tinyowlthoughts · 20 hours
I would like to order one Countdown to Sentencing advent calendar, please! 
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tinyowlthoughts · 1 day
The Transgender-y Lady
In honor of Pride Month, here is the story of one of my favorite patrons, the Transgender-y Lady, from last fall. (Copied over from my Reddit account.)
A lovely woman at a senior living center I visit with the bookmobile was chatting with me, and told me that her nurse from last night, and her grandchild, were both 'transgendery' and asked if I had any books on the subject. "But you probably don't have any books on that kind of stuff." I was quite happy to tell her that we have a large selection spread between the four libraries that the bookmobile pulls from, and that I would bring several next time I visit for her to choose from. She lit up and thanked me profusely.
The Update (three weeks later):
So I showed the lovely patron with the transgender grandchild the LGBTQIA+ books I brought, and she looked at me confused and said, "Oh, I don't want to read about it, I have a live one!" Turns out she didn't want books on LGBTQIA+, she was just wondering if we had books about it in the library for others to read and learn about it, and I misinterpreted it as a request. Still, she's happy we have so many different resources for people to use when educating themselves. So still a win! (I just about burst a blood vessel trying not to laugh when she loudly said, 'I have a live one!' You are an awesome grandma, ma'am!)
I still see this woman and her husband every visit, and they always have a long list of books to put on hold, while returning their current checkouts and picking up new ones. Earlier this week I gave her The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman - I can't wait to hear what she thinks of it, I'm going to try and get her Good Omens next. :3c Ineffable husbands for my ineffable patron, hm?
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tinyowlthoughts · 1 day
I manage the bookmobile for my county. Before I had my first during-school stop at a private school, I swung by for a little introduction and to talk through the system with the kiddos (how checking out books would work, etc.) and the third slide of my presentation was just a bunch of Minecraft characters dancing to Pigstep. It was a K-12 school with about 30 kids, and they all lost their minds as soon as they saw it. During the Q&A session afterwards, one of the kindergarteners raised his hands and very loudly proclaimed that he played Minecraft on his Switch, which led into a torrent of the other students rambling about the game, other games, consoles, and asking me 'what do you think?' then going on without giving me a chance to answer. The teachers tried to get them back in order, bless 'em, but there was no stopping the minor crafters!
I had Minecraft books onboard for the first stop and they ALL got checked out, and one sweet kid, around 10, confidently told me that he could teach me how to beat up Creepers when I joked about always getting blown up. I am the Minecraft Lady now, and it's wonderful.
How does anyone hate kids they are so funny I sold tickets to incredibles to this little girl and her mom and she’s like mom are we sitting next to each other and the moms like ya and the kid screamed YES so loud it broke my ears
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tinyowlthoughts · 1 day
new alignment chart just dropped
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tinyowlthoughts · 2 days
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tinyowlthoughts · 2 days
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Absolute legend. 100000% a book worth checking out!
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tinyowlthoughts · 3 days
The greatest ally. 👑🐷
just this Whole clip. youve all seen it but heres the extended edition
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tinyowlthoughts · 3 days
On the one hand, I hate the obvious pandering.
On the other hand, cute rainbow shit for half off!
it's time
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tinyowlthoughts · 3 days
The MCYT fandom is wild, and I adore that is basically established fanon that all MCYT series exist at the same time in separate servers like planets in a void (or a similar system) and they all use portals to get to like, Hypixel or MCC which are “hub worlds” for them. Like, it’s just so interconnected, even if the fanart is only about one small portion of it.
I love how from the prospective of in game Minecraft we just have a bunch of folklore.
oh yeah of course everyone knows about the group of famous builders that run off into the middle of nowhere and build massive monoliths and structures and presenting it to a group of faceless beings that speak in symbols and numbers
like yeah obviously we’ve all heard of the blood god and the potato war and the Antarctic empire who hasn’t???
of course we all know some dude is with the goddess of death and died by a baby zombie after thousands of years of never dying once
of course we all heard about those freaks who go into the woods and perform weird rituals and get hunted down by other players and creatures like yeah ofc everyone’s heard of it
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tinyowlthoughts · 3 days
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tinyowlthoughts · 4 days
"Julie, he's back."
