn on your side so that he can be the big spoon.
"Good night y/n," he whispers, "love you," as he places a feather light kiss on your shoulder, so light you almost don't notice it.
"Good night, Chris, love you too." You whisper back to him, intertwining your fingers with his.
The next morning, you both wake up early and have a quick breakfast before leaving for the day's adventure. Lake Como is more beautiful than you could imagine and you share a lunch that borderlines on romantic at a small cafe that overlooks the lake.
"I can't believe we are here," you nudge him with your shoulder as you walk down a small path towards the waters edge.
"I'm sure you could sweep some lucky girl off of her feet here," you chuckle at him noticing the way his cheeks turn a light shade of pink.
"Probably, but that's not what today is about is it," he rolls his eyes at you, "today is about me and you spending time together, not me scoping out potential date spots."
"I know, but what better place to fall in love than Italy, Christian," you say, twirling yourself around in front of him, missing the absolutely smitten look on his face.
"Maybe," he shrugs his shoulders, his eyes never leaving you.
"Are you going to tell me what this surprise is?" you ask him, looping your arm through his and resting your head on his shoulder. Noticing the way his skin reacts to your fingers tracing over his skin.
You like Kelsea Ballerini right?" he asks, as he rests his head on the top of yours as you both of you stare out over the water at the colorful houses dotting the horizon.
"I do, her new album is practically an anthem for my life right now, why?" you breathe out, shuddering as his arm wraps around your waist and pulls you closer to him.
"She's playing at the stadium tonight, and I might have gotten tickets for us," he says lowly, tilting his head up so that he can look you in the eyes and see your reaction.
"Playing at the stadium, as in your stadium? In Milan?" you nearly squeal, turning to fully face him as he nods.
"Thank you," your voice comes out low, barely above a whisper as tears well in your eyes, "for this, and for everything, you've always been the one person I could count on no matter what, and I honestly don't know what I would do without you."
You press a gentle kiss to his cheek, lingering a bit longer than normal as you notice him swallow dryly.
Leaning back slightly, you take in his features, suddenly mesmerized by his beauty. You've always known Christian was attractive, that much was obvious to you, but Italy has done him a world of good. His summer tan has lingered a bit longer, freckles dancing over his skin, and his eyes seem a bit brighter and more full of hope than you've seen them in a while. You catch your gaze lingering over his lips, noticing how soft and plump they are and wondering what they might feel like pressed against your own.
Christian has been your best friend for as long as you can remember, there isn't a single core memory of yours that doesn't involve him, being here with him the past couple of weeks, his patience, support and attentiveness have healed parts of you you didn't know needed healing.
Part of you never thought it was possible to develop feelings for him beyond friendship, and yet, when he's looking at you the way he is at this very moment, it makes you wonder if there couldn't be something more there.
"You're staring," he whispers, enjoying the flood of color that rushes to your cheeks.
"Am I not allowed to stare at my best friend? You're kind of beautiful you know?" you say, your eyes never leaving his.
"You're the beautiful one," he whispers, leaning down and glancing at your lips, almost as if he's thinking of kissing them before kissing the tip of your nose.
You turn, facing the horizon again as his arms squeeze your waist. "I love it here," you breathe out, feeling him nod as he rests his chin on your shoulder, but you aren't quite sure if by "here" you mean your actual location, or if you mean in Christian's arms.
"We should go," he gives you a gentle squeeze and slides his hand into yours.
The car ride home is quiet, he can tell you're lost in your own thoughts and he'd give anything to know what you are thinking about as you stare out of the window. Truthfully, he's a bit lost in his on thoughts as well, trying to come to terms with everything he's been feeling over the last few days.
Back at his apartment, you start getting ready for the concert, Christian ordering dinner for the two of you to eat as you get ready. You pick out a flowy dress, something that accentuates your best features, wanting to look pretty for yourself, and you catch yourself thinking that you also want to look pretty for him. You want him to be proud to have you with him, not that he's ever made you feel otherwise.
Once you are finally ready to go, you walk out of his bathroom about the same time as he walks out of his closet, also dressed and ready to go. You both silently stare at each other, soaking one another in before his lips curl slightly at the edges as he makes his way over to you.
"You look beautiful as always," he smiles, pressing a kiss to your cheek, dangerously close to the corner of your mouth.
"So do you," you blush slightly at his compliment as he takes your hand and leads you to the car waiting to pick you up.
The concert is amazing, Christian never leaves your side, and most of the night he has one or both arms wrapped around your waist.
As the first notes of "Penthouse" ring out around the stadium he moves so that he is standing behind you, both arms around your waist and his chin resting on your shoulder as he gently sways with you to the music.
Tears well in your eyes at the words that seem so very personal to you, a few spill over as Christian grips onto your hips turns you around. He brings his hands up to cup your face as he brushes the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs as the music fades out.
You're staring at each other, both of you knowing exactly what is coming next, as she belts out the healed version of "I kissed someone new last night, and now I don't care where your sleeping baby," Christian presses his lips to yours.
The kiss is soft and slow, and without a moment's hesitation you grip your fingertips into his t-shirt as you melt into the kiss; his lips slotting perfectly against yours, just as you had imagined they would. Suddenly, it feels like all of the pieces have fallen into place.
He pulls back and rests his forehead against yours, "I love you, y/n" he says quietly, only loud enough for you to hear. A couple of tears fall from your eyes, as you nod and say "I love you too, Christian."
"No, baby, I need you to understand what I'm saying. I'm in love with you, I am desperately in love with you," he says as he bumps his nose against yours.
"I know, and I'm in love with you too," you grin, a squeal escaping your lips as he picks you up and spins you around.
"Stay in Italy with me, I can't bare for you to leave me," he says as he pulls you closer to him, burying his face into your neck, "we can both start over here, and we can start building a life together," he says hesitantly, searching your features for an answer he is hoping will be yes.
You nod and he crashes his lips back to yours in a much heavier yet still reserved kiss considering you are in public.
"So you're staying," he mumbles against your lips.
"I'm staying" you grin, "until you're sick of me."
"That's never going to happen sweetheart," he smiles sweetly, "never."
Tag list:
@chelseagirl98 @neverinadream @masonspulisic @pulisicsgirl @swimmingismywholelife @lovelynikol16 @nyctophilic0vitnir @lunamelona @tall-tanned-tattoo @lizzypotter14
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azaracyy · 4 months
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to the next stage of our adventure! digimon survive week 2024 day 7: post-game / future personal thoughts under the cut - less about the artwork and more about shuuji and lopmon themselves. a long rambling containing major spoilers and heavy topics. will cause whiplash. proceed with caution.
other than the fact this may be boring and long-winded, cw and tw: there will be mentions of self-harm and suicide. if these topics make you uncomfortable, please step back. if you're sure, then alright. i'm aware this is a weird place to ramble about shuuji and lopmon considering the notorious highlight of their story would match the themes of day 5 (villains) and day 6 (dark & loss) better. unfortunately (ironically?) i never planned to feature them for those days, so... pretty sure i'm not the only one feeling this, but when i discovered that a good part of the fandom seems to loathe shuuji with utmost passion, even after they claimed to have completed the game, i was confused. the way his death happened and (understanding) the cause made me uncomfortable for a while, but never drove me to the point of hate... once i recovered from the initial shock, what i felt towards him was more pity, then respect (on truthful route). i feel shuuji should have been one of the most appreciated characters in survive. yet it was the opposite that happened. (between you and me though, knowing there was this discourse with the fact digimon survive is a visual novel, i'm not that surprised it turned out this way...) from my point of view, lopmon evolving into wendimon then killing shuuji symbolizes suicide, the act of taking one's own life. it was the climax of shuuji's mental breakdown, leading him to basically self-destruct, causing damage to everyone around him and ultimately himself. lopmon evolved, just like he hoped. but failed to do it like other kemonogami partners (maintaining control of themselves and fending off enemies). the next and final outcome was death, through his own partner actually eating him alive too. it reminds me how when someone thought they have prepared well for something important yet it failed spectacularly, the devastation and frustration would eat them in the same way from inside. and they probably would for one second think, "i'm better off dead". the more i pondered about it, the more it hit home, so of course, the last thing i could do is hate him, when his struggles sound similar to my own - having to rely on consistent achievements to prove your value, to feel you are worth living and not a waste of resources. the part where shuuji went all abusive on lopmon felt like the equivalent of pushing yourself to the extreme to reach your goal, to the point of neglecting your own needs. it's like a student so absorbed in their study, sacrificing food and sleep, until their body eventually snaps and shuts down for good (...this in fact happened to one of the students at my previous workplace. she was in her last year of high school. life was just about to truly start for her when her classmate informed us of her sudden death). even in truthful route where shuuji and lopmon survive that point, things aren't immediately nice and easy for him. you can see that he still has self-doubts, and what i think is impostor's syndrome. he could be making a great contribution to the team and still put himself down for having done "nothing". i have found it interesting that artists and writers tend to be especially fond of shuuji. so perhaps it's not just the matter of one's upbringing - whether you were raised in a harsh, competitive environment and/or with family with (unreasonably) high standards so you can relate more easily to him - but also whether one can see just what every struggle shuuji and lopmon went through symbolizes shuuji's mental state. out of all survive characters, i think shuuji and lopmon pulled off this thing called "surviving" the hardest, no joke. which is why i almost always gravitate to drawing them happy because that's what they deserve :') after all this, what i also would like to say is, it's okay if a character makes you uncomfortable. it's okay if you hate a character. but never, ever bring down the character to people who like them or even consider them their favorite or comfort character. if you must, do it in your own space and only with like-minded people.
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satansaidnottoday · 1 month
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Armistice at the library.
Info: Human AU, Satan's Mc, GN!Mc.
Summary: You have been annoying Satan long enough to get a date.
A/N: We do a little jump in the timeline here, we will keep jumping back and forth depending on what story I want to tell.
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Monday was Satan's least favorite day. He had to sift through all of the books left in the return box during the weekend and make sure they didn't get damaged. They then had to be returned to their place on the shelf. Still, the smell of books and the soft silence made up for it. From up high on the ladder, he could see the morning sun slowly rising over the shelves and tables. It was such a beautiful view; it calmed him down.
Suddenly he got dragged, his ladder moving a full meter to the right out of his control. He held on to the railing for dear life. A less than dignified screech left his throat.
"Good morning, loser," you said, letting go of the ladder. 
"Mc, for fucks sake." He cursed you, coming down as fast as his trembling feet let him.
You laughed and sat down on your table, putting your books down and your feet up. Out of all of the regulars, you were the only one who would show up at 7 a.m. every single Monday. He wasn't a fan. 
"I could have fallen!" He pushed your feet off the table and looked down at you, breathing heavily. You loved how worked up he got. 
"I would have caught you," you said, grabbing his hand on yours. "I will always catch you," you said, looking up at him with your best dreamy eyes and soft, loving smile.
His whole face turns a lovely shade of red. His hand rips apart from yours, and he turns around, leaving for the counter with a huff. You watch him leave, waiting until he is sitting at his computer to start your own work. 
Ever since you returned to town, you have been going to the library every day to work. Partly because it was much nicer than the teacher's lounge, and it was right in front of the school. Party because you loved annoying the sexy librarian. You actually knew him from high school before you moved out. He was a hothead, you remembered. It was kind of funny to see him put up such a serious facade. 
The next few hours are spent grading papers and writing assignments. Every so often, Satan lifted his eyes from the desk and stole a look at you. Every single time, you winked at him. The last time he sighed so deeply, you could almost see the air leaving his lungs. You took the opportunity to walk up to him.
"Hey, handsome, mind scanning a book for me?" You ask, leaning down on the counter. You put down your copy of Lord of the Flies in front of you. "I need 20 copies of the first 2 chapters.
"You don't have scanners and printers at school?" He asks, turning the page in his own book.
"No, we're poor," you lied.
"Then I wonder why you're the only teacher who comes here to work." He lifted his eyes just to glare at you.
"Truly a mystery." You pushed the book closer to him. He took it and inspected it.
"You're having twelve-year-olds read Lord of the Flies?" He asks, looking at you weird.
"Why not? They can relate to the protagonists."
In reality, your first class of the day started at noon, and you had prepared no reading material at all. You had picked up the first book you saw in your bag.
"Let me check; I might already have a digital copy." He started typing on his computer.
"So reliable; I love that in a man."
"Well, at least this way, your students don't need to read your 'notes'," he said, making air quotes with his fingers. Behind him, the printer started working.
"What's wrong with my notes?" Your voice came out an octave higher than you expected.
"Let's see," he said, opening the book up. "We have 'Oh no oh no oh no'," he pauses to look at you for a second. "Just a bunch of 'damn', 'damn', 'damn', 'these kids are fucked up' and then 'poor piggy' sad face." 
You felt the heat rising in your own face as you took the book from his hands. "In my defense, those kids were fucked up."
He laughed at you. It made you wish the printer would work faster. You didn't like being on this side of the power dynamic.
"I should charge your school for all these copies," he said, stapling the copies together as they came out of the printer.
You snorted. "Good luck with that. They're already paying me with hopes and dreams."
He smiled, a non-malicious smile for the first time. "On that, we can relate at last."
"The woes of government employment." 
You stacked the copies as he handed them to you, and when they were all ready, you pushed them into your briefcase.
"Thank you, good sir." You offered him your hand for a shake, and he reluctantly took it. You pulled a fast one and bowed down to kiss it. Heat returned to his face, and the universe regained its balance. 
"You've got to stop teasing me," he sneakered, taking away his hand.
"Okay," you nodded. "Let's go on a date." 
He put a hand on his forehead, as if you were giving him a headache. "I said stop."
"Stop teasing. That's what I'm doing; I'm being direct," you explained, leaning closer to him. "Let's get coffee."
He looked at you for a few seconds, scanning your face for any hints of foolery. For once, you were being completely serious. He sighed.
"I'm free on Saturday," he said, looking at his drawers for something. After some shuffling, he took out a small magnet shaped like the head of a cat and handed it to you. "That's my favorite place."
"Café gatitos and cream," you read off the magnet. It took all of your strength not to laugh at how childish it looked. Instead, you nodded. "See you there at nine?"
He nodded back, avoiding your eyes. Without another word, he went back to work. You resolved to do the same.
Walking back to the school, you fidgeted with the magnet in your hand. You really couldn't wait. 
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Thank you for reading ❤️
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plzu · 10 months
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coffee. black. - (Adrian Chase x Reader)
part five ☕️ <&lt; series masterlist☕️ ao3
(note: banners i make are always made with moods in mind. i will never use images of a face or fully viewable body for the reader character. photos that's just silhouettes are only used to capture the mood of the story) Summary: You grapple with your feelings now that you know Adrian's biggest secret. Adrian is just trying to make sure you haven't called the cops. Warnings: more angst, no Y/N, dealing with a hangover, not beta read, i think that's it but if ppl find something in here they would have liked a warning for pls lmk Wordcount: 4.6k
Consciousness overtakes you in small, painful bursts. Limbs sore, neck achy, a dull thudding at the back of your skull. Tongue distressingly dry. Eyes struggle to blink open, lashes sticky like molasses. 
Going to bed without washing your face suuuucks. Truly.
Groaning, you sit up. An action your body greatly protests. You shiver as the sheets fall from your torso, body immediately succumbing to the cold. That's familiar, that makes sense. It’s always cold in the morning this time of year. But this isn’t your room, and you start to panic. Looking around for some kind of clue, you notice a clear plastic cup on the nightstand by the bed. It’s filled with stuff, crumpled pieces of paper, and it just looks like garbage until you recognize your own handwriting on the side of it. 
Adrian. Heart dotting the i. 
So that wasn’t one long, drawn out nightmare. It was real. It was all real. From drinking alone in the club, to getting manhandled into an alleyway, to getting rescued by Vigilante.
No, Adrian. 
Oh, fuck. The silly nerd from high school that you’ve been hanging out with (if you can call kissing and rubbing up on someone ‘hanging out’) has been Evergreen’s own Vigilante. 
Cool cool cool. You’ve been tonguing a killer. That’s cool. That’s fine.
This headache may actually kill you. This is fine.
He only kills bad guys, though. Oh, fuck this headache. Totally fine.
There’s a bottle of water next to the plastic cup, which you gratefully, greedily drink from. It’s nice and cold thanks to the chill of the room. Once you’ve all but drowned yourself with the rest of the water, you crumple the plastic in your hands and flinch at the loudness of it. Your eyes find the door, expecting someone to burst in at the sound, for Adrian to come check on you, but nothing happens. 
