thenaniteking · 6 years
“Oh hey, you took that a lot better than most. A lot of people just call me a freak and leave.” Yet he always had to show off anyway. At least he wasn’t ashamed of what or who he was. “It’s..complicated. Short story I am a human, who can communicate with machines via touch” That didn’t answer Markus’ question, did it? Hmm He wasn’t use to explaining. Again most left him by now. “Long story? When I was little my parents were in this project trying to make nanobots that would help heal injured or sick humans...a lot of those working on this project feared their work could be used as weapons so it was kept kinda under wraps.” Rex was rather animated in his explanation. A lot of hand and arm movements. No only that but he was not one for breaks or pauses. His story continued. ”the first and only batch was used on me after I almost died in an accident. They worked just as planned if not better but despite this amazing outcome the project was canceled shortly after due the backers wanting to focus on androids instead...also shortly after I started showing ‘side effects’ to my nanobot infusion. I became a technopath. I can control my own nanobots as well as communicate and connect with any machine I touch. The blue lines is just me controlling the nanobots to display those lines as a visual representation of my...abilities.” You still there Markus? Rex is done with his monologue. Turns out not only is he good at fixing things he’s also great at talking.
“Thank god you’re breathing.” || @thenaniteking
For a little, while he stared at the other male, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to move- who wouldn’t be he had pretty much been nearly destroyed just for merely existing.  Markus was honestly lucky that this guy had found him when he did, if it had been any second longer, he would have been a goner for sure. There was no denying or trying to pretend that wouldn’t have been the case. His eyes drifted down towards the ground for a moment before he slowly brought himself to sit up. It was when the male spoke again did he lift his gaze to stare at him. “Not many would do that.” He commented, letting out a long sigh.
“Most people would have walked on by, or scraped parts if I was lucky someone like yourself would have come by.” Those heterochromia eyes stared at his hand, he didn’t seem to be an android… but he also didn’t seem like he was a human either with how his hand glowed with blue lines. This was odd, unique, he swallowed despite not needing to.
“The pleasure is all mine, Rex… I’m Markus.” A half smile was offered before he slowly brought himself to his feet, deciding being on the ground wasn’t where he wanted to be in the moment. Markus fell silent for a moment before pointing at his hand, “How are you able to do that… you don’t seem like you’re an android, but I know most humans aren’t capable of doing that either.”
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thenaniteking · 6 years
Rex was always one to help, to jump in when he was needed and try his hardest even if he couldn't fully help. He had been on his way home when he stumbled across Markus. He had to help. He couldn't just leave the other there do inevitably die. He knew some about androids but that alone wasn’t enough to help save someone...but it along with some unique technopathy skills was enough to help Markus.
“You’re Welcome.” Rex smiled, people didn’t usually thank him for what he did. Heck he’s been attacked for trying to help and save people before. This was a breath of fresh air. “I never met you before but I saw you needed help so I helped...I...have a way with machines" He lifted a hand and it lit up with blue lines. He wasn't an android...but he didn't seem fully human either.
Don't mind...that. Rex doesn't realize how odd it is half the time and honestly, he's usually showing off so much that even when he does realize he still just shows off? He usually tries to not freak people out at least starting with the glowy lines and going to more extreme powers from there. Hopefully, the Deviant Leader wouldn't freak out? From experience, it seems androids reacted better to him than other humans did." I figured I could manage something and I'm glad I was able to help." Oh. Right he should introduce himself "I’m Rex by the way"
“Thank god you’re breathing.”
Two months had passed since the androids had received their freedom, although truthfully, it wasn’t that easy. There were still people who disagreed with this, androids were supposed to be tools for them to use, nothing more. Equal rights and freedom for them was mind-blowing, and they didn’t like it. Markus didn’t expect everyone to immediately come to terms with this, it would take time, years even. Humans were known for not liking change… some would eventually come through, others would continue to spout hate and act out in unreasonable ways.
Keep reading
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thenaniteking · 6 years
Generator Rex Sentence Starters
❝Here's our planet, nice and normal right?❞ ❝There was this accident❞ ❝Don’t mess this one up, hotshot!❞ ❝You know a little too much about things that could kill you❞ ❝Please. Stop. Touching. Things❞ ❝Maybe they just want their mommy❞ ❝Obeying orders is way overrated.❞ ❝Have you seen what I do to machines?❞ ❝A person’s a person, no matter how screwed up they are.❞ ❝You're a machine?❞ ❝In case you haven’t noticed, I have this problem with authority.❞ ❝He ratted you out for a pizza❞ ❝Humans are idiots. End of story.❞ ❝Sometimes orders aren't orders!❞ ❝I hold back against people. You're not people.❞ ❝I don't care whose side you're on. I don't want to see you die today.❞ ❝It's totally a date❞ ❝It's not a date❞ ❝What you're feeling right now? About _? It doesn't get more normal than that❞ ❝What _ needs is better control of their emotions.❞ ❝They forget that you can't even control your emotions❞ ❝People we pull in can too easily get caught up in the crossfire.❞ ❝Your normal is different, _❞
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thenaniteking · 6 years
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hey everyone you should really watch generator rex and here are some reasons as to why 
thank you to @the-jedi for inspiring me!!
