Morocco is one of the coldest countries in Africa (probably second to Lesotho). Ouarzazate has some of the coldest nights on average and Ifrane is recorded to have had the coldest temperature in African history, reaching -23,9 C/-11 F on February 11, 1935.
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I take pride in this.
Shoutout to Lesotho, South Africa, Ethiopia, Algeria and Kenya for representing African Alpine culture.
African Alpine culture produces the best wool cloaks, so it’s definitely a thing.
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To better connect with the older Tarzan fanbase, I have started a Twitter! Follow me @ReturnOf2arzan.
I also just released Edition 1.01 of the Carmina Bolgani (for Balu’s) Tarzan fanfic list! Featuring fic from @tinydooms, @naturepointstheway, and many others. Check it out here:
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The list is still incomplete. Right now this version includes only Tarzan fic rated T and under, for the balu’s ;) Higher-rated Tarzan fic will be shared shortly through a sideblog that was created specifically for that purpose (hehe). Currently I have catalogued:
~75% of all AO3 fic tagged “Tarzan - All Media Types”
some http://FF.net fic
ALL http://tarzanslegacy.com fic
ALL Team Bonet’s Tarzan shrine fic
and a few others from smaller (?) ff hosting sites. 
I’m hoping not to have to make an entirely separate website where I pay money and research web-crafting…so please bear with the fact that Carmina Bolgani is a humble Google Sheet. Feedback and questions always welcome! Enjoy~
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the suffering never ends
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Moments | Chapter 2: Special
A Jane x Tarzan fic by Fanfic Connoisseur on FF.net.
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Rating: Mature  |  Word Count: 6123  |  Chapters: 6/6
Additional Tags: married, One Shot Collection
Summary: Formerly ‘Treehouse’ A series of oneshots based on Disney’s Tarzan about love and passion, consideration and protection and everything that you just can’t get into in a half hour cartoon show.
**This fic is also partially crossposted on ao3.
He doesn't like seeing her sad so he wants to know what she's writing about. With the stealth he has honed from years in the jungle, he moves closer until he's practically over shoulder (he really needs to teach her to be more aware of her surroundings) and reads what he can in the letter.
It's hard since he's still learning to read well and Jane is hunched over it but he makes a few words here and there... And the most important parts: 'Dear Cecil' 'you're always in my heart' and 'cannot marry'.
@naturepointstheway @eponniia
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This fic is also available to read on ff.net. Check out OP’s full ff.net profile for more fic in the Tarzan, Harry Potter, Frozen, and Beauty and the Beast fandoms- and beyond!
“Hot Cocoa” (Disney’s “Tarzan” Tarzan/Jane)
Tarzan tastes hot cocoa for the first time. Just a small little fic that’s fluffier than a baby Mountain Gorilla (seriously. Google image search for baby mountain gorillas. They are ADORABLE.) Tarzan/Jane.
@beneaththeshelterofthetrees @morgaine2005 @kalikoke
Tarzan had already lost count of how many “hours” he had spent just crouching here, hypnotised by the zoetrope the Porters had brought with them. He could sit here, without becoming bored, and spin the zoetrope, marvelling at how the artists had managed to draw each successive drawing so that there were only subtle differences, invisible to the eye, that could melt together into a cohesive animation as one spun the contraption. Apparently back in “England” there were countless different varieties of these zoetrope drawings, with all sorts of scenes one could watch become blurred into one motion, each individual drawing melting into what seemed to the eye just one scene in animation. 
This morning, however, a new, sweet scent drew him out of the zoetrope’s world. Distracted, he stood up, turning around to look at what Jane was doing. He couldn’t help a soft smile as he listened to how she sang under her breath, a delicate hand stirring a spoon in a cup. She must have felt his gaze upon him, for she turned around, cup now in both hands, spoon still inside, to smile back at him. Tarzan could see steam rising from the cup, and that same sweet smell that made him think of soft dreams and peaceful drowsiness under the stars that only caressed one’s eyelids right before falling into true slumber. 
“What’s that?” Tarzan pointed to the mug in her hands. 
Jane took a sip, closing her eyes in unmistakeable bliss. “The most delicious drink known to mankind.” She opened her eyes with a little laugh. “Except for tea. Nothing beats a good, strong cup of English tea.” 
