#zora ideale
sinfulpanda16 · 5 months
Men that love manhandling you.
Not just in bed but in general. He loves picking you up, pinning you, carrying you. He does not care if there are others around, he'll still do it. Ya'll arrive home and he picks you up, carries you to the bedroom all while your parents watch.
One time you guys were going on a walk and you were starting to get tired. You say "Baby I'm too tired. Carry me pout" jokingly but then he actually does. He carried you all the way back home, all while people were watching. He didn't care. You're his baby.
He's just so playful with you. He thinks you're so cute and adorable he can't help but pick you up and baby you. After dinner the first thing he'd do is carry you out of your chair and sit you on the counter next to the sink, and then he'll get the plates so he can wash them while you watch.
You'd be modeling some of the cute clothes you bought yourself and on the last one he'll get up and start feeling the fabric on your hips then slowly trace his hands upwards, bringing your arms up and just like that your wrists end up in his grip. And with a smirk, he goes to kiss your neck.
Playfights are always you going at it and him barely even trying and still winning. You'd either be laying on your back pinned by him or laying on your tummy with him caging you. Either way, playfights always lead to him seriously manhandling you.
Gojo Saturo, Toji Fushiguro, Eijiro Kirishima, Izuku Midoriya, Bakugou Katsuki, Hanma Shuji, Keisuke Baji, Draken, Greed, Solf J. Kimblee, Kuroo Tetsuro, Bokuto Kotaro, Oikawa Toru, Zora Ideale, Yami Sukehiro, Ryusui Nanami, Kunigami Rensuke, Bachira Meguru
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black-bulls-mansion · 1 month
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thank you official black clover twitter for 9 years of hard work 🖤
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courtesanofdeath · 1 year
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The Black Bulls
That means “just shut up and watch as this country breaks apart,” right? In that case… We would not retreat even if it kills us!
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katsuma6 · 6 months
Jealous text messages from your Black Clover boyfriend.
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the-black-bulls · 2 months
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Nacht's going through a phase. Ignore him.
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meircury · 1 month
rebelling cuz tabata sensei didn’t give us the rest of the bulls 😤 /hj
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Hello, I'd like to request for fuegoleon, William, nozel, zora and Nacht where they hurt their s/O's feelings and make her cry? And just how guilty they feel, how they make it up, comfort their s/o and apologize. You can choose whatever they couldve said or done to make her cry I love anything you write they're all so good
If 5 characters is too much then just fuego, nozel and nacht would be fine please and thankyou❤️
Hello! Some hurt comfort is on the menu it seems, and I'm happy to oblige ^^ This ended up being a lot longer than I anticipated, but I hope it's worth the wait ^^
Pairings: Fuegoleon x f!reader, William x f!reader, Nozel x f!reader, Zora x f!reader, Nacht x f!reader
Fanfic type: Headcanons
Genre: Hurt-comfort
Length: about 0.75k each, 3.9k total
Warnings: Generally hurt-comfort, the guys snap at reader, all for reasons of their own, in Nozel's scenario the reader doesn't really know what kind of a person Nozel's dad is, Zora addresses reader as "babydoll", Zora calls himself as a "jerk ass", reader cries and the guys try to comfort in their own ways
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He had had very taxing couple of months. The adverse the country was facing seemed to have no end in sight, and it felt that in terms of politics and finances the country was being pushed further and further into a corner, which took an immense toll on him emotionally.
And though a part of him wished that he could simply take a vacation and not worry about any of it, he knew it to be senseless. Quite simply because the same issues would wait him as he returned, and they would have further piled up, so taking a vacation would be counterproductive. But still he felt that his nerves were hanging by a thin thread, even if he considered himself as a patient man.
As he sat by his desk, you came through the door with a paper in hand.
“I made us a reservation to a restaurant,” you told him. “I thought we could take a nice evening off, have a date and just enjoy life,” you smiled, while presenting the reservation information to him.
“No thank you,” he said without looking up from the documents in front of him.
“But you need to have some time off as well,” you insisted while placing your hand onto his arm and tugging him slightly. “So I planned us a day where we can just do something w-“
“I can’t take a day off!” He snapped. “Surely a moment of peace and quiet would be pleasant, but there is too much to take care of for me to quite simply ‘take a day off’,” he continued.
And you… lifted your hand off of his arm, and took a step back.
You had intended to do something nice for him, because you had seen how strained he was and now he… wasn’t… feeling the sentiment. A part of you wanted to blame yourself because you had failed to read him and what he’d wish correctly, because wasn’t a spouse supposed to be able to do that?
