tv-girllover07 · 1 month
Ayo I have a little something 🩵
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tv-girllover07 · 2 months
Dead phone 📱
Craig Poole x fem!reader
Movie: Mr. Harrigan’s phone
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Part 8
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
(Later that night)
Craig and I are sitting in his room after we had dinner but all Craig and I could about was what Mr. Harrigan said at the end of the letter.
We lay on his bed with my head on his chest looking at the message Craig sent him the other night, Craig sighs and places his phone on his nightstand pulling me closer to him. Looking back at his phone before the thunder struck, I sit up and look out the window and I hear Craig sit up as well so I turn and see him grab his phone and hearing the line ring then putting the phone up to his ear just to Mr. Harrigan’s voice mail “I’m not answering my phone now. I will call you back if it seems appropriate.” Then the phone beeps
“I miss you, Mr. Harrigan. I appreciate all the money that you gave me and Y/n, but I’d give it back to have you still around. I know that probably sounds like a lie, but it’s not. It really isn’t.” He pauses for a moment before ending the call and hearing the thunder rumbling outside he places his phone on the table again and laying back down.
Lifting up the blanket for me to crawl under, I rest my hand back on his chest listening to his heart beat and feeling the rise and fall of his chest, he wraps his arm around my waist holding me close as possible. We held each other tight with my leg over his waist, falling asleep to the sound of the rain hitting the wind shield.
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
The next morning I wake up to the sound of the door opening and Craig’s Dad’s voice “You up?” He asked us as Craig wakes up and stretches “Yeah.” We replied at the same time “Making breakfast.” He leaves and closes the door, I yawn and get up off of Craig and walking to his our closet and grabbing a sweatshirt and some socks and putting them on then walking back over to Craig who is now sitting up.
I give him a quick kiss which he returned and puts his hand on my waist and then looks at his phone for us to see a message, he scrambles to pick up his phone and we see a message from someone who should be 6 feet in the ground right now and the message was say “C C C aa.”
Craig and I rush out the door and down the stairs and into the kitchen “Dad! He’s not dead. Mr. Harrigan, not at 2:30 this morning.” He shows his dad the message “C-C-C” he read it out loud.
“We gotta dig him up. We buried him alive.” Craig spoke as his dad flipped the pancakes he was making “What are you taking about?” He turned to Craig and I “We have to get somebody out there. We have to get bulldozers and…” his dad stops him “Craig, stop. Stop. What… what is going on?”
And Craig pauses for a second “I put his phone in his casket” then I turn and look at him with wide eyes “Why did you put his phone in the casket?”
“I know I shouldn’t have don’t it. I know it’s creepy, but I did. Now this” Craig spoke in a stressed out manner. His dad puts the spatula down and motions his head to Craig to hand him the phone.
“Yeah, well, gotta be an explanation for this. Somebody hacked his phone. They…they cloned it. They’re just playing a practical joke on you.” Craig looks at him in disbelief, we walk over to the table.
“If it’s a practical joke, why isn’t it something funny like. Uh, “Help, I’m trapped in a box”?” And I put a hand over my mouth to conceal me laugher as we stand around the dining table.
Craig’s dad points at him “That actually is funny.” Craig look at him annoyed “Why is it two A’s and my initial three times? Doesn’t make any sense. We have to go. We have to check on him” he states and I agree with him
“Yeah who knows, for all we know right now is that Mr. Harrigan might be trying to talk to us but he can’t” I said hopeful Craig’s dad ignores me and looks back at Craig
“No, we don’t, and I’m gonna tell you why. Kids, sit down” and I sit down crisscross on the chair but Craig shakes his head “No” so I turn to face him “Craig, please come sit down” I look at him though my lashes and he comes and sits next to me, I put my hand in his and rest my head on his shoulder.
“John Harrigan died unattended. And because of this, there was an autopsy, which is how they found out he died of heart disease.” Craig looks down sadly “They cut him open?” “Yeah” his dad spoke softly “I don’t like telling you that. I don’t want that preying on your mind. But it’s better than having you guys think that he was buried alive? He wasn’t. He couldn’t have been. He’s dead. You understand?”
Craig and I shake our heads “Yes.”
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
After breakfast Craig and I go upstairs and get ready for the day, then we get on our bikes and start heading towards the cemetery.
Once we get there Craig starts to bike faster and hops off his bike making it crash to the ground, while I hop off mine and put the kickstand down and we walk over to Mr. Harrigan’s grave still with newly fresh dirt.
Craig pulls out his phone out and kneels on the ground laying his head on the dirt and pressing call then hear “Stand By Your Man” and gasps and gets up off the ground panting.
I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder “How about we go up to the house? Maybe Edna will be there and she can let us in.” He hummed and nodded in response and we walk back to our bikes and start biking towards Mr. Harrigan’s house.
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tv-girllover07 · 2 months
Dead phone 📱
Craig Poole x fem!reader
Movie: Mr. Harrigan’s phone
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Part 7
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
Today was Mr. Harrigan’s funeral, Craig spent all weekend working on the obituary and once Craig read it to me I found it lovely even under the circumstances“Craig you are going to be an amazing screen writer some day and I’m sure Mr. Harrigan would be proud of you, we all are” once I said that you could see the tears in his eyes and he got up and cried into my shoulder.
Craig and I had a few good cries, we both missed Mr. Harrigan, Craig and little more than me but Mr. Harrigan was there for me when my mom and I were having problems. Once we get to the church it was sad, not many people came to the funeral only about 13 people, sad cause Mr. Harrigan may have not been the great man but he was royal. But there was no family not even a niece for a second cousin he never married never had kids probably one of the reasons Craig Dad was leery about him going up there in first place. 
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
Craigs POV
Reverend Mooney was to conduct the service and I was to read my eulogy and read from the bible.
“Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice. And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God, for Christ’s sake, hath forgiven you.”
I look around the room and see Edna, smiling, and nodding at me. I saw some of the business types exchange looks at that, as well, Mr. Harrigan hadn’t shown them a great deal of kindness, or much in that way of forgiveness either. I go and sit down in between Y/n and my dad as the funeral goes on.
People are in a line saying there final good byes “Wanna take a last look?” Dad asked me and Y/n. She shook her head no “I wanna wait. I wanna be last.” Y/n and dad nod there heads
“Take your time. We’ll meet you outside.” They stand up and dad walks out, Y/n stands beside me and leans down puts her hand on the back of my neck and kiss my head, then pulls away I stand up and she gives me a hug
“I’ll meet you outside, okay?” She whispered, I nod my head then she pulls away and walk towards the door to meet my dad outside. I walked to the back of the line with only two people in front of me. One of the guys is on his phone while the other looks down at Mr. Harrigan.
I walk up closer to the casket looking down at his body.
He was wearing a suit, I’d never seen before, and the funeral guy had roughed him up a bit so he’d look healthy, except healthy people don’t lie in coffins with their eyes shut.
I look around to make sure no one is there before taking Mr. Harrigan’s phone out of my pocket and placing in in his suits inner pocket then take some lint of his tie, before hearing shuffling behind me you  only had to look at his black suit and white carnation to know he was the funeral parlour guy I suppose it was his job to close the lid of the coffin and make sure it was latched down tight a tear of death came over me at the side of him, and I was glad to leave that place and go to the sunshine and that sunshine was, Y/n
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
It was finally time for the interment of the casket and reverend Mooney decide to speak this time. “Many, who’ve come from far and wide, respected John’s…”
Mr. Harrigan was buried very near my mother. And not to far from Y/n’s father. I’d only been to her grave once. Dad visited her weekly, but I stayed away. I guess because if I did visit…I’d know she was gone forever.