The bartender groaned, setting down the rag she'd been drying the shot glasses with so she could pinch the bridge of her nose. "Why is that my problem?" She asked, wishing that it was later in the day. When her bar was full, nobody dared bother her with silly little issues like this - not if they wanted to keep her tip jar from ending up in unpleasant places.
"You're the only one he listens to."
It...was unfortunately true. The bastard had selective hearing, and one of the words he picked up on more than any other was 'princess'. Unfortunately, Julie's last name was Prince, and that was apparently close enough.
"Still not my problem."
"It's Tiki Bar night, if he's still there when the party starts at six..."
Ah, she'd forgotten about that. Running a hand over the plastic lei hanging beside the mirror (cheap accessories paired with enthusiasm were a great way to make sure the tips rolled in), she weighed her options.
Who was she kidding, there were no options. Just a worthless literature degree that had racked up a ridiculous amount of student debt that she was still trying to pay down.
"Fine, fine, I'm coming." She grabbed the yellow and pink flowers and looped them around her neck. Joe - nervously clutching one of the pool nets and dripping chlorine-scented water on the tile floor - gave her a weak smile and nod before vanishing, likely off to change his clothes and huddle with the rest of the hotel staff. Honestly, he called himself a manager.
With two bottles of wine and the oversized novelty glass the barback, Julie crossed the lobby and confidently strode though the glass doors to the pool deck.
The Scourge of the I95 didn't bother looking up at the sound of the pool gate opening and closing. The dragon - almost too big to even fit in the pool - was lounging in the cool water, chin propped on the tiled edge, eyes closed in bliss. His green scales sparkled, even as the chlorine began to tint a few of them a pale teal. Julie didn't bother worrying about them - she'd asked once, and he'd reassured her they were close to shedding and would simply fall off, no harm done. That conversation had been a few years ago, in the fall, when the pool wasn't busy, and she wasn't at risk of losing a night of pineapple-rum soaked bills.
"Hey!" She shoved a flipflopped foot against the beasts snout. "Wilmington you prick, wake up!"
The dragon snorted, smoke curling lazily from his nostrils, and opened one eye to peer at her. It rolled heavenward, then closed with a huff. Julie huffed back (with less smoke) and set down the glass. "Dude, I'm not kidding. You can't do this today."
"And why not?" The dragons voice was a rumble, a bass so deep that it shook her bones as it rolled through the empty pool deck. "What are you, a mere mortal, to do about it?"
"I am going to ask you politely." Julie put her hands on her hips. "And when that doesn't work, I'm going to bribe you with some Red Cellars Red and hope you fly drunk into a mountain."
A grin slowly curled his maw, and after a moment the eye opened once more, zeroing in on her. "Ah, princess, I have missed your jokes."
"Not a joke, and still not a princess." Julie hooked a foot around the nearest plastic side table and dragged it over, setting down the glass and wine. "There's a party tonight, and I'm not letting you steal all my money by keeping the pool closed."
"Pah, money. You are royalty, what could you need a few of those - what did you call them? - tops for?" Wilmington had lifted his head slightly now, both eyes focused on the bartender as she pulled a corkscrew from her apron pocket and started fighting with the first bottle.
"It's tips, and because I have student loans to pay back." The cork finally pulled loose with a satisfying 'pop!' and Julie set the first bottle down to repeat the process with the second. "Education ain't cheap, dude."
The dragon rolled his eyes with a huff. "Princesses don't pay for their education, they are granted it by birthright."
"Not this princess." The cork tore in half, and she muttered a half-hearted curse and began digging out the stuck bit.
"Hmph," the dragon huffed again. "Your parents are not impressing me. A king and queen should know the importance of educating future rulers of the kingdom."
Julie's eyes flicked to the blue tiles barely visible beneath the dragon, knowing there were white squares spelling out "Kingdom Hotels" beneath his stomach. "Yeah, well, they disowned me so..." She shrugged and finally just shoved the cork half hard, pushing it into the bottle itself. The dragon wouldn't notice a few floating specks of cork in the wine.
"Disowned? Whatever for?" Wilmington lifted his head off the deck, his full attention finally captured.
