thecosmicmap · 2 months
So whenever people think of the Hidden World (the place we saw for five minutes, not the movie) do they just forget about all the things that would make it permanent residence practically impossible?
Do they forget about the dragons that would cause problems for others, like the Whispering Death who makes tunnels? Do they forget about the dragons who eat other dragons? Putting a predator in the same room as its prey will only end badly.
Do they forget about the dragons who need specific environments/things for survival? Like the Snow Wraith or Armor Wing.
Do they forget about the dragons who might get sick, or need prosthetics? There was a dragon who was missing a leg in HTTYD2. Another dragon (from HTTYD2) who was getting dental care, and another who was missing a leg. Also Toothless himself is a disabled dragon. If his prosthetic is not maintained he won’t be able to fly anymore.
The people only talk about the “dangers” of human and dragon coexistence (that, before the abomination that was THW, was the entire point of the franchise) and they forget how much both humans and dragons benefit from coexistence.
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thecosmicmap · 2 months
Can we stop treating dragons like they aren’t giant fire breathing reptiles please?
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thecosmicmap · 2 months
Night Fury Weaknesses
Here is a list of realistic weaknesses for the Night Fury species as a whole that disregards both how OP the movies and shows made Toothless and the demonstrably false weaknesses that Grimmel claims they have in THW.
Their underside is smooth and flexible to make them more streamlined. This makes them vulnerable to bite and stab attacks, as well as parasites.
They are susceptible to injuries such as torn muscles and ligaments due to their acrobatic flight style, which can lead to damaged wings and tails.
The thinner membranes, such as tail-fins and base-fins (or secondary wings), are vulnerable to tearing damage if the Night Fury crash lands.
It is more than possible for a Night Fury to break bones if they collide with something at high speed and don’t have time to brace themselves first.
Despite being quite strong for their size, Night Furies cannot sustain a long brawl and can be taken down if their stamina for the fight runs out.
Their black scales absorb heat, meaning they would actually struggle more in hot climates, not in cold climates as certain people claim.
They can have strong allergic reactions to foreign substances entering their bloodstream, such as venom or poison from dragons or hunters.
Certain conditions like wind sheer or turbulence can make it difficult for them to fly, particularly in thunderstorms with the threat of lightning.
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thecosmicmap · 2 months
“Night Furies can’t fly long distances without rest.”
— Grimmel the Grisly.
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The “Night Fury killer” everyone.
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thecosmicmap · 3 months
Httyd 2 Hiccup, after defeating a guy who can mind control dragons to do his bidding, and who made Toothless kill his dad: "We are the voice of peace, and bit by bit we will change the world. You see, we have something they don't. Oh, sure, they have armies, and they have armadas, but we have...our dragons!"
THW Hiccup, after defeating a goofy Viggo-rip off in a hilariously easy battle, no casualties suffered: "Eh, yeah, nvm boys. Time to pack it up, the world fr is too dangerous for dragons rn, we'll have to take a raincheck on our so-far incredibly successful revolution and cross our fingers people will just magically become accustomed to the dragons, which I've made disappear off the face of the earth"
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thecosmicmap · 4 months
Hey surprise me and a friend have written a full length original novel! If you like dragons, pirates, my Heart Bind Saga HTTYD fanfiction series, Pirates of the Caribbean or all of the above, you’ll like this XD.
So yeah if you guys could follow my new side blog that’d be swell. I’m still trying to work out how to make the posts appear in chronological order so please bear with me. Does anyone know how to edit urls?
@chaifootsteps @nocturnasnadderaneas @nartml @xavmaldonian
@thecosmicmap @arourallisreborn @wardenaristraith @nightfury-2001
Don’t mind me just tagging all the blogs I know really like dragons.
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thecosmicmap · 4 months
In HTTYD2 and THW respectively there’s dragons that are doing things because others are forcing them to. In THW it’s the Deathgrippers and in HTTYD2 it’s the Bewilderbeast.
Both groups are being forced to do these things to our protagonists, Hiccup and Toothless. Yet instead of punishing the humans responsible for this, they punish the dragons.
But let’s take a step back, get some context.
In HTTYD2 we meet two Bewilderbeast; Valka’s and Drago’s. One is kind and free to do whatever he wants, the other has chains, scars and is being abused by Drago.
