theundeadfandom · 1 month
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Been absolutely obsessed with the new X-Men 97 show! Rogue has always been my favourite superhero, and dear god,are she no Gambit going through it this season. She and Gambit deserve to be happy.
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theundeadfandom · 4 months
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theundeadfandom · 4 months
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what could've been. 💔🩹
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theundeadfandom · 4 months
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I really want to lost in my dreams..
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theundeadfandom · 4 months
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theundeadfandom · 4 months
Hey everyone!
I’ve decided to open up a Ko-fi!
Please don’t feel obligated to donate, but if you enjoy my fanfics and want to show your support, I would greatly appreciate any tips or donations you’d be willing to give!
I live in an incredibly expensive city and work a 9-5 job that is incredibly mentally and creatively taxing, which leaves me feeling depleted at the end of most days. It can be hard to find the motivation to work on creative side projects, like my fanfics. I want to do them more, and knowing I have supporters who want to see more of that writing would help me tremendously.
I’m not making promises or commitments to a schedule or taking on commissions, but I want to put out more work on a consistent basis, and donating is a great way to show that there’s people out there who want to read more of my fics as well.
Again, please don’t donate if you can’t or don’t want to. But if you are able to and want to, I would be eternally grateful for your help.
Thanks to everyone for your time!
PS: links to all my fics can be found on my ko-fi!
I currently write in the InuYasha, Suzume, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners fandoms, and plan to write some one-shots for Jujutsu Kaisen in the near future.
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theundeadfandom · 6 months
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Commissioned by @inusmasha for @mustardyellowsunshine
Enjoy, Robin! :)
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theundeadfandom · 7 months
Suzume One-Shot Fics
In honor of the movie finally being released on streaming platforms, I wrote another Souta/Suzume one-shot, and figured I'd make a post of my fics for the pairing in case anyone was new to the movie/fandom and was looking for some fics! Best Spot in Tokyo
After hours of pouring over journals and papers, Souta suggests they take a break, showing Suzume his favourite ramen spot in Tokyo.
Takes place during the research montage at Souta's Tokyo apartment, and just a cute little "first date" moment in the middle of the canon-story.
Suzume's Choice
Suzume's finished high school and is starting her nursing program at Tokyo University, and it's all because Souta wanted to make sure she was making this choice for the right reasons. He wouldn't let her throw away her future because of him.
Pang of Jealousy
Souta gets a taste of how Suzume feels when he sees her and one of her former classmates talking while they're out for the day in Tokyo. Does it give him the push he needs to make his feelings to her known?
Comfort Food
Souta works full-time as a teacher and a Closer to support him and Suzume while she finishes school, so she cooks him his favorite meal as a way to show him how much she appreciates him. Though she ends up finding out just how much she means to him too.
Rain on Your Wedding Day *(newest)
Rain was always a sign of comfort — a sign that disaster had been averted. What better way for Suzume and Souta to know on the day of their wedding that all is well? A short Souta/Suzume oneshot.
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theundeadfandom · 9 months
reblogging this so I have it for later...
I like fanfics where Inuyasha and Kagome are caught in inclement weather, seeing them all cozy together. I was wondering if you had a list of fanfics where our favorite couple is caught in bad weather?
Hello Anon -
You have unknowingly asked for a Mod Favorite list because our Fic Finders had so much fun putting this list together for you. This list is a mixed bag for setting and rating, and while predominantly one-shots does include a few multi-chapter stories that feature inclement weather. Happy reading!
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Snow Route by @superpixie42 (M)
Inuyasha thought he had the best idea for a surprise for Kagome. They would spend the longest New Moon night of the year (aka the worst night of the year) together in the market village inn, therefore turning a terrible night into a wonderful night. Except nothing ever goes to plan does it?
