this-is-monkeyshit · 5 years
I am 25 and fell in love with rinxarcher again,old habits die hard
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this-is-monkeyshit · 5 years
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★ 鑰匙君 | 今天言峰绮礼不在家 ☆ ⊳ archer and rin (ubw) ✔ republished w/permission
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this-is-monkeyshit · 5 years
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Hug for Binghe!
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this-is-monkeyshit · 5 years
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A collage AU absolutely nobody asked for.
QYZ is a self-insert because I own both this shark and this shirt/
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this-is-monkeyshit · 5 years
"no this is not my shameless pitch to see my boi lan wangji in a well-tailored suit whAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT" Lily. L I L Y. WWX is dying to see LWJ in a well-tailored suit, so here's my shameless ask to prompt you for exactly that. Yes? Yes ♡
The party is in full swing when Wei Ying shows up, sneaking into the garden and brushing away the leaves from his hair. He hadn’t had time or a change of clothes for this party, but most of the guests still seemed to be cloistered in the frankly palatial mansion anyway. 
Jiang Cheng intercepts him before he gets into a more visible part of the garden. “What on earth do you think you’re doing?” he hisses, seizing Wei Ying by the wrist and dragging him around the side. “No, wait, I have a better question: what on earth are you wearing?”
“Clothes?” wonders Wei Ying. If looks could kill, he’d probably have been struck dead on the spot.
“You’ve lost your mind.” Jiang Cheng wrenches open the servants’ door and shoves him inside. “You know you technically represent the Jiangs as my guest, right? And you’re really going to show up to my sister’s wedding dressed in that?”
“Her wedding is next week,” Wei Ying points out. “Isn’t this party an excuse for the Jins to show off their tan hua?”
“Yes, but you’re still not going to go see the flowers dressed like a lunatic,” hisses Jiang Cheng, as he wrenches Wei Ying through the labyrinthine passageways of Koi Tower to the guest wing where the Jiangs are staying for the wedding.
Wei Ying finds himself crammed into a suit soon after. “I had it made for you when I was abroad,” explains Jiang Cheng, as Wei Ying stares at himself in the mirror. “I can’t believe you forgot to bring any presentable clothes to this.”
“You’ve never had an issue with my clothes,” Wei Ying points out, tugging at his tie with a grimace. “Are we trying to one-up the Jins or something?”
“It’s not one-upping if you’re struggling to even meet their level,” sniffs Jiang Cheng as he pushes a comb into Wei Ying’s hand. “Fix your hair. You look feral otherwise.”
Wei Ying only grins, and tries. His hair was just like him – unwilling to be tamed.
Keep reading
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this-is-monkeyshit · 5 years
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Random modern AU
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this-is-monkeyshit · 5 years
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✨lan zhan smiling to bless your day✨
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this-is-monkeyshit · 5 years
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× mo dao zu shi icons: like or reblog if you use.
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this-is-monkeyshit · 5 years
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★ mo dao zu shi ★
★・。・。☆ like or reblog if u save ★・。・。☆
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this-is-monkeyshit · 5 years
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It’s his favorite disciple. One of the Twin Jades of Lan - Lan Zhan.
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this-is-monkeyshit · 5 years
The last one though.
Is that a real word...?
Yes, yes it is.
I just double checked. Google said yes.
writing fanfic more like:
have I used that word recently *ctrl + f* shit
“are you still working on that fic?” last edited: 24th January 2005 “haha of course”
that feeling when someone comments
planning a fic down to the words you’ll use without anywhere to write it down and getting home and remembering none of it
it’s just a fic no one will care about inaccuracies *spends four hours researching a 2000-word one-shot*
*sees word in advert* yes that’s a good word I’ll remember that word *never uses word*
my last four fanfics are centred around this character and while it means their characterisation is perfect, people are yelling at me
“oh you write? can you name a character after me” “ummm”
is that a real word *red line appears* well why isn’t it
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this-is-monkeyshit · 5 years
Vaping can expose you to nicotine, which can disrupt normal brain development as a teen.
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this-is-monkeyshit · 5 years
He Cheng: “Watch them closely for me.” Qiu: “UnDerStoOd.”
This is a little Drabble on the latest Ch for 19 days.
What He Cheng finds after leaving the boys in Qiu’s care. This is assuming that He Cheng really was away, (out of town) according to some other readers that noticed the strange hour on He Cheng’s wrist watch. ( the hour is shown in ch. 285 pg. 9)
 “Watch them closely for me,” He Cheng spoke into the phone before ending the call and exiting a building. He walked over to a sexy, metallic black car and slid into the driver’s seat. Being chauffeured around is nice, but He Cheng prefers to be in control of things. He likes driving his own car. 
Things had begun to steer off course a bit. He Tian and his friends weren’t supposed to be at the estate. Initially, it was only meant to be Jian yi at the estate with Hunky Big beef brother Qiu. Now Qiu was stuck playing mother hen for four teenage boys. 