In HTTYD3 we get another new species; Deathgrippers. They have a venom that kinda does what it wants when the plot demands it but one thing has always been consistent is the fact that Grimmel controls the Deathgrippers with this venom. He even says “They’re dragon killers. Drugged into obedience with their own venom. Not even your precious Alpha could control them.”
So now that we’ve established that, let’s return to the big picture; humans controlling dragons to do bad things, yet humans get no blame for this.
In HTTYD2 and 3, when it’s time to take out the big bad it’s always the abused/mind controlled dragons taking the fall and gravity taking out the villain who orchestrated this mess.
Toothless and the other dragons literally maim the Bewilderbeast (and he wasn’t even fighting back) until he leaves.
Toothless and Hiccup kill the Deathgrippers, two due to inaction (letting them drown while being connected to Grimmel’s quad copter) and four more when Toothless electrocuted them.
You could say they didn’t have the time, but Hiccup and Toothless aren’t our only characters. Let Valka and Eret do it, since they got so little focus in this movie.
Even with the Bewilderbeast, Hiccup or Toothless could’ve snapped Drago’s stick and killed him. Instead of maiming the Bewilderbeast.
Tl;dr: Dean is a terrible storyteller.
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thecosmicmap · 4 months
The entire franchise was humans and dragons coming together to achieve greatness, only for the ending to have them separate because “there will ALWAYSYSS be a big bad, despite the fact that we’ve dealt with every single one of them with ease. Its not like we’re stubborn Vikings! It’s just too hawd 🥺🥺”
The dragons going back to dragon prison the Hidden World at the end of The Nine Realms is the absolute cherry on top of why that show was a waste of time
Because when you hear the premise you think:
“Oh wow! Some random boy discovered Toothless’s hideously inbred descendant thousands of years later! This must finally be the time humans and dragons are meant to co-exist after the Berkians did nothing to help make the world a better place for humans and dragons to co-exist because the dragons left them!”
But no. The dragons piss off back to their hole in the end.
So…I guess there will never be a time where humans and dragons can co-exist? What an uplifting and heartwarming saga!
It really was a waste of time and it once again shows why every single dragon going off to hide in a mushroom infested hole while the Berkians chill in the middle of nowhere on top of a Minecraft chunk error was, perhaps, not the best way to pave the way for peaceful co-existence between humans and dragons.
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thecosmicmap · 4 months
*Pops into existence*
Do you like HTTYD? Do you like pizza? Do you hate HTTYD3?
Well what if I told you there’s a place where we had ALL of that? Introducing….
The Hidden Pizza Place! Where we have games, digital pizza, pizza bagels, pizza rolls, friendly discussions and roasts— but I’m not talking about chicken! You’ll want to come to this server if you’re in need of a good HTTYD3 bashing! Or HTTYD talk in general!
The prices of our food are low and you’re guaranteed a wonderful choice of entertainment!
*pops away*
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thecosmicmap · 4 months
*Pops into existence*
Do you like HTTYD? Do you like pizza? Do you hate HTTYD3?
Well what if I told you there’s a place where we had ALL of that? Introducing….
The Hidden Pizza Place! Where we have games, digital pizza, pizza bagels, pizza rolls, friendly discussions and roasts— but I’m not talking about chicken! You’ll want to come to this server if you’re in need of a good HTTYD3 bashing! Or HTTYD talk in general!
The prices of our food are low and you’re guaranteed a wonderful choice of entertainment! See ya there!
*pops away*
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thecosmicmap · 5 months
I will never forgive that Dreamworks went from a dragon that looks like a giant cat
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To a horny dog who is willing to leave his best friend for a girl who only appears for LESS THAN 10 MINUTES IN THE ENTIRE MOVIE
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Btw, the sand in this scene is so perfect
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thecosmicmap · 5 months
Trying to track down as many interviews/behind the scenes things for THW that I can so I can easily check or link to things and MAN. I forgot how upsetting some of these quotes are.
