teal-fiend · 14 hours
I want an older woman's stomach to absolutely DEMOLISH me until her big belly is fully rounded out and soft. I want my muffled noises of arousal to be silenced with one good, meaty gurgle that she feels throughout her entire torso. I want a ☠️ symbol to be pointed toward her bloated tum as she settles back and gets to work on me. I want my name to be labelled above a swollen section of her intestines as her body continues to process me, deep in that fleshy maze of pleasure, before I'm absorbed into her body as pudge 🤤🤤
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teal-fiend · 20 hours
mind vore
A pred who feeds on people's intellect. They eat their prey's memories, leaving them with amnesia, or causing them to forget information about certain topics.
the pred is a good conversationalist. Unfortunately, whoever the pred decides to talk to is going to get completely fucked over.
(I'm not exactly sure how the pred people's minds, but maybe if the person is within the pred's range, or if they make physical contact)
the pred could choose to consume their prey's entire mind, leaving them completely unaware of who they are, how to speak, or even how to walk. The person will eventually build new memories, but recovery could take years.
Although the pred would want to eat all of their prey's memories, (because it would last them for a long time), it's not discreet, and they worry that they'd get found out, and face some kind of consequence. Because even though what they do isn't technically illegal, doesn't mean that people would be okay with it if they knew what was going on.
Therefore, the pred must be selective, choosing only the tastiest, most nutritious parts of their prey's mind, while not eating too much that it's obvious.
The pred doesn't do this only out of malice. This is how they get energy. Normal human food doesn't do much for them.
But even if the pred doesn't have bad intentions, that doesn't mean they aren't a danger to society. It would be very hard to catch them though, since if the pred senses that anyone has figured out what's going on, the pred can make them forget.
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teal-fiend · 1 day
healing pred but darker (maybe there can be reformation)
The pred is not someone you go to, unless you've exhausted your other options.
They're a doctor with a specific skill set. Their stomach has the ability to heal prey; to seal up wounds, to even cure illnesses (depending on the severity and nature of the illness), to reverse malnurishment, and so on.
There's a huge caveat though. The pred's stomach won't always heal the prey. If the patient is too far gone, or if the pred doesn't have enough energy, then the prey will be digested instead of healed.
The pred doesn't have any control over what their stomach decides to do.
What would have taken weeks to years of recovery happens in under a day. But if it's too much work, the pred's stomach decides to cut it's losses, and take the prey's nutrients for itself - maybe it could use them to heal someone else.
For this reason, the pred has developed controversy among other doctors, and their community. Some are eternally grateful and loyal to the doctor, for saving them or their loved one. Others demand for the pred to be executed or banished. Or to at least have their title as "doctor" removed.
The pred is upfront about what their medical practice entails, so those who seek treatment are aware of the risk.
Your chances are better if the pred is comfortable and well-fed before hand. But during harsher seasons, when resources are scarce, this isn't always so easy. And sometimes feeding an injured person to the pred, means if it's a failure, at least there's one less mouth to feed (or two, since the pred is now sated also).
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teal-fiend · 2 days
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teal-fiend · 2 days
Ok this is an odd topic but...
If you like vore nonsexually, thats ok, but- if you demand vore to be treated as nonsexual and acting like kids online should be able to enjoy, please block me.
you can like feet nonsexually for example, but if you make spaces online all for admiring feet and letting people talk about how much they wanna touch soles ect, that space WILL be nsfw. Same goes for vore, an online vore space IS a nsfw space, theres no such thing as "sfw vore" online.
Please stop trying to say kids should be able to post their vore fantasies and art online, you are just putting kids in danger, YES this also applies to kids who are encouraging other kids to do it, stop it.
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teal-fiend · 3 days
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Amira finds it endearing when prey put up a fight that they clearly can't win, because if you've wound up in her belly you've already lost
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teal-fiend · 3 days
preds eating tinies with utensils.
they don't break the prey's skin, they just use the knife and fork to scoop up the tiny. Or maybe they use chop sticks, because they cause less injury.