The Breath of Death by @roseheartwhitefox (E)
He should have seen the warning signs. The sudden chill in the air. The slow but steady increase of the wind as it shook the trees and blew the snow, completely obscuring his vision, burning even his tough hanyou skin with cold. The rapid pacing of the clouds through the sky. The fact that there were no animals out in the forest, despite it being the middle of the day. He had lived through it once before, and should have seen it coming.
A blanket scenario story featuring Inuyasha/Kagome. Takes place during the final act. Rated for explicit content. 
Summer's Snow by @heynikkiyousofine (T)
A freak snow storm in summer and only one bed? What's Kagome to do.
Snow Bound by @petri808 (M)
College roommates Sango and Kagome along with Sango's boyfriend Miroku and his roommate Inuyasha head to a cabin in the mountains for a vacation. Chapter 3-5 contain sexual content.
The Last Stop by BanksDelivers (T)
In a world where demons are ostracized by society, Inuyasha has only his pride and the clothes on his back to his name. When Kagome offers him a place to stay during the approaching storm, will he take a helping hand?
Or, that story where Inuyasha is a stubborn idiot and Kagome has to rescue him.
The Bus Stops Here by @neutronstarchild, @fawn-eyed-girl (T)
At 6:04pm, while he was waiting to take the bus home, she would appear. He lived for those moments, waiting at the bus stop together, trying to build up the courage to talk to her. When the day finally came, she was late. And it was raining. And it was all he could do to keep her from catching a cold. But finally, they were traveling in the same direction, together.
His Hands by @quickening (K)
Thunderstorms are inconvenient most times, but the rare opportunity to closely study a grouchy hanyou is too good to pass up ... especially when said hanyou insists on sleeping on you. Fair's fair, right?
Rain by @lavendertwilight89 (E)
Inuyasha and Kagome get caught in the rain after they had taken on root-head. Inuyasha finally wants to talk.
Chasing The Vortex by @neutronstarship @ruddcatha @mickisketch @fawn-eyed-girl (E)
Inuyasha knew what happiness was. It was him alone with a tornado, because tornadoes were predictable, and simple. And being alone meant no more getting hurt. Then Inuyasha’s Ph.D. advisor dropped the ultimatum on him: to host a plucky photographer from Chicago to help get their weather institute funded, or else.
Kagome Higurashi, for her part, couldn't wait. She’d always wanted to chase tornadoes, and wanted to see how close she could get to one, to get that perfect shot. And lord knew the chaser needed the help! And for that week stuck together in tornado alley, it’s not just the debris that’s flying.
Fortune Favors The Bold by @mamabearcatfanfics (M)
"Dai-kichi! The person you await comes from a distant place. Be bold! It would be good for you to send them a message." Kagome smiled as she traced her fingers over the printed fortune, picturing a dog eared boy with white flowing hair and amber eyes. Inuyasha definitely fit the description of ‘comes from a distant place’ – you couldn’t get more distant than five hundred years into the past. But what sort of message would she want to send him?
Shiori no Yoru by ColhanTheDeviant (T)
Kagome falls victim to hypothermia, can Inuyasha save her? My first blanket scenario!
When It Rains by @dawnrider (E)
Modern AU: Kagome gets caught in the rain leaving work. Cursing her luck, she tries to wait it out. Her luck takes a strange turn when she runs into her crush from college. None other than Yash Inukai. And he's very pleased to see her...
Hold On by @lavendertwilight89 (E)
Inuyasha and Kagome get caught in a storm. Can he help her stay warm?
Stranded by @keizfanfiction (E)
Kagome's car dies in an empty parking lot, she's freezing her ass off, and Sango isn't picking up her phone. Help comes from the most unlikely of sources, and after some heated arguing, childish name calling, and some pretty fantastic sex, Kagome is--what--hey waiT JUST A MINUTE NOW--
The Blizzard by ananova (M)
Facing a snow youkai, Kagome and Inuyasha are separated from the others. Inuyasha is injured, and they are lost in a snow storm. How will they survive?