“John Harrigan was a tough shell to crack, but I knew he was a fair man. I wonder if he’d be surprised that people showed up today.” Reverend Mooney finished and patted the coffin.
After a few moments of silence Dad, Y/n, I started walking to the truck when we got stopped “Excuse me. You’re Craig and Y/n, right?” Y/n and I looked at each other then back at the man.
“I’m Chick Rafferty. I handle…handled John Harrigan’s finances. I was hoping to have a quick chat. It concerns you having something of Mr. Harrigan’s.”
“Um…” “Uh…I…” Y/n and I chuckle nervously, we look at my dad and he looks back at us concerned “You should hear from his lawyers in a week or so.” Mr. Rafferty said looking at the both of us “Are we in trouble?” Y/n asked and dad stops before this goes any further “Yeah. What is this about?”
“Don’t worry. It’s a good thing.” The man gives us a polite smile and pulls out to envelopes out of his coat “Well, these should explain it all. I received it two months ago and was instructed to hold it until such an occasions as this.” Mr. Rafferty looked at us all and smiled “Well, have a good day.”
He walks away I look down at the letter in my hand, Y/n grabs my hands and slides it in hers and we start to walk to the car. We get to the truck with Y/n in the middle of my dad and I, as we buckle up our belts dad looks at us with a smile. So I look down then back at him.
“What?” I asked him, Y/n then turns to my dad confused “I think you guys might be in the will.” Dad said hopefully I look down at the letter “Should I open it now?” I said with optimism, he shrugged.
Y/n and I grab our letters and open them and dad starts driving home we read them aloud.
“Craig and or Y/n, if you’re reading this, I’ve died. I have you both with $800,000 in trust.” Dad look at us both in shock “The trustees are your father and Charles Rafferty. My business manager will now serve as my executor. I calculated the sum should be sufficient to see you through four years of college…and any postgraduate work you may choose. Enough should remain to give you a start in your chosen career. Craig you spoke of screenwriting and I heard Y/n take about being a director, and if it’s what you want, then, of course, you must pursue it but know that I do not approve. There is a vulgar joke about screenwriters. I will not repeat it here, but by all means, find it on your phones. Keywords “screenwriter” and “starlet” films are ephemera, while books, good ones, are eternal or close to it. You have read me many good ones, but others are waiting to be written. This is all I will say. Even with school expenses, your $800,000 may grow to a million or more by the time you reach the age of 26, when the trust will expire, and you can spend or invest the rest as you choose. PS. I will miss our afternoons together too.”
Y/n and I look at each in shock at the last sentence and I pull out my phone and go into Mr. Harrigan’s and I conversation and seeing the message I sent him last night.
Dad looks at both of us “What is it? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
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tv-girllover07 · 2 months
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tv-girllover07 · 3 months
I have something for you 🌊🩵
You can screen record it!!!
Credit goes to stnatvrz on TikTok
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tv-girllover07 · 3 months
Jaeden martell on ur birthday hcs?
A/n: Yeah of course bb thank you so much for requesting 😚 I hope this is good, I’m going to make the reader Jaeden current age :) toward the end there will be NFSW
⊹˚₊‧─────────────── ‧₊˚⊹
☆- It’s your 20th birthday
☆- He really wants to surprise you
☆- So he makes “breakfast in bed” for you
☆- The pancakes/waffles maybe a little burnt but you still appreciate it
☆- Boy is so in love with you and vice versa
☆- Gives you some of the most loving kisses on your birthday
☆- You, Jaeden, Wyatt and his Gf will spent the day together cause that’s what you wanted
☆- So you walk around the city going around all the little shops, and Jaeden will buy you a couple of things cause he wants to spoil his Gf
☆- After spending the day with Wyatt and his Gf you and Jaeden go back to your place and he cooks your favourite meal
☆- After dinner you have cake and I just a little cake thing big and you make your wish
☆- “So what did you wish for love?”
☆- “Well if I tell you babe then it won’t come true now will it” and what you wished for is for you and Jaeden to still together for ever (you do:)
⊹˚₊‧─────────────── ‧₊˚⊹
⊹ NFWS ⊹
☆- Treats you like a princess and praising you
☆- Fucks you like you’ve never been fucked before, won’t let you do any of the work
☆- Bros breeding kink is at a full time high now that your in your 20s 🤭 like he just wants to fill you up but he knows you want to wait till your in your late 20s
☆- He’ll keep a hand on your tummy, groaning into your ear. “Such a perfect princess… would be an amazing mama, wouldn’t you? Gonna fill you up, get you pregnant some day”
☆- He will stay between your legs till you crying, thrashing and screaming he just wants to spoil you
☆- After your done the aftercare is so sweet and when your about to fall asleep he’ll kiss you on the temple and whisper in your ear
☆- “Happy birthday beautiful girl I love you”
A/N: I might make this into a whole fic let me know if you want that :3
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tv-girllover07 · 4 months
Hiya again! So could I request a Jaeden Martell x reader where she’s never kissed anyone, and they ending up talking about it and Jaeden “helps” (he has a crush on her so he figures this is the best way to act on it lol) ? Like he ends up being her first kiss. You could make it fluffy or smutty in the end depending on what you want, though I’d prefer it smutty hehe; Hugs!
A/n: Yeah of course bb thank you so much for requesting, sorry if this is too long
📸Lights! Camera! Annnnd…Kiss! 📸
Jaeden Martell x fem!reader
A/n: Just wanted to say that they are 18+ there Jaeden’s actual age rn their in there 20s
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Today felt to long and to stressful you loved the role you had, playing a love interest with Jaeden (your best friend) but there was only one problem, you’ve never kissed someone before and you and Jaeden had a intimate scene so you were really nervous to screw it up and it’s been weighing heavily on you and Jaeden could see that so once you got back to the hotel he wanted to talk to you, once the day was over and you got back to the hotel you were staying at while filming you went to your room and your room was next to Jaeden’s
You get into your hotel room and take a shower washing today’s stress away and the troubles and worries while working, after the shower feeling more relaxed and refreshed you change into your Pj’s, finally getting into bed trying not to worry too much much about about having to kiss Jaeden you’ve been friends for six years ever since IT chapter two came out, you played as Richie and Eddie’s kid (Reddie shipper) and you got to meet the cast and you never felt more welcomed. You and Jaeden clicked instantly, everyone on set shipped you two together but even though you two were friends it doesn’t mean you don’t have feeling for each you two would flirt jokingly (but sometimes it wasn’t) you would sometimes hold hands in public but nothing more but you always thought what it would be like to be in a relationship with him-- you were pulled out of your thoughts as you hear you phone ding, it’s Jaeden
Jaeden <3
Hey y/n are you busy?
Y/n :)
Nope just showered, what’s up?
Jaeden <3
I was wondering if I could come over so we could practice are lines
Y/n :)
Um…yeah I think that’s a good idea
Jaeden <3
Okay I’ll be there in a minute I’ll grab some snacks, iced tea and doritos?
Y/n :)
Yes pleassse thank you love
Jaeden <3 liked your message
After two minutes there’s a knock on the door and you know it’s Jaeden “It’s unlocked, you can come in” and you could see Jaeden handsome face in grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt “Hey handsome” you beam him a lovely smile “Heya beautiful” you always loved the nickname you gave each other it was just something you would always say to each other and it stuck then you ask Jaeden “So you want to practice our lines?” “Yeah I thought we could practice our lines and get a feel for the up coming scene” he explained but you feel just a little bit warry about the up coming scene cause that’s the BIG scene, the kiss scene.
“Uhh sure okay, sooo do you also want to play out the scene as well” you asked him wanting to know so you could talk to him about the kiss
“Yeah for sure so then we could get a feel of everything” he added
“Okay um I know this is really awkward but… ihaventkissedanyonebeforeandidontwantthekissoncameratobereallyawkward” you spoke really fast hoping he wouldn’t fully hear you.