Like I sure do love to see Dean call Toothless "corrupted" in like four different interviews. Love to see him constantly misuse terms like "domesticated". Love to read how that for the Light Fury, this supposed wild pure untainted fierce powerful feral call of the wild wild animal, the sound designers had to "suggest she was female" and so leaned on stereotypes. Love to read that Toothless "kinda forgot" about his former life after only ten years. Love to read that Astrid is meant to be Hiccup's "true support and future". Love to read basically anything regarding the Light Fury and see the filmmakers talk about how she's a female and needs to look like a female and move like a female and act like a female and sound like a female. Love to read how she couldn't look too reptilian despite literally being a dragon and that she couldn't have leopard markings because they looked a little too close to scars. Love to read how she "promises a family and the propagation of Toothless' species" when she's not even actually a Night Fury. Love to read how it was intended that Toothless' "animal instincts"/attraction to the Light Fury become more important to him than his friendship with Hiccup. Love to read how they purposefully changed Valka's design to make her "more appealing". Love to read how one of the functions the Light Fury is supposed to serve is to be "a clarion reminder that wild dragons will attack a human when they see them" like that makes any sense at all to anyone who has seen literally any other piece of HTTYD media. Love to read how the other function she's supposed to serve is to show "that when you find love, that's where you belong" like Hiccup's platonic/brotherly love for Toothless meant nothing when on the official website they're referred to as soulmates. Love to read that the reunion scene is meant to be a "last joyride" and "not an indication that they see each other again".
I hate this movie.
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thecosmicmap · 5 months
Hey does anyone wanna post up and tell me why they hate the Hidden World? (excluding those who jus didn’t like it as much and thought it could be better, or thought it was just the worst of the three movies and not exactly a bad movie).
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thecosmicmap · 5 months
Would’ve gave Valka something to do besides sitting there and being flirted at by a boy who’s the same age as her son.
Characters in THW - “the Light Fury is too wild, she doesn’t trust humans!”
Me - “oh, that’s a shame. If only there was someone who had years of experience in earning the trust of wild dragons. Someone who’d lived amongst them, learned their secrets…hm, no ones coming to mind.” 
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thecosmicmap · 5 months
I still don’t understand why the Httyd writers made the Light Fury so unlikeable.
Toothless reminisces about Hiccup, he draws him and the Light Fury bitches at him for it. Wut? All this talk about Hiccup “hoarding Toothless to himself” (not true), yet its alright for the Light Fury to do it because…? They’re animals? Mates? Nah. It makes her all the more unlikeable.
It trades one shitty reason behind Toothless not visiting for another, and imo it doesn’t make it any better. And it also shows Toothless only ever bothered visiting Berk to pick up his kids and leave (the fact that his kids even got there so quickly illustrates the proximity of the two locations, as well as the ease of any reunion). If he did care enough about Hiccup (i’m sure he did), he simply wasn’t allowed to go.
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thecosmicmap · 5 months
Strap in folks this is gonna be a long one.
So as we know Dean Deblois is the writer of HTTYD2 and 3. As a writer you have a list of rules you should follow. One such rule is “show don’t tell.”
Dean disregarded this rule and we mainly see it with Grimmel and the Night Fury genocide. In the movie he tells us “I hunted every last night fury except yours” yet Grimmel has nothing to show for it. No trophies, no night fury hide cloak, not even a claw. The most we get is a few “facts” about Night Furies that aren’t even true, or can’t be proven to be true because we’ve only ever seen one Night Fury.
“Night Furies can’t survive the cold.” Yet Hiccup tells us (in GOTNF which is canon) that winter in Berk lasts for most of the year.
“Night Furies can’t fly long distances” Yet Toothless’ wings are large and wide, which allows him to glide for long periods of time.
“Furies mate for life.” We would never know because we only see one Night Fury in the entire franchise. And if we take a look at other dragons, it seems they only see their mate during mating season.
And why would Grimmel know that if he’s trying to kill off the Night Furies forever? What’s the point in knowing their mating habits if there’s never going to be any Night Furies again? Did he just look at a Fury pair and go “yeup. They mate for life.”
Now another thing about Grimmel is that his hunting method is unreliable. One, he left his bait without any restraints. Imagine if the Light Fury woke up minutes before and just left? Boom! No more bait. What if Toothless wasn’t horny and was mad at the Light Fury for trying to kill Hiccup multiple times? Boom. He wouldn’t be trying to deal with her and the plan is ruined because the bait isn’t appealing to the target. What if Toothless didn’t smell her and never showed up?
Lots of plot conveniences. It happens in the entire movie. Dean also had to confirm that yes, Grimmel did kill all the Night Furies in an INTERVIEW because people didn’t believe that Grimmel genocide the Night Furies. And Dean only did this because he thinks Toothless is special because he’s the last Night Fury.