Carefully, you place the crumpled water bottle back down and try to focus on your surroundings. Your ears strain, trying to listen for any other signs of life outside of the walls of this bedroom. All that greets your ears is the hum of silence.
You count your heartbeats as the silence settles over you until it is nearly overwhelming. Once certain that there's no one else up right now, you shuffle out of bed and tip-toe towards the door. You open it a crack, peeking an eye out into the hallway.
Definitely still quiet. Definitely the only person awake right now.
Taking a deep breath, you dart out the room and make a quick dash for the bathroom across the hall. 
It’s instinct, this attempt at being quick and quiet and sneaky. Not wanting to be heard or seen. Part of it is behavior that’s inherent in you from childhood, being the first to wake up on weekends and not wanting to wake your parents on your way to the bathroom, giving you more time for cartoons instead of chores.
Part of it is waking up somewhere new, feeling gross, and not wanting to be seen until after you’ve taken care of bathroom stuff.
There is also — and this is a teeny yet persistent part of your brain that you're trying to ignore — the fact that you're not sure you're ready to face Adrian after last night.
There hasn't been nearly enough time to wrap your head around the whole... Vigilante thing.
After making sure the bathroom door is locked, you cradle the weight of your headache in your palms as you pee. You sit there for so long, it’s almost a marvel you didn't piss yourself once between leaving the bar and waking up this morning.
Who's got two thumbs and is super in control of their bladder? This guy.
Jesus. Are you still drunk? 
When you wash your hands, your reflection in the medicine cabinet mirror confirms that you look just as awful as you feel. Last night's makeup in complete disarray on your face with smudged and crusted mascara weighing down your lashes, eye shadow smeared around your eyes very raccoon-like. And not even, like, a well put-together raccoon. One that's well-respected among its peers, one that all the other raccoons can look to as a role model. You're more like a raccoon that's seen better days. Has been hit by one too many vehicles but somehow survived by some cruel miracle, except it left you with a couple of loose screws.
You groan miserably before splashing water on your face. You’ll just scrub what you can of your makeup with cold water and hand soap.
A knock at the door makes you jump, but the sound of your name from a familiar voice has you quickly turning off the faucet.
Oh, good. You sound like crap, too.
Hand on the doorknob, you're about to unlock the door when the brief image of Vigilante standing on the other side wielding a knife makes you hesitate.
You're not scared of him. You're not you're not you're not. He saved you. It's Adrian, kind sweet funny Adrian who bandaged your knee up real nice.
He blew someone's brain out of their skull right in front of me.
“Are you okay?” Adrian's worried voice pulls you away from the mental battle you’re having with yourself.
Your hand falls away from the handle. “I'm fine,” you croak, unconvincingly. “Just... I need to brush my teeth.”
“Oh! Yeah, sure. There's an extra toothbrush in the medicine cabinet. Still in the packaging, too, so you know it's unused.”
You blink at the closed door separating you both. For a second, the gratitude at being able to wash the filth of last night out of your mouth eclipses the weird, uneasy feeling that's eating away at your chest. You open the cabinet and find the extra toothbrush, neatly laid out. “Found it!”
You reach for it, about to tear open the packaging before you pause.
So far, the contents of this bathroom suggests that only one person lives in this apartment. One deodorant, one un-packaged, used toothbrush, one towel hanging from the rack. This is at odds with what Adrian had mentioned, seemingly ages ago, about having a roommate. 
It was a lie. It had to be, and you knew it then and can only confirm it now. Adrian just made up some excuse to keep you away, for some reason. 
“Hey, Adrian? This wouldn’t happen to belong to your roommate, would it?”
His response comes through muffled and confused from the other side of the door. “Roommate?”
Ah-hah. “The germaphobe?”
“Oh. Ohhh, right, yeah, roommate! No, he, uhh, moved out. Yeah,” he pauses with a forced chuckle. “Said something about me bringing back too many germs from work. You know, my job at Fennel Fields. Anyway, I’ll be in the kitchen!”
The sound of his hasty retreat from the door makes you roll your eyes.
Why is he still lying about this? You already know what could only be his biggest, darkest secret; what other lies could be worth telling, at this point?
Whatever. You're not passing up the opportunity to brush your teeth, so you tear open the package so you can finally scrub out all the alcohol and vomit and fear from the back of your tongue.
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Adrian waits for you in the kitchen with some gas station coffee and a greasy egg and cheese bagel with your name on it.
He thinks maybe you're spending a tad too long in the bathroom, and is mildly concerned, but then, what does he know? Maybe this was normal for you.
It's just. What else could you be doing other than brushing your teeth? The shower isn't running, so it's not that. Agitated, he crosses his arms and starts tapping his foot. What if-? No, no, you wouldn't. You wouldn't be calling the cops, right? Sealed yourself away in his bathroom until the cops show up on his doorstep, ready to finally bring in Vigilante?
No, you wouldn't do that. His barista would NOT do that. You said last night that he was your best friend, and best friends don't call the cops on each other.
Besides, if the vomit was anything to go by, you definitely drank, like, a lot last night. Maybe enough to forget? Maybe you don't even remember the nitty gritty details of what happened in that alleyway at all!
Adrian frowns, glances at his front door. Takes a peek out the window in the kitchen for any sounds of sirens. He hesitates for just a second before taking a step forward and nervously calling out your name, but then he's stopped in his tracks when you carefully round the corner.
You're wearing his clothes. Right, no, he knew that already. Just-
The t-shirt — his t-shirt — all rumpled from sleep, touching your body, and the sweatpants, too. The sight of you like this completely eclipses all other thoughts he had. Mouth hanging open and arms falling back to his sides, he watches the way your hands fidget, sees you blinking all uncertain at him, and it just makes something fierce clutch at his heart.
The only time someone has worn his clothes before was after some threesome or foursome with Peacemaker; some stoned, sloppy-smiled girl had tried on pieces of his discarded suit. Chris had snorted, called her cute, but it actually just annoyed Adrian. He remembers snapping at her, killing the mood and pissing off Chris in the process.
But this time is different. He can't explain. It's just a near-overwhelming scramble of incoherent words taking up space in his brain, turning his thoughts into radio static. The only thing he can really parse is the simple desire of wanting — needing — to see you like this again. A gentle yet insistent rhythm of mine-mine-mine thumping behind his ribs, where his heart is.
“Does my face look that bad?”
“Wha-” Adrian blinks out of his thoughts and sees you cringing. There's an uncomfortable hunch to your shoulders, and he finally notices how much... smaller you seem this morning. Not physically, no, but it's like you've shrunk in on yourself. And, maybe this is just his imagination, but the space between you two seems weirdly and incredibly vast.
“I didn't wash off my makeup last night, so I woke up looking like a raccoon. I just tried scrubbing it all off with just cold water and the- the hand soap? But now I just look like a wet raccoon, which is worse-”
“N-no, I think you look-” he sees the dark smudge of make-up ringing your eyes, now watery like you're about to cry again, and in combination with the clothes you're wearing, it's actually doing something for him, so he finishes without thinking, “kinda hot, actually.”
You stop and just stare at him, eyes widened in, what, shock? Disbelief? Chapped lips parted slightly, looking unbelievably enticing right now.
Before he can give in to the urge to march up to you and scoop your cheeks in his hands, he takes this lapse in rambling to offer you the hangover breakfast.
“I went out earlier to get you some coffee-”
“..ooh!” You hesitantly perk up.
“Oh,” you grumble, shoulders inching back down.
“No sugar.”
“Ughhhhh,” you practically deflate in disappointment. Maybe he was just imagining that space between you. This, right here, feels normal.
“It's what my dad used to give my mom when she was hungover. He would swear by it.”
“Used to?” Your expression changes as you take the coffee from him, so it's less disappointed, more... sad? A little mournful? “Is your dad...”
“Yeahhh,” he says, dragging out the syllable. People used to ask all the time.
“I'm so sorry, Adrian.”
What? What's with the look of heartbreak? “Why are you apologizing for my dad being gay?”
You pause, and then snort, and then you actually laugh and swat at his arm. “Tsk, you asshole! I thought- it just sounded like he was dead!”
He rubs at his arm where you hit him, watching in wonder as you giggle against the lid of the coffee cup. It's a relief, for him, to see that you haven't fully dimmed; he can still put the effulgence of laughter on your face.
But then there’s an almost imperceptible shift of your features. Frown beginning to tug at the corner of your lips, like you’ve just realized this is actually a funeral, and laughter is inappropriate right now. 
Usually, Adrian would let you feel your feelings. But there’s this desperate urge to distract you from potential negative emotions (not for any noble reasons, unfortunately), so he blurts out: “Got you a bagel, too!”
He slides the wrapped food forward, closer to the edge of the counter where you can see it, and sees with immediate relief the way your eyes widen at the sight. 
“You… got me a bagel?” you ask. Mumble, really, making the question sound more like gahhme uh-baguhh? 
“Yep! With all the hangover fixings.” 
You put down the coffee in favor of unwrapping the sandwich from the paper and aluminum foil it's contained in. It looks like tears well up in your eyes as you take in the buttery, greasy shine of the dough.
“You’re not going to cry again, are you?” He’s not sure how much more tears he could handle in such a short span of time. 
“No,” you sniffle, then take a bite, and hum, sounding nearly pornographic. “Mm. Oh, shit, dude.” Your shoulders sag, whatever tension you’d been holding this whole time finally dispelling. 
It’s not even gross that you just talked with your mouth full, not when he finally loses you to the rest of the bagel as you continue stuffing your face.
Also, he’s totally not jealous of the bagel right now. 
Well. Jealousy aside, at least this will delay any conversations about Vigilante. Sweet.
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After you're done eating and complaining about the coffee (“Please let me put sugar in this. What do you mean you don't have any sugar??”) Adrian's ready to take you home. But you hesitate, eyes darting away from his, and ask if you can take a shower first. Even while unsure of how comfortable you are around him at the moment, you’d still rather be with Adrian than go back home and face your parents. 
There's a pause before he relents and grabs an extra towel for you to use. His hesitation makes you suspicious. It’s like he’s nervous about something. Another secret, perhaps? You’re tempted to confront him about the supposed roommate but bite your tongue, untrusting of your emotional state if he continues lying to your face.
These thoughts swirl around in your head as you strip down and get into the shower, being careful to keep your bandaged knee from getting too wet.
Underneath the spray of the shower, you worry, and you fret, and you zone out. Adrian Chase is your best friend. Your best friend runs around at night with a mask and weapons strapped to his person and killing people for crimes both big and small.
Adrian Chase is Vigilante, and Vigilante saved you last night, and a fresh new well of tears blurs the sight of the shower drain.  
Oh. You know Vigilante’s secret identity. Suddenly, every instance of Adrian’s visible nervousness or discomfort when talking about the renegade replays in your mind. Dread sits heavy in your chest as you realize, for the first time, that Evergreen’s unhinged vigilante technically has a reason to kill you.
No, that’s- Adrian wouldn’t. He wouldn’t hurt me.
It would explain his general shiftiness this morning…
But if he wanted to, he probably would have already. You were drunk last night, for crying out loud! Why concoct some elaborate way to dispose of you when he could’ve done it with one of the various weapons he was carrying already? 
And he brought you breakfast! And taught you how to play Dungeons & Dragons, and he stares at you like you're something wonderful. Like you matter. And maybe you've been selfishly clinging to him like a buoy in a vast, dark ocean, but yesterday was proof that there's no one else. You have no one else.
So. Adrian (probably) isn’t going to kill you. But you can’t shake the feeling that you might lose him, anyway. 
That shouldn’t be a bad thing. Severing ties with someone that you now know to be a gleeful killer (seriously, he was practically giddy about sawing off that one dude’s fingers) shouldn’t be something that fills you with profound anxiety. Despite your earlier comparison, Vigilante is no Batman. That gloomy bastard can’t possibly take even a smidgen of the joy Vigilante does when facing creeps and criminals.  
If anything, Adrian Chase is exactly the kind of vigilante that the authorities are worried all vigilantes are like. This should be deeply concerning.
Yet, that fact isn’t as troubling as the idea that Adrian might leave you.
The hot water nearly runs out by the time you shut off the shower. The drop in temperature helped to rouse you back from the brooding pit of your thoughts, but now you're worried about being an inconsiderate guest. Adrian saved your life and mended your cut and fed you, and you repay him by using up all his hot water. 
Fucking great. Your mother would chew you out if she knew.
You pad into Adrian's bedroom wearing the same clothes of his that you slept in, nearly jumping at the sight of said man standing at the side of his bed.
He beams at you. “Hey! I found your phone. Not that I, uh, not that I was looking for it.” He stumbles over his words a bit, and taps the screen where your phone sits on the nightstand. “But, uh, anyway, it died. So I put it to charge for you.”
“Oh. Thanks.” You don’t even glance at the device as you observe Adrian.
There's a change in his demeanor now, something different from before your shower. He looks almost... relieved? You frown. Is it because he gets to take you home, now?
Is he really in such a rush to get rid of you?
You shuffle closer towards him, taking Adrian aback as you don’t stop until you’re toe-to-toe with him. He visibly stiffens when you delicately pinch the bottom of his shirt, just holding the fabric between your fingers. The action is slow and soft, not bleeding of the desperation secretly coursing through your veins. 
You’ve always been careful of when to intrude on Adrian’s personal space. Unless you’re kissing, you make sure to always keep your hands to yourself. Any contact made in public is brief. Despite the loose cannon of his mouth--crude jokes and unrestrained observations--Adrian is very physically reserved. Keeping his arms at his sides, there’s an invisible barrier around him at all times. 
He’s never even held your hand.
(Not like that matters to you, much. You’ve had the pleasure of feeling his palms cup your cheeks, have felt his hands on your waist in the midst of searing kisses.)
But you need this, right now. Nothing so bold as a hug, no, but if you could just hold onto him, then maybe… maybe he won’t disappear. 
“What are you- what are we doing?” he asks, tone appropriately quiet for once, nearly breathless.
“Adrian…” You peer into his eyes. His pupils dilate, and it's almost sickening how much you enjoy the effect you have on him.
“Sorry, I don’t…” you clear your still-hoarse throat, glancing away from his stare as you try to find the right words for the moment. Something that won’t scare him away, or give away your neediness.  
And then, remembering you’d probably be dead in a ditch right now if it weren’t for the man in front of you, you look back up at him with an earnestness so intense, you hope he really feels it. 
Just as you open your mouth to thank him, he cuts you off in a way so specifically, wonderfully Adrian: “Full disclosure, if we’re about to make out right now, I highly suggest we wait until we’re back in my car.”
The corner of your mouth twitches up into a smirk, and you tilt your head to the side just a tad. “Why? There’s a perfectly good bed right here.” You weren’t particularly in the mood to make out up until this moment, but you can’t pass up the opportunity to tease him.
Getting to see this man blush is always such a heart-fluttering thrill. 
“Because if we start kissing in my apartment, I don’t think I’ll be able to take you back home.”
There’s nothing sexy or sultry about this confession. It’s said very matter-of-factly, like it’s obvious, and this makes your heart ache something awful as a devilish grin spreads across your face. 
“I wouldn’t mind,” you mutter. Face inching closer to his, ready to seal your fate with a kiss.
Run away run away run away from your problems stay trapped in this castle by your cute, murdery captor’s side-
“How much do you remember from last night?” Adrian asks in a rush of breath, eyes squeezing shut like he’s scared of the answer.
Halting, you make a face. Shiver at the memory of strong hands palming you, hot breaths on your neck and ears. “Please don’t make me think about it.”
Adrian hesitates, but there’s something resolute about the shape of his mouth, so you take a step back with a frown.
“I’m sorry,” he says, “but I really need to know.”
The memory of that red visor and loud gunshots make you look away from him. Your arms curl protectively over your middle. “You saved me.”
Adrian nods. “And what was I wearing when I saved you?”
Your heart hammers in your chest. “You… ugh, I get it. You’re Vigilante, okay? I get it.”
He grimaces. “So you remember everything.”
“I don’t want to,” you spit out, a bitter bite to your words. “I wish I could forget. But no, I remember! I remember the- how powerless and stupid I was! I’ve never been more scared in my life! How they, how they touched me! I never knew being touched could feel so gross, it was awful and I hated it!”
