temis-de-leon · 18 hours
Children really are the biggest plot twist, because sometimes you hear a bloodcurdling scream and it's just a child that doesn't want to wear, like, a shoe or something.
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temis-de-leon · 2 days
June 15th - exams, i finish at 19:30
June 15th - i cry, 19:31
Sounds good?
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temis-de-leon · 2 days
I wanna write so fuckin bad is insane
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temis-de-leon · 2 days
I was gonna try to post a silly headcanon before going to bed, but I'm so tired i can't even make it coherent.
I'll try again tomorrow, love u
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temis-de-leon · 3 days
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I DO! I DO!!
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temis-de-leon · 3 days
A thing I haven't told you: I'm kicking my roommate out next week and no one knows.
(Well, since my father is the landlord I don't have to do it, but he's being kicked out because I asked, talk about privilege lmao)
It wasn't a healthy friendship and I don't miss him, we haven't properly talked in literal months despite living in the same house. By doing this I'll erradicate every possibility of mending whatever relationship we had and I'll probably lose my other roommate as well, who used to be my best friend before a lot of things happened.
I'm choosing this. I'm doing this for my own comfort and my mental health. I'm not blameless in this situation, but I'm learning.
I have one friend, which feels strange and disheartening to say, but it's the truth. She's a good person, deserves good things, I hope she gets them. I also have my family and their support.
I think I'm fine. Or on my way to be fine. I have time to make things better still.
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temis-de-leon · 4 days
Lucifer's Poll - 500 F.C.
For the 500 followers celebration, the drabbles and the long fics will start being written and posted by June 17th.
Click the previous link to see how you can participate in this event and go check the 500 followers masterlist to know what's already been requested.
See what the prompts are down here!
4. Crush said I miss you + 15. Caught staring at crush + 22. Roommate romance (Human AU)
3. First date + 6. Stuck in close proximity + 24. Requited unrequited love
10. Remembered something said briefly + 14. Realising feelings for crush + 18. Sneaking glances
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temis-de-leon · 4 days
Okay, okay, good choice! This one is a mix of hurt/comfort and fluff!
Next poll is Lucifer's ☺️
Belphegor's Poll - 500 F.C.
As part of my 500 followers celebration, here's the first of the long fics. The drabbles, as well as the long fics, will start being written and posted by June 17th.
Click the previous link to see how you can participate in this event and go check the 500 followers masterlist to know what's already been requested <3
See what the prompts are down here!
3. First date + 10. Remembered something said briefly
15. Caught staring at crush + 17. Still awake talking to crush because of nightmare
8. Accidental confession + 14. Realising feelings for crush
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temis-de-leon · 5 days
Hey!! Good luck with your exams! This week really pushed me even though it wasn’t exams (more like a lot things that are due for the end of semester plus extra stuff that I definitely need to work in the background because IB is fun 🫠) so I hope you’re in a better condition!!! Praying to the anime, furry, and yaoi gods out there 🙏🏼🙏🏼 Other than that, have a lovely day/night!!
Thank you! And good luck with your stuff too, even if they're not exams! June can get really hard 🫠
I think I'm good, honestly? I'm drinking water and I'm not eating junk food, so that's cool, but I know I'm not gonna get out of my room until next week.
I don't know who I should pray to myself, but I am, too, reaching the point of praying.
Plus, even though summer is almost here, it's stormy and it's humid and I hate it. Where's the dry ass heat? 😭 Where are my 35 degrees Celsius?? 😭😭
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temis-de-leon · 5 days
Your the brothers have a nightmare where they fall in love with the reader after rejecting them and they never date idea sounds so good! I can't wait to read this (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) - Romance Anon
Thanks! A little angst and hurt/comfort is always good for the soul from time to time, even when I don't make things super super angsty
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temis-de-leon · 5 days
I forgot to mention but thank you so much for adding the brothers for my prequel requests too! I was excited to see it on your recap list (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) - Romance Anon
Thank you for requesting at all! I like it very much!
Also, I have to edit the recap post because I had an idea right after I uploaded it 😅
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temis-de-leon · 5 days
Please do your best on your exams! I'm sure it's difficult but you can do it 😉 - Romance Anon
Thank you 🥹 It is difficult and the stress is even affecting my period, but at least I understand what I'm reading, I'm good with that 😭
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temis-de-leon · 6 days
Recap for you and for me (I have bad memory):
Confident reader request for anon
Dateables and Brothers x shy gn!reader prequel request for Romance anon
500 followers celebration
Replaced MC AU part 4 and continuations
Not related to Obey Me, but Hogwarts Legacy rewrite (the beef is personal now)
Edit (I had the idea right after posting this): the brothers have a nightmare where they fall in love with the reader after rejecting them and they never date
I'll close requests in general on June 30th, so if you want me to write something from or outside the 500 celebration, this is your chance :)
Dw, I'll still write over the summer.
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temis-de-leon · 6 days
No, you don't understand, I think I actually have a crush on Levi.
Oh my God.
I went from Loki to Levi.
Starts with L and ends with i and they're both losers oh my god
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temis-de-leon · 6 days
You're exactly right (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I definitely want the same part for the brothers too 😁
I'm so glad you find it fun ☺️ Please take your time though! - Romance Anon
I will, don't worry!
I have a request from another anon and yours. Then I'll check the Replaced AU series for some continuations, but that will be during the summer, and I have the 500 celebration 😁
Only a week left until I do my exams and then I'm all yours!
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temis-de-leon · 7 days
How did you read my mind 🤯 I really wanted a prequel (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) but I felt bad for asking more when I already had sequels for dateables and the brothers 😅 Thank you so much for accepting my requests 🥹 - Romance Anon
It's no problem! I'm guessing you'll also ask the same part for the brothers? I have it in mind 😁
I like taking requests, it keeps my mind active and helps me see how other players see the characters. It's fun!
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temis-de-leon · 7 days
Could I request headcanons for Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, and Simeon realising his feelings for gn reader? - Romance Anon
Omg the prequel?? Yes!
I'll move this hcs from one-shots to the multichapter masterlist I think
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