"I loved someone they didn't approve of. So they disowned me. Kicked me out the second I was a legal adult." Julie tilted both bottles over the glass, watching the deep red wine fill it. Maybe she should have grabbed a third glass, this might not be enough...
"Preposterous! Thou cannot help who thy loves!"
Her literature degree cringed at the butchering of medieval prepositions, but she knew better by now than to call him out on it. (Wilmington claimed he was one of the original Great Green Drakes of England, but Julie was fairly certain he'd hatched sometime in the 1800s, in a nest of King Arthur books.)
"Yeah, well, tell them that."
Wilmington rose, water cascading off him to (mostly) refill the pool. Julie threw herself over the half-full novelty glass, getting soaked but saving the wine as the dragon shook himself off like a dog.
"Point me in the direction of those curs and I shall-"
"They're not worth it." Julie interrupted his diatribe before it could truly begin, wringing out her shirt and making sure the plastic lei wasn't damaged. Wilmington huffed, but apparently it had all been posturing, as he immediately sunk back into the water, settling his chin back on the edge.
"What cans't I do to aid thee, princess?" He asked, ear fins drawn back.
"Not much, Wil." Julie sighed and shoved the plastic table closer to him, one hand out to steady the wine glass. "Just - enjoy a drink and clear out before six, please?"
"Before five, we have to drain and refill the pool!" Joe called from the second floor, where he and a handful of other employees were watching the proceedings on one of the room balconies. Wilmington lifted his head and barred his fangs at them, and all seven quickly found something else to do that was far, far away from the balcony.
Julie snorted - cowards, the lot of them, which was saying a lot because two of them were honest-to-god centaurs and the most Alpha-Male-Chad assholes she'd ever met. Scared of a big baby like Wilmington, honestly.
Said dragon had picked up his glass and was swirling the wine around, eyes focused on the drink. "Thoust mentioned a loan...?"
"Yeah, sixty-k in debt."
"Thousand. Sixty-thousand, a bit more than that. Barely making the payments and rent and my car payments, not to mention the cost of living increase and - y'know what, don't worry about it." Julie dragged one of the plastic lounge chairs over and threw herself down on it, throwing an arm over her eyes and letting out a long sigh. "It's just the life of Julie Prince, no biggie."
There was a sudden slurping noise - quite unlike the uptight dragon - and when Julie lifted her arm to look, the glass was empty, and he was once more lifting himself out of the pool.
"Thank you for the drink, princess." He bowed his head. "I wish you a most pleasant day." Then his great wings were beating, knocking over several tables and sending the chairs - including the one Julie was sitting on - skittering back a few feet.
"Uh-" Before she could return the goodbye, he had lifted off into the air, easily navigating the courtyard at the center of the tringle-shaped hotel and vanishing into the blue sky. That was odd - normally he carried on with proper royal 'formalities' for ages before she could shoo him away. Maybe the tragic backstory and financial burden had scared him away, like her last two girlfriends.
"Wow, Julie! A new record!" Joe cheered as he and another custodian came out, still clutching their nets like javelins. "We'll have plenty of time to get it cleaned up in time for the tiki bar."
Right, the tiki bar. She needed to make sure they had enough pineapple juice and pina colada mix. "Awesome. I'm gonna go shower off, let me know when you're ready for me to set up."
"Sure thing. Thanks again!"
Joe - looking like a poor Magnum PI clone with his board shorts, open Hawaiian shirt, and the scraggly mustache on his upper lip - burst into the busy restaurant. Only three years of working with the man kept her from dropping her shakers. With practiced motions she finished the strawberry daiquiri and poured it for the patron, then excused herself, mentally kissing that tip goodbye.
"What do you mean he's back - the party starts in twenty minutes!" Julie hissed. Joe didn't answer, just grabbed her arm and dragged her towards the pool.
"I don't know - he just landed in the pool and told me 'n' Carl to come get you - he had some kind of bag? - all the water is out of the pool, we'll have to refill it - the party is about to start - "
With a huff, Julie pushed her way through the door and onto the pool deck, ready to give the dragon a piece of her mind, only to stop so short Joe ran right into her.
"Princess!" Wilmington beamed from where he was lounging in the water once again, one of the fake leis they had out for guests looped around his horns. In front of him, spilling out of a leather pouch as big as a VW Bug, was a pile of gold, jewels, and rolls of hundred dollar bills.