Tarzan ambled over to Jane, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, marveling at how her cheeks became a soft pink as he did this. Looking into the cup, he could see there was some sort of brown liquid in it, the steam from it warming his face. 
“What’s it called?” 
“Hot cocoa,” Jane explained, raising the cup up and toward Tarzan, “You want to try it? Here, you can take a sip if you want. Just blow on it gently first, or you’ll burn yourself.” 
Jane’s eyes never left his, nor his hers, as he wrapped a hand over one of hers, tilting the cup to his lips, taking the tiniest of sips. No sooner had the sweet drink touched his tongue, an overwhelming sense of sweetness came over his senses. He had never tasted anything this sweet in his life. Jane giggled at him–he wasn’t sure why–as he finished his sip, Jane reorientating the cup so it was upright in their hands again, Tarzan not wanting to move his hand from hers. 
“You like it,” Jane said through a giggle, “I knew you would.” 
“What is the joke?” 
Jane shook her head, smile never leaving her lips, “Never mind. You want your own cup of cocoa?” 
“Yes please,” Tarzan said, with an eager nod. 
Jane gestured to a table, “Then sit down, and I’ll make you one too.” 
Tarzan settled down into a chair, still not used to its texture and shape, but he was learning. Stiff-backed, he leaned back, feeling the soft cushion of the seat under him. He didn’t have to wait long before Jane returned with another cup in a hand, her own held in the other, setting one down before Tarzan. She settled down–much less stiff-backed–into a chair next to Tarzan, blue eyes brightening like the sun with her generous smile. 
“Enjoy your first hot cocoa, fresh from England.” 
Tarzan started to curl his fingers around the cup, only to flinch back when its surface burned his fingertips. 
“Take your cup by the handle,” Jane explained patiently, demonstrating with her own cup, “Then you don’t get burned.” 
Tarzan did as she explained, observing closely how Jane’s fingers curled around the handle of her own cup. Fitting a couple fingers through the gap between the handle and cup itself, he curled his thumb around the handle, now lifting the cup without being burned. He raised it toward Jane as if in a “toast”–he had heard of it before, and wasn’t quite sure why it was done, but it made them happy when he did it. 
“Thank you, Jane,” he said, “I hope you enjoy yours.” 
Jane sank back in her chair, legs stretched out under the table, as she gave him a warm smile. 
“I’ve always enjoyed them before, but this one is the best I’ve had.”
“Oh? Is it a different type?” 
“Oh no, it’s the same, but…” 
“How is it ‘the best’?” 
“Because today I have the pleasure of seeing someone’s face when they first try hot cocoa. And every morning is the best when you’re here too.” 
He couldn’t help but lay his hand over hers, warmed from the cup of hot cocoa. She stared down at their hands, a blush creeping over her cheeks before smiling shyly up at him. 
“Every morning is the best when I’m with you too, Jane.” 
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I was randomly thinking about that part in Disney’s Tarzan’s “Trashin’ the Camp” scene where you see that Easter Egg with the tea set that looks exactly like Beauty and the Beast (1991)’s Chip and Mrs Potts? Well, like ten minutes ago, my brain decided to be all “Psst! What if Tarzan takes place in an alternate universe where the servants’ fading does happen like in 2017!BatB and that really WAS once Mrs Potts and Chip?”
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@kalikoke @morgaine2005 @beneaththeshelterofthetrees @insectoid5 
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The Ghost in the Trees | Chapter 2: Words
A Jane x Tarzan fic by @tinydooms on ao3.
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Rating: Teen+  |  Word Count: 68,365  |  Chapters: 23/?
Additional Tags: Discovering humanity, Slow Burn, Ladies writing books, Parent-Child Relationship, Adoption, Found Family, Friendship/Love, Colonial-era Africa, intercultural friendship
Summary: The Koba warned the Porters of the ghost in the trees the day they arrived in the village. Jane and her father had spent three long weeks at sea, sailing first to France, then on to Africa and the Port of Boma, then three long days on the river to the Koba territory bordering on the jungle, listening by day to the raucous chorus of jungle birds and by night to the screams of hidden predators. Jane was ten, and tired, and overwhelmed by the hugeness of her new country, and more than inclined to believe what the villagers had to say.
