thespiritssaidso · 2 hours
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psych + tweets pt. 7 (part 6)
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thespiritssaidso · 2 hours
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some spencers
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thespiritssaidso · 23 hours
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1000 posts!
Dayum. And it was the limp wrist lassie post, too. Fantastic /gen
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thespiritssaidso · 23 hours
Most incorrect thing he's ever said smh
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thespiritssaidso · 1 day
Made Shassie :3
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Not a hundred percent sure about how accurate they are, but whateverrrrrr
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Long time no see! I made another picrew for my friends, please enjoy :)
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thespiritssaidso · 2 days
Item #: SCP-8675309🍍
Update: SCP has scratched out any and all files with its identification number and replaced them with pineapple doodles and obscure/inappropriate numbers. Standard procedure is to white out any defacement done to the files and replace it with the correct number, but when confronted with the task none of the employees had the heart to do so.
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8675309 Heinz 57🍍 is to be treated like foundation staff with level 5 clearance. Caution is advised when approaching, lest foundation personnel be influenced under heavy charm. SCP has previously gained access to multiple levels this way when it only had level 1 clearance.
Containment of SCP is not necessary, as it has proven it means no harm — not that it can do any — and is willing to come to work every day, albeit sometimes a bit late. The most amount of harm it has performed was by enamoring the guards outside of SCP-294 enclosure in order to acquire a pineapple smoothie. In my defense, those smoothies are to die for. -🍍
Using any form of memory wiping in an effort to contain SCP-8675309 3.141596…🍍 is severely prohibited, as it has previously shown severe signs of distress when it cannot remember the smallest of details. Years of training from your dad to be the world’s greatest detective will do that to ya. -🍍
Description: SCP is a humanoid Caucasian-Latino male, and responds to the name of Shawn Spencer, although it has given itself a number of various nicknames.
SCP shows clear signs of ADHD and a strange fascination with pineapples. SCP can often be seen carrying varying types of snacks flavored like the aforementioned fruit: dried pineapple slices, pineapple nutrigrain bars, and oftentimes simply a large pineapple itself. It’s up for debate as to where it attains these treats for itself, as its pockets have been routinely checked at the entrance of the foundation as it signs in for the day. Some hypothesize it has somehow struck a deal with SCP-261 into giving nothing but pineapple snacks in exchange for Yen. Although no one is sure where it would get the Yen from, as it has reportedly never been to Japan (although it has very clearly expressed its wishes to do so some day).
SCP-8675309 69 lol🍍 also displays an uncanny ability to read a person, able to guess private information from a glance. All personnel are advised to try not to keep anything hidden from it, as it is not only pointless, but its suspicion of said personnel will simply grow.
SCP can be found normally either lounging in the break room, flirting with any and all foundation members it finds attractive, and befriending other SCPs, such as SCP-999. It has found itself particularly fond of SCP-529, and is constantly feeding it cheese, despite being advised not to.
All foundation staff are instructed not to call the SCP an SCP to its face, as it will grow agitated. Obviously I’m gonna get ‘agitated’! How would you feel if you were called an SCP, huh?! -🍍
Reference: Originating from Santa Barbara California, SCP has travelled all over the United States, leaving its footprint in nearly every major city. Well, every city that the SCP has reported as, quote unquote, ‘fun’. Nothing wrong with that. -🍍
Incidents caused by the SCP whilst traveling have been logged and recorded, including the ⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ incident, the ⬜️⬜️⬜️ debacle, and the altercation in ⬜️⬜️ between SCP⬜️⬜️⬜️ and SCP-8675309 8008135🍍.
Great file, amazing. Just a few notes here. First off: cut the ‘it/its’ pronouns. I get some people go by that, but me? No thanks. Second off: very boring report. There’s a severe lack of pictures and way too many words, I almost feel asleep reading this. -🍍
Update: SCP has since left the foundation since the last time its file has been updated. While never clearly stating where it was going, a large sum of money was removed from the foundation treasury and used towards purchasing a plane ticket to Germany.
SCP-8675309 is currently living its life comfortably in the city of Santa Barbara in California, working for the local police as a consultant ‘psychic detective’. Whether or not SCP is actually psychic has been the subject of debate for nearly 5 years between staff.
