theoneindisguise · 1 month
Honestly, I always feel like a majority of the characters in Epsilon’s simulation existed. He had the time, probably based more than a majority on real people. Maybe the things that happened there, happened in the RvB reality… just different.
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Anywho, I have a lot of feelings about Restoration, which I’m not sure if I’m going to go into here or not. It was weird and it was sad and I don’t think I have the brain power to make a post about my emotions on it (at least in this moment)
But for now, it’s nice knowing that Shattersquad is still out there ^_^
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theoneindisguise · 1 month
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Anywho, I have a lot of feelings about Restoration, which I’m not sure if I’m going to go into here or not. It was weird and it was sad and I don’t think I have the brain power to make a post about my emotions on it (at least in this moment)
But for now, it’s nice knowing that Shattersquad is still out there ^_^
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theoneindisguise · 1 month
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theoneindisguise · 1 month
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Those Halo guys are making up excuses to hold hands again
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theoneindisguise · 2 months
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theoneindisguise · 2 months
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theoneindisguise · 2 months
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theoneindisguise · 2 months
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theoneindisguise · 6 months
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theoneindisguise · 6 months
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theoneindisguise · 7 months
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theoneindisguise · 1 year
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uh oh
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theoneindisguise · 1 year
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Ben Reilly, Scarlet Spider of Earth-17291.
Gender: Non-Binary
First appearance: Spider-Verse: Reality Hoppers chapter 2
Ben Reilly is a clone of Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man. They were created originally as a set of Spider assassins, but that purpose was sabotaged when Ultron decimated Earth’s population. In the aftermath, they awaken and now roam the Earth, finding themself in the rubble of an empty planet.
Edited for Spider-Verse: Reality Hopper rewrites.
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theoneindisguise · 1 year
When planing out the story, I had a rather funny idea. What if there was one battle droid that was lucky enough to serve with Grievous throughout the entire clone wars.
So in the honor of random background characters becoming Glup Shittos, I decided to continue that tradition. Enter NB-227, the luckiest battle droid alive.
NB-227 is a reference to the Soviet Order-227. During WW2 when the Germans were starting Operation Barbarossa, Stalin ordered that soldiers were to take “not one step back” to prevent the Soviet army from deserting in massive numbers.
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theoneindisguise · 1 year
So, we all know the classic B1 Battle Droids. Our lovable incompetent metal-brained death robots, cut down by the thousand without second thought. They are security droids that got thrown onto the field of battle because it was cheaper than making something actually dedicated to warfare. Sure, they performed well on Naboo, directed by the massive coordination AI aboard the Control Ship, but after a literal nine year old demonstrated the flaw in that system, the Trade Federation got itself into a right panic and scrambled to redesign them to work independently. Each B1 was now able to function on their own.
For a certain definition of function. See, the Trade Federation is defined by a drive to do everything with absolute minimum expenditure, or in layman’s terms, they’re cheap bastards. So, they went for the cheapest AI system they could find, rigged it for combat, and shoved it into the droids. Unsurprisingly, they turned out to be rather glitchy. Wartime sabotage didn’t help at all, but one major and persistent bug that wasn’t the fault of the Republic’s spies was their chatty nature. 
B1s never shut the fuck up. 
But here’s the thing: they’re chatty because their AIs are struggling to handle all the sensory input that a battle or even regular operation will give them. There’s just so much going on that they often end up making a running commentary on it just to try and keep track of it all. Their inability to sufficiently focus on the world around them is what makes them appear so dumb. And yes, they are dumb. But an infantry droid doesn’t need to be that smart. So why are they having trouble with everything?
The Trade Federation somehow managed to give their battle droids fucking ADHD.
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theoneindisguise · 1 year
okay I said I would elaborate in that last post and I now have time to do that, so
Benjamin Kirby Tennyson is autistic and here’s my evidence:
Sumo Slammers is totally his special interest
[gestures at smoothies and chilli fries] samefooding? samefooding
speaking of smoothies, Ben’s most favoured foodstuff is something blended totally smooth? speaking as someone who has consumed vegetables almost exclusively in blended soup form since becoming the one in charge of cooking her own meals, that is an extreme Food Sensory Issues Mood
LOW EMPATHY LOW EMPATHY LOW EMPATHY. Ben’s got plenty of compassion but I do not for a second believe empathy is something he has much, if any, of. How many times did he manage to completely miss what someone else was feeling??? It’s been a while since I properly rewatched the show but I recall it being A Lot (bc I Related)
he was getting bullied for being weird even before the Omnitrix became a factor and that’s not an autism specific thing but it can totally stand as possible evidence for neurodivergence
he displays a tendency to view the world in a black-and-white way quite a few times, mostly in the original series but it does crop up again later on, and he does clearly learn to see shades of grey but… black-and-white appears to be his Default
difficulty making friends! Ben is Not Good At People, especially early on, but he learns! he gets better at it but it takes time and effort
I’m autistic and I love him
in conclusion: Ben Tennyson autistic. thank you for your time
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theoneindisguise · 1 year
Ok so is 1am I just finished work and I can’t stop thinking about a Ben 10 theory that’s wormed it’s way into my skull!
I’m Ben 10 Secrets of the Omiverse the first movie if I remeber right Gwen straight up dies. She then later turns up again having been brought back by a aliens goo that splashed on her before she died.
In Ben Ten Alien Force episode 11 unearthed we find out that Gwens powers are because she’s an Anodite and her grandma basically says that to access her full powers and her Anodite form her body needs to be destoryed. She even says
“One day you will learn how to make a new body”
But Gwen stops this and turns her down.
However later in the show Gwen does appear as a Anodite. Once her body disappears in a glow of light and she grows huge and after that her body splits apart like when she was fighting the DNAliens and that other time with Charmcaster.
Yet each time she is able to return to human form.
When she follows Ben into the Ultimatrix in Ben 10 ultimate alien she appears as a Anodite and says
“I guess I’m more Anodite then I thought”
My theory is that when Gwen died it wasn’t the alien goo that brought her back but instead this was her physical body being destroyed and her unknowingly creating herself a new body that fits what she wants.
This would explain why her powers colour later changes from blue like magic to pink like Anodite have.
Azimuth even notes later on when her powers are pink that it’s Mana
I have put more thought into this then anything else I have done recently
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