“Y/n it’s okay, seriously it’s okay, I can help you if you would like ” he mumbled the last part
“Seriously? You’d do that for me” you asked him feeling the warmth flow into your cheeks
“I mean yeah I’d do anything for you y/n your the best person ever in the universe of course I’d do any--” before he could say anything else you cut him off by scooting closer to him and placing your hands on both of his cheeks, both of you lean forward finally feeling his lips on yours all,you can feel is the plumpness of his lips and his soft skin beneath your finger tips and after what it felt like hours the two of you pull away to catch your breath.
“Holy shit” Jaeden said and you think you did somethings wrong “What?” You laugh nervously
“Nothing just umm are you sure that was your first kiss cause that was fuckin amazing” he said with a small laugh and you feel yourself relax “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that for” you said in a quite tone.
“Yeah me too…y/n I’ve like you for a long time and I get it if you don’t like me back and you just wanted to have your first kiss it’s fine but I just want you to know, I really really like you” he finished speaking and sighed
You were shocked he even said that “Jaeden I don’t think you understand how much I like you, I’ve liked you since the day I met you, you are so kind, you are so so talented for a younger actor, you are one of the funniest people I know, and you’re so handsome--” he then cuts you off by placing his hands on your waist and placing his lips on yours.
You gasp taken by surprise that Jaeden was kissing you again so he takes the opportunity to slide his tongue in (I’m cringing) and you moan, then he starts kissing down your neck sucking hickeys “Don’t leave too many marks dumbass”
Just then he sucks your sweet spot and you throw your head back, “Do you want this” he ask cautiously “Yes more than anything” then his hands go down to the hem of your shirt and takes it off leaving you in your bra and sleeping shorts
Jaeden tilts his head back with a groan and smiles “Fuck y/n you’re beautiful your killing me” and he leans forward pulling you closer, continuing to kiss your neck while his hands go to the clasps of your bra and takes it off “Oh fuck” you whined,
Then you sit on his lap with his hands resting in your waist and your hands around his neck and sighing and accepting the warmth he offered enveloping your body
You start moving your hips back and forth and he groans “fuck y/n” and he leans forward and sucks your left boob in his mouth and you let out a moan “oh my fucking god holy shit” you whined “yeah? You like that?” Jaeden said as he pulled away and looked at the hickeys on your tits and you chuckle and kiss him.
your hands reach the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head and throw it to the floor and kiss down his chin and down his neck while your kissing he groans as you start palming his through his sweatpants and he whines and he lifts you up and tries to pull off your shorts but fails and you laugh “oh Jaeden baby that was sad” and you continued laughing so he flips you over and you let out a squeal and he lifts up your hips and pulls them down and you stop laughing “haha I did it who’s laughing now” and you both look at each other and let out some giggles, he lays you down on the bed and he kisses down your chin to you neck down your collarbone to your stomach and stopped by your underwear looking up at you for permission and you nod your head and he pulls them down very slowly “Jae stop teasing” you whined and he dived in, Jaeden licks a stripe through your folds, sending shivers sound your spine. His mouth attacks your heat, his tongue working wonders.
Jaeden is like a starved man, feeding on anything and everything he can get his hands on. Feasting upon you and the pad of his pointer finger came into contact with your slit. he took one finger and pushed it inside you till he was knuckle deep in, a large moan falling off of your tongue, eyes rolling to the back of your skull. His finger sped up, soon being joined with another one that slipped in with ease you can feel the coil in your stomach about to snap you grind your pussy on his face, feeling yourself teetering on the edge of ecstasy. "Jaeden, s-shit." Your eyes screw shut as you cum on his face; pleasure coursing through your system as your pussy clamps down around his thick fingers.Jaeden works you through your orgasm, waiting until you're fully unwound the pleasure is so overwhelming you start to feel overstimulated pulling on his hair “Jaeden” you whined but he’s so pussy drunk you can start to feel a second orgasm coming and you moaned “oh my god Jae” you can feel the coil burning and burning ready to snap “fuck your so tight your squeezing the shit out of my fingers there about to slide out” he groan in your pussy and the vibrations add to the pleasure “fuck I-I’m gonna c-c-cum oh my god” and you come all over his fingers again “holy shit thank you, thank you baby” and he lolled you through it then you get really overstimulated “Jaeden to much it’s t-too much” after coming down from your high you look down at the boy between your legs and he’s got a grin on his face. “You did so good for me baby.” he says and removes his fingers from your overstimulated pussy licking them clean “thank you baby” you said
The you play with his hair feeling the silky silt hair between your fingers scratching his scalp he lets out a low moan “god that feels good” and he kiss up your stomach to your boobs lightly kiss each one “so pretty for me” he hums deeply “what did I do to deserve such a beautiful girl huh?.” He questions and continues kissing up to your neck to your chin and finally kissing your lips then kisses to your jaw and you whisper in his ear “please fuck me”
“Okay but you have to be quite” he mumbled out while continuing to kiss all over your face but then he gets up to take off his pants and to grab a condom and you whine at the lost of contact and he copy’s your whine “do you want to have a child?” You shake your head no “didn’t think so” he said in a sassy tone and you laugh as he got back on the bed and you snatch the condom from his hand and tear it open and roll it onto him and he groans “fuck sakes baby” and you kiss the tip and lay back down he reaches down and grabs his dick and and slaps it against your pussy and you moan at the amazing feeling “baby please fuck me”he pushes the tip inside you, the stretch making you sigh with pleasure, you whined and he slides into you and you let out the highest pitch moan “oh my god oh my god fuck me” he grabs your hips with a tight squeeze
“Relax, baby,” he says, his voice mocking as he thrusts into you ever so slowly, inch by glorious inch You’re unable to speak, lips parted in a silent scream of pleasure as he fucks you, the head of his cock hitting against your sweet spot with every thrust. He's also mesmerized by your tits and how much they bounce as he fucks you. You love how perfectly he fills you, you love it when he fucks you, you never want this to end
“oh god baby I’m close” you said “me too babe” You squeeze around him, whining, feeling his thumb rubbing against your clit, the sensation sending you hurtling toward your third orgasm of the night, barely able to stop yourself from screaming his name. “Fuck” his voice cracked a little and you moaned your back arches into him, and Jaeden buckles down, chasing his nearing high. You’re just about to tell him you can’t take it anymore when he cums, spilling into the condom.
His brows furrowing and his mouth agape. He lets out the most beautiful sounds you’ve ever heard, you never want it to end he pumps a few more times, riding out his high. “Oh, fuck.” He whispers, he stays inside of you and you could feel him get soft, he fell down onto your chest the both of you breathing heavily skin sweaty and skin sticky.
Jaeden gets up from the bed, he quickly discards the condoms and pulls his boxers on and want in the en suite and grabbed a damp cloth and came back to clean you up and while he was In the bathroom you already put a shirt on it was one of walkers and it was your favourite t-shirt he sat on the bed and cleaned you up then helped you put on a pair of underwear and got into bed and laid your head on his chest while he stroked your hair “I love you so much y/n l/n” “I love you too Jaeden Martell my beautiful boy” you move your head up and kiss him then you turn on the tv and watch the office you give him one last peck on the lips and put your head his chest “I’m really happy this happened” you said quietly “Me too it was lovely” he said and kissed you on the head “good night Jae” “Good night y/n while talk in the morning” “okay”
Then you both fall asleep into a blissful and peaceful slumber.
