#yukimiya x reader
saekkas · 1 year
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summary: in which someone flirts with them, but they're only looking at you.
includes: isagi, nagi, reo, yukimiya, rin, sae, kunigami, kaiser, karasu, bachira, aiku.
notes: this one's shorter than the one before but still, go wild my loves <3
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐆𝐔𝐘 who values you very much. is the type to be very secure in the relationship; doesn't like any unnecessary drama and is definitely ready to move onto the next stage. wouldn't really care about the other person but will not tolerate having his boundaries crossed. especially when it's clear that he's yours and yours only.
isagi, yukimiya, bachira, nagi.
his eyes are on his phone, feet tapping against the tiles of the cafe. it's a hole in the wall that he's used to frequenting with you, so much that the staff know your orders by heart. the line is short, seats mostly empty, as the rush hour has passed. the rain is pouring against the window beside him, and he taps his finger on the table to their rhythm.
tilting his head, his eyes find you in the middle of the line. you're focused on the menu, your bottom lip between your teeth as you scan the list of food and beverages. it makes him smile, chuckling under his breath because he knows you'll end up getting what you usually do. he gets onto his feet, wallet in hand, when you're finally set to order.
"hi. good morning, how are you?" your sweet voice tickles his ear as he approaches, his heart warm and sated as you go through your usual routine.
"hey." he presses a kiss to your head, wrapping a hand around your waist. his lips trail down, stopping at your cheek, a smile pressed against the skin as he hears you giggle. "what's taking so long?"
the cashier smiles, amused at the sight. "mornin' i'm great. how about you two lovebirds?"
"we're good," he answers for you both, an easy-going expression on his face. he looks down, scrunching his nose at you while you giggle at his answer. "just waiting for this angel to finish ordering."
"we'll have matcha latte, caramel macchiato, and a blueberry cheesecake please. the usual." he tilts his head, looking for your confirmation. he smiles proudly, chest puffing when you nod your head.
"i'll pay," you say as you show your card to the cashier, smiling at her. he chuckles, letting you take the bill this time. "how much will it be?"
the drinks are out in a second, the green and brown a contrast against each other. there are two pairs of utensils on the plate, and he thanks the staff for their work, taking the tray into his hand. "i'll take these to our table first, okay?" he looks over his shoulder, a gentle look in his eye as he processes just how... domestic this all feels.
"yeah, i'll be there in a minute. i need to go to the bathroom." you smile at the cashier one last time, tucking your purse into your bag. you glare playfully, poking your tongue at him. "don't you dare finish the cheesecake before i'm back."
he pokes his tongue back, a laugh breaking loose from his chest. "no promises."
he sits back down, placing the food on the table as he goes back to drumming his fingers. the rain doesn't look as if it'll be stopping any time soon, wind combining with water to shower the earth clean. he looks at his watch, mentally thinking about making dinner later with you. a smile grows at the thought.
there's a shadow in the corner of his eye that he assumes is you. he smiles, ready to lean over and press a kiss, only to stop when his eyes meet a stranger instead. "sorry." he backs away, a furrow in his eyebrow as he looks around, searching for you. "you've got the wrong table."
"no. it's okay. i've definitely got the right table." the stranger lays it thick with a high-pitched tone, and fluttering eyelashes. "hi, handsome. here's my number."
he watches as she slips a piece of paper onto the table, confusion blending into annoyance when she leans over to take his hand. "look," he says with a frown, pushing his hands into his pockets. he's very obviously looking in the direction you went off in. "you've got the wrong table and i'm already with someone."
"ah but i don't see this someone?" the smile on her face is pushing at his limits. his jaw ticks when she moves to sit beside him. "c'mon, handsome. give me a chance."
the bathroom door by the end opens with a creak, and his head snaps at the sound. before she has time to reach over once again, he's quick to swerve away to your side. you're already eyeing the girl at your table with curiosity, your head tilted in question. "hey, who's that? one of your frien-"
he doesn't let you finish. he's quick to reach for your waist, tugging you into a kiss with a hand cupping your cheek. all negative feelings drain from his limbs, turning him into a puddle of love as you thread your fingers into his hair.
"as much as i love your kisses," you say with a gasp of breath as you look up into his eyes, finding love looking back at you through the orbs. "that was a bit sudden. did something happen?"
"not at all." he shakes his head, nuzzling into your nose. his hands are on the side of your neck, lovingly stroking the skin. "not now that you're here."
you look back at your table, seeing it empty, and the girl from before nowhere in sight.
"shall we enjoy our drinks?" he pushes you with the hand he has on your waist. he sits down first before pulling you to sit right beside him, your hands intertwined under the table. "can't wait to eat dinner with you later."
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𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐒 𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓. he won't say no to playful flirting since it feeds his ego but will only respond if you're somewhere near or in his field of vision. he won't give the other person any of his attention if you aren't. will think it's funny that they're trying their best but will either shoot them down in a way that crushes their pride or brush them off as if they don't exist.
reo, aiku, karasu, kaiser.
the bass is thrumming against his skull, a tune that doesn't fit the mall's calm and serene energy. he's sitting on one of those plush sofas in a clothing store outlet, tapping his fingers against his thigh as he waits for you to finish changing. he feels the warning glare the manager's sending, and he snorts as if trying to go into the dressing room with you is a crime. he would be so much more satisfied with you between four cramped walls than in the wide space where people are obviously gawking at him.
"excuse me." someone calls his name timidly, and he cocks his head towards them, wanting to see where this goes. they send him a smile, one that's too teethy and falsely sweet but hey he can't fault them for not flashing his favorite smile; they aren't you after all.
"yes?" his reply is short and blunt, but he sighs when the girl flinches away. you've always said that his resting face looked too mean. he chuckles at the thought.
shaking himself out of his daydream, he shows his best smile. he leans back, arm stretched out against the back of the couch as he adjusts his pose, manspreading. a peacock, you'd once muse when he first did it in front of you. he watches with thinly veiled boredom in his eyes, a juxtaposition to the sickeningly sweet smile on his lips. "can i help you with something?"
the girl flushes, biting her lip and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. being coy, he realizes with an amused scoff.
"sorry to bother you. it's just- you looked so bored. i thought i could entertain you."
his eyebrow quirks at the word entertain, tilting his head in mock curiosity. "and how would you do that, hm?" he takes her in, taking in her choice of clothing and hairstyle. cute he'd give that much to her. nothing like you, though. she couldn't compare.
he realizes belatedly that the once over was seen differently than what he meant for it to come across. amusement flickers in his eyes when she flushes a bright red, fidgeting on her spot. "you do this often?" he tilts his head, eyes half-lidded, trying to gauge her reaction. "flirting with random strangers in the mall of a hobby, eh?"
"just the handsome ones," she says with a giggle. he watches as she points a finger to the row of clothes, her interest clear as day. "how about we look around? buy some clothes or jewelry so we match."
he chuckles, shaking his head at the thought. he can't wait to tell you about this. right on cue, the door to your dressing room opens, and you step out. his breath gets stuck in his throat, his eyes widening, and a grin making its way to his lips.
the black dress you have on is nothing short of stunning. it tapers off to your knees, the material hugging your curves. he sends you an eager look, one which you giggle at. you turn, showing him the back of the dress, keeping eye contact as you do. his mouth falls and thoughts short circuit as his eyes rake down your bare back, stopping just before your bum.
oh the things he'll do to you in that dress. no wonder the manager was so adamant on not letting him join in on the fun.
"nah," he says distractedly at the girl still waiting for his response. he sends you a wink and a flirty smile, mouthing one moment, before turning back to her. "see that gorgeous specimen right there? yeah i'm hers."
"she and i, we match." his eyes are filled with mischief as he tugs his shirt down, showing off the collection of marks you left on him last night. the skin around his collarbone is red, purple, and bruised. littered with love bites. a symbol of your love he thinks smugly. "see?"
there's pride blooming in his chest, a smug smile forming on his face the moment her eyes widen and the color drains from her face. "i'm not interested in anyone who's not her. so scram." he's quick to wave her away, skipping over to tug you back into the fitting room, this time with him in it.