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thenaniteking · 6 years
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have || not accepting 
1. Rex owns one of those fuzzy puffy funny hats. It’s lost in his room somewhere and he won it a one of those traveling carnivals. He also thinks Providence needs a funny hat day.
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thenaniteking · 6 years
24 25 26
Character Development Questions: Hard Mode || not accepting 
24. How quick is your character to trust someone else?
Rex is a very trusting person but it is a trust that has to be earned. Do something good? Be kind to him or show empathy for the EVO situation? He’ll trust you well and quick if you show him you’re a good person. But that trust can just as quickly be broken if you wrong him, his friends/family, or spread hate.
25. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
Rex is quick to get suspicious. He won’t necessarily suspect someone and it will just about always be outside his circle of close ‘family’ but he is quick to suspect someone if they are acting off to him and he won’t let his suspicious go unheard or checked.
26. How does your character behave around children?
Rex is very calm, quiet and sweet around children. He listens to them and treats them the same as anyone else.
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thenaniteking · 6 years
Character Development Questions: Hard Mode || not accepting 
17.What was your character’s favorite toy as a child? 
Answered with a headcanon actually! You can find it here. But it was a stuffed dog named Axel. He took it everywhere with him.
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thenaniteking · 6 years
5 and 14
Character Development Questions: Hard Mode || not accepting
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
His phone. He always has his phone with him. Otherwise his pockets are usally pretty empty. A few stray coins and a few bucks sometimes but it’s not like this kid has anything like an ID or a wallet to carry with him.
14.Does your character remember names or faces easier? 
He is really food with both! But he’s way better with names than faces. He actually matches voices to names more than faces. This is due to most of the Providence ‘grunts’ he wear masks so if he gets to know one of them he usually won’t actually have a face to associate with them, just the name and voice.
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thenaniteking · 6 years
Rex was...being Rex. Sitting with his legs on his bed and the rest of his flopped to the floor. Phone in one hand, a burrito in the other. He was relaxing. It had been a busy week.
Today thankfully has been somewhat peaceful. Rex, for once, had the day to himself and was left to his own instead of having to chase evos or run around where ever White Knight, Holiday or Six wanted him to.
He had done some of the daily Providence grind. Morning meeting, check up with Holiday, training with Six.  But he was on his own time for the rest of the day, unless any incidents arose.  Tonight was even their family dinner night! Meatloaf and mashed potatoes. What could go wrong?
Just as he was about to send a text to Noah, an alarm blared, breaking his relaxation and peace. Shit. Maybe he could just stay here? As quickly as the thought crossed his mind, it was gone.
He had a job to do. A duty to take care of. Lives depending on him.  Besides Six would be in here to fetch him soon enough if he weighted around. If Six had to come to get him, he'd be in for another lecture.
With a sigh, he dragged himself to his feet, shoved his phone in a back pocket and tosses his burrito onto his bed.  Rex promptly grabbed his jacket and ran out of his bedroom.
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thenaniteking · 6 years
"Rex." The voice was firm. The voice was one of those 'you better listen now young man' sort of tones. It was Six's usual. And Six's learned tone to when dealing with Rex. Why did that kid never listen to him?
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Why didn’t Rex listen to Six or Holiday?
“Six….I’m…I’m sorry…I”
He really messed up. Was Six disappointed in him? Rex didn’t know for sure but he felt like he did. His impulsive, adventurous ways have gotten him into trouble before but never anything like this.
“I’m sorry” He repeated ashamed.
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thenaniteking · 6 years
Open Starter Call
((like this for a starter.))
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thenaniteking · 6 years
((okay. I think I got everything set up the way I want it. And that I have a feel for tumblr rp again. It’s been a while. It’s also been a while since I’ve taken Rex as a muse but I think I have a great grasp on him. Now that things are set up and I’ve done some memes to break the ice...time to actually get things started...))
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thenaniteking · 6 years
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What am I doing with my life? @mistressofkats who’ve done this to me.
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thenaniteking · 6 years
Me: all I can think of is Rex going ' we need a band' or like ' let's start a marching band'
Friend: if providence is pseudo-military would that make their band a pseudo-band?
Friend: what is a pseudo-band? What does a pseudo band do?
Me: pseudo music things.
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thenaniteking · 6 years
Rex Salazar is the type of person to have a lunch consisting of just Dino nuggets and smiley fries, let’s be honest.
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thenaniteking · 6 years
Rex just downing a large bag of animal crackers. Eat all the animal crackers.
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thenaniteking · 6 years
📂 📂
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have || accepting 
1. Rex’s room is super tidy. On the surface. But his closet and drawers? Messy, stuffed with random things, unorganized. He likes it this way even if he does have trouble find socks that match.
2. While it’s canon that he never had a teddy bear as a kid. We don’t know what stuffed animals he did have. So headcanon: He had all sorta. His favorite was a German Shepherd plush he named Axel. He use to carry it.. ‘him’ around with him every where he went. You know the way little kids hold on to and care for their plush besties? Unfortunately Axel got lost on a family trip once and the toy was obviously never seen again. Rex cried for a bit. His parents and older brother comforting him. Then...Rex just grew older and let the dog go. ((It’s the small things like this that Rex doesn’t know about himself but wishes he did))
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