The End
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tv-girllover07 · 4 months
Dead phone 📱
Craig Poole x fem!reader
Movie: Mr. Harrigan’s phone
A/n: so I would just like to say even though Craig and the reader have kissed like multiple times I haven’t really said that there together but they are gf/bf and there the cutest couple ever like omg
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Part 6
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
The next day after having the talk with Craig about Mr. Harrigan was off it felt like something bad happened. Craig and I walked to Mr. Harrigan’s house but today was Tuesday and Edna and Pete weren’t there but I still showed up just to see if there was any cleaning to do while Craig read to Mr. Harrigan,
Craig rang the doorbell but nobody answered but figures since nobody but Mr. Harrigan was home so then Craig starts humming then opens the door and when Craig and I walk down the hallway you could hear the door hinges creak and the door finally shut once were in the the middle of the hallway and I grab Craig hand and stop “Hey I’m gonna go into the kitchen and make us some tea then I’ll come see you and Mr. Harrigan, in the study alright?” I said “Alright” he smile and I kiss him on the cheek.
(Craig’s POV)
After y/n goes into the kitchen I continue walking down the hallway and towards the study hearing my footsteps beside me and as I got closer to the room I can hear the oxygen tank hissing and I stop at the entrance of the study “Mr. Harrigan?” I walk closer and lay my bag on the floor and touch his shoulder to see if he’ll move then as I touch his shoulder I hear my phone go off and his saying Mr. Harrigan is calling me but I see in his hand he has his phone with my contact at the ready
so I end the call and grab his phone from his cold, stiff hand and put in my jacket pocket and as the oxygen tank keeps hissing I can feel the panic rising in my chest and I start shaking his shoulder again “Mr. Harrigan?… Mr. Harrigan” nothing…no reply just nothing but the coldness in the room and the sound of the oxygen tank “Mr. Harrigan? Sir?” I put to fingers on his neck to feel anything… but then again there was nothing. I was in a dead man and what if he reached out and grabbed me? Of course he wouldn’t do that, he liked me, but I remember the look in his eyes when we had the conversation yesterday. 
I rush over to the table and grab a mirror and put it under his nose to see if there’s any breathing, no warm breath misted it. Nothing I back away and my breaths quicken “Y/N!” I yell as loud as I could, I could hear the the fast sounding movement coming down the hallway
Then hearing her stop and the door to hear her gasp as a hand flew to her mouth and in that moment I knew it was real and I wasn’t just seeing things “Oh my god, Craig what happened?” She asked in shock “I don’t know I walked in and he wasn’t breathing, y/n he wasn’t breathing” I said feeling my voice crack and my eye start to tear up she pulls me away from Mr. Harrigan so I don’t have to see his body any more from what I already saw.
“Craig call your dad, talk to him and we’ll figure this out okay but I need you to take some deep breaths and to calm down, okay?” She asked “Okay” I pulled out my phone and called my dad “Craig?” He said and I feel like I can’t talk “It’s Mr. Harrigan I think…I think he’s dead, he’s not breathing. I think he’s…” my dad stops me “Where’s the housekeepers?” He asked
“it’s Tuesday. They’re… they’re not here” I look at y/n and she mouths “keep breathing, stay calm” and she grabs my hand giving it a squeeze “Okay listen to me. Uh, is y/n with you?” He said trying to stay calm as well “Mm hm” I clarify “Alright you two just wait there, go head and wait outside and I’ll call an ambulance, okay?” And I hang up the phone and y/n and I start to walk backwards towards the study entrance but I stop
“Craig, baby what are you doing?” She asked in a gentle voice trying to calm me down and not to worry I always liked when she used that voice it was calm and gentle like hearing soft rain hit the ground and the smell of warm, fresh baked cookies out of the oven
“I want to read to him one last time” I said and turn to grab two chairs
“Okay” and as we sat down the room didn’t feel the same anymore it felt empty and lifeless and cold like there was no meaning to this room then once I started to read it felt like the walls were closing in
“It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom, and it was the age of foolishness.” I as I try to continue on y/n and I both start to sob y/n puts her hand on her mouth to silence her cries as I continue to read “It was the epoch of belief. It was the epoch of incredulity. It was the season of Light. It was the season of Darkness. It was the spring of hope, and it was the winter of despair. We had everything before us, and we had nothing before us. We were all going direct to heaven, and we were all going direct, the other way” I stopped reading “That was beautiful, Craig” y/n whispered in a monotone voice.
After dad picked both y/n and I up from Mr. Harrigans house we didn’t do anything we sat on the couch with blank expressions and didn’t do anything, dad tried to get us to talk and to say what happened but we couldn’t there wasn’t much to really say, Y/n doesn’t really stay at her house anymore she really just says here. She has clothes in my closet, some in my dresser and other little things around my room, not that it bothered me it was nice I liked the feeling of someone else being with me, dad doesn’t mind he like having the company of someone else other than our self’s. After sitting on the couch for what it felt like an eternity I finally spoke “Y/n, I’m going to bed you come with?” I asked feeling dead and tired “Yeah, let’s go love” and I placed my hand on the small of her back as we walk up stairs “Goodnight guys” Dad said softly as we walk upstairs and into my room, I shut the door we walk over to the bed and plug our phones in.
(Y/n’s POV)
Once we plug our phones in to let them charge I go over to the dresser and grabs our pjs as Craig sitting in the bed taking off his shoes and spreads his legs and I walk over to him and stand in between them he hugs my waist, leaning his head on my stomach.
My hands play with his hair and after what it felt like hours and hours of standing there in a comfortable silence I pull away and lean down and put my hand of his cheek and the other on his neck and wipe away the tear that fell down his cheek I kiss him softly on the lips, he sighs in the kiss and puts his hand on my waist and I pull away then give him one last kiss on the forehead “I love you y/n”
I freeze but then I smile “I love you too Craig so much, more than you could ever know”
We sit on the bed with him then when Craig takes his jacket off a phone falls out of it and he tuts “Shit” and pulls the phone out then pulls his phone off his charger and texts Mr. Harrigan even though he’ll never see the message.
We could hear Mr. Harrigans phone get the message “What did you say?” I asked him as he places his phone back on the charger “I said I’ll miss our afternoons together” he sighed softly
I sighed as well and rest my head on his shoulder and place my hand on his thigh and rub it softly “Okay come on, time for bed we need to get our pjs on though” I get up and hand him his pjs which is just a pair of boxers and a T-shirt.
I turn around and I start to take off my pants and underwear and put on new underwear and I could hear Craig change as well then footsteps walking forwards me, I feel his hands on my waist pulling my shirt up and takes it fully off then he helps me take off my bra and hands me one of my his shirts and I put it on then he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me into a hug and kissing my neck.
“I really do love you y/n” he whispered “I really do love you too Craig” and I turn around to give him a proper hug then there’s a knock on the door
“Yeah?” Craig said and the door opens and it’s his dad we turn our hands while still in the hug, I then move behind Craig a little just to cover my bare legs
“Hey I just wanted to say good night and um I got a call, Mr. Harrigans funeral is next Saturday and the Pastor and I think it would be nice if you spoke at his funeral since you were the closet with him” Mr. Poole said trying not to upset us any further
“I think that would really nice Craig, what do you think?” I asked him really likening the idea “I think that would be good” he said sadly, nodding his head “Alright I’ll call the Pastor tomorrow and let him know”
“Okay night dad” “Night you guys” his dad said and left the room closing the door.
Part 7
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tv-girllover07 · 4 months
Does anyone need THE Percy Jackson or Have A Baby By Me Baby Be A Millionaire edit cause with the TikTok sound being gone I saved the video if anyone needs it then message me
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235 notes · View notes
tv-girllover07 · 4 months
Dead phone 📱
Craig Poole x fem!reader
Movie: Mr. Harrigan’s phone
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Part 5
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
The next day at school after our long conversation with Mr. Harrigan Craig and I were tired I spent the night at his house and we couldn’t stop thinking and talking about what he said.