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𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐀𝐒 𝐈𝐂𝐄, the type to literally not care at all. will not give them time of day and will appear hostile if necessary. but he'll mostly just look at them, expressionless with dead eyes.
sae, rin, kunigami
there are so many options to choose from, he frowns, glaring at the row of refrigerators stacked next to each other as if they've done something wrong. the supermarket is relatively busy, customers ranging from middle schoolers to elderly. he's in the drink section, passing one fridge to another, looking for your favorite drink from outside the glass, his frowning reflection looking back at him.
you're somewhere in the dairy section, picking out pints of ice cream, and who knows what else. he checks his phone, checking for any new messages from you. i'll head over soon, after i find the popcorn, it reads along with multiple hearts and photos of you smiling beside the ice cream. he shakes his head, tapping a finger against the screen to save the photos.
he pockets his phone, ready to move on to the next isle when he bumps into someone. he huffs, his eyes looking at the girl that's staring right back at him.
"really?" she says with a flirty giggle after she gets a clear look at his face. he remains stoic, hands in his pocket, even as she nudges him on the shoulder as if a longtime friend. "you're handsome but if you don't say sorry when you bump into someone, they'll lose interest. but maybe that's your charm."
he moves to slight past her, not at all caring about her presence, but before he knows it, she's stuck a hand into his back pocket, sending a kiss playfully before bounding over somewhere he doesn't give a damn about. the frown on his lips deepens, but before he has the chance to look into his pocket, you pop up right beside him.
"hey, i can't find the drinks but i've got everything else." he hears you say as you show him your basket full of things, smiling up at him. there are all kinds of things in the basket, ranging from chocolate, popcorn, ice cream, sausages, and many more. tonight is monthly movie night and he tries to shake off the weird encounter from his mind, not wanting to dampen the mood.
he smiles back, leaning down to take the basket from you. the hoodie you have on is his, and it dwarves you. the hem reaches your knees, and he can't see your hands which makes him chuckle all the while more. you told him that you were cold, he knows it's just another excuse to wear his hoodie.
"let's go home." he ruffles a hand through your hair, affection getting the best of him, before taking your hand with his other.
he drops the basket on the self-checkout counter, and helps you scan all the necessary items. he eyes the chupa-chups by the counter and grabs two, strawberry and cola, scanning both and handing them for you to choose. he chuckles when you brighten, choosing the strawberry for yourself.
"i'll take the bags." he takes both bags into his left hand, the other placing itself on your back. he leads you out, shaking his head in amusement when he feels you slip your hand into his back pocket.
"hey what's this?" the tone of your voice has him frowning. "i didn't know you smoke. it's bad for you, ya know?"
looking down at the cigarette in your hand, he eyes the scribble of numbers surrounding the stick. ah that's what she slipped in, he sighs. taking the cigarette from you, he's quick to throw it to the ground, crushing it with his foot.
"i don't," he chuckles at the look of disbelief on your face. leaning in, he plucks the candy from your mouth, pressing a kiss and pushing his tongue in. you taste sweet from the candy he notes, you smell like ice cream too. he's quick to pull back, chuckling when he realizes just how flustered you've become.
"i prefer sweets," he says with a smug smile before popping the candy into his own mouth.
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suashii · 7 months
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ 𝒲𝒜𝒩𝒟𝐸𝑅𝐼𝒩𝒢 𝐸𝒴𝐸𝒮 — attractive things they do
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info ⭑  includes: itoshi rin, shidou ryusei, oliver aiku, mikage reo, michael kaiser, yukimiya kenyu ノ suggestive bordering nsfw (minors do not interact) ノ all character written 19+  
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₊˚ପ⊹ RIN guides you by your waist. when you’re playing around and purposely blocking his path, his arms stretch out to take a hold of you before effortlessly reversing your positions with the click of his tongue and an easy, lazy smirk. it’s also one of the few physical actions he’ll display in public, preferring it over holding hands or slinging an arm around your shoulders. he can see you this way, keep you in his sights. when you’re not paying any mind to your surroundings and nearly walk into traffic, he pulls you into him and gives you a squeeze, leaning down to whisper “be careful” against your skin. you jump at his touch and the feel of his breath tickling your ear, cheeks burning with the reminder of where his hands were roaming and exploring the night before.
₊˚ପ⊹ SHIDOU walks around the apartment in sweatpants that hang incredibly low on his hips. your focus shifts from the pot of water you’re waiting to boil to ryusei as he pads into the kitchen after finishing his shower. beads of water drip from his hair onto his bare chest and roll down his tanned skin until they reach his v-line. you don’t realize the water on the stove has come to a boil until shidou clears his throat, jerking his head at the stove. “you’re staring real hard, pretty,” he drawls with a lazy grin. it only takes a few strides for him to close the gap between the two of you. his hands grip the counter on either side of you, trapping you in place as fuchsia eyes filled with mischief stare down at your figure. “something more you wanna see?”
₊˚ପ⊹ OLIVER intently stares at your lips whenever you’re talking. to be fair, each conversation starts with his eyes on yours but they always happen to drift down to your mouth. he takes in their natural pout and the subtle shine that your chapstick leaves behind on them. eventually, his mind begins to wander. he thinks about how soft they would feel sucking hickeys onto the pulse of his neck and across his collarbone or wrapped around the head of his—"are you even listening?“ you ask with crossed arms, the corners of your lips turnings down in a frown. "of course i am,” he tells you, finally dragging his gaze up to your eyes. “i just hear you better this way, that’s all.”
₊˚ପ⊹ REO puts his hands over yours every time you reach for your wallet to pay. he can feel the way your fingers wriggle beneath his palm, but he ignores the movement, intertwining his fingers with yours while he pulls out his card and hands it to the cashier. he’s got more money to his name than he knows what to do with, so it only makes sense for him to spoil you. he might smile and breathe out a laugh when you slap his shoulder and frown, sulking about how you feel bad for spending all his money, but he hears you. if you really feel like paying him back, he can think of a couple of ways you could do so—some that are better suited taking place in the bedroom.
₊˚ପ⊹ KAISER tilts your chin up with his finger whenever you refuse to look at him. it shouldn’t surprise you, seeing him offer fans smiles and hugs, but you can’t help but think about it when the two of you are taking your leave. “are you seriously mad?” he asks from beside you, and it wouldn’t have upset you if he didn’t laugh like it was unreasonable. you scoff and roll your eyes but before you’re able to make it any closer to the door, you’re being tugged back. all too suddenly, kaiser is in front of you, his hooked finger angling your head up and forcing you to meet his azure gaze. “you know i only have eyes for you, right?” he murmurs, like his words are meant for you and you alone. he’ll show you that his statement holds true when you get home.
₊˚ପ⊹ YUKIMIYA uses the bottom of his shirt to wipe away his sweat. on the occasion that you accompany him to a weekend practice or individual workout, you tend to look out for it. after the intense training when he’s cooling down, you watch attentively as he drags the hem of his shirt across his upper lip to collect the beads of perspiration. the motion leaves his abdomen exposed, putting the defined lines of his abs and the trail of dark hair peeking out from his shorts on display. your staring isn’t as discreet as you think it is but yukimiya doesn’t mind it. even after he catches you gawking, he keeps his shirt pulled up so as to not interrupt your view. when finally do look up at him, he’s peering at you over his glasses, tongue running along his lower lip.
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hey! it's manon :3 ! thank you for giving this a read! if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging and/or leaving a comment! much love from me to you ❤︎
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unluckilyimnot · 3 months
fixing the other's hairstyle to let their hands run through their partner's hair
Characters : isagi, reo, karasu, yukimiya, hiori, sae, rin, kunigami, nagi
m.list || rules
Note: Charles being friends with shidou is really no surprise 😭 they're both menaces
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is a smiley little pookie
never do your hair ‘cause he’s gonna ruin it and he doesn’t even intend to and he's SO sorry when he does
he wants to touch your hair all the time, brushing it away, make sure you don’t get it or eat it
he’s so oblivious about the fact that he KEEPS touching your hair
it’s always some “wait I’ll help you out” when you want to tie it (if you can), or “wait” and he brushed it away from your eyes
All. The. Damn. Time.