"Wil, what are you...?" Julie slowly approached the pool deck, staring at the pile of riches. "What is all this?"
The dragon preened, looking proud of himself as he sat up and shook off a bit (soaking the few hotel guests who had stuck around to watch). "As a thank you for your service earlier, I have brought you a top!"
"...you mean a tip?"
"Yes! A tip-top! And I have decided to join your festivities." He gestured to the lei around his horn.
Joe made a strangled noise near the door. "Julie, he needs to leave!"
Julie stooped down to pick up one of the coins. It was real - pure gold, stamped and authenticated. With a grin, the bartender turned to face the manager and flipped the coin towards him. He yelped and scrambled to catch it, dropped it, and had to stoop down and grab it before a Karen-esque woman nearby decided to make a dive for it.
"He's a paying customer, boss." Julie grinned. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to finish setting up the bar. Wil, have you ever tried a pina colada?"
I have no idea if this is good or not but I love Wilmington. He wants to be peak Arthurian dragon but he's like, a medieval hipster. Trying to use the lingo and failing spectacularly.
The idea of dragons in modern times is so fun because imagine a hot summer day on your vacay and go to use the hotel pool and staff is like "valued guests we regret to inform you that the pool area is out of service at the moment, we apologize for the inconvenience"
And people like "wtf why" looking out their hotel room window and there's this. This dragon just curled up in the pool chilling, literally, cooling itself down
Some of the staff are trying to gently shoo him away and the dragon does a soft little "rrrrrr" like a grumpy cat and a warning puff of smoke and they're like "fuck it i don't get paid nearly enough for this" and no ones using the pool today sorry!
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tinyowlthoughts · 4 days
When you run into Cracker Barrel to grab dinner and leave with a new copilot for the bookmobile…
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His name is Flamenco and I love him.
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tinyowlthoughts · 5 days
Queer Yarn!
Big Twist (the Joann value yarn brand) has a few new colors, and right now ALL YARN IS 50% off!
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The names are kinda hammy, and they don't have ALL the flags I wish they did, but it's a start!
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go make some gay jellyfish...
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tinyowlthoughts · 5 days
I'm so sad Stephen Colbert is on vacation this week.
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tinyowlthoughts · 5 days
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tinyowlthoughts · 6 days
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Edit to add:
"But this doesn't mean he's going to jail."
You're absolutely right, it doesn't. But you know what it does mean, now that Donald J. Trump, former 45 president of the United States is a convicted felon?
He had to sit there as 12 New Yorkers (the state that 'turned their back' on him) said, 34 times, that he was guilty.
That they didn't believe him.
That they had no faith in his/the defenses version of events.
That they believe he not only cheated on his just-gave-birth wife with a porn star (and damn, is Stormy Daniels a motherfucking star!), but that he also paid her off to hide it before his election.
That they believe Cohen over Trump.
That they think he is a lying sack of shit and weren't afraid to call him out on it (not literally).
Statistically, someone on that jury voted for Trump to be president.
That same person voted for him to be guilty.
And he just had to sit there and take it. No rebuttal. No interruption. No insults or name calling.
He couldn't defend himself, because his defense already failed.
Is he going to jail? Highly unlikely (unless he does something stupid like threaten the jurors/their families/the prosecution/the judge/etc. again, I'm pretty sure the Judge is on his very last tether with Trump).
But the sentencing is July 11.
4 days before the Republican National Convention.
Where it's assumed Trump is going to be their nominee.
Will they nominate a convicted felon?
(...I'm trying to be dramatic and mysterious but let's face it, the RNC would nominate a rotten banana if it was racist and money-grubbing enough.)
What happens in the future is uncertain, but today - right now - Trump WAS convicted.
He is now a convicted felon.
And as a convicted felon there is one very important thing he cannot do.
So yeah, he probably won't go to jail, but for now we can just enjoy that 12 New Yorkers called him out to his face and that he, a former president, can't even vote in his own (potential) election.
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tinyowlthoughts · 6 days
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a giant delicately pressing the tip of a massive dagger to a tiny’s throat, to tilt their head back and make them look the giant in the eye
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