taki-yaki · 10 days
My prompt is Tav that's a necromancer, but she's still new and clumsy and very much an apprentice. Obviously, Tav/Astarion ship.
A necromancer Tav with astarion is already an interesting dynamic but a naive/apprentice one is cute.
Astarion x Necromancer Tav
Most necromancers were always seen as those who loved to toy with the undead and raise an entire legion of undead to ravage the living. Although that is the tale that is commonly spoken about in legends and fairy tales.
But you however were different to the tales that were told, only a fledging apprentice who got caught up in the nautiloid ship, now forced to relearn your basic incantations once more.
At first, Astarion grimaced slightly upon hearing that you were a necromancer, reminding him of those similar to his old master, the type who would try to experiment with the living dead or just use them as pawns for their own goals. But after seeing you blunder some of your reanimating spells one too many, he soon deems you naive.
This soon leads to him coming on strong towards you, being so innocent in his eyes, but at the back of his mind lies doubt about you. After your first few nights together, he wonders if you fell for him purely because he was an undead creature of the night. But the way he sees you offering up your blood without a second thought for him as the first humanoid he’s ever fed from, treating him as an equal compared to the undead you would raise soon erased most doubts about you.
Throughout your travels, apart from the occasional quip that Gale gives when you attempt to practise casting your spells, he would watch from afar, claiming that he’s just watching the show. He would focus on the way you practice your necormancy as your hands twist and concord in the air to form the spells, he would then attempt to mimic your gestures, after all, if his old master had access to such magic, then why not him?
Upon obtaining the cursed book of thay, this soon leads to a bickering match later that night at camp between you and Astarion, over the ownership of such powerful magic, with Gale purely trying to play the role of the peacemaker. Soon after you both settle on reading the book together, both furthering your knowledge and bonding together as they soon become late-night reading sessions.
But, as a vampire, he does have his talents which he uses to assist in speeding up your training, going out to provide you enemies' bodies that he has drained dry for you to reanimate easier without having to resort to grave plundering or the risk of developing diseases upon you.
Still, for a necromancer, you appear to be normal to passing outsiders at first but as time goes on, others at camp soon notice the weird habit between you both. When you would lay on his chest attempting to listen for a heart that can not beat, would bring serenity among you.
Or your excitement in familiars that are abnormal, especially when you met Squire in moonrise towers, fussing over the skeletal pup, only to be forcibly dragged away by Astarion, when guards attempted to search the room.
When you reunited with Us in the mind flayer colony, you pleaded with the group to keep them, much to the dismay of some druids within the camp, though he doesn’t mind the creature much, he does prefer it in its “kitty” form hunting rodents.
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taki-yaki · 1 month
Prompt: Tav that's somehow acquainted with Drizzt. I don't know where his situation fits in the BG3 timeline, so I don't know if Tav being Drizzt's daughter's friend or classmate would make sense. Maybe a neighbor, or the apprentice of one of his party members? I honestly just want to see Astarion fangirl over meeting someone who has close ties to Drizzt Do'Urden.
Briennelle Zaharina (Drizzt’s daughter) would be around the age of 4 during the events of Baldurs gate 3. But an apprentice adventurer who teamed with Drizzt would work.
Astarion x Drizzt Apprentice Tav
As an Elf, you were aware of how long your kind lived for, even outliving many other races in kind. Instead of being stuck inside the walls of Evereska, you longed to venture beyond them. Travelling from town to city, helping with any problems that plague the area. Until you arrive at Baldur’s Gate meeting the famous Drizzt the drow, offering to become his apprentice just for the time he is within the city on his quest. 
Although he was hesitant at first to accept, he agreed after seeing your innate magic abilities in combat. 
Despite your time as his temporary pupil only being short through the eyes of normal elves, the experience to you felt as if it was a main part of your long life.
After your encounter with the famous drow, you would continue your travels across the sword's coast, always returning to the gate to reminisce upon the skills that your mentor taught you. However, during one of these trips to the city, you were abducted by the mind flayers, soon having a tadpole forced inside your head.
During one of these first few nights with your new companions, Wyll was exchanging stories around the campfire of his travels as the blade of Avernus, he would bid you to tell tales of your travels throughout the sword coast, with nearly everyone's eyes on you, except for a pale elf who was pretending to read a book to act disinterested, despite his ears seemingly twitching whenever someone blabbed about others.
As you told your tale of your ventures in Baldur’s Gate, you offhandedly mentioned how you met the notorious drow when you noticed Astarion fully snapping his attention towards you, seemly engrossed for a moment of the comment you made before swaying his eyes towards the book once again.
The next few nights would consist of you telling a story or two about Drizzt casually to Karlach or Wyll with Astarion occasionally dismissing some of your tales seeing them as nothing but farfetched stories at first, “Yes darling, and I’m a princess of house Nightstar and married to a tarrasque named Johnathan, anything else you have to say?”.
However as the tales would start to sound more believable, he would start to inquire into them, asking questions such as what was Drizzt’s eye colour and other minutiae details, which would quickly devolve into an argument at camp about whether the drow’s eye colour was a lavender hue or aquamarine or other minor details.
During another late-night argument once again about Drizzt, Karlach spoke aloud “Fangs if I didn’t know any better I’d say that you’re a fan of Drizzt”, his mouth quickly shut upon hearing Karlachs words, “As if I would fawn over such a thing, dear that is for children, I’m only correcting your ‘mistakes is all”, before he attempted to smoothly retreat towards his tent for the night.