There were a lot of emotions swirling around in you, but none of them were pleasant. And with it, tears begun climbing to your eyes with a burning sensation, only to roll down your cheeks.
Fuegoleon looked at you, and there was a gnawing, pricking ocean of guilt in his chest, because he knew that you had meant well. You had wanted to do something nice for him and make the situation at least a little bit more bearable.
“My love I’m…” he reached forward for you. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to hurt you, but … I…” his gaze fell to the side as he spoke, feeling the weight of his words, spoken carelessly.
You didn’t shy away from him as he tried to get close to you again, because it wasn’t… that you didn’t understand him, and you could see the sincere apology and regret in his eyes.
“I’ll… I’ll try to take the day off…” he promised with something that sounded almost like a sigh, but really it was because he knew what it’d mean.
And you knew what it’d mean too. It’d mean sleepless nights, having less time during the next week or two for you two to spend together regularly, in place of that one day. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make, but it wouldn’t be worth it. You’d rather see him a little each day than not at all.
“No,” you shook your head with a faint tone while mirroring his movements and reaching for him. “We can… just have a moment, a short moment, in the evening to ourselves,” you said through your drying tears.
His eyes gathered that gentle undertone that was too beautiful for this world, as he placed his hand onto your cheek and brushed away your tears. “If that is what you wish,” he said with gratitude in his voice before he pressed a kiss onto your forehead.
You nodded as a reply, even if only faintly.
“I am sorry, my beloved,” he still repeated. “You’re the most important person in my life, and I don’t wish to impose any-“
“No, no,” you shook your head. “I get it. There’s a lot on your plate and I should have talked about your schedule with you before making reservations…”
“But your heart was in the right place,” he told you while placing his hand under your chin. “And that’s one of the reasons why I love you,” he admitted while lifting your chin, and placing another kiss onto your lips, warm, gentle and caressing, which washed away any shadow of doubt of his sentiments that might have been there.
The days had grown long, because of everything that was going on in the kingdom. And with the disappearance of Julius, it had gotten him thinking about what had happened after the whole ordeal with the elves. Which had made… something about the whole state of the kingdom hit too close to home with him.
Perhaps he was questioning being pardoned altogether, since it seemed that the one to pardon him, had taken a run for it. Or perhaps something more dire.
But if the only person to be willing to pardon him was someone like him, willing to look the other way when the kingdom was falling to its knees then…
It filled him with various emotions, all swirling and twisting and turning until he felt all of them trying to bubble to the surface, but he didn’t know which to let out first. How to let them out. Instead it felt like they were all stuck in his throat, just building, building, building up pressure so much that he might-
“Hey honey!” You greeted while entering through the door of his office, only to see him hunching over his own desk. “Oh did you eat something bad, or-“ you placed your hand onto his shoulder.
But he pushed it away. “Don’t touch me!” He ordered without as much as looking at you. And from his tone, you heard nothing but pain, hurt, and… you could have sworn… disgust… underlying it all… You could have sworn there to be contempt… in there…
You took a step back, pulling your hand to you and holding it with the other. As you couldn’t… imagine why… why would he have… Your sweet William…
His chest was heaving, and as his eyes lifted from the desk to you, the most prominent feelings you could se were fear and pain. The way they flickered, his purple eyes that were so gentle, flickered around as tears lined the corners of his eyes.
“Forgive me…” he whispered as his eyes turned to the side. “I didn’t… I just… Why did he pardon me? Some… solidarity from a villain to another?” His head swayed from side to side, as if trying to comprehend, but failed to do so.
“You’re… not a villain, Will…” you tried, because his reaction had… made sense. It wasn’t you he was trying to shoo away, it was his own emotions, but you sounded anything but convinced. Tears climbed to your own eyes.
You buried your face into your hands, and wept, from the shock of what had happened, his words, but also because you had understood where it came from. Because he was pained from the guilt of his past actions, and you felt his pain too.
He turned to look at you again, as he heard your sobs, and got up from the chair to make his way to you from the other side of the desk.
“I’m sorry… so, so sorry my little song bird…” he wrapped his arms around you, and pressed his head against yours, as his tears rolled down his cheeks, and onto you. “I’ll… make it up to you…” he pleaded. “Just don’t… please don’t… hate me, I… didn’t… wasn’t… I didn’t mean to….” His voice was faint, broken and defeated, and he swayed in place with you in his arms.
It sounded like he was repenting. Praying for forgiveness.