If your hair is long/shoulder length, he wants to brush it for you on windy day so you’re all pretty again
I see him as a gentleman who tease a little
so I think he tends to play with it a lot, twirling it around his fingers and then say it was to fix the strand
even more if you have curly hair or curl it yourself, it was losing its bounce a little, he helped :)
he doesn’t do it much outside, but when it’s just the two of you he likes it
ruffling it, putting a falling strand behind your ear/out of your view
he just loves the softness
it’s easy, he’s taller than you so it’s his favorite part and he doesn’t even try to find any excuses
he just touch it, even pet your head as if your a damn cat
he loves it if you have long hair, he can play with the end easily when he’s out of energy for the day
he can lay his head on top of yours and that’s generally, if needed, his excuse to touch your hair – inside, all alone or outside with people
he’s the type to brush your hair away of your face if it bothers him and he can’t see your eyes
his best excuse is that he knows how to style hair thanks to his sisters so he can help effectively
he does your hair for you, I don’t make the rules
that’s his favorite part of getting ready, doesn’t matter where you’re going or if you stay at home
he LOVES breaking the curl when he just done it to make them look loose – plus you look amazing
tie your hair for you just to feel it between his fingers
and always has a hair tie to do so
he’s the best, he can do anything and if not : he’ll learn to
everything to see you smile
he’s too serious for his own good when he’s in public, you like to mess with him
he freshly cut his hair and you can’t help but want to run your hands through it all day, it’s all soft and nice and he smells as good as always and –
he had to glare at you for you to stop your move, rolling your eyes, you left to get a drink
a hand find it’s way on your smaller back again and you roll your eyes
“Stop that would you”
“Cut your hair after next time” it’s his time to roll his eyes
“You’re impossible” and you returned him the compliment, this time ruffling his hair for good before fixing it and smiling
“I love you though” he narrows his eyes at you, taking a look around him before leaving a peck on your cheek
“Me too”
you like to fix his bangs to bother him
putting it a little on the side to get a better sight of his eyes even if he hated it
or ruffling it until he can’t see anymore
annoying Rin is your favorite job on earth
this end up in a fight half of the time – and he always win, be for real
but deep down, he loves it a lot
this boy is touch starved, so you playing and touching his hair a lot make him feel better and loved
he’s a tidy man, he knows what he’s doing and big gathering, brands and companies or not ; he just has to be perfect
and he’s glad to have someone around him ready to fix his look if needed
but you two haven’t left yet that you already fixed his hair a few time
“You can’t act like that tonight you know that ?” he chuckled as you, very cautiously, fix it once again
“I will if needed.”
“Was it needed all the time for the past half and hour ?” he asked in a smirk, tilting his head to the side
you blush at his comment and pout. “Maybe not…”
he doesn’t mind tho, you’re sweet and you love him sm you can’t help it
he feels the same, don’t you worry
casual date but he’s always making sure he looks cute for his pretty s/o
you two leave when the time is still clear and warm yet knowing that’s a windy day
by the time you arrive at your destination, a cute cat café that opens recently, your hair is a mess and you can’t help but whine
he’s quick to help you out, brushing his fingers through it to ease it before his own hair – not that it moved much
yet you brushed your fingers through his as well, giggling when you’re done and him thanking you, not knowing it wasn’t needed at all
his hair is so soft, you can’t help but push it away gently or hold it before a strand falls in his mouth while he’s eating.
“What’s up today ?”
“Nothing, I just don’t want you to eat your hair !”
you attend an official thing, like regarding commercials he worked in with some brand
he’s : on fleek, hair perfectly done, makeup on top, he looks handsome and that’s your man ? Damn
you have to be serious the whole, contain yourself, smile a lot but you really can’t help yourself, from time to time, to make sure that his outfit and hairstyle stay perfect
that’s your job right ?
It’s like the ninth time your hand keeps a stand of hair out of his sight, or to make sure it stays put together, it makes him giggle.
“Done ?” he asked in a whisper in your ear, his smile so easy to imagine on his face.
“What ? It’s in your face. I’m helping out.”
“You’re not. You’re clingy,” he pecked your temple. “but it’s fine.”
yes, he knows you just can’t keep your hand for yourself but he still finds it cute and endearing
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azulock · 3 months
find yourself a man who is useful like a border collie and would do your taxes
Men who like feeling useful, he will do anything for you, always at your beck and call. You gonna be babied and cared for whether you want it or not, and he gets kinda sad when you don't ask for his help. It's kinda like owning a herding dog, doing this for you is his enrichment, and if you don't let him do it, he's gonna go crazy. Try to baby him a little too, he deserves it, but he's probably gonna jump back to being useful real fast.
REO, Kunigami, Sendo, Yukimiya, Ness, Snuffy
Men who like being babied and cared for, you love him, that's usefulness enough, right? Come on, look at him, your handsome, loving boyfriend, always ready to give you all the love he can, that's gotta be useful on its own. If you want him to do something, you gonna have to ask him, but he's gonna whine the whole time. Honestly, he was born to be more of a trophy husband than anything else.
NAGI, Chigiri, Kaiser, Aryu, Lavinho
Men who are both, cause everything in life demands balance, and while he gets a kick out of seeing you need him for something, he also likes being babied and cared for. He would do anything for you, and feel really good about having you rely on him for help, but after the work is done he will demand his payment. It's only fair that he gets a little treat after being useful, right?
OLIVER, Sae, Bachira, Shidou, Chris
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n0niff · 3 months
(some) bllk characters falling in love*ੈ✩‧₊˚
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he fell first
time and noise seemed to stop, the universe paused when your eyes met. he knew he had fallen deeply. it might sound cliché, but that's precisely his perspective. your first interaction only reinforced this feeling…now that you rest in his arms, with a silly comedy movie playing in the background, your laughter is the only thing that holds his attention. he can't belive he can call himself yours
bachira, kurona, kunigami, nanase, tokimitsu, ness
he fell harder
he wasn't sure when everything changed, when his playful "you're annoying's" turned into earnest "i miss you's". he didn't know when he started noticing reminders of you in his surroundings, or when he began instinctively ordering a second drink at the cafe—your exact order, memorized to a t. he couldn't pinpoint when you gradually found a place in his heart, but he wasn't complaining.
rin, sae, oliver, kaiser, baro, shidou, otoya, nagi, chigiri, niko
he fell first & harder
from the moment he saw you, he knew you were destined to be part of his life. you fit in so naturally; his friends liked you and it seemed as if everyone around him adored you. and so did he. one might think his love couldn't grow any deeper, but every day, he proves otherwise. he is the man that you cherish, but he cherishes you even more.
isagi, yukimiya, hiori, loki, reo
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⋆。°✩ srry if I forgot one of your favs (• ᴖ •。)
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lyneira · 1 year
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♡ reuniting with him ♡
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-> how would the blue lock guys greet you after being away from each other for a long time?
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Simply hugs you
ISAGI, Chigiri, Reo, Yukimiya, Tokimitsu, Ness
They moment they see you, they're pulling you into their embrace. However, don't underestimate the force and resolve that was put behind it.
Through the way they'd hug you, it said a lot. The way he held you so close and so tightly that you could feel his heart beating out of his chest said, "I'm not letting you go again". And indeed, he wouldn't be letting you out of his embrace anytime soon.
Kisses your lips immediately
Sae, Kunigami, Aiku, Kaiser, Raichi, Karasu
They wouldn't care who was looking, he was going to give you the deepest kiss you've ever had when you two reunite. An uncharacteristically desperate kiss from him, one that claimed you his, and reclaimed you, over and over again. Lord, he missed your taste so much. He missed you so much.
Picks you up and spins you around
BACHIRA, Shidou, Hiori, Nanase, Aryu
He'd be too overwhelmed with excitement to stay still. If you don't come running up to him, he'll be the one running up to you. He'll swoop you into his arms and spin you around, and the long-awaited laugh he had yearned to hear for so long would bless his ears at last.
He'd want this moment to last forever if only it didn't make either of you so dizzy, hehe
Leans their forehead against yours and gazes deeply into your eyes
Nagi, Barou, RIN, Noa, Niko, Eita, Gagamaru
These would be the type of people who wouldn't express much affection, especially in public. Their affection is rather quiet, more subtle, and intimate, meant to be shown only to you.
And when you're finally right there in front of him, he's finding himself cupping the sides of your face and leaning his forehead against yours, so close that your noses were barely touching.
"...I've missed you", he'd whisper, and if that wasn't evident from the intensity of his tone, then it was evident in his eyes, full of longing and adoration.
He'll leave a kiss on your forehead if he's quick enough ♡
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a/n: imma be honest, I still haven't gotten so far in the manga, so I actually don't know much about characters like Kaiser, Ness, and Oliver. Though, based on the previews I've been seeing of them on my dash, I feel like this would suit them? but again, they might be ooc, idk 🥲 Maybe I'll update this post once I've read and gotten to know more about em 😭
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earthtooz · 1 year
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x : POCKY GAME ! :*+゚
in which: you play the pocky game w/ various bllk boys!
warnings: gn!reader, ooc for some, fluff, lots of kissing, suggestive but not nsfw, 300-600 words depending on which blurb :p, the writing is better in some parts than others forgive me i was fighting for my life trying to get everything right >.<
a/n: if you enjoy pls like or reblog!!! okay sorry back to ur regularly scheduled content, but pls consider reblogging!!!!! have a lovely day !!!!