The impassioned, warbly recounting of last night is enunciated by the wild gesticulating of your hands. Adrian listens with a harried expression, unused to this side of you.
(Really, he’s never seen firsthand this side of the people he’s saved. This… pain.)
“But then, but then you show up,” you continue, “my knight in scary armor-”
“-and even knowing about Vigilante, nothing could have prepared me for all of that.”
(“My suit isn’t scary,” Adrian continues mumbling to himself. “I think it’s cool.”)
“And I should be happy! I should be happy that they’re dead but I feel guilty for some reason instead.”
You shake as the truth is finally spoken aloud, releasing a shuddering breath. 
“Guilty?” Adrian asks, no longer focusing on your comment about his suit. “Why would you feel guilty? You didn’t kill those creeps. I did.”
“You killed them for me. Blood was shed… for me.”
It’s guilt. It’s guilt enveloping your shaken heart, but another unnamed feeling that feels worse. You shove that emotion back, deep inside you.
“Well, I was going to kill them, anyway. If that makes you feel any better.”
You blink watery eyes at Adrian. That is what Vigilante does. Kill indiscriminately, regardless of the crime.
He continues, “if anyone should feel guilty, it’s me for showing up late. I went there specifically to kill them. I didn’t know you’d be there. But if I hadn’t gotten distracted before then (that Cold Brew you made me was killer, by the way) they never would have gotten the chance to lay a single fucking finger on you.”
There’s a gravelly dip to his voice at that last part that sends a shiver down your spine, more excitement than fear. 
“So, no more crying?” 
It’s a plea, anxiety clear on his face, and it’s such a silly thing. Three dangerous men in an alleyway get handled with a jubilant pep in his step, but it’s you’re crying that makes him nervous.
You snort, and then fully erupt into laughter that makes you look, admittedly, kind of crazy. It doesn’t do much to lessen the worry creasing Adrian’s brow until you stutter out a promise.
No more crying.
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“Sooo… Remember how you said we’re best friends?”
Adrian’s finally taking you home. You’re trying not to let this bum you out too much. But the farther you get from his apartment, the bouncier your leg gets in the passenger seat. If the several missed calls and unanswered texts from your dad are anything to go by, home is not going to be a very welcoming place.
Last night’s clothes- well, they’re in shambles. There was no saving the torn nylon stockings, so Adrian just threw them away. The dress, too. Adrian tried convincing you that it’s just a little rip. Hell, he can fix it (“I’ve gotten really good with needles,” he said. This made your heart a little sad when you realized why.), and give it back once it’s all mended! It’d be such a waste of a pretty dress if we threw it away. 
But it just holds miserable memories of fear and loneliness. You never want to see it again.
“Mm,” you hum noncommittally, staring out the window at the gray skies of Evergreen.
Adrian seems none the wiser to the growing somberness of your mood. “Best friends keep each other’s secrets, right?”
This gets your attention. When you look, he keeps glancing very persistently at you, eyes wide and imploring behind his glasses. “...Yeah?”
“You can’t tell anyone that I’m, you know…” his voice drops to a whisper as he finishes. “Vigilante.”
“Wha- no, dude, of course not! Secret identities and all that. I get it.”
He smiles, and it is stupidly endearing, before he slips back into seriousness and returns his focus fully back to the road. “Good, because we hang out all the time. So bad people would obviously use you just to get to me.”
Somehow, this doesn’t worry you. You doubt there’s any real threat to Vigilante here in Evergreen, aside from, like, the cops. You can always just lie to the cops. So you reach across the console to pat his thigh reassuringly. “Don’t worry, Adrian. I’d never let anyone hurt you.”
The laughter that erupts from him is offensive, to say the least. You stare impassively as he thumps an open palm against the steering wheel, as if what you said was the most ridiculous thing he’s ever heard.
He regains a modicum of composure and manages to finally respond. “That’s cute, but I’m serious.”
You cross your arms and pout, completely miffed. So am I.
By the time Adrian pulls up to your parent’s house, your anxiety is through the roof. It feels like your heartbeat is in your mouth. It’s why you barely utter so much as a see you later to him as you unbuckle your seatbelt and get out of the car.
Ordinarily, you’d delay the ending of time spent with Adrian by grabbing his face and kissing him silly. A greedy attempt at prolonging the temporary joy you like to linger on in the feel of his lips and the warmth of his attention.
Also, like, you were a little annoyed with him for laughing at you the way he did. As if it’s so absurd you could protect him! You could. 
You have to. 
Standing at the front door, you slide the key into the lock with shaky hands. Unaware that you will come to regret skipping out on this kiss. 
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taglist: @whatevermonkey @nobodys-baby-now @hiddlebatchedloki @pokoyolfhw @navs-bhat @afraidofshrimp @training4theapocalypse @abbaenthusiast
[ if you would like to be removed from the taglist, pls let me know! it wouldn't hurt my feelings, i 100% understand if you come to find it annoying or just not currently interested in the fandom. likewise, if you want to be added, i'd appreciate a reblog and/or comment/feedback! it helps to feel more like a community that we're all having fun in together this way ♡ ]
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afyrian · 2 months
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ch. one - deep blue memories masterlist
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    "today, we're separating into your usual groups and you'll take turns examining each of the specimens. your goal is to figure out what's ailing them and how you would solve the issue. there will be multiple answers for some of them, so don't be worried if there's disagreement within your groups," your professor stands in front of you, a thick notebook settling into your arm, small marks forming on your skin. 
  you've done this more than once before, but with it being your final year in the program, there's even more pressure to perform. you peak over at the turtle habitat, the beautiful colors on its shell catching your eye. the professor then steps off to the side, "group one, you're with the dolphin. group two, you're checking out the sea turtle. group three with the octopus and group four with the squids."
  the number two always seemed to be your good luck number, because the sea turtle was ultimately what you wanted. you find your way through the group to your closest comrade, atsumu miya. knowing him through high school would have never made you think that he'd go into marine biology. his love for volleyball seemed as though it would last through college, but now he stands beside you, watching a turtle. 
  his enthusiasm, however, carried over and now it's all he can talk about. truthfully, you enjoy watching him smile as you compare homework answers. "so, initial thoughts?" you stare down at the turtle, watching as it turns around in the small enclosure. 
  brown and beige colors intertwine along the turtle's shell. the length appears a little over a meter long, the length and appearance of the shell leading you to believe it's a green sea turtle. "well, green sea turtle for starters-"
  "yes... what else?"
  "if you would so kindly let me finish, i was going to say, it looks like there's something on its fin," atsumu raises an eyebrow, leaning against the railing of the enclosure. 
  a couple of your other teammates mutter in agreement, one of them mentioning how it looks tumorous. your eyes narrow as you stare down the spot, fingers just barely dipping into the water. the cool temperature grasping at your fingers remind you of a simpler time. baby sea turtles struggling to make their way through the sand. 
  seagulls picking at them as they form lines in the sand, your fingers grappling at them to help them to the water. 'honey, you have to let them take the journey on their own. you can guide them, but you can't just drop them in the water,' your mom kneels beside you, lowering her sunglasses to meet your eyes.
  she grabs a hold of your hand, leading you to swat away any birds that come close, waiting until they're just barely in the water. her hands moving yours into the cool ocean water, draping the baby turtles with a little freshness-
  "you okay? you've been staring off into the distance as i monologued on how i would solve this mystery," he turns his body towards yours, watching as your fingers wade through the water, eyes focused on the growth.
  you look back him, eyes flickering back to the turtle in front of you. there was always something interesting about the ocean, something that intrigued you about life within the water. "yeah, just cycling my mind through the different things that cause growths on green sea turtles. there's always fibropap... what is the full name of it?"
  "oh what is that, fibropapilla?" atsumu narrows his eyes, pursing his lips as the gears turn.
  "fibropapillomatosis... it's a tumor-causing disease," a voice pipes up, one that sounds unfamiliar to you.
  everyone in your class has been going through the program for years together, making it hard to not know a member. especially when you look up and find that there's something truly unforgettable about the nearby individual. his dull blue eyes appears similar to that of the ocean as you venture deeper in the water. 
  he stands a couple of feet behind you, his clothes matching that of an employee. "it can be found in all green sea turtle species. while there aren't currently treatments available for it, we can try to remove it in the hopes that it'll help," the mysterious man takes a step towards the tub, arms wrapped around a clipboard. 
  despite his apparent knowledge of the turtles, it's clear that he doesn't want to get close to the water, for unknown reasons. "right, you're totally right. we'd have to test and see, but yeah. uh, are you a new transfer student?" you furrow your eyebrows, clean hand scratching at your jaw line.
  "no, just visiting," his gaze meets yours, and the longer you stare into his eyes, the longer you want to drown in them. 
  "well, thanks for the help, visitor," atsumu comments, hands resting on his hips, biceps just barely flexing as he stares down the mystery guest.
  you look back at your closest confidant, eyebrows raised. while atsumu can be a little hostile around new people, you couldn't help but feel a little annoyed at how he immediately chooses passive aggressiveness. he looks back at you and shrugs, eyes flickering between you and the visitor.  
  the visitor swallows, clearly a little bit more nervous at atsumu's actions. before you can read the little name tag that is written on his lanyard, he's turning around, moving to the next group. he walks around a bit awkwardly. it seems as though he has a limp or something that affects his walking abilities. 
  you turn back to atsumu, pursing your lips. "i get you have that intuition thing going for you, but you just met the guy. come on," you lightly slap his upper arm, shoulders dropping.
  "something just seems off about the guy, that's all."
  "just be a bit nicer, especially if he is going to be here for a bit. for all we know he could be finding people for an internship or a job once we graduate. don't ruin your chances if that's the case," you push your finger into the upper part of his chest, bringing your hand back to cross your arms over your chest.
  atsumu raises an eyebrow, shaking his head. "alright, just don't let his good looks blind you from your studies..."
  "oh you're ridiculous," you look back at where he stood; however, he seemingly disappeared from the other group. 
  for a second, a part of you longs to know where he's run off to. however, you quickly turn back to your own group and remember what you were doing in the first place. fibropapillomatosis... such an interesting term.
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a/n: ahhh i hope people like this first one! taglist: @zombriesworld
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gowithinbitch · 3 months
girlie I am in need of help and I hope I dont sound desperate because I kind of am. I'll just put it out there with extreme honesty. Please,please listen because I'm kind of getting what you and everyone else here on tumblr point to but my mind is all scrambled.
I came from the reality shifting and law of assumption/manifestation community. Nondualism made more sense to me so I've been reading and reading posts everywhere on Tumblr and Reddit but at some point everything started to stop making sense.
To put it simply,I am in my last year of high school. And I have this big exam in July that I have to prepare for...but I want a different life. Away from all this chaos happening here. I want to live in a different reality (other country,no exam,more money,significant other) because I know I can't keep living like this. I've been this way for around 4 months now,without studying because 'maybe tomorrow I'll get what I want,so why even study'. Now I know I am just THAT and that everything is me and that this life that I am talking about is illusiory,as is the one I am wanting to live instead,but I genuinely dont know what to do. I am exhausted and sad and miserable and maybe yeah,I am aware of being the girl who is exhausted and miserable but how do I stop it?
I mean,I just got my results to a mock exam just now and I got 26/100. I'm spiraling. I'm feeling insane for doing this and I dont even know how to tell my parents. I have no idea what to do because I want to live that life so badly and I know I can but what do I do now?Do I postpone it?Do I start studying?Is anything even real? I know that everything is an illusion,from this 'waking' life,to my dreams,to what I 'imagine',but I feel as if everything is flying by me. Tomorrow I have a driving exam and I feel myself going crazy,it's pathetic truly. At this point I feel the need to give up,but then I think 'what if it does work out?' and it's like a cycle. Clash,study,get a bit of hope,and then it repeats. I don't want to make it seem like I am venting,I truly hope it doesn't seem like that,but I am really in need of help. If you read up until here,thank you. Thank you🙏
Eeek that's a long text !!!
Oh my god, baby, darling, honey, you're litteraly me. I know by heart what you are going through.
I have been here okay so heres what i did:
- at some point i was really overconsumming and spiralling like crazy i think i was actually getting physicaly sick
- put it got calmer and calmer, as i did what : WENT WITHIN
- i'm sure you know everything you really need to know so now, when you feel lost or anxious, have a talk with yourself. Answer your questions
- now i can also do that (i am you so that works too): now i see the shifting influence here. "The 'i don't need to that because i'll wake up in my desired life whatever' i know it even better than my own name. Stop that. Study okay. Study. I know it's hard. I know you're tired. But study. Look for tips online to study better. Maybe find a teacher to help. Talk about that with your parents. But as long as you're spiraling like and it affects you that much, keep studying
- so you can be in a better state to understand that you're desired life, you're already living it. You already ARE it. I don't want it to sound as affirming or persisting because 🤮 but really remind yourself of that. Because it is the truth. Have you seen my tree post ? You think you're stuck as branch n°1 and want to be branch n°2 but you're the whole tree. You just have to choose (REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU SEE BECAUSE SENSES ARE IRRELEVANT) which branch is the one you're of
Now good luck my baby, you're already there ! You've already done everything you needed to do which is reminding yourself of your true nature 🩶🩶🩶
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sky-neverending · 7 months
Falling (doesn’t feel so bad when i know you’ve fallen this way too): Part 1
so i’ve decided i’m gonna start posting parts of my michie oneshot until i finish it and post the whole thing on ao3 so uhh here’s part one!!
They say the old Waylon place is haunted. And it is, in a way. For nothing ever truly dies there, the Waylon’s made sure of that.
But there’s someplace else in that tragedy-ridden town that holds the very same spells and incantations that the Waylon’s placed on their home, a building used as a backup in case anything ever went wrong.
Hatchetfield High.
So when Richie Lipschitz died in that school, on that fateful day, his spirit never really moved on. He stayed dormant in those halls for a week, and then two, and then almost three. Watching. Waiting. Holding out for Maxwell Jågerman to show his face at the sight where he took an innocent boy's life.
And it happened.
The doors to the gym cluttered upon, catching Richie’s attention. It was night, school was closed. Someone had broken in.
“Are you sure about this?” he heard a familiar voice say, squeaky and filled with worry. “Who knows what kind of door we’re gonna open.”
“We have too, Pete,” a girl responded, again her voice a familiar tone. “For Ruth, and Richie, and everyone…” His head perked up at his own name, and he walked toward them, feet light on the floor. “Grace, summon these bastards.”
He stepped through the door, looking into the darkness as Steph, Pete, and Grace knelt in the middle of the gym with a large black book in hand. They began chanting, and a chill ran through Richies undead spine as something in the air shifted.
“Stop!” He leapt forward, calling to them. “Stop, stop what you're doing!”
Everyone turned to look at him. “Richie?” Pete whispered, like he was afraid of what he was seeing. “Richie, how are you here? You- you're dead!”
“Max is dead too, and somehow he is haunting us, so who knows what the fuck is going on anymore?” Steph threw her hands in the air. “Sorry, Richie, for not being happy about your sudden appearance. But we are freaking the fuck out!”
Suddenly, Grace stood. She took the book she was holding with her, flipping through the pages as she talked. “This makes so much sense!”
“Sorry, what?” Steph walked toward her. “Care to clue the rest of us in?”
Grace rolled her eyes. “The Waylons, they put evil magic on their house, right? So it makes sense that they might have put the same spell on another place they founded.”
“Like the school!” Pete said, catching on. “That’s why Richie is here, he’s in the same situation as Max!”
“Then why isn’t he trying to kill us?” Steph asked, yanking the book from Grace’s hands. “Because, if you don’t remember, we currently have a very angry, very undead jock plotting our demise!”
“Shut the hell up!” Richie yelled, stalking toward her angrily. “Everyone, just shut up! I have no clue what the fuck you guys are talking about anymore, but I don’t like the look of that book. Give it to me.”
“No!” Steph said, turning away from him. “We need to do this!”
“For fucks sake, Steph, you aren’t the main character in a poorly written anime,” Richie grumbled, reaching for the book. His hand skated over his skin, and she screeched at the contact, dropping the leather bound pages on the floor.
Richie caught them mid-air, right as Steph stopped screaming. “Why can you touch me? Why are you so cold? What the FUCK is going on?”
