time-is-standing · 29 days
there was this one time back in 2023 when we attended an electric callboy concert. I never really knew how but they seemed so familiar - until I learned from my bf that they started out as eskimo cowboy (which I loved back in the day). so I was alright with going even though I don't know every new song they had.
we had loads of frustration travelling to the venue, it was like an hour because it was on the outskirts of the city. when we got there we immediately bought some drinks and shots to brighten the mood.
as soon as we drank the shot, I almost threw up on the floor. it was tasting real weird, something was off. but I didn't care, electric callboy were getting onto the stage.
as you might know, the types of concerts I love to attend (metal gigs) have plenty of large, tall man jumping around wasted. usually it never bothers me, but this time I've gotten a panic attack being stuck inside the crowd and had to get out of the venue a few songs in.
it started out as a little anxiety but as time went by I had a full panic attack. I couldn't breathe, I was speaking nonsense, laughing manically and crying like a baby.
suddenly my bf pulled my face closer to him and looked at my eyes for a suspiciously long time. he called our friends out and pointed out that I might be drugged. I didn't care, I was fighting for my life.
after a few minutes I heard Hypa Hypa playing and jumped up from the ground (where I've been 'sitting' before) and said "I want to go back now, lets have fun" smiling like a maniac. they didn't let me go back and it was all so surreal to be honest.
I tried weed a few times before but either I smoked so little that it never had an effect on me or I was panicking for a few hours, falling asleep & having nightmares.
I never really wanted to try real drugs so it wasn't ever on my mind what could happen if I took any. but there we were, with the unthinkable happening.
who the hell would drug a girl partying with a group of people?
so yeah, watch out, folks.
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time-is-standing · 2 months
top 10 songs of march
//aka the month of rediscovering old favourites
1. Overcompensate by Twenty One Pilots
this song hasn't left my mind ever since it came out. I love twenty one pilots and used to listen to them but I stopped a while back. now with this new album I enjoy them even more & more.
2. Somebody Told Me by The Killers
this song is a super cool one. I love finding songs I used to listen to before again and see them from a new perspective. always a real fascinating experience.
3. Mr. Brightside by The Killers
these songs are so nostalgic. we invited some friends over and let youtube take over with it's pre-made playlists and it didn't disappoint. catchy banger.
4. Basket Case by Green Day
I used to walk to my grandmother's house. it was a 15-20 minute walk and I had the time of my life when I've gotten my first phone with earplugs. I believe I've loved Green Day for longer than some of you've been alive lol.
5. Nothing Was the Same by Hotel Books
I love Hotel Books. original music, lyrics, a special world is being created by the band in every single song.this may be my personal fav actually.
6. Van Nuys by Hotel Books
so so so many emotions.
"I guess there's a reason the artist is rarely in the painting
A self portrait is too personal to create for sustaining.
So where is God in this creation, other than our clouds?
This mystery we pray to, hoping it will water our grounds"
7. August (Part Two) by Hotel Books
funny that a part 2 gets on this list while the first part of this song is nowhere to be found. I love them both, but I've been feeling august a lot more right now. I am so obsessed with this genre.
8. King Park by La Dispute
it's been a while since I last listened to La Dispute. I fell in love with this band a long long time ago and it was the first band I've thought of as something cool I discovered & really enjoyed. this band gave me so much purpose when I thought I had nothing more left in me.
9. Alligator Skin Boots by McCafferty
I found this song when I was in my first 'relationship' I really wanted to work. somehow things happened all at once: I travelled weekly from my apartment to my hometown, I had a very strange affair with someone at home & I met a new guy who I totally fell for. when this new boy popped into my life I knew I wanted things to work out and I needed to change. huge emotions connected to this song.
10. a Letter by La Dispute
as I said before, I love this band. the storytelling, the rythm... spoken word poetry is one of the best genres of music to ever be created. I enjoy these songs way too much.
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time-is-standing · 2 months
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time-is-standing · 3 months
top 10 songs of february
//aka another hungarian best of list, I'll explain later.