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CONFIDENT AND COCKY. he’s the one who taunts you into it, placing the confectionary sweet between his teeth and staring at you mockingly, daring you to take the other end.
“c’mon, sweets. what’s the worst that could happen?” he jeers, sitting back in his seat. you scoff at his egotistical show. you can’t stand him, really, you can’t.
you curse that he knows this trait of yours: that you could never say no to a good challenge. you know that he’s got you cornered, unable to contain his smirk when you roll your eyes and latch on to the opposite end of the pocky. at least he was considerate enough to take the breadstick end for himself.
both of you ignore the way you step in between his legs, placing your hands on his broad shoulders for stability before the game begins, but not without a wink sent your way first.
you hate his guts. he knows it, but he wants you so desperately it hurts. 
he tries to contain his eagerness yet he can't stop his hands from snaking up to loosely hold your hips, fearing that this was just another daydream of his imagination. you, on the other hand, remain unrushed, taking your time and not falling for his bait.
you love watching him suffer, don’t you? pushing then pulling back when he gets too close, leaving him in a lovesick haze. 
he loves that you know exactly what to do every time to send him spiralling. 
after what feels like an eternity yet no time at all, his heart stutters at the gentle hover of your lips over his before going into overdrive when you press against him, leaving no biscuit or space untouched. with little control, he gives himself fully into the kiss, conveying every pent up feeling of desire that you leave brewing within him. he has longed for this moment for ages. 
and somehow, you feel it. despite his playboy appearance, you can tell with this one kiss that he’s fully devoted himself to you. as ridiculous as the notion may sound, it's evident through the bruising embrace of his, the way he’s trying to commit your lips to memory, and the way that he's tilting his head to access more of you.
it’s enough to make your heart flutter. 
but. you knew you couldn’t give in to his wants. not yet.
abruptly parting from him, he quietly whines at the loss of contact, frowning when you push his hands away with that pretty smirk of yours. so unabashed in rejecting him, aren’t you?
“you’ve gotta work harder next time, pretty boy,” you whisper against his lips before lowering your head to press a quick kiss against his neck. “i’m not that easy to impress, especially not with a stick of pocky.”
he watches longingly as you walk away, a new fire of determination burning in his veins. 
oliver, KARASU, KAISER, SHIDOU, kunigami (after… yk) 
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DOUBTFUL BUT REALLY WANTS THIS. the party is in full swing, the bass of the music is buzzing through the speakers, groups of people are getting drunk, and you? well, you're playing a game for prepubescent teenagers.
“truth or dare?” one of the party goers asks the soccer player whom you’ve harbored feelings for for a while. your stomach flips in anticipation at which option he’ll choose. 
his face twists into a split second of contemplation before the answer slips out of his mouth. “dare,” he answers confidently, returning the asker’s smug expression with one of his own.
“i dare you to play the pocky game with the person who you think is the most attractive in this room.”
everyone lets out a collective ‘ooo’ at the dare and you try to ignore the way your heart drops to your stomach, your nerves crawling all over you. the soccer player laughs before accepting it, catching the strawberry pocky box that is thrown in his direction.
who just casually has pocky as a party snack? 
you don’t get to spend long dwelling on your query because your eyes suddenly lock with his and he stands up, never breaking eye contact as he walks over to where you sit.
the group erupts into cheers of encouragement when he bends down to be eye-level with you, holding the box of pocky in his hands with a small, shy smile. he was so cute- hold on. he thought you were the most attractive person in the room? oh my goodness, where you about the kiss the man you’ve been pining after for months?
“wanna play?” he asks, sounding a little uncertain.
the only response you can muster is a stupid nod, blissful expectancy settling heavy in the air as he rips open the packet and fishes out a stick. 
“let me know if you’re uncomfortable with this.” his voice is low, murmuring something that he only wanted you to hear.
“it’s fine,” you reassure before latching your mouth to the opposite end, trying not to show the flurry of emotions whirlpooling within you in this very moment. 
was this real? are you dreaming? 
when your noses lightly bump into each other, you wake up to reality because this was real. you weren’t dreaming and his face was now mere millimetres away from yours. his eyes glance up from your lips to meet your eyes and you feel a spark occur, one that wasn’t unwelcome.
there’s just one little bit left, you can practically feel his lips against yours, the gap tormenting the two of you as one of you waits for the other to make the first move. he shakily exhales. you're going to go insane from anticipation.
fuck it. you’ve come this far.
he jolts a little in surprise at your boldness before melting into you, smiling into the kiss as all tension seeps out of his shoulders. distantly, you hear cheers and whoops from everyone, too caught up in the feeling of finally having him against you, blissfully relishing at the way your arms wind around his neck, embracing him like you've been meaning to for a while.
he smiles against you when noticing how eager you are, relieved and delighted at the same time.
"you're perfect," he whispers when he reluctantly breaks away, eyes droopy yet filled with desire.
you’re caught off guard when he tells the person next to you to move aside before sitting down, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as everyone else watches. 
thank goodness for truth or dare.
isagi, yukimiya, REO, SAE (ik he’s like a ‘cool’ guy or whatever but i think he’s a total dork so let me have my moment),
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DOES IT BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU. he could not care less about some stupid game and he sure doesn’t need a fucking game to kiss the love of his life. he could do that whenever he pleases; a luxury that he will never take for granted.
but when you looked so happy and excited to try it out, how could he say no? 
“this is ridiculous,” he mutters, making his opinion known for the umpteenth time before connecting his lips to the end of the pocky stick. after a small countdown, the game begins and he starts without hesitation, biting down on the breadstick with an unmatched pace, quickly crossing into your territory.
before he could reach you though, you pull away, unsatisfied with his impatience. he groans at the sudden lack of contact, especially when he was so close to getting what he wanted.
“could you at least try a little harder?” you ask, unimpressed as he finishes the snack.
“i’m trying very hard, isn’t the point of this game to kiss one another?” he counters.
“well, yeah-”
“-if anything, you’re losing right now, love, so why don’t you try a little harder?” he asks in a low tone, nearing his face towards yours as his voice turns a little more sultry at the end. 
you push his face away, grinning to hide the effect he still has on you. “oh shut up, creep. what if i proposed a challenge?” 
“i’m listening.”
“let’s play it so that we try not to kiss, how about that, pretty boy? loser does whatever the winner wants.”
he straightens up a little at the nickname usage and the prospect of a prize. quirking a brow out of fascination, he relents. “fine. ass deal, but whatever you want.”
you keen at his willingness before grabbing another stick to set up the game once again. when you glance back up at him, a shiver runs down your spine at the darkened, lidded look he was giving you.
he prompts you to do the same when he takes a bite from the snack. 
this time, he’s slow and methodical with his actions, taking small bites to meet you in the middle where you enter a stalemate. here you can feel his breath against your lips, fanning against you ever so gently. 
this is going to be a lot harder than you anticipated because he’s really good at resisting temptation and urging you at the same time. it’s almost unfair how he keeps nearing your lips, threatening to close the gap before leaning away, leaving you to chase after him, all whilst holding a delicate piece of breadstick between his teeth. you can’t exactly make out if he’s smirking or not, but the mirth is evident in his eyes. 
he’s luring you in and it’s working.
next thing you know, you’re surging up to meet his lips in a clash of teeth, passion, and desire, all in one. it’s messy, but he wouldn’t want it any other way, especially when he’s the one who got what he wanted.
oh well, this wasn’t too bad for you either.
“see,” he says, pulling away, breathless and panting, his swollen lips forming into a smile. “this is way better than some stupid game.”
“shut up and make out with me.”
he keeps it to himself how you bought his least favourite flavour because it tastes better with you.
RIN, niko, chigiri (hear me out on this one: i’m right)
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HOW DID YOU GET HERE? you were enjoying your packet of pocky, really, you weren’t expecting anything exhilarating. however, that changed when he snuck up beside you, peering over your shoulder to see what you were eating.
you don’t miss the way his eyes light up upon seeing the branded snack in your hands and immediately asks if he can have one. when you glance inside the packet to see how many you have remaining, you tell him that there’s only one left which you tauntingly put in your mouth to gloat in his face.
what you were not expecting at all was for him to take a bite of the opposite end and you're immediately stunned into silence.
if that wasn’t enough, there was no shame when he began nibbling on it, closing the gap between your faces as he concentrates intensely on eating the confectionary sweet. 
you’re quite literally frozen, not having it in you to merely blink, too scared to move or retract away from him lest your poor heart give out from how it thunders in your chest, reverberating with the might of a thousand suns. 
if that wasn’t bad enough, the way he gently grabs your face with both hands to keep you cemented where you are only worsens your current predicament. warm palms holding either side as he stares determinedly at your lips, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
was he always this pretty?
then, when you don’t think he can get any closer, he snaps the stick, pulling back with a satisfied grin, hands lingering where they’ve sought purchase before returning to his side.
