that-foul-legacy-lover · 2 minutes
hear me out. high ranking fatui harbinger reader who's known for being cold and closed off that absolutely hates childe, who finds him annoying and thinks he's bad at his job. then one day reader just happens upon foul legacy in a secluded area and immediately adores the abyssal moth, completely unaware that it literally shares a body with childe. sorry if i worded this weirdly😅
OH YESSSSS, Harbinger reader is ALWAYS a plus!!!!
before you met Tartaglia, or Childe, as his codename was, you could safely say that you never HATED any of your coworkers. bored and often irritated by, yes, especially by those like Dottore or Pantalone, but never hatred... before you met Tartaglia. BEFORE. now your streak was unfortunately broken, every encounter with the Eleventh Harbinger filled with bickering and sarcastic comments from both you and him- you swear the other Harbingers are placing bets on who breaks first, but you can't help it! he's just so annoying, always caring more about getting into fights than actually doing his diplomatic work. the only bright side is that he often gets injured and has to stay in the medical wing, giving you a few blissfully quiet, free days before returning to pester you more, much to your dismay
thank the Archons that something else comes along to brighten your already-tedious days a little, an odd creature lurking in the rooms of the Headquarters. no one else seemed alarm by it- either that, or they didn't know- and when you had first come across the towering Abyssal monster it had tilted its head with a soft chirp, tentatively creeping closer before bumping against your outstretched hands. with none of your coworkers nearby, you had smiled as bright as the stars, giving the peculiar beast headpats and scritches behind the twin horns on its head as it purrs and nuzzles happily into your touch, eventually flopping over and snuggling its head into your lap. you return the next evening, and the next, and the next, and the monster is always there, waiting just for you
Foul Legacy has to prevent himself from chittering with delight when he hears your laugh for the first time, sees the smile of the person he and Childe have been pining for, in love with your quick wit and skill on the battlefield. Childe, on the other hand, is muttering curse words in the back of his head- HE wants your pats and smiles as well!!
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Extended Parting
Synopsis: After being separated from you for so long, Childe finally finds you again.
Foul Legacy x Reader Pronouns: Gender Neutral (no pronouns mentioned) Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Comfort Warnings: Mentions of blood, physical injuries, fear, pain, crying, allusions to being attacked
Original Request by Anon: requesting requesting! beep bop beep bop ! more foul legacy × reader hurt/comfort, perhaps? :3
hear me out- in the format of a scenario; just pure comfort, reader is perhaps sent of to a dangerous mission/commission while childe is away doing his own thing. when he is going back home however, he stumbles across a group of fatui, taking the reader hostage & hurting them. foul legacy's reaction to his "allies" hurting the love of his life? and how he would take care of the reader after, assuming the reader got pretty severe injuries (even though they're not fetal).
Im a big sucker for this big boi getting all soft when the reader is hurt, and i wanna see more of him just holding the bleeding reader in his arms while trying to comfort them
~ * ~
Two weeks, three days, seven hours, and eight minutes. That’s how long you’ve been apart, how long Childe has gone without being in your presence, and he’s hated every second of it. Important commission, hah! No commission could be so important that it took you away from him for this long- almost half a month! All of your other missions took you a week, tops, and even then he could barely handle it, missing you more and more as each day passed without a single word or letter. Of course, he admits, it’s not like Childe didn’t also have his own duties to attend to during this time, this extended parting. As usual, he was forced to store Ajax and Childe away, slipping on the mask of Tartaglia, the Eleventh Harbinger, and taking delight in violent diplomacy. But even fighting and bloodshed did little to satiate his longing for you; how much he wished to see your wonderful smile and that keen twinkle in your eyes, hear your lovely voice, cradle you in his arms and kiss your cheeks- Childe groans, burying his face in his hands. It makes him irritable, constantly yearning for you, and Foul Legacy is even worse. His Abyssal half is constantly clawing at the back of his mind, worrying his talons and whining as he asks why they haven’t seen you yet? Where are you? When will you be back? He wants cuddles something fierce, desperately seeking out the attention and affection you always give him only to find that you’re nowhere near. They’re both so lonely without you, only each other for company, and Childe has to physically bite his hand to prevent Legacy from simply snatching control of their body away and flying off to find you. With a sigh, the Harbinger wipes the blood from his blades, then his hands, and finally his face, ginger hair all wild and unruly. At the very least, today was when he would finally return home to Liyue. He never thought somewhere other than Morepesok could be considered home, but it turns out that “home” is wherever his heart is, and he gave it to you long ago to keep safe from everything that hurts.
Home… Childe’s mind drifts back to the house you both share, a small smile instinctively tugging at his lips. With a quiet snap of his fingers and a salute, his underlings are dismissed- they’ll be going back to the Fatui Headquarters in Snezhnaya. Childe, however, packs his supplies near the road back to the harbor city, waving the agents away, and the moment they’re out of sight his smile widens into a full-on grin, a delighted gleam in his azure eyes. 