She wrote out the conjugation while Tarzan watched her, his grey eyes wide and interested.  I am Jane. You are Tarzan. He is Father. She is Mwana. We are people. They are people. Together, using signs to help them, they said the words aloud.
“I am Tarzan. You are Jane.”
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Other Tarzan writing from OP available on archiveofourown here.
BatB line prompts #17, “Shame, I was really gonna tell him off this time.” Tarzan. Replicate a similar scene as BatB, but with Terk, Tantor and Kerchak.
First, I want to say thank you for all the awesome prompts in my inbox this morn! A nice surprise to wake up to! Also gonna tag @kalikoke and @beneaththeshelterofthetrees
Kerchak loomed over Terk, glaring down at her. Terk laughed nervously, shrinking back as Tantor scooted to hide behind a tree, only his twitching trunk visible. Tarzan hung back with Terk, trying to look entirely innocent of the antics he had been involved with seconds ago with his friends.
“Oh hey, Kerchak, sorry we woke you up.” Terk apologised, trying to sound bravver than she actually felt, “Too much?”
Kerchak gave a deep growl in his throat, “What did I say about your antics before sunrise?”
“Ahh, heh heh…” Terk gulped, “Not to go rampaging through the troop hollering and creating a ruckus before sunrise while everyone’s trying to sleep?”
Tarzan cleared his throat, stepping up to defend his friend, “Kerchak, it was my idea in the first place–”
“Oh no, don’t say that–” Terk protested.
“Terk, he is no longer a child, and nor are you! You must stop encouraging him, especially at this time of day. Now go back to your nests and let the rest of us sleep!”
With that, Kerchak lumbered off back to his own nest, shooting one last pointed glance at the trio. Only when he had disappeared behind the foliage, did Tantor then reappear from behind the tree trunk, eyes darting around in search of the gorilla. He affected a great sigh of disappointment as he walked past Terk and Tarzan to look over at the foliage. Sagging a little on his feet, he turned around to face his friends.
“Oh, he’s gone? Shame, I was really gonna tell him off this time,” he proclaimed in a voice that convinced nobody.
Terk peered around Tantor, squinting her eyes, then opening them wide as though she saw someone coming.
“Oh Kerchak, you’ve returned!”
“WHA–” Tantor stumbled over his own feet as he whirled around to see–
–that there was no Kerchak standing there at all. Behind him, Terk laughed, chest beating a little in sheer pride at herself. Tantor gave an annoyed sigh and turned around to glare at her.
“Very funny.”
Terk gave his leg a playful punch. “Got you there didn’t I?”
“No, no, you didn’t–I completely didn’t fall for it.”
“Suurrre you didn’t,” Terk drawled, “Alright I’m sick of hanging out here, let’s go find someone else to annoy. Come on, Tarzan!”
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Fanfiction is becoming people’s primary form of entertainment right now because most media right now is so cheap, bland, recycled, and sponsored by people who love money more than the source material. Fanfiction is written for free by people who genuinely love what they’re writing about. That’s why it’s better. That’s why it’s more satisfying. Fanfiction is a home-cooked meal made for yourself and for your friends. Media today is junky fast food spoiled by too much grease and the knowledge that the people producing it are being criminally mistreated and underpaid. 
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Closed starter
The jungle man was gathering his meal, picking fallen fruits from the deep African forest’s ground. Holding his wooden spear firmly on his left hand and leaning on it, he was using the other to feed himself quickly. He must to be alert all the time, cause the jungle it was a dangerous place to live. He couldn’t actually know, but it was yet already 30 years he was living there, since his parents and whole party had been killed by the natives - being himself, a three years old, the only one survivor. And if it wasn’t for the young female gorilla who had found and cared for him as a son of hers, by now he would be dead too. All of a sudden he heard something, and halting, he raised his head. There was another living creature around. The jungle man smelled the air before to quickly got up and get into the deep lust vegetation.
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favourite disney film; tarzan
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me @ AO3
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The ultimate power move in a vampire/fairy rivalry would be the fairy inviting the vampire over for tea. The vampire has natural dominion over anyone who invites them into their home, the fairy has natural dominion over anyone who violates the laws of hospitality, and neither can refuse the appointment without showing weakness, so it’d just be a constant headgame of the vampire trying to manoueuvre the fairy into a position where the obligations of hospitality allow the vampire to eat them, and the fairy trying to trick the vampire into doing something that would allow the fairy to declare them a poor guest.