1. Sánta Egyensúly by PETOFI
THIS song is the best song to ever exist. like literally. I'm 100% certain I've already written about it but I'm obsessed. and being the way I am, listening to the intro and seeing the old singer pop up on the stage on the first concert of their tour... it blew my mind. I am crazy about this whole experience.
2. Az idő esete by PETOFI, Kővári Gábor
this song has a verse, where the singer raps/screams his past tramuas. the backing vocals slowly get louder and louder singing "it doesn't matter" and it's such a clever way to remind you you cannot stay stuck in the past crying about it. you have to move on and move forward.
3. Én már soha többet semmiért nem fogok bocsánatot kérni by Nemecsek
this is my fav from this band. I was super sad, when they said they are having their last concert. we went to it a few weeks ago, and I enjoyed the concert so much. earlier I didn't think I listened to loads of their songs, but I knew more than half of the setlist. super energetic, fun songs with important lyrics.
4. Süket Füledre Talál A Vallomásom by PETOFI
I love the poetic verses, the smart, hidden messages in their lyrics. petofi is one of the best bands ever. I know they mostly have sadder songs but I'm deeply in love with the vibe they have. I've already written loads about this song, it's really special for me.
5. Szellemképek by PETOFI
pretty petofi-heavy month. I can say, I'm obsessed with them. seeing the old singer in action, singing, screaming, forgetting some words and having the time of his life... I'm real happy knowing, I saw him live as well. I'll always be the one to love the new singer more, but they don't have to know that lol
6. Holttestemen Át by PETOFI
this is such a gem. I don't know, how but these boys come up with so many masterpieces. the lines in the songs are creating a mindset you can hardly get out of if you're really listening.
7. Soha Többé Nem Iszom by Counter Clockwise, Téveszme
oh well, well, well. I am a lucky girl who has listened to this song live with every member performing. Viktor flew up to the stage, set the mood and left us screaming. I am starting to love this band more and more as time goes by.
8. Reményszenzorok by Téveszme
this song makes my whole body tremble. I'm so anxious & sad... but I love the lyrics so much at the same time. I've cried way too much listening to this song live. brings out so many emotions.
9. Fáklya by Nemecsek
another nemecsek one. I don't really know how to put it into words... I'll miss them deeply but happily we still have their music available to us. I know life sometimes gets in the way but whenever a band breaks up my heart aches for them the same way. I miss them already.
10. Akasszátok Föl a Királyokat by Counter Clockwise
this song has so much in it. our history, the current situation... I don't like to think about it much because it makes me so very angry. but somehow these songs help relieve some of the anxiety and the concerts make me believe there's still some of us who are ready to fight back if we're needed.
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time-is-standing · 4 months
top 10 songs of january
welcome to a new year.
1. 3 Strikes by Terror Jr
this song became my fav very rapidly. I heard it on tiktok in the background of a video. it has such an interesting vibe.
2. Azon Az Éjszakán by Zaporozsec
another hungarian masterpiece. if you give it a chance and listen to it, you'll soon learn that it's a translation/rewrite of Tom Odell's Another love. I was listening to that song non-stop for years and remembered this one existed on a random freezing morning.
3. Reményszenzorok by Téveszme
THIS SONG. this is actually the best song ever. the. best. song. I love the lyrics, I love the vibe, I love the rythm. I love Téveszme. can't wait for the upcoming concerts.
4. The Sadness Will Never End by Bring Me The Horizon, Sam Carter
"I won't give up on you
these scars won't tear us apart
so don't give up on me
it's not too late for us
I'll save you from yourself"
I couldn't fully understand this song until I found my boyfriend & I'm happy I found hope again.
5. Panic Room by Au/Ra
I am in an Alice Oseman era. this song puts me right back into the excitement of the Heartstopper series. I adore this girl and the world she created for us.
6. Bányák by PETOFI, Kovács Gábor
"hidd el én egyre mélyebbre ások, de nem több rohadó húsnál amit találok"
lyrical geniuses, that's who are in these hungarian bands. I love poetry and listening to these songs feel just like reading the prettiest poems that break your heart in such a complex way that they even heal you by the end of the song.
7. Három lapát a vén szélmalmon by Téveszme
we attended a party that was organised by one of my bf's childhood friends. we are from the same place, knew a few of them so it truly felt like coming home when we all started singing these songs.