Even just thinking about you seems to bring out the best in him, Foul Legacy chirping happily in the back of his head when Childe reassures him that yes, they’ll be seeing you again soon. If you’re done with that horribly long commission of yours, that is, which he’s sure that you are- even the most arduous never take up to three weeks. Despite being exhausted, he finds a spring in his step, dust swirling as his boots land against the dirt path. You, you, you- he’s going to see you again, his beloved and most treasured. Childe almost glows with energetic joy as he jogs, as if he never fell into the Abyss at all. His hand twitches, Foul Legacy begging and pleading to be let out after spending so long locked away, but Childe hushes him gently. You’ve said that you like it when he’s kind to Legacy and Legacy is kind to him- they are part of each other, after all, and you love both of them- so he tries to treat the monster as a friend rather than a weapon, and with a huff Legacy settles back down. Something faint and distant as the moon pierces the night, and Childe pauses, ears pricking. He tilts his head to listen, and for a moment he hears nothing but silence. Until- there, there! A scream! It’s far off, over the next hill, but unmistakably there. Even from a distance Childe can hear the desperation, the terror burning into his bones like a raging fire with a familiarity that makes him stop in his tracks.
No… no, it couldn’t be. It can’t be- Please, please let him be wrong- Childe’s feet carry him towards the sound, dread spiraling and twisting in his gut as another awful shriek rings out and he looks up, eyes widening. He was right. Oh, he was right, and he wishes he wasn’t, because it’s you. It’s you, gripping your weapon like a vice and covered in blood, expression filled with panic and fear and pain. It’s you, still in your adventurer’s gear, bag packed with whatever stupid, insignificant item the commission wanted. It’s you, surrounded by Fatui agents- not his, thank the Archons- the rest of them laughing and sneering. It’s you, hurt and scared and looking as if you’re about to collapse onto the ground and never rise. It’s you, and Childe’s veins freeze over with cold, splintering ice. You’re pressed against a ruined wall, swiping the blade in your hands at the soldiers, who merely snicker at your weakened attempts. The leader- one of those Electro vanguards with a giant hammer- smacks the weapon aside and seizes your arm, and you let out an involuntary yelp of pain as tears prick in your eyes. The yelp is all the motivation he needs, and Childe barely feels his restraint shatter like glass. They never even saw it coming, Foul Legacy throwing his spear and ripping the agents apart as fast as lightning, vibrant purple sparks searing the grass as he roars, driven only by wrath and fury. The vanguard who grabbed you so violently shouts in surprise and horror- then everything goes silent, apart from Legacy’s heavy breathing, claws dripping with blood. He exhales, curling his talons into fist with a tight crackling noise, letting out a low, guttural growl of rage. You bite down fiercely on your tongue, trying to stay quiet, but you can’t help but gasp in pain as the slashes in your body flare, and Foul Legacy’s anger burns away as quickly as a dying candle. He turns and rushes to you, chittering frantically, only to freeze when he sees you stiffen, petrified with fright. His chirps and trills lower to soft croons, gentle and sweet and familiar, crouching slowly to your height and holding out a hand. He tentatively inches forward, hand extended and palm up, claws curling delicately around your wrist when you desperately reach for him. “A-Ajax…?” Legacy’s Abyssal heart cracks, and he swiftly gathers you in his arms, whimpering and nudging his forehead against your cheeks as you cling to him and let out anguished, hitching cries. You suck in a breath when his talons ghost over a wound, and Legacy almost sobs with despair. Some part of him- the rational, trained soldier that is Childe- tells him to get you home, heal you, make sure that you’re well- he carefully gets to his feet, holding you close to his armored chest and adjusting your head so it’s pillowed by his lavender fluff. You shudder with pain again, and Legacy gently licks his tongue over the shallow scrapes on your face, cooing softly; with a flutter of his glimmering wings he takes to the sky, his arms cradling you like you’re made of crystal and gold.
He lands near your shared home not ten minutes later, hastily unlocking the door with the key he always sees Childe using. The house is quiet and a little dusty from being empty for so long, but your bed is as soft as ever as Legacy delicately lowers you down onto the mattress. Childe is the one who tells him what to do, again, guiding his claws to gently wrap your wounds with snow white gauze. None of them are fatal, and Legacy thanks his constellation with a grumbling sigh of relief. A quiet croon slips out when he sees you fading in and out of consciousness, sweetly cupping your cheek with a clawed hand- he’s shaking. Why is he shaking? He’s not the one who nearly died- but your hand comes up to weakly grasp his, and Legacy’s heart melts and breaks and patches itself up all over again.