“I don’t hate you… Will,” you told him while wrapping your own arms around him. He was a broken man, and he had acted out of distress. Without intent to hurt you. Without intent to push you away.
He pressed a kiss onto your head as his embrace grew tighter. “I’m sorry,” he still whispered.
You nudged his head with yours, and whispered against his skin “we’ll make it through.”
Because you would. The two of you would. He wasn’t a bad man. He wasn’t a villain. It was simply that the guilt he felt got overbearing sometimes, which had caused him to call out in fear of what he thought about himself.
But he loved you, and you loved him. So, you could heal, together. You were certain about it, as you stood there, holding onto each other.
Nozel had learned to deal with his family situation from a young age. Though ‘dealing with it’ had turned into something that seemed more like survival. Not that you could see it from the surface. Because, while looking from afar, without seeing into his eyes, his emotions, he was a calm sea. Vast and serene. Though something, someone to be revered and respected, because there was also harshness in the oceans.
But if you had the opportunity to peek under the surface, you’d see a twisting, turning vortex of guilt, pain, sorrow… fear… A lot of emotions one might deem ugly.
‘Unsightly’ he would describe them in himself. Because he couldn’t be any of those things. The Captain of the Silver Eagles, the First Born Son of the Royal House of Silva, couldn’t be any of those things. And thus… to him, in him, they were unsightly.
He didn’t talk about his childhood either. He didn’t talk about his parents, aside of his mother. Which, given the circumstances of her parting, made sense. He would talk about her more because of the fate she had faced.
You had been thinking about starting a family with him. You had talked about it in passing. And as you sat in the living room, him staring out of the window, deep in thought. You talked about how lovely it’d be. “I’m sure you’d be a great father,” you thought out loud, meaning just it, and nothing else. “Just like yours.”
His head begun to turn to you with a slow motion, as if mechanic, and his eyes were wide open. It wasn’t even a glare, but a mad stare.
“I will never be like that bastard!” He shouted, making you press against your seat out of the sheer force in which the words were pushed, spat out of his mouth.
His body started to shake, and the stare turned into a look of horror as his eyes fell down to the floor. Because…. Because… though his father had been horrid, spewed poisonous words in a whole different way than shouting… maybe you had been right and… he was on his way becoming just like his father. Which was among the last things he’d want.
But you… you didn’t quite understand where it had come from. Sure, he hadn’t talked about his father, but you hadn’t thought that there’d be this level of hatred and contempt for him from Nozel. Though you had gathered that Older Lord Silva wasn’t a well liked man, but… surely he… would have been… kinder to his… own children, right?
There were a lot of emotions turning within you. Partly from the force of Nozel’s words, and partly from guilt of having failed to see through his silence. Through the things he didn’t want to talk about, and… as you leaned forward, your elbows on your knees and buried your face into your hands, you cried. You cried and you cried and you… didn’t know what to do. What to say?
You felt a weight right next to you on the couch, as a pair of arms wrapped around you.
“Nozel I…” you tried while pushing against his chest with a faint motion.
“Don’t…” he started as his hold of you grew more firm. “Look at me…” he continued as his voice broke, and something… as if a droplet, landed onto your shoulder.
The words sounded like a plea. Plea filled with shame and the broken pieces of his soul that he wasn’t eager to show you.
But you did as he wished, and settled into his embrace.
“I’m… sorry, my dear,” he whispered with that same broken tone while placing his hand to the back of your head. “I’ll… be better, than him. I will…” you couldn’t tell if he was trying to tell that to you or to himself.
But whatever his father must’ve been like in reality, you could already tell that Nozel was far better of a man than his father had ever been. He was. Because the man who held you in the soft, gentle, secure embrace felt so very deeply about you and the ones close to him.
He really was like an ocean of secrets.
“I love you,” he professed through another whisper, but while the tone was silent, the proclamation was loud as ever. “I love you…” he repeated, just to make sure that you heard him.
And as you buried your face into his shoulder, and the scent of his haircare products flowed to you, it was as if your tears had disappeared into thin air.
Nozel might not have been the best with words, but he was there, when you needed him the most.
Zora had had to raise himself for a good portion of his childhood. Though Zara had given him good tools to life, and a lot of wonderful memories, it didn’t mean that Zora wouldn’t have had to toughen up.
His accomplishments, his skills and tenacity were all a result of him having a keen eye for details, while also having had to, quite bluntly, tell himself to do better. Pay attention to his own shortcomings and fix the issue.