The next night, the arguments between you seemed to have ceased, with you both only acknowledging each other through silent glances across the camp. It isn’t until you confront him, once everyone else has gone to sleep for the night, that he attempts to withdraw to his tent once again, apologising for arguing over such trivial things, but it isn’t until he interrupts you with a soft sigh before stating 
“I- I never said I disliked your fables, my dear”
“When I was trapped under Cazadors thumb, I would daydream of the drow one day coming to save me from his hell, a revolution of sorts against him.” turning to avoid your line of sight, uttering in a hushed whisper “But that never happened”.
“You know, I’m not your exact ‘Drizzt’ type, but I promise, I’ll kill your vile master, I’m certain Drizzt wouldn’t have stood for such a thing as do I.”
As he looks down upon you, in silence, he lets out a little chuckle, before offering an outstretched hand towards you.
“You know, It would be nice not to have to rely on you as my great protector, but... well, I do appreciate the thought.”
Raising your head to meet him face to face, reaching out to clasp his hand softly. 
Throughout the rest of that night, the two of you spend the rest of the night in long discussions about your fondness for the legendary drow.
It isn’t until you arrive at the city that the two of you discuss Drizzt's latest adventures that were published within the new books. Reading the book together, actively discussing each tale that was told and just for a moment, true peace was found between you both, despite all the horrors you’ve been through with the absolute.
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taki-yaki · 2 months
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A monster has its teeth in your companions.
It builds nightmares out of their worst memories and drinks their pain.
One of your companions has a particularly bad worst memory.
Play Here
Art by @cymk8
Character Specific Achievements:
Aldiirn - Dusksong Be a bard. Use music to make first contact. belongs to @mistercrowbar
Andar - Poor Man's Dancing Lights Be an arcane caster. Try to cast magic. belongs to Tatsunara
Ember - Ghosts Need Sleep Explain why you're sometimes absent. belongs to @catsharky
Finch - Get Safe And Cared For Idiot Successfully hug Astarion. belongs to @everchased
Francys - Priorities Ignore everyone else in the campsite. belongs to @ineadhyn
Greygold - Psspsspsspss Be a ranger. Help Astarion calm down after being frightened. belongs to @jeeaark
Nawen - You're Unbreakable Be a rogue. Give your vampire a pep-talk after a particularly difficult day. belongs to @ineed-to-sleep
Ria - Music Box Be a bard. Play the theme. belongs to @ladyofrosefire
Staeve - Don't Forget Me Say something memorable. belongs to @velnna
Temiter - This Is All A Bit Much Abandon the dream using the silver cord. belongs to @not-poignant
Another link to the game.
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taki-yaki · 2 months
Prompt: Tav that knows absolutely 0 offensive spells and skills, like she only knows buffs or healing spells. I don’t know what class she’d be, or if she’d be an ordinary civilian, but I don’t know if she’d be the leader. I’d like to think she’d jump at the chance to create an alliance with Astarion once his vampirism is revealed.
I think the closest for a zero-offensive Tav would probably be a life cleric of sorts who just has support spells and nothing else. So spells such as bless, Healing word or cure wounds, shield of faith etc.
Astarion x Pacifist Tav
You were never the fighter sort of Cleric. Seeing yourself as a travelling cleric, healing those in need, instead of fighting in dungeons. Mainly making a small profit by offering ceremony rituals or simple blessings whether they pay you in the end or not, it’s all out of the kindness of your heart. 
Even if along the road, a bandit chose to target you only, you would attempt to paralyze or slow their attack, whether it was a hold-person spell or a blindness. Anything to stop you from using physical brute force.
Despite all of your talent, you question how it came to be that the others within your group saw you fit to lead and find a cure for the tadpole in your skulls. Despite your protests of not being the frontline fighter type. However, Astarion offers a solution to your predicament, he’ll keep you safe from harm as long as you do the same for him. 
In exchange, he sees you as the perfect person to kill his old master. Besides what else is a vampire lord's weakness than the radiant glow of a cleric, even if you can’t fight with offensive spells, you could perhaps summon an orb of light on par with the power of the sun that will burn him to a crisp.
From what you recalled of vampires during your monastery education, they told you to avoid them as they were nothing but bloodthirsty creatures of the night, hungering for the lives they lost upon their conversions. But Astarion looked different to what they spoke, as if he needed your help, just like those you’ve helped on your travels.
During your fights, you would stay far from the clash of swords, healing and supporting from afar. Ready to heal him whenever he gets hurt, even if it was a small scratch. 
Of course, Astarion would tease you over your fussing with him, but deep down he does enjoy the comfort you provide for him that he thought he would never receive after centuries of torment.
At times he does offer to teach you how to fight offensively with a simple blade, but after continually somehow making the blade slip out of your grasp and hesitate to even land a simple swipe upon a training dummy, he relents choosing not to pull you out of your natural comfort zone.
Whilst traversing through the shadow-cursed lands, when the warmth of the sun is out of his reach due to the chilling touch of the shadow curse. You summon small orbs of daylight, emitting the familiar glow of the sun for him to feel the familiar warmth of the sun once again.
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taki-yaki · 2 months
Is there a race for something like Frankenstein? Not exactly a ghoul, but not exactly human? If that doesn't work how about a cyborg made by an artificer? My prompt is a Tav that has to deal with a new body after being "put back together," and unaging so she can be with Astarion forever🥺
 I think the closest would be either a Warforged with a magic jar spell or a Reborn but I’ll do a bit of both since they both seem to fall into your prompt.