We were at our lockers getting our books out of them, mine was a few down from his when Ms. Hart walks by and says good morning to us “Oh, good morning, Ms. Hart” I can hear Craig say and I feel my phone buzz and I see it’s from Craig “Like your sweater” he texted and I feel my face heat up cause it’s the sweater that he got me for Christmas, I turn and look at him “Thank you :)” I text back and look up from my phone and smile at him walking over to him and he smiles back “Come on let’s go to class” I said and grab his hand “I’ll be there in a second” he said and kisses my forehead and I walk into class.
(Craigs POV)
After y/n walks into class I hear a voice in my ear “Is that a smartphone?” Kenny, he looks down at my hands “Yes it’s an iPhone. Okay I see you rich kid, do you wanna see mine?” He asked “Sure” I said getting a little annoyed “it’s really cool. It’s got this huge… ‘and started looking in his pockets’ Oh…oh that’s right I don’t have one Um… Can I see yours?” And I try looking anywhere but at him “Um, okay” and I hand him my phone “Thank you” he said and started to walk away “Whoa, neat” and I start to follow him “Heads up” he yelled and throw my phone up in the air and I caught it and walk into class and sit next to y/n and she could see I was mad and placed her hand in mine
Crime and punishment
“But that is the beginning of a new story the story of a gradual renewal of a man the story of his gradual regeneration, of his passing from one world into another, of his initiation into a new unknown life that might be a subject of a new story but our present story is ended” I finished reading and see Mr. Harrigan on his phone not even paying attention and I slam the book shut and he laughs
“Apologies, Get thee beside me Satan. Well done I do enjoy the occasional bleak Russian novel.” He said then checked his pockets
“Would you go in the centre drawer of my deck and retrieve my checkbook? Thank you” I get up and go into the drawer and get the checkbook
“Find it?” He asked and I hand him the checkbook “Thank you” he spoke “That’s new the tank is everything okay?” I questioned being concerned
“So I use it at night mostly” he said and started writing the checks for both Y/n and I
“there’s something i always wanted to ask you” i said “Mm” he hummed for me to continue “Why did you move here? To Harlow? You could live anywhere” I asked always wondering what the answer was
“as someone who lived in the city, his entire life, I wanted to live in the country. I looked at many places, and finally I settled here. There are views but none of them are spectacular, spectacular views attract people and I do not much like people” and I softly laugh and the end of the sentence
“No one asks thing of me. I wanted a place where no one asked things of me because when they do, I almost invariably answer, and you is there a place other than here where you would like to live?” I asked and I walk back to the chair to put it back by the desk
“Um, maybe Los Angeles, y/n and I have always wanted to go. Maybe I could write for the movies” I said with a small smile
“well I suppose someone has to do it, and would you long for home to see your father’s face or put flowers on your mothers grave?” And I cut him off to stop talking about my mom
“Yeah, I…I would come back every once in a while”
“Well if you do go to that godforsaken place and enter that enterprise know that it is difficult and unfair and you will make enemies. Lord knows I did” he said quietly at the end “Yeah I know”
“Craig, I need you to promise me something” he said in a monotone voice
“Okay” I said as I put my backpack on
“When you cross their path, you will dispatch them with haste, these enemies”
And I chuckled “Dispatch.” “With haste.” Mr. Harrigan added “And feel not one iota of guilt for having done so…Promise me.” He said the last two words with a demanding tone and I nod my head
“Promise me!” He yelled “Okay” I spoke quietly in agreeing “I promise you” “All right” he said and handed me the checks “Thank you, Mr. Harrigan.”
“My pleasure, Craig. All of it” he said and we slightly smile and I leave. I text Y/n to come over to my house so I can talk to her about the conversation I had with Mr. Harrigan
After I get home I see y/n sitting on the couch watching tv waiting for me to come home and when she hears the door open she rushes over and hugs me and I hug her back
“Ugh I missed you” she said and buried her head in my neck
“I missed you too” I said and kissed her on the head then she pulled away “So what did you need to tell me?” She questioned and grabs my hand so we can go upstairs to my room and we sit down of the bed
“Okay so it was weird this time talking with him when I was reading to him he didn’t even pay attention and was on his phone like it was something really important then after I got him the check book he asked where I wanted to live when I’m older and started to talk about mom then to dispatch enemies with haste and for me to promise him like my life depended on it, it was so weird it worried me a little bit” I said with a sigh and worried face
“Well maybe you can talk to him tomorrow about it and ask why he said all of that” and she rests her head on my shoulder and grab my hand to kiss my knuckles.
Even in his weakened state, he had power. He may have even been dangerous, but I was his friend, he said it, and judging from the untouched scratch-offs in his drawer, I don’t think he had to many.
After dad comes home we help with dinner and sit at the table once it’s done. As we’re eating I decide to text Mr. Harrigan.
‘Thank you for the cards and scratch-off tickets. Working for you is a privilege’ and send the message and hear the swoosh sound then I know the message sent then put my phone back on the table, Y/n looks at me with a concerned look on her face and I grab her hand under the table and give a slight smile the to see my dad giving us a knowing look, then a smile.
Part 6
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tv-girllover07 · 4 months
Dead phone 📱
Craig Poole x fem!reader
Movie: Mr. Harrigan’s phone
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Part 4
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
(Y/ns POV)
After the kiss at Mr. Harrigan’s Craig and I go back to his house walking hand in hand and as we get in the door we see his dad in the kitchen and while we take off our coats his dad asked us “Well? Did he like it?”
“No” Craig said and I look at him confused I thought he loved the phone
“I warned you” he dad said and I laughed “He loved it” Craig told his dad and we walk up to his room
The next day
(Craig’s pov)
Y/n and I are sitting in the reading room showing Mr. Harrigan how to work his phone some more “And I can set an alarm…” he said
Each visit, before I read y/n and I would teach him new ways to use hide phone. I introduced him to the internet, to Yahoo! and Google. Taught him how to text how to create a voice mail…
“I’m not answering my phone now. I will call you back if it seems appropriate” Mr. Harrigan said but didn’t like it so he told me to try it again “All right?” I said quietly and I point at him to start taking again “I’m not answering my phone now. I will call you back if it seems appropriate” and I end the voice recording “I’m not sure I’d want you to call back” I said “I’m not so sure either” y/n agreed “Perfect” Mr. Harrigan said joyfully.
…and even how to personalize his phone.
“Let’s give you a handle” I said while he was looking at his phone
“Handle?” He said confused
“No uhh a handle’s like a nickname. So when you call me or text me, that’s the name that’s pops up on my phone” I spoke telling him more about it
“You want me to give me a nickname?” He asked and pointed to himself
“Maybe it could be something that other people call you. Here.” I try to encourage and hand him my phone
“Newspapers used to call me this. It was not meant as a compliment” he said as he typed it into my phone and I nodded as he hands me my phone back
“Pirate King. Wicked. Has anyone called you yet?” I asked
“No. Sales pitches and wrong numbers. I could not abide the sound of that xylophone.”
