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Words from the mouths of babes, promises ocean deep. But never to keep.
@inanotherunivrse/cocaine jesus - rainbow kitten surprise/fredrick backman, us against you/i lost a friend - finneas/poem - langston hughes/ocean vuong, on earth we’re briefly gorgeous/the underrated heartache - rupi kaur/@sarakleijn/unknown/motion sickness - phoebe bridgers/ @honeytuesday/saw ur mom at the grocery store - abby cates/louise glück, seizure/@thundersoon/ bronze - the regrettes/ritika jyala, the world is a sphere of ice and our hands are made of fire/i still forget we’re not even friends - trista mateer/the light that shines when things end - anonymous/couch sleeper, unknown site/ @saltair-and-palemoonlight/i lost a friend - finneas/dear friend, - dayglow/peter - taylor swift
Requested here
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I think the most radical thing the hunger games does is tell young people that the most revolutionary thing you can do is have unconditional love for humanity. Katniss throughout the entire series is guided by a deep sense of compassion for the people around her. It is what causes her to volunteer, to bury rue, to mercy kill cato, its why she tries to save peeta, why finnick telling her to remember who the real enemy is works, and even though her compassion for the larger world falters when peeta is kidnapped, it comes back when she visits hospitals and asks for mercy for other victors and ultimately, it is love and belief in a better humanity that makes her kill coin. Through it all, she maintains an unfaltering belief in the fundemental goodness of humanity, which is diametrically opposed to dr gaul's and snow's worldview. Peeta is even more unwaveringly compassionate
So the series tells young people that the most revolutionary thing you can be is compassionate. Let compassion drive your politics. Let yourself believe in the fundemental goodness of people. And i think that's deeply important in a world that touts the superiority of pure reason or logic, to allow yourself to be guided by something as emotional as compassion. Katniss everdeen tells us that your politics should be rooted in compassion in a world that thinks detatchment or cynicism is intelligence and i think thats v cool
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on self-love
?// @heavensghost // @roach-works //Richard Bach //?// @bakwaaas // @llleighsmith // Clarice Lispector// Anonymous
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thisismecryingagain · 16 days
here. have a poem for every day of the week. it’ll be okay I love you
monday by alex dimitrov
watching you talk on the phone, I consider the empty space around atoms— by rhiannon mcgavin
on wednesday they came on the news by robert wood lynn
thursday by james longenbach
a photograph by james schuyler
love and the deli counter by jill mcdonough
when you have forgotten sunday: the love story by gwendolyn brooks
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thisismecryingagain · 19 days
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thisismecryingagain · 19 days
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#The Spy Shot Through The Blinds Of The Kiss
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thisismecryingagain · 19 days
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Abbott Elementary (3x14) + Teddie Parallels
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thisismecryingagain · 21 days
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thisismecryingagain · 24 days
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thisismecryingagain · 24 days
laid up in bed googling normal things like have i ruined my life. is it too late
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thisismecryingagain · 25 days
grabs your hand. you've had enough plot and exposition and character development lately im taking you to the beach episode
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thisismecryingagain · 28 days
Hello everybody.
Please share resources and don’t keep silent about Palestine. Dedicate your day for them today. Do not ignore them, do not let their voices go unheard.
Here are some resources you can share around:
daily click
esims for Gaza
call for a ceasefire
donate feminine hygiene kits
learn about Palestine
Education, sources, donations
Shut it down for Palestine
Please do not ignore this post, share as much information and resources as you can for Palestine.
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thisismecryingagain · 29 days
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i won’t lie, this is one of the best representations of healing from grief and radical self love i’ve ever seen.
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thisismecryingagain · 1 month
someone said we had more fun in childhood because we didnt have any past memories to linger on and it has stuck with me ever since
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thisismecryingagain · 1 month
Fragrance literally is a valid form of time travel. I think of all the senses it's the strongest for it. Those memes about stepping outside and the air smells like a 2006 scholastic bookfair. Or for instance right now I am using the same cologne I used when my friend sold me his Playstation and I got back into sonic games again. Now that cologne makes me think of that fall and Sonic and those good times I had then. When I make peach tea the smell of it reminds me of being 17 and watching a vhs compilation of springsteen videos over and over when I'd get home from school. I only get Folgers coffee when I'm missing my grandma because it makes my house smell like hers did. Etc
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thisismecryingagain · 1 month
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the lesbian needs hierarchy. btw.
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thisismecryingagain · 1 month
So embarrassing but who cares. But so embarrassing but who cares but it’s so embarrassing but also who cares but it really is embarrassing but really who cares BUT it’s so embarrassing though probably nobody cares but it’s embarrassing asf and nobody cares but
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