“thanks for sharing, y/n. best pocky i’ve ever had in my life,” he says before turning around, walking away to leave you on the verge of a meltdown. 
NAGI, bachira (but with more excitement), otoya, 
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ana-chan164 · 4 months
• Blue lock boys with their kids ♡.
< part 2 (end) >
(Chigiri hyoma, Kurona ranze, Alexis ness, Hiori yo, Otoya eita and Yukimiya kenyu)
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Artist it twitter: _nnt0k
Hope you enjoy ♡.
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shoyoist · 1 year
thinking about the blue lock boys buying you a necklace with their jersey number engraved on it :( and writing your initials on their clear but specifically their dominant foot cause they just feel closer to you that way :( like you’re helping guide him to the goal :(
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content: gn reader. fluff !! — competitive and possessive dynamics. pro football player! characters (they all made it out of blue lock alive alright). + i added a little bonus section at the end, hehe<3
— . 。˚ ♡ the whole world watches, while he shows you off as his own <3
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a necklace with his jersey number dangling on it, like a charm. he gets it custom made for you, in sterling silver or 24-carat gold, depending on your tastes. but he doesn't let you know that he has it, waits for the perfect moment in which he can surprise you with it.
which happens to be right before his team lines up for a final match, on live TV at the big arena, with all lights, cameras and eyes pointing right at you both.
he's getting in line with the rest of his teammates — the commentators and cameras paying full attention to him, the star and powerhouse of the team, going “there he is. the deity of the field!” as he walks onto the field, smile already on his face when he looks up, for the world to swoon over.
he's handsome. you think, standing at the very front row, dressed in the pretty clothes that he'd got for you just last night, matching the colours of his team. he looks the best when he's on the field, fully confident in the fact that he's going to be going home with a new medal around his neck.
what you don't know is that you're about to get something around your neck too, before he wins his game.
“excuse me,” he says smoothly, to the coach and the few staff members that surround him, glancing knowingly at the cameras recording him (and looking into the eyes of all the fans that are watching him on live TV) before he saunters off, heading to the edge of the field where you're standing behind a display board.
it's clear that he's staring at you as he walks over — gaze softening as he meets your eyes, watching how your own eyes widen with surprise and a hint of shyness, as the surrounding audience erupts into whispers.
“sweetheart,” he grins at you, stopping on the other side of the perimeter board — and you blush when the audience gasps, blush when he gives them all another glance, before smirking down at you. “got something for you.”
he holds his hand out and shows you what he has hidden in his fist — a necklace with his jersey number on it, spelled out on a charm.
the crowd continues to get louder, and you can make out some people's cries; are they dating? god he was taken this whole time? and the commentators join in, declaring into the speakers that your boyfriend seems to be taking a minute to give a gift to a little someone special—
and you blush harder as you stand there, almost frozen as he gently puts the necklace around your neck, the metal chain and charm cold but somehow blooming warmth on your skin as it touches you.
“with that outfit, you're matching the whole team, hm?” he smiles at you, so overwhelmingly charming. “so you keep this necklace on for me. let's everyone know you're here for me. yeah?”
“y—yeah.” you try to look down, so fucking shy under his bright gaze and gorgeous smile, but he grabs your chin and lifts your face back up to give your lips a little kiss.
the whole stadium erupts into cheers and screams. he kissed you on live TV. your face feels hot, you think you're dizzy — but you manage to hear him faintly over the buzz in your head and the screaming of the crowd as he pats your cheek before jogging off back to join his team in line. “cheer for me, won't you? i'll win this game 'n take you out for dinner after.”
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has your initials written on the side of his cleats, on his dominant foot. even better actually — he got you to write it for him. he wants it done with your pretty hands and in your pretty handwriting, that's so much better than his own.
thanks you and gives you a kiss on the side of your forehead, when you finish it and hand the shoe to him. you're both knelt together on the floor of your shared place, and the look in his eyes when he kisses you is so tender. “i'll score every goal with you in mind, a'right?”
and every time he's on the field, fire in his veins and the never ending lust and hunger for a full victory in his soul, he gives you a glance as you jump up and down in your special spot in the stands, cheering for him with all you've got — and that's when he zeroes in on the ball.
the look in his eyes is anything but tender then — hyper-focused, bright and vicious is how he watches the ball as it slips from the opposing player's dribble, and it's impossible for anyone, whether from the other team or his own, to make it to the ball before he does.
he lunges forward once he gains control of the ball, a sort of heat already spreading through his dominant leg as he advances towards the goal to shoot — and with your initials on his cleats and your pretty smile on his mind, he thinks he can break the limit.
he's never scored a goal from this distance before. with the game about to close, it's crucial that he doesn't take any risks and ensures that his shot scores a proper goal.
otherwise, his team might lose. failure was not an option.
but with your presence — both physical and emotional — fueling him, he takes the chance. he takes the chance, puts all the force he has in that sculpted, trained body of his, and he shoots.
he shoots and he scores.
the commentators and crowd go wild alike, screaming in joy over the secured win, because with five minutes left on the clock there's no way the other team can catch up any more — and your boyfriend ignores the cheers of his teammates, turning in place to face you.
“he scored! god, he's undefeatable!” the commentator's voice echoes through the stadium, and he thinks yeah, that's right. he cannot be defeated — not when you're there to guide him to the goal every single time.
he turns to you, and you wave your arms in the air, calling out his name and yelling out an i love you! — and with the TV overhead showing the scorer off we he stands on the field, you can't miss the way the corners of his mouth lift in a smile.
i love you, too. he mouths back to you, with every other person watching the game in the world to see it.
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he kisses you after every game that he wins. and he makes sure he scores the final goal.
it's an elaborate contest that he has with himself, and the rest of the world has joined in on it. you sit and wait in your reserved seat in the stands, the smoothie he had ordered for you sitting empty in your hands as you watch your boyfriend weave past defender after defender — the audience and every other player all focusing more and more on him as time ticks by.
the match is currently at a draw — and the other team is fighting with everything they've got to guard him, trying to prevent him from breaking through and scoring that final goal.
but your boyfriend isn't so easily countered.
even when he's playing laid-back, he's a demon on the playing field. he's fast, agile and he doesn't take any chances. and now? with only a few minutes left before the penalty round, he's set to score the winning goal.
“will he break through? will he be able to make it this time?”
he almost spins around to scoff at the camera. of course he's going to make it. he always does. the other team nearly swarms him as he closes in on his shooting range, but what they aren't aware of is that he doesn't need to be in range to make his shot count.
his play style is all about breaking limits. which is what he does, when he shoots from nearly the other side of the arena and watched the ball curve smoothly yet maintaining an impossible speed, past the goalie's reach and into the net. the timer buzzes only seconds afterwards. “and he scores the final goal yet again!”
the crowd cheers, and while the commentators remark to eachother that they all know what's about to happen next, your boyfriend walks over to where you're still seated expectantly, hopping easily over the perimeter boards to get to you.
you get up then, and he curls a hand around your waist and pulls you in, pressing a kiss into your hair as the audience coos in response to the show all around you. (he'd kiss your lips, but he's sweaty right now and he's not sure you'd appreciate a mouthful of salt).
and he sighs, unresponsive when you chide him for being arrogant, and mutters into the shell of your ear, “mhm. let's go home, baby. 'm tired.”
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chateaaa · 19 days
☆ How the Blue lock characters confess to their crush! pt 2
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synopsis: Blue lock characters confessing
pairing: Nagi Seishiro, Isagi Yoichi, Yukimiya Kenyu x fem! reader
warnings: fluff, fluff, and more fluff!
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Nagi Seishiro
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- he would confess through games, probably in minecraft and will build a heart house for you, him and your cats
- will ask "Y/n, will you be my girlfriend? i have this bubbly feeling when i see you, and i feel safe around you."
- i know, hes so corny but like you're the only girl he likes (he tries okay 😭)
- asked help from reo, but didn't use that advice (he wanted to be true to you)
- would be a cute and lazy bf, his socials are full of your face
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Isagi Yoichi
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- This guy would be soooo romantic confessing lol, typical flowers and teddy bear
- would be a stuttering mess
- "Y-Y/n,, w-will you b-be my girlfriend?!?"