“Heh,” He Cheng mused on the task he had left for Qiu, just picturing the big guy walking around and interacting with his younger brother and his friends was more amusing than he could ever admit to his...partner’s face.
( back at the estate somewhere in the mountains)
Qiu swiftly replied to He Cheng’s orders, “Understood,” the words left his mouth instinctively. Qiu knew how to take orders and knew even better how to follow through with them. However, a menial task that was put in his care (picking up jian yi) had become a heavier weight on his shoulders. Suddenly, three more boys were added to his list of responsibilities. “Fuck..” he cursed as he stood in a corridor that had open access to the garden. In the middle of the once peaceful and undisturbed garden was a group of boys. They were barbecuing. And they were using an antique stone vessel to do so.
Jian Yi was the first to notice the white haired uncle standing off to the side, “Hey! Brother Qiu! What’re you doing over there? Come join us for some delicious bbq as a thank you for treating us to ice cream earlier. It’s on me,” Jian Yi winked and proceeded to pick another beef kebab off the grill, only to have zhan xixi lightly slap his hand away and warn him against food poisoning.
He Tian was still struggling with Mo, but this time he was lying underneath the redhead struggling against him. “It’s on you? Stupid. Whose fridge did this meat come from?” Tian quipped lightly, letting Mo try and choke him from above, he had this dancing smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. Totally unbothered.
Qiu pursed his lips and was about to step off the shiny corridor to get after them, but he very quickly decided against it, after taking a look at He Tian. This brat and the bigger brat are alike in some ways..whether they choose to acknowledge it or not. Qiu’s eyes softened as he thought for a moment before looking over at the maids standing on the opposite side. His gaze was sharp and easily detected. As soon as he gained their attention, he made a clear gesture towards the stone vessel with a jut of his chin and mouthed an order, “Once they’re done , clean it and return it to its spot.” After the maids gave him a confirmation of understanding he gave a curt nod and kept walking, blatantly dismissing Jian Yi with a wave of his hand. He knew that Cheng would be back later that night, no later than maybe 12. He Cheng was out of town for a bit and was finally back, however there was business to be taken care of in the city before he could come home. Therefore, Qiu had to make sure this place didn’t fall apart under his care.
Later that evening~
By the time He Cheng had arrived at the estate it was indeed around midnight, just as Qiu predicted it would be. Thankfully, by this time everyone was situated in their own rooms. Well-, almost. Seeing as how He Tian had insisted on rooming with Mo (much to his dismay) while Jian Yi Insisted on the same with Zhan xixi.  
“Such sticky boys..” The male white haired male muttered under his breath as he stood at the main entrance of the large estate, well aware that He Cheng was about to arrive. He had received a text from him just minutes before. (BIG DADDI HE CHENG PULLIN’ UP)
Soon enough, a sleek car drove past the gates, speeding up as it approached Qiu who stood in the drive way, a cigarette hanging out the corner of his mouth while he scrolled through some sort of news article on his phone. “The fuck?” Qiu raised his head, practically staring death in the face without flinching. He calmly dug his phone into his pocket and pulled the cigarette from his mouth to flick off some of the ashes, at the same time he raised his other hand and flicked off the driver that came to a stop barely two feet away from him.
He Cheng grinned despite himself. This was a playful side of his that only Qiu ever really got to see or understand. To the rest of the world, he came off as stiff and uncaring, with an ice cold heart. It was likely that even his brother saw him this way too. That last bit about his brother, that shit made Cheng’s heart ache a bit because he loved his little bro, but it’s hard to show love when you work in his line of business. It’s dangerous. Cheng stepped out of the car and tossed the keys to a worker standing nearby. “Hey,” Cheng spoke softly, his voice rich and smooth as a light smile played on his lips, he looked tired. His guard was definitely down, because he wasn’t one to smile like this out in the open; even while at home. 
Qiu tossed his cigarette and frowned at the approaching male, wanting to rip open and unleash a can of hellish complaints on him, but as soon as he saw the weariness in he Cheng’s eyes, he decided to store his grievances for another occasion. 
The two of them walked together in silence. Normally silence was comfortable between them, but that night it felt a bit stifling. Something annoying probably happened, Qiu thought to himself and frowned as they passed by the spot where the stone vessel was. Except it wasn’t. It wasn’t there. All that was there was a bucket with a fish and a note that read, “I’m borrowing this stone. I know big bro won’t mind ‘cause he’s got a big heart.” - he tian “That cheeky little bastard,” Qiu cursed aloud and instantly regretted it after realizing that He Cheng was beside him.