Your lips twitch into a shaky smile, exhausted, your fingers resting on Legacy’s and soothing the minute trembles running through his body. The Abyssal creature- your wonderful, sweet Abyssal creature- blinks slowly at you, crystalline eye filled with tears that drip down his crimson face and pool in the divots of his mask as he fights to contain the sobs that threaten to break out, and when you reach up your other hand, covered in bandages, to caress his cheek, his breath hitches and he collapses into your arms, burying his head against your neck and weeping. In a whispered voice you coo and murmur and hum to him, repeated words of “it’s okay, I’m here, I’m okay”, and he tries so, so hard to do it back to you, his own sounds cracked and stuttering, something along the lines of “don’t leave, I miss you, I’m sorry”, or as close as he can say with a mouth made for biting and gnashing. Your hands lightly tug him closer- or rather, your hands tiredly loosen and he moves to follow them- until he’s close enough for you to press a soft kiss to his forehead. Legacy immediately purrs, tearful and whimpering, and your silent offer of lifting up the blanket is met with an instance moth monster at your side, curling around your body and holding you close. He’s careful not to squeeze you, trying to get as close as possible and mold his form around yours as you rake your hands through his fluffy coppery hair, drawing more deep, comforting rumbles from within his chest, the type he makes when you’re dreadfully ill.
Cats’ purrs are healing, so you’ve heard. Perhaps Abyssal beasts’ purrs are much the same. Slowly, your eyes begin to droop, and you yawn, exhausted and worn. Foul Legacy quietly nudges you, a croon of reassurance falling from his fanged maw, claws dancing over the wraps on your skin now stained brilliant red. It hurts, it hurts like fire- but you’re safe. Safe in your bed, and in Legacy’s arms, and the tension leeches from you and dissipates into nothing. You vaguely hear a soft melody, low and rumbling and familiar from when you’ve sung Foul Legacy to sleep, and the arms around you tighten ever so slightly as the sun finally dips beneath the horizon into the locked box of night. Two weeks, three days, eight hours, and thirty minutes. That’s how long Foul Legacy refused to let you out of his sight, even after your injuries had closed and healed.
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Extended Parting
Synopsis: After being separated from you for so long, Childe finally finds you again.
Foul Legacy x Reader Pronouns: Gender Neutral (no pronouns mentioned) Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Comfort Warnings: Mentions of blood, physical injuries, fear, pain, crying, allusions to being attacked
Original Request by Anon: requesting requesting! beep bop beep bop ! more foul legacy × reader hurt/comfort, perhaps? :3
hear me out- in the format of a scenario; just pure comfort, reader is perhaps sent of to a dangerous mission/commission while childe is away doing his own thing. when he is going back home however, he stumbles across a group of fatui, taking the reader hostage & hurting them. foul legacy's reaction to his "allies" hurting the love of his life? and how he would take care of the reader after, assuming the reader got pretty severe injuries (even though they're not fetal).
Im a big sucker for this big boi getting all soft when the reader is hurt, and i wanna see more of him just holding the bleeding reader in his arms while trying to comfort them
~ * ~
Two weeks, three days, seven hours, and eight minutes. That’s how long you’ve been apart, how long Childe has gone without being in your presence, and he’s hated every second of it. Important commission, hah! No commission could be so important that it took you away from him for this long- almost half a month! All of your other missions took you a week, tops, and even then he could barely handle it, missing you more and more as each day passed without a single word or letter. Of course, he admits, it’s not like Childe didn’t also have his own duties to attend to during this time, this extended parting. As usual, he was forced to store Ajax and Childe away, slipping on the mask of Tartaglia, the Eleventh Harbinger, and taking delight in violent diplomacy. But even fighting and bloodshed did little to satiate his longing for you; how much he wished to see your wonderful smile and that keen twinkle in your eyes, hear your lovely voice, cradle you in his arms and kiss your cheeks- Childe groans, burying his face in his hands. It makes him irritable, constantly yearning for you, and Foul Legacy is even worse. His Abyssal half is constantly clawing at the back of his mind, worrying his talons and whining as he asks why they haven’t seen you yet? Where are you? When will you be back? He wants cuddles something fierce, desperately seeking out the attention and affection you always give him only to find that you’re nowhere near. They’re both so lonely without you, only each other for company, and Childe has to physically bite his hand to prevent Legacy from simply snatching control of their body away and flying off to find you. With a sigh, the Harbinger wipes the blood from his blades, then his hands, and finally his face, ginger hair all wild and unruly. At the very least, today was when he would finally return home to Liyue. He never thought somewhere other than Morepesok could be considered home, but it turns out that “home” is wherever his heart is, and he gave it to you long ago to keep safe from everything that hurts.
Home… Childe’s mind drifts back to the house you both share, a small smile instinctively tugging at his lips. With a quiet snap of his fingers and a salute, his underlings are dismissed- they’ll be going back to the Fatui Headquarters in Snezhnaya. Childe, however, packs his supplies near the road back to the harbor city, waving the agents away, and the moment they’re out of sight his smile widens into a full-on grin, a delighted gleam in his azure eyes. 