- literally shouts his confession to you
- wouldn't believe it if you accepted his confession, would "Are you sure?!? really?!?"
- would smile like an idiot
- the type of bf to share everything with you.
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Yukimiya Kenyu
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- would probably be the boyfriend in school
- would confess in a sakura tree, on the last day of school
- he would give you his second button on his uniform, then confess to you (In japan, The significance of the second button is that it is located closest to one's heart, giving your crush the second button conveys the message that you think of her as the most precious person to you.)
- "Hey Y/n, i really really like you, can you be mine ;)"
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Hey guys! so sorry for late upload, here's part 2!!!
tysm for reading, luv u all!
(would probably post about kny, i've been addicted to that show for a while, please leave suggestions about what i will write!)
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rintoshis-archived · 7 months
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fav!character who loves seeing his frame devour you. the way his clothes just swallow you whole, your thighs barely visible. he thinks it's fucking adorable. you tried his pants before but wore his boxers instead. that sight alone drove him mad.
the times where you had to physically climb him in order to get something off a shelf or on the top of the cabinet, he loves it. instead of volunteering to get it for you, he knew you were too prideful to let him do all of the work. your hands grabbing onto his large biceps and toned back, his thin shirt giving you a glimpse of his nipples.
the little things where you still choose to sit on his lap other than any chair available, where he gets to wrap his big arms around you, completely engulfing you.
or when he's wearing a hoodie a little too big for him, (which was huge for you) you like to crawl underneath it, feeling his mellow skin warm you up more than any hoodie or sweater can. he loves it, trust me, he fucking loves it.
he loves helping you out. he isn't sure if his love language is acts of service, or he just loves the way his name rolls off your tongue, cause he's the first one you shout out for when you need help. he's always one call away. ''___'' ''___?'' ''___!'' and he's sprinting to where you are.
whenever he sees you doing something, if it's painting your nails, doing your hair, drawing, brushing your teeth in the morning with messy bed hair, he just loves seeing you in your element.
it might be weird, but he just feels so much better when he sees traces of you everywhere in your home. your toothbrush beside his, a plushie sat on your bed together, your small shoes beside his, your things on your side of the sink, and his things on his side of the sink, your towels being two different colors, he just loves it.
it might be corny, but he just loves you... being there. you two could be doing nothing and could still sit there for hours. one look from you and he folds immediately.
he's fucking whipped.
and other of your favorite characters !
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saekkas · 1 year
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summary: romantically cliche things the boys do when they're in love with you.
includes: isagi, nagi, reo, yukimiya, rin, sae, kunigami, kaiser, karasu, bachira, aiku.
notes: this might just be the most lovey-dovey thing i've ever written in my life.
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐍: goes out of his comfort zone, does anything he can so that you're always smiling when with him, makes butterflies erupt every single time he opens his mouth.
kaiser, sae, isagi, karasu
"can't you let me see? we've been doing this for hours!"
his hands are around your face, shielding your vision. you can see nothing but darkness, only small spots of light from the gaps of his fingers. he's been nothing but romantic for the whole day, eager to celebrate your anniversary on a day off. he's taken you to a popular italian place, which he's booked under your name from two months ago, and brought you to a science and art museum that's produced more than a hundred lock screen worthy photos.
all the while keeping his hands around your eyes every time you move onto a new spot. he's determined to make this the best day of your life, and with the way it's going, he's gotten his wish.
"calm down, we're almost there." his voice is right by your ear, tone completely warm as he chuckles at the shiver it brings. "since when were you the impatient one in the relationship?"
"can you blame me? how am i supposed to know you aren't leading me into a trench in the middle of nowhere?" there's only silence, and you can only assume he's grown tired of your whining. "it's a perfectly plausible scenario and you know that. what if-"
"we're here," he says, this time whispering lowly as he stops your movements, placing his chin on your shoulder. "i hope you like it. it's my last present for today."
you blink your eyes when he finally takes away his hand, trying to get used to the onslaught of brightness. you gasp, realizing belatedly that he's taken you to the canopy of your joined apartment. he's taken two chairs from your kitchen, along with a high desk from your work room, and transformed the space into a private space for two.
"this is beautiful. i can't believe you did this for me."
his hands are warm as they trail down your waist, wrapping you snugly against his chest. you can feel the soft breath coming from his mouth, and the telltale signs of a five o'clock shadow as he nuzzles into your neck. "do you like it?"
"i love it. i love you." you stand in silence for a while, taking the time to take everything in. you snap out of your trance like state when he takes your hand, pulling you towards the seats. "thank you. you've completely made my present for you look like trash."
there's a shadow of a smile on his face, bright even under the darkness of the ink blue sky. you'd print it if you could. you'd freeze this moment, this day, so you'll get to experience it forever, in a never-ending loop, if you could.
"two tickets to meet my favorite team is far from trash, but i'll accept the compliment."
that shadow of a smile turns into a grin, and you realize you never want to experience a day without his smile for the rest of your life if you could.
the lights from nearby buildings look and feel as if fireflies, surrounding you in a peaceful hue. his eyes are a different shade today, far brighter than they usually are. his embrace far warmer.
you suppose love does that to the best of people. and you suppose you're lucky to be able to get to experience it with him.
"i have something for you."
you quirk an eyebrow as he leans down to reach for something under his seat. it's rectangular, medium-sized, nothing special looking, and yet your heart's beating against your ribcage, threatening to let loose and engulf him whole.
"i thought this whole set up was supposed to be the last?"
"i lied," he chuckles, handing the object to you with soft eyes. "open it."
the wrapping is shabby at best, and you bite your lip, both endeared and amused by his actions. you tear it gently, gasping when the cover of your favorite book looks back at you. "i..."
the cover feels smooth under your fingers, and you can only choke back a sob when you flip onto the first page, finding his scribbled writing right under the author's autograph. the next pages are similar in different ways, filled with little notes and highlighted words at the edges. his thoughts immortalized for you to read.
"you annotated a book for me?" you sniffle, wiping away the tears before they fall onto the pages. "and got the author to sign it?"
"why are you crying?" he asks out of pure sweetness, nothing but love looking back at you from his eyes. "isn't that what a guy does when he's in love with a girl?"
you only nod, still at a loss of words as he leans down another time, this time placing a cool box on the desk. "gelato?" he asks with a laugh as he places two of your favorite flavored dessert in between you. "can't have my love crying on our special day, can we?"
you learn that the gelato isn't the last surprise either. his last present comes in the form of a ring and a promise made under the night sky.
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍: holds every single one of your things, will not let you move a single finger, proudly shows you off as his.
aiku, nagi, kunigami
"i have two hands too, you know?" you laugh, your shoulders shaking as you lean against the apartment door's entrance. "i can bring my own things."
you watch with thinly veiled amusement as he shakes his head with a stubborn frown. his footsteps are heavy, the added weight of all your shopping bags dragging him down slightly. you move slightly to the left, pushing the door open wider so he could enter.
"i'll get you something to drink. hold on," you say with a pointed look before making your way to the kitchen to fetch a water bottle. walking back, you giggle at the sight of him peeking into the paper bags. "here."
the palm of his hands are slightly calloused against the skin of your thighs as he all but drags you onto his lap. the couch sinks under your joined form and you raise an eyebrow when he looks up at you with puppy eyes.
"what?" you ask, slightly suspicious of the pout on his face after the few seconds of silence. "you want something don't you?"
"show me?" his tone is dripping in honey and his hands rub circles on your back as he tries to persuade you. "wanna see my girl all dolled up and pretty."
you sigh at his request, your heart weak at his show of affection. "fine. you better pay attention though."
he hums, nodding his head excitedly as you take the bags and bring them into the bedroom with you, ready for a fashion show.
"i'm not wearing every single one so i'll show you my favorites." the dress you have on is innocent, fun. one you've picked exactly for picnic dates and ice cream runs. it's a baby blue color, white lace trimming your waist with a bow to match. "what do you think?"
his eyes roam from your head down to your feet, and you blink at the silence that coats his answer. "do you not like it?"
he blinks back, as if breaking out of a gaze before he stands, leaning down to press three pecks onto your lips. you watch as he walks back to the couch, tilting your head at the coy smirk on his face. you feel dumbfounded when he waves a hand, motioning for you to try the next one.
the second outfit is far simpler. white top matched with a leather jacket and boots. there's no other sound besides the fan by the edge of the kitchen and his footsteps as he leans in to press another kiss. only two this time.
you snort when you realize when he's doing. if there's anything your boyfriend will do, it's charm you with whatever weird stunt he has up his sleeve. "you are impossible. what is this? your version of america's top model?"
