thecatkennel 2 months
canto 6 spoilers!!
mirrorcliff! his fur is darker due to being grimy/unkempt, which hides his heathcliff-ness (i hope). his scars are also different from our heath, and his ears are floppy.
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his patterns are a bit different from how catcliff is right now, and i'm shrugging this off as either "he just changed the look of his stripes at some point somehow", or "i'll just change main heathcliff's patterns to look like this"
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thecatkennel 2 months
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i asked a friend for CGs to catify...
anyways i can't do gore but i sure can make ishy look "joyous"
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thecatkennel 2 months
hey yall! im not dead!! i just had nothing to post!!!
but also, since canto 6 dropped literally two days ago, here are some cats fresh off the presses
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...though most of the designs here aren't actually new. i read wuthering heights to prepare for this chapter, and during that i made cats based on the book.
cathy was more based on the theory that the red-headed lady in one of the teaser CGs was her. also nelly literally just got a palette swap and edgar/linton became more sad.
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thecatkennel 4 months
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after i made (or more accurately, remade) that cat charon a bit ago, i also did up cat vergil!
just like charon, he was one of the first limbus cats i made. the initial drawing was kinda goofy looking, but i think i was able to more accurately give him the sorta-intimidating sorta-scruffy look i first imagined here.
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thecatkennel 4 months
I desperately need to know if in the cat limbus au there's just cat Charon somehow driving a bus.
The most unreliable car driver ever. She's just crashing into lamp posts and running people over. (Even if that's already what she's doing in cannon, it'd be more concerning as a cat)
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cat charon does exist and drives the bus like usual! (which is probably about as chaotic as you made it out to be)
fun fact: she was actually one of the first cat designs i made for limbus. that drawing is really old though, so i redrew her cause of this ask lol.
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thecatkennel 4 months
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a redraw of that one CG from canto II! also i have decided that dante is just the only human in this universe.
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thecatkennel 4 months
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canto 5 cats! unlike most of the others, they get the luxury of having most of their clothing as part of their designs.
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thecatkennel 4 months
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the crew of the pequod, lovingly catified. a younger version of ishmael is here too to show how not-fluffy she was in the past.
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bonus pallidified versions. i would've redrawn faces or, at the very least, made ahab's peg leg the harpoon leg it becomes later, but i was very tired when i finished these.
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thecatkennel 4 months
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an attempt at CG art recreation. i was too lazy to put too much thought into the background, but trying to recreate the weird filter on the mirror was fun.
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thecatkennel 4 months
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somewhat old concepts of dongbaek and dongrang
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bonus doodles of farmwatch and spicebush
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thecatkennel 4 months
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a certain group of fixers
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individual sprite section!!
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thecatkennel 5 months
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some drawings from a little bit back where i tried to copy the poses of each of the canto's characters during their credits.
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thecatkennel 5 months
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a sketchy recreation of that maracas CG with my designs cats
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thecatkennel 5 months
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cat designs for the limbus company sinners! all of their poses are based very roughly on their base EGO artwork
(isolated sprites below the cut!)
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thecatkennel 5 months
welcome to the cat kennel!
this blog is dedicated to all of the cat designs i've made of non-cat characters, mostly because i don't feel like putting them on my main blog! it'll also have any art i make involving these cats.
as of writing, i have a small backlog of art that i plan to post over the next few weeks. after that, i'll probably post whatever else i end up making, though i can't promise any consistency.
currently, i'll mostly be doing project moon stuff!
that aside... enjoy your visit!
(PS: the cat used for this blog's icon and banner is named silky! she's my first warrior cats OC and her full name is silksong.)
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