8. Throne by Bring Me The Horizon
BMTH seems to never fade away from my playlists. I am deeply connected to the songs. I spent most of my teenage days listening to these songs on full blast (maybe that's the reason hearing in my right ear is not the greatest lol).
9. Holding on to You by Twenty One Pilots
tøp is on my list again. I've been listening to them back when I turned 16 and I believe this band helped me to get out of a long-long phase of derealization. it resulted in me getting real depressed so I didn't touch their music again until now. I feel like it's strangely a safe place for me.
10. listen when i'm gone by Jack Powell
I'm needing less and less sad songs nowadays but sometimes it still helps me to feel all of my feelings and get into the right headspace. I love this one so much.
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time-is-standing · 5 months
the last letter to someone I should never write to
hi, boy.
I'm not bothered anymore to call you the code-name I used to say. I'm not going to go looking for the pretty metaphors I've created around your presence. I'm just done.
somehow, I'm grieving something I never really had and my heart is shattered to tiny little pieces.
I think I'm over my past, until the very moment you stepped into my life. I always thought about you as "the best thing that could ever happen to me" or "the saviour of my silly little life". and I know this was true at the time. you gave me more than anyone ever did. you made me realize I'm worth loving, I'm interesting. you gave me purpose & motivation.
you made me write the most spectacular poems and sentences in my life. I loved you with all of my heart, every single atom inside my body screamed your name any time we had to seperate.
and for what?
some never-finished sentences? for that one time you held my hand? for all the endless calls on discord? the spark that you lit in me whenever our eyes locked?
yes, all this... and yet nothing more.
you had someone. you had a girlfriend all along and you never planned to get rid of her. I saw the signs - you let me into your fabricated castle built fully on lies and wishes that never came true.
you showed me the best version of myself, held light to your true beauty and strength just to go back into the shadows and married the girl, who was abusing you both mentally & physically.
I tried to help. I fully believe I gave you all the signs - even more than that. I told you waaay more than I was supposed to as you were in a relationship and I have morals. yet, you choose to engage her, to continue letting her dominate you and strap you to a place that never made you happy in the first place.
so I left.
I left just as I left the first man, who raised his hand against me. painfully, slowly, giving a thousand chances for the both of you to change. but you never did. neither of you wanted out and I respect that.
with all the respect in me, with every prayer I've ever said for you, my heart still broke when I had to leave you all behind.
my last discord message was:
"I'm sorry, this was partially my fault. I'll call you whenever I can but it seems like it'll never happen"
I'm certain we both knew what it meant. we never chatted again, and it was more than two years ago. I still miss you, but I know I'm better off without you.
I'm terribly sorry.
with all the love my broken heart has,
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time-is-standing · 5 months
top 10 songs of december
- aka a real Wilbur-heavy month. stay with me for the last one of the year. happy new year btw.
1. Prada - Acoustic Version by cassö, RAYE, D-Block Europe
I found this version on tiktok and somehow fell in love with the whole vibe of the song. I had a few months, when I could afford the big brands and went looking after special perfumes, shoes, even was into looking for balenciaga hoodies etc. but I soon realized saving up money would be more beneficial for the future. it was fun while it lasted though. I'm happy I could afford these things and felt so special for a while.
2. Mine / Yours by Wilbur Soot
the new Wilbur album?? it was such a great suprise! I LOVE every single song on there and I'm listening every day & night to them. this was the absolute fav as you can see, such a vibe! love the bittersweetness of the album.
3. Eulogy by Wilbur Soot
this is a close 2nd fav from the album's tracklist. I actually have strong feelings about this whole album from the minute I first listened. I firmly believe even if not whole songs, but lines are about technoblade. it hurts me deeply to this day, but I can sense so much grief and heavy emotions in these songs (this one specifically).
4. Breathe Me by Sia
a sadder song for the month. I'm always going through it around christmas. I was alone upstairs one night after having spiraling thoughts but I started thinking: actually nevermind, if I have someone that could help me get out of this bullshit, I'm going for it. I knew my bf was playing with friends so I planned on sitting beside him, but as I arrived and he noticed how bad it was, they invited me into the game and had so so much fun that night. I'm real thankful for them but mostly him.