Even just thinking about you seems to bring out the best in him, Foul Legacy chirping happily in the back of his head when Childe reassures him that yes, they’ll be seeing you again soon. If you’re done with that horribly long commission of yours, that is, which he’s sure that you are- even the most arduous never take up to three weeks. Despite being exhausted, he finds a spring in his step, dust swirling as his boots land against the dirt path. You, you, you- he’s going to see you again, his beloved and most treasured. Childe almost glows with energetic joy as he jogs, as if he never fell into the Abyss at all. His hand twitches, Foul Legacy begging and pleading to be let out after spending so long locked away, but Childe hushes him gently. You’ve said that you like it when he’s kind to Legacy and Legacy is kind to him- they are part of each other, after all, and you love both of them- so he tries to treat the monster as a friend rather than a weapon, and with a huff Legacy settles back down. Something faint and distant as the moon pierces the night, and Childe pauses, ears pricking. He tilts his head to listen, and for a moment he hears nothing but silence. Until- there, there! A scream! It’s far off, over the next hill, but unmistakably there. Even from a distance Childe can hear the desperation, the terror burning into his bones like a raging fire with a familiarity that makes him stop in his tracks.
No… no, it couldn’t be. It can’t be- Please, please let him be wrong- Childe’s feet carry him towards the sound, dread spiraling and twisting in his gut as another awful shriek rings out and he looks up, eyes widening. He was right. Oh, he was right, and he wishes he wasn’t, because it’s you. It’s you, gripping your weapon like a vice and covered in blood, expression filled with panic and fear and pain. It’s you, still in your adventurer’s gear, bag packed with whatever stupid, insignificant item the commission wanted. It’s you, surrounded by Fatui agents- not his, thank the Archons- the rest of them laughing and sneering. It’s you, hurt and scared and looking as if you’re about to collapse onto the ground and never rise. It’s you, and Childe’s veins freeze over with cold, splintering ice. You’re pressed against a ruined wall, swiping the blade in your hands at the soldiers, who merely snicker at your weakened attempts. The leader- one of those Electro vanguards with a giant hammer- smacks the weapon aside and seizes your arm, and you let out an involuntary yelp of pain as tears prick in your eyes. The yelp is all the motivation he needs, and Childe barely feels his restraint shatter like glass. They never even saw it coming, Foul Legacy throwing his spear and ripping the agents apart as fast as lightning, vibrant purple sparks searing the grass as he roars, driven only by wrath and fury. The vanguard who grabbed you so violently shouts in surprise and horror- then everything goes silent, apart from Legacy’s heavy breathing, claws dripping with blood. He exhales, curling his talons into fist with a tight crackling noise, letting out a low, guttural growl of rage. You bite down fiercely on your tongue, trying to stay quiet, but you can’t help but gasp in pain as the slashes in your body flare, and Foul Legacy’s anger burns away as quickly as a dying candle. He turns and rushes to you, chittering frantically, only to freeze when he sees you stiffen, petrified with fright. His chirps and trills lower to soft croons, gentle and sweet and familiar, crouching slowly to your height and holding out a hand. He tentatively inches forward, hand extended and palm up, claws curling delicately around your wrist when you desperately reach for him. “A-Ajax…?” Legacy’s Abyssal heart cracks, and he swiftly gathers you in his arms, whimpering and nudging his forehead against your cheeks as you cling to him and let out anguished, hitching cries. You suck in a breath when his talons ghost over a wound, and Legacy almost sobs with despair. Some part of him- the rational, trained soldier that is Childe- tells him to get you home, heal you, make sure that you’re well- he carefully gets to his feet, holding you close to his armored chest and adjusting your head so it’s pillowed by his lavender fluff. You shudder with pain again, and Legacy gently licks his tongue over the shallow scrapes on your face, cooing softly; with a flutter of his glimmering wings he takes to the sky, his arms cradling you like you’re made of crystal and gold.
He lands near your shared home not ten minutes later, hastily unlocking the door with the key he always sees Childe using. The house is quiet and a little dusty from being empty for so long, but your bed is as soft as ever as Legacy delicately lowers you down onto the mattress. Childe is the one who tells him what to do, again, guiding his claws to gently wrap your wounds with snow white gauze. None of them are fatal, and Legacy thanks his constellation with a grumbling sigh of relief. A quiet croon slips out when he sees you fading in and out of consciousness, sweetly cupping your cheek with a clawed hand- he’s shaking. Why is he shaking? He’s not the one who nearly died- but your hand comes up to weakly grasp his, and Legacy’s heart melts and breaks and patches itself up all over again.
Your lips twitch into a shaky smile, exhausted, your fingers resting on Legacy’s and soothing the minute trembles running through his body. The Abyssal creature- your wonderful, sweet Abyssal creature- blinks slowly at you, crystalline eye filled with tears that drip down his crimson face and pool in the divots of his mask as he fights to contain the sobs that threaten to break out, and when you reach up your other hand, covered in bandages, to caress his cheek, his breath hitches and he collapses into your arms, burying his head against your neck and weeping. In a whispered voice you coo and murmur and hum to him, repeated words of “it’s okay, I’m here, I’m okay”, and he tries so, so hard to do it back to you, his own sounds cracked and stuttering, something along the lines of “don’t leave, I miss you, I’m sorry”, or as close as he can say with a mouth made for biting and gnashing. Your hands lightly tug him closer- or rather, your hands tiredly loosen and he moves to follow them- until he’s close enough for you to press a soft kiss to his forehead. Legacy immediately purrs, tearful and whimpering, and your silent offer of lifting up the blanket is met with an instance moth monster at your side, curling around your body and holding you close. He’s careful not to squeeze you, trying to get as close as possible and mold his form around yours as you rake your hands through his fluffy coppery hair, drawing more deep, comforting rumbles from within his chest, the type he makes when you’re dreadfully ill.