“I’m pretty sure that’s just how ghosts work, Stephanie Lauter,” said Richie, pronouncing each syllable of her last name separately. “Now, I'm going to keep this book because I, frankly, am frightened of what you are going to do with it.”
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onboardsorasora · 8 months
i’m obsessed with enchanted au daniel😭😭😭😭😭😭 hes so cute 😭😭😭 his mom is worried about people taking advantage of him🥺🥺
Omgosh Anonstie I saw this ask right before bed and this all just came rising out of me. 🥺🥺 he's her precious boy. Here's a little backstory on our disney princess. I hope you like it💕💕
Part 1
Part 2
Grace always told Daniel to be careful of people and he didn't always listen. Michelle tried to look out for him but she had her own life to live, as much as she loved him– she couldn't put her life on hold to protect him.
And he didn't expect her to. He didn't know why everyone made a big deal when he would go off driving by himself, or if he'd hike in the woods at the edge of the property. He knew he was supposed to let them know where he was– that's his bad– but sometimes the call of nature was just too powerful. The bird songs on the wind were too catchy, everyone wanted to show him the new babies they all had and he….he couldn't not go.
And it was fine for a bit, he felt bad when it looked like they were scared because he ran off but young Daniel didn't know any better. Truly.
People were nice and kind to him when he was a kid, even as a knobby kneed teenager with a huge fro, big bright eyes and a too big smile.
Michelle had told him not to do it, but he thought Caleb was his best friend. And you share your secrets with best friends. He learned the hard way that things change when people find out that you're magically adept and they aren't.
He thought it was all normal interactions until he started feeling uncomfortable at school, with people cornering him and asking to do things he couldn't or wouldn't do. Demanding that he do tricks or tell the animals around to do things that could hurt themselves.
The first time he came home with bruises, Michelle threatened to beat everyone up who hurt him. Daniel smiled and told her it was fine. They rode dirt bikes in the yard until dinner, and he asked her to not tell Mom.
The second time he came home with bruises, they also came with a cut lip. Grace cried and held him close. He told her that he saved a kitten, so all was well.
She kept him closer after that and he allowed her whatever made her feel comfortable. He wanted to be free to fly like the birds or race like the horses. But he stayed close to home because he loved it so.
He fell in love once…And he didn't sing for a year.
Grace cried when he came home because it was over.
Daniel's first tattoo was a ship, sailing on the high seas. The mom and dad banners fluttered in the wind when he showed them. They glowed with his happiness.
He never left Perth, he had no reason to. He had everything he ever needed at home. But the birds were compelling and their song spoke of adventure. And he got free snacks.
Part 3
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
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I believe you're referring to the one Fruits Basket post I did a few months ago where they had a nightmare and woke up only to find their darling not next in bed to them. I know that you like the softer approach so I tried to give it to you.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, some paranoia
Prompt 136
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Seijūrō wasn't a person prone to weakness and showing his emotions. Perhaps it had something to do with the way his father had forced him to be perfect in every aspect as he had been the only son to succeed his business. The only real escape for him, the only real source of relaxation and joy during his childhood had been his kind mother.
Until she had passed away in his 5th year of elementary school and he had been left alone to endure the excessive high expectations his father put him under. Never lose in anything or to anyone, never let anyone defy him. The seeds for the person he would become later on in his life had been planted by his father, had given birth to a terrifying side of Akashi that only few dared to go against only to suffer the consequences.
You truly weren't sure if he had ever felt very strongly about his own father as he acted arctic and cold around him whenever those two met, almost behaving like strangers. What you knew was that Akashi didn't want you to be around your father-in-law too often and for once did you agree with him. It was terrible obvious that his father hadn't envisioned you as his son's partner and spouse and the few times where you had seen Seijūrō's father, you had noticed the sharp glares thrown in your direction and the condescending comments, questioning your competence and your worth.
If looks could kill you were sure that his father would have died the most gruesome death possible as Akashi's eyes had burned with murder, a gaze so intense that servants had withered away the moment his eyes had brushed past them for less than a second. Family reunions between the Akashi family were rare, you could count it down on less than five fingers how often Seijūrō visited his father and if he did, he never left your side, almost paranoid that his father would just wait for the opportunity to tear you down and convince your of your worthlessness. It was a rare side you normally never saw of him.
Upon waking up from the foggy images of his nightmare, the first thing Akashi noticed was the sheath of sweat covering his skin and his quickened heartbeat. A nightmare solely induced because of the celebration of his father's birthday. A celebration Akashi had only attended because you had insisted that you two should at least congratulate his father.
He reached over to your side, fingers gracing the cold material of the mattress which suddenly made him aware that he was alone. He sat up slowly, his eyes staring at the spot where you had been when both of you had headed to bed before wandering over to the digital alarm clock on your nightstand.
For a few moments he just sat in the darkness, waiting for you and listening to every little sound that stood out within the overall silence of the night.
A few minutes passed by yet he didn’t hear any footsteps indicating that you were heading back to the bedroom. He was sure that you were still somewhere in the house and that the servants having the nightshift tonight would have informed him if something would have happened but with the just recent nightmare, Seijūrō couldn’t help the slight knock of unease on his mind.
He threw the blankets off his body as he stood up, walking over to the bathroom connected to the bedroom. It wasn’t likely that you were inside as he had neither heard any sounds nor was the light on as far as he could see. He wanted to be completely sure though as he knocked gently on the door.
There was no answer, pretty much as he had expected. Concluding that you really weren’t there, Akashi headed out of the bedroom since you had to be somewhere else then.
Still no answer. Where could you have possibly gone to in the middle of the night? There was a wave of tension washing over him as he strolled down the floor, his footsteps quickening as he continued to call out your name.
"Master, why are you awake and walking around? Is something the matter?"
Apparently he had made enough noise for one of his staff to notice. If they had nightshift though, Akashi was hoping that he had seen you.
"I'm looking for (y/n)? Have you seen them?" he asked calmly, the darkness doing nothing to hide the sheer pressure his gaze put on the poor man.
"I believe they went outside into the garden."
"Is anyone with them?"
"No, they insisted on being alone although I didn't let them leave without at least wearing a coat. The night breeze tends to be a bit fresh after all in this season."
He didn't need to hear more as he excused the servant and made his way down into the garden. Apparently he hadn't been the only one who hadn't been able to sleep soundly on this night...
You had been fairly absorbed into the sounds of the night and the black sky above you which was to blame for you realizing a little bit too late your husband stepping outside too, eyes glued to you as some of the tension in his shoulders left him when he finally found you. A thin blanket was wrapped around you as you were sitting on one of the decorative stones outside, neck cranked up to stare into the dark sky above you.
Seijūrō should have been slightly angry with you for leaving his side in the middle of the night but you looked far too serene right now, gaze dreamily hung up on the nightsky. It was only when he stepped closer that you noticed his approach from the corner of your eyes and finally turned your gaze to him. Mild surprise on your face before it melted into a softer expression that drove out every bit of anger he could have possibly harbored somewhere in his mind.
"Unable to fall asleep?" you asked softly, making some space for him so he could sit down next to you.
"I was actually just searching for you since you just diappeared. How long have you been sitting here?" he replied, shuffling closer to you and engulfing your own hand within the warmth of his own.
"I'd say that I've been awake for roughly an hour and have been sitting here now for about 20 minutes." you guessed, a half-amused smile on your face as you did so.
"Why didn't you-"
"If you're going to ask me why I didn't wake you up, don't. You've stressed yourself out enough yesterday already, I didn't want to disturb your sleep with such trivial matters." you interrupted him before he could even finish his question, already knowing what he would have asked you otherwise.
"You think having me waking up without knowing where you are isn't going to stress me out then?" he quickly shot back, causing you to let out a short chuckle, amused by his answer.
"Fair point."
You pointed your gaze at him, noticing that he seemed to think about something as he was staring right into your own eyes and even if the light was very limited right now, you thought that you could see a sparkle of worry in his orbs.
"The reason why you couldn't fall asleep doesn't have anything to do with my father and his poor behavior, does it?"
You thought that he would ask you something along those lines, when it came to his father you were fairly good to predict your husband's behavior.
"Not really, I think. What about you?"
"It has nothing to do with him." Akashi replied, a strong hint of dislike put into the last word. You watched his facial expression carefully but you had to give it to Akashi. He knew how to conceal the feelings on his face, you couldn't tell from merely observing him if he was lying or not. There was only the feeling deep inside your heart telling you that it had to do with his father but you decided to not push it any further. You shouldn't worsen his mood.
"If you say so. Seijūrō, I think you should still head back to bed. You have work to do tomorrow. Try to fall asleep again."
"Then you're coming with me."
You tilted your head slightly in confusion.
"If you want me to fall asleep again, then you have to be next to me. I won’t be able to sleep until I have you in my arms."
You let out a huff of amusement, a grin tugging on your lips as you leaned closer, nose bumping into his. "You're acting very strange right now."
"There's nothing wrong with showing my spouse how much I love them."
His love. His love scared you at times, especially when his golden eye threatened to tear your soul apart with his glare alone but right now he appeared relaxed, tame even.
"Was your nightmare that bad?"
There was a very short moment of shock, he hadn't told you about him having a nightmare and you had just assumed that he must have had one, you didn't know why. Intuition perhaps?
You would cave in. Just for tonight, you would be willing to cave in and indulge him and yourself in some tender sweetness now that he wasn't the other side of him. But only if he would admit it. You had been far too often the one who had been forced to show your weakness and break down in front of him only to have him coddling you in a sickening manner. You wanted him to be the one to admit his weakness for once to you too. Just so you could see that he was only a human too.
The silence that followed the next few moments showed you that he was hesitating a bit, perhaps he was worried that you were scheming something, although that would b fruitless for you in all ways. Red eyes were locked into your own orbs as if searching for any sign that you were planning to use this somehow against him. He couldn't find anything though, only genuine concern and the silent wish to see him. A warm feeling spread throughout his chest.
You barely heard him whispering his answer out but that one word was all that you needed to hear to close the few inches of distance between you two, your lips meeting his own warm ones. For the shortest moment he seemed a bit surprised before he leaned forward, both of his hands grabbing your shoulders to pull you closer to him.
"Then let's go back inside, shall we?"
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moonstruckme · 14 days
Hi Mae! I’m gonna ramble in your inbox for a sec don’t mind me
So it’s graduation season (as you are very aware, congrats btw!!) and I just graduated high school today and it was great but it was also really sad (and I’m aware this is very dumb to complain about because a lot of people have no one around them to support them and I am very lucky because I do) but I was there alone up until the ceremony started and my family came to watch.
And I know that I wasn’t the only one getting ready alone but it made me kinda sad to see all these kids with their parents helping them get ready and taking care of them and I didn’t have that. And I know that it’s not because my parents don’t love me, they just always have so much going on and I’ve always kinda had to look after myself and I’m usually fine. (And realistically I know if they were there it would probably be way more stressful) but for some reason it just made me really sad. I was struggling to get all my stuff on right so much that the girl in front of me had to help T-T and I just kept thinking that I wish I had a mom there.
Thankfully I had friends there who were looking after me too (one of them gave me free rein of his chocolate pretzels ♥️) and my teachers were all really great but I was literally on the verge of tears all day bc of all the emotions T-T
Also a random guy saw me waiting after the ceremony by myself and just said “congratulations, kiddo” i literally almost started bawling 😭 so I am very lucky that I had more support than a lot of other people, I was just kinda lonely for a bit. (I really hope this doesn’t come across like I’m ungrateful rip)
Anyways that’s all!! I hope things are going well for you!
Hi lovely, I don't think that's dumb to complain about at all!
I actually think I really get where you're coming from, my parents are divorced and often I find it easier to tell them I'm just going to do things on my own rather than mediate who will be with me at what time and where, so lots of the big parent-centered events in my life have been by myself too. I understand that you want to give them credit where it's due, and I think it's a good thing that you still know how much they love and care for you but it's totally understandable to feel sad regardless.
It's so kind and considerate of others to try and step in for you when they see you don't have the support they do, but I know that in the moment that also doesn't always feel great. When I was little my dad never wanted to come to anything and often my friends' dads would take turns doing the thing with me so I didn't feel left out, and that was so so sweet of them but I was pretty embarassed at the time! It's not nice to feel pitiful, and the idea that people are perceiving the same thing as you are in your parents' absence probably didn't make you feel better.
Like you said, none of that detracts from how loved you truly are, and it sounds like you know this already but it seems like you also have all this excess love pouring in from the people around you!! I'm incapable of not looking for silver lining, and to me all those kind people are definitely something to be grateful for, but also I think it's okay to let yourself mope a little if you want to my love. Don't deny how you feel because you think it's dumb or unjustified or anything of the kind! I promise you it's very valid.
Congratulations on your graduation sweetheart!! I'm sure your family are all very proud of you, as well as the friends who were there for you on the day (and me too!!). I hope you enjoy a lovely summer and take some time to reward yourself for all your hard work before whatever comes next <3
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agirlwholovesrockstars · 11 months
she's my collar
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summary : you and your aunt moved in to Hawkins, Indiana, you got your last year of senior high and got a job at Family Video, you finally made friends and this place feels like home until you met Eddie, you never know what love feels like unbeknownst to you he is not truly human what you thought he is
word count : the is the most longest one part fic that I ever written I'm sorry 😭
warnings : (18+) Vampire!Eddie Munson x FEM! reader, Eddie & reader are virgins, language, use of (y/n) losing a loved one, Eddie is (19), reader is (18), protected sex, Eddie being the most adorable and caring vampire ever, natural disaster (earthquake), reader is oblivious to Eddie's true nature, I added the KAS THEORY a little bit in this, idk if this is considered a spoiler but reader will sacrifice her mortality 👀
what to expect : angst, fluff, eventual smut, but I promise this has a good ending
note to reader : I've been wanting to write a fic about Eddie being a vampire and I hope you'll enjoy this! 🫶🏻
author note : I love Gorillaz so much, they're like my favorite band ever, if you haven't listen to this song yet and yes this is where I got the idea hahaha you should listen to it first! 👇🏻
It's April 16 1988
You and your Aunt Katherine moved to another town again called Hawkins, Indiana
Ever since in your early teens, you got used to it, moved here and there
Your aunt took care for you, when your parents both passed at a very young age of 7
She's the only one you've ever had in your life and you couldn't be more grateful
She did the best that she can to give you what you needed, she treated you well, she thought you the how to deal things with life
You loved her very dearly, it just saddens you to move on again to another town- she wants to have a partner again in her life, on every slight inconveniences the next thing you know is packing up all of your stuff and leave immediately
All the memory of Uncle Charlie is a bit hazy and you couldn't quite remember everything of it but you know, he is an amazing husband whenever your Aunt talks about him, you can see the way her eyes glow
You struggle to adjust into the new environment and make new friends, Perhaps?.... as if you ever made one
But this time, you wanted to stay for real this time, you wanna settle down and have a real life
Thankfully, is the last year of your senior high school and you're just going to need a job after you graduated
Even though your aunt insist not to take any jobs she wants you to go in college as soon after you graduated
But you really wanted to have a job not because of your own needs but you also wanted to help out your aunt
She sadly smiles at you and she sighs in defeat and she saids "Alright, we will look for a perfect job for you"
While your aunt is asking for inquires at a local diner in front of the Family Video
You eye out the store and you don't understand why the sudden pulling inside of you telling you that's the place that you want to work
You cleared your throat "Can I check that out, if you don't mind?"
Your aunt looked around "Yeah, sure, my dear but be back here? alright?"
"Okay" You nod
You crossed down the road and your eyes roam around the small building
You loved movies, you always loved watching movies
You opened the door and the bell chimes, a signal, that a customer enter the premises
"Hi! Welcome to Family Video!" A short dusty blonde hair girl- greeted you with a smile on her face
You like the enthusiastic tone coming out of her voice "uh- thank you" you shrug shyly
You didn't noticed the man coming in a load of big boxes on the side and you bumped to each other and the box fall back down on the ground scattering all of the VHS tapes on the floor
He grunts and sighs warily not until he looked up at you "Oh- I'm sorry I didn't see you there"
"It's my fault, let me help you pick up those"
Before he can protest, he already saw you piling all of the VHS all at once
"My guess this is for the horror section, right?" You held up one "Rosemary's Baby" VHS
"Yes" he responds feeling bad while he watches you picking all of the tapes and placing all of them one by one on the shelf
"Look, you don't have to do this" he says while grabbing all of the VHS at once putting them on the front desk he even doesn't bother to organized them all he just goes straight back to you
"Hey, it's okay, don't sweat it" You say before you crouch down to put the last horror VHS in place
"Actually, I think I might get a job around here" you stand up straight and look at him
He's very attractive, his hazel eyes are pretty and the hair is perfectly styled
He must've been very popular at his school where he studied
"Oh, you are?"
