themafia-terrapins · 9 months
So, i hope this is okay. If not then feel free to ignore me or tell me otherwise. I think i saw on one of your recentish posts that you were willing to write asks or interactions again? If im wrong then im so sorry. If i had a character that i wanted to introduce to the fellas would that be okay? I dont want to force you to do anything you dont want to do or something that you dont allow. I just wanted to ask first before i did anything if that makes sense. Again, im sorry if this is not okay or weird. Thank you! I love going back through this AU and rereading all the absolute amazing stories and everything! Youre amazing and i hope youre doing okay!
hello!! well technically i'm trying lmfao, i'm not making any promises 🥲😩 but i do have to warn you, they're very different than the usual turtle boys. they won't be as friendly or kind or warm towards you so pls keep that in mind :")
but otherwise you can definitely introduce your character and we can see where it goes :) <3
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themafia-terrapins · 9 months
Kisses to mun!
ah omggg ily!!! 🥹🥹 missed you sm babe!!! <33 ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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themafia-terrapins · 9 months
Salutations Mun and Terrapins,
It’s good to have you guys back, and I hope that you all have been doing well. Truthfully, it has been awhile but I know how life can get. So, welcome back and once again. You all have truly been missed.
See you all again soon.
ah hello, love. thank you so much <3 i'm not promising anything this time lmao but i honestly just really like lurking in the shadows anyway ;)
i hope you're well! 🤍
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themafia-terrapins · 9 months
Hi! It’s been so long; are you back? You’ve been missed dearly! 🖤
hello hello! thank you so much darling! i guess i am? 🤭 i was always still here, just had a lot of things going on. but i'm so glad to see your sweet message :")
i am getting back into writing for the mafia turtles so do feel free to send any asks or fanfic ideas <3 i'd love to answer/talk with you! 🤍
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themafia-terrapins · 9 months
Hope you’re well and happy Mun! 🙏💙
hi thank you so much 🥰🤍 i'm okay, hope you're well! i know i'm always on and off but this means the world <33 ily!
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themafia-terrapins · 9 months
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themafia-terrapins · 9 months
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italian mafia moodboard
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themafia-terrapins · 2 years
I have a hard time with angst.
Although Raphael “likes“ Immogene, he pushes down any feelings towards her, tout suite. So, maybe a spin off of one of the prompts. Why does she keep popping up? He probably knows…but the Brute doesn’t pussy foot around when he wants to know something.
Thank you!
i feel like i've definitely misinterpreted this lmao but i hope you enjoy regardless ❤ i wanted to have convo between them two originally but it didn't go to plan so it's him and don. hence why it's so rushed 😭
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"you like her" donatello skimmed his fingers gently against the wall as he walked in. he sat upon the chairs, eyes watching his older brother carefully. he deduced the following observations, one that his hot-headed brother was unnaturally quiet and the second was something, or rather someone, plagued his thoughts
"hm?" the brute was captured in a daydream, his toothpick caught between his scarred lips as his fingers toyed with his pen, dangerously close to snapping.
"immogene" it was her name that startled him, the pen shattering and flying opposite sides of the room. raphael composed himself, sitting upright as he eyed the genius carefully. the other looked at him calmly, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. he knew, of course he did.
"i don't-"
"don't insult me by pretending, raph. i know she's what been on your mind these last few days. i'm not here to judge you. but... as your brother i'm asking you truthfully do you know what you're getting yourself into?" donnie raised his eyebrow, his arms crossed over his chest.
"no... for that first time in my life i don't know what i'm getting myself into. and i don't care, i don't want to know. i just wanted to experience this feeling for tha first time" raphael sighed, his head in his hands
"she's so unlike kiki. her mannerism, her characteristics, everythin" the brute replied thoughtfully, thinking back to the bar and the encounters for the first time.
"don't kid yourself that something there. don't have...." they both looked at each other, understanding the last word silently. hope, don't have hope
it made him sad, how many times they needed help and how many times the world shut it's eyes and ears. how him and his brothers couldn't rely on anybody.
