thottcheetoh · 5 years
Ok but really, their music is a melodic whirl of goodness. Enjoy. 
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thottcheetoh · 6 years
“You should smile more”
“A smile would look good on you”
“Why so angry?”
“You always look this mad?”
“A smile is the prettiest thing a woman can wear”
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boy, bye! 
follow me on instagram for loads more cute stuff!
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thottcheetoh · 6 years
I had done a presentation on Machismo within Latinx culture, and this BBC clip hit home. I never really understood why my father was the way he was, or how men in Latinx culture are in general. However, what I do know is that it is a dangerous problem that often gets masked as true love and passion. This clip focuses on women in Mexico, and when 90% of all violent crimes go unreported, how is it that women can be advocates for themselves and others? There has been great strides taken to reconstruct machismo and the way society upholds toxic masculinity, but there is much work that needs to be done. Women all around the world need to have their voices heard and stories told. 
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thottcheetoh · 6 years
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thottcheetoh · 6 years
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thottcheetoh · 6 years
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thottcheetoh · 6 years
Her-story was made! It seemed like a stretch, but now 20% of congress is represented by women of color. Our political climate has been murky and one-sided for so long, and even if we still have a ways to go, this is a great start. Reading this made me feel hopeful, that the US is moving in a direction that is actually going to hear from those who have been silenced for so long. 
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thottcheetoh · 6 years
I am not your trophy.
I am not your property.
I am not your doll.
I am not your toy.
I am not at your disposal.
I am not your submissive.
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empowerment is essential
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thottcheetoh · 6 years
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Sexual harassment was not considered a legal offense until 1977, when a woman brought her boss to court after he fired her after she refused his sexual advances. 🏛 The court stated that her termination violated the 1974 Civil Rights Act, which made employment discrimination illegal. ⚖️ Despite this, the Supreme Court still did not hold companies financially liable for sexual harassment until over 10 years later, in 1988. 💸
That SCOTUS decision opened the door for others, like Lois Jenson, who sued her employer, a mining company. ⛏ Along with other women in the mine 👩‍🏭 Lois had been groped, crudely propositioned, confronted with pornography, and was physically attacked by male miner. The mine’s managers refused to act on her complaints, saying, in effect, that “boys will be boys.” After a court battle lasting more than a decade, the mine settled with Jensen and 14 other plaintiffs for $3.6 million. The outcome put employers on notice that they had to take harassment complaints seriously. ✨✊️
By 1998, the Supreme Court ruled that employers could be financially liable for an employee’s sexual harassment, even if the employer was unaware of it and had anti-harassment policies in place. In the coming years, the number of sexual-harassment complaints filed with the EEOC has fallen steadily in recent years, from 16,000 in 1997 to 12,510 in 2007.
In the wake of #MeToo, it would be wrong to pretend this isn’t still an issue. We know that workplace harassment is still alive and well in many workplaces. Many of us, including myself, have experienced it. We must continue to fight to make sure the rights of all workers are respected. 💪
Art by Liberal Jane Illustration
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thottcheetoh · 6 years
Ever since I read some of her work in my course reader, I had to dig deeper and find this Ted Talk. Peggy Orenstein brings a controversial taboo to center stage: young women’s position with sex and the pleasure they’re supposed to hide or disregard. This talk, along with passages from her book, struck a chord in me; it made me reminisce on my sexual encounters, taking mental tally of all the times I performed for “him” and forgot my own desires. This is important, from young ages, girls are taught to not enjoy sex; this is where the narrative gets messy. Why does this have to be limiting? I’m looking forward to unravelling more of the yarn ball of sexual misconceptions this society hands to girls.  
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thottcheetoh · 6 years
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A haiku by A. Liriano:
Yes my legs have hair,
No I will not put on pants,
Men’s standards are trash
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thottcheetoh · 6 years
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thottcheetoh · 6 years
I remember feeling really upset about a class assignment, but felt that I could not do anything about it. I tend to over thinking and stress to the point of mind numbing exhaustion. I sought out to speak with my professor, best decision. As I was explaining my situation, she had mentioned why I was fearful of the word “no”, or any opposition for that matter. I looked at her confused, 
ME: “Well I can say no..”. 
HER: “Well why don’t you?”
She got me there, why is it that we are afraid to stand up for ourselves? If something is wrong, we need to speak and say something. Masking how I felt with a typical “It’s ok” response when clearly it wasn’t okay is my biggest problem. Saying “No” might upset others, but if it at the expense of my liberation then why should I feel so restricted. I’m a work in progress, and I may not stick up for myself every single time I wish to, but I know I can. 
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thottcheetoh · 6 years
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I sometimes wonder why I still seek approval from men. Not all men, just the ones I fancy, as if what I bring to the table is not enough. I was once told I make myself “too available”, whatever that means. I am a kind and caring person, but why does that have to be used against me? Why am I the one who is dealt the crappy cards? Let me express myself how I want to, without judgement. I can be sensitive, and tough, loud yet shy all in one. In a society where showing emotion is seen as weak and feminine, I stand to show that side of me; because that is ME. 
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thottcheetoh · 6 years
“Feminists are unhappy women who cannot find husbands”, Author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie gives her own perspective of feminism, living in Nigeria and often dismissed at the hands of a patriarchal society, Adichie explains how everyone who believes in equality are in fact feminists. The negative labeling that feminists get placed on them do not do justice to the root of the issues the they stand for. I really enjoyed this TedTalk and encourage you to take a peek. 
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thottcheetoh · 6 years
“Ground-breaking SHE-E-O’s”, Hannah Ewens and Bertie Brandes give advice on how to expressively be a feminist badass with no remorse. Putting a modern twist on feminism, both Vice writers sought out to help young women find their voices in a time where it is hard to be heard. I referenced some of there tips when constructing this blog, and it honestly helped. The thing I got out of the most was to just let the expression and feeling flow: topics and refection will come naturally when you are passionate about something. I recalled both positive and negative events so far in my life, and with the help of other feminists I’ve read about and know, my words and feelings have been published into something really cool. 
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thottcheetoh · 6 years
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This picture is literally my favorite thing. A fellow classmate of mine (Also a coms student) held a yoga and wellness seminar in her apartment. Not only did we do a mindful and energizing sequence, we got to share any stories or conflicts we have been dealing with. Although it was my first time meeting the majority of these ladies, I felt a bond. Women go through a lot; the good, the bad, the ugly. I know I can relate to those who feel alone or may not like to open up to to others. But one thing I’ve gained from allowing for connections is that you never know who’s going through it also. Live and let go, allow for connection, and remember to love yourself.
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