detransition baby: it was ok
I read detransition baby to take a break from all the sf/f I've been going through lately and it was.... fine. Here's my short, informal review.
The characters had interesting stuff going on but the book sure went out of its way to make sure it actively explained all of the nuances of Why the characters were having the thoughts and feelings that they did. There was a lot of extremely self aware reflecting on ones own emotionl issues that I'm not going to try and say was Unrealistic but was certainly uninteresting.
Getting the audience to ask "what the fuck is wrong with you why would you do/say/think that" about your characters is I feel like the the staple of compelling character writing so answering that question preemptively kind of forces the reader into a passive state of witnessing the characters rather than engaging with them. The complexities of each characters identity/parental/interpersonal issues weren't lacking or anything they were just delivered in the most straightforward possible way.
I also think the book undermined the strength of the character writing in the present by spending so much time in flashbacks. It's not like the flashbacks to ames and reeses relationship were extraneous to the story, but personally I feel like the present character dynamics weren't given enough space to breathe because of it. The premise of this book was "woman and her ex end up pursuing a strange three person coparenting situation after a surprise pregnancy" and being me of course the interpersonal dynamic that would arise from such a thing was what held the most appeal to me on paper, but it never really manifested imo. In some ways I think that's part of it because - spoilers - they ultimately end up not going through with it, and the inability for the three of them to really click on their wants and needs is the primary reason why. But just because I can rationalize it as a writing choice doesn't mean I think it was particularly compelling.
At the end of the day i think we needed to spend less time inside any given characters head and more time watching them interact with each other.
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did u know theres a dedededede movie? thought u might be interested
yes! i did know! its also being released episodically on crunchyroll... im planning to watch at some point
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finished dead dead demons dededede destruction just in time for the anime to drop tomorrow... Ultimately I felt like the ending was a little bit abrupt and unsatisfying but I'll have to sit with it a bit before I can really articulate why. definitely a worthwhile read though really liked the art it, the whole thing was strange in a pleasant way, kadode and ouran were great.
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Still reading dead dead demons dededede destruction. This arc is absolutely insane... I haven't really been posting while I read because this series feels like something I just need to let wash over me. I've been enjoying it a ton I love these two and it's just got such a vibe to it. It's one of those things that right now in the middle of it I feel like it's both doing A Lot of stuff and kind of wandering around all over the place while still managing to feel focused and contained.
It's just absolutely such a treat to go in blind to a piece of media I've never even heard of before and have it land really well. Exactly the feeling I was seeking out starting this blog. Shout-out to whoever gave the rec it was a great pull!
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sorry its been so quiet here i've been on hades 2 lockdown. lotta wifey material in this game guys but number one goes to my best friend DORA shout out to DORA!! #dorahive runner up in terms of wifeyest is eris who loves to shoot and kill and maim me but its fine because she's being a #girl about it. third place is selene who is the prettiest one hands down no questions asked. theres are no bad choices though
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You should read "Daughter of the Blood" by Anne Bishop. It's an important* work of literature that I think you would enjoy**. This ask is not*** a trick.
well im not seeing any red flags here and surely my dear friend tumblr user snarp would never try and hurt me emotionally with a bad book
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'what if this axis of oppression... was reversed' is always a good premise for your Debut Novel
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media update..... went back and rewatched the beginning of/finally finished the amazon league of their own series on the day i spent vegging on the couch because they drugged me up in the ER the night before. good show! janet thegoodplace was so very hot in it. max was also so very hot in it. sad the writers strike nixed the 4 more episodes it was gonna get but this is a tradeoff we make
i also watched the first episode of a show called on becoming a god in central florida which i'd never heard of until the other day and felt intrigued enough to check it out. i watched the first episode and there was a lot of setup happening there but im willing to see where it goes for now. kirsten dunst plays a water park employee who is the wife of a man that gets sucked deep into an mlm personality cult. i enjoy the character they have set up for her but since i only watched one episode i dont have much to say on it yet but i get the feeling that this could be a real underrated gem if it manages to deliver on its premise
i started reading dead dead demon's dededede destruction. not liveblogging it just because I Did Not Feel Like Doing That. not sure how i feel about it so far, in the sense that i'm just not really sure what to make of it. i'm about 25% of the way through. im certainly intrigued by its tone, atmosphere, and art style. i thought the character proportions looked familiar so i googled the mangaka and it turns out its the oyasumi punpun guy? now i haven't read punpun and all i know about it is that this is a manga for profoundly mentally ill people so i was like. ah okay. and i feel like that's contextualized it for me a bit. i really like ouran.
i keep trying to get through murderbot book 2 but guys these books are just super fucking boring. why is so much popular stuff so boring.
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well I was trying to read manga but mangadex isn't playing nice with me so it's back to reading murderbot I suppose
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do you take recommendations for webcomics?
I will take recommendations for almost anything 👍
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Ok I'm all caught up with skip and loafer for now.... those are some extremely good kids there
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My sweet boy he's really losing his grip
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Uuuuuuuuu nao chan ;-;
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Oh no girl don't do it that's the devil talking
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