Astarion x Warforged!Tav + Astarion x Reborn!Tav
Minor Cw: Body horror warning for Reborn Section
**Warforged Tav**
During a fierce fight in the remains of a ruined town, severely weakened within the depths without a healer on hand left to die and rot, you hastily cast magic jar upon yourself, falling into a catatonic state as your soul leaves your body, entering the ornamental container.
As soon as your soul enters the container, the sound of falling sand rushes through your soul's senses. All you could do was watch on helplessly as your physical body was touched by a necrotic spell, turning it into dust.
Astarion carries the jar, cradling it within his arms, looking for anything that your flickering soul could possess. Searching through the nearby overgrowth foliage, he finds a worn-down body of a warforge, a small iron hinge door lays open, once where a mechanical heart would lay. Recalling from Gales's lectures of this place these iron constructs could once host a mortal's soul, but have all eroded due to lack of care over the decades.
Pushing his luck, he inserts the jar into the container,  hoping for a miracle as the gears of the automaton start to grind in motion
“Darling? Are you alright, are you still in there? Say something damn it”
Upon waking, your body feels nearly hollow and heavy, you feel a fluid flow through the circulatory system of your new form. As you attempt to open your mouth to speak, his name comes out with a metallic echo in your form. It takes you aback for a second, feeling that your voice isn’t your own.
All Astarion can do is watch in silence as he waits for your response, after a while, he whispers, “I’m sorry….I shouldn’t have acted so hasty and now you’re stuck like this” gesturing at the iron plates surrounding your form. 
You reassure him that it’s not his fault, explaining that you don’t mind having such a strong robotic body, joking about how you could carry him around with ease like this.
Despite your lack of human skin, he does try to care for you, even when your insides are just a set of interweaving wires and cogs, trying to clean any moss on your body and learning how to replace the worn rusted joints with new pieces. 
Regardless, he’s relieved that you still have your soul in this form, unlike mind flayers who only mimic the original host, slowly becoming void of emotion, seeing such emotions as nothing but a manipulation tactic.
**Reborn Tav**
Your body was stolen from its resting place by a mad cleric who wished to use the infamous hero of Baldur’s Gate as their little meat puppet.
Attempting to stitch any loose parts of your battle-worn body back together with other corpses he has stolen. Not perfect but some parts are slightly different from that of your original form.
Astarion discovered the gruesome cleric's hideout, in which he proceeded to slaughter the man mid-ritual, seething with rage, until the sound of heavy gasping pulled him out. Turning around to see you awake, alive, but looking pale, almost ghoul-like. He’s seen this before, when he turned into a spawn decades ago, the fear and confusion of it all. They’ve made you an undead like him.
A reborn, who dances on the line of life and death, not hindered by the curses that normal vampirism would offer.
He attempts to help you get used to your new life, attempting to relearn your usual breathing rhythm, to help you attempt to eat and drink again, to regain some sense of normalcy. Despite your need to not sleep anymore, Astarion insists on you getting some rest by always staying by your side, promising that he’ll be by your side when you wake up.
Although there are times when the stitches on your body come loose, due to the cleric’s shoddy rushed handiwork, in which Astarion attempts to piece these parts back together correctly all whilst comforting you, and complimenting your body.
Despite your unexpected return, you’re new life as a reborn, Astarion was glad to have you by his side once again.
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taki-yaki · 2 months
I'm going to have to close the request box for a while so I can finish up writing some current requests, sorry in advance for anyone who wants to submit anything as of now.
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taki-yaki · 2 months
Not a headcanon but when I was reading through some d&d backgrounds, I was reading through the Haunted One and found out that their feature is just sad cat eyes.
Feature: Heart of Darkness Those who look into your eyes can see that you have faced unimaginable horror and that you are no stranger to darkness. Though they might fear you, commoners will extend you every courtesy and do their utmost to help you. Unless you have shown yourself to be a danger to them, they will even take up arms to fight alongside you, should you find yourself facing an enemy alone.
So whenever I'm playing in any future durge campaigns all I can think of is, after I do one good act, everyone will just see sobbing cat eyes.
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taki-yaki · 2 months
Sorry if this is random or comes at a time where you already have a lot of requests, but how do you think Astarion would react to a Tav who has to take care of/raise their younger sibling and has been trying to get back to them in Baldur's Gate the entire journey?
Hi anon, dw I don’t have too many requests atm. I usually get around 2 or 3 at most, sometimes they take a while since I’m usually trying to think of ideas for requests or just busy doing irl things.
But the idea of Astarion having to deal with a Tav with a younger sibling is unique. Also since I’m the youngest sibling in my family, I’ve got some personal tip bits to add.
Astarion x Tav w/ Younger Sibling Headcanons
Astarion usually thought charming another for protection was nothing but a simple task. Go in compliment them, say a few of his favourite lines and then his protection is secured.
But having to deal with your younger sibling is a factor he had not accounted for. Not that he had an issue with you having a sibling, but more of the fact of how much they intervened.
Whenever it seemed you had some time to yourself in the late evenings, when your sibling was ‘presumably’ asleep, he would attempt to make some moves on you, whether it was with some flirting or teasing. When it seemed that he would make some sort of progress with your relationship, the little imp would seemingly appear from nowhere to start asking all sorts of questions.