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teal-fiend · 3 days
preds with high morals, and a stable, normal life, becoming corrupted by their own desire to consume prey.
they end up finding company with people who they used to look down on, who they used to call 'monsters.' but now they're the same
they don't know how much longer they can balance their life with their dark impulses. Their virtuous personality is now a facade, and soon it will break and everyone will see who they really are
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teal-fiend · 3 days
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full, fattening meal
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teal-fiend · 4 days
you know what’s good? when a pred falls asleep after eating someone and the prey fights from the inside, but the pred stays sound asleep, completely ignoring the struggling prey as they leave their powerful stomach to digest them overnight.
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teal-fiend · 4 days
pred who's abt to consume unwilling prey but then they realise they don't have time and have to reschedule
"hey, sorry but I actually have to leave, but I'll eat you tomorrow, ok?"
and the prey is like, no don't do that
but the pred made a promise. it will happen
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teal-fiend · 4 days
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teal-fiend · 4 days
Btw, when I say vore is inherently NSFW, I don’t mean that it is inherently sexual. I mean what NSFW stands for — not safe for work. I think a lot of people have started to conflate “NSFW” with “sexual” when that isn’t the case. There are a lot of things that aren’t sexual that aren’t appropriate for work or school
For example, someone could have a blog about medical stuff because they find that stuff interesting. Sometimes they reblog photos of surgeries. That’s not sexual, but unless you work in a medical field, it wouldn’t be appropriate to be openly looking at graphic images of open heart surgery at work.
For a kink example, BDSM isn’t sexual for some people. But it wouldn’t be appropriate to show photos of your bondage session to your boss.
If vore is not sexual for you and is merely a comfort thing, that’s great! I have zero issue with that. But it’s still not SFW.
Also, to be clear, I do not endorse crossing anyone’s boundaries. If someone doesn’t want sexual interaction with their vore content, that should be respected.
Bu I think it should be understood that kinks aren’t SFW even if they’re not sexual for you
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teal-fiend · 5 days
How do you feel about traveling down a greedy preds throat only to find out they already have another prey in there that hasn’t even begun to digest yet?
Oh god that sounds...so hellish and horrifying...I can hardly imagine how scared and panicked I'd really be...and I love it~ 😳
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teal-fiend · 5 days
pred who's come to someone's house to eat them. But then some food is delivered, and the pred chooses to steal the food and leave.
The prey is annoyed, but at least they didn't get eaten
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teal-fiend · 5 days
observers who talk to the prey, saying things like
"gosh, are you still alive in there?"
"oh you poor thing,"
"you've been gobbled up by this mean old pred"
"it can't be comfortable in there"
"try to stay calm"
"I can't believe they've done this to you"
"Does it hurt? I bet it does"
"It's alright, I'm sure you'll find a way out"
"Someone will get you out of there before it's too late..."
but their sympathy is fake since they have no intention of helping the prey escape.
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teal-fiend · 6 days
Thinking about feeding myself to a werewolf woman.
The way she’d curiously sniff at me, her hot breath hitting my face, washing over me like a warm front of promised pleasures…
How I would hold her head in my arms, her jaws the exact size of me, fit to swallow me in one gulp…
She would lick me with her long tongue, bathing me in her saliva, gently coaxing her maw open, white fangs glistening…
I’d stare into the sparkling, slimy cave, watching the way her throat gently flexed… as she patiently kept her mouth open, waiting expectantly for me to jump right in...
Crawling onto her tongue and feeling her close her jaws around me, tilt her head back... both hearing and feeling the low gulp reverberate in her mouth as she swallowed, and I slid slowly down her powerful, thick throat...
Her stomach would be a cozy sleeping bag for me as I curled up and sighed contently, feeling the arousal and the pressure as she laid down on her gut, paws crossed, beastly appetite sated...
I'd barely make a bump in her belly as I stretched out. Her fur would shift slightly as I made myself comfortable, each movement eliciting a soft, grumbly gurgle from within.
When she'd wake up in the morning as a human, it would be quite the surprise for her. I'm not sure whether I would have been digested or not. If I stayed squirming throughout the night she'd have to deal with a full and heavy gut, but if I wasn't so lucky...
She might just stand up, sloshing what's left of me around in her pudgy tummy. If she doesn't remember the events that transpired, she might never even know what she'd eaten to make her stomach so round and squishy... ❤️
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