5. Amazon Standing Lamp by Wilbur Soot
this song... I have a strong love-hate relationship with it. I love-love-love the message, the sad undertones, the whole mood of the song, but I just can't seem to be able to stomach the vague helf sentences about their sex life. I just froze when I realized the meaning behind thise words and have been stuck there ever since.
6. Harag by Anchorless Bodies
one hungarian fav. I have issues with dealing with anger and this song somehow connects to me on such a higher level. it's all about anger, it has a distinct atmoshpere that I love when it comes to dealing with my never ending rage.
7. Si No Estás by iñigo quintero
I have a soft spot for this song. I don't even know the meaning of all the words, but it has a charming, calm vibe to it, that I love. I don't know how it happened, but I fell in love when I first listened to it months ago, and it stayed with me.
8. Youngblood by 5 Seconds of Summer
a bit of 5sos never hurts. I was having trouble finding new music that I liked, so I went back to the only artists I never get disappointed by: 5sos, bmth and this month still a bit of loic nottet. I'm trying to deal with these workplace struggles, but no matter how far I move, I never seem to be able to outrun depression and the way I always tend to stay sad for longer periods of time.
9. Dropshipped Cat Shirt by Wilbur Soot
I don't remember listening to this song as much, but it seems like I was enjoying the whole album a bit more than it seemed. I don't think I can understand this song, but I'm totally sure the ending is the most dramatic change I've ever heard in music. must be because I'm so invested in tecno, but I still remember the first time I've heard those last lines.
10. Deathbeds by Bring Me The Horizon
I love this song and And The Snakes Start To Sing so fucking much. somehow these are my all time fav bmth songs and I can be listening to them any time, they always get me. actually I went to the bmth concert earlier this year and it was so fun but I'm still quite sad that they never played too much of the older songs - as a hardcore fan from 2014.
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time-is-standing · 5 months
playlists of 2023
01. 3/01 hostage
02. 3/02 with the fire that you started in me
03. 3/03 the way you taste
04. 3/04 fools gold
05. 3/05 this town - it's empty now
06. 3/06 letters from under the ground
07. 3/07 it's a parasite eve
08. 3/08 for lonely nights
09. 3/09 sánta egyensúly
10. 3/10 time flies
11. 3/11 cause eyes don't lie...
12. 3/12 it's timeee
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time-is-standing · 5 months
twitch recap of the year
as of 26th december, 2023 I can state that this year has been the best one of my life so far - yet, this means every aspect of my online presence has suffered a bit. I was so proud of these "achievements" I've gotten throughout the years and it's kindof bittersweet to catch myself in this downward sprial.
but let's quit the sadness, here's the recap:
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loads has changed this year. I loved Tubbo's subathon so so much, enjoyed Benni's streams and watched the usual streamers, but...
I've became more distant. I wasn't chatting as much as before, didn't come up every night to watch Benex. it was how my year started, I've been doing it for so long, it was all natural.
actually, I have to be proud of myself. I've changed a lot, I've grown this year. I don't need constant music/streams to fall asleep, I'm calmer now, everything feels much easier.
I'm proud and the happiest I've ever been... but looking back at the year... it makes me sad. it feels like I've lost a little secret community, a way to keep myself happy, a connection I cherished so much.
but I'm even more thankful for all these memories and everything I've gotten all these years. hopefully I'll be back for more happy memories next year!
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time-is-standing · 6 months
on todays episode of crying at 6 am:
I am still crying over the whole situation. I've just watched skeppy's video and got so emotional. I remember reading the news like it was yesterday. so much has happened ever since and there's still so much pain in my heart for all the people we've lost through the years.
I don't know if I ever mentioned it before, but when I was living at home with my parents, I was majorly depressed. I've always been looking for distractions from my little life, so I ended up on twitch long before it was known by everyone. I started hyperfixating on hermitcraft and slowly joined like all the creators on twitch when dream got onto my yt recommended. things went downhill fast - I started watching him and george first on youtube, next on twitch as well. I was there for every livestream where they were just messing around with the idea of an smp server.
that's how I met technoblade. occasionally I've joined him in streams, watched a few videos, gotten so hyped about his appearances on the server.
that was when things started to go downhill. I loved his humor, how he coped and the way he lived his life even though serious things were going on.
