tarotio · 4 months
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May every card shuffle and turn lead to insightful messages and truths that feed your evolution within this world.
- Ivan Ambrose
Post Notes: Please do not remove the captions. Deck: Madame Endora Fortune Cards Safe Space Tags: Snake, Spider
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tarotio · 6 months
I saw a post about this so now I'm curious
please consider reblogging for a larger sample size unless you're planning to say something that's anti-theistic
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tarotio · 8 months
The newest expansion pack is now up in the shop! The Suit of Seeds, in honour of the fall equinox.
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tarotio · 8 months
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Sinéad O’Connor / ‘96 Tori Amos tour merch
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tarotio · 8 months
*If you want to vote "other denomination not shown here" make sure that your denomination is not a sub-group of one of the ones already listed here (e.g. Presbyterians are Reformed/Calvinist)
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tarotio · 9 months
If you've been on my blog long enough you know I'm pro hex, pro curse what have you.
Sometimes though...you don't want to go the whole nine regarding curses and shit. Sometimes what you have in your arsenal does not justify the transgression. Sometimes you want something other than hoping the next time the asshole you don't like has to shit they're stuck in traffic.
Nah nah nah, too cliche.
Allow me to give you some ideas as I am the duchess of petty.
Give them an itch that a scratch can never satisfy
Bring forth a pimple that always comes back no matter how it's popped or cleansed.
Conjure the agony of the person who angered you by blessing all of their crushes to find meaningful relationships elsewhere.
Plague them with an itch in the asshole. Just enough to be noticeable and unpleasant.
Curse them with finding rocks or sticky barbs of flora on their feet.
May glitches plague your games.
Infect them with insomnia.
Fuck up one shoe of their favorite pair just so getting rid of them is extra annoying.
Make the backs of their earrings disappear with your hex.
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tarotio · 9 months
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tarotio · 9 months
what a beautiful day to not be in high school
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tarotio · 9 months
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tarotio · 9 months
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tarotio · 9 months
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tarotio · 9 months
Reminder that trying to decide what other people's spiritual boundaries should be makes you the asshole.
"But I think it's nice to wish blessings upon someone, I don't mind when someone asks their god to bless me!"
Well fine, that's all right for you. But you can't just assume it should be that way for everyone. Someone might have religious trauma associated with a particular deity or religion. Someone's religion might prohibit interaction with your god(s). And quite frankly, people are allowed to just not want you to bless them/ask your god(s) to bless them for any reason or no reason at all.
If you want to say something "nice," just wish them a nice day/afternoon/evening/night and leave it at that.
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tarotio · 9 months
Oh for fuck's sake, are we having the curse-shaming argument AGAIN??? Every time I think we're done unteaching this nonsense.....
Arright, quick rundown of the points, more or less in order, because I've already had this discussion a hundred times:
One - There is no universal moral or ethical code in witchcraft. Not every witch is a Wiccan or follows Wiccan principles. Not even all Wiccans follow every Wiccan principle, and that includes the Rule of Three / Threefold Law. The Wiccan Rede is ADVICE, not a set of hard and fast rules or divine mandates. You don't get to tell other witches what types of spells they should and should not cast.
Two - If you think the Rule of Three / Threefold Law means, "Whatever you give out comes back to you times three" or if you think it only applies to baneful magic, you don't understand the rule. The original rule, as stated by Robert Graves in "The White Goddess" (you know, the fictional novel that Gardner used as a model for Wicca) states that whatever a witch is dealt, they should deal back three times over. In fact, the passage cites a particular initiation ritual that involves symbolic flagellation, NOT a code of ethics for witchcraft.
It was picked up by later authors as "Whatever You Give" and popularized by media like The Craft and Charmed and authors like Silver Ravenwolf in the 90s when the modern witchcraft movement was having its' millennial boom. (This is a gross oversimplification, but that's when the concept became common enough in pop culture that non-witches were starting to become familiar with the term.)
Three - Karma has absolutely nothing to do with it. Karma is not instant or sentient and the bastardized version of the concept that's been worked into much of modern witchcraft literature more closely resembles the Christian concept of sin and judgment than what karma actually is. Remove the word from your vocabulary when you're talking about magic. The universe does not give one single flying fuck what you do with your spells.
Four - The word you're searching for when you talk about these concepts is CONSEQUENCES. Every action you take, every spell you cast, everything has consequences and everything has a price. This isn't a divine mandate or a cosmic law either. It's a simple fact of life. BUT. It doesn't mean that baneful spells are morally or ethically wrong or that they're going to blow up in someone's face. The only reason a baneful spell might be more likely to rebound is that it's one of the only types of spells that witches actively ward against.
Five - Witches have a right to use magic for persuasion, defense, justice, retribution, binding, prevention, or outright harm if they so choose. If you don't like those types of spells, then don't cast them.
Six - Moral puritanism is a cancer that will destroy us all. Get off your high horse, drop the holier-than-thou bullshit, and remember that being a witch does not make you immune to propaganda.
Thank you for coming to my Toad Talk.
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tarotio · 9 months
Oh holy shit they found Silphium alive and growing in the wild.
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tarotio · 10 months
White witches stop "smudging" challenge year almost 2023.
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tarotio · 10 months
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tarotio · 10 months
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