trans-fitblr · 3 years
Bedroom Cleaning Checklist
I have discovered that I don't need cleaning tips. (Well, I do, but more for efficiency than for getting the thing done in the first place.) I need a checklist. But ADDitude mag really seems geared towards parents of ADHD kids, and there aren't very many posts about cleaning with ADHD on tumblr, so I decided to try my hand at making a checklist that I can find so I don't have to rewrite it every time, and maybe then y'all can use it and modify it to fit your needs.
Start with your clothes! You got dirty clothes on the floor? Clean clothes? Put them where they belong! Generally, I recommend tossing everything in the hamper unless you know that everything that's ended up on the floor lately is wearable at least one more time before you wash it. It just makes it easier when I can either put all the clothes away or put all the clothes in the hamper and don't have to try to decide.
Now put away any extra hangers you still have out!
Put shoes where shoes go.
This is probably where I'm going to make my bed, because I don't really put anything except clothes on my bed and bedding being on the floor actually takes up a lot of space and makes the mess look bigger than it is. If there's still stuff on your bed, that's okay! Just do this step a little bit later!
Put the books where the books go, whether that's a bookshelf, your windowsill, or your desk. Don't put them on your desk unless they actually belong there, though, otherwise you're just adding to the clutter that you're going to have to deal with later.
Now divide up your room into sections! I consider my room to have five sections: the corner by the door, the corner by the closet, the corner by the window, and the wall-y-est corner, which all meet in the center of the room (so it's not just the corner, it's like that entire quarter of the room), and my desk is a separate section. If you need smaller sections, do smaller sections! If you need bigger sections, do bigger sections! Whatever works for you.
Start with your first section. (I recommend doing your desk either first or last, because it keeps the "floor" sections all together. First is good if you want to use open desk space to store things you're not sure what to do with, but the downside is that you might forget about it and end up with a desk that's more cluttered than before. I'm going to do my desk last for this exact reason.) Pick up anything that you know you can put away with the "one touch" rule. This is a rule my mom introduced to me that basically says once you pick up a thing, don't put it down until you put it away--don't touch the same object more than once. One touch!
Do the second section and follow the "one touch" rule, and do that with all of your sections. For me I like to do things very cyclically, so what's probably going to happen is I'll start in the door corner and move counter clockwise around my room (since my bed makes a barrier between my door corner and my wall corner the clockwise direction).
You may have noticed that I only told you to put away the things you can with the "one touch" rule. That's because sometimes there are things that you don't know what to do with, and if you keep picking it up and moving it from section to section it'll never get put away. So this is where you start from the beginning and go around your room again, and really think about where the thing should go. Does it actually belong to you? If not, give it back. Is it useful to you? If not, hand it down or donate it. Do you really want to keep it? If not, hand it down or donate it. Do you have room for it? If not, hand it down or donate it. (Yes, the solution to the "no" answers for those questions is repetitive--I find that even if I answer all those questions "no", I have to think about donating it because emotional dysregulation=too much sentimental value placed on mundane objects=keeping everything. Definitively saying "actually, don't keep that" is important for me, and it might be important for you too.)
You also may have noticed that I haven't actually mentioned trash yet? That's because even though it's important for hygiene and cleanliness to get rid of trash, it can be overwhelming digging through all of that other stuff. Now that you've put everything else away, though, you don't have to dig! Take a trash bag and go around your room and throw away what needs to go away.
Now do all the most intense things: dusting, vacuum, sweep (why do you not have carpets in your bedroom, you heathen? /j)
Now that I have a checklist I can use the tips people have recommended to make it easier for me. Things like:
you don't have to do it all in one day if it stresses you out, you can break it up however you need to (unless you're really in a crunch)
set a timer, pick up x things, or finish one whole section before taking a break
alternatively, if executive dysfunction makes it difficult to start, set a timer for the amount of time you feel like you can clean for, even if it's only a minute, and see how you feel after that timer is up--if you can keep going or need a break
listen to podcast or music and use that to choose when your breaks will be
make a game out of it, I mean who doesn't play basketball with their laundry?
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trans-fitblr · 4 years
𝕕𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕨𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕝𝕦𝕥.
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trans-fitblr · 4 years
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trans-fitblr · 4 years
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trans-fitblr · 4 years
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trans-fitblr · 4 years
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trans-fitblr · 4 years
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Don’t give up.
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trans-fitblr · 4 years
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trans-fitblr · 4 years
okay so, I have a Story about a customer we had tonight
so this guy in a fancy denim cowboy shirt (a jirt, if you will) came in during our dinner rush and ordered two burritos. the girl (T) doing the hot station (beans and rice and meat) was like "okie dokie, what do you want on them?"
this guy goes "I want Everything on the burritos, except the corn, jalapeños, and cheese."
T pauses to check
"You want Everything?"
"Yes, all the meats, and then all the vegetables."
"So you want... the steak, and the chicken, and the white meat chicken, and the ground beef, and the pulled pork, and the tofu?"
"What's tofu?"
"A soybean protein, comes in spongy blocks."
"You had me at protein, put it on!"
T turns to me. "Can we... can we do that?"