"one thing i don't get is why me? anyone in the world but she wants ta know about tha mutant turtle wit a target on his head" he gazed wistfully from the window, wishing for once he was one of those people scurrying hope to his significant other. away from the murders and the blood and the screaming and fighting. wishing that perhaps once in his life he would've have a normal relationship.
"ya can't love a villain in this world. no human can't love someone like us, don. it doesn't happen, its not natural" he leaned against the desk, his head bowed while his mind was poisonous montage replaying all those bittersweet moments. moments he may never get to experience again.
"and in tha end, i can't even guarantee her safety. i can't guarantee they won't get ta her. they won't torture her, they won't hurt her. i can't promise to rescue her in time" raph inhaled a shaky breath, knowing that he'd never be able to feel this way again. knowing that this couldn't happen again.
he couldn't jeopardise her life for his pleasure. he would not watch someone life fall apart because of him again
"i gotta stop. we can't be together, why hold onto hope? why torture myself with possibilities that'll never happen. i gotta stop pretending we ever had a chance. i gotta stop pretending she was the...." with every unsaid word his heart grew heavier, at any moment it would burst and those feelings he had done such a good job of hiding would reveal themselves.
a strange yearning took over his heart, he was surrounded by many people but nobody really knew him intimately. she had come close but it was enough to make the beast back into the corner.
for if he revealed his true self, could she take the horrors that lay just behind the shadows? could she see him as he was and still love the mutant? perhaps not, perhaps she'd go running for the hills and who could blame her? in this world, nothing beautiful existed. not in the mafia. they took everything good and beautiful and destroyed. obliterated it until it was dust.
sometimes love simply wasn't enough to keep two souls together.
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themafia-terrapins · 2 years
"I'm a living weapon. Last time I checked, we don't cry
Would you be able to do this prompt dialogue for Mikey. I was thinking he was having a conversation with my girl Sera, or not. It really is up to you
i'm not familiar with your oc so i'll just use this prompt with mikey and someone else :)
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"you know, it's okay to be vulnerable sometimes" april's voice was gentle, as she softly knocked upon his bedroom door. his back was to her, looking at himself in the floor length mirror. what had he become over the years, someone he didn't even recognise. his suit was off, his shirt stained red. the wound on his arm looked sore but his focus was on something entirely different.
"i don't know what you mean" he shrugged, tightening the bandage on his bicep. the blood had stopped for a while but it didn't stop the shooting numbing pain that ran through his body. still the physical pain was better than the emptiness that consumed his being whole. like a suffocating bubble, without the comfort of the light at the end. an indication that it would pass. maybe this wouldn't.
april leaned against his door, her heart breaking for the youngest mutant turtle. it was like the towering man had been replaced by a small boy and she wanted nothing more to hold him tight until those pieces fixed themselves.
"how did we end up here" he whispered as he stared at himself in the mirror. his heart ached painfully, this was probably the lowest he had ever felt in his life. nothing helped it, nobody knew. how could they, he was expected to be a strong warrior. yet every night a piece of that facade would crumble and out spilled those forbidden tears until the sun awoke and he became that stoic turtle once more.
"mikey...." april entered the room but his form straightened, indicating that moment they shared was over. for now he must face the rest of the day and the horrors it brought. the fear, the anger, the pain, the crushing sadness all of it swallowed and not to be spoken of. he had a job to do, a role to fulfil and he'd be damned if his emotions would stop him from completing it.
"we're a living weapon, stained with blood from countless kills" perhaps these words would remind him of his place, that cold stone hearted mutant staring back at him. he could faintly hear his younger self, promising himself he'd turn out to be someone better.
"last time i checked, we don't cry" he looked at her through the mirror, the first time in that interaction he made eye contact. those eyes once held so much light and love and now they had been diminished to a dark grey abyss. so much that he needed to say, to feel, to heal but in his world he couldn't. he would never.
his weakness would be his death in this world. it was much safer not to feel, not to let the world touch him.