Cats’ purrs are healing, so you’ve heard. Perhaps Abyssal beasts’ purrs are much the same. Slowly, your eyes begin to droop, and you yawn, exhausted and worn. Foul Legacy quietly nudges you, a croon of reassurance falling from his fanged maw, claws dancing over the wraps on your skin now stained brilliant red. It hurts, it hurts like fire- but you’re safe. Safe in your bed, and in Legacy’s arms, and the tension leeches from you and dissipates into nothing. You vaguely hear a soft melody, low and rumbling and familiar from when you’ve sung Foul Legacy to sleep, and the arms around you tighten ever so slightly as the sun finally dips beneath the horizon into the locked box of night. Two weeks, three days, eight hours, and thirty minutes. That’s how long Foul Legacy refused to let you out of his sight, even after your injuries had closed and healed.
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you've heard of cat behaviours legacy now get ready for lizard behaviours legacy!! my boy deserves a heat lamp to sleep under
big lizard behavior Abyssal moth monster.... yeah :)
it gets quite cold and cloudy in Liyue during the winter, the sky taken up by either rain or occasionally sleet, which means hazardous conditions as you walk to work but more importantly, NO SUNLIGHT. no sunlight means there are no warm sunrays coming through your windows, which means that Foul Legacy cannot take any sunbathing naps!! it's very distressing, Legacy adores the sun almost as much as he loves you, and every day of winter is spent hidden under blankets or snuggled up against you for extra warmth and comfort, burying his face against the crook of your neck with a despairing whine. neither of you are Pyro wielders either, so you're limited to just holding your Abyssal beast tightly as his soft fur fluffs up to its limit
that is, until a friend (Zhongli) suggests that you make Legacy a heated light source! you suspect it's partially because he wanted to not have to deal with Hu Tao for a day, but it ends up going surprisingly well, minus a poor house plant that accidentally caught fire. Legacy is over the moon, trilling and chittering in delight as he immediately flops over, chilled blood slowly warming under the light- Hu Tao even gets to pet him a couple of times, he's so relaxed! and after she leaves he wastes no time, tugging you down and pulling you tight against his chest, rolling onto his back so he can stare up at you, blissfully drowsy and warm. you scritch behind his horns, and his only response is a deep, content purr as he bathes under the light of embers and flickering flames
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What do we think about reader with cuteness aggression?? Like, before meeting FL they'd bite and squeeze basically anywhere they could reach on Ajax daily if not multiple times a day. After meeting FL the urge is strong, but I'm pretty sure human teeth should just hurt if reader were to bite at FL's armor. So they just... simulate biting affectionately at him.
i've said this before and i'll say it again- biting and chomping and gnawing is a love language
i like to think that Ajax also has a form of cuteness aggression that manifests mostly in very tight, firm hugs. he quite literally squeezes the life out of you and lifts you off the ground, burying his face into your neck- if he wasn't already standing he would've kicked his feet with glee. Ajax grins widely when you wrap your arms around his waist in response, biting down on his cheek just hard enough to leave faint marks. before you know it he flops over onto the couch, tugging you close and giving you another squeeze, your spine popping from the sheer force as you suddenly remember why he's the Eleventh Harbinger, except here his strength is being used to hold you tight rather than maim and kill. all you do is return the favor with delight, gnawing on his arm as Ajax lets out a loud, rambunctious laugh
Foul Legacy is different than Ajax but the same as you, often giving you loving nips and idly nibbling on your fingers- but you can't bite him back!! his armor is too tough, hurting your teeth when you attempt to chomp on it, and Legacy whines when you pout in dismay. you settle for lightly clacking your teeth against his hand, not hard enough to hurt but enough to satisfy your need to affectionately gnaw on him. Legacy chitters and lightly bites your cheek like he's seen you do to Ajax so many times, earning bright, bubbling laughter from you as you give him a tight squeeze- or, as tight as you can hug an Abyssal monster. he doesn't really feel it that much, being very solid and large, but he can feel your warmth and presence, his wings practically vibrating his content happiness
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So we all agree that FL would be an orange cat, right? But is he a big and friendly cat with short hair or long and fluffy hair? Would he lick clean the place where you gave him pets and scratches or would he attempt to bath you with his raspy tongue instead?