“What are you doing?, Can I join in? Why do you have white hair, Why are your teeth so sharp?”.
He would try and keep his distance from the child early on. Choosing to forget the last time he was near a child, forced to be reminded of the monster he was that night. The shouts of battle and the screams of the children he dragged away. So why would this one see him as nothing but a heroic adventure after all he only killed a couple of goblins with ease.
When the child discovers that he’s a vampire, along with the rest of the group. But rather than running away in fear, they seem to only be more fascinated by him. 
Of course, they make for a great night's entertainment, with the antics they get up to either blabbing on about the gossip they picked up or saying who they think is your new crush. Being perceptive of others. 
“I’ve heard Tav has been talking with the wizard man”
“Hmm and what have they been saying little one, will you lend me an ear?”
“Some stuff about how strong the strong red lady is, they think she’s foxy, but she doesn’t look like one”
Snickering to himself over the naive comments that they make.
The only moments of peace that he gets with you are when he’s out with you away from camp to help with fights. Leaving the child at camp with Halsin or Wyll to keep watch over them often. 
However, during the fray of one battle, a shrill voice pulled Astarion out of the chaos of battle. The little brat had snuck outside of camp mainly from all the stories that Karlach and Wyll had told them probably, wanting to see their older sibling in battle for themselves.
As they attempt to run over to their sibling, a Gnoll attempts to strike them down, seeing them as nothing but an easy target. Still, he didn’t know what came over him at that moment, either it was to atone for what he did for those gur children or just a gut reaction, he quickly rushed between them, taking the brute of the hit and protecting them, before swiftly knocking the gnoll out.
After the dust had settled, checking them over for any injuries, Tav approached Astaion, 
“I didn’t expect you to be the heroic sort after saving my sibling from doing something so stupid. I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“Well I can be surprising at times darling, if anything happened to the brat, then you would have been glum about it” before turning his head aside and muttering “And I didn’t want you to see you sad is all”.
Soon after that event, the tyke would badger him even more, seeing him as an idol of sorts. At first, he is miffed by this. But soon leans into it after seeing them attempt to mimic his roguish ways, teaching him how to lockpick chests among other things, which would lead to him being scolded by Tav. 
Although he would find their antics to be bothersome at first, he would eventually learn to grow a soft spot for them and a great deal of respect, with the patience you have for them, even when they’re troublesome, it reminds him of his “siblings”, even when they would give you grief, they would still be there to help in any way they can.
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taki-yaki · 2 months
What if Tav is a hireling? Astarion gets attached to her, so after the brain is defeated he either convinces Withers to let her stay as a messenger, or Astarion follows Withers around so every time there's a world ending emergency Astarion volunteers just so he can get Tav as a hireling. Astarion becomes a selfish hero that keeps saving Faerûn XD
Oooh a Hirling would be interesting since from the limited in-game info, they are souls who clawed their way back from the Fugue Plane for vengeance but they can not recall how to speak.
Astarion x Hireling Tav Headcanons
You didn’t expect your life to be cut so shortly, one minute you were showcasing your battle prowess in a local tavern, and the next some so-called absolutes decided to cut your show short by slaying you, all in the name of their so-called god.
But you didn’t want it to end here so soon, there was so much more to do, clawing out of the fugue plane holding onto the last string of thread that your life was hanging on. Before a white light blinds you, wake to the feeling of soft sand under your feet.
It felt strange for the others in this little coup to make him the designated group leader so quickly. He was lucky enough that they hadn’t figured out that he was a vampire spawn, yet. Despite the unique set of people he’s gathered to journey with him, perhaps some extra muscle wouldn’t hurt to have.
When you’re summoned, you seem to be more aware of your surroundings, unlike the others he’s summoned, acting more lively than that of a lifeless husk awaiting commands. When you attempt to speak, nothing comes out, until you feel a husky voice come out from your mouth instead.
“This vessel is at thy disposal. Do what thou wilt.”
Of course, there would be repercussions for attempting to escape the fugue plane alive, as a final act of cruelty by the gods, you can only view the world through your eyes all whilst another puppeteers the words spoken through your mouth.
During your battles, you would usually follow the instructions parroted to you from the voice of the withers.
Until one fight, thrown into yet another battle with members of the absolute cult, noticing a surprise ambush about to strike him. 
You attempt to react by yelling for him to move, yet nothing comes out of your throat, quickly pulling against the strings in your mind and rushing towards him, shoving him aside to take the force of the impact.
After the fight, he approaches you with a slight twinge of annoyance in his voice
“I can’t tell whether you were brave or stupid doing that during that fight, but I see that you're not like those other brainless ghouls. But maybe we should work on your communication skills instead.”
Every night from then, he would attempt to teach you thieves can’t as a form of sign language for each other, creating a loophole to the calamity that the gods wish to gift you. Even Slowly bonding, by sharing your tales with him from tavern fights to tales of your travels around Faerun.
The others in camp had thought their leader had gone a bit mad, after seeing him night after night talking to what seemed to be a husk of a humanoid with only a craving for vengeance. Even Withers lighting jabbing at him for being attached to such a person, always reminding him to “not distracted on thy quest, seeking the comforts of the flesh.” to which Astarion would respond with a short huff, before taking you away from him.
After the defeat of the brain, you knew that you wouldn’t be able to stay on this plane forever, with your soul ready to depart, unable to cling onto this body provided to you for much longer. Astarion stays by your side throughout it, promising that he’ll meet you again, no matter what.