"i don't hear you complaining." he walks back to his seat, watching you with lidded eyes and a small smirk filling his expression. "next one?"
you snort, changing into the last outfit for him to see. this one's far more intimate as you've bought it for special occasions. the dress is a dark maroon, it sinks down to the floor with a plunging neckline that is a wonder to the eyes. you watch as he stiffens, becking you forward with a come-hither motion on his finger.
you sway your hips as you walk, looking at him with a coy smile that he most certainly loves. before you have the chance to lean down, he shoots up, pressing three kisses on your lips, and another on your exposed chest.
his hands wrap around your waist, tilting your chin so that you meet his eyes. "next one."
"that was the last one." you quirk an eyebrow, squinting when he grins. "what?"
"try my clothes. i'll give you full scores for every outfit."
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒: gets you anything and everything that reminds him of you, reminds you of your worth every day, charming to the point that your mother wants you to marry him asap.
rin, yukimiya, bachira, reo
"hey, i know you're a big-time pro-athlete now but that doesn't mean you need to spend all your money on me."
your boyfriend has a thing for splurging. he buys things that are almost always useless and insists on gifting them to you with a big shiny bow wrapped around it. he isn't much of a spender for himself, insists on wearing his clothes until they're somehow falling off his body but with you? his pockets are loose, wallet seemingly always filled with credit cards.
an investment for the future, he calls it.
you don't know whether to laugh at the absurdity of his words or cry because this handsomely talented individual actually sees you as part of his future. he's calling you as his future. talk about sweeping a girl off her feet.
"they're pretty. i thought you'd want to see them."
the bouquet that he sent is nothing if not pretty. it's a stunning piece of work, an arrangement of many different kinds of vividly colored flowers wrapped into a huge bundle. it's hefty in your hand and you'd be lying of you said that it isn't a treat for the eyes.
"you could have taken a picture and showed it to me through text, eh?" you walk forward, smelling the flowers in your hand, and carefully place them on the desk to put in a vase later. "you didn't need to ship it all the way from paris."
you watch as the pixelated version boyfriend shrugs, a sweet smile forming on his lips at your words. it's nighttime where he's at, and it shows through the darkness of the hotel window he currently resides in. the video shakes as he holds his phone, moving away from the window and onto a bed.
"do you like it?" he asks, propping a hand behind his head and on a pillow. "the florist recommended that one for you. she said it had a special meaning."
"yeah? tell her she has amazing taste and is very kind if you ever meet her again."
he hums, eyes hazy and laced with sleep. you smile when he tries to stifle a yawn. "you should go to sleep. it's late there, isn't it?"
"it's fine." he yawns like a puppy is your first thought when he does let it out. there's an air of tiredness around him, clearly drained from practice and a match. you giggle when he yawns again, this time stretching his hands above his head like a cat. adorable. "i wanna talk to you for a bit more. i miss you."
you soften at that. "i miss you too. just three more days, right?"
he nods at that, the smile never leaving his face. the smile, you've come to realize, is reserved especially for you. "i told the florist to write a note for you too. is it there?"
you hum, placing the phone against your mug to look for it. you've been too distracted by its beauty that you never noticed the small piece of white paper that's attached to one of the flowers' stems. the first thing that catches your eye is the list of flowers the bouquet is made from and their meaning.
roses; love, warmth. dahlia; eternal love, appreciation, commitment. chrysanthemums; loyalty, happiness, joy. ranunculus; charm and attractiveness. anemones; anticipation.
the second, is the beautiful cursive handwriting that details, "i'll love you until the last one withers."
you look back to your phone, smiling brightly at him. "thank you. this means everything to me." there's an air of happiness that surrounds him at your words, his smile brightening along with yours. there's a glint in his eye that you're suspicious of, yet you don't get to call him out for it.
"i'm glad you like it. i'm gonna head in now. i'll text you in the morning, okay?" he hums, padding from his bed and turning the light off, bathing him in a moonlit glow. "call me when you wake up."
"okay." there's always a bittersweet feeling in saying good night to him, in saying temporary farewells. your shoulders slump slightly and you nod, blowing him a kiss. "night. sweet dreams. i love you."
"i love you too, angel."
the line disconnects after a few minutes of silent staring and you sigh, turning away to find a vase for your newly bought gift. it's only when you're gently placing the flowers in that you realize one's different from the others. you chuckle, holding the fake flower to your chest. picking up your phone, your fingers glide across the screen, sending him a text you hope he'll see when he wakes.
you: who knew you were such a romantic
you: i'll love you forever. thank you. you mean the world to me.
your fingers stop as you take in the flower once more, every single one of its petals has been painted a different color. it's smooth against your hand, and you grin when you lift it to your nose to sniff. it smells like him.
you: send me your hotel address. i'm sending you a gift.
you: me.
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perrywrites · 8 months
Asking “Can you… Can you hold my hand?” during your first time together, part 5;
Includes; Otoya, Oliver, Yukimiya (AKA 2 cheating playboys and then the christian lover 💀💀💀)
Part 1 (Isagi, Hiori, Bachira) and part 2 (Barou, Shidou, Karasu) and part 3 (Reo, Chigiri, Nagi) and part 4 (Rin, Sae, Kunigami) and part 6 (Kaiser, Ness, Kiyora)
Otoya: honestly, a part of him is still unsure of how this entire situation came to be. With you, right here, in his bed - about to let him steal your first time away. It all started off with him teasing you - you were too cute, after all - the way you were so enraptured by him, all starry eyes. And he could tell you were a virgin, he could smell it on you, and he decided then not to lay a hand on you - he wasn’t that rotten. Careful distance, he really tried his best not to get your hopes up. He knew you were serious, that sex meant something to you, and he wasn’t scum enough to trample all over that. And yet, here he is, fully succumbing to your charms. I mean, it’s your fault, for being so tempting, you know? For turning all dazed at his lighthearted teasing, so devoted to him and always running to him at the mere sound of his voice like a puppy, blushing and letting out soft sounds like this when he touches you - because you want him to touch you, want him to ruin you. Maybe, maybe he is that rotten then, because he can’t resist you, and he wants you more than he is able to keep up with his own rule. But at the same time, you know what kind of a guy he is, right? So why are you letting him have you like this? You can’t possibly be that naive, right? The answer to his unspoken question comes when you softly ask him to hold your hand, saying that it’s fine if he doesn’t give you another night, but just for tonight to make love to you like you’re the only one for him. Because you want to lose your virginity to someone you’re in love with. And at that moment, he knew he was done for. “... You’re so unfair,” he says, jokingly, but his tone is heavier than he wants it to be. His hand slides across the bedsheets to intertwine with yours, heart weirdly painful, and his lips descend upon yours like an unlikely promise. He can’t believe his heart is pounding like this, that he’s feeling this soft over you, that he finds your trembles and expressions this heart-achingly endearing. That he’s catching feelings for you. Maybe it’s time to quit his playboy streak and try for something real with you here, because the thought of bringing in another girl into his bed is making him feel sick, and he’s starting to realize he might be falling deeper into this than he thought. A part of him finds you to be so cruel, to be so devoted and doting towards him, and then declare you’re fine with a mere night. How could you be? He isn’t, he certainly isn’t. He doesn’t want to let you go yet, no way. He kisses you, still softly, before moving his lips over to the crook of your neck, sensually sucking a love bite onto you. You moan sweetly, and instinctively his hips jolt impatiently, cock leaking. Hickeys were never his thing, receiving them or giving them, but with you he wants to leave a mark you can’t hide. This, all of this, means something to him, and he’ll make you realize that. 
