I absolutely love your stomach noise art! I hope I'll see some more from you in the future, they are really hot
Aww thank you!! I'll definitely have more to come lol
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a chubby daddy with a very swollen, don't hesitate to take photos of fat men for me to publish (my private messages are open to everyone) 😍🥰
proposed by @that-wolf-with-aviators
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I remember I was head over heels for a manager I had at my grocery store job. He had a beard, a cute smile, and a BIG belly, where I'd often see him scouting the frozen deli meals on the shelves during his lunch break. I'd be like, "Man, I KNOW that huge tummy is growling. I wonder what it sounds like,,,"
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a chubby daddy with a very swollen, don't hesitate to take photos of fat men for me to publish (my private messages are open to everyone) 😍🥰
proposed by @that-wolf-with-aviators
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I really like his big huge belly, don't hesitate to take photos of fat men for me to publish (my private messages are open to everyone)
proposed by @that-wolf-with-aviators
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📅 neděle 05.05.2024
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Stark, the young wolf, working with the big, older otter at the diner, couldn't help but notice his current state. He'd flip the patties for the townsfolk, serving good food and whatnot, making sure they'd have a great time. But, the wolf noticed Dale wincing, sucking in his big gut while cooking; he could hear a rumbling from his midsection, the big man going "Urghh, it's nothing kiddo, hehe!"
"Aw dang...." he pressed a hand on his belly, deep. No doubt, feeling his growling tummy.
Dale plays it off, and Stark just works at the diner to keep his funds at bay.
But he knows hunger when he hears it; Dale's big gut, with his 390lb self, has been serving up customers for 5 hours, and that stomach has been rumbling nonstop. How he'd miss breakfast and lunch, he couldn't tell you (but his belly can).
"Uh, er, Dale, I'll, uh, take it from here. You go on break"
His gastric noises were prominent, constantly gurgling and rumbling, where he sheepishly grinned while rubbing his belly.
"Aww, you're too much, kiddo. I'll be back in a bit, gotta fill up this 'keg' of mine, hehe!"
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I like to think that Dale, the burger flipping otter, has such an appetite that makes him cringe while on the job. He'll be cooking, smelling all the good stuff, and then press his hand on his gut to stifle the ravenous growling from time to time. "Awww, jeez, this smells so goo—" *GrrOARRRGRGRGRggggggglrrrr* "Urgh, few more hours..."
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-"Dude, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. I'm -hungry-." *Loud, low rumble*
-"Yeah, bud. This big tank needs a fillin', and trust me, it's -empty*"
-"Hey, I don't wanna like, be a burden or anything. Haha. But like, man, belly is growling something fierce. Sorry..."
Hunger Dialogue Reactions.
Some quotes I like to see when a character hears their stomach growl and realize how hungry they are:
"Ooh, man, you hear that? Sounds like a bear!"
"Ugh... I am starving!"
"My stomach's rumbling something fierce, here."
"I think that my stomach's about to eat itself."
"My tummy needs food~!"
"I'm gonna keel over if I don't get something to eat, soon!"
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Stark felt a loud rumbling come from the otter's belly, the sound practically going through him.
"HAH!" Dale guffawed, "Ahhhh, sorry kiddo. Missed lunch, and mah', heh, 'loud pipings' are kickin' in."
Stark felt a strong blush creeping on his face, as well as another strong sensation rising in his "downstairs area".
"Oh no, you're fine, Dale." He sheepishly grinned.
The big otter still chuckled, releasing the embrace.
"Heheh, alright, lemme fire this grill up. I'm starving!"
Stark chuckled as well, sitting back in his foldable chair. The sky, a gradient of pinks and oranges slowly turned into a purple with streaks of dark.
The two, with a radio playing country music, enjoyed hot dogs and burgers, fresh off the grill. And...the occasional beer and wine they packed for the night and shared. They're having a great time.
It was a good day.
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"S-so uh...Dale?" The wolf stammered. The big otter, hooking up a barbecue grill, looked at Stark.
"Yeah, buddy? Something wrong?"
Stark got up from the foldable chair he was in, feeling the crunch of the dusty pebbles on his feet in the dry, Arizonan field they were in.
"I just, ah," He scratched the back of his head. "I just wanted to thank you. Y'know, for being my friend? I know I'm like, shy and stuff, and we have great talks, really good talks. But, you're a cool, warm guy and I really appreciate it."
Dale, hearing this, slowly stood straight and put his hands on his hips, smiling. His rudder swished slowly.
"Awww, yer' fine...Yer' mah' yellow rose from this side of nowhere, and yer' the best thing that's happened to me."
It was a dry, hot day, where Dale and Stark agreed to have a small cookout session out in the Southwestern fields. The big otter's statement was enough to make Stark feel so warm, he couldn't help but go and hug the man.
Stark sighed into his soft chest, the doughy belly pressed against his slim torso.
"Thanks, big guy."
"No prob' son."
They hugged and stayed close for a couple of minutes, the sunset dipping below the horizon.
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Belly growl edit: It's raining, it's cozy, and he's getting some good sleep. He's also probably dreaming about meals, because that big gut is causing a ruckus. Link to art: Zzzzzz... by Lukoi -- Fur Affinity [dot] net
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Belly growl edit: He's definitely got a pillow to snooze on, but it's the bus ride home and it's dinnertime. Poor guy is shy about it.. Link to artist: Subway's best pillow by blue_whale -- Fur Affinity [dot] net
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Avery, the Elk doctor is being examined by my sona, Stark. He's definitely getting an earful. Pretty sure the big guy is diagnosed with needing a hearty meal.
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Belly growl edit: Pov: You're a human and you asked your gruff, Rhino coworker to lay on you, heavily. He's grumpy because it's the lunch hour and you're definitely hearing (and feeling) it. ( Old gif from https://x.com/kuki1210 )
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Belly growl edit: I like to think that a dad had to excuse himself to an empty room to let his gut growl away for dinner, rather than in front of his family lol
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Belly growl edit: Yikes, you hear that big thing? Milk and cookies are NOT cutting it, man.
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