Today I got finally diagnosed with ADHD. I should start taking Ritalin, but I'm not sure if I want to. I'm a little afraid of the side effects.
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Never thought about that but I have this same problem 🤔
When I take classes, taking notes is ESSENTIAL for me really learning the material.
But when I'm self-studying...??? I don't even know what to write??? Like I see suggestions on the internet, but they all just seem... Too vague?
Is this an ADHD learning problem??
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“Only boring people get bored” that’s the most neurotypical fucking shit I’ve ever heard!! Some of us are just perpetually understimulated Brian!! I bet you’ve never sat outside watching the birds, painting, and listening to a podcast all at the same time and still felt that itch in your brain that said you needed more!! You’re not that interesting!
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ADHD tip:
Don’t do it the NT way.
And that doesn’t just go for ND ways that are ‘NT Approved’ as productive, like wearing headphones, that goes for:
Watching TV while doing your school work
wearing PJs all day
Doing work cuddled up on the lounge
These are some I’ve recently found improve my work performance a ton. If anyone else is in lockdown atm, relax a little, and let yourself test out different ways of working. It’s okay if you don’t get perfect results, find out what’s most comfortable for you.
Putting off work because of anxiety and having more anxiety build up isn’t comfortable by the way!
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I experienced it too like I'm an idiot for ask but them isn't for not communicate with me.
To other ND people:
I’m not sure if this is a common neurodivergent experience, or if everyone experiences this, but let me know
Something that (I think it’s NTs who do this) NTs do that really frustrates me, is them making you guess what you did wrong. Or them just assuming you know.
There have been countless times when a NT has been upset with me, and I ask what I did wrong, and they just say “You already know what you did” or “You should be able to figure that out yourself”
like huh?? If I already knew, I wouldn’t have asked.
They’ve also claimed that since I didn’t automatically know what I did, that I wouldn’t feel sorry once I found out. What?!
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one of theeeeeeeee most frustrating things about adhd and what i wish non-adhd folks would understand is that just because our ways of paying attention are different doesn’t mean i’m not paying attention when you talk to me. i will listen to you better if i am painting my nails while we have a conversation than if i am looking directly at you with no other distractions. i don’t know why this is 
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“Being neurodivergent is never an excuse!!” Says the neurotypical, whose brain is catered to by the entire world
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Why "doing something relaxing” does not help your anxiety
A lot of the time when people give advice intended to relieve anxiety, they suggest doing “relaxing” things like drawing, painting, knitting, taking a bubble bath, coloring in one of those zen coloring books, or watching glitter settle to the bottom of a jar.
This advice is always well-intentioned, and I’m not here to diss people who either give it or who benefit from it. But it has never, ever done shit for me, and this is because it goes about resolving anxiety in the completely wrong way.  
THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO when suffering from anxiety is to do a “relaxing” thing that just enables your mind to dwell and obsess more on the thing that’s bothering you. You need to ESCAPE from the dwelling and the obsession in order to experience relief.
You can drive to a quiet farm, drive to the beach, drive to a park, or anywhere else, but as someone who has tried it all many, many times, trust me–it’s a waste of gas. You will just end up still sad and stressed, only with sand on your butt. You can’t physically escape your sadness. Your sadness is inside of you. To escape, you need to give your brain something to play with for a while until you can approach the issue with a healthier frame of mind. 
People who have anxiety do not need more time to contemplate, because we will use it to contemplate how much we suck.
In fact, you could say that’s what anxiety is–hyper-contemplating. When we let our minds run free, they run straight into the thorn bushes. Our minds are already running, and they need to be controlled. They need to be given something to do, or they’ll destroy everything, just like an overactive husky dog ripping up all the furniture. 
Therefore, I present to you: 
–Go on a walk
–Watch a sunset, watch fish in an aquarium, watch glitter, etc.
–Go anywhere where the main activity is sitting and watching
–Draw, color, do anything that occupies the hands and not the mind
–Do yoga, jog, go fishing, or anything that lets you mentally drift 
–Do literally ANYTHING that gives you great amounts of mental space to obsess and dwell on things.
–Do a crossword puzzle, Sudoku, or any other mind teaser game. Crosswords are the best.
–Write something. It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece. Write the Top 10 Best Restaurants in My City. Rank celebrities according to Best Smile. Write some dumb Legolas fanfiction and rip it up when you’re done. It’s not for publication, it’s a relief exercise that only you will see. 
–Read something, watch TV, or watch a movie–as long as it’s engrossing. Don’t watch anything which you can run as background noise (like, off the top of my head, Say Yes to The Dress.) As weird as it seems, American Horror Story actually helps me a lot, because it sucks me in. 
–Masturbate. Yes, I’m serious. Your mind has to concentrate on the mini-movie it’s running. It can’t run Sexy Titillating Things and All The Things That are Bothering Me at the same time. (…I hope. If it can, then…ignore this one.) 
–Do math problems—literally, google “algebra problems worksheet” and solve them. If you haven’t done math since 7th grade this will really help you. I don’t mean with math, I mean with the anxiety. 
–Play a game or a sport with someone that requires great mental concentration. Working with 5 people to get a ball over a net is a challenge which will require your brain to turn off the Sadness Channel. 
–Play a video game, as long as it’s not something like candy crush or Tetris that’s mindless. 
–List the capitals of all the U.S. states
–List the capitals of all the European countries
–List all the shapes you can see. Or all the colors. 
–List all the blonde celebrities you can think of.
–Pull up a random block of text and count all the As in it, or Es or whatever.  
Now obviously, I am not a doctor. I am just an anxious person who has tried almost everything to help myself.  I’ve finally realized that the stuff people recommend never works because this is a disorder that thrives on free time and free mental space. When I do the stuff I listed above, I can breathe again. And I hope it helps someone here too. 
(Now this shouldn’t have to be said but if the “do nots” work for you then by all means do them. They’ve just never worked for me.)
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It amazes me that autism and adhd are two neurodivergencies that are very similar and literally share a lot of traits, but one is viewed as a Catastrophic Disease That Needs To Be Eradicated™ and the other is not taken seriously at all.
Why the fuck is that?
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"if you can't handle minor criticism you're never gonna make it in the real world" yep uh huh yes mhmm yeah agreed absolutely yup I know
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really spent a whole day fretting about not doing something instead of doing it love having a functioning brain
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I woke up like this (on the verge of sensory overload)
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the crushing guilt of being unproductive vs the exhaustion of being burned out. fight.
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learning to be assertive!! 
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