Now we could be here forever talking about how stupid grimmel is as a villain and how stupid it is to even entertain the thought that ONE man and his six, drugged dragons were able to commit genocide to a species of intelligent, elusive and fast dragons, but let’s just continue.
Another rule Dean disregarded is having good characterization. Or ANY characterization!
The Light Fury immediately comes to mind. Name one personality trait she has that we actually see in the movie. You can’t, can you? Because Dean actively wrote that out. There was a deleted scene of Light Fury and Toothless’ romantic flight which gave her much more personality, yet Dean wrote it out and gave us the boring one we have now.
Also, can we just talk about how she doesn’t have a name? Her name is literally “The Light Fury.” Which is the same as naming a Golden Retriever Golden Retriever.
I know Hiccup would’ve named her. Hell, anybody would’ve named her! But no, Dean decided that she didn’t need one because “how else would she be wild”?
Dean says this in an interview, “We intentionally try to keep her [The Light Fury] wild and elusive, to kind of represent something that is pure dragon, that hasn't been tainted by human beings by domestication.” Which just goes to show that Dean doesn’t know what domestication is.
(Dean also doesn’t know what a subspecies is because if he did, then he would know a Light Fury can’t possibly be a Night Fury subspecies because they have too many differences).
1. this means that Dean thinks all of the dragons that have benefited from human companionship (Toothless, Cloudjumper, Meatlug, Stormfly, etc) are tainted.
And 2, there is nothing “dragon” about the Light Fury. She has small feet (Hiccup’s head is literally bigger than her feet), small claws, a small mouth, her wings are weirdly shaped, she’s curved, she has no protective scales and her tailfin is in the shape of a heart, which would actually mess up her flight.
Many people have said this is because she’s semi-aquatic. But this is disproven by the fact that we’ve never seen her in the water and the art book.
Here’s two direct quotes: “We had to explore how the Light Fury would walk and make her feel like a female.” “We had to control all the shapes while keeping her both powerful and graceful so she didn’t fall too much into the reptilian category.”
The Light Fury is a plot device, a “agent of change” in Dean’s words.
Now while we’re on the topic of characterization, let’s talk about our main cast. We’ll start with Toothless.
Toothless is Hiccup’s best friend, who will do anything to protect him no matter the costs. He’s sassy, intelligent, curious, loyal, protective and playful.
Now take all of this, and throw it in the trash because this isn’t the toothless you’re going to see in THW. In THW Toothless’ playfulness is shot to the max, making him more like a slobbery puppy than the lethal panther he was in HTTYD1.
Toothless isn’t protective of Hiccup at all, his intelligence is below hell itself and we don’t see a lick of sass. Httyd3 Toothless is physically incapable of looking scary because his face has been deformed to to look blocky and smushed together. He lacks any aerodynamics and we can even see it in his flying. He looks like he’s struggling.
Toothless and Hiccup’s friendship is so watered down in this movie, just for the sake of romance. That’s not how it should be. Romance and friendship go hand in hand, one is not more valuable than the other.
Astrid is nothing but Hiccup’s emotional support, yet she also puts him down. “you gave him [Toothless] his freedom, what were you expecting?” This implies that the dragons are being held captive and Toothless doesn’t want to be with Hiccup.
Which he does, as we see in GOTNF. Toothless only left to get Hiccup’s helmet, then he broke the auto-tail. But why would Astrid even say that? Thats so insensitive 😭.
The twins are dumbed down (despite proving to actually being intelligent), Snotlout is flirting with a woman who’s 20 years older than him (and might be his aunt, depending if you see Hiccup and Snotlout as cousins) and Valka outright tells Hiccup that they can’t hide away from the world.
Which is true, they can’t. Because eventually they will be found. Now remember this, it’ll come back later.
Now, when writing a story it’s important to move the plot along in a way that doesn’t seemed forced. When I think of this, I think of Trollhunters: tales of Arcadia.
The protagonist (Jim) goes into the villain’s home in order to rescue his friend’s baby brother, yet he gets trapped there. His friends have to get him out of there, which allows the villain to be freed from the Darklands. This happening allows the story to move forward in a way that makes sense and isn’t forced.