After you left his side, he would end up travelling around Faerun in search of either, any world-ending events or withers. Sometimes he would get lucky, having to save a county or two from the new villain of the decade, those who wish to revive the absolute cult, but those fights didn’t last long enough.
Ultimately, Astarion would get ahold of a wish spell, either as a gift from a powerful wizard or one from the gods after becoming Faerun's most selfish hero after stopping numerous life-ending threats. Giving you a real physical body for your soul to finally call home.
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taki-yaki · 2 months
Figured out how to get the boop machine working on tumblr mobile, so go crazy with it if you want to.
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taki-yaki · 2 months
Prompt idea based on Drizzt Do'Urden’s story, where his love interest and all his adventure buddies pass away but years later are reincarnated with their memories intact because the gods needed them to reunite with Drizzt to save the world again. So what if years later Astarion is alone (maybe Lae'zel is still alive since no one ages in the Astral Sea) but Tav and the rest reincarnate to adventure with him again. And just like Drizzt in this life Astarion and Tav have a longer life together and have a kid.
This gives me some angst vibes, but it makes for some good writing. I would see him becoming a bounty hunter of sorts after Tav passed, also in the epilogue, it seems that Withers does hint at him having the ability to just call the group whenever the world falls into danger again.
Astarion x Reincarnated Tav Headcanons
Many years have passed since your death, regrettably leaving Astarion all alone for him to travel across the realm of Faerun. Although in his years of living as an immortal vampire spawn, his past self would never be phased by such a thing, just seeing death as another way of time passing swiftly. 
Most of his former companions have passed on, except for Lae’zel who still wandered the astral plane, in which she never aged after centuries. The two sometimes meet up to talk with each other, but moments such as those are rare. 
But after everything he went through with the mind flayers, with you especially, this felt different, as if he was missing a part of his heart.
Now left all by himself to wander across the planes of Faerun, with the ring of the sun walker you gifted him all those years back, a final parting gift from you allowing him to walk in the sun once again. He even keeps a small locket wrapped around his neck, with a portrait drawn by Oskar Fevras, capturing every aspect of your face that could be contained on such a small canvas.
There are more dhampirs across the sword’s coast than before, thanks in part to the over 7000 vampire spawn who were released and went to live their lives in the Underdark, which makes it slightly easier to blend in with the locals in certain areas. Especially as a bounty hunter, travelling across the planes in search of any beast and bandits to slay, either for some quick cash or a meal. 
Although most residents from outside of the city have forgotten about the heroes who saved Baldur’s Gate and in turn the whole of Faerun from the threat netherbrain and the grand design as a whole, he’d still try to tell tales of your exploits to those at local taverns in hopes that your tale isn’t forgotten.
During these travels, he sometimes helps out with fledgling adventures, mainly in part to not become sloppy, some of these adventures are dhampirs who were raised in the Underdark, whom he gains a weird sense of kinship with.
He lectures the dhampirs about the tricks he’s learnt as a vampire spawn, encouraging them to not see their vampiric heritage as a burden, but more of a blessing in disguise.
Sometimes, whilst travelling with the young dhampirs, he ponders over what he could have had with you if you were here.
Some nights, he would reflect on that moment in the depths of palace dungeons, if rejecting the ascension ritual was the right choice. But he quickly reconsiders it after seeing others throughout his travels who were consumed by the unbridled power that pacts made with fiends from the hells had offered. Twisting what once was a desire to protect their beloved from harm into a lovesick obsession, wishing to keep them chained together for eternity for better or worse. 
Even if he had the means to become a true vampire, the gift of immortality would have been impossible to bestow upon you since your body was irrefutably damaged during your death. Despite the damage done, he would travel to his old grave in the city, leaving your favourite flowers atop his grave, in hopes that whatever remains of your soul, would find your way back to a suited resting place.
One night, after returning from a difficult hunt, he notices a letter addressed to him, written in a familiar fragile hand, simply instructing him to return to the city of Baldur’s Gate to meet in the Elf Song tavern.
Upon his arrival at Elf Song, he recognised a familiar face that he hadn’t seen in a few years, now spouting a few more wrinkles upon her face than before, Lae’zel who was seated at a lone table in the centre of the tavern.
“Tsk, took you long enough Astarion or has your travels across the lands also twisted your sense of time judging by that tail you’ve grown on the back of your head?” she teased.
Briefly reminding the vampire of his curly-haired ponytail that he decided to keep over a decade or two ago.
“Hmph, travelling across Faerun has given me more experience than ever before, all that time up in the stars has seemed to give you a new set of wrinkles since we last met, but I pull them off better than you darling” he’d quip back.
The sound of clattering bones approaching them soon interrupts their conversation. Speak to the two of the return of the dead three yet again, wishing to plunge the world into chaos once again.
“And you expect just the two of us to take all three of them.”
Even the once stubborn Lae’zel agreed with Astarion, nodding silently towards Withers.
“As I would expect, though I invest a portion of power in those who have challenged the gods long ago who are prepared for battle once more.”
His frail arm directs them towards the doors of the tavern. A sight that he hadn’t seen in years, his friends all alive and well, nearly thought that this was a simple hallucination of his mind or a case of some bad blood he drunk the night before.
