thatonegenshinsimp · 16 days
He’s just a little guy.
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Little Gummygoo version 🐊💚💛
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thatonegenshinsimp · 16 days
Something’s Fishy Here (Merperson!reader)
Notes: My contribution to Mermay 2024 while I still have motivation to write this month.
Characters: Alhaitham, Diluc Ragnvindr, Wriothesley, Dainsleif, Neuvilette, Capitano
Warnings: mentions of physical violence
Alhaitham (Lemon Shark)
Sumeru was known as the land of kelp. It was a large kelp forest before the reefs of Fontaine and after the clear waters of Liyue and Mondstadt.
You, being one of the more curious members of the merfolk, had been traveling alone for a time.
Sumeru, as it happened, was one of the places you’d been wanting to visit the most.
That was when you first met Alhaitham, a lemon shark merman who was a tad more standoffish than most others of his subspecies.
You were a beta fish merperson, your tail frilled and colorful. It was one of your only defense mechanisms save for the shorter claws you had compared to other more aggressive merfolk that came from harsher places.
Alhaitham was, by all standards, a good lover to you. He treated you well and kept you safe if ever he saw someone as a threat.
One time, you accidentally flipped him over while you were bothering him and that was the day you realized what Tonic Immobility was.
He likes nuzzling your neck and is practically attached at the hip to you all evening after a long day apart from you.
Diluc Ragnvindr (Red Snapper)
You were a shark, so you often tended to be a bit of a loner.
That’s why you were so surprised to find that you had feelings for Diluc, a Red Snapper merman.
Diluc didn’t really know how to react when he found you were often there to help whenever he needed assistance, but he figured out why when you bared your teeth at Donna when she tried to make him uncomfortable and get in his personal space.
Soon enough, he plucked up the courage to ask you to be with him. He noticed you looked rather excited when he asked, and you happily said yes to him.
He definitely laughs when he realizes you can go into tonic immobility.
He doesn’t do it often, given that you’re in a trance for almost fifteen minutes every time he does it, but he does find it heavily amusing.
He likes staying close to you, given he rarely gets to have a break from work, so you usually help him with his work when you’re not working for the Adventurers Guild.
Wriothesley (Great White Shark)
Shark Wriothesley is the best Wriothesley
You were a swordfish merperson, but you quite liked being around Wriothesley even before you got into a relationship with him.
There’s a lot of hunting competitions between the two of you.
Wriothesley, despite knowing you can hold your own, definitely fights for you whenever you two get into any skirmishes with others because of his more instinct driven nature that rears its head in fights.
His territory is the Meropide Trenches that separate the north and south hemispheres of Fontaine’s waters.
He hates it when you flip him over. His tonic immobility lasts for a little over ten minutes, but he still hates it because it stresses him out.
He’s fiercely protective of you, but it’s because he loves you and doesn’t want you getting hurt.
Dainsleif (Greenland Shark)
He’s definitely a Greenland Shark merman in my personal opinion.
Khaenri’ah used to be a reef system, but during a tectonic shift, was sucked deeper down in the ocean, resulting in a tsunami due to the colliding tectonic plates.
The tsunami wiped out many in the population, which were sharks, and Dainsleif, cursed by the Seven alongside the other pureblood Khaenri’ahn people, slowly became a Greenland Shark, but his tail remained the same deep royal and navy blue colors it had always been, despite the fins morphing over time to tolerate the far lower depths of the sea.
That was when he met you, a snailfish merperson, who lived closer to the deeper depths of the trenches.
You got along well with him, and often visited him given how easily you traveled to the deeper parts of the trenches without any trouble.
He’s a tad more protective, but that’s because he doesn’t want to lose you as he has most of not all of the other people in his life.
Neuvilette (Swordfish)
Neuvilette is a swordfish merman, I’ll die on this hill.
Instead of being protective and possessive of you, he mostly just tries to avoid situations where you would need his protection.
He likes giving you gifts, it’s one of the ways he expresses his love for you.
Suddenly, your home is filled with little trinkets and shiny things he finds whenever he’s out and about in the reefs.
He also speaks to the melusines, who swim around with you when you’re unable to see him due to his work.
He likes physical touch, it’s one of the things that calms him down in the rare occasions where he gets angry.
Though he rarely shows it, he does often worry about you, even if you can defend yourself.
Capitano (Great White Shark)
Another shark merman.
Capitano is one of the larger shark merfolk, so he usually doesn’t even need to fight for someone to get the message to leave if they bother you.
You’d wandered into his territory by accident, but you, being a remora fish merperson, immediately thought he was friend shaped and swam up to say hi.
He’s perplexed by you. Few to none of the other merfolk in these waters swim within half a mile of his territory, but he’s certainly not one to refuse the company of someone as kind as you, so he lets you explore.
He slowly grows to realize he has feelings for you, and it’s only when he sees Dottore, a tiger shark, going after you that he realizes that he’d rather fight someone to the death than see you hurt.
After all, it ought to be only him biting you, and certainly not to kill you.
After that incident, he asks if you’ll be in a relationship with him, and you say yes.
He’s a good lover, and provides most anything you wish for.
He’d raze the whole ocean if only to see you happy.
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thatonegenshinsimp · 17 days
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A gif for Mermay!
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thatonegenshinsimp · 20 days
This is my favorite thing now
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thatonegenshinsimp · 20 days
me walking into the grocery store to buy everything bagels
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thatonegenshinsimp · 23 days
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thatonegenshinsimp · 25 days
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thatonegenshinsimp · 25 days
卓越したボディコントロール Σ(゚Д゚) スッゲ! Body control of a horse archer
( Reddit:r/Damnthatsinteresting u/rgatoNacho )
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thatonegenshinsimp · 25 days
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thatonegenshinsimp · 1 month
interesting fact i have titanium in my spine
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thatonegenshinsimp · 2 months
reblog only if you’ve received less than 1000 boops! we can all get each other to “max”
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thatonegenshinsimp · 2 months
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thatonegenshinsimp · 2 months
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thatonegenshinsimp · 3 months
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Sticky hand wall update
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thatonegenshinsimp · 3 months
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thatonegenshinsimp · 3 months
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You can only reblog this today.
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thatonegenshinsimp · 3 months
Little old Italian lady: Do you have zucchini?
Me: Yes, right here.
Lady: Is how much?
Me: $2.99 a pound.
Lady: It's usually $1.49.
Me: Yes, in the summer.
Lady, pauses, then grabs two: I put it in a soup.
Me: Oh nice, what kind are you making?
Lady: You will not fantasize about my soup.
And then she walked away. "You will not fantasize about my soup" will be in my head forever. I love you, little old Italian lady.
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