terrorgone · 3 months
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angel trap - saw III
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terrorgone · 4 months
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It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia // S15E08: The Gang Carries a Corpse Up a Mountain 
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terrorgone · 4 months
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Russian Doll (2019 -)
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terrorgone · 4 months
@yamata » stop. contacting. this. number.
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❝ Boo, you whore! ❞ A roll of eyes unseen. ❝ Your ass still chapped about the big TRICELL blowout? ❞ Mia eases off the throttle, gives the good doctor a therapeutic dose of ambient noise while she takes a drag. She's fucking thoughtful like that. ❝ Gionne and her blond petri dish had a dud on their hands, and you knew it. Don't blame me for backing the wrong horse. ❞ She hazards a glance upwards to gaze into the horrible chrome abyss of Chicago's latest eyesore. ❝ You know, back in my day bean meant ecstasy. Damn. Crazy your people paid taxes for this. ❞ Her fingers squash the cherry against the stainless steel sculpture, blackening its reflective finish. The smoldering remains of her cigarette fog the surface like hot breath against a cold window. A primitive current of dopamine flickers through her brain — the petty joy of leaving a mark. Her personal piss-stain on Christine's backyard.
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❝ Listen. I can make this conversation worth your while. Something educational. Call it enrichment, a gift — whatever you want to. But I guarantee it'll pique your interest. ❞
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terrorgone · 9 months
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fav aesthetics – those moldy veiny roots that grow in some abandoned mines and caves
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terrorgone · 9 months
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Mouth by Alin Dobos
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terrorgone · 9 months
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Can o' Love
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terrorgone · 9 months
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America the beautiful
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terrorgone · 9 months
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Venmo does not have a sense of humor
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terrorgone · 9 months
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Papa is here
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terrorgone · 9 months
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Color her intrigued. ❝ Jill Valentine, ❞ Mia tilts that hard plastic chair as far back as gravity will allow. Arms behind her head, a shit-eating grin wider than the one in her mug shot, and boom—the Queen of Gives-No-Fucks Island is back. ❝ I dunno, can we talk? Is that allowed? Redfield sign your permission slip? ❞
She could go for the kill, drag out Wesker's corpse and that blond dye job. Put Valentine on the hook and let her squirm. Tongue and teeth test the toothpick in her mouth, roll it once, twice. Jill's not built like her brick shithouse partner, but that's not why Tricell wanted her. It takes a dynamite kind of motherfucker to survive the Nemesis-T Type. Curiosity slips under Mia's skin, all itching impulse to crack Jill open, see what kind of spark she's got lurking behind those golden brown eyes. ❝ What is this, like, a book-club thing? Are we comparing notes? T-virus versus mold: which is worse? Brass tacks, babe: what are you getting out of this? ❞ She tilts her chin low, looks Jill right in the eyes. ❝ More importantly, what's my generous cooperation worth to you? ❞ The electric chair, probably. But there was no need to get ugly now—not when they were just starting to play civilized.
@terrorgone wants Jill to chat with Mia!
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"Mia Winters - I hear you've experienced quite the ordeal..." She takes a seat across from the other woman, something akin to a pleasant smile on her face. It's a mask, of course - as most things have been for Jill since her death and subsequent 'resurrection' - but it is nonetheless genuine in intent. "I know a thing or two about those... Do you think we could talk?"
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terrorgone · 9 months
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The Company of Wolves (1984) | dir. Neil Jordan
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terrorgone · 9 months
▸   𝙨𝙪𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣  (2018-𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵)  sentence  starters  &  prompts.
         assorted  quotes  &  prompts  from  tv  show  that’s  ruined  my  life.  some  lines  have  been  changed  slightly  to  be  more  applicable.  mature  content  and  language  may  be  used,  feel  free  to  adjust  as  necessary.