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themafia-terrapins · 2 years
What you just reblogged are those prompts we can do with the boys or no?
yes. you can choose to include yourself with them or i'll just assume they're just between the boys/splinter only :) if you have interacted with the boys on a personal level, it will be more intimate
if you do want to send something, write his name too 🤍
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themafia-terrapins · 2 years
Angsty Villain Prompts
|××××××|××××××|××××××| Prompt Type: dialogue Trigger Warnings: mention of abandonment, suppressing emotions, yelling, accusations, unsympathetic villain |××××××|××××××|××××××| » "I'm a living weapon. Last time I checked, we don't cry." » "I am the least vulnerable person you'll ever know." » "You can yell at me all you want. I'm not going to break." » "You think you're scary? You don't know what nightmare you're dealing with." » "What do you want me to do? Cry you a river?" » "I'm not gonna tell you some sob story - no one wants to hear it." » "Hurting my feelings isn't going to work." » "You left me!" » "Look at what happened to that little kid you turned away when they needed you most." » "My fault? You think this is MY fault?" » "I'll have you know I turned out this way because of you." » "I meant to ask, how's my replacement doing? Are they any better than I was?" » "You made me a villain... Don't act like you didn't." » "Some people were never given the chance to be good." » "Just move on already. I've already given up on us." » "As soon as you walked out that day, I stopped being a hero." » "I miss you, but I don't miss being a hero." » "You've always been the favorite, admit it." » "Maybe this wouldn't have happened if you'd given me a chance." » "Bad guys don't deserve a second chance, but neither do you heroes." » "Why don't you ask yourself that?" » "Wow. I'm kind of sad you don't remember." » "Why are you here?" » "Why did you come back?" » "I thought you had given up on me... On us." » "How are you alive?" » "I watched you walk out of my life, I'm not going to let you walk back in and try to fix this mess." » "Go away! I don't need you!" » "I don't want your pity." » "Not everyone can be saved." » "I'm the bad guy, not someone who needs to be coddled like a child." » "You act like if you tape me back together with all your pretty little words, you'll fix this shattered porcelain doll." » "I'm not your damsel in distress." » "What I need right now is for you to go away." » "Don't touch me." » "We're not friends. Don't act like we are." » "You don't know me or what I need." » "You don't even have a single hint of who I am behind this mask, but you act like you've unlocked my Tragic Backstory™." » "You're not my hero!" » "You'll never be my hero!" » "All those promises are lies." » "You can't love a villain, can you?" » "I'll end up hurting you..." » "I need you to run. Run away, and never come back." » "You can expose me and everything that I've kept hidden, but you can't ever say that I never loved you." » "Why do you keep coming back when you know what I've done?" » "Why aren't you letting me go? You could live normally, not in fear of being exposed for hiding a wanted villain in your own home." » "You still want to be with me? Why?" » "I don't want to, but I'm letting you go. Just, go expose me already." » "You're playing a game of cat-and-mouse with a villain, and somehow you're winning." » "I've been found out, and they'll be after you as soon as they see us together. Lie to them and save yourself, please." |××××××| Reblogs & Notes Apppreciated <3 |××××××|
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themafia-terrapins · 2 years
“Why is it that Christmas time makes us think of those both near…and not so near.” Immogene chuckled softly. “A different way of ‘Pine’ing I guess.”
Tucking a stay curl behind her ear she smiles softly. “I always think of you with fondness though.”
She pauses to consider her words. “I don’t think you’re one for the traditional seasonal greetings. So, instead I wish that if it’s cold, you are warm you find something that makes you smirk.”
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Raphael looked up from his desk, his hands paused as they flipped to his next page. The frown on his forehead loosened the slightest, his face was unreadable as he analysed her from top to bottom.
A strange feeling entered him, something foreign. Something he hadn't felt in years, a promise. Promise of hope, promise of companion around this time. But the last time time he was this vulnerable to someone, she ended up being the biggest thorn in his side. So he forced it down, forced it to not rear its ugly head ever again. Instead he glanced at her once more, this time reclining a little back so he saw her in all her glory. He had no shame letting his eyes flicker up and down her figure, finally resting at those eyes.