I love how fl cat always comes back in your blog 💕
Foul Legacy cat is eternal >:D
he'd be a huge fluffy orange Maine Coon, with big paws and tufts on his ears!! and he's an absolute sweetheart, the type of cat to follow you around and meow until you give him attention or hop onto your lap the moment you sit down. Legacy cat wants to be as close to you as possible, clambering onto your shoulders and pawing at your hands until you give him pets, and even when you're not scritching behind his ears he loves giving you little kisses, tongue like sandpaper over your skin. never does he scratch you and any bites he gives are either playful or affectionate, always rolling over on the floor so you can pet his extremely soft tummy- you can also use him as a pillow if he's sound asleep, which is very common if there's a bit of sunlight coming in through the windows
also, for how big of a cat he is, Foul Legacy cat is surprisingly good at hiding. his long fur means that he can get into places that are seemingly too small for him, since the fluff just squishes and lets him wedge himself wherever he so pleases, including your WORK BAG. not only is it just the right size to curl up in, it also smells like you (and papers and wood shavings and pencils)- once he fell asleep inside and you accidentally brought him to work. Legacy was confused but very curious, and you had to sheepishly explain to your coworkers why there was a giant orange cat happily purring on top of your legs. needless to say you check your bag in the morning now, often scooping Legacy up and setting him on a pillow instead, and he just rolls over and goes right back to sleep with a content rumble
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If fl was a cat he would be one of those cat with the really crunchy meows
you are extremely right, anon. Foul Legacy cat would have a very raspy, crackly meow that shows the tips of his teeth, squinting his eyes until you sit down so he can settle in your lap
other cat-like behaviors of Legacy include, but are not limited to:
purring nonstop when he's around you or knows you're nearby
sprawling in the sunlight that comes through your windows for a nap
sleeping under blankets and quilts
attempting to curl himself into a tight ball of armor
doing his best to snuggle against your lap, which is usually just his head on your legs
kneading his claws against you, being careful not to scratch you
chasing after dots and speckles of light
batting at any beads or dangling chimes that you hang up
bumping his head against you when he's feeling affectionate (always)
occasionally nipping playfully at your fingers
tilting his head when you scritch him so you can get all the right spots, like under his chin or behind his horns
getting SUPER energetic at odd times and running around the house
growling and hissing at things he dislikes
his hair and fluff poof up when he's frightened or startled
flopping over in the middle of the room when he's sleepy
slow blinking to show that he loves you
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I’m sending myself into a spiral because I’m probably overthinking this but while reading your rules I missed the part about you being on the fence about parent headcanons stuff and now im worried that I crossed a line when I sent in a request and bothered you and I don’t wanna bother you because you’re one of my favorite writers pls don’t be mad Im really sorry!😭
hey, it's okay, no harm done! just remember to read the rules next time and feel free to send in other asks that follow them!! don't worry about it, i'm not super angry about it :)
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reminder from your friendly neighborhood Foul Legacy lover to please please read the rules of my blog before you send anything in!!
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*puts down some SAGAU fluff* come here i have a tasty meal for you :)
Childe often goes to the city to pick up supplies, as you can't wander into a crowd without getting accused of impersonation- he's seen the scars etched over your skin, the lines of starry blood from blades and burns. so even with the cloth mask you always wear, he doesn't push you to venture into any big cities or villages. you are the Creator, after all, and Childe- Ajax- wants you to be as happy as possible. besides, it's always the perfect opportunity to catch wind of any news floating around, both from his subordinates and chatter on the street. the Eleventh Harbinger is oddly quiet nowadays, completing his work in silence and deep thought, yet the agents of the Fatui swear they can see a faint sparkle in his deep blue eyes.
it's during one of his outings that Ajax notices that he has a shadow- a small, fuzzy shadow, a kitten trotting after him as he goes around doing his weekly errands. the tiny thing is determined keep following him, even though one of his steps is practically an entire journey to it, and after the kitten trails after him to every shop he visits, Ajax simply scoops it up in one hand and carries it with him. it clambers onto his shoulder and makes itself comfortable, periodically mewing and nudging his cheek. Foul Legacy is going mad trying to stay silent in the back of Ajax's head, trilling and chirping in delight at the new adorable friend.
you're equally as delighted when Ajax brings the kitten home, gasping and reaching out as he gently sets it in your hands- and just in time, as Foul Legacy takes over their shared body, nuzzling up to you and chittering very quietly so he doesn't scare the cat. he watches your every move and reaction, the warm smile on your face after all that you've suffered making his heart melt. your newfound friend meows, high pitched and squeaky, kneading biscuits against your scarred palms as Legacy gently pulls you into his lap and purrs deeply along with the tiny kitten's buzzing.
the Creator, an Abyssal monster, and their fluffy companion- now all you need to do is think of a name.