Y/n comes into the room quietly after helping Edna clean and pulls up a chair “Hello” she said in a hushed voice “Hello dear” Mr. Harrigan replied back to her
“Okay so let’s give you another ringtone.” He hands me his phone and I go into the settings to change it and a harp tone plays
“Better?” I asked
“Yeah, better. I still won’t answer it” he said in a rough voice
“Even if it’s Craig?” Y/n asked
“How would I know?” He wondered “You like country and western, right? I asked
“I do” he replied
“What’s your favourite song?” I wondered
“There are so many.” He said
“I know right there are so many” y/n said agreeing with Mr. Harrigan and after a moment of silence
“Tammy Wynette. “Stand By Your Man.”He said thinking of the song
I find the song and start to play it “This one?” 🎵Stand by your man…🎵
“Yeah. That’s lovely, listen to it” we all listen to it “I think it’s beautiful” Y/n said softly
“I can do this” and I found the same ringtone on my phone for his contact “there ‘Stand By Your Man’ okay here you go” and I hand him back his phone
“Okay now call me. I’m in your favourites there” he started to call me and the ringtone started to play and he looked happy
“Yeah now we know when the other is calling” I told him and he sighs
“All right. What should we read today?” And he didn’t say anything “You all right?” I asked
“No. No there’s something troubling me maybe you can explain it. I’ve been reading articles on this phone for a mouth now. And they’ve all been free” I nod for him to continue “Yeah?” I questioned
“No. I’m reading something for free that people pay good money for.” His voice started getting harsher and I see y/n getting curious about the conversation
“It’s great, right?” I asked “No it’s not!” He yelled and my smile dropped “Giving information away runs counter to everything o understand about successful business practices The World Wide Web is like a broken water main, but instead of water it’s spewing information every which way I don’t understand. Is it a come-on or what? I’m asking, Craig” I spoke now in a regular tone “Kind of like the Fryeburg Fair, where the first game is usually free” I said “Ooo that stuffs fun” y/n said in a happy tone and and I turn to smile at her and she smiles back and I grab her hand locking our hands together and Mr. Harrigan scoffs at what I said “And we’re still on the first game. Fryeburg Fair. And there are no advertisements on these sites, Ads are the lifeblood of newspapers. How will they survive? I don’t think this is a come-on I think it’s a gateway drug. I’ve already noticed that my Google search responses are on the side of financial information. It knows what I want what’s gonna happen when they close the water main? No more freebies. Oh and false information becomes common and accepted as true and what happens when they start using this to spared more nonsense than is already out there? Newspaper, journalists, politicians… All of us need to be very frightened by this gizmo” he stopped and went on his phone “Hmm” I think about what he said and y/n has the same look on her face and I got up from my chair “I’ll go help Pete and y/n follows and we stop to look at him being obsessed with his phone
He stared at his phone like it was a Magic 8 Ball. And on that day in a matter of seconds, Mr. Harrigan predicted the future. The future of the internet, the future of the news, of fake news, social media, of paywalls and spam of Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, and the world
Part 5
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tv-girllover07 · 5 months
Dead phone 📱
Craig Poole x fem!reader
Movie: Mr. Harrigan’s phone
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Part 3
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
(Y/n POV)
It was three weeks after Christmas and we were finally going back to school and I was dreading it we got off the bus and started walking into the school when Craig and I turn our head and see Kenny looking at us like he’s ready to kill us and we continue walking into the school when Billy speaks up
“Man, bring back after a holiday sucks” and Craig and I walk faster to the cafeteria “What’s your hurry you guys?” Margie asked “Yeah where are you going?” U-boat questioned and Craig and I turn around with a smile on our faces and show our new iPhone’s “What?…” Billy said and Craig and I shrugged our shoulders “Dude you’re shitting me!” Craig and I walk in the cafeteria and pull up a chair at the Apple table and I sit across from Craig and smile at him.
Margie, Billy, U-boat all got phones shortly thereafter, though Craig and I had iPhones and Billy and U-boat had to share a Razer
The bell rings but Craig and I don’t get up from our seats and one by one students file out of the cafeteria and as time passes all the students are out of the cafeteria but Craig and I are talking and showing each other thing on our phones but as we look around and see that we’re the only ones in the cafeteria forgetting the bell rang fifteen minutes ago so we get up and head to class.
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
(Craig’s POV)
“Thanks” I said to mr. Harrigan’s as he hands me the checks, one for me and one for y/n, I start walking away when Mr. Harrigan’s stops me “Craig there’s something I’ve been meaning to speak with you about” so I walk back into the room “We’ve had this arrangement for a long long time and it strikes me that you are a far different person person, from who you were when we started, even y/n she’s now a different person, and my question is why do you continue to come here?” He states “Do you want me to stop?” I asked him “No, no, no” “Then what?” I said “Surely there are sports clubs and girls who could better occupy your time--” he said and I smiled when he said Girls “--and yet here you are three days a week, why?. Is it out of some sense of obligation.” I stop him “Not at all. No.” “Well, then, why?” He said and I answered with “Because I enjoy our time together.” And he sighed “Why?” “I come here because I…I like the smell of your books, I come here because I love our talks I come here because, when I read out loud it gives me a sense of power that I don’t have outside this room. I come here because I want to. And I can’t really hang out with a girl when she’s busy cause she works here” I said and blush and Mr. Harrigan smiles and nods his head “I’ll see you Thursday” I said and walked out the door and went to find y/n and we left. As we went back to my house to eat dinner, we sat in the living room watching tv with y/n sitting on the chair and my dad and I on the couch and while we were eating I thought of something “I know what I wanna do with the lotto money.” I said and dad looked at me “That money is going into the college fund like we agreed” he said “Well, you said most of it was going into the college fund, How often do I buy things?” I said “Hardly ever” y/n said and laughed we both look at her and let out a soft chuckle, and dad turns the tv off “Almost never” dad said “Well, I know what I wanna do with the rest of it.” I said and look over at him and he turns the tv back on
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
After school y/n and I go to the phone store with some of the money I have and start walking to Mr. Harrigan’s house and we walk by Pete “Afternoon Pete” I said and he said afternoon back and we walk towards the door and Edna opens it for us “Hi Edna!” Y/n smiled at her “Hello girl, Hello boy” she said and opens the door wider, we went inside “Thank you” I told Edna and we walked towards the back to see Mr. Harrigan. Y/n didn’t have to help Edna clean today so she decided to sit in the with us. As we walk into the room we see Mr. Harrigan and he spoke “There you are” “Mr. Harrigan I brought you something” I replied “I don’t need anything” he said with a soft laugh and I hand him the bag and he pulls out the phone “Thank you, I appreciate the sentiment, But no.” He said and put the phone back into bag “I suggest you give this to your father” I let chuckled when he said that and y/n laughed while being in the green room “Craig, I told you he would say that”
“A wise lady” he said and looked up at y/n and she looked over and smiled at him and walked over to the desk and pull up the other chair and set next to me “Henry David Thoreau said “We don’t own things. Things own us” I don’t have a television because if I did I would spend my time watching it. I have a radio in the car but I don’t have a radio in the house, even though I like a bit of country western from time to time, and if I had that I would waste more time.” He said and I looked over at y/n and I see her looking down playing with her hands with a sad expression on her face with what Mr. Harrigan said and I try and get out of my chair to get the bag “Okay, let me just…” “No, no, no. I’m beginning to wish that that scratcher had not been a winner” and I hear y/n laugh and I show him my phone “Okay you see these?” And point to my phone “Mm-hmm” he hummed in agreement “These are called icons and this one is for the stock market” and y/n gets up to help as well “I have a subscription to the Wall Street Journal.” Y/n reached over and tapped on the stock market app and said
“Right, but the Wall Street Journal can’t do this” and showed him the current stocks “Are those numbers in real time?” He asked and I look at him “Yep well they might be a minute or two beside I guess” and he looked amused “I’ll be darned I mean it’s like having your own stock ticker, like the magnates used to have in their mansions” he said happily “Yeah and if you wanna read the Journal or Forbes or…or anything like that you can” and I show him how to get to that “Barton industries, announces closings”
he read out loud and hands me my phone and picks up the paper and looks over the page “It’s not in here” he said confused “Cause that’s yesterdays you get it a day late. Everybody does, but this, this is today’s” I said and looked at him “I’ve been arrogant Craig i am going to keep this after all. For a while anyway” he said “I’m glad” and I smiled “Could you bring me the phone from the desk?” He said and I chuckled “Well, you can use this to call” “Yes?” “Yeah it’s what it’s mostly for you just dial the number that you want. Touch it with your fingers” and I showed him what to do and what to press “And you have four bars.” “Bars?”