I moved away from home, changed apartments and was in my second one in the big city, when techno passed. I have gotten kindof familiar with the idea of letting go and grief because I decided to join into the journey of unus annus but I never anticipated "getting ready" for something this big. I always had issues with loss and this whole situation wasn't helping.
I used the dream team's tiktoks to keep me going on my hardest days, I did everything I could to stay distracted from a similar situation and than... boom.
he's gone
the magic's all gone.
we never talked about it like that, we never addressed how huge of a role he had in holding the community together. we knew deep down, but we had hope. we needed to have hope to keep things going for a while, but we have to admit, that we lost way more than a spectacular person that summer night.
and I'm really sad we did.
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time-is-standing · 6 months
top 10 songs of november
- aka the most random and boring one of the year.
1. Világszakadtság by Kozmosz
I had to keep this one in as this song reminds me so much of the "good old times", when music was my only hiding place from the real world. I didn't understand a lot of what was going on in my life but now I see it so much clearer. I was in a bad mindset, shitty things were happening all the time and the only place where I felt slightly safe was on my bus rides where I could listen to loads of music.
2. Si No Estás by iñigo quintero
a tiktok trend was on my fyp for days and somehow I fell in love with this song. I don't even know the meaning of one word in this song, yet I love the vibe of it so I kept listening and listening to it.
3. WASTE (slowed version) by Kxllswxtch
an old fav, which I listened to a lot these days. I don't remember how it happened but it calmed me down at the right times and made things a bit easier. I loooove it to bits.
4. Monsters by All Time Low, blackbear
still listening from the previous month, kindof a happy song. it reminds me of parties, having fun, great memories and it keeps me going even when it feels like I don't have enough energy to even make my coffee in the mornings.
5. Az idő esete by PETOFI, Kővári Gábor
it's a gem. I love every line of this song as I'm sure I've said before. this band was the second most listened to in my wrapped so I'm sure that says enough. I'll post seperately about it all soon.
6. Poison by Loïc Nottet, Shogun
I've been remembering artists/bands eho I've been listening to in the past. I was the same way with 5sos, Loic and a few others. I loved his music so much through university, that I still know every word to his songs.
7. It Never Ends by Bring Me The Horizon
I was super suprised to find out BMTH was the third in my wrapped list. I know I listened to them again (especially before & after the concert) but to know that they still have this huge affect on me years - seriosuly! I started listening in like 2014 - is like a warm, tight hug for my soul. I'm happy I found them in the first place.
8. Last Resort by Papa Roach
somehow this song stayed on the list. mostly because of the friend group I have with my bf, we always listen to these nostalgic songs and have the time of our lives.
9. Hungry Heart by Loïc Nottet
another Loic song. I think this was my biggest fav when I discovered selfocracy. this boy deserves so much more listeners.
10. SPIT IN MY FACE! by ThxSoMch
I'm not conpletely sure I was aware of the things I've been doing this month. I don't even remember how or when I started listening but I know I fell in love with the vibes of this song again.
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time-is-standing · 7 months
top 10 songs of october
- late as usual, no one is even suprised anymore.
1. Monsters (feat. blackbear) by All Time Low, blackbear
I've been to a party at our friends with my bf. the boy picked us up with his car and this banger was playing one time. I've been listening to this for such a long time but I've somehow forgotten. my memories were brought back immediately and I felt so nostalgic. love this tune!
2. Without Me by Fame on Fire
love the original but is quite a bit too sad for me nowadays. I'm struggling listening to my old favs which are sadder, slower songs. they make me so depressed, that I've been stuck listening to only covers and 5sos for the last few days.
3. Popular Monster by Falling In Reverse
this is always coming back. fir is just an all tome fav for this friend circle and I'm enjoying it all the time.
4. body bag by Machine Gun Kelly, YUNGBLUD, The Used, Bert McCracken
this is a totally new song for me, I love it to bits. super catchy, and MGK is such a great singer no matter what kind of a person he really is.
