tearsforonion · 4 years
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First of all, BITCH WHAT SILENCE?!?!
Second, well that didn't take long did it? I knew he wouldn't be able to keep to himself and stay satisfied being on Onlyfans. It was only a matter of time before he ran back to YouTube to listen to himself talk and go on a narcissistic rant about how right he is
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tearsforonion · 4 years
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“shit” - Speaks June 25, 2020
Video description:
There is a reason I said drama YouTubers were all doing it for the money and didn’t give a shit about right/wrong or what really happened… why didn’t you listen to me? Why do I have to keep saying “I told you so?” — I can’t keep wasting my life on you horrible/dishonest people. You are literally willing to ruin people’s lives when those people did nothing wrong — absolutely insane.
Video summary & screen shots of his written text on screen:
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Says Chris Hansen is no worse than Repzillsa Repzion, Edwin, Blaire because they all monetized bullshit drama.
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He says they all ignored when Sarah said she was raped by a black man. They ignored an actual crime to witch-hunt him, Onision, instead. He says he was extorted by Sarah to have sex with her. He says this was by her admission. He plays a clip where Sarah says James brought up the NDA and she told him she didn’t want to do it. She says he told her they were having everyone sign one. She says made jokes saying she’ll sign if she “gets something out of it.” She says “it was a fucking joke.”
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He plays a clip where other people in the stream with Sarah say she didn’t force herself on him and they don’t think she could.
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James says he committed no crime and you blame Chris Hansen for him (James) not being arested. Says you guys are the worst pieces of shit he ever encountered. He says they problem isn’t just Hansen, it’s Repzion, Repzilla and everyone pimping their merch while pretending to care about victims. They ignore when Sarah said she was raped by a black man when she turned 18.
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Nobody cares about an actual crime. They want to go after someone whose name is searchable on Youtube so they can sell their merch, make a GoFundMe. Sarah had a GoFundMe for 4x the ammount her laptop was that had alledged evidence. Nothing came of it.
He says start talkig about real crimes and stop blowing smoke up eachothers’ asses.
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He tells Repzion, Repzilla, Edwin, Blaire, and Hansen to stop monetizing shitty drama videos. He say they’re all frauds and they’re only here for the money. He says he named this video “shit” so he can’t be like them and monetize bullshit. “Keep canceling people who did nothing wrong except get sexually extorted. MY BAD. Sorry for getting sexually extorted into fucking an adult.”
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tearsforonion · 4 years
Onision keeps replying to very old positive asks. He responded to one of mine from years ago. When I went to the blog of one of the positive asks they had reblogged from someone who said they were excited for Moana to come out.... Another one was full of memes from 2014.
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tearsforonion · 4 years
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the ‘apology’ that greg ‘recieved.’ where’s the date? who’re they from? why crop everything important out? why post as evidence and then delete? gergs got some explaining to do.
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tearsforonion · 4 years
finally did it. i am currently blocked from onion mans tumblr 😂😂
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tearsforonion · 4 years
Even if we were to ignore the years of flirting, exchanging nudes, exposing one's self to a minor, cuddling, phone sex, etc. that Kai did with Sarah--is Greg gonna pretend that he was the one who told Sarah what to do to Kai during their first intimate three way? Just as he did with Billie, HE told Sarah what to do to Kai. And they didn't do this once, but TWICE on two separate occasions. If Kai was regretful or uncomfortable, it was because of GREG.
Yeah the whole “Sarah r*ped us” tale Greg is going with makes no sense when he admits to pressuring them her and kai into it
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tearsforonion · 4 years
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Onisions only fans
The first image is from his main tumblr. He blurred it but I blocked it out to be extra careful. I went a little hard on the censorship because I dont want to break any tumblr rules.
This is pretty much what he wanted Julia’s patreon to be but he was limited with what he could do with a doll. Now he doesn’t need $600 to buy a second model. He could make as many as he wants.
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tearsforonion · 4 years
hey I know this isn’t like part of my blogs theme or whatever but fuck onision
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tearsforonion · 4 years
hate that the onision tag is only full of people praising onion man like he’s god now. and the anti onision tag isn’t updating at all and has only been things from weeks ago. i feel like i’m back in 2014 :/
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tearsforonion · 4 years
im not watching that fucking keemstar interview listening to both of those degenerates voices together at once would probably make me break out into hives
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tearsforonion · 4 years
it’s supposed to come out today so this is a PSA.
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tearsforonion · 4 years
Here's a reupload of Keemstar's video. I'm making no profit off it whatsoever. Feel free to pass around the link of this video. Dont give Keemstar any views.
This is part one of the interview by the way. Keemstar is trying get as much money out of this as possible. I will be uploading the other parts.
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tearsforonion · 4 years
dhshjdjdh onion called his own police department complaining about the officer who went on chris’ show to explain and update on what was happening in the investigation (if you haven’t seen it, he doesn’t give away any evidence or anything going on, he talks about public information (the 19 phone calls and his daughter and the window) and he literally explains the process and that’s it, also there’s literally no rule that says fbi can’t release information about investigations, depending the case, some may chose to not want information out there, but there’s no rule against it) as hArAsSmEnT,,,of course it was dismissed,,,but it’s so fucking funny
shout outs for me knowing this, i actually get a lot of information and just facts in general on the youtube channel Drama and Opinions run by the sweetest girl named Magdarl (so sorry if i butchered the spelling)
she got the phone call onion made from another youtube channel called Good Citizens Records Channel. this account pretty much posts 911 calls from that town, mostly onions. and even this account has the decency to blur the phone number of onion (unlike onion himself)
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tearsforonion · 4 years
Don't stop talking about Onision.
Don't let Onision think people are forgetting what a piece of shit he is.
As soon as he thinks people are letting him off the hook he's going to come back and he's going to victimize another young girl even if Chris Hansen IS looking into him and we all know it.
I don't care if it's been done to death and everyone has said everything there is to say Don't. Stop. Talking. About. Onision.
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tearsforonion · 4 years
Onision being interviewed by Keemstar (2020, colorized)
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tearsforonion · 4 years
I identify as a 9 year old, is that young enough for the all mighty greg? OwO
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Ready when u are bb ;0
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tearsforonion · 4 years
It blows me away that I can leave the Onision drama, return 7 years later, and Youtube STILL hasn’t done a thing about it.
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