tiredhermitgirl · 4 days
It's called Punk Hazard cause Law's a punk (affectionate) and Luffy's a hazard (affectionate)
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tiredhermitgirl · 19 days
Y’all I am so so upset on Megumi’s behalf.
Like honestly I feel like Gege hates Megumi the most.
This boy has gone through so much and is just continuing to suffer and at this point I kind of hope he does at the end because what is left for him?
And before you say “well Yuji pulled himself together!” I think y’all are choosing to forget that what happened to Yuji and what is happening to Megumi are two very different situations.
Yuji is a very altruistic individual. He cares about ALL life, regardless of he knows them or not. But he still has people who he specifically cares about. So yes while Sukuna did kill all those people while Yuji was his vessel, what really did him in was seeing Mahito kill two people who he was VERY close to. And while he failed to protect them, Yuji did not kill them nor was his body used to kill them.
Now Megumi is someone who does not care about all life. He cares for people who have earned his care so Sukuna killing random people while using his body probably would not send him into a downward spiral. He would probably still be able to push through like Yuji did before Nanami and Nobara’s death. HOWEVER, the fundamental difference is that Sukuna ACTIVELY pursued people who he KNEW were close to Megumi and essentially made Megumi kill them. So not only did Megumi fail to protect those dear to him but he is the direct cause for their deaths.
Can you imagine how devastating it is for a 15 year old boy, who only went into the jujutsu world so that his sister could be happy; To PROTECT his sister, to be the one that killed her? Without every telling her how much she meant to him? Without ever apologizing to her? Not only completely failing to protect her but causing her demise?
There is absolutely NO WAY he would want to live after all of this. And this is not the type of anime where the “power of friendship” or some “talk no jujutsu” will get him to snap out of it. I just don’t believe that is realistic.
I just am so upset on how Megumi is being handled and it makes me mad how little empathy some people have for Megumi’s situation.
As someone who has that one special person like Tsumiki in their life, I know that I wouldn’t want to live AT ALL if anything happened to them let alone if I am the one that caused their death.
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tiredhermitgirl · 21 days
I know everyone is upset about the dehumanization of Gojo but I feel like this wasn’t anything new tho…
I feel like this point has been hammered in for awhile and not just for Gojo but for Riko, who was the star plasma vessel and didn’t get a chance to live her life as her own person. For Toji, who was treated as trash and was called a monkey his entire life to the point where he couldn’t see himself as human. for Maki who suffered a similar treatment that she broke away from the clan so that she could prove that she deserves to exist. For Megumi, who was abandoned by everyone except his sister and makes decisions that help others rather than himself because he doesn’t see the value in his own life or opinions. For Yuji, who was just an ordinary teenager and because of a decision he made, he was reduced to nothing more than Sukuna’s vessel. Who feel tremendous guilt over Sukuna’s actions because Sukuna is inside of him.
The Jujutsu world is shit. Point blank period
It’s why it doesn’t matter wether you surround yourself with people or wether you are the strongest.
When you die, you die alone.
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tiredhermitgirl · 22 days
Live footage of Tanjiro and Giyuu this last episode
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tiredhermitgirl · 22 days
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Tanjiro is such a good boy but my god Giyuu has the patience of a saint! 😭
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tiredhermitgirl · 23 days
It’s actually killing me how canonically kind and sensitive Giyuu is.
He stitched the haori’s of his two loved ones together and wore it for years. He remembered Murata’s name after all this time. He felt so strongly about Sabito’s death he had to repress his feelings entirely to function again. He gave two siblings a chance to try to find a way to cure becoming a demon despite his duty to do otherwise. In the manga he helped Mitsuri up when Tengen accidentally knocked her over at the first pillar meeting we see. He wanted to try and befriend Sanemi by giving him his favorite snack.
The fact that he went from smiling so wide and tearing up over his friend slapping him to showing hardly any emotions at all–just so he wouldn’t succumb to the despair and hopelessness of his grief, just so he could keep living–it’s so heartbreaking.
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tiredhermitgirl · 23 days
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This scene actually is so dear to me because he is giving such big brother energy!
I love this for him let my boy have peace! 😭
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tiredhermitgirl · 26 days
Something that frustrates me (in a chill way because it’s not that serious) is when you consider your favorite character to be the one that needs protecting and is babygirl but the majority if not all of the fandom consider them as the overprotective, possessive one because of either their physique or their personality in contrast with other characters.
Does that make sense? Like I guess the more mainstream term is the submissive and dominate or bottom and top but I don’t mean this in a sexual way.
It’s like… when the fandom writes your non favorite character in a way where everyone loves them and wants to protect them and then writes your favorite character as the jealous, possessive one that doesn’t really get a long with anyone and just wants to protect your non-favorite character.