5. Drugs by Falling In Reverse
fir again, yeah. actually, Ronnie is an ongoing joke in our friend group. there is a wife who - in her entire life - only had one steamy dream. and you guessed right, it wasn't with his husband, it was with Ronnie Radke. and we've never really gotten over this story lol
6. you broke me first by Our Last Night
this is one of those "too sad in it's oringial form but a huge fav of mine" songs. I have witnessed every step of this band as their ads have reached me ever since they were starting out as a random band. I've always been mad because they somehow annoyed me, but I really like this cover.
7. The Diary of Jane by Halocene
there's this other friend of mine, who LOVES halocene. not a day goes by without him mentioning them and listening to their music so I decided to pop one of their songs to my playlist and didn't regret it.
8. Toxicity by System Of A Down
this one I dug up from our childhood. I'm actually not seeing a therapist anyomre as I moved away but I'm still working on myself. with this move loads of my childhood memories surfaced and I'm trying everything to deal with them.
9. The Drug In Me Is Reimagined by Falling In Reverse
I'm quite suprised. so much falling in reverse, I cannot find the right words lol. love this reimagined version tho! and it didn't make the list but I've been listening to their Last Resort as well, it's bomb.
10. Obey by Bring Me The Horizon, YUNGBLUD
yungblud & BMTH together? it's pure heaven, let me tell you. I love every line of it!
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time-is-standing · 8 months
top 10 songs of september
- a late /as usual/ description of my days
1. Who I Am Without You by Aislinn Davis
this is a new find! I got so excited when I stumbled across this sound under one of the tiktok videos I watched. I happened to fall in love within seconds and have been listening to this ever since.
2. My Blood by Ellie Goulding
this is a song I've heard countless times before but somehow the melody, the deep lines and the overall vibe of the song hugged my heart tightly a few weeks prior. I am deeply connected to the vibes and the lyrics overall, so it climbed to the top of this list.
3. Strangers by Kenya Grace
this is another tiktok favourite. I didn't even notice at first how much I'd love the entire song, the chorus was enough for me to fall in love. but the lines
"and then one random night when everything changes
you won’t reply and we’ll go back to strangers"
gave so much depth to the experience...
4. Last Resort Reimagined by Falling In Reverse
I got reminded of this masterpiece in a party of ours. it lasted until 1am and we really only finished the "karaoke" because we had to wake up early the next morning but singing these kinds of songs, having fun and being careless was something I've missed dearly earlier.
5. You Are Enough by Sleeping At Last
I really do need this song nowadays. even though I'm in a happy relationship, all our dreams came true when we moved in together a month before and things are looking great... I think now is the time when it's most important to take time and learn to love ourselves.
6. Parasite Eve by Bring Me The Horizon
in the mornings I have my routine 15 minute walk to work and some days I still need hyping up so I get these songs out to help. I'm still thinking about my bmth concert experience a lot.
7. Another Life by Motionless In White
we had a party at our new house and one of my fac friends busted out this banger. I've cried so much to this song when I was a teenager and now I have such strong feelings. knowing that not only it can get better but that it did get so much better... priceless.
8. Voices In My Head by Falling In Reverse
"the voices in my head keep telling me I'm not okay
it's feeling like a hurricane in my brain
dark clouds, hard times, bad weather
please don't make this last forever"
this is one of the tunes that are real close to my heart. I've first listened a few years ago, when I wasn't the biggest fan anymore (because I loved the band for years before, when I was a teenager) but it's still a real cool song.
9. Eyelids by iamjakehill
an older fav. I don't know how I listened to this again but it's still a banger. I'm loving jake's career and this song makes it obvious why he is so good.
10. Still Waiting by Sum 41
another song from the party at ours, we had fun. reminds me of the summers when we didn't have internet & made fun little videos with our (not really smart) phones. great times, I will never forget how different everything was back then.
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time-is-standing · 9 months
top 10 songs of august
sorry for the long wait, I actually left my job, moved hours away from the capital, moved in with my bf, started working at a new place and it was a lot. so sorry for that. because all of this going on, I didn't really have time to listen to music as much as I did before, so I'll present to you the list of my current favs - not based on the stats. we're going with our hearts today. thanks.