Mine by jaygirl987 (E)
She was so beautiful and pure. And his.
Base Instincts by ImaniJoain (E)
When Inuyasha is lost to his youkai half, Kagome must find a way to convince him to return to himself.
Many Glowing Moons by Woodrosia (M)
Oneshot. Kagome is a promising young priestess training to become the Shikon Miko. On the fateful moonless night of her biggest challenge, she comes across a mysterious, handsome stranger in a cave. An incredibly passionate tryst follows.
Night Giggles by SamuriFish (K+)
On a summer rainy day Inuyasha and Kagome get stuck in a cave. Somethings bound to happen. inukag oneshot!
Feel free to add your own recs in the comments or reblogs!
Check our Masterlist of previous lists to see which topics we've covered. 
Send us an ask (here).
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theundeadfandom · 9 months
btw if i read a fic of yours and enjoy it (and leave kudos) and go to your account to see if you have more of similar fics and see that you've written like thirty more of those fics i literally moan out loud. thank you and you're welcome
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theundeadfandom · 9 months
Thanks for the nomination!! #feelinghonored
Nomination - theundeadfandom
CONGRATULATIONS, @theundeadfandom​!!! Your fanart “Moonlit Kagome” has been nominated by one of your fans for the 2023 3rd Term Inuyasha Fandom Awards run by FeudalConnection!
Your work has been nominated in the following category:
Best Character
Voting will take place between October 5th and October 20th, and the links to do so can be found on the feudalconnection Tumblr page.
If you would like to pull your work from consideration for an award, please let us know via the Tumblr page or [email protected].
Once again, congratulations for your beautiful contributions to this wonderful fandom, and thank you for all that you do!
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theundeadfandom · 10 months
Moonlit Kagome
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Drew this today , experimenting with style a little, cuz I was really missing the 90s anime vibes. I added it into my fic "Toward Tomorrow", because it reminded me a lot of one of the scenes I'd written with Inuyasha and Kagome, so feel free to enjoy it there as well lol
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theundeadfandom · 11 months
Dear brain, in case you didn't notice, I already have a story I'm currently writing.
Please. Stop. Creating. New. Ones.
Thank you.
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theundeadfandom · 1 year
Ahhh!! Thank you for the wonderful honor of being nominated!! <3
Nomination - Kaebear89
CONGRATULATIONS, @theundeadfandom​ (Kaebear89)!!! Your fanfiction “Come Out of Ashes” has been nominated by one of your fans for the 2023 2nd Term Inuyasha Fandom Awards run by FeudalConnection!
Your work has been nominated in the following category:
Best InuKag Romance
Voting will take place between June 5th and June 20th, and the links to do so can be found on the feudalconnection Tumblr page.
If you would like to pull your work from consideration for an award, please let us know via the Tumblr page or [email protected].
Once again, congratulations for your beautiful contributions to this wonderful fandom, and thank you for all that you do!
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theundeadfandom · 1 year
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I have been absolutely obsessed with Suzume for the last month, and I dove head first into writing a bunch of one-shot fanfics (click here if you’d like to read those), but I was itching to draw a little too, which I am woefully out of practice.  If you haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, I highly recommend it! I think it is now my favorite Makoto Shinkai movie, even above *gasp* Your Name and 5 Centimeters Per Second. Yes, the male love interest is a chair for 80% of the movie, but it actually works! And yes, I do ship them. Add it to the list of OTP’s I have.
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theundeadfandom · 1 year
Def a lot of writers out there this applies to. Especially in the InuKag community.
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I made it
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theundeadfandom · 1 year
This movie has no right to be as good as it is... and yes, I ship them. Add another one to my list of OTPs: -Inuyasha x Kagome -Rogue x Gambit -Lucy x David -Ichigo x Rukia I think I have a pairing type...
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Souta: “Are you not afraid to die?!” Suzume: “We did it! We make a great team!”
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