"I think we have one more available slot for you- he pauses "Shoot- I'm sorry, My name is Steve, Steve Harrington"
He hold out his hand for you and you shake them "it's Y/N"
"Steve, have you-"
You looked around and it's the girl who greeted you earlier
She smirked and you looked back at Steve in confusion
He shakes his head at her "Before you go think of something else, I'm almost finished to organize everything that is delivered right now"
"Ooh, really?" She answers sarcastically
"It's because we have a new assistant now!"
"Wait-woah- Does that mean I'm hired?"
"Yes!" Steve replies fast and you can hear the excitement in his tone
She rolled her eyes at him "Anyways, I'm Robin, Robin Buckley" she reached out for hand and she shakes it aggressively
"You better get used to her over the top energy" Steve chuckles
You giggled "Okay, it's nice to meet you, Robin, I'm Y/N"
"Hey, Robin could you get the papers to sign her up?"
She annoyingly smiles at Steve and goes back to the office
"That was fast?" You furrow your brows in confusion
"What do you mean?"
"That I got the job?" You raise your eyebrow at him
He goes back to the desk organizing every VHS tape in order on the shelf
Not looking at you he replies "It's because you knew the film that you're holding earlier"
"Huh? Is that it?"
"Uh yeah- that's what we needed in here, top 1 most important thing is that you must know or like familiar with films and everything" he says while opening a second box putting out the other new delivered VHS
"and you even place them not just in the horror section" he gestures the last phrase with quotation marks "you also placed them by year!" he breathlessly laughs
He motions you to look back at the horror section
"Oh, yeah right" you chuckled
He crouch down to look at it and shaking his head "I can't believe that you know all about this stuff!" he exclaims
"What stuff" Robin says without looking at you both while she's double checking the paper before she gives it to you
"This girl right here" he points to you "is very cultured"
"Say what now?" Robin grins at you as she crouch down next to Steve
She gasps and looks right back at you "You literally organized all of these by year?"
You nod at her and smile
"Dracula (1931), Frankenstein (1931)-" Robin cups her face in awe as she reads all the labels again
"Psycho (1960) to Rosemary's Baby (1968)"
"I just place them on the shelf but not like this" Steve is still unbelievable of what you just did
"She freaking place them not just by year but also by decade!"
You watch them as they lose their minds and you can't supress the smile growing widely because you've never had like this before
Maybe.... You finally made friends
Robin stands up straight she walks towards to you "Like how could you know all about this?"
You shrugged "I just love movies that's all"
Steve straighten up as well "Did you go to film class or something?"
"I guess you could say that" you snorted while you put your hands on your pocket
"Wait? Are you in college?" Robin says
"Not yet, I'm going to finish my last year of senior first but yeah Steve's right that's what I want to pursue someday"
Robin nods while Steve listens continuing to put all of the VHS at place
"I-I was supposed to go to college after I graduated that's what my aunt really wanted but I just- you paused
"I want to have a job and uh- I wanna experience it while saving up some money for college" you added
"Well, you found the perfect place" Steve smiles
"Yeah, it's gonna be fun!" Robin agrees
You look in their eyes and you can tell they're very genuine and you smile at them
You heard the car from outside beeping and it's your aunt calling out from you
"Oh, that's my aunt, I- uh I'm gonna go" you say while you're rushing out towards the exit
Steve follows you while your hand rest on the door handle "Before you go, can you start tomorrow? We open at 9am?"
"Yes, I can"
"What am I going to wear by the way?"
"You can wear anything you want- we don't have spare uniform around here yet" Robin says while she carries the 2 boxes bringing it outside
"Oh okay, I'll see you guys tomorrow then!"
"Sure thing!" Robin smiles at you
"Bye, Take care" Steve says while waving to you
You look at them for the last time and you push the door forward
"She's really cute and pretty!" Robin says with a eat shiting-grin on her face
Robin feels Steve's eyes rolling "I like her but, very funny, Robs" as he glares at her
She laughs "ooh I wonder what else she likes, maybe she loves rock music" she says as she taps her finger at her chin while thinking deeply
"What makes you say that?"
"I saw her leather bracelet and she wears like black & white colored outfits"
"Just because someone is wearing one doesn't mean they listen to rock music, Robin"
"But what if, she is!"
Steve chuckles "Only way to found out tomorrow"
6:30am in the morning, you woke up
You stretch out your body before getting out of the bed and move the curtains on the side of the window
You're never a morning person as a kid but now you're growing more to like it
You still haven't done unpacking everything yet since you're exhausted yesterday just recently moving in the tow
You sigh as you looked over the baggages in your room instead you showered to freshen up and start rummaging through your luggage
you grab the black bra top, black cardigan and khaki pants
Your aunt made your favorite chicken noodle soup and you smile to yourself as you walk across the kitchen, smelling the aroma more
"Goodmorning, pumpkin" she greets
"Morning!" you smile
Your aunt caught your keen voice as she squints her eyes at you but a smile grows on her lips before she continues to what she was doing
You want to help out your aunt for cooking but she always insists that you sat down on the table
she places the bowl in front of you "What's with you so smiley today?"
"I'm just looking forward for the job that I got yesterday"
"Wait, what- really?" she stopped while holding the serving spoon
"At the Family Video?"
"And you're excited about that?"
You smile even wider you can't help but wonder why "Yes I do! I think I made friends as well!"
"You did?"
"What are their names?"
"Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley"
Your aunt can see the lively vibe into your eyes and she hopes that you will never lose it
She smiles down at you as she fills up your bowl with chicken noodle soup
You sigh at the comfortness around the area and you've never felt this before ever since.... well.... you moved in a lot
You felt happy at those times before but not like this, this is different
Maybe, just maybe..... This is the place that you want to stay
"I'm happy for you, love, but if things go wrong-
"I will always be here whenever you need me" you cut her off by finishing her sentence that she always reminds you
She chuckles as she places a glass of red iced tea
"Eat up, we got a big day ahead of us"
Your aunt drop you off at the Family Video, she decides to take the diner instead, she works as a waitress in there
Steve & Robin are already inside opening all of the windows inside
They seem to focus on what they're doing that they didn't even noticed that you arrived on time
You cleared your throat and they raise their heads in unison
You shyly wave at them
Robin smiles "Perfect timing!"
"Hey there!" Steve greets you
You sheepishly nod at him
Robin walks towards to you and grab your hand as she pull over the desk and she reveals your uniform and your name tag
You gasped as you look over to your uniform
Other people might found this funny because of your reaction looked like you just won the lottery
But this is very new to you and it's a great experience to let yourself feel it, enjoy it and embrace it
"W-Wow, I'm official now?"
"You sure are!" Robin says as she watches you unfold your uniform and couldn't help but smile even more
"You can wear it now, if you want to" Steve says
"Are you kidding? I've been dying to have one of these!"
Steve chuckles and shakes his head at you
"You can go ahead and change in the restroom is just around the corner" Robin says as she directs you to where the bathroom is
"Okay, be right back!" You say as you pick up your stuff and headed towards the restroom
"Isn't she the most lovely human being ever!" Robin admires your kind personality
"I gotta admit, I do" Steve shrugs as he flips the sign on the glass door that says "OPEN"
"We had a bet right?"
"A bet that we did, last night"
"Oh- that"
"And I just have the perfect person to talk about it" Robin looks over to Steve shoulder and she grins
Someone enters the store with heavy boots on
Steve already knows who is the person behind him and he sighs in exhaustion
He turns around and he says "Dude, what the hell are you doing in here?"
He's wearing Ray-Bans black sunglasses
"I'll be quick, man, don't worry"
"I'll be quick" Steve mocks him making the man rolls his eyes even though his wearing sunglasses, Steve can see it
"You know it's dangerous for you to go outside, in broad daylight!" Steve exclaims
He sighs "yeah, man, I know, goddamn it just be chill, Harrington" he walked over the Mystery/Thriller section as he halts his tracks
His sensing something..... else
"Don't tell me you're going outside like this often" Steve says sternly
Robin ignoring Steve "Uh- I'm going to say something about-"
The man just hushes them both
They both went silent and Steve looked over to Robin and she just shrugs
He can smell you, he can even hear the beat of your heart
He takes a deep breath and he narrows his piercing red glowing eyes to his friends
But before they can say anything, he heard the restroom door open as he swiftly snaps his head looking at you
you unbeknownst to what's going around at the store and the strange man that came in
You're wearing a walkman and you're listening to "Deep Purple - Child In Time" with your head down and you swing your bag over your shoulder fixing your uniform more properly
He removed his sunglasses with his lips apart
The man could've sworn to himself that he is dead, he felt alive again just seeing your presence, even though his heart isn't the same anymore since.... the disaster happened
It's been 2 years and yet here you are, he thought he would've never feel anything that is human but now.... he is feeling something again and that intrigues him
You feel eyes on you
Your raise your head and you have locked eyes at the peculiar man standing not too far from you
He can feel and read your mind, emotions towards him, you're curious and somehow.... intimidated?
That's what he is afraid of.... but that changes when you started walking towards him with a smile on your face
You remove your walkman headset and pause the cassette
Steve and Robin shared a knowing look with each other as they smirk behind the man
"Oh, hello, I'm Y/N" you offer your hand to shake hands with him
You asking him? to shake hands with you?
He blinked and swallowed he becomes nervous as he couldn't said a word
You furrow your brows while you reach out for his hand and he shakes it "and you are?"
"I-I'm Edward Munson- b-but you can call me, Eddie" he stutters and he winces at the awkward answer but you find it cute
The one thing that you noticed, it's not even winter yet but his hand feels.... cold... not that it's weird is just it's summer but you don't pay attention to it...maybe....it's because he's nervous
"Hi, Eddie is a pleasure to meet you, I just recently moved here."
"You do?"
"Yeah, just yesterday"
He looked back at his friends raising his eyebrows
"And that what I've been meaning to tell you" Robin sighs
"She's on her first day of the job!" Steve says while putting his hands over his waist
"Are you picking up a movie?" You asked
"Uh- yeah- I was"
You nod "What kind?"
He got confused by your question and you chuckled "What I mean what kind of movie genre"
"Oh, I get it" he admires your features carefully your eyes, lips, smile, nose, even your voice.... is making him melt
You move yourself beside him and that shocks him, he's never been close to a human girl in his life.... except for his friends though
"You're looking for a Mystery/Thriller film?"
"Yeah, I am"
You look over the VHS section, you found that catches your eye but before you put it out from the shelf, you ask him first
"Are you looking for something that is uh- spooky?"
He tears his eyes away from you while you lean down bending beside him
You didn't even noticed that he is watching you, my god- you're so beautiful- it hurts
He clears his throat "I-I'm kinda into some kind of action"
Steve scrunches up his brows "Since when?"
Robin elbows him with Steve saying "OW!"
"Don't mess up with the moment" she whispers
You picked it up and give it to him
He take it out your grasps and he reads the title "Die Hard"
"You gotta love it" you told him
He smiles to you "Okay"
Robin presses her lips together as she can't control her excitement
"Say- uh- Eddie- I think Y/N is also into rock music" Robin says as she throw her arm around your shoulder with a grin
"How- did you?-" you say as you turn your head on Robin
"You are?"
"Oh- yeah I am"
"What kind?" he echoes the question that you asked him earlier
"Heavy metal, speed metal, glam rock, hard rock, blues, psychedelic rock and so much more" you say as you motion your hands for far more wide
Eddie's eyes almost bulge out of his head "Really? No way!" he jumps out of exhilaration
"Yes, I do!"
You mirrored his enthusiasm as you jump at the same time- you didn't even realized you both holding each other's hands
Robin face turn into such a satisfaction as she turn into Steve mouthing to him "Pay me"
Steve rolls his eyes at her with a smile as he digs out of his pocket a dollar and gives it to Robin
You share each other's interests as you both looked down
you rip your hands from him immediately while smiling sheepishly at him
Eddie scratches the back of his neck
"Are you going to pay for that, Munson?" Steve asks
"Right" he responds as he holds up the VHS you gave to him
Before he can leave the store he turn around and say "Can we hang out sometime?" he shyly asks
"Sure, Eddie, I would love to"
"Oh, okay good, what day are you available?"
"I could hang out with you tomorrow if you want"
"T-That's perfect!" his voice raises a bit much that gives two of his friends shared giggles and he shakes his head at the sight of them
You laugh "See ya, tomorrow, Eddie"
"You too, sweet thing" he gives you a smile before he exits
and that's where all it began....
Everytime you bond with each other, you two became close, literally inseparable
You even met his amazing friends that you very liked in the first place that you met them
Dustin, Max, Lucas, El, Mike, Nancy, Will, Jonathan, Chief Hopper (but he prefers to be called Jim) Joyce, Murray, Karen, Ted, Enzo
You notice something again in their eyes, you can't even read it what it means but you never really mind it about anyways
The first thought comes to your mind, maybe.... they're observing you- they feel like they should get to know you first before trusting you
Are they hiding something from you? or maybe they're just being careful or it's just their instinct
But at the same time it doesn't add up, if they won't trust you they shouldn't be inviting you to hang out during weekends or inviting you and your aunt on dinner
You have done it, countless amount of times already.... and it's overwhelming to you because.... this never happen to you before
One time though, you made garlic buttered shrimp that Eddie almost runaway at the smell of it, you thought he didn't like the food and you can see he is scared.... like you can't even explain it- it looks like you're going to hate him?
Eddie on the other hand can read your mind and he wishes if anything happens, if ever you found out about him, he hopes that you will never change towards him
"Oh, are you allergic to seafood?"
"U-uh- yeah I am" he quietly sighs of relief
You gasped "My deepest apologies, I am so sorry I didn't mean any harm" you say as you moved away the food from him
You met Eddie's uncle, Wayne, that's your first impression again
You got intimidated, but that got off as well as soon as he acts so friendly to you
He has the exact same qualities with his nephew
He is so sweet and kind like Eddie
Sometimes you caught them looking at each other with a look that again.... you couldn't understand
There's also no mirrors in their trailer
There's mirrors in some of his friend's house but all of them are covered with a fabric
You find it odd but you can't stop yourself from being curious though
One night, you came home late from work since you insist to take the night shift from Robin- you couldn't quite understand the reason why the sudden she has to leave
It's about a "Code Red?"
Steve didn't want to leave you behind but you heard Dustin's voice coming out from the walkie-talkie shouting
"Bring Steve with you, y-you guys better come in here right now! It's urgent!"
Judging by the tone of his voice, it is very serious and you hate yourself for thinking this is kind of a sick joke but it really is not
You drag your brows together but you don't wanna pry and it's really none of your business but you wanted to know what's going on though
Robin almost dragging Steve out of the store
He really didn't wanna go and you can't understand why, the more you try to convince Steve that you'll be okay and you can see in his eyes that it's highly unlikely that you'll be fine,
It's closer to 12:00am, you packed up your stuff and you make sure all of doors from the back door and the office are locked and you switch off the lights and close the store
The cold wind made you shudder a little
Your aunt take the bus ride home she leaves you with the car, while on your way to it- you didn't know that there's a man holding out a knife to harm you
Before he can attack you, there's a wind swoosh behind your back, you turn around and you notice there's nothing in there- you roam your eyes everywhere
There's no one
You felt nervous and you grip on your car keys as you quickly unlock the door
There's 'clang' of a trashcan that flew into the air and that made you shrieked and you drop your keys on the ground
You take a deep breath and you shout
"Whoever you are! Show yourself!"
Eddie can feel your fear and he feels bad he's the one that caused it but he doesn't want anyone to hurt you, he won't let anyone to do that to you
His eyes are red, his hands are bloody, and his fangs were out.... good thing that he can go back to normal after a while to calm down
When no one respond, you huffed and shake your head, you pick up the keys on the ground
The moment you look back again, you screamed "AHH" you put your hand over your chest and you're heavily breathing
It's Eddie fucking appeared out of nowhere in front of you and you didn't even heard him coming
"You fucking scared me half to life! Eddie! What the hell?!?"