1. Paralellák by Plazúr, Nagy Viktor
this song is by far the first for august & spetember as well. we were so stressed while planning the move and looking for jobs, that I came up with minigames we would play during the more stressful days. one of those were "collect all the Viktors". so we looked through spotify, youtube, the whole internet to gather all the songs Viktor Nagy has collaborated on and we both instantly fell in love with this one. such a great vibe, special, unique song. I said goodbye to my colleagues with the lines "ha görbült a tér, a végtelenben találkozunk" in my head.
2. Sánta Egyensúly by PETOFI
this song. this is a masterpiece. I'm not taking any arguments, this would've been the first if I didn't count in the fact that my bf and I bonded so hard because of that song. this means so much to me. I can't even speak about how close to my heart this song sits. "háromlábú széken sánta az egyensúly. mikor dőlök már el? mikor jön az az egy, aki belém rúg?"
3. Pirkadat by Téveszme
this song actually tells a tiny story from my life, that changed every single thing in my life. there was a friend of mine, who I loved so much, that it was the most toxic thing to ever exist. me (and my issues) made it a hundred times harder to get out of that relationship but I made it out, I'm back to my old self and I'm better than ever. this makes me proud & warms my heart - while making me angry just enough to feel some things and calm down by the end of the song. "érzem nem volt hiába, bármennyire is fáj"
4. Süket füledre talál a vallomásom by PETOFI
this is the biggest masterpiece ever made in history. it's only this low on the list because I've been listening to it for more than 3 years now and I'm still obsessed. experiencing this one live was the most ecstatic feeling in the whole wide world. I screamed every word and somehow still felt like it wasn't loud enough. the singer actually looked right into my eyes and I believe saw all the pain of the world right in there because we shared a few moments together (& that's why I love smaller bands so much, they really love to see the impact they make and connect with people). he actually gave me his just opened beer he took only a few sips out of and I'm still obsessing about it.
5. Pusztulás I by PETOFI, Nagy Viktor
this song... I've said to my bf that I just hate it and cannot find a meaning behind the words on a random tuesday. by the next weekend, this was the only song I've been listening to and I somehow understood it perfectly. every single line has it's own charm & meaning and I'm loving it. (this is also one of the Viktor's that started the whole game)
6. Én már soha többet semmiért nem fogok bocsánatot kérni by Nemecsek
I love this band and don't speak enough about them. I have some other favs but this was the first Nemecsek I've ever listened to. I love how fast this song is, the beats are hyping you up so much while the lyrics are pulling you down to the bottom of a deep dark ocean... yeah, that's hungarian music for you.
7. Harag by Anchorless Bodies
oh, this one. the title means "anger" and as we all know by now, I'm the queen of anger issues. I've stopped seeing my therapist because of the move and I'm curious if any of the methods she showed me will be useful in the future for me. at least I have these songs to get me into a better mindset.
8. Bányák by PETOFI, Kovács Gábor
"lelkem bányájában te vagy a sötétség"
I love how this band mixes poetry with songwriting. this somehow lights my heart on fire. I can't seem to be able to find where exactly, but I'm headed somewhere the exact moment I hear these songs. it's almost like the words give me purpose and motivation, I just need to find where those feelings are leading me.
9. Keserédes by Téveszme
an all time fav! sad, slow, super emotional. I have an unhealthy attachment to this song and I'm always coming back to it whenever I'm in the mood for these songs. actually it's kindof comforting for me, even though it's on the sadder side.
10. Akasszátok fel a királyokat by Counter Clockwise
I don't like it that much anymore but listened to it a whole lot with my bf. it's sadly still real meaningful in our country... I don't wanna get into politics, this page is not for that but some days I'm super scared of what's about to come.
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time-is-standing · 10 months
top 10 songs of july
aka a late & very special edition. as you might know I'm hungarian and I've been editing out all the hungarian songs through the years. it's been more & more difficult lately, but as of the 31 of july, there's nothing but hungarian songs in my top 37 so well... hungarian top 10 it is! also I'll have a hungarian version of this post as well. hope you enjoy.
