#yr season 1
kruemel8 · 2 months
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The way it was filmed the exact opposite.
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itsbrych · 2 months
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missing these two a lot 💜
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brownbitchshit · 1 year
The moment I was scared for Simon
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The moment I was scared for Wilhelm
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My boys being so mad that they smiled. Pretty smile but terrifying. The cursed music room better redeem themselves by showing them making out and smile.
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moonlightsapphic · 1 year
I just want to announce that I think this is the sexiest moment in S1. The music, the lighting, the choreography and framing. The sudden, sharp eye contact. The entire football field scene is perhaps the most gorgeous part of the show, but I never fail to get goosebumps every time this particular bit comes around.
The music in the background drowns out Wille and Simon’s dialogue. The words they are saying (“Pull yourself together.” “I don’t want you to be mad.” “Come on.”), while heartfelt, are secondary to what is really happening. The lyrics Let’s start a revolution ring out as Wille swings his hair out of his face—and for a fraction of a second, Wille seems completely sober. There is a sense of profound clarity in his gaze, while Simon meets his eyes in a frenzy of panicked concern.
Simon looks incredulous at his impulsive decision to bike all the way to school in freezing temperatures in the dead of night—all to rescue a boy who had effectively dumped him earlier. He is bewildered and upset by Wille’s physical state, and his state of mind. Simon has every reason to avoid men who engage in substance abuse. Despite his anger and annoyance, something in him intuitively trusts Wille, and in Wille’s abilities to respectfully accept support from him.
Each boy is suddenly discovering the staggering extent of their affection for the other; it feels real now, and the enormity of a potential affair crashes into them.
Wille has been fighting to keep thoughts of the collateral damage of his feelings for Simon at bay for so long, but right now, he looks immune to his anxiety. He has finally admitted to himself that the conventions and traditions that his family and late brother cared deeply about were simply made up. In a world where everything is fake—where he mostly tolerates his life by dissociating—Wille’s feelings for Simon are so tangible that suppressing them have been driving him over the edge. The surety he feels (towards his authentic identity, his wants, his needs) when he is with Simon has grown to become his anchor, the only thing that might keep him sane. With Simon, he feels relief.
They face each other directly across the scene, and we watch closely from behind as an audience peeking in. With their stance and the way they take up space, the music and lyrics egg on a sense of victory. This is a turning point in both their lives, but not because they decide now that they will truly commit to a revolutionary relationship—It’s altogether too soon for that.
This moment is just a simple, beautiful, wondrous realization: I would start a revolution, with you. For you. It would be worth it.
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I love this parallels sm <3
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novamilano1 · 5 months
The pink, red rose or the grumpy crown frog ? Love or duty ? Of new beginnings and of choices ! Go Wille !!!
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So we have all seen the cute Snow Globe frog, so much drama around it. But have you seen its counterpart, the rose Snow Globe in Simon's house ? Let's partly unpack these metaphors, it's fascinating ! I'm in awe of the writers of this cute addictive show. So the grumpy frog represents duty, the lineage of the royal functions (given to Eric by his grandpa and then given to Wille by Eric). Courtesy of TVM (TV microscopic, go check the blog on substack, it's amazing, phenomenal) who reminds in one of the articles (about "negative space" ? ) that the frog can only turn into a prince if he's kissed. The frog can only be "awakened", transformed, be given his real shape by love. Plus, the frog is an aquatic animal (go check the water metaphor in YR on TVM's blog) but he is also terrestrian as an amphibian. There is a poster of a frog in Wille's room (courtesy of Molly who saw it and of the "kingdom", a group of YR fans with whom, I discuss YR and TVM's analysis). So the choice stands between, romantic love, the rose Snow Globe on Simon's table, at home, in his living-room, and heavy duty. But the show is quite positive about the outcome (it offers hope at least). The bubble of the grumpy crown frog with all its fake splendor (the glitter) will have to be brutally opened. It has to fall from its height. And under whose touch the frog could access the world of the rose, of romantic love ? Under Simon's touch (cf. the way he touches the frog before the love scene of Ep. 5, S2). The rose in Simon's Snow Globe is shown at two very symbolic moments. First in ep. 4 s. 1 just after the scene when Wille becomes the crown prince. Simon watches the televised memorial the day of Eric's burial. And the second time is just after the palace scene when Wille is asked to deny his participation in the video. He has to act according to Kristina's view of his duty. But the alternative comes in the next scene, holy love, the rose near these lit candles on the table of Simon's house. And apart from this obvious parallel between the two opposite globes, the show has a very subtle way to tell us that there is a choice to be made. The broken bubble of the grumpy crown frog that Simon touches with his finger is set on two books. If you zoom, you can read the title of one of the books (janusstenen) = the janus' stone. So Janus is the bifrons god. He has two faces and symbolises new beginnings, the choice between the past and the future, doors, gates. So Wilhelm, you know what to do !! (dixit google). It's janus who gave the month that begins the year "january". What better moment to have a look at this ? What's your take on this ?
PS, let's note that the rose symbolises many things but another interesting symbolism (apart from romantic love) which is cohesive to the show is that the rose also refers to socialism. And Simon is the "socialist" who sneers on the one who receives the most on welfare ! Socialism vs royalty ?
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I’m rewatching season 1 and I started crying when I realized (all over again) that the first time Wille smiles is when he’s watching Simon singing. My fucking heart 💜
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putnamcapital · 4 months
s1/e2 notes
August really has perfect form on his burpees. Just faultless. Be like August just once, I thought, the last time my chin nearly hit the ground.
Wille went to horridly early training with one sock on. His left foot was bare on the wall. He put one sock on his right foot and then hustled. Make it make sense.
Remain convinced Malte is left handed or very ambidextrous
Simon’s left-out again penguin arms 🥺🥺🥺
the light from Felice’s phone on Sara’s face mirroring the light on wille scrolling simon’s insta ❤️
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youngroyals-hc · 1 year
So do we think that if August had caught Erik making out/being intimate with someone he would've filmed it too? Nothing about the posting or the gender of the partner, but would he have done it? I want opinions
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i-got-a-haircut · 1 year
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noodlearg · 2 years
no thoughts just simons keychain
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kruemel8 · 2 months
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Simon Eriksson. 1.06&3.06
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strunglights · 1 month
I know the song is about comphet but when I listen to good luck babe by chappell roan I think of s1 wilmon
I don't want to call it off
but you don't want to call it love
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ririnya7 · 3 months
I gotta say after watching the first episode...I get the hype
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ganseysmagiciansz · 3 months
young royals fandom 2021 was the PLACE TO BE . the vibes were so immaculate!!!!
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novamilano1 · 6 months
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Who's the hunter and who's the prey ? Apart from the numerous scenes at the shooting range, have you noticed the hunting trophies, the animal skulls orning the walls of the palace (above the poster of the person with sunglasses and a wooden one in one corner) and Marcus' bachelor pad ? Do we sense some predator vibes here ? What do you think ? Is it just random or is it a parallel. In the scene when the Crown Prince confronts August, one of the skulls in the palace is on the brink of falling, it's leaning. it's not steady anymore. What's your take on it ?
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