“Cause of the new cell tower… never mind.” I said and I heard y/n laugh at me so I didn’t have to tell Mr. Harrigan about the bars “Is that better?” “Yeah, that’s good” and y/n and I walk back into the green room and we can hear Mr. Harrigan calling someone as we water the plants, some hair get in Y/n’s face when she looks up and I look over and tuck the hair beside her ear and we look into each other’s eyes and i look down at her lips and back to her eyes and we lean in and our lips lock her lips are soft and i melt against her, my hands finding her waist and resting there drawing her impossibly closer and holding her there with as much care as i can muster and we draw apart "You're beautiful" i tell her, sounding out of breath. She cradles my face and traces the wrinkles around my eyes with her thumbs then presses them into my dimples.
Part 4>
4 notes · View notes
tv-girllover07 · 6 months
Dead Phone 📱 Masterlist
Movie: Mr. Harrigan’s phone
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
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5 notes · View notes
tv-girllover07 · 6 months
Dead Phone 📱
Craig Poole x fem!reader
Movie: Mr Harrigan's Phone
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Part 2
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
(Craig’s POV)
The next day after school y/n and I go to my house then bike to Mr. Harrigan’s house and while y/n is helping Edna around the house I read to Mr. Harrigan.
The jungle
“Jurgis would find out these things for himself if he stayed long enough. It was the man who did all the dirty jobs and so there was no deceiving them and they caught the spirit of the place and did like all the rest Jurgis had come there and thought he was going to make himself useful, rise, and become a skilled man but he would soon find out his error, for nobody rose in Packingtown by doing good work--.” I continued reading, but I was cut off by Mr. Harrigan
“Enough! E--.” He scoffs “I had forgotten how much I despise that socialist claptrap” he said “So, you think that Sinclair was wrong and that you can get ahead by doing good work and following the rules?” I asked “Craig, Craig, Craig. Don’t misunderstand I admire hard work I love smart work you have to be fiercely competitive to survive. To be first, you have to be bold you have to be ruthless, don’t ask for what you need. Ask for--No, no! Don’t ask. Demand what you want.” He spoke with a firm voice “Mr. Harrigan” “Yes?” He questioned “In your life. Has anyone ever tried to bully you or take advantage of you? At work, I mean.” “Every single day” I said “And how’d you deal with that?” I questioned “Harshly” he spoke in an ominous tone, after the reading and y/n is done helping Edna, y/n goes back to her house, and I go to mine.
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
(Y/n POV)
It was Christmas break and tomorrow was Christmas Day and I was going to ask my mom if I could spend tonight at Craig‘s house and do Christmas with him tomorrow “Hey mom?” “Yes dear” “Is it okay if I stay the night at Craig’s house and do Christmas with him and his dad tomorrow?” “Umm…yeah sure go it’s fine” “Your awesome thank you thank you thank you your the best” I said about running to give her a kiss on the cheek, and then running upstairs to go pack my bag. After I pack my bag, I call Craig‘s house and let him know that I am able to spend the night and that I’m on my way. Before I leave my mom gives me a early gift and it’s a iPhone “HOLY SHIT MOM THANK YOU OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH THANK YOU Okay alright I gotta go I’ll see you tomorrow I love you” I give her a kiss on the check and leave.
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
Craig and I woke up the next morning by his dad coming in and waking us up I turn to my side to see Craig we has his arm around me waist and I blush and sit up and poke his face until he finally opens his eyes and a big smile comes across my face “Merry Christmas my child” I laugh and we get out of bed and go down stairs, eat breakfast and now we’re opening presents Craig’s dad was the first to open presents it was a sweater the Craig got him “Look at that. Wow!, that is…Huh? I’ll…I’ll wear it next time we go to Mondello’s.” He spoke then paused and continued talking “Hey uh you got a couple too open the small one first save mine for last” “Mr. Harrigan” Craig said with a soft chuckle “Gosh, I wonder what it could be.” I said and laughed and Craig chuckles “Surprise” his dad said and laughed “Be right back” Craig said and went upstairs and I take my phone out of my pocket “Holy y/n when did you get that?” “Huh? Oh yesterday mom gave it to me as an early gift” after I spoke you could hear foot steps coming down the stairs “I won!” He said “Oh really? How much?” His dad asked “You’re not gonna believe it.” “A million?” I asked “$3,000!” “Oh woah that’s…that’s a winner, that’s gonna be a tough gift to beat umm maybe you should’ve opened mine first” his dad hands mine his gift and Craig opens it and it’s an iPhone and I gasped “Dad” Craig gets up and hugs his dad “Your welcome son the girl at the store helped me out it’s all set up, charged, ready to go” “Hey Craig” “Hmm” “Give me your phone” he hands me his phone and I put Mr. Harrigan’s number and also mine and I hand him his phone back “Who’s number is that?” He questioned “Oh uhh…it’s mine” I said back to him “What you have a phone?” “Yeah I got it yesterday I wanted to surprise you” then Craig’s dad asks “Who you gonna call first?” “Mm-mmm” Craig shrugs his and lets out a soft laugh, then him and I go into the kitchen and I see that he is calling Mr. Harrigan “Merry Christmas, Mr. Harrigan” “Craig?” “It’s Craig yeah, and y/n is here as well” “Where are you? It sounds like you’re on the other side of the moon” “I’m actually on my cell phone” “Oh no they’re filled with radiation” I laugh when I heard Mr. Harrigan say that “How may I help?” “I was just calling to tell you that your gift, the scratch-off, I won. I won $3,000” “Oh good well one of those things finally paid off” “Well I would just like to say thank you um it was nice of you to give it to me” Craig spoke softly “It was nothing, you know? Um... I hand them out to friends. Is that all, Craig?” “Yeah, I suppose so.” “Merry Christmas.” “All right. Merry...” and Craig stops talking “Did he hang up on you?” I asked him “Yeah” “Aww poor child” I said and laughed and start helping his dad with dinner.
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After dinner, Craig and I go upstairs to get ready for bed I go to the bathroom to get changed and once I come back, I see Craig sitting on his bed plugging in his phone I walk over to my bag and grab a small wrapped gift “Hey Craig I have have something for you” and I hand him the gift and he opens it “I know it’s not much but I figured that if you wanted to be a writer and a Director, you would want something to put your ideas in so I got a journal” the journal was small but it had a cursive C on it “I love it y/n thank you” he gets up and goes to the closet and brings back a small bag. I open it and I gasped “Oh my god I love it, it’s that sweater I really wanted but I didn’t get it…you remember”I look at him “Yeah how could I forget when you saw it looked like you were in love with it” he said and laughed and he got up to put his journal in his desk while I got up to put on the sweater “Hey how does it look?” I said and did a spin he looked back and his face went pale then a bright red “Hey Craig you okay?” I asked him but I didn’t get an answer. 
(Craigs POV)
Once I got up to put the journal y/n got me I hear her say “How does it look?” And she does a spin and I felt like I couldn’t move “Hey Craig you okay?” I hear her say but I can’t really do anything she just so beautiful just in shorts and the sweater I got her so she walked up to me and put her hand on my shoulders “Child are you okay?” And I snapped out of it “Yeah I’m fine more than fine I’m great” I smiled and we got into bed and we face each other and after a few minutes of silence I hear her say “Hey Craig?” “Yeah?” And she leans and kisses me the moment her lips touch mine I feel like a puddle and I put a hand on her check to push us closer together, all I can feel is the plumpness of her lips and her soft skin beneath my finger tips and once she pulls away to catch her breath I look at her she looks like an angel and I speak up,
“I’ve wanted to do that for years” “Me too” she said with a smile and a soft spoken voice like silk I gave her a smile and she gives me one last peck on the lips and puts her head on my chest “Merry Christmas Craig” she said “Merry Christmas y/n” and kissed the top of her head and we both fell asleep.