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*puts down some SAGAU fluff* come here i have a tasty meal for you :)
Childe often goes to the city to pick up supplies, as you can't wander into a crowd without getting accused of impersonation- he's seen the scars etched over your skin, the lines of starry blood from blades and burns. so even with the cloth mask you always wear, he doesn't push you to venture into any big cities or villages. you are the Creator, after all, and Childe- Ajax- wants you to be as happy as possible. besides, it's always the perfect opportunity to catch wind of any news floating around, both from his subordinates and chatter on the street. the Eleventh Harbinger is oddly quiet nowadays, completing his work in silence and deep thought, yet the agents of the Fatui swear they can see a faint sparkle in his deep blue eyes.
it's during one of his outings that Ajax notices that he has a shadow- a small, fuzzy shadow, a kitten trotting after him as he goes around doing his weekly errands. the tiny thing is determined keep following him, even though one of his steps is practically an entire journey to it, and after the kitten trails after him to every shop he visits, Ajax simply scoops it up in one hand and carries it with him. it clambers onto his shoulder and makes itself comfortable, periodically mewing and nudging his cheek. Foul Legacy is going mad trying to stay silent in the back of Ajax's head, trilling and chirping in delight at the new adorable friend.
you're equally as delighted when Ajax brings the kitten home, gasping and reaching out as he gently sets it in your hands- and just in time, as Foul Legacy takes over their shared body, nuzzling up to you and chittering very quietly so he doesn't scare the cat. he watches your every move and reaction, the warm smile on your face after all that you've suffered making his heart melt. your newfound friend meows, high pitched and squeaky, kneading biscuits against your scarred palms as Legacy gently pulls you into his lap and purrs deeply along with the tiny kitten's buzzing.
the Creator, an Abyssal monster, and their fluffy companion- now all you need to do is think of a name.
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okay so, very tired today since several things are happening this week (all pre-planned don't worry), will be back tomorrow once i have finished my weekly dose of exploding into tiny little bits, have a good evening everyone!!!
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its my birthday🤭 as the birthday girl/boy/creature can i please get some ajax and legacy working together to make a big at home celebration for readers birthday?? maybe with a little bit of ajax getting his body hijacked by an excited moth halfway through the celebration amen🙏
number one rule of any celebration: Ajax cooks. at least, he cooks when it's between him and Foul Legacy, he's had several years of experience cooking for himself and his siblings. Legacy's more likely to light something on fire by accident- unless it's a recipe you taught him! he listens VERY closely when you teach him how to cook! but still, he prefers to focus on decorating instead, his height allowing him to hang pretty lights and dangling stars wherever he wants until the whole room is sparkling, and Legacy chitters and chirps to his heart's content. since they can't separate, Ajax is the one to greet you when you return home, sweeping you into his arms and spinning you around with a boisterous laugh
"Happy birthday!" he sings, and it's one of the best phrases you've ever heard
all three of you treasure time together when it's just the three of you, so for this evening, you don't invite anyone else over. you and Ajax dance around the room after dinner- all of your favorites, of course- and with an adoring grin he leans in and presses a tender kiss to your cheek. there's a sudden spark of violet lightning, your hair standing on end as Legacy promptly pulls control of their shared body from Ajax's hands, rumbling happily and squeezing you tight. his wings flutter and flit rapidly from his excitement, head bumping against your cheek, careful not to jab you with his horns. before you know it he's tugged you over to the couch, wrapping his arms around you and nuzzling against you, trills slipping out of his mouth. you pet his head, raking your hands through his fluffy ginger hair and lilac fluff, and are met with a few playful nibbles, nothing ever deep enough to harm you or break skin as Legacy purrs deeply, something that sounds like "Happy birthday", and you smile all over again
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do you think FL’s armour can be polished?
imagine reader polishing his armour and he becomes so shiny (he becomes a walking disco ball the moment he steps out into the sun)
-sleepy anon
this is the cutest idea ever, oh my goodness sleepy anon
Legacy himself is the one who puts the idea into your head one day as he examines a glittering piece of cor lapis at the market, tilting his head and admiring how it shines with a curious trill. he chitters in surprise when you gently knock a fist against his armor- tough, smooth, segmented in certain places- and you nod firmly. after a few more stops, you return home and triumphantly hold up the new supplies you purchased- stencils and polish! Legacy tilts his head as you swipe a line of polish over his armor, leaving a shiny streak behind, and his gleaming eye widens, a delighted chirp slipping between his fangs as you begin happily applying the stencils to make him glow like a star
when you're finally done, Legacy's armor is polished with sharp, crystalline patterns, creating a nearly faceted appearance when light reflects off of it. his wings flutter, almost as bright as his newly-polished armor- the sunlight shining down makes him practically glitter, and Legacy can't help but flop over on the grass and roll around in delight, pulling you down with him. it's a little bit blinding, the way he shines, but you can't resist snuggling up in his arms, pressing your head against his chest so you can feel and hear his happy purrs, a spot of light down on the earth of Teyvat
it fades after a while, of course. but you always keep the supplies nearby in your home, just in case he wants to glow again
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okay mermay is technically over...HOWEVER-
legacy exploring around fontaine at dusk as a treat for not going haywire while ajax attempted to do all his paperwork, and coming across a small lake hidden behind rocks and trees with a lovely oceanid(in their human form) living inside!
it is ALWAYS mermay in my heart!!!!
