thanks for the tag fridge :)
favorite Artist: hrmmm. Either the Paper Kites or Livingston, but I also really love Radical Face, Lord Huron, and Bastille :) (the rest of my music choices are usually just random different artists or OSTs. I listen to OSTs way too much actually,,,)
favorite color: green but especially softer shades of it
Favorite animal: horses hehe
Favorite food: either steak (medium rare unlike certain acquaintances of mine I'm looking at you rogue who like it tougher than a century-old leather boot) or spaghetti 💅
favorite drink: sweet tea (like. the Southern kind. Not whatever y'all up north call iced tea, that stuff isn't sweet enough) but I am also a slut for Dr Pepper
favorite movie: LOTR (shhh it only counts as one) but 1917 and the 1995 P&P are close seconds 💅even though p&p is a miniseries
Favorite song currently: ooough... hm. it changes on a daily basis buuuuut?? actually Imma list several bc I'm indecisive as I'm sure is obvious,,,
Meet Me in the Woods by Lord Huron
Moskau by Dschinghis Khan (look. it's very catchy)
Let's Groove by Earth, Wind, and Fire
Symphony by Livingston
idk I have a ton more (I listen to music too much actually,,) but as I said it changes on a daily basis (and this isn't even including my favorite OSTs so. yeah)
Favorite instrument: hmm probably piano but I also like violin and cello
Your type?: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I am about to get smirked into oblivion by certain individuals but. blonde himbos,,,, also I am a slut for australian accents and also for- actually no I shan't say it💃
anyway tagging: @nocturnalfandomartist @softboiledwonderland @ anyone!
new tag game if you get tagged you have to tag your friends and moots and answer the questions
favorite Artist:Lydia the bard
favorite color:Sage green
Favorite animal:Llama
Favorite food: Mash potato’s
favorite drink: Kool aid (Specifically Tropical)
favorite movie:Httyd 3 :)
Favorite song currently: Your welcome
Favorite instrument: Piano
Your type?: None :)
@augonot @historicalvandal @tonhalszendvics
(lol I forgot most of my Friends Users lol X I am so sorry it took me like 10 minutes to remember yours I refused to admit defeat)
@owlscanread25 @lordmorzan @xrns
@fynn-arcana @teddyakababy and of course Free tag
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ooo thank you for the tag!! :)
-How old were you when you were first introduced to LOTR?
hmmm... 4-5 I think?? I was too young to have read the books and my parents didn't show us the movies till we had read them but they did show us the Merry and Pippin fireworks scene :3
Favorite LOTR character?
what can I say I'm a simp
Books or movies?
As much as I adore the movies they wouldn't exist without the books, and there's sooo much detail in the books that isn't in the movies that I just love, so I gotta say the books! (Like the whole scouring of the Shire, and Merry, Pippin, and Sam having a whole conspiracy to help Frodo, and the Old Forest bit, and so on and so forth)
Which location in Middle Earth would you want to visit?
also Rivendell bc I would love to just dissociate in a window seat and watch leaves falling like Arwen in that one scene. Also Rohan bc horses >:)
Favourite Movie?
The Fellowship of the Ring :) I just love seeing the whole Fellowship together and also adore all the opening scenes in the Shire
Favourite scene?
(aka the Battle of the Pelennor Fields scene, gives me chills every single time)
(but also any scene with Merry)
(oh, and also the "white shores and beyond" scene because it makes me think of heaven and I always cry, and the scene where Gimli says "the sun is rising." I also cry at that who am I kidding I cry for most of it)
Favourite quote?
hm. I can't choose so I'll list several of my favorites
"May it be a light for you in dark places when all other lights go out."
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
"But I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend."
"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future."
"Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines, it'll shine out the clearer."
"I am no man." hehe
What Middle Earth race would you like to be?
as jirt himself said, I am a hobbit in all but size 💅
Favourite LOTR ship:
Merry/Estella which ik is an incredibly obscure one seeing as how she was only mentioned twice in any of his works/letters, but for a more famous one, Farawyn :) they're just so sweet and lovely <3
tagging @starryeyedrogue @blueberryrock @justmemyselfandthefridge @zalie @anyone! (also I'm so sorry for all the tag games I forgot to do,,,,)
Thank you for tagging me in this @konartiste 😊 being very lame and doing it months after the fact <3
LOTR themed tag game! Reblog with your own answers and tag three or more people you want to get to know better!
- How old were you when you were first introduced to LOTR? I was nine when my mum took me to the cinema (I think I'd read and loved The Hobbit by then) to watch the movie. I did not like it at all! 😂 We didn't know what it was about and had no idea it was part one in a trilogy, which came as a nasty surprise after three hours of horrible movie lol. I loved the beginning, but like: the troll terrified me to my core and for a long time afterwards I was scared it would somehow come after me, Gandalf died, I thought Boromir had a suspicious face from the start and didn't mind that he died (cue 20+ years later and I'm writing the most important fic in my life so far about him) but his death was still traumatic, and I just wanted my comfort hobbits to get a happy ending and instead they were crying and resigning themselves to more misery. I didn't even watch the other two movies when they came out I was so disgusted with the whole thing lol. Read the books and watched the movies as an older teen and loved them all.