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thespiritssaidso · 2 days
AU where Shawn Spencer worked at the SCP Foundation at some point during the 10 years
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thespiritssaidso · 2 days
woody has 0 depth perception. he has lots of death perception tho
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thespiritssaidso · 2 days
psych is about a man and his polycule
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thespiritssaidso · 2 days
Life hack: sad at a lack of lassie content?? just look up Tim Omundson in other roles and pretend it’s lassie undercover 🥺
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Ok so here’s lassie undercover at a renaissance LARP and he was sent in because he is the only detective who knows how to sword fight. He knows how to sword fight because of his civil war re-enactment, and he ends up having to enter a tournament in order to maintain his cover. He wins, of course and Shawn and Gus are already in the audience because Gus made Shawn go.
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Here he is undercover in a biker gang 🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️
He definitely got some tips from Shawn on how to ride and the chief found out Shawn could ride better so they sent him in with lassie.
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Seducing the boss of a crime syndicate and Shawn is in the van outside and he hears lassie flirting. Shawn gets mad and confused as to why he is jealous and maybe a little flustered because the earpiece in his ear makes it sound like lassie is talking to Shawn. 
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Undercover as a father at a school and Shawn calls him “Daddy Lassiter” the whole time much to lassie’s disapproval fhsjfhdjdhshdh
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Posing as an investor for a company to take down the CEO 😩❤️‍🔥
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He needed to have a sight line from the stage to get a clear view of the perpetrator so he ends up being the opening act for the band. He sings like an angel because he had a lot of free time at old senora and he hung around the cowboys who sang songs around the campfire. He tried to keep his musical and vocal talents a secret as long as possible but he was the last one at the station working late one day and he had headphones in. He was belting “uptown girl” at the top of his lungs when Shawn, Gus, and Jules walked in because Jules left her purse at work on accident. Lassie shrieked when he saw them, reached for his gun on instinct but didn’t grab it once he saw who it was. All three of them had their mouths hanging open, and all Shawn could say for a second was “wow. Lassie you sound like an angel!” And all Lassie said was “…shut it Spencer. Not a WORD of this leaves this group.” Although lassie was definitely a little happy that they thought he sounded so good. Eventually the chief found out-she’s the chief for a reason of course, but all three of them kept their word at the knowledge of the repercussions they would face. Lassie of course got a standing ovation from the crowd at the end of his song, and there were definitely some karaoke nights after that with a certain baritone and three of his closest friends (with the occasional McNabb if they needed a bass) and lassie became kinda known as “that one tall lanky cop with the really good voice” in quite a few circles.
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thespiritssaidso · 2 days
rewatching psych omg the way the first scene is already making my agenda against henry spencer begin again
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thespiritssaidso · 2 days
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thespiritssaidso · 3 days
status: pondering the inherent sluttiness of a man dressed up head to toe not showing an inch of skin
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thespiritssaidso · 3 days
Do you think they have racquetball in Heaven?
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thespiritssaidso · 3 days
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thespiritssaidso · 3 days
Raspberry lilac ‘n lemon, bestie
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Raspberry- I need your help to kill God. Seafoam - To understand what the fuck is wrong with you Charcoal- You have the best takes Russet- I need to borrow some money Navy- You are literally so sexy (Blushing emoji) Sage- IDK and every day I grow closer to blocking you Lilac- You make my dash better and I cherish you Harlequin- To remind me that there are still people more insane than I am on this website Apricot- I'm slowly poisoning you a little bit every day Steel- You post the most beautiful art/fics/edits Sapphire- I want to put you under a microscope and study you Carmine- I'm on one knee proposing <3 Forest- You are the stupidest motherfucker alive and I love you Mulberry- We should be having (more) gay sex Lemon- Funniest tags known to man
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thespiritssaidso · 3 days
Something I noticed with Shawn and Gus is that they are both two halves of a whole idiot and two halves of a whole genius.
There are so many cases Shawn would not be able to solve without Gus's knowledge. That, plus Shawn's memory and detective abilities, makes them a highly competent duo that could not operate without both of them there.
And on the flip side. Well. They act like idiots. There are at least three cases of their combined natures leading them to act like idiots per episode. At least. A lot of times more.
They build off each other, is what I am trying to say. Either to genius or to stupidity. Often times both. It is one of the most consistent things about this show and I love it.
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