You clasps his hands together saying "I'm sorry" repeatedly
You wave dismissively at him and he says "A-are you good?"
You laugh in disbelief- you scratch your forehead "What are you doing in here anyways?"
Oh shit
He needs a valid reason
"Uh- Steve asked me to guard on you"
"Guard on me?" You raise your eyebrows while you squint your eyes on him
"Y-yeah since, it's late"
before you can reply, Dustin runs around you and he put his hands over his knees as he tries to catch up his breath
Steve leans over to your car with a ragged breathing
Robin puts her hand over her chest as she gives a small wave
"Oh- good, you're okay" Dustin hugs you and you hugged back looking at Eddie in confusion
He pulled out a forced smile as he doesn't know what to say
Hopper's car arrived and he came out of the vehicle and he gives a glare to Eddie
Eddie gulped and put his head down
"There's a suspect that runs into this area that's why we came as fast as we could" Hopper explained
You nod and that lessens your suspicions but- you want answers
You're still confused by the whole situation going on but they watched you as they saw you're inside of the car and drove away
Eddie watches you closely as he can read your thoughts and he feels so guilty for not telling you the truth about....
"What have we told you?" Hopper says sternly
"I know-"
"Listen, kid, you know I like you alright?" Hopper says
He just nods
"I can't help but feel infuriated by your stubbornness"
"Look- I just- wanna help! I caught the bad guy! didn't I?!?" He looks over to Dustin, Steve and Robin
The three of them give unsure looks
"Oh, come on, you guys"
"Yeah, you caught the bad guy but what about you?" Steve says
"I agree with Steve" Dustin can't even look at Eddie in the eyes as he can remembers how he almost lost him before
"What if, someone saw you? Do you think they won't think twice of killing you instantly?" Robin added
"We know that you wanted to help but we can't risk anyone by finding out that you're- Eddie cuts Hopper off before finishing his sentence
"A what?!? A fucking vampire?!?" Eddie exclaims
He lets out a exasperated sigh "I know guys are concerned about me and I promise this is the last time that I will violated what we talked about" he starts
"If there's a bad situation, I will never do anything without your permission"
Hopper, Steve, Dustin, Robin glance at each other as they all know no matter what they do- Eddie will always be there to save someone from harm
"He-" his angry tears welled up behind his eyes
Hopper blinks at his vulnerability, He knows that he is strong but he truly does care for his loved ones
But this is the first time that they saw him like this..... again.... after the incident....
"He almost killed her, Hopper"
"If- if I wasn't there on time, he would've killed her"
"I would've have lost her" he sniffled
Steve gives Eddie a sympathetic smile, Robin softly gasps at his subtle confession about his true feelings to you and Dustin widen his eyes
"I'm sorry, if I was on a rush for making risky decisions again" he says plainly as he flew off
All of them watch him as he flies away
Dustin smiles sadly "What happens if she finds out?" He says as he still looking up in the sky
"What?" Steve asked
"What if she finds out the truth about him?"
"Oh" Steve can't help but feel so sorry for Eddie, he knows that he never loved someone in his life ever since, he never knew this could happen
"What should we do if ever that might happen?" Robin says as she presses her lips together
"She won't" Hopper says while he's walking towards to this car
"She won't" what? Dustin raises his eyebrows as he waits for Hopper to continue
"She won't be scared of him"
"What makes you say that?" Steve added
"Because they've been together a lot, it's over a year since they moved here and Y/N told us that they frequently leave even though she doesn't tell it to me, I feel like she wants to stay here because of him.... and that says a lot." Hopper says as he goes inside of his car and turns on the engine
"You know what, he's right" Robin says
Steve and Dustin looked at her
"She wouldn't be with us, if she doesn't trust us."
"Well, I just hope she won't change after anything if she finds out" Steve sighs
"I believe in Y/N too" Dustin while he crosses his arms
"Remember the time when Y/N defended Eddie from those douchebags at The Hideout?"
Steve chuckles and Robin "Oh yeah, she got heated when they're calling him "monster" and a "freak"- she literally splashes him with a beer and my god she punches the guy after he tries to hurt her"
Eddie rambles the whole situation over and over to Dustin, from what his dear old friend doesn't know even he is just a kid, he can see his eyes shine whenever he talks about you
Dustin is very happy for him, he hasn't seen his friend this joyful ever since
"Just be there for her, if ever, okay?" Hopper says
All of them nod at him, they watch as he droves away
Eddie on the other hand
Thoughts going wildly on his mind while he's flying around the town
He doesn't know what to do, is it a right decision to tell you or to keep it a secret?
but he knows deep down, if he still keeps this as a secret, you would be furious that it makes him look like he doesn't trust you
He angrily shouts as he lands on a forest
He screams "Why?!"
"I know this would've happen, but I never thought it will really happen" he's heavily breathing as he continues to shout
"Why do I have to suffer like this?!" He says as he owns tears getting choked up in his throat
"I really wanted to stay with my friends but right now?!?" He laughs incredulously "I would rather die than seeing my love getting afraid because of me!"
Memories flashes before his eyes as he remembers the one who gave this to him
"You'll live"
Eddie is gasping for air but he feels different
He woken up he is still laying in the upside down
He sits up, the demobats that tear off half of his skin and limbs are all healed
"W-What have you done to me?" He says as he backs away from him
"Shh" he shushes "Don't be frightened"
"I need you to work for me"
"I gave you life and powers"
Eddie runs his tongue over his teeth and he shouts "No" his fuelling anger is becoming tears in his eyes
"You can't do this to me!"
"You're my slave, I need you to do something for me"
"I won't work for you!"
He slams him behind the trailer as he threatens him and choking him in the process
"You wanted to graduate is that it?"
"Y-yes, I do"
"Then follow me what I need you to do"
In fact he did follow him, but he had other plans
Everyone was shocked that he is still alive, he showed up first to Dustin, he thought he saw a ghost the first time he saw him again
"I knew it! You're alive!" He hugs Eddie with happy tears
"It's really good to see you, bud" he says as he rubs his back
"But- how did you manage to-" Dustin pulls away but he got cut off by Eddie saying
"I will explain to you everything, we have a problem"
"Copy that" Dustin says as he walks over to grab his walkie-talkie saying "Code Red"
To be completely honest everyone felt weird when they saw Eddie alive and well as if he wasn't got eaten off by demobats
Eddie can understand why and that he is truly himself, just undead that's all
"Steve, Robin, Jonathan and I, will take cover for you" Nancy says
"El and Eddie will corner Vecna to finish this once for all" Mike tightens the grip on El's hand as she flashes out a small smile
"We will be at the gates and guard on it if ever nasty monsters will get out" Erica says as she nods over to Lucas and Max
"Me and Argyle will warn Hopper and Enzo to the townspeople to stay alert and be ready" Will added
Eddie sighs "Do you think this could work?"
"It has to- and I believe you can beat his ass off" Dustin reassures Eddie
The plan is going on so nicely, everything is coming to an order
El uses her telekinetic powers to hold off Vecna and while Eddie pins him down on the ground
"Your time is running out" Eddie grunts
"You're making a big mistake"
"Am I?"
Vecna tries to fight back but El groans and screams harder as she pushes him back down and Eddie stabs him with a sword and punches him
That caused a lot pain to him "Traitor" he says while wincing at the wound
"If you kill me, you won't be able to go back to normal"
El glances over to Eddie and he looks back at her
He gave her a small nod and mouthing to her "it's okay"
"Someday, you'll see, if someone tries to love you, they won't love you back because you're a monster"
Eddie clenches his jaw as he deepens the wound
"They won't accept you, everywhere you go- they'll hate you"
"A freak but also a monster?" He laughs darkly
"Don't listen to him, Eddie!" El yells as she uses both of her hands to hold him back down
"Now, don't you worry, supergirl, I am not" he says sternly to Vecna
His eyes widen as he watches him raises the sword to chop his head off
"I would rather live like this than to knowing that you're still alive killing innocent people" he says in his last blow of his sword
Both of them shout in anger and exhaustion
They both fell back down and the upside down is now crumbling
Eddie, El, Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Jonathan running for their lives as they try to leave the upside down
Erica, Lucas and Max watches the gates closed on its own and it faded like it wasn't ever existed
The cracks are all gone and the wind and the red glow in the area is nowhere to be seen
"He made it" Enzo chuckled
"The kid got guts" Hopper smiled as he closes his eyes finally at peace for this town
Mike speaks over the walkie-talkie asking "Hey, guys? I see the town is going back to normal is everything alright?" Dustin can't reply as he's watching the last gate where Eddie is
He kept saying "Come on guys, Eddie, come on, man"
The 6 of them jump on the ground back into the real world as the watch the last gate finally closed and goes back to where it was before
Dustin sighs of relief "Is everyone okay?"
"Yeah, we're okay" Steve says as he looks over to his friends
Eddie is the only one who is silent as everyone is catching up their breath
He is disappointed of what he has become for all eternity but also the same time, he is glad, that the war is finally over
"Are you good?" Jonathan asks Nancy as she gives him a nod
"Eddie?" Robin asks
El glances over to Eddie and he looks at her giving him a hopeful smile
He finally turns around "I am stuck like this, you guys, forever" he scoffed while shaking his head
Everyone gave him a sympathetic smile
"You're a hero, Eddie and nothing ever changes that" El says as she puts over her hand in his shoulder
"Thank you" he says softly
"You'll be okay and we will always here for you, Eddie" Dustin says
"Yeah, man" Steve agrees
"It never felt any different ever since you came back, Eddie, it's still going to be the same" Jonathan says with a small smile
"We should celebrate, you know" Nancy shrugs
"Oh, I hear you, Wheeler" Eddie chuckles and all of them laughed
"We should cover up those wounds first, Munson" Robin says
His eyes became misty as he is so grateful to have friends like them
Eddie proved Vecna wrong about people not accepting for who he really was....
but... what about you?
Joyce, Murray, Karen all of them decided to keep Eddie's true nature a secret and kept it quiet
Hopper and Enzo agreed with this
So the townspeople won't snoop their noses around him, they'll still believe he's the one that caused it
Fucking close-minded people
"She's deserves to know" he says as he calms down a little bit
"She has to know" he says it himself
No more lies, no more secrets, he doesn't like to see you get betrayed and hurt
But he hopes that you'll won't be disappointed
He's going to admit it all at your first date together
You showed up in Family Video, you went to do all of the tasks as if nothing ever happened last night
Steve and Robin give looks at each other and then back to you
"You know that I can feel your eyes on me, right?" You say while opening the window blinds
"Sorry" Steve says softly
"Y/N, we just wanna know, if you're okay?" Robin says
You bring yourself around to face them "I am totally fine, guys"
You both gave them a reassuring smile
There's still a piece inside of you wanted answers to your questions but you don't want to make things worse, so you kept it to yourself
While you're bringing the storage boxes outside, Eddie approached you while clearing his throat
"Hey, Y/N" he says softly
"Hi" you say sheepishly
"I know what happened last night was so weird, please, forgive me" Eddie says with his doe eyes
His eyes are making you say "aww" on how adorable they are
Wait- you found my eyes appealing? He thinks to himself while he reads your mind
But he stops doing it right away as he feels like he's invading your own thoughts
"You don't have to explain and you don't have to apologize to it anymore, Eddie" you sigh
"Look, just hear me out" he says as he looks deeply into your eyes
You swallowed nervously and you blinked rapidly
Woah- why is your heart beating so fast? Do- do you like me?
He can feel emotions rushing and the energy of it.....is growing wild
You nod for him to continue
"I know this is like way too early but I'm asking you out for a dat-"
"Yes" you cut him off
"I'm not even finished yet" he throws his hand up
"Yes, I would like to go out with you"
"Yeah" you smile at him
He looks straight into your eyes and he might felt come alive again as he doesn't see anything else that is untrue
You're his dream come true
"Are you serious?" He says as he can't believe that you're willing to go with him
You roll your eyes playfully and giggled
Your smile and laughter brings soothing to his heart, even it's not the same anymore
He felt like a normal human being again
You step closer to him and he's taken a back
"You're amazing gentleman, Ed's, that's why I wanted to go out with you, I hope you know that." You say as you place your hand over his cheek and caresses it
He melts into your touch and closes his eyes for a moment and he smile down at you
"Is 7pm alright?" He whispered
"Yes" you replied while you pat his cheek
You walked away leaving a breathless Eddie behind
"Goddamn" he smiles to himself, his smile though slowly fades a little as he remembers what he's going to do tomorrow
You wore a black corset and black ripped jeans
You checked your outfit while looking at yourself in the mirror
"Hmm, it might be too cold outside" so you picked out your sheer white jacket
"You look absolutely divine, honey" your aunt says while she leans over to your doorframe
"Oh, hi, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I have a date"
"Is it Eddie?"
You gasped and you take a double look at your aunt "How could you know?"
She chortled as she sits down on your bed motioning for you to come sit beside her
You smiled at her and she starts "I see the way you looked at him and the way he looked at you"
"Auntie-" you groaned but she laughs "Just listen to me for a moment"
"Never be afraid just to get out there and explore and have a new adventure at your life"
"When I was your age, me and your uncle just go literally everywhere, and it was the surreal experience of my life" she paused as she snifffles a little
You rub her back and she holds your hand "this thing you have with Eddie? Is very special, I see myself through the both of you"
"You both have the same interest and filled with just pure happiness and imaginary at the things you loved the most"
"Never lose yourself and I love that you kept being yourself, honey"
Your tears are threatening to spill "of course, that's what you always told me when I was a kid"
"Hush now" she presses a kiss to your forehead "don't ruin your makeup and I might be the caused of that" she snickers and you laughed
"See you later, auntie!"
"I love you"
"I love you forever, auntie"
You came in the diner that Eddie asked you to come and for moment there you thought you got stand up but you saw him and sigh of relief
"For a minute, I thought you're not going to show up" you say
"I-I'm sorry, I got nervous"
"You're nervous?" You watch him as he sits down across from you
Eddie has always been so handsome to you but you've never seen this close and you're used to see him wearing bandshirts, denims, leather jackets
He is now wearing a decent attire, a little bit formal but still has the touch of his own style
He's wearing a white polo, black pants with his Reebok
His chains and his rings making you feel hot sensation all over your body
"Am I late? Do I look okay?"
"No- you're not I just arrived 2 minutes early and you look exquisite"
"Exquisite?" He smirks
"Fine" you huffed "you look extremely so handsome tonight, Eddie" you bat your eyes at him
Eddie laughs as he admires your pretty face as he looks at you
You corset goes so finely with you, it hugs your breasts so tightly and he grunts softly at the sight of it, every hairstyle is perfect on you but he loves to see you wearing it down
He loves everything about you
The date is going on smoothly, you both shared laughs and funny stories about each other
Like come on, it's like you're fooling both of yourselves, you've been friends for like over a year now, so this feels so natural for you and so does he
Eddie droves you to over his trailer for a movie date
He put VHS Beetlejuice (1988) as he settles down with a popcorn bowl on his hand and places 2 canned sodas on the table
He froze when you remove your white sheer jacket off and you remove your high-heeled shoes
Good thing, he knows how to control his powers, he can't stand not to see your pulsing veins on your neck as he tries not to take a bite of it
You caught him watching you and he shyly ducks his head down and he moves sideward to give you open space to sit down on the couch
You smirk and sat down beside him
You grab a pillow and you put it in front of you to hug it while you're eating popcorn
He can smell your sweet scent as he exhales slowly, he feels so comfortable whenever you're around
You're paying attention in the movie while he doesn't- he watches you
Your eyelashes are so pretty, he just wants to smushes his own face on you and showers you a lot of kisses
But he doesn't want to do anything rash right now, you're being nice ever since you met him and he hates it he's getting thoughts like this
You looked over to him while chewing on the popcorn on your mouth and you chuckled a little when he looked back at the television screen and he grabs his soda immediately and takes a sip of it
"Whatchu, lookin' at- Ed's?"
"I'm not blind, Eddie, I saw you looking at me!"
Oh- his cheeks is on fire
He steals the popcorn bowl from your hands and you gasped "You're making it all up" he says as he throws a popcorn onto his mouth
"Sure, whatever you say, handsome" you roll your eyes as you looked back at the TV
"Handsome? that's the twice she said that to me?!" He thinks to himself
He watches you again
You feel his eyes on you as you quickly turn yourself on him
Once again, you caught him
"Aha!" You point at him "I caught you red-handed!"