It’s like that anime Fena: Pirate Princess if anyone has watched that! But like your favorite character is the guy who is super protective but you want them to be the one who is protected.
And like a good example of what I am trying to say is the Sk8 fandom. Langa is my favorite character and he was the one actively being preyed upon by this grown man and was put in dangerous situations but all I see in fanfic is “hurt reiki,” “reiki-centric,” “reiki needs a hug” and very little about Langa and I’m like “what about my boy?”
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tiredhermitgirl · 27 days
Does anyone know a better website to read the Windbreaker manga?
The website I was using is lowkey a pain because it redirects me every time I click on a new page (everyone has experienced this I feel).
And every time I google to read new chapters it just gives me the Manhwa and I’m not gonna lie it is starting to annoy me!
So if anyone knows a better website please let me know and send me the link!
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tiredhermitgirl · 1 month
Ok I just finished reading the Wind Breaker manga and man I am just so curious about Suo’s backstory! Like how are we 141 chapters in and know next to nothing about him??!!
I feel like he has a really sad backstory! Like Umemiya’s shocked me so much! So I feel like his backstory will be sad and interesting.
Suo lowkey/ highkey reminds me of Fai D. Fluorite from Tsubasa Chronicles of anyone has watched/read that series’
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tiredhermitgirl · 2 months
JJK FANDOM after the new chapter: OMG Yuji and Sukuna are related!!!
Me: Yeah yeah ok that’s great but when is my boy Megumi going to be freed?
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tiredhermitgirl · 2 months
I will always stand by my stance that Nagi is the better friend of the two. Like what the fuck was this answer Reo! 😭
Poor Nagi nobody understands him!
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Nagi about Reo vs. Reo about Nagi 😭😭
the difference is astounding... save Nagi bro his bsf doesn't even think he's capable of love im CRYINNNGGJF
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tiredhermitgirl · 2 months
Am I the only one who doesn’t accept the beefcake Law??
Like to me he is always the tall and skinny beanpole!
Oda putting muscles on him means nothing to me! 😂
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tiredhermitgirl · 2 months
Law is so princess coded 😭😭😭
Law is a princess
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tiredhermitgirl · 2 months
Isagi and Rin Character Development
I recently saw a post where op wanted Isagi to lose this match against Rin and I completely agree!
I think Isagi has been winning a bit too much recently and it has gotten very annoying because sometimes I feel like the reason is “because he is the protagonist.”
It would be interesting to see how he copes with losing against Rin and I think it would be interesting to see how Rin copes against destroying Isagi.
Especially because we had that interaction between Rin and Nagi where Nagi asked him “but what about after?” It would be cool to see Rin maybe struggle after defeating Isagi because while he kind of brushed off Nagi’s question, what if he actually struggles afterwards?
I think seeing both Isagi and Rin be uncertain and struggle so that they can grow would be an interesting development. Kind of like what Nagj is going through a bit but not like that. Like really seeing them in “despair” you know?
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tiredhermitgirl · 3 months
Soooooo is Gege going for a Devil Man Crybaby approach?
Because it seems like that is what he is going for…
If you know, you know
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tiredhermitgirl · 3 months
Nagi’s talent
I find it so fascinating that one of the main things holding Nagi back from being up there is the fact that he knows NOTHING about soccer!
You have people like Rin, Isagi, Bachira, basically everyone else in Blue Lock, who have played soccer and have been extremely passionate about soccer since they were LITTLE. And then there is Nagi who is just like “yeah… I don’t really know anything about soccer… I am just here as a favor to my friend” and is INSANELY good!! Who is beating people like Rin and Isagi who have been doing this for years! (When I mean beat I mean like on 1v1s not in the game itself)
Like that really speaks on just how TALENTED Nagi is and I can see why other players want him because when you are that good and the only hang up is that you know nothing of soccer, it is easy to fantasize on just how good that player would be if they were educated in everything soccer!
Now I think the main issues is that Nagi needs to find his Ego but I do think his lack of knowledge about soccer is a big hang up as well and just thinking about what he could be if he did know like he would be one of the main players dominating Blue Lock (at least I believe so)!
I also love his temperament! Like when everyone else is fucking intense and crazy, it is almost refreshing to see someone not panicking or acting like it is the end of the world when someone steals the ball or scores a goal.
Like his calm disposition is honestly really cool to me and I think that is why Ego doesn’t like him that much! Because while Rin and Isagi will act like fucking psycho’s and can be influenced by Ego’s crazy, you have Nagi who like “yeah it’s not that deep.” And then calmly do some insane shit! Idk he is just so cool to me!
Anyway I love Nagi as a character and as a player and I always get excited when he is playing because he is so unpredictable and I love it! I hope this made sense!
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