Now back to HTTYD3. Let’s look at the scene where Toothless and the LF get captured. The Light Fury smells grimmel, she calls to toothless, runs towards Grimmel and gets shot.
Toothless runs over (ignoring Hiccup’s warnings) approaches Grimmel, takes forever loading a plasma blast while sloooowly walking towards Grimmel, allowing the man to shoot him and make him go night-night.
Hiccup runs over, also taking forever. And the next time we see grimmel he’s already tied up two dragons (BY HIMSELF) in these complicated straight jackets. The other dragons come around (finally) ready to attack, yet Grimmel threatens the light fury and tells Toothless to call of the dragons.
“But isn’t Toothless asleep?” I hear you ask, and to that I respond with “no, he’s not. He miraculously woke up in time to call the dragons off, despite the light fury still being knocked out cold.”
The dragons are called off and grimmel leaves on his quad-copter. The dragons follow them, even though Grimmel didn’t tell toothless to make them follow.
Do you see how forced this is? There’s many more forced plot points, but we’ll be here forever talking about it and this post is long enough already.
Next up on the broken rule list, Dean let the antagonist win. Now it’s okay for an antagonist to win, but never in the third act.
Grimmel’s ultimate goal was for dragons to disappear. Dean himself says “he does not want a world in which dragons roam free.” And what do we see at the end of HTTYD3?
The dragons disappearing into the Hidden World forever. Exactly what Grimmel wanted.
Finally, the last rule Dean broke is having a consistent plot. Now the plot of each movie is a bit different. Httyd1: Hiccup shows Vikings that while dangerous, dragons aren’t monsters. And it’s better to work together than working apart.
Httyd2: Dragons are being captured and enslaved, we need to save them and fight for our friends.
Httyd3: toothless needs to get a girlfriend. He HAS to, despite not ever showing to want one, but he’s horny right now so YES, he HAS to.
But the franchise has an overarching narrative about humans and dragons coming together. That no matter what, they will prevail because they’re working together.
Well in HTTYD3 yes, they prevail. But the dragons leave. Why, you may ask? Because no matter what they’ll always be bad humans so there’s no point fighting.
Hiccup sends the dragons to an underground glittery cave that doubles as a prison, and six years of friendship is thrown down the drain for a female Toothless met three days prior. Hiccup tells the audience that dragons will hide until humans learn how to get along (despite the many humans that already get along with them).
And that’s it. The end. No more.
“But wait!” I hear you ask, “Won’t the dragons eventually be found again?” And to that I say, “Oh, you remember!”
Because yes, the dragons will eventually be found out again. And because Hiccup gave up on fighting for change, these humans think dragons are dangerous monsters and will undoubtedly enslave/kill them.
We even see this with his own kids! Zephyr thought dragons were monsters and was ready to hurt them in order to “protect her family”. Humans of the future will no doubt act like this as well.
Humans and dragons will never learn to get along if they are never around each other. Change won’t just happen, you have to fight for it. Like the end of slavery, or the Women’s Rights Movement. Those things didn’t just happen, people had to fight for change and they had to keep fighting because if they gave up then nothing would change.
And when the dragons are inevitably found once again, it will be Hiccup’s fault when they’re either killed or enslaved.
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thecosmicmap · 7 months
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Now these are what Simon Otto took inspiration from to make the Light Fury.
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But the Light Fury doesn’t share any of these traits other than being white. With a blue belly. To me, it’d make more sense for her to grey with a lighter underbelly with rosettes. She should also have feet that aren’t smaller than her eyes.
If she was truly made with axolotls in mind, her ear and side nubs should be bigger and she should have more than one (especially since the nubs kinda act as whiskers. She needs help with sensory).
If she was made with terns in mind, her wings would surely be shaped like them and not this.
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Those wings aren’t made for flight, they’re more suited for a water dweller. Especially the tailfin.
We aren’t even going to talk about how small her mouth and claws are. Or how round her teeth look (granted, Toothless also has round teeth) or how she has no actual scales (and yet has two glitter hearts on her head). And we know it’s not because of the invisible thing, because Toothless can also go invisible, despite having actual scales.
The Light Fury is supposed to be a Night Fury subspecies, right? Well subspecies aren’t that different from each other. Think of Darwin’s Finches. The only differences they have is their beaks. But compare these two.
They don’t really look that similar.
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