But… it had also resulted in him being blunt with others. Though it was all for the sake of betterment, for growth and development of skills, the way he delivered the words were harsh more often than not. Which was something he was trying to fix, when it came to some people, at least.
You knew that he was like that. And you knew that he wasn’t the type of a guy to just sit around and expect you to do all the housework, but it didn’t mean that you didn’t like cooking from time to time. Actually, maybe it was the idea that you didn’t need to cook, because he’d be more than alright with cooking if you asked him to, but rather that you could.
But today the dish wasn’t… cutting it. You had tried to taste it many times and there was something in the seasoning that wasn’t just… doing it for you. But you couldn’t really place your finger on what was wrong with it. Or not… wrong wrong per se, but it certainly could be better.
You leaned against the stove, and sighed to yourself, as the gears in your head tried to turn. But came up empty.
A drawer was opened, and closed. There was a sound of metal clicking against metal and steps coming closer, accompanied by a hum from a certain, masked, someone.
Zora dipped his spoon into the food and took a bite to test the taste. And after he had, he sighed, sounding disappointed before making his way to the spice cabinet and laying thme out onto the table.
“The balance is all wrong,” he said. “It’s mainly salty while you want there to be some sweetness to it for the contrast as well. A bit of acid would do wonders, but the real issue is that the spices aren’t complimenting each other,” he explained while taking the spoon and adding one spice after another along with other ingredients.
And you… took a step back and let him do it. Because if it was ‘all wrong’, why should you have interjected?
In all honesty, it made you feel unappreciated. Like you couldn’t even cook right. If I can’t even cook right, then why is he with me….? You found yourself thinking.
Before you knew it, your eyes had turned to the floor and you were grinding your molars together as tears started climbing to your eyes. And eventually, they ran down your cheeks as you were still immersed into your own thoughts, in how you didn’t think that you could do a simple task correct. Because surely Zora wanted someone by his side who could contribute as much as he did. Surely. So why was he-
“Hey babydoll?”
You looked up, and saw him standing there, having placed his hand onto your shoulder.
His eyes were deep, calm blue. Clear and yet deep blue. And there was worry in them. That was when you realized that you were crying and looked away while wrapping your arms around yourself.
He sighed, and rubbed the back of his head. “Sorry about the tone,” he said. “Didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, and… I’m happy to eat whatever you make,” he tried but the consolation fell short, given how he had started cooking in your place.
You curled around yourself a bit more, without really meaning to, but you did. In any case.
“Come here,” he said while pulling you into an embrace.
Seconds ticked away for a while as he just held you, and the dinner was slowly cooking on the stove.
“If you want me to stay out of it, you need to just tell me, y’know? I know that I can be too harsh, and… And… I try to not be.”
He was trying to help you get better. But he could be a wee bit of a jerk about it at times.
“We both know I can be a real ass jerk,” he said with a hint of amusement, trying to make you laugh.
And it worked. “But you’re my jerk,” you replied with a hint of a giggle in your tone.
“That I am,” he replied. “And I hope you never need to get sick of me,” he continued while pulling away just enough to wipe your tears away.
You gave him a small smile as a reply to his careful one, and went back to cooking, together.
Nacht had been a loner for most of his life. Someone who travelled down his own path without caring what everyone else thought. And it had made him someone who spoke directly about anything and everything he deemed to be topical to say.
Though he could also be harsh. Granted that he was the harshest to himself, but still. His directness could be harsh, and you both knew it.
He tried not to be, to you. He tried to treat you with the kindness that you deserved. He tried to treat you with the respect that you ought to be treated with. But sometimes, he failed.
Though watching him scold the Bulls for their shenanigans yet again, you didn’t think that he was trying all that hard to be constructive. Maybe he just wanted them to be efficient during missions, because that would drive the squad forward the best. ‘Not to be wasteful of energy’, or something like that.
“You could try going easier on them,” you told him later on when it was just the two of you. “Be kinder.”
“Kindness is a weakness,” he scoffed. “And Yami has let them slack off enough already which will get them killed. Only a fool would go easy on them.”
You stopped, thinking about what he had just said. Because you were going easy with the rest of the Bulls. You were kind to them. And Nacht. So… so.
You couldn’t help but think that Nacht had, there and then, revealed what he really thought of you. Though it wasn’t directed at you, he had been, still, indirectly talking about you too. Basically he had called you weak and stupid.
Which made your eyes turn to the ground as you bit down your molars and tried to will away the tears that were climbing to your eyes. Because you shouldn’t have taken such an off-hand comment that wasn’t even said to you, to the heart in such a way but… But. It had struck a nerve in you.