❝  do  you  want  to make  a  deal  with  the  devil?  ❞
❝  what  am  i  gonna  do  with  a  soul  anyway?  ❞
❝  souls  are  boring.  boo,  souls!  ❞
❝  if  we  get  through  this,  is  there  a  thing  where  we,  like,  talk  to  each  other about  stuff…  normally?  ❞
❝  you  mean  you  wanna  talk  about  the  big  shit?  ❞
❝  we  don’t  have  any  feelings,  what  are  you  talking  about?❞
❝  you  sound  deranged.  ❞
❝  i  was  wondering,  do  you  think  it’s  possible  to  sue  a  person  -  a  grandparent,  for  example  -  in  an  affectionate  way?  ❞
❝  i  love  you,  i’m  glad  you’re  part  of  my  life,  but  i’m  taking  legal  action  against  you.  ❞
❝  the  fucking  belligerent  zucchini  here  is  set  to  close  negotiations  for  good.  ❞
❝  you’re  going  to  sue  greenpeace?  i  like  your  style.  who  do  you  think  you’re  going  to  go  after  next,  save  the  children?  ❞
❝  can  he  do  a  speech?  the  demented  fucking piss-mad  king  of  england?  ❞
❝  the  only  way  they’ll  respect  you  is  if  you  try  to  destroy  them.   ❞
❝  you’re  not  a  killer.  you  have  to  be  a  killer.  ❞
❝  family  therapy,  family  therapy,  family  therapy!  ❞
❝  i  have,  like,  twenty  bucks  left.  the  world  is  so  fucked  up.  ❞
❝  your  principles?  don’t  be  an  asshole,  you  don’t  have  principles.  ❞
❝  this  is  not  fucking  charles  dickens  world,  okay?  ❞
❝  i  just  wonder  if  the  sad  i’d  be  without  you  is  less  than  the  sad  i  get  from  being  with  you.  ❞
❝  are  we  talking  to  each  other  on  the  deck  of  a  majestic  schooner?  is  the  salty  brine  stinging  my  weather-beaten  face?  no?  then  why  the  fuck  are  you  wearing  a  pair  of  deck  shoes?  ❞
❝  you  don’t  hear  much  about  syphilis  these  days,  very  much  the  myspace  of  STDS.   ❞
❝  what  i  think  they  meant  to  say  was  that  they  wished  your  mom  gave  birth  to  a  can  opener,  because  then  at  least  it  would  be  useful.  ❞
❝  when  you  laugh,  please  do  it  at  the  same  volume  as  everyone  else.  we  didn’t  get  you  from  a  hyena  farm.  ❞
❝  they  did  once  call  me  the  cunt  of  monte  cristo.    ❞
❝  you  little  slime  puppy.  ❞
❝  don’t  threaten  me,  i  don’t  have  time  to  jerk  off.  ❞
❝  who  said  i  never  killed  anyone?  ❞
❝  i  don’t  mean  to  be  insulting,  but  having  been  around  a  bit,  my  hunch  is  that  you’re  going  to  get  fucked  because  i’ve  seen  you  get  fucked  a  lot.  and  i’ve  never  seen  [name]  get  fucked  once.  ❞
❝  i’d  castrate  you  and  marry  you  in  a  heartbeat.  ❞
❝  i  just  feel  because  of  my  physical  length,  i  could  be  a  target  for  all  kinds  of  misadventures.  ❞
❝  oh  here  they  come,  the  attention  whore.  ❞
❝  do  you  have  a  fetish  for  nearly  killing  our  dad?  like,  just  the  tip,  but  for  nearly  killing  our  dad?  ❞
❝  the  gang’s  all  here,  it’s  like  the  fucking  sgt.  pepper  for  broken  corporate  america.  ❞
❝  you  aren’t  judas-ing,  are  you?  ❞
❝  sometimes  i  think,  should  i  maybe  listen  to  the  things  you  say  directly  in  my  face  when  we’re  at  our  most  intimate?  ❞
❝  are  they  playing  from  the  approved  playlist?  because  my  thing  was  all  bangers,  all  the  time.  ❞
❝  oh  really?  it’s  not  cool  to  tell  the  president  to  blow  me?  ❞
❝  some  guy  with  an  undercut  just  called  me  soy  boy.  ❞
❝  he  never  saw  anything  he  loved  that  he  didn’t  want  to  kick  just  to  see  if  it  still  came  back.  ❞
❝  right  now,  i’m  the  real  you.  ❞
❝  we  should  be  good  people.  wouldn’t  it  be  nice  to  wake  up  in  the morning  and  not  feel  like  a  fucking  piece  of  shit?  ❞
❝  i  think  you’re  a  super  talented  superstar,  and  i  love  you.  ❞
❝  oh,  you’re  such  a  fucking  bitch.  ❞
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terrorgone · 1 year
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Creep [2014]
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terrorgone · 1 year
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the medium, dir. Banjong Pisanthanakun, 2021
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terrorgone · 1 year
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Sleep Paralysis by Nikita Kubantsev
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terrorgone · 1 year
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The Wilds (2020– )  
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