A loud voice pulls him from his thoughts as a heavy hand clasps over his shoulder, “Fangs! I didn’t recognise you there for a second, gods it feels amazing to be back with the gang again.” Karlach, looking the same way she did during her tadpole adventures, with one or two fewer scars, lets out a quiet hum of approval before standing up from his chair brushing through the crowd for any sign of you.
After a few minutes of looking around in silence, everyone he knew was there, alive and well, with perhaps one or two visual differences, but no notice of you. He gets up to leave, coming up with some half-heart excuse.
Approaching his old grave in the city, flowers that were placed since he last visited now wilted. Perhaps it was wishful thinking that the crusty old skeleton could bring you back alive, staring at the stone in silence before a soft voice interrupts him.
“Excuse me.”
Probably another flower seller here to pester him, replying in a harsh tone, 
“Leave me alone, I’m not interested right now.”
Until he hears the voice speak once more in a quizzical tone “Astarion?”.
A voice he thought he had all but forgotten, turning around to see you alive in the flesh.
Even when the darkness swallowed Astarion, during your absence, you still kept his promise to find him again, as you always do. Perhaps it was the flowers that guided you back to him or your memories of him, but regardless you apologise for making him wait for so long.
He doesn’t say anything for a few seconds just staring at you softly, before walking towards you and embracing tightly, softly whispering “If it was for you, it was worth the wait.”
When you both embark upon your new adventure, he always sticks close to you holding your hand as tight as he can, even during the nights, holding your chest close to his ear, just to hear your heart beating in its rhythmic pattern, just to have the peace of mind that you won’t slip out of his grasp, disappearing once again. He tells you the tales of his travels and misadventures along the way, even about the current vampire and dhampir culture within some cities.
After the defeat of the dead three yet again, the gods, under Withers approval, decided to gift you and your comrades with a longer life span, partly in thanks and mostly as a just-in-case cause.
After the dust had settled, the two of you decided to purchase a home using the funds that Astarion had saved from his adventures as a bounty hunter. Enjoying the domestic lifestyle together.
One night he approaches you, sheepishly asking if you would be interested in having a third person in your relationship.
“What so like a child?”
“Only if you want to that is”
“After the tales you’ve told me of caring for the dhampirs I wouldn’t mind, even if it’s our own or another.”
He would spoil the child rotten of course, in his own way. But in the end, he’s relieved to finally find peace again with you by his side.
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taki-yaki · 3 months
of course, right after you mention a farm AU the Astarion mod for Stardew Valley shows up! It's a sign that I have to return to Stardew Valley now
Just googled this mod when I got this ask and I have to do a playthrough with it now. Usually, I romance Sebastian in my Stardew playthroughs, but now I'll have to remember Elliott's schedule since it works off that.
also, the timing of the 1.6 update has just made the stars align for this as a whole.
But rambles aside, it is nice to see that someone able to implement a way to have that farm au be real within stardew, giving our vampire the peace he needs.
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taki-yaki · 3 months
Draconic Sorcerer Tav Headcanons
not an anon request this time but this was sitting on my wip for ages so I'll put it out now. Hope my fellow draconic sorcerer/dragonborn(?) fans.
As a draconic sorcerer, the blood that runs in your veins is filled to the brim with the magical potency of such grand beasts. The scales that lie across your skin are a clear sign to others of your ancestry.
Despite the power within you, it can’t transform you into a dragon but rather changes the physical appearance of your body, from the tips of your fingers becoming sharp-like claws, to your fangs ready to tear anything or one that stands in your path.
Many upon hearing of such graphic descriptions would tend to avoid your kind, but not Astarion, he’s enamoured with the way you look and act. 
Astarion would be interested in your draconic tongue, listening as you speak to Gale and Lae’zel with each syllable hissing off the end of your tongue, akin to a growling beast, in comparison to the soft-spoken tone of elvish that he speaks in.
Later he tries to ask Lae’zel and Gale to teach him some draconic phrases, under the guise of wanting to learn such a uniquely rare language. Gale would attempt to teach him more simple dull phrases whilst Lae’zel would teach him phrases that mainly translated to battle cries. But soon he would tire of the dull lectures. Deciding to just stick to common instead.
After your first night together in the forest during the tiefling party, he would go around bragging about how he got to “ride” a dragon first before poor lae’zel. She’d quickly rebuttal with the threat to slice off his head, lest he continue with his antics.
When he drinks your blood, apart from getting a slight boost to his magic, the flavour changes based on your blood ancestry. acid has a slightly sweet-sour aftertaste, fire has a spicy flare, lighting leaves a jolting taste on his tongue and cold creates a slight tingly numb sensation. 
Other elements of your ancestry also affect your day-to-day life, from fire blood making you his personal hot water bottle, full of blood. Or your cold blood, creates a faint aura of ice upon your skin, causing you to have Gale create an enchanted heated blanket to keep you both warm.
Using your wellspring of magic within your body, you attempt to twist the arcane magic that flows in your blood in an attempt to transfer some of your arcana magic into Astarion when he feeds from you. Mainly in the hopes of making him stronger in difficult fights. 
However, this backfires causing your blood cells to temporarily produce faster, causing you to get Astarion to help. He does chastise you for doing something dangerous but doesn’t say no to the offer of having seconds of your blood in one day.
A few days later, you learn how to replicate the same spell, but on a lower scale, which assists in not only keeping Astarion well-fed but also stopping the effect of bloodless afterwards.
