theheritageart · 3 years
Benefits of Keeping a Personal Journal
The concept of ‘dear diary’ is often associated with a social recluse or a high school teenager. But many of us love to keep diaries and for several reasons. From prayer journals to dream journals to travel journals, we love to keep separate personal journals for various aspects of our lives.
In the past, many loved to keep personal journals recording their daily thoughts and observations. Without diaries kept by Samuel Pepys and Anne Frank, much about history would have been lost. Nowadays, many like to share their ideas on social media and blogs. Yet keeping a journal still has much value, including the following benefits:
For healing
Expressive writing is cathartic and a mode of healing in physical, psychological, and emotional spheres. Stress often manifests from over-thinking and emotional blockages. As observed by Dr. James Pennebaker, author of ‘Writing to Heal’, when we write down our experiences using language, we basically render a better understanding of our experiences. By this, you will free yourself from mental entangling in traumas. As per some studies, journaling has been linked to emotional release, which cures insomnia, stress, and anxiety.
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Keep thoughts organized
 Keeping journals help us to organize our thoughts as well as make them comprehendible. You may record daily feelings, thoughts and events, about some opinions and experiences. Journals aid in tagging and archiving entries to your diary. You can buy journals online easily.
Improve skills of writing
Maintaining journals helps to hone our skills in writing. In case you wish to do practicing and improving your writing, the best step is to begin a journal. Even if you don’t have a specific topic, putting down thoughts to paper helps improve writing skills.
Define and work for goals
Journals are ideal places to jot down New year resolutions, goals, and ambitions. By jotting these down in a journal, you can keep track of your progress and be motivated about accomplishing your next milestone. Detailed goals are psychological blueprints and enhance the ability to achieve goals.
Evoking mindfulness
There is a good reason why mindfulness is the current buzzword. There exists a close link between mindfulness and happiness. Keeping a journal helps create a sense of mindfulness; use the present moment to dispel future anxieties and past frustrations. It brings a wandering mind to focus on the present, from being passive to engage actively with your thoughts.
Expanding IQ
Though controversial, the idea that writing can improve your IQ has gained much credence. As per a University of Victoria report, writing as part of language learning positively correlates with intelligence. Journal writing helps to explore language encouraging you to search for new words and enhance your vocabulary. You can buy an attractive journal from a journal stationery shop.
Boosting comprehension and memory
There exists a distinct relationship between brain and hand, triggered by composing ideas and thoughts. Words represent ideas; when you form letters in journals, ideas are composed and re-composed. This enhances comprehension of previous information or memory and pressurizes you to do cognitive recall.
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theheritageart · 3 years
Interesting Ways to Add Vintage Art to Your Décor
Whether you purchased it from a fancy store or the flea market, vintage art can be a timeless addition to your home. From landscape paintings to retro prints, these beautiful art pieces add a sense of history to the space, showcasing your unique personality.
However, you need to know the right way to incorporate vintage art into your home décor. If you find yourself confused, we might be able to help. Here are some exciting ways in which you can introduce a vintage flavour to your home, almost effortlessly.
Vintage Look for Your Kitchen
If you have a farmhouse-style kitchen, you might love installing an antique portrait as it’ll stand out against the subway tole walls. If you go for one with metal frames, it adds a rustic style to the space, which goes perfectly well with wood shelves and dark-coloured countertops.
Open Shelving Display
If you use open shelves to stack plates and bowls, you might want to use hanging small paintings to add a little drama. Go with vintage art that can pop against the colour scheme you have used for your kitchen. If you have a white kitchen, you might love the contrast floral prints have to offer.
Stairway Art Gallery
If you plan on creating a striking art gallery, go with eclectic nature paintings at the stairway. You can go for a rustic look by using mismatched frames. And you could also go with specific themes, such as water scenes and horses, to make it all look consistent.
Large-Scale Vintage Print
When it comes to incorporating enormous artwork, it needs it to be in a way that isn’t overpowering to the space. You can make it the room’s focal point but use other accessories to break the dominance.
Retro Photo Prints
You can add a touch of glam to any space by installing large retro photo prints in the room. Go for an asymmetrical arrangement against a dark-coloured wall to make the photos pop. You can buy retro photo prints online and then accessorise them based on the colours to give it a more even look.
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Grid Art Display
Gallery walls tend to look disarrayed or cluttered at times, but a four-by-four grid with same-size prints will not disappoint you. All you need is a measuring tape, and you will be astounded when you get to see the beauty in symmetry.
Colourful Vintage Posters
There is no better way to add colour and personality to a neutral room than framed vintage posters. It is best to stick to a common theme and find pieces that according to it. The repeating motifs end up telling a story, even when the colour palettes tend to differ.
Framed Map Art
You can add subtle colour to a white room effortlessly by introducing a large map to the space. You could give it a personal touch by going for a vintage map highlighting a specific county, state, or country.
Closing Thoughts
These are some great ways to incorporate vintage style into your home but do not hesitate to experiment according to your needs. Use your creativity, and you’ll be surprised how beautiful your home could look in the end.
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