Oliver: he wonders if he’s scoundrel enough to ruin you like this as you look so sweet and pliant beneath him, adoringly submissive, child-bearing hips lewdly spread for his use. Your sultry gaze as you whine tearfully shoots heat down his cock. Shit, don’t be so good for him, good to him, he’s not the kind of man that can accept the invitation of your dripping cunt in exchange for his fidelity, you know? He doesn’t cut deals like that, only exchanges pleasure for pleasure - he can guarantee he’ll make you cum, but that’s about it. As much as he is the one who sweet-talked you into this, chasing after you for far longer than he’d like to admit, vague promises he can easily escape out of when he wants to, there is an inkling of something now making him hesitate; there is something - guilt? - that eats away at his heart, but it does nothing to sink or dim the ardent flame of his arousal as he gets even handsier with you, greedy hands grabbing at your thighs. You’re so good, too good, so sexy like this, and the guilt isn’t enough to keep him away from you after the longest chase of his life. He can just blame your naivety, right? Maybe even pat himself on the back for turning you into a woman, congratulate you and himself for making you cum twice already before he ruins you on his cock. But the idea just doesn’t sit right with him, for once, and the final blow is when you ask him to hold your hand oh so innocently. You don’t know he has plans of leaving you after a few fun fucks, do you? And now he feels like he’s tricking you, when you look up at him all expectantly and adoringly, and - ah shit - he realizes he’s not scoundrel enough after all. But he doesn’t pull away from you, doesn’t apologize, doesn’t spare you whatever dignity he can leave you with. Instead, he chuckles lowly, voice hoarse and raspy, no teasing dirty talk falls out of his mouth for once as he reaches for your hand. He holds your hand down, still hovering over you, still pinning you down, still ready to take you, because he just can’t resist you. Except this time, he thinks about abandoning his dirty little tricks, thinks about abandoning running away from you, thinks wrly, that maybe this time he’s going to end up with a ring on his finger. He realizes the feeling holding him back wasn’t guilt at all, but something else, something he hasn’t felt in a long, long time. 
Yukimiya: he wants to defile the sacred between your legs. Defile the sacred between your legs by worshipping you so good, sinking into you with a shaky prayer. Every touch of his lingers on your skin like sweet sin, and you are reduced to a sound chamber of pleasure at the mercy of his lovingly teasing fingers. You are his every temptation, a taste he can’t forego, impassioned kisses, he can’t get enough of you. He finds in you a religion far superior to any abrahamic religion, and he turns into a heretic to the rest of the world as he melts into being your most exalted and only worshipper. Every sound of yours ignites an unrivalled passion as he feels for the heat of your soft skin, he thumbs your clit like praying with a rosary in hand, lovingly watches you turn holy and blissful at the worship of his hands. There is nothing more beautiful than watching your expressions twist in sweet sin, he thinks, as his mouth latches onto your skin for the millionth time that night, leaving a pilgrimage of love bites across the expanse of your clavicle and soft flesh. He’s proven wrong in the best way though, when you appeal so demurely to his love for you, asking him to hold your hand. The dazed desire swirls with the purity of your affection for him, eyes watery with an oasis of love for him, and it all tugs on his heart. Before he knows it, he’s smiling at you all adoringly and reverently, leaning in to whisper sweetly into your ear as he reaches out for your hand. He is pious in the way he conjoins your hands, grasp firm and unbreakable like a pledge, yet gentler than cotton. He is your worshipper, it is only right if he treats you so delicately, so reverently, the plight of his careful passion rendering you weak under his worship as the head of his cock kisses the entrance to your dripping sacred. He never knew the sweet sin of having you would make him feel so alive, flesh aflame - and oh god, if sinking into your plush walls meant hell he would gladly take the plunge, again and over again. But no worries, it’s only a sin so long as he has yet to put a ring on your finger, so wait just a little bit longer. After all, you are his divine, his goddess, he’ll go to hell for you anytime, but the only place he’ll drag you down with him is the depths of pleasure and love. 
… I might’ve gone a bit far with religious imagery in Yukimiya’s 😭😭😭 his interest towards religious stuff in the egoist bible tickles this strange corner of my brain in a way that makes me go ooga booga 😈😈😈 so I ran with it 
Also Oliver was fun, writing him made me strangely angry 💀💀💀 and I have a feeling if writing him made me angry, then I wrote him right LMFAO
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hauntedhokage · 4 days
kiss prompt: short and sweet kiss after meeting up for a date. from this list
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You’re coming from separate sides of town, having your own separate work to get done without you other half by your side. But date night still stood, no matter how busy the day was - when you were promised something, he always delivered. Calling for a car to pick you up, saving you from needing to take public transit, and waiting outside the restaurant for your arrival. 
“Good evening.” The greeting is standard, his hand taking yours and leaning in for a kiss. Always mindful of the area, the kiss being just a level above chaste but not to the point where it’d be considered excessive by any bystanders witnessing the moment. “You look lovely.”
“Thank you,” you whisper, a smile on your face as his hand finds your lower back to lead you into the restaurant. “You also look quite dapper.”
“Only the best for you.”
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Nanami, Gojo, Kunigami, Rin, Kirishima, Isagi, Yukimiya, Barou, Bakugou, Yuuta, Yuuji, Megumi, Inumaki,
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azulock · 7 months
bllk guys kiss types
The sloppy kind of kiss, all tongue and wet lips. For him pecks are cute, and nice here and there, but a real kiss needs tongue, and a bit of saliva. After all he loves tasting you, and he loves things to be a little messy too. If you aren't left breathless and a little wet by the end of it, was it really a kiss?
OLIVER, SHIDOU, Kaiser, Reo, Otoya
The biter, type of guy who loves nipping and biting at your lips on any chance he gets. Generally not a threat, just some playful biting here and there, sinking his teeth in just enough for you to feel it. Tho, sometimes he forgets his own strength and might end up hurting you a little, but he always makes up to you.
BACHIRA, SHIDOU, Karasu, Gagamaru, Chigiri
The shy kisses, who prefers soft pecks and gentle touching of lips. Might be just afraid of coming off too aggressive or too sexual in his advances, but he just likes things to be a bit soft. Tho, he saves the sloppy kissing for when you are in bed.
KUNIGAMI, YUKIMIYA, Rin, Nikko, Kurona
Bonus Round: the lazy kisser who let's you decide on what you prefer, he just goes along with it, either too lazy to decide or just wants to be a good boyfriend, or both. NAGI, SENDO
hey, pssst, shoot me a follow for some support <3
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strawberri-elixir · 5 months
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╰⇢ Bllk boys falling in love with a reader like Mitsuri
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Requested: right here!
Characters: Sae Itoshi, Rin Itoshi, Kenyu Yukimiya
Contains: scenarios that don’t necessarily follow the plot of bllk, fluff, silly boys falling in love with you! (also set outside of blue lock)
Notes: this is such a cute request thank you! i really hope you enjoyed reading this anon!
also please forgive me for taking so long to get this out <3
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To Sae, falling in love with someone wasn’t on his list of things to do in his lifetime. Being one of the most promising youth soccer players of the generation, he didn’t have time for love. And being his team's assistant manager, you were often watching him train. Despite being cold and distant to most people, including his teammates, he was always polite and willing to talk with you.
Even though he was standoffish and cold, he found himself drawn to your personality. Your warm, bubbly energy quickly pulled him in and became something he looked forward to seeing every day. Everyone around him noticed his obvious change in attitude whenever you came around.
It wasn’t until one of his teammates started making obvious attempts at flirting with you. Normally, he’d roll his eyes in disgust, but seeing you blush at every flirty comment that was thrown your way didn’t sit right with him. It took him many weeks (and a lot of teasing from his teammates) for him to realize he loved you.
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He never had time for falling in love. At least, not until he met you. All he could think about was being a better striker than his brother. Meaning you were usually pushed off to the sidelines while he trained. But that didn’t necessarily mean that he didn’t like you, no, he just never got the time to sort out his feelings and put a label on them.
You were his number one cheerleader, always attending games and being the first to congratulate him after he won. Maybe that’s why he never gave you a second glance for a good chunk of your friendship. He just got used to you always being there. He knew you’d always be there. Which is why he’d often trust you with his water bottle.
So when he was sitting by the sidelines at the end of the match, panting and out of breath from playing the entire game, you immediately ran out with his water bottle. He stared upwards at you as you stood over him, a concerned look on your face as you handed him the bottle and used your body as a shield from the sun. He never took his eyes off of you as you stood there smiling, completely oblivious to the flush that spread across his face.
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I’m pretty sure you fell first. Who wouldn’t? He’s tall, charming, confident but not arrogant in his abilities. Not to mention an absolutely gorgeous face. You’d often catch yourself staring at him before daydreaming of little scenarios about him being your boyfriend. Can you blame yourself? He’s stunning.
One time, he caught your eyes following him as he ran down the field during one of his games, watching his every move. Every time he looked in the direction of the crowd, he was met with your soft gaze. And he'd be lying if he said your gaze didn’t make him feel excited. He had to make sure to show off a little in front of you.
After the game ended, he ran over to you, a bright smile on his face. A smile which you happily returned. But seeing your smile directed to someone else as you divert your attention to another one of his teammates and giving them a cheerful congratulations made him realize that he wanted to see your smile all the time. And when you showed him that beautiful smile again, he swore his heart stopped for a second.
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~ Please do not repost on other platforms! Thank you! ~
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