Foul Legacy's drawn in by the sound of singing, a gentle melody dancing through the thick forest and trees before breaking into a small clearing. the pond nestled deep in the woods is crystal clear, surrounded by lumidouce bells and lakelight lilies, and within the water was a single body, glowing and sitting perfectly at the bottom of the lake. your blue-streaked hair floats around you as you sing, your only companions being tiny fish and seagrass- then there's an echoing chirp above you, and when you tilt your head up you meet a faceted sapphire gaze attached to a crimson red mask and two twinned horns, all wobbly and distorted by the motion of the water
Legacy's breath catches when you peek your head above the water, looking at him curiously, and he lets out a delighted trill
you're so different from each other, yet the same, both inhuman and alone in the world. even in your human form a few of your fins remain, Legacy touching them carefully with awe while you examine his horns and armor. you play with the water so effortlessly, a collection of tiny animals at your beck and call, and Legacy adds a miniature narwhal from his Vision, watching you smile happily. he shows you Ajax, half of himself, and you allow him to glimpse your true Oceanid form, elegant and floating in midair. yet still, you don't dare to leave your pond- Egeria had told you, long ago, that the world was dangerous- and Legacy whines sadly, but gently nuzzles his face against your cheek, a promise to return again
that day, the rain that falls is particularly bright and fresh
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you know how people usually put covers on sharp edges when they want to babyproof something?
imagine reader giving FL some sort of glove to act as a covering for his sharp talons. FL is always trying to be mindful of his sharp claws when interacting with others (reader + the wildlife) so reader decides to do something to help ease his mind a little. He gets to let loose a little more now that his talons are covered
-sleepy anon
oh my moon and stars listen, listen. pair this with a reader who knits
Foul Legacy always treats everything with a gentle touch, knowing that his claws are razor sharp and the size of small daggers- he doesn't want to hurt anyone, rip anything. the city that he lives in is filled with small, breakable beings, and he is a very strong, deadly Abyssal monster, so everything he does is careful and delicate. it's awful, in a way, watching Legacy constantly treading on eggshells to avoid damaging anything, particularly in terms of affection. you KNOW that he wants to ruffle your hair and pinch your cheeks from the way his claws twitch when you're nearby, but resists out of fear of potentially gashing your skin. so, after careful consideration, also known as a sudden idea that popped into your head in the middle of the night, you decide to knit him some soft, comfortable gloves!
admittedly, it does take a while, seeing that you don't exactly have a pattern for Foul Legacy's talons and hands just laying around. however, you do grab a spare set of Childe's gloves to examine, trying to match the style that they're in with yarn, all blue and purple and glittering silver. after several weeks of work you finally present the gloves to him, watching Legacy's crystalline eye go wide and astonished as he slowly pulls them on, flexing his claws before immediately reaching out to cup your cheeks. you blink and stare at him, and he stares silently back at you, then gives your cheeks a gentle squish. your skin merely sinks under the woolen gloves, no hint of a scratch or even a bruise, and Legacy's wings begin shivering as choppy, delighted trills slip from his fanged maw, pressing and massaging your face to his heart's content
you will NOT be able to get him to stop squeezing and hugging you- but that's okay <3
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I'm SORRY but,,,,, instead of Legacy accidentally injuring Reader, what if Reader accidentally injures Legacy????
Poor guy is always so careful around them!! Careful with his claws, with his sharp armour, with his inhuman strength. Such a teeny tiny wife person cannot protect themselves from him so he has to be extra careful!!! It does not even CROSS poor guy's mind that they're not all that unable-to-fuck-up either, especially with how they're sometimes prone to being a little absentminded
I'll leave it you your deviously beautiful mind to come up with the details, and whether this is going in the angst direction (YES) or the fluff one (ALSO YES) but,,,,
😌😌😌 yeah
oh, you're devious for this anon,,, however i am feeling fluffy tonight so we shall be silly!!!
it happens, like many injuries do, entirely by accident. the day is warm and sunny, beetles chirping in the trees and only a few clouds drifting across the sky- it's the weekend, too, so you and Foul Legacy are sprawled out in the warm grass, soaking up as much sun as you can before you inevitably have to go back to work. Legacy purrs beside you, stretching his claws happily as his delicate wings glitter in the light. you can't handle as much sun as he can, though- sometimes you joke that Legacy is powered by sunrays and snuggles- and after a bit of dawdling you haul yourself to your feet and wander back towards the house to prevent yourself from getting overheated and lethargic, slipping through the unlatched door and idly giving it a quick shove so it shuts faster
there's a sudden CRACK and a pained screech, and your blood goes cold
Foul Legacy whines faintly as you rush back outside, holding his head and letting out little anguished cries- he had just wanted to follow you back inside! but you hadn't noticed, so the door slammed shut right in his face, making a small crack where it hit. there's no blood, thank god, but you can't help but murmur countless apologies as you gently massage around the area to soothe the pain, Legacy leaning into your palms with a soft whimper. the chitin will repair itself rather quickly, a gauze patch over the crack for good measure, and Legacy insistently buries his head into your lap once you get inside and sit down, craving more of your tender care. he doesn't blame you in the slightest, your shoulder already laden with the guilt of accidentally hurting him- until he gives your hands a quick, careful nip in retaliation, hiding his face in your shirt and shaking with growling laughs when you let out an indignant yelp
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