You throw popcorn at him and he laughs "Okay, fine!"
"Aww, you feel defeated, Ed's?" You pout at him
God, how can you be so cute and hot at the same time? He thinks to himself
"I am guilty, sweetheart" he says as he smiles down at you
You giggled at him and while you reaching out the pillow that fell down from your lap
"You're beautiful"
"I said, you're beautiful" he repeated with a grin on his face
Now, it's your turn to be flustered and you smile at him sheepishly
At this point, you don't even care if you got rejected, you have this crush for him carrying it for a over year now
You gotta take the risk or live with regret
So, fuck it
He loves to see you getting blushed because of him as he takes another sip from his soda while he places it from the table
"Eddie?" You called out for him
You and him both stare at each other and he gulped of what you're about to do
You cupped his cheeks and presses your lips into his
You kissed him and his eyes were wide as hell
You pulled back and you furrow your brows at his expression, you can't even read it
You chuckled nervously "oh wow- okay, that was stupid, you know what I'm gonna go-" you get up but he grab your hand
His eyes softens and you look back at him and you slowly sat down again beside him
He tucked your hair behind your ear and he slams his lips onto yours
The kiss was so passionate and it was steaming hot, he tilted his head as he deepens the kiss even more, you moaned
You runs your hands over his chest as you throw your arms around him and one hand over the back of his head as you hold him and pulled him even closer
You both flushed at each other's bodies automatically
His cold hands run over your shoulders and to your thighs
You're both making it out like it was for centuries and he doesn't mind it all
He loves to kiss you forever
You don't even noticed that you both floating up in the air
You pulled away and gasped as you put your hand to cover your mouth
And you look back at Eddie and his eyes are red and you look down at his mouth, you saw his fangs
You're in a state of shock as you felt coming back down on the couch
You breathe heavily of what you just witnessed but you quickly collected yourself
All of the missing pieces are coming together
Now, you understand everything
Eddie is a vampire and you're completely clueless about it
You stare at him and he looks away from you ashamedly but you stopped him from doing it while you place your hand on his cheek to make him face you again
He knits his brows together at your action
You peck a kiss onto his lips and he kisses back "Talk to me"
"I wanna know everything, Eddie" you say to him as you flash a sweet smile
He searches uncertainty on your eyes but he doesn't find anything, he saw compassion and love?
You love him?
He just burst into tears as he goes back to normal again
"Oh, Eddie" you hug him while you rest your head over his chest
He hugs you even tighter and you embrace him even more
You both stayed like this in comfortable silence
Locked into each other's arms
He runs his fingers through your hair and you sigh in comfort
You broke the silence first "Before you can think of anything that I don't want you anymore after this, I won't do it, Eddie, I really mean it"
His eyes are still blurry from the tears as he looks down on you and kisses the top of your head
You hum in agreement with a smile on your face
"I- I adored you ever since, Eddie, I love you" you confessed
You felt him get tensed up and he looks at you in shock
You pulled away from him and you cup his cheeks
"I am willingly to spend my whole life with you, Eddie"
He never felt this much happiness in his life but he smiles sadly at the thought-
He's immortal and you're not, his lifetime will be different in the world and yours will be end up fast unfortunately
At least he got the taste of true love but he really wants to make that happen
Loving each other endearingly
But he also doesn't want to cross over the line, you might want to live your life normally
"Oh, sweetheart" his eyes are brimmed with tears and yours too
He got confused "What is it, darling?"
"I- I thought I will be rejected" you laugh "but I see nothing but the truth in your eyes, Ed's" you say
"Even you don't say it-" he cuts you off by saying
"I love you too, Y/N" he kisses your cheek
"Ever since the first time we met" he added
Your lips clashes onto each other as you make out again
Eddie carried you into his room not wanting to break the kiss
He closes the door and locks it and he places you slowly on his bed
You helped him unbotton his polo and you quickly rushed to unclasp your corset
"No, let me" he stopped you and you nod at him
"Are you sure about this?" He asks before he continues to undresses you
You just nod at him and he sighs as he doesn't want to make this go any further if you're aren't up to this truly
He does not want to make you regret it, it's fine for him, if you're not ready
"Hey" he lifts your chin up to make you look at him in the eyes
"I need verbal answers, sweets" he says as he narrows his eyes on you
"I-I've longed for this, Eddie and I only want you"
"Okay" he says softly as he kisses on your knuckles
You make love for the first time and you're so sure of yourself that he is your person
You're going to settle the life that you want with Eddie
You're naked, laying on his bed, your hair is a beautiful mess
You blushed when you noticed his eyes are roaming around your body from top to bottom
You got shy, you tried to cover yourself by wrapping your arms around you
He licks his lips and his eyes filled with hunger, he chuckles darkly
"Damn- that's so hot, why does he have to do that" you think to yourself
"My love, I was just admiring you" he says as he places both of his hands on your hips
"My love?" your knees are now wobbling at his words
"I can't take my eyes off you, you're a goddess!"
"Oh- stop it! Eddie, I-" he cuts you off with a fervid kiss
You squealed and you can feel his smirk while kissing you
You grab a fistful of his hair and he groaned on top of you and as his hands roam over around your body earning a whimper from you
He deepens the kiss even more as he unbuckled his belt
You're already got so worked up by the simplest touches that he did
The effect he has on you, is freaking unreal
He breaks the kiss and you frown, he laughed while he grabs something on the drawer
"I want to be safe"
Your heart melts as he cares about your pleasure first
He pulled his boxers all the way down and you squirmed
Oh, he is huge, you don't even know if you can take it
"You can take it, don't worry, hunny" he winks at you as if he can read your mind (you didn't know that he can truly do that)
He places himself back on top of you and grab his dick directing to your hole
"You ready?"
"Yes, I am, Eddie"
"I applaud your attentiveness, sweetheart"
He takes himself in slowly and you scrunched up in pain
"Just tell me to stop and I will stop" eying you in concern
"No- no, I'm adjusting, keep going"
The moment his all the way in, you look down and you saw that he filled you up real good
"Oh" you breathe heavily
"Told you can take it"
"E-Eddie- you can move now"
He thrust and he grunts as at your pussy already clenching
"Wow, my darling- you impressed me"
You want to keep your eyes open but can't help by the overwhelming sensation burns through your system
"It feels so good, go harder, please" you beg and he doesn't want to keep you begging for more as his thrusts grows harder and harder
You kept your lustful eyes on him
"Don't you dare look at me like that or I will tore you apart" he thinks to himself
"Ah- Eddie! Oh my fucking god!" You moaned
He grabs your legs and places it over his shoulders
He watches as your chest rises up and down
You got confused ignoring the enrapture that you're feeling at the moment
"Eddie- what are you-" you got cut off as he deepens himself down onto you
You can't suppress your moans any longer as you moaned louder
You grip on the sheets as he fucks you roughly
He even watches your boobs bounce up and down, he smirks at the sight of it, he is enjoying himself
"Holy- shit- oh!" You exclaimed
"Baby, I'm coming, I can't take it anymore"
You arched your back in pleasure as he came undone
He falls down on you even though you felt weak, you still manage to hug him
You can feel him smiling at your action and you run your fingers through his hair
He carefully puts down your shaking legs
Your eyes are heavy lidded, your cheeks are flushed, Eddie slowly pull himself out of you
He wiped you, cleaned you, he pulled a clean bandshirt on you and he chuckles softly on how big it is to you as he dresses you up with his clean boxers
He wore his pajama pants as he cuddles next to you
"How's that?" He asks
"It's astounding" you say while your eyes are closed
He bursted out laughing and you furrow you brows as you slap his arm playfully
"I-I am sorry" he is tearing up from laughter "your choice of words are remarkable" he says with a British accent
You laughed at him "Well, you're not the only one" you snorted
"Oh- how dare you" he says dramatically
You rolled your eyes as you push him back laying down on the bed
You caught him by surprise
You remove his boxers that belonged to him and his
You sat down at him without any warnings and you bite your bottom and you moaned
With his lips apart while looking at you
You place your hands over his shoulders as you begin to ride him, your eyes rolling back as you can feel yourself getting wet because of him
He squeezes his eyes shut on the sweet sensation as you say
"Round 2?" You say menacingly as you smirk down on him
He moans while laughing in the process "where have you been all my life?"
He takes care of you after you both make love again
As soon as he goes back beside you, he's picking up the clothes that he wants to put on you, you're ready to snuggle up with him and yes he will cuddle up with you as soon as he dresses at you up he insists to do that one first but you give him a scowling face
He chortled at how clingy you are
He pulled up the blankets as he lays down and he open his arms out for you
You smiled as you lay your head over his shoulders and hug him and he kisses your forehead
Now at this time, he told you everything about him, about what happened 2 years ago
"I wish I was there for you" you start "they didn't even look hard enough, you're innocent"
"I appreciate that, Y/N, Thank you"
"And I also appreciate your honesty" you pulled back to look down at him and you smile
Your prop your arm up and you say "So there's this other world that you guys called the upside down and this asshole named Vecna did this to you?"
"Yeah, that's sums it all up"
His story sounds like the sci-fic, adventure and action films that you watched before and now knowing that this really happened sends goosebumps into your skin
"Where's Jason now? I would like to punch him in the face"
"Easy there, tiger" he chuckled
"You didn't deserve that! Eddie!" Your eyes are forming with tears
Eddie pulled you into a hug as he rubs your back
He is now sobbing softly with happy tears
You're not afraid, you trust him, you accept him, and you even love him
His eyes flashes with so much gratitude
You suddenly became concerned as you heard him crying
Both of your eyes are stained with tears
"What's wrong, Ed's?"
"Nothing, I just" he sniffles "I didn't know that I got to have you and called you mine"
You smile widely "I'm yours forever"
"I'm yours forever" he keeps replaying it in his head
"I'm so lucky that you exist and you're here with me"
"Because I thought I would never have-
"You're my first" you admit
"I don't wanna give myself to someone who wasn't true to himself" you paused
"I was never in love with anyone until you, Eddie"
His eyes glint with teary eyes with overjoyed coming into his face
"Me too" he says while you into his eyes and look for dishonest on them but nothing
You fall for him even harder
"I love you, Eddie"
"I love you forever and ever"
You snuggled up together as you slowly close your eyes as you drift away to sleep
Eddie is wide awake somehow gobsmacked at his life right now
He embraces you even tighter as if you might disappeared from him
You hold onto him close as you bury yourself on his chest
His sheets are now covered with your scent and he just loves it, mixed with vanilla and lavender from your shampoo
He can also smell the lotion from your soft skin, flowery and fresh scent
He smiles in content as he fell asleep....
Everything is going so well, why does it have to be like this?
An intense magnitude Earthquake happened all over across the town of Hawkins, Indiana
You and your auntie hold on to each other inside the diner
You both tried to stay calm as you both headed towards the exit
A big rumble on the ground made you both ripped at each others hands
Your eyes widen in fear and you screamed "No! Auntie!"
A big pole that fell back down on her crushes her entirely
The earthquake is becoming more and more stronger as you ran towards her
"Y/N! Stop! Save yourself!" She chokes on her own blood
"No- I won't leave you!" A small wall but heavy enough slams down on the half of your body made you screech in pain
"R-remember what I told you, sunshine"
"I-I love you" she blinks slowly and she dies
"Auntie" you cried out "N-No"
You felt dizzy and you look down wincing in pain, your head bleeds as before you got unconscious the last words you said
"I need to find Y/N before it's too late" Eddie says
"Be careful, kid" Enzo says while he and Hopper protect everyone in the open ground area
Eddie gasps as he saw you laying in your own blood, your heart is slowly beating
You're still alive, but losing a lot of blood
"Don't you die on me!" He shouts as he raises the wall that almost crushed you
Eddie saw your lifeless, Aunt, "oh- I am so sorry, sweetheart"
Your mind is hazy but you knew the person who is carrying you
"You came"
"Of course, sweetheart, I'm taking you to the hospital"
"I-I tried to save her" you say weakly your nose starts to bleed
Eddie cries in anger as he quickly finds a hospital
The earthquake is finally over, everyone was wounded, lost a loved a one, lost a home
Emergency vans, were everywhere
The hospital is crowded, every nurse and doctor are running all over the hallways
Eddie's knee kept bopping up and down as he couldn't stay calm at what you're state your in
The doctor finally talked to him and said it's bad news
"She might not make it, I'm sorry"
He cries in agony and this is his greatest fear, losing you.....unless....
There is only one solution to save you
He comes inside your room and he weep even harder as he saw you slowly breathing
It's not your time yet, this isn't fair
"I want to save you, but I don't know if it's also that you want" he says as he holds your hand
You heard him and you slowly opened your eyes and he saw it, his eyes are bloodshot from crying, his clothes are covered with your blood
"Do it, Eddie" you say
"But I don't wanna-"
"Please, Eddie, I don't want you to be alone and I don't wanna leave you behind, I really want this"
"If I do this, you might not be able to do the normal things anymore"
"Let me into your world, Eddie"
"I've got nothing to lose, I only have you" you sob
He can feel you're very certain, he warns this might hurt a little and you'll die for a second
He bites your neck and he cut his wrist to make you drink his blood
You drank a lot and you can feel your heartbeat finally comes to an end
Your eyes, your complexion is now similar to Eddie's, your hair became more wavy, your whole appearance changed
You gasped for air and you didn't feel any pain on you anymore
You looked over to Eddie and you laughed slightly and he hugs you tightly
3 months after the earthquake
Hopper grabs the walkie-talkie and he calls Eddie to come over
When he arrived Dustin and Steve and everyone is in there
He showed him the "WANTED" picture as Hopper explains the criminal that you and Eddie need to capture
Before he continues he exclaims "Where the hell is Y/N?!"
"I'm here, Jim" you say as you entered the room with Eddie's black leather jacket draped over your shoulders
Eddie smirks at your entrance
You take a quick sip of your flask with blood droplet on your chin and you wipe it off using your finger
"So, where to- Chief?" You smile with subtle red glow on your eyes
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xpennytrickx · 8 months
(I think I nearly blacked out writing this I was possessed by the divine Peterick spirit. I'm too scared to put this on my own blog but I need the world to hear and I think you'd like this ram me based on your fic ref list)
Not to like, insanely dead dove-ify peterick but something that swims around in my head SO MUCH is how it really does feel like Pete took Patrick on a whirlwind when he was just a kid. Some slightly creepy, hopelessly suppressed bi-curious in the early 2000s, touch starved, boystarved, Patrick-starved 20/21 year old falling in love at first sight with a precious, pink, stupidly awkward dork 16 year old. So much that he still remembers what Patrick was wearing. Doesn't care for his audio recordings that Joe showed him until he SEES him, yknow? There's an inherent freakness there.
Promising his mom you'll take good care of him and sleeping next to and on top of him, crowded and trapped in the back of a shitty van you can barely cover the gas costs of. Spinning around and shoving against him on stage and screaming in his mic and getting to take him home with you every day. Your golden ticket, a sweaty teenager getting into YOUR van.
Ugh and I could go on forever about it. How by ioh there's this inkling of Patrick growing up. Still so young but getting his senses. Seeing how real relationships work. He's in his 20s now. 22/23 and Pete 26/27 and seeing his grip loosening. He knows he's losing him. He's even clingier on stage, writing love songs about teenage promises and calling him before calling even his mom after overdosing. (Though I'm not sure if that one is urban legend.)
I think part of how bad the band dynamic was after Folie was that venom Patrick had for Pete. It's 25/26 and 29/30. Patrick sees Pete being sold as this tabloid figurehead and he's stolen his late teens and early 20s. Spent his last high school summer with this dickhead who can't keep his life together. Who fights with him on everything and he needs out NOW but Pete's holding on so tight he's drawing blood and then licking the wounds. He needs him.
Soul Punk being the flop it was (completely ahead of it's time, besides the point) and feeling like you've failed. Pete made you peak and dragged you down with him. You can't start over. So you give in. He asks to hang out again and you get those words again. The same ones that made your brain light up with their rhythm at 16. The drummer in you. And you go back to him. And things are scary and careful and you're walking on eggshells but it's nice. It comfortable. You sink back in and do 2 records back to back. He's learned. He knows what he's done to you but he doesn't have to apologize. His lyrics are his apology.