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I have … a tip.
If you’re writing something that involves an aspect of life that you have not experienced, you obviously have to do research on it. You have to find other examples of it in order to accurately incorporate it into your story realistically.
But don’t just look at professional write ups. Don’t stop at wikepedia or webMD. Look up first person accounts.
I wrote a fic once where a character has frequent seizures. Naturally, I was all over the wikipedia page for seizures, the related pages, other medical websites, etc.
But I also looked at Yahoo asks where people where asking more obscure questions, sometimes asked by people who were experiencing seizures, sometimes answered by people who have had seizures.
I looked to YouTube. Found a few individual videos of people detailing how their seizures usually played out. So found a few channels that were mostly dedicated to displaying the daily habits of someone who was epileptic.
I looked at blogs and articles written by people who have had seizures regularly for as long as they can remember. But I also read the frantic posts from people who were newly diagnosed or had only had one and were worried about another.
When I wrote that fic, I got a comment from someone saying that I had touched upon aspects of movement disorders that they had never seen portrayed in media and that they had found representation in my art that they just never had before. And I think it’s because of the details. The little things.
The wiki page for seizures tells you the technicalities of it all, the terminology. It tells you what can cause them and what the symptoms are. It tells you how to deal with them, how to prevent them.
But it doesn’t tell you how some people with seizures are wary of holding sharp objects or hot liquids. It doesn’t tell you how epileptics feel when they’ve just found out that they’re prone to fits. It doesn’t tell you how their friends and family react to the news.
This applies to any and all writing. And any and all subjects. Disabilities. Sexualities. Ethnicities. Cultures. Professions. Hobbies. Traumas. If you haven’t experienced something first hand, talk to people that have. Listen to people that have. Don’t stop at the scholarly sources. They don’t always have all that you need.
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The Ghost in the Trees | Chapter 1: The Spirit
A Jane x Tarzan fic by @tinydooms on ao3.
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Rating: Teen+  |  Word Count: 68,365  |  Chapters: 23/?
Additional Tags: Discovering humanity, Slow Burn, Ladies writing books, Parent-Child Relationship, Adoption, Found Family, Friendship/Love, Colonial-era Africa, intercultural friendship
Summary: The Koba warned the Porters of the ghost in the trees the day they arrived in the village. Jane and her father had spent three long weeks at sea, sailing first to France, then on to Africa and the Port of Boma, then three long days on the river to the Koba territory bordering on the jungle, listening by day to the raucous chorus of jungle birds and by night to the screams of hidden predators. Jane was ten, and tired, and overwhelmed by the hugeness of her new country, and more than inclined to believe what the villagers had to say.
Terror so heavy she could taste it filled her. Above her, the wild man shifted his weight so as not to crush her, crying out as each blow fell. The bull tried to drag him off of Jane, scratching and scraping at him, but he made himself heavy and could not be budged. And somehow, the bull grew weary of the attack, and with one last bone-shaking bellow, stalked off into the jungle.
Silence fell.
Jane opened her eyes.
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Moments | Chapter 1: Treehouse
A Jane x Tarzan fic by Fanfic Connoisseur on FF.net.
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Rating: Mature  |  Word Count: 6123  |  Chapters: 6/6
Additional Tags: married, One Shot Collection
Summary: Formerly 'Treehouse' A series of oneshots based on Disney's Tarzan about love and passion, consideration and protection and everything that you just can't get into in a half hour cartoon show.
**This fic is also partially crossposted on ao3.
Jane makes her way over to Tarzan slowly, her smile shy. She hangs her bags on a tree before turning around and coming face to face with her new husband. He takes her in his arms and carries her to the nest. "Does Jane... like the nest?" In gorilla society the female must approve.
Tarzan watches Jane bite her lip, her eyes scanning the leaves and twigs critically. He senses her apprehension. He knows she usually sleeps on a thing she calls a bed (he can't deny it is comfortable - if not strange the few times he's tried it). Finally, she shrugs, climbs out of his arms and kneels in the nest holding her tiny soft hands out to him and smiles. "Yes. Jane likes the nest very much."
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letting a traumatized character have their happy ending where they can recover from their trauma will always be a thousand times more powerful than killing them off for shock value
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