Part 3>

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tv-girllover07 · 6 months
Dead Phone📱
Craig Poole x fem!reader
Movie: Mr Harrigan’s Phone
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Part 1
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You and Craig have been friends for a long time your parents went to school together and they both went though there pregnancy’s together your dad passed when you were young you were only 4 so you don’t really remember him much then a few years later Craig’s mom passed away it was hard on both of you cause she was like a second mom but it was harder on him cause she was his real mom.
But after two years he was still trying to get over it and when it was Sunday you and your mom and Craig and his dad would go to church and while we stood up from our seats we hear the door open and shut, Craig and I turn to see Mr. Harrigan while he sits down and Craig gets called up to do the reading, once he done the reading he sit back down and turning to Mr. Harrigan who nods his head at him. After church mom and I go home and later that evening mom gets a call and says it’s for me and it’s Craig saying that Mr. Harrigan hired him to read to him and after a while Craig would invite me to the readings but I would always help Edna clean around the house we have been going to Mr. Harrigan’s house three times a week for five years and got payed five dollar an hour and got red devil scratches on special occasions.
But that was a few years ago things have changed Craig and I are still friends but we both changed we both went though puberty he got taller and his voice got a little deeper but he still had a baby face which I found cute, while he went though that I got boobs and an ass and got a little taller and grew my hair out
(Y/n POV)
Now we are both in high school there wasn’t a school in Harlow so we had to be bused in to Gates Falls. Billy Ueberroth's older brother, Mike, or U-Boat, as everybody called him had already been in the deep end, came out unscathed, and had agreed to show us the ropes if we paid him, Craig and I turn our heads and see U-boat laughing hysterically at a comic he was reading. I lean my head on his shoulder let out a sigh “Today’s going to be a long day” “Yep” he replied
Once the bus stop and we got off the bus U-boat tapped our shoulders and we each give him five dollars, “Sweet alright boys and girls, time to show you where the bodies are buried.” U-boat spoke and we start to walk forward, we take about five steps before we’re stopped “And stop, give me your eyes and ears dangerously lies ahead, now on your left…” we all stare to the left “Don’t stare. Don’t venture over there unless you’re looking for a black eye, lung cancer, or a tattoo” U-boat spoke to all of us, Craig and I look back to our left and see this tall kid with long black hair giving us a death glare and Craig and I look back at U-boat and we walk into the school.
“You see, hazing is forbidden at Gates Falls High, but that doesn't mean it don't happen. You're gonna have to steel yourself acquire a cold eye and a mean look. Don’t take any shit or your years here will be hell It's just like prison do your time under the radar.” U-boat continued talking and you could see a kid at the vending machine struggling to get his drink out so U-boat slammed his hand at the top and you could hear the drink fall and you could hear the kid say thanks,
“And don't think all this doesn't apply to you, Margie, Y/n those senior girls are mean as pythons they don't strike at once but enjoy squeezing the life out of you over the course of the year.” U-boat said to us and Margie and I stop walking for a moment but we catch up with them and I walk beside Craig and we get to the cafeteria “Last stop of the tour the cafeteria this is where the popular kids hang out.”
“They all have smartphones” Craig said “Motorola Razer, Samsung table over there in the corner and that is the Apple table.” “What…iPhones just came out how did they get them?” Craig asked “Because they're the popular kids.” U-boat replied “We gotta get phones” Billy said and the bell rings and Craig and I get to math.
(Craigs POV)
When you grow up in a small town and are suddenly exposed to an alien world, your universe expands. You see strange and different faces. Some of them are friendly. but others, sometimes others seem drawn to you in a dark way, to not like you and for no reason.
I turn back to look at y/n and she looks up and smiles at me and I look back at the bored and my checks flushed, class was over and y/n and I walk down the hallway to towards the stairs we were stop by that tall kid earlier “Hey! How you doing? I saw you earlier, Short Bus.” He has a brown paper bag in his hands and looks at y/n
“Take it, look inside” I take the bag from her and look inside “Shoe polish?” I asked “Every freshman shines and you two are gonna shine mine on the shitter.” He said to the both of us “We have to get to class.” I said to him so y/n and I could leave but he didn’t let us.
”No, not until you shine my boots.” I look to my left and see a teacher coming up the stairs and I look back at him “No” “No is a mistake you don’t wanna make” he said and looks at y/n “Shine my boots, or I feed this can of polish to you.” But before he could do anything we hear another voice “Boys…and girl, is there a problem here?” She asked us
“No, no problem” I said and hand the bag back to him, “What's in the bag? It wouldn't happen to be a hazing kit, would it?” “No” the black haired kid said while laughing “We gotta get to class” before we could move she stops us “Wait what’s your name?” She asked me “Um Craig” I said to the teacher and she looked at y/n “What’s yours?” “It’s y/n ma’am” “Okay what’s in the bag, Craig?” She asked me
“Umm…it’s…half a sandwich he was asking us if we wanted it” I said to her and looked back at y/n “Hmm. Okay” the teacher said and walked away and y/n and I make our way down the stairs “You’re gonna regret this” he said to y/n and I “I just saved your ass you should be saying thank you.” I said to him “Fuck your thanks new boy”
“You don’t know us what did we do to you?” Y/n asked him being confused “You tried to show me up” he yelled at us “You just should’ve shined, short bus you should’ve shined” he said and walked away, y/n and I continue walking down the stairs “Kid had some serious issues” y/n with a laugh.
(Y/n POV)
The rest of the day was a blur and went by fast and we get to Craig’s house I don’t really need to call my mom cause she know that if I’m not at school or Mr. Harrigan’s house then I’m at Craig’s.
Once we’re in the door we take off our coats and slide off our jackets and walk towards the stairs “Hey there he is, oh hey y/n good to see you, first day of high school how was it?” Craig’s dad asked us “Good” Craig replied
“That’s it? Just good?” Craig laughs lightly “Okay it was great” he said sarcastically “You have, uh, all the right supplies?” “Yeah” Craig said softly “What about your teachers? You like ‘em?” His dad asked like the good dad he is “Good dad it’s all good, Okay?” Craig said getting a little stressed with the conversation “Yeah, okay well if you need anything, just uh…ask that going for you too Y/n”
“Alright thank you” “Hey y/n you can go upstairs I’ll be there in a second” Craig said while looking at me “alrighty” and when I’m going upstairs I could hear there conversation “Dad can I get a cell phone?” “What do you need a cell phone for?” “For instance, I need help or I need to call 911.” “We live in a town so small you can shout and I’ll show up.” “Okay” is all Craig said and went upstairs.
Part 2>
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tv-girllover07 · 6 months
Something Metal🥁 Masterlist
A/n: This gif is so fucking hot
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Part 1 🥁
Part 2 🥁
Part 3 🥁
Part 4 🥁
Part 5 🥁
Part 6 🥁
Part 7 🥁
Part 8 🥁
Part 9…writing
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tv-girllover07 · 6 months
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So I will also start taking in Stiles Stilinski, Jj Maybank, Stanley Barber and Jaeden Martell(and his characters),Walker Scobell, Percy Jackson Requests cause why not…So please, PLEASE send in those requests.
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And hey I would just like to say thank you for all the people who have liked my story Something metal🥁- Kevin Schlieb, you people are awesome
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