“Hm? What is it?” He asked, having stopped and turned around to look at you, as if he hadn’t realized what he had said.
“So you think that I’m dumb and weak?” You asked with bitterness lacing your tone as the tears finally glazed over your eyes, but didn’t roll down quite yet.
“That isn’t what I said,” he argued, now facing you fully and taking a few steps closer to you.
“But I am letting them off easier and I am being kind to them. So. If being kind and letting them have a breather is-“
“You’re not responsible for them.”
“Neither are you!” Now tears ran, but you didn’t look at him.
You didn’t look, and he said nothing.
Surely, he could have argued that as a vice captain he was more or less responsible, but not to the same extent as Yami. And at the end of the day, all the Bulls were responsible for themselves. So, he didn’t need to care about what they did with their time. Really.
“You are not weak and stupid,” he said while taking you by the hand. “Quite the contrary,” he admitted. “And I shouldn’t have spoken so carelessly.”
He sounded like he was speaking out a ready made dialogue of a noble man that he used to be. But you supposed that he hadn’t needed to comfort anyone lately either. If ever. If he had ever needed to comfort anyone. Even himself, since he had denied such a thing from himself.
But he could see how the ready made dialogue wasn’t doing it. The words might have been there, but the sentiment wasn’t.
“Darling?” He whispered, while moving again a little bit closer to you. “I’m sorry,” he said while summoning his shadows and tugging you, as if to ask to come along with him. To which you nodded, and he transported you both to your bedroom.
As you stood there, in the sanctity of the room with the door closed, he finally wrapped his arms around you and held you close. “You are not weak. Or stupid,” he repeated. This time the tone was one that sounded genuine, caring, insisting. “I’m sorry for insinuating it.”
You nodded and returned the embrace.
“It’s simply that… not being prepared can get people killed…” there was a reason, in there, why he would remind you of such a thing.
“But people need to live too.” And there was no arguing over it. Because life was meant to be lived.
Not even he could deny it. “They do…” he admitted while holding you closer in his arms.
And it was in that embrace that you could feel his heartbeat, his remorse and regret. But most importantly, you could feel how he did love you. Because he did. With his entire heart and soul.
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saiyef · 1 month
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commander-revan · 6 months
Everyone always talks about the tragic white-haired anime characters or the brooding dark-haired ones, but one of my favorite types of characters has to be the goth redheads with (usually) teal eyes. They come in a variety of different personalities, but are almost always redeemed villains in some way.
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starlightshadowsworld · 6 months
The Black Bulls in a formal environment and someone talking shit about em.
And rather than starting a fight, Finral and Noelle verbally destroy said person. All without ever compromising their position.
See while she's mellowed down, Noelle is still royalty. She knows how to do the "Do you know who I am?" speech on the fly.
And despite being replaced, Finral was raised to be the heir of the House of Vaude.
They're both excellent in a fight, but this oh they could do this all day.
Both of them are used to defending their honour in the passive aggressive manner that all nobles are apparently born with.
A manner both have sharpened since it became clear that they were on their own to fight their battles.
Usually there'd be some restraint, but they are defending their friends, and so they don't hold back at all.
Zora and Gauche are giving the others a play by play, "yeah that's the fancy way of saying, your mum's a hoe."
Yuno's listening in, taking notes.
The rest of the magic knights are both scandalised and impressed. Especially Nozel and the Vermillion's.
Nacht is getting another drink, watching the whole thing both amused and proud.
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awakefor48hours · 9 months
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Didn't you just make this joke? SHUSH
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sinfulpanda16 · 4 months
You love it when he fucks you from behind. It's your favorite position so when he orders you to get on all fours you happily oblige.
You get on your hands and knees and wiggle your ass for him. But all that excitement lead you to being to far into the bed. You're too far.
It's not no problem for him tho.
He reaches out for you hips and pulls you towards him and you gasp in surprise because in that swift motion he dick entered you and begins pounding in and out rough.
Rin Itoshi, Isagi Yoichi, Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto, Dabi, Gojo Saturo, Megumi Fushiguro, Nanami Kento, Zora Ideale, Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya Takashi, Baji Keisuke, Kisaki tetta
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black-bulls-mansion · 1 month
Ranking the Black Bulls in terms of their Cooking Skills:
Only pure skills, so a certain someone's cook sheep don't count.