Some traits that emerge from your ancestry is the habit of hoarding objects, from gold coins to silver plates. Even taking one of Astarion’s spare nightshirts to sleep with much to his annoyance, so he tries to steal things from you in retaliation, which becomes an unspoken agreement between you two.
When your wings finally come through, he tries to help you become used to them, mainly in the hopes that you could fly him around places, eliminating the need to walk around all the time whilst carrying such a heavy pack.
Preening habits also start to be displayed, mainly done in an attempt to impress Astarion. Everyone at camp teases that Astarion has been rubbing off on you, with his usual morning beauty care routine usually holding everyone up some days. He would find this to be cute but attempts to get you to kick the habit, by brushing them for you.
“Darling, I know you want to take care of your wings, but would it kill you to just fix up your hair as well.”
In return, you show your affection by wrapping your wings around him both when you embrace each other, acting as a sort of comfort blanket to both of you.
If you’ve grown out a set of dragon-like claws, he does your nails if they get too sharp, ensuring that you don’t accidentally scratch yourself. And if you have a tail, similarly to tieflings, you would have a habit of wrapping your scaled tail around his leg, which he would endlessly tease you for.
Later on in your relationship, you both give each other unique pet names, you call him your Isk meaning star in your draconic tongue, whilst Astarion in return calls you his miniature dragon.“An elf and a miniature dragon, hmm quite the pair wouldn’t you say love?”
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taki-yaki · 3 months
What if Tav is a fey from feywild, or part fey? I don't have a particular race in mind, just wanted to see Astarion and fey Tav to be chaotic gremlins together
Love stuff to do with the fey, Tav from the fey wilds would create so much chaos together with Astarion. Although in usual D&D terms, the closest to part fey would most likely be a Hexblood. So I’ll be doing a Hexblood Tav who was mainly raised in the fey wilds for most of their life.
Hexblood Fey Tav Headcanons
You began your life as a creature of the fey before a deal gone south with a hag forced you out of your plane to the realm of Torri.
Of course, you would try to get by in this realm with your usual fey antics, of course not too long after, whilst on the road to your next performance, you get abducted by the nautiloid. 
Making you curse the chaotic whims that fate throws at you.
Upon meeting your new travelling buddies for the first time, you try to keep your distance from them at first, in fear that they might try to offer you something, believing it to be a trap, binding you to them, forced to do their bidding. You even give them a fake name, instead of telling your real name, taking any precautions from being enslaved any further.
However after the third night of attempting to cook for yourself, you eventually cave after the sweet savoury smells of Gale’s cooking plague you, giving in to the temptation and never looking back since.
Most members of the group saw you as too carefree at times, rather choosing to do what you like at random times. It isn’t until you reach the swamp and finally meet Auntie Ethel, that you seemly completely switch, tearing into the hag with a sense of rage, trying to reenact your revenge upon the kind who stripped you of your home.
Most of your companions are initially taken aback, stating how you could have gone about a less brutal way of defeating the hag, but what’s done is done. Astarion though, just watches over the scene with joy, seeing your victory as a sign of strength. power. 
Later that night Astarion approaches you with the offer for a romp in the woods, this makes you hesitate for a second before he says that it’s a fair offer after you gave him some of your blood. At first, you mainly see your relationship as transactional, in fear of being permanently indebted to him, but it isn’t until over time you both start to see your relationship as less transactional. At first, it feels weird to you not to do anything in return for him at times, but you quickly get used to it.
“So I don’t have to sing you a song and dance before receiving a kiss?”
“Well no, but if you want to, then I’m more than happy to watch you flap around like a headless chicken.”
During most of your early travels with Astarion, he would be in awe over how much colour there is during the day, but you state how it seems drab compared to the bright wonders that the fey wild had to offer.
Throughout your travels to Baldur’s Gate, whenever someone approaches you with a request to solve an issue or problem they are having, you’d usually reply with a, “What’s in it for me”, then proceed to go about solving the issue either destructively or chaotically.
A rat infestation? Well, a large fireball in such an enclosed space will make it quick and easy.
Need to clear out the nearby goblin camp? A few powdered keys should do.
Aside from your destructive tendencies, you also love to play tricks on others, whether they deserve it or not, it doesn’t matter. With you and Astation being a tag team duo, while you would create a crowd to distract people with a song or dance, Astarion would sneak around attempting to pickpocket as many people as he could. 
Other antics would include trading for weird items, such as attempting to purchase a sword or magical artefact, you would cast an illusion on some nearby rocks to give them the appearance of gold pieces. Followed by having to run from the now enraged shopkeeper, whilst Astarion is in hysterics.  
Despite most of your fey traits mainly giving other members of the group grief, one condition you hated was your weakness to iron, even if a ring was placed on your finger for a few seconds, it would leave a slight burn mark in its place. 
This came especially apparent one time, during a fight in which you were surrounded by bandits each brandishing an iron dagger or blade, ready to strike at you. 
As soon as the first blade makes contact with your flesh, you let out a loud shriek of pain as the tip of the blade leaves a large burn mark on your skin. Alerted by your cry Astarion rushes to your side, quickly taking out the rest of the bandits, before carrying you to safety.
Back at camp, he’d tend to your wound, and whilst holding you close to him he’d softly chastise you mainly out of concern. 
“Be lucky that this is only a small wound, just next time stay by my side and don’t rush out like that next time.”