So many words he so badly wanted to say but one could pass his lips. He settled on the first thing to his head, a short chuckle escaping his scarred lips as he lifted his drink.
"Well well, ain't it Cherry? How ya been?" He leans back on his chair, his hand around his glass of whiskey. His head was ever so gently tilted to the right, his eyes sparkling under the chandelier. Not a smile on his face but his eyes showed what he felt, the smallest hint of curiosity. Wonder. Why did she come here? Why him of all people?
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themafia-terrapins · 2 years
Hello there, I’m so glad to see you back! I haven’t really interacted much with you before, but I just wanted to let you know how much I love your blog! Hope you are doing well 😊. If I may ask a question of your fine gentleman, was just wondering what they like to do for Christmas? If it has already been asked, my apologies! My name is Ashley by the way, hope you are having a great day 😁
this is so sweet, thank you ashley. i decided to answer because i kinda wanted a deeper meaning to this ask. i also don't celebrate this festival so if something doesn't line up, i apologise 🤍
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ah christmas, the season of joy or in this case, sadness
christmas was always a celebration each boy hated for their own reason. loss of partners, loss of family, loss of hope and joy, loss of everything. each boy works in the office, secluded from each other, locked in their own respective rooms. there's no trees, no decorations, no happiness, just another day at work. just another typical day in the mafia. but there's a sadness that looms about, heavy in the air.
they used to go all out as kids, obviously secretly because of splinter. and even in the early days of them being teens. they had a secret location and they'd hang all their decorations there. the tree, the tinsel and sparkles, decorations and lights. it was so magical and beautiful. and the gifts would be so special along with stockings. the food and the drinks, the atmosphere, the joy and happiness, all of it was cherished
and once everything was said and done, they would go out with april, casey and vern and they'd all cosy up on a beautiful cabin with the fire. back when they were dating (before the deaths and the drama), everyone would be there. and it'd be perfect, laughter and wine galore. everyone would be wearing the santa hats, the cute accessories.
but now those decor lay in boxes at some warehouse, collecting dust. the tree, the stockings, the lights, everything is there. and sometimes, deep in the night, when the world feels heavy and silent, each of them individually secretly goes back to that warehouse. what could have been, what would have happened if they never ventured down this path, all those what ifs as they look at their childhood. the painful memories of finally being happy and excited during this season was all but ripped out off their hands. and as they walk around the deserted warehouse, it just feels so incredibly difficult to breathe.
perhaps in another lifetime, he would be prepping with his partner and counting down the days to the celebration. perhaps in another lifetime, he would never have known bloodshed and pain. he would be free of the shackles holding him down and finally being able to come together with his brothers like he used to. hand them their presents and watch the smile light their faces warm his heart up.
it hurts especially when he sees what he used to wear around this time the reindeer ears, the hats, the scarves. and his partner, the matching pj's. when he picks up these items, his hands tremble and his heart races. the faint smell of the cologne he used to wear mixed with perfume is enough to tip him over the edge. the blood roars over his ears, clutching the item to his chest wishing so hard he could go back in time and relive the moment over and over.
but he comes down to reality and with a shuddering breath, he closes the lid on these memories. they'll forever be just that, distant recollections that he'll never be able to experience again. he'll never be the same man he was all those years ago.
and with that he takes a step outside, the air slicing his cheeks. but the feeling of this pain is better than the emptiness that consumes his whole. the yearning of his past is locked deep down where it'll stay for another 11 months and on he walks.
and that's the story! i could do a detailed background on each boy if you'd like :) 💚
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themafia-terrapins · 2 years
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themafia-terrapins · 2 years
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themafia-terrapins · 2 years
“𝑊ℎ𝑜 ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑛'𝑡 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑: 𝑎𝑚 𝐼 𝑎 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑟 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑡 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑎 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛?”
—Clarice Lispector, The Hour of the Star
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themafia-terrapins · 2 years
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