tamquamm-alter-idem · 1 month
ITS 11:11
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 1 month
hey man I found a piece of your soul stuck in the text messages of old friends you don’t speak to anymore. do you want it back
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 1 month
wow at least I'm not down bad for a SUBJECT
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 1 month
Guilty As Sin? Is about Ginny having sex dreams about Harry even though she is dating Dean Thomas btw
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 1 month
what people think alice oseman books are like: blushing awkward first meetings, little chaste first kisses, giggling teenage boys holding hands what alice oseman books are actually like: hey what if your entire personality is actually a carefully constructed facade to make other people like you and to disguise the fact that you don't actually know who you are. if you stripped away all the walls, all the artificial things that you think make you up, what would be left? what would happen if you stopped living for other people and started living for yourself? is there even a person in there or just a gaping void with nothing left in it? wouldn't that be fucked up? do you even know yourself? do you even have a real personality anymore?
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 1 month
Public speaking is actually really easy if you don't respect a single soul in that room. I've had an incredibly easy time delivering speeches when I hated everybody I saw and they all thought I did amazing because my disdain was read as confidence. I don't have any tips for you I'm just telling you a fact
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 4 months
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gripping my thighs with my nails about this written by @ryebreadgf
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 5 months
it’s so insane to me that most of the people you meet in life are just passing moments. you’ll know them for a brief period of time before they’re a stranger again and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it because that is just how it’s meant to be..
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 6 months
no because Kit is literally the blueprint. Can casually quote Marvel AND Shakespeare. Has the Herondale arrogance but doesn't even realise how beloved he is. Is raised by Jem FUCKING Carstairs and TESSA GRAY?!! The best older brother ever. One of the only shadowhunters to be known and loved by all communities - downworlder and mundane included. Smart and observant and kind and compassionate. Sarcastic and witty and quiet and profound. Can light up a room but inherently sad. Has an iconic piece of clothing associated with his character. Confessed at the worst time possible and ran away from his crush but still sends him gifts and wants to protect him. Fell in love at knife point. Canonically gets bitches. Bi icon!! Can pick locks and pockets. Threatens to and tries to sell shadowhunter artefacts everywhere he goes. Ready to run away at the drop of a hat but longs for his family. Literally the coolest character in the entire tsc.
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 6 months
what if everything is intentional. what if dancing with your friends matters as much as picking up groceries. what if you put color in your hair and a stranger feels seen. what if someone makes soup for you. what if tears are sacred. what if it’s all love.
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 6 months
one of the greatest tragedies in life is that you will always be loved more than you will ever know. someone in class finds your presence inviting and warm, even if you’ve only ever exchanged a few words with them—maybe none at all. someone on the street loves your smile and it gets them down the next few streets. someone you used to be friends with still wishes to fondly call your name. someone you used to be friends with five years ago would give anything to be in the same room as you today. someone who regularly comes into work is disappointed when you aren’t there to brighten their day. someone missed you today. someone noticed you were gone. someone loves you when you’re there; someone loves you when you’re nowhere to be found at all. you think you have always disappeared when you’re no longer in the picture, but you’ve never left the frame.
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 6 months
harry: hermione is like a sister ron.
harry: she’ll always be a sister to me.
harry: you know who i really want though?
harry: YOUR sister
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 6 months
Coriolanus Snow in TBOSAS a summary:
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 6 months
time to waste the last month of 2013 on the internet
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 6 months
yes yes acts of violence often evoke eroticism and stabbing someone is potent penetration imagery but sometimes when i kill someone it's just because i want them to die
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 6 months
I think the most radical thing the hunger games does is tell young people that the most revolutionary thing you can do is have unconditional love for humanity. Katniss throughout the entire series is guided by a deep sense of compassion for the people around her. It is what causes her to volunteer, to bury rue, to mercy kill cato, its why she tries to save peeta, why finnick telling her to remember who the real enemy is works, and even though her compassion for the larger world falters when peeta is kidnapped, it comes back when she visits hospitals and asks for mercy for other victors and ultimately, it is love and belief in a better humanity that makes her kill coin. Through it all, she maintains an unfaltering belief in the fundemental goodness of humanity, which is diametrically opposed to dr gaul's and snow's worldview. Peeta is even more unwaveringly compassionate
So the series tells young people that the most revolutionary thing you can be is compassionate. Let compassion drive your politics. Let yourself believe in the fundemental goodness of people. And i think that's deeply important in a world that touts the superiority of pure reason or logic, to allow yourself to be guided by something as emotional as compassion. Katniss everdeen tells us that your politics should be rooted in compassion in a world that thinks detatchment or cynicism is intelligence and i think thats v cool
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 6 months
ever since i was a little girl i knew i wanted to have life experiences that were so utterly different from everyone else in my age group
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