Mania being so polarizing, too. Trying new things and not letting it get to you this time. You've conquered each other, you don't need the world. You can write music for each other and yourself and no one else. And stardust is just. So so so full circle. It's okay. Everything makes sense again. You can dance on stage and Pete can recite his words to people and not just a recording booth. It's 39 and 44 and you wouldn't trade it for the world.
YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH OH MY GOD ……. what a wonderful little essay you’re SO fucking right!!!! something that has always drawn me back to them after drifting back and forth to them in bursts of obsession is just. like. every single little facet of their relationship that has developed over the years and how it all well and truly stemmed from this very strange, unnatural, curious, twisted, enchanting fascination that this local too-sick celebrity cursed/blessed with boundless charm and a too-big heart and so much ink and mean white teeth and dirty dirty hands had with this fucking geeky teenage boy with patchy sideburns and bitten-through red lips and an off-kilter voice that he was still trying to grow into and limp skinny wrists and a pudgy stomach. he took that teenage boy to college parties, he bought him gifts, he took him to the movies, he made sure to saturate every square inch of his life with this new world that this kid was being thrust into—partially by force. waiting with baited breath until summer break starts and taking him across the country with him to breathe into his neck and touch him and tug on him and push him around until he snaps and it feels so fucking good when he does. patrick’s entire adolescence and the foundation of the rest of his life was permanently altered through pete and everything that started in the summer of 2001 still remains to this day in little touches and glances and inside jokes and intimacy and tenderness and adoration that most people would kill to feel. it’s so endlessly, hopelessly romantic and there are so many wounds that have been pulled open along the way and then either clumsily or carefully sewn back up…..… all these moments of intense codependency and tragedy and violence and anguish and possession and desperation. they feel so deeply for each other that it’s manifested so many times in the worst that humanity has to offer. i’ll never get away from them because they will never get away from each other because they physically can’t. it destroys them every single time it happens. and that makes me happy
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thesinglesjukebox · 6 months
Ian brings us some British-French post-punk with no Indiana involvement...
Ian Mathers: I don't remember what the song was, but I still remember the feeling the first time I encountered music that didn't immediately make sense to me. This isn't quite the same thing as music I find disappointing or lacklustre at first but grow to love -- a category that contains an awful lot of my favourite music, and is an endlessly renewable resource. But up until that point everything I had run into was something I immediately either liked or disliked (yr boy was a big fan of "Never Gonna Give You Up" when it was originally a hit, if that helps date me), and to hear something that was somehow neither was profoundly disturbing. As I got older and more into music, finding something that truly doesn't make sense at first has become rarer and rarer. More things get adopted into your repertoire, you have more context, and often you realize that stuff that bent your brain in your own history had plenty of antecedents that make them less singular. And that feeling... that little shock of non-recognition when you're used to recognizing so much, that little moment of "why or how did someone come up with this?" that sparks across your brain... it's like hearing about a new country when you thought you knew all of them. It's a reminder that life never settles into a comfortable box. None of the elements that Mandy, Indiana use to make their music are particularly confusing to me (hell, I even took French all through high school). But the first time I played i've seen a way, I had that feeling. These didn't feel like songs. They had elements of songs. Some like "Pinking Shears" even had choruses, relatable sentiments (who isn't tired?). They had sounds and structures I was broadly familiar with. But something about the way each track, and the album as a whole, was put together made me feel like my brain was degaussed. I spent maybe my first four listens in a rapturous quasi-panic, for the first time in years not being able to respond to a piece of music in the ways I was used to responding. I'm sure when that happens to anyone, it's not 100% inherent to the music itself. There may have been other bands who could have done this to me if the phase of the moon or my choice of lunch that day had been just right. But it felt rare and precious when I got that experience from Mandy, Indiana. And then, a second miracle: as I kept listening, "Pinking Shears" and the rest of i've seen a way resolved in my ears into just songs, the way these things always do (since it's hard to repeatedly experience the shock of the new from the same thing). And it turned out those songs were really really great. [10]
Vikram Joseph: This is so strange and addictive - a righteous French diatribe about racist border policies over a rhythmic racket and stomach-churning synths that sound like a cow in distress. From Brooklyn Vegan's English translation: "Those we bombard are told to fuck off / and then we elect bankers / and posh assholes and rentiers / and we are surprised to get fucked." I mean, yeah. Imagine how fatigué we are. Imagine how fatigué we are of it. [8]
Tim de Reuse: What's it take to go industrial in an age of digital purity? Chase the feeling of a grimy, misanthropic without actually getting any dirt under your fingernails. Meticulously ugly, to distract you from how it's actually neat and tidy. Check out the perfect knife's edge of that snare drum; check out the huge, reflective metallic object that passes for a bassline; check out the clean, papery reverb. I'd criticize it for being inauthentic if it wasn't so much more fun than the things it's ripping off. [8]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: Nestling its way into a sound between Filth-era Swans and the EBM of the same decade (Severed Heads, Front 242, Nitzer Ebb), "Pinking Shears" aims for a raw, cavernous sound that's more hollow than all-consuming. The playful French vocals provide an amusing contrast to all the whirring, but that's sort of it. Big synth bass, big crunch, big yawn. [5]
Micha Cavaseno: Vaguely answering a question nobody asked, which is "What if Liars were signed to Amphetamine Reptile or Skin Graft?". It's got one point, and it delivers it in perhaps the most cast-off gag and splutter of a way, before hurrying along with its day and avoiding trying to remember what color and texture of its release it was, but never quite getting rid of the taste for the next couple days. Love the clutter of the percussion sounding like a rude joke at a dance's expense, pushed aside by a belch of bullying rock. How rude. [7]
Taylor Alatorre: I always sorta felt that the world needed a Kidz Bop version of Einstürzende Neubauten. [7]
Hannah Jocelyn: I'm sorry, that percussion riff sounds like "Crack a Bottle," the vocals sound like The Google Translate Song, I can't take this seriously. That said, [6]
Oliver Maier: This is my "just say you hate fun". [8]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: Genuinely a bad and unpleasant time in the way that most latter-generation "post punk" can only feint at. Feels much longer than 2.5 minutes, but not tediously so -- each moment of this drags you down into itself, each metallic hi-hat snap and guitar scratch a barb into exposed skin. [8]
Nortey Dowuona: Simon Catling's humming bassline shows up halfway through the song over Isaac Jones' drums, with jagged shards of guitar by Scott Fair slunk in at each interval at the end of Valentina Caulfield's chorus, punctuating them with a phlegmy shriek. Caulfield's vocals at first feel like a representation of politesse but gain an edge of menace over the crashing of the percussion. The bass presses the guitar into the margins allowing Caulfield to fill up the middle of the mix, repeating the refrain. [6]
Michael Hong: I like when that beefy fart of a bassline arrives, a really nice rejoinder for the rattling voices in your head. [6]
Brad Shoup: I love when post-punkers stomp, when they strip it down to a megalithic groove. All kinds of stuff on the ground can stick to it. The first half feels like a (bear with me) minimal, metallic go-go take on Cop Shoot Cop's "$10 Bill". To reach the more trad second half, they catapult in some streaks of noise. (This transitional part, and I take far more pleasure in hearing than saying this, sounds like "Come With Me" from the 1998 Godzilla soundtrack.) But that recedes, and Valentine Caulfield reveals the song's final form: protest rap. A [7] for the journey. [7]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: You don't need to be francophone in order to understand Mandy, Indiana's vitriol and rage. But the lyrics are worth dissecting: "Nothing makes me want to continue in the filth of our society/I don't have have any desire to wake up when we let humans die in the Mediterranean." This is a tirade about how we treat refugees, and the existential exhaustion that comes from living in a world where this feels normal. [7]
Katherine St Asaph: For months I assumed based on the name that Mandy, Indiana was an emo band. If I had known they would instead be spoken-word French over a harsh but oddly unchaotic post-punk dervish, I might have listened to the album earlier than Q4. Assumptions foil me again! [9]
Aaron Bergstrom: I did not expect the revolution to be this much fun. Embrace the chaos. Build a new world from the ashes of the old. Dance on the barricades. [9]
Claire Biddles: My face is just gasping_pikachu.jpeg the whole way through this -- yes!!! [9]
Michelle Myers: Mandy, Indiana's music makes me feel like I'm wearing a perfectly worn-in leather jacket and red lipstick that never smears, waiting in line to get into a club that I already know I'm not cool enough to get into. [6]
Kat Stevens: I'm glad there'll always be people making music that sitcom teenagers can slam their bedroom doors and stick on at high volume, to the despair of their parents. "Where did we go wrong, Adam?" "I don't know Helen, our sweet girl... it's like I don't even know her anymore. Were we too indulgent? Too strict?" "Well Adam, in retrospect maybe constantly playing The Downward Spiral to get her off to sleep while she was a baby wasn't the best idea." [7]
Alfred Soto: To play loudly and indiscriminately when holiday twaddle begins to choke you. [7]
Anna Katrina Lockwood: I am so tired, yet I cannot sleep. [8]
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
You mentioned being Italian, how did you learn to speak or at least write English so well? Your Japanese translations are also pretty good too! I want learn Italian so what would you recommend that would help learn to read and write another language?
Thank you!
The genuine answer? Fandoms. Really. I've been studying languages for most of my life (english since elementary school, french in middle and high school, german since hs and japanese since college) but so far I've only gotten truly fluent in the only language I didn't just approach from a textbook learning angle. My fluency probably also comes from speaking english the longest, but what really improved my proficiency was consuming and engaging with my passions in my target language. Something that I struggle a lot with is staying motivated in the long run. I tend to run out of steam after a while, and I lose all the progress I made. But fandoms feed on my passions, so engaging with them helps me find the motivation to keep going, while also making it less like a chore that needs to be taken care of.
I was a B1 until I graduated high school, but then I started reading copius amounts of fanfic and meta in english, and began writing my own. Reading taught me a lot of common new words I had never encountered before in my textbooks, as well as several idioms, and the longer I kept at it, the more stuff I assimilated into my vocabulary. I spent a couple of years just reading ff, not thinking I had it in me to truly begin writing in my second language, but then it sort of... Just happened. I got a fic idea late at night and wrote a 6k oneshot in one sitting during an all nighter. The fact that I was tired and inspired probably lowered my remaining inhibitions and temporarily muted that part of my brain that was self-conscious. But suddenly, english didn't seem so scary anymore. When I reread what I wrote the next day, after getting some sleep, it wasn't as agrammatical and terrible as I had feared, and that motivated me to keep doing it. I find that a lot of the time what stops us from improving is the fear of making a fool of ourselves. I also didn't comment on fanfic for years in fear of outing myself, and on the rare occasions I did, I always prefaced my comments with an apology for my english. But when you finally get in the mindframe that people don't really care about any mistakes you might make, it was really liberating. Honestly, just have fun! Who cares! Native speakers make tons of mistakes too! I can see that so clearly now.
This was around the time I got into Tokyo Ghoul meta and timidly approached my first analyses. Meta is fairly different from creative writing, but it also helped me improve because it taught me essay writing better than my english teacher marking my mistakes in angry red. When you're trying to explain a concept so that others understand it, rather than just to get a passing grade, you will attempt to break it down into easier concepts and pace it better, instead of just paying attention to SPaG. This also had the side effect of teaching me how to better sort my thoughts and get them across clearly, which has always been a struggle for me in spoken conversations. My thoughts tend to be messy, and I trip over my words a lot (in my native language too), but thinking about going from point a to point b like I'm writing an essay helps me a lot, personally.
The last step was joining a discord server in 2019. I can't stress enough how language is constantly evolving, and how slang and everyday language isn't something you can passively learn from textbooks or online courses. Those are only good as the foundation of your skills. They teach you the grammar and the basic vocabulary, but then you have to engage with real people, you know? I've always struggled to hold a conversation because I'm socially awkward, but discord is useful to me because it is a group chat, so there is less pressure on my end to keep a conversation going. Interacting with people from all over the world taught me to be less self-conscious about my skills, and meeting people of different age ranges taught me a variety of slang expressions to pass for a not-boomer myself, at least at first glance :'D
Moral of the story, do follow courses and use textbooks (those are important!), but also keep in mind those are not the be-all end-all of language proficiency, like school and academia tries so hard to teach you. If you find yourself hitting a wall and not getting any better anymore, take it as a sign your grammar is good enough to take the next step in your journey. So then, try to think of something you have fun doing. A hobby of yours. And then think of ways you can engage with it in your target language.
I had different phases in my life where I explored various things thay way. I got obsessed with a band in middle school and started watching and rewatching the videos they posted online, trying to understand everything they said. This improved my listening skills considerably. Years later I got really into WoW and I learned vocab by playing it and by looking for tutorials online. If you read a lot, consider looking for titles in that language you want to learn. Stuff like this. Listening to music, watching movies or tv series with subtitles (esp if the subtitles are in your target language too). All this stuff helps a lot! And the added plus is that for however challenging it might be at first, you'll stay motivated because it relates to something you already enjoy
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leehestia · 2 years
Upcoming works for Astro:
Notes from Author: I mostly make stories based on songs or whatever drama or movie I watch, and some of these won’t be released if I read it again to check and find out that it’s really horrible or cringe so please don’t have high expectations 😭😭😭
- Kim Myungjun / MJ
None yet
- Park Jinwoo / Jinjin
1. Luxurious Love || Rich husband!Jinjin x Wife!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut
Synopsis: Park Jinwoo, one of the richest CEO's in South Korea. You're his wife, a humble middle-class woman who is still adapting to this 'rich' environment. You and Jinwoo argue about it, until you finally understand him and you both apologize through words and pleasure.
Notes: Based on “Luxurious” by Gwen Stefani
- Lee Dongmin / Cha Eunwoo
1. It Was Always Her || Toxic boyfriend!eunwoo x reader
Genre: Angst, A little Fluff, Suggestive
Synopsis: You know you're being used, you hated it. But you'd do anything to be with him. You know you're not the one he loves. You know that you just remind him of her. You can't help but let him use you for his comfort. You love him, but he doesn't love you.
Notes: Based on “Glimpse of Us” by Joji
2. The Depth of the Crazy Sea || Stalker!eunwoo x Idol!Oc (Han Hyeseung)
Genre: Angst, Suspense, Yandere
Synopsis: Love is truly unexpected. Who would have thought that your beloved is just like you? Good-looking, rich, popular, crazy, horrific, and most importantly, in love with you. Love can never be predicted. If obsession towards someone is what you call love, then can you really call that… love? Cha Eunwoo, passionate trainee by day and an obsessed stalker by night. Han Hyeseung, a popular idol loved by many who has everything all except love. Under one company, both were casted as the main characters for an upcoming drama, The Depth of the Crazy Sea.
An opportunity for both people to find out more about each other. But what if they already know each other? To be exact, one already knows way too much about the other. Too many things even the other doesn’t know about themselves.
This is what they call love. But if stalking and obsessing towards someone is their own love, can you really call that love? No one knows. After all, no one knows the depth of a crazy sea.
Notes: Me and my friend made this for our creative writing class and it’s in short chapters. Btw if the writing style is so much better than my solo works, it’s bc my friend is 100x better in story writing.
- Moon Bin / Moonbin
1. A random moonbin story lol (I don’t have a name yet 💀💀) || husband!moonbin x wife!reader
Genre: Arranged marriage, smut, angst, fluff
Synopsis: idk yet but basically y’all got arranged marriage and moonbin lieks it but u dont etc etc and u think moonbin is dangerous af.
Notes: I didn’t really prioritize it bc it’s just a random story I made in school out of boredom 😭😭😭
- Park Minhyuk / Rocky
None yet
- Yoon Sanha / Sanha
1. To Be King || Prince!Sanha x Princess!Reader ft. knight!Rocky
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst
Synopsis: You and the prince from the neighboring land make an agreement to get married so that you may escape the dreadful palace life you both live. Sanha, being completely in love with you, takes advantage of your marriage to build a relationship with you. Rocky, your ex-boyfriend tries to steal you back by creating misinformation about Sanha’s love for you.
Notes: Plot by my cousin @leedongmen 😻😻🫶🫶
2. “You’re too fast!” || hufflepuff!Sanha x gryffindor!Reader
Genre: Hogwarts!au, Fluff, Sports, Humor
Synopsis: Popular quidditch player, Y/N, goes against a weak quidditch player, Sanha, and teaches him how to properly play despite the risk of getting caught.
Notes: idk bro just came up in my head after rewatching harry potter
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