1. Tánc by Hanoi
Hanoi is one of the bands I've gotten to know on one of my Téveszme concerts. it was the band's officical last concert because they speparated. but in the very moment the singer said "who here has already regretted only getting to know us on our last night together as a band?" and I knew I fucked up. it was so catchy, I love the raspy voice of the singer, I love their band so so much.
2. Hullócsillagok by Mudfield
my bf wanted to attend this band's conxert, I've been hating on them as a joke for months so he insisted we went. when the day of the concert came, I was super hyped, but he was tired so I went with other friends and had so much fun! it was a super energetic concert with great vibes and loads of jumping around. this is one of the sadder songs and I'm obsessed with it (as always, lol).
3. Maradj így by Bagossy Brothers Company
antoher sad song from a concert I never intended to attend. one of my friends here in the big city wanted to go and asked me to join. the ticket was free so I said I'd go and had fun, but this is not one of my fav bands. however this song, this is a masterpiece.
4. Százszorbátrak, viharverők (A gyertya harmadik vége) by Téveszme
Téveszme, my dearest love. I have already told stories of the relationship I have with the band and some old firends, but I'll dig around to find them for the hungarian post. I love this band with so much passion I'm travelling through the whole country to see them. Viktor is the best, and in the latest concert he was super obsessed with my bf knowing every single word of their lyrics so we all had fun lol.
5. Egy garabonicás visszatörölt chat-panaszai by Téveszme
my current fav. it's about a long distance relationship and as of now I'm in a kinda ldr, we have to travel like 3 hours to get to each others and are moving in soon. we can't wait for it to finally happen. I hope we won't end up like the couple in this song.
6. Komorebi by PETOFI
oh, petøfi. I love the vibes, the sadness, the screaming, the messages. this song especially has a super catchy chorus, so I'd a 100% would recommend listening to it. I love it so much, I even made one scene of the videoclip my computer background. this is one of the newer songs but I enjoy everything that comes out under this name. I AM OBSESSED so let's move on.
7. Az idő esete by PETOFI
one of the older songs, I always joke around with this band being given as a present to me because... that's exactly what happened. I was real suprised at my first petofi concert when I ended up sobbing on the floor after screaming the lyrics to this and Süket füledre... such powerful lines, such powerful memories.
8. Kiseper by Anchorless Bodies
oh this is a special one. you have to listen to it to realize but this is the kind of poetry/music I enjoy the most: when not only do we play with words but the tempo, the beat and every single breath we take to give the listeners a message. 10/1000 stars for this one.
9. Az adás megszakad by Satelles
I love the mindset and vibes of this song as well. a random band I don't know as well as the others but this song is quite close to my heart if I'm being honest.
10. Ül és vár by 30Y
superise: I wasn't meant to be attending this cocnert either. I had a huge fight with my bf who left me alone for the weekend and decided I'm not going to cry through antoher night alone so I went to the best sounding concert in my area. I sobbed through this whole song and the speech Zoli gave. I still live by his words "everything we have in life is lent to us by someone".
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time-is-standing · 10 months
we never broke up, but we spent the whole weekend thinking about stuff trying to figure out if we have the willpower to work for this relationship. I never hesitated, but this sweet boy developed such a bad mental state with depression & anxiety lately that he reevaluated anything and everything.
right now we're choosing love and are trying but we'll see if we can make this work.
my kinda-long-distance-bf travelled 2,5 hours to have a fight with me & tell me he might be breaking up with me. and to deal with all of that I'm trying to cheer myself up with shit like
"I'm a bi girl, I have double the options"
also I'm attending a concert tonight while he's "thinking about the relationship" and I'm going to get so drunk I won't even remember my own name.
yeah, problem solving at it's finest.
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time-is-standing · 10 months
my kinda-long-distance-bf travelled 2,5 hours to have a fight with me & tell me he might be breaking up with me. and to deal with all of that I'm trying to cheer myself up with shit like
"I'm a bi girl, I have double the options"
also I'm attending a concert tonight while he's "thinking about the relationship" and I'm going to get so drunk I won't even remember my own name.
yeah, problem solving at it's finest.
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