“Who?” Cheng narrowed his eyes at Qiu questioningly, but before he could even get another word out, his back was pressed up against the wall and his lips were instantly sealed. “Mph..what’s with you..?” Cheng whispered in between the short gaps when their lips would part for air. The tension in his body dissipating as Qiu slid his arms around his waist, leaning in closer for a deeper kiss, Qiu’s tongue teasing Cheng’s lips as if digging to reach the bottom of an ice cream cone; patiently coaxing the pathway. Cheng happily obliged and parted his lips, granting Qiu more depth as their tongues intertwined and fought over dominance. There was something special about kissing this white haired male. A sudden burst of warmth would always spread across his chest. One could describe it as comfort, happiness, and maybe even love. Yes, that’s right. That’s what it is. Love. He Cheng hummed as his hands roamed and groped Qiu’s body, particularly his ass.
After a while, Cheng’s hands had abandoned Qiu’s ass and taken an interest in the shorter male’s pelvic region, he was getting closer and closer to his crotch. Fingers daring to slip past his pants and undergarments. “Hm, I like these. This material makes your ass stand out.” He smirked as his hand palmed Qiu’s crotch. Indeed, the material of Qiu’s briefs was tight fitting and hugged his ass pretty snugly.
The white haired male felt a wave of heat overcome his body, especially his face and his groin. As the taller male’s hand began palming his lower region, Qiu’s  breathing hitched in his throat, he was sensitive to Cheng’s touch. The burly man rested his head against He Cheng’s shoulder as he playfully bit into his neck. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, the sound of footsteps pattering against the floor could be heard. Qiu naturally knew exactly how many people were rounding the corner, he had quite a keen sense of hearing due to his special training. “Two of the four are passing, probably turning the corner..” He gritted his teeth and huffed as he moved to put some space between himself and the male he had pinned against the wall. Though, he did it grudgingly because of how rock solid his crotch was, it’s painful to peel away from something you want to lean into. “Fucking-” 
He Cheng furrowed his brows at the interruption, but nevertheless continued as he yanked him around the corner and stood at the edge to peek at those who had the worst timing possible. “Shh..” He lifted a hand and clasped it over Qiu’s mouth as he resumed his actions from before, picking up where he left off, rubbing his palm against Qiu’s dick and eventually wrapping his hand around the hardened length as he looked to see who was approaching.
He tian and Mo had left their room to bring back the stone vessel. Currently He Tian was carrying it and leading the way and Mo was standing next to him hissing angrily, trying his best to keep his voice down as a guest. 
“You fucking crazy bastard. This is my first time visiting and you’re already trying to pull off your shitty games. Your dad--I mean, your brother, is fucking mafia boss level scary! Put the stone vessel back where it belongs before someone sees us!” Mo had a deep scowl etched onto his face. It seemed to be his default expression these days. 
He Cheng smirked and cocked a brow at Qiu after looking away from them. So that’s why you pounced on me like a dog earlier, with a sly grin shaped on his lips as he peered into qiu’s eyes, he began to vigorously thrust away at qiu’s length. Hmn, I’ll have to get back at he tian later..perhaps tomorrow. 
Qiu felt a wave of pleasure shoot up his spine and couldn’t help but cry out in response to the attention his crotch was receiving, “Ngh!” His eyes widened in horror and dark shade of lustful red dusted across his cheeks. He really was a sight to behold. Such sharp and handsome features bearing such an anxious expression. “S-stop..” He muttered under his breath and looked up a Cheng with snake eyes. If eyes could bare fangs, his would certainly be doing so right now. 
Mo whipped his head around at the odd and abrupt noise, “what was that?”
He Tian’s face fell serious as he also scanned his surroundings, but it seemed that after searching for a second, he had come to an answer. At the opposite end of the hall two shadows could be seen very faintly as if they were just around the corner. Instead of walking over, He Tian grabbed the note he had written earlier and slung an arm around Mo before dragging him back to their room. “We used to have mafia ghosts around here when I was younger. Quick, let’s go snuggle in bed to protect ourselves from the ghosts.”
Mo scoffed as he tried shoving him off, “fuck off.”
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this-is-monkeyshit · 5 years
So… can I consider this a confirmation that He Cheng is abroad?
In the previous chapter, he was spotted with his watch showing an odd time. 
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And now the maid confirms that “Mr He is not at home”.
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Such a shame. I was hoping to see him pulling a face at the teen gay squad squatting in his mansion. Maybe he’ll be back in the morning? 
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this-is-monkeyshit · 5 years
Just. Like. Us.
Does it ever make you want to cry to think about history & how little we actually know about it? Like there were entire empires that existed & they were glorious & powerful & now all we know about them is what we can find out from ruins & sometimes-fragmented writing. There were entire cultures & ways of life, & people who lived back then probably thought those empires would always exist & be powerful, & now they’re in ruins & have almost disappeared, & idk it just makes me so emotional to remember that
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this-is-monkeyshit · 5 years
kids, reblog w your ethnicity and which side of the family you’re closer with in the tags
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this-is-monkeyshit · 5 years
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Originally bought the ticket but plans changed and I ended up buying tickets to the second concert day in Chicago instead. This was my first time purchasing a BTS ticket/concert ticket ever so I purchased it way above face value from a resell site, so I’m trying to get some of what I spent back. Please PM me if you are interested! 
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