Five-Stars Skills, literally never miss:
1. Grey — because when you grow up cooking for an overcritical, picky stepfamily, you end up building impressive skills, grey has an excellent eye for details and only lacks in confidence - which she's been working on, of course. 2. Charmy — it's never stated out loud, but charmy is rarely seen cooking on her own without her cooking cheep (who ranked 5th in the official list of best chefs in the kingdom), while she's skilled at making pretty much anything, she's clearly more eager to explore new places and discover new ingredients. 3. Zora — he's the type who can make a fancy meal out of average to below average ingredients, it's one of those skills he develops to take care of his usually absent father. 4. Yami — most likely to survive in a stranded island, canonically did so in an unfamiliar environment, his skills may be more basic and less fancy but he always delivers.
Great Skills, know their way around a kitchen:
5. Nero — it has been forever (literally) since she cooked anything but the second nature is there, however her taste buds aren't the same anymore so anything she makes turns out either too sweet, too bitter, or a secret third option that involves worms. 6. Asta — lily is canonically the fourth best chef in the kingdom, and she's very passionate about passing her skills to asta, yuno, and the other kids. 7. Magna — it starts as an honest attempt to burn off stress and cope with his anger issues, soon becomes a regular hobby of his that he tries to keep secret from everyone else. 8. Gordon — by-the-book chef, nothing objectively bad about his skills but anything he makes end up looking bizarre and, to most people, very unappetizing.
Basic Skills, can prepare at least one dish:
9. Luck — he had to cook for his ill mother, so he can make basic healthy dishes with rice, eggs, and vegetables. 10. Liebe — has most of the basics figured out when he lived with licita, though he's only good at making licita's, and by default his, favorite dish. 11. Finral — a baker, starts baking at a young age in hope to bond with langris, gets better at it over the years to impress girls, much to his dismay everyone calls his meals bland. 12. Nacht — well, he can improvise, but never truly cared enough to put the effort, had it not been for his devils doing their best to nag him into eating, he'd have starved a long ago.
Physically Incapable to Make Anything Edible:
13. Henry — uhh... yeah, never had a chance to cook, is content about it, but has a surprising knack for seasoning, topping, and tricks to make dishes more appealing... making him the perfect partner to gordon. 14. Vanessa — a fantastic expert at making cocktails, very horrible at everything else... like, really horrible, the mix sugar with salt and add wine to everything kind of horrible... objectively not the worst, but charmy considers her the absolute worst. 15. Gauche — between his early rich kid lifestyle and the shift into poverty and homelessness, he didn't consider cooking instead of, y'know - stealing, until late on his second year with the squad but, due to his critical nature, he's hilariously bad at it despite having a knack for giving helpful advices. 16. Noelle — another comically bad case, anything she puts her hands on become inedible at best and life threatening at worst, which she isn't aware of, because everyone collectively tolerates her cooking to support her (or has a death wish, in nacht's case).
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courtesanofdeath · 1 month
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ZORA in Rise of the Wizard King
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katsuma6 · 7 months
Black Clover Headcanons
Captain Yami
- He absolutely loves it when you sit in his lap.
- You fit perfectly to him.
- Sometimes you fall asleep on him and he'll simply carry you to bed, gently not to wake you up.
- After long days, he loves watching you come up and crawl right into his lap.
- He loves wrapping his arms around you.
- Wants to keep you safe at all times.
- Melts into a puddle when you play with his hair.
- Loves physical touch and affection, his hair being the number one thing.
- His heart flutters as soon as he feels your delicate fingers run through it.
- Relaxes instantly.
- If he could pur, he would.
- Acts of service.
- He adores when you surprise him with breakfast or make him dinner.
- You always make the bed so it's nice and comfy for him to fall asleep easy.
- He acknowledges every single thing you do, big or small, and it only makes him fall harder.
- He appreciates you so much.
- He will ALWAYS return the favor.
- This man lives by pranking.
- Don't take his jokes to heart.
- Fight back. He loves a witty personality.
- If you prank him or tease him back, he will fall at your feet.
- It makes him happy to have someone he can be himself with.
- Sometimes when you bite back at him, he gets flustered and can't come up with anything to say.
- It drives him crazy but of course, in the best way.
William Vangeance
- This man is clingy.
- It does not matter if he's going to be gone for 5 minutes or 5 days. He will not leave without giving you the warmest hug and biggest kiss.
- Yeah, sure, he's seen you a million times but, he'll still hide his blushing face because he gets bashful around you.
- He will always remind you how beautiful you are, even if it's first thing in the morning.
- He will give his all for you and only you.
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the-black-bulls · 4 months
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Happy (belated) Valantine's Day
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