After the fall of the netherbrain, realising how much this realm had to offer to you, Astarion suggests going around exploring more of faerun as hunters, maybe even finding the hag that cursed you and enacting your revenge. After all you did free him from his tyrannical ex-master. Over the 6 months the two of you spend travelling all across faerun, you eventually learn to bask in the wonders that this plane has to offer.
One late night, whilst lying in your shared tent, you turn to face Astarion, feeling as if you have a heavy weight to lift from your chest, you speak “I have something to tell you.” He’d look at you with slight surprise, were you going to break up with him after all this time, “It’s about my name” you spoke sheepishly 
“What about it my love, I think it’s a nice name.” 
“Well, I may have given you a fake name, I was worried you would use it as leverage to bind me into a contract of sorts”
He laughs a bit upon hearing this, and you swiftly reply with “Well it may not seem like much to you but it’s a big deal to us fey.”
“Alright, would you do the honours of telling me your name my love?” whilst trying to do a small bow motion while lying down. Leaning closer, you whisper into his ear in your native tongue of Sylvan, your true name, before leaning back waiting for his response. He looks at you for a while before the expression on his face goes soft “Well I think it’s a beautiful name, regardless of what it is, you will always be my darling.”
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taki-yaki · 3 months
Just a note about requests, I'm still working on them, I've just been prepping some stuff for the 'get him back' series fic. (I might change the name of the final but I'll let you all know).
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taki-yaki · 3 months
What if after observing Astarion for a while Tav treats him like she would a cat: Giving him plenty of space, giving him time to approach her instead of approaching him, etc. This would make sense if Tav is a ranger, or any class who’s familiar with animals.
Bonus if Tav is accompanied by a big cat since Astarion is a Drizzt Do'Urden fanboy (or at least his VA is 😂)
This reminds me of Neil mentioning how he based Astarion on a stray cat he befriended, but I do like the idea that he does manifest some cat-like traits without realising due to his vampirism.
Astarion’s Cat-like qualities
As a beastmaster ranger, you’re familiar when it comes to the behaviour of various animals, particularly those of the large cat variety. 
Your pet familiar is a snow leopard, which you rescued when it was a cub from the fierce blizzards ravaging the snowy wastelands of Icewind Dale.
When raising the cub, you’d eventually get used to the habits they display being sometimes similar to that of a household cat, from them sleeping in high places to bringing you gifts every day of creatures it hunted as it’s way of thanks.
When you meet Astarion, you quickly pick up on his similarities with your feline companion. You were never sure whether it was from his mannerisms or his vampirism, but you attempted to get close to him by using similar techniques with stray cats.
During your evenings at camp, you sit by the campfire, wearing a loose collar shirt with your panther companion lying down next to you asleep, trying to look uninterested in Astarion, all whilst glancing up to make brief eye contact with him before averting your eyes from him. 
This goes on for a few nights, with him gradually approaching you, inch by inch, till he finally caves and sits next to you feeding off your free arm nearly every night from then on. 
Shortly after he’s sipped your blood, he gets a rapid burst of energy, pupils expanding to that of cat slits, before quickly bolting upright and watching him leave to go burn off his energy in the forest.
Some nights, in the privacy of his tent, he’d rest his head upon your lap, soon wrapping the weight of his body upon you, if you attempted to shift him off he would groan muttering under his breath “No, don’t leave you’re warm”, leaving you stuck to the ground for the rest of the night. Sometimes, you swear you’d hear him making a strange vampiric purring when he was in a trance.
After a while, he starts to bring you gifts in exchange for the blood you’ve offered him, mainly drained animals he’s hunted, such as the boar, stating how you can reuse the parts as food supplies.
When chatting with others, he attempts to interrupt any conversations to get your attention, by silently stepping in between the two of you and staring at the other person, subtly hooking his arm around you, all whilst maintaining eye contact with them until they either stop or leave.
One night, however, whilst watching you sleep, you notice his eyes slowly blink at you, staring at you softly whilst you rest. However, upon questioning if he was worried about you, he’d deny stating “I was just making sure that you were fine, especially after that fight at the creche, who knows what they could have done to you” before shifting his gaze away from you, trying to avoid repeating the reaction.
Later into the night, you tell him how much he reminds you of your pet snow leopard, stating how the two of you are quite similar. “Oh, is it because of my sharp fangs? Or my keen senes?, either way, I can see how flattered you are-”. You quickly cut him off abruptly, stating “No, it’s because you purr like a cat, it’s cute”. Flustered by the statement, he attempts to rebuttal “I- I don’t do such a thing, don’t compare me to some fur ball”. Swiftly turning his head away from you with a light blush forming on the tips of his ears.
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taki-yaki · 3 months
This could be because I've been playing quite a few farm games recently like Harvestella, but I'm thinking of a farm AU in which it just follows farm sim tropes, so being tasked to look after the farm by a relative or just amnesia in Durge's case.
So in Astarion case, he would be the NPC who would only be out during the night doing the night shifts, maybe he’ll go out earlier if you raise his friendship level. 
His quest would be something like trying to free himself from his work contract with some large business CEO. If you do so, then he’d perhaps become the local tailor in town, however, the ascended variant would be him becoming the new CEO of the company.
Also, I’d see him as the NPC who would go outside with a fancy type of umbrella during the day/summer season.
If he joins your farm, he'd definitely offer to help with caring for the livestock, providing that he gets free blood from them in return and would haggle with shopkeepers to ensure you get more money for your crops.
Love to hear if you guys have any ideas for this.
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