I slap on my manager tone of voice. "Sir, each extra scoop is going to be about $2.09-2.59 each, is that okay?"
he reassures us that is fine. I okay the Frankenburrito
T starts making his burritos. with each extra scoop the mound of food gets larger and larger. she is sweating bullets by the time she slides the first burrito to the cold table
so tonight was the first night J the new boy had been working cold. he has zero experience rolling burritos previous to the last two hours
he looks at this thing and goes "Do i.... have to?" o_o
absolutely not
I step up to the table and start piling on lettuce and cheese and pico de gallo and guac and onions and cucumbers and olives and cilantro
when I am done I look down at this thing, I look up at this man, and i sigh
Sir, I don't mean to question your life choices, but can I put this in a bowl? there is no way I can roll this.
"No it's fine," he insists. "Just use another tortilla to like, extend them out, and then roll it up."
"You can do this, it'll be fine!"
so i get another 12" tortilla
like kinda overlap them?
and then sorta?? roll one into the other so it is a literal Tube of Meat
the ends did not fold in there was no Containing this thing
I grabbed another foil wrapper so I could roll this thing into two of them and kinda smash the ends in
I squinted at the customer
"It's great, it's fine!" he says, cheerfully
T hands me the Second Burrito
and then take these two giant lumps to the cashier
the cashier, A, is looking over in horror
"[Kiry], how do I even ring those up???"
it's okay, I've got this
the man requests no chips, so I pack each burrito (which for some scale is about the size of a small puppy each) sideways in a paper bag and put them in a plastic bag for carry out
I ring him up, adding scoop after scoop
$47.20 y'all, for two burritos
A is about to die
"that is what you get when you get fuckin Noah's Ark over here!!" I say
I may have been having a stroke by that point
the man laughs and hands over his card np
"Are you okay?" he asks me
I am terrific
"Are you mad at me?"
Sir, this is the most delighted I have been in days. I am going to go on the internet and tell Everyone I Know this story
he is ecstatic. he takes his burritos, wishes us a great night, and leaves
I am unsure what kind of eldrich being is currently unhinging his jaw to devour these burritos since he was wearing a gaiter the whole time, but i wish him well
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trans-fitblr · 4 years
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trans-fitblr · 4 years
Little homie 🥺
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trans-fitblr · 4 years
What is Noom
(aka what I think Noom is – I don’t work for them)
Noom is a calorie counting weight loss app. It isn’t free and I don’t think it is very cheap, but I paid for it and forgot about it because…. yhat is how I justify spending money on myself, I erase it from my memory.
It resembles the free Myfitnesspal.com in many ways (track your food, burn more than you take it), but comes with the support of real people and specialists that you can text with through the app. I think I need these real people to answer to. I have started and stopped MyFitnessPal many times. Noom holds me more accountable. I have not yet been introduced to all these support people, but it comes with time. At first I was annoyed I didn’t get it all right away, but am now realizing that would be overwhelming and that the slow roll out helps maintain the honeymoon period longer - it is new and fun for more than a day.
Noom’s thing is that it encourages eating less calorie dense foods (foods with higher water content). Think more fruits and vegetables, broth-based soups over creamy ones, baked instead of fried, popcorn over chips, etc. No foods are off limits but there are ‘green foods’ that you should eat in large quantities (veggies, whole grains), ‘yellow foods’ that you should eat in moderate portions (beans, low-fat dairy), and ‘red foods’ that are goodies that should be eaten less frequently and in smaller proportions (everything I love – red meat, cake, etc.). But it works. I ate a ton yesterday including pizza and stayed within my calorie goal with good planning and a tough workout.
You get extra calories for working out and you have a step goal that increases each day. I have mine synched with my fitbit but still must log exercise separately.
Noom also touts its psychological based approach encouraging you to keep a long-term goal in mind and examining why that is your goal. My goal is to get to a healthy BMI. My why is for health, confidence, and to be a good role model for my daughter. They also give you daily articles about overcoming triggers, making good choices, not giving up when you are in a slump, etc. It is smart and basic. I am enjoying it. Plus there are quizzes and I love quizzes.
There are parts of the program I am not a huge fan of. I think their food database is lacking compared to myfitnesspal, their suggested recipes are terribly organized and just waste of space on the app (IMHO), and they can’t adjust their calorie suggestions for individual circumstances like mine (breastfeeding – so I just give myself permission to go over by a couple hundred cal. If necessary). But overall, I like it and plan on sticking with it.
I personally chose Noom over Weight Watchers because WW scarred me as a youth (well really one terrible lady at a weigh in was so rude to me when I was a young teen that I will NEVER GET OVER IT AND NEVER GO BACK AND YOU CAN’T MAKE ME!) and I’m not a fan of the points, I want to use calories because it just seems simpler to me.
OK. I hope that answered your question @squirrels-and-whales
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trans-fitblr · 5 years
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Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, I make memes on company time.
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trans-fitblr · 5 years
Looking for more Fitblrs!!
Like and Reblog so I can find all of you wonderful people. ❤️💪🌱
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trans-fitblr · 5 years
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trans-fitblr · 5 years
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trans-fitblr · 5 years
For those of us who pick and graze throughout the day.
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