- Favourite LOTR character? Probably Aragorn, but also the hobbits (they're a unit). The entire Fellowship is so dear to me though. And Boromir is my blorbo.
- Books or Movies? Books! The movies are cool and all, but the books are where Tolkien is.
- Which location in Middle Earth would you want to visit? If I had to choose only one it'd probably be Rivendell, but also the Shire, the Old Forest, Rohan, Dol Amroth, Gondor... and the Great River, just because of my fic. <3
- Favourite Movie? Not sure, perhaps The Fellowship, ironically enough.
- Favourite scene? I'm so bad at remembering movie scenes! Maybe the Council of Elrond? There are so many amazing ones with such beautiful music so I'm not sure. Love Gandalf charging at the Nazgûl with Pippin in tow <3
- Favourite quote? “The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”
- What Middle Earth race would you like to be? I'm usually a Hobbit in every online quiz, but it'd be fun to see what being an Elf is like.
- Favourite LOTR ship: This is going to sound weird because I'm writing a long, shippy, Canon Character/OC fic at the moment, but I'm not really into LOTR for the ships so I kind of don't have one? I adore Aragorn/Arwen and Faramir/Éowyn as much as the next person and Sam and Rosie are precious, but I'm not really fussed.
Going all out and tagging all the mutuals I THINK I saw reblogging LOTR at some point, if I'm wrong I'm sorry, if you already did this back when it was making the rounds please ignore it, if you want to ignore it anyway by all means feel free to do so, thank you and have a nice day <3 @dangerously-human @to-be-frank-i-dont-care @phoenixflames12 @ass-deep-in-demons @spifflocated @erathene
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Bernard Hill is the only actor to have the distinction of appearing in two movies that have won 11 Oscars - Titanic (1997) and Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003), both of which are special to me and are my absolute favourite movies of all time.
My earliest memory of seeing him is watching Titanic on DVD for the first time when I was 9 years old and immediately feeling at ease whenever I saw this older experienced captain - Bernard Hill’s portrayal of Captain Edward J. Smith really captured how the real life Captain Smith was for the passengers on Titanic: a trustworthy seasoned Captain you could rely on, one who went down with his ship.
I’ve always thought, however, that my favourite moment of his comes from this behind-the-scenes video of Lord of the Rings, where he’s having a laugh throwing fruit into Dominic Monaghan’s mouth as the cast get dressed. I don’t know why I love this clip so much, but it always brings a smile to my face.
Rest in Peace, Theoden King, Captain 💔
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Tonight, we remember one who lent his enormous talent to telling the story we have all come to love. Hail, the victorious dead!
May the Simbelmynë cover his tomb as it did the tomb of the one he so accurately portrayed.
Bernard Hill Dec 17, 1944 - May 5, 2024
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Rest in Peace, Bernard Hill 🤍🕊
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"When you are persecuted, thank God that you have not been thrown in prison. If you have been thrown in prison, thank God that you have not been beaten. If you have been beaten, thank God that you have not been killed. And if you have been killed, thank God that you are with Him in heaven"
The book this is from is A Wind In The House Of Islam by David Garrison
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Jesus HUMBLED Himself. He went from commanding ANGELS to sleeping in the straw. From holding STARS to clutching Mary's finger. The PALM that held the universe took the NAIL of a soldier... and He did it just for YOU.
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Spending time with God every morning, praying, reading your bible, singing, is a habit. Habits don't just happen, you have to set up reminders for them and show up even if you don't feel like it one day. Habits get build by being consistent. And what better habit to have than refreshing your mind and soul by spending 1 on 1 time with God. He is so excited to see you. ♡
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Hey Lizzy, just popping by to say I'm sorry some silly anon is making spiderwebs in your ask box. Been there with the rude anons, just pay them no mind and pray for 'em. You don't deserve the harassment, and I'm definitely sorry it happened.
Hoping to put a little more positivity here 🌺🏵️
<3 -Lilly
aw thank you so much my dear!! they are indeed silly and I will be praying for them like you said :) but thank you!! <333
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You are so loved. You are so special. I’m so sorry that anon sent such awful messages to you. Sending you hugs and good vibes!
thank you so much 🫂💜
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Sorry the other anon is being awful. Positivity flowers: 💐🌹🌺🌷🌸🏵️🌻
Thank you 💞💞
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sending love and positivity to counter lovely anon
you’re beautiful and make such a difference 🌼
Thank you so much 💕💕💕
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ooooo you’re going to hell and god doesn’t even love you!! Fool!!!
PFFT you’ve got a real talent for comedy my friend 😂😂😂
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also grow up, hoe
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‘My names Lizzy and I believe in fake made up shit like elves and god!! I’m a dumb retard bc I believe in things that aren’t even real!”
hello my friend, a small correction for you, I don’t believe that elves exist 😁 hope this helps! 💜
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