tviirus · 4 months
crawls in here... hello.
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tviirus · 5 months
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i've never been told such better news.
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tviirus · 5 months
i  will  never  tempt  fate
                         not  once,  i  swear
 i  will  never  trust  ice
                         i  will  never  trust  a  thing
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tviirus · 5 months
@gviirus sent ;; Arms wrap around the man from behind, Chris' breath gently brushing against the other's neck as he plants a soft smooch on the other's skin. Fireworks drill dully in the background; nothing else matters for him in this moment but Leon. " Happy new year, Leon S. Kennedy, " he hums with a content smile, a fist unclenching in front of the man to reveal a pair of keys.
the new year was always a bittersweet feeling -- but the last few years it had been enjoyable. after all, what a way to spend the holiday than with friends and a few good drinks ? the countdown was starting and leon would admit, he was eager to get everything started.
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a content smile forms on his lips as he feels the familiar arms wrap around him. ❝ happy new year, chris redfield, ❞ there's a temptation to move and return the kiss, but he was caught off guard by the keys that were revealed to him. an eyebrow raises before he speaks, ❝ what's this for ? ❞
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tviirus · 5 months
happy new year, don’t forget to wish leon a happy birthday
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tviirus · 6 months
@stcries sent ;; there's no warning, but wesker's hand suddenly comes to grab leon by the jaw, staring intently for a few seconds behind dark shades. "good job out there," he finally speaks, releasing his grip as if nothing had just happened between them / tee hees-
words muttered almost incohesively as he walks down the hall from the library. he was trying really hard to show what an asset he'd be, but -- there was only so much he could do for the time being as he was just a rookie. moments on the field were sparse as most of his time was spent at his desk, so hearing the praise from the captain of stars caught him off guard.
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blue eyes stare into the shades as a flush overtakes his facial features. it was always so hard to read the captain... was he being sincere ? he made a note to ask other members of the stars group -- if he was able to muster the courage to SPEAK with them. but for the moment, it's taking everything to not drop the items in his arms as he speaks, ❝ th... thank you, captain. ❞ he nods, clearing his throat as he stands a bit straighter.
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tviirus · 6 months
↪ red dead redemption
din is a bounty hunter, always working with law enforcement and various others that will contract him in his travels. he doesn't have a place he calls home, opting to travel and expand his worldly knowledge. he runs into the vanderline gang in an attempt to bring in either dutch or arthur. he winds up assisting the gang whenever he could, but chooses to keep himself distant from the gang, not wanting to be associated with them, but will help if requested.
↪ resident evil
an ex-employee of the u.s.s. during his missions, he comes across a child that was an experiment and has unexplainable abilities. after becoming attached, din takes the kid under his wing and escapes from his past life, trying to protect the child. he'll do it under any means necessary.
↪ dead by daylight
din was making his way to visit grogu -- he had just made a promise to his friend, boba fett, but he had unfinished business to attend to. but he would never make it to the child. as he parked his ship, he found himself in a different place entirely. it was a forested area, but instead of finding wildlife and androids, he finds… a campfire ? and after being put inside a terrifying " game, " he tries to get through every trial while trying to escape the realm, desperate to see to his loved one again.
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tviirus · 6 months
maybe he shouldn't have come here. maybe he shouldn't have sought out the man, but -- it wasn't like leon had many friends to begin with. he nearly burned a bridge with one, and the other bridge just so HAPPENED to be her brother.
god, he was pathetic.
there was a part of leon that was telling him that he should leave. that there was no point in having this conversation, but his curiosity had gotten the better of him. he needed the validation, and when he was refused it, there was a bit of irritation that showed in his voice.
❝ it was for her safety, chris, ❞ the agent reiterates as there's a pointed glare at the older redfield, ❝ if she were to tell the press about it, we'd have a much bigger problem on our hands. ❞ teeth grit as he tries to explain himself. what he was sought was pity, but now he needed chris to understand where he was coming from. that leon wasn't being selfish just to be cruel to claire.
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❝ just like she trusted you to tell her that you were okay ? that raccoon city had gone to complete shit and that she should have just stayed away ? maybe i should have taken a page out of your book and stayed silent. surely she'd figure out something then. ❞ was he crossing a line ? probably -- but if chris was going to throw something in his face, leon was more than okay to throw it right back.
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@tviirus SAID: the glass of whisky sat down on the table, silent for a moment. leon wasn’t entirely proud of what he had to say. and if there was anyone who he knew that was going to take claire’s side, it would be chris redfield – her brother. but still, there’s a bit inside him that wonders… wouldn’t he do the same thing ? doing anything to protect her, no matter what the cost ? even a personal one ? ❝ i haven’t talked to claire in a few months… ❞ there’s a small laugh that leaves him, ❝ guess i’m not the same guy she met all those years ago. ❞ he’s not looking at him, but he keeps going, ❝ seems like no matter how hard you try, it’s not enough for her. i was trying to keep her safe. ❞
Chris hadn’t been looking forward to this conversation. Frankly, he’d kept great distance from Leon to collect his thoughts, collect his emotions. Claire had filled him in on the details, the incident that happened at the White House, among everything else. His half-lidded eyes pass over the glass of whisky, raising to face the DSO agent with a look lacking amusement. A look watching Leon making excuses for himself.
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“ You broke her heart, Leon, “ he replies, his voice a low growl as he watches the man carefully. Brow is knitted firmly, look piercing until he stares at his mug. Chris’ fingers tense around the handle, a movement fleeting as he takes a breath. “ She trusted you to do the right thing. She thought you had her back. “
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tviirus · 6 months
my comfort mando
━━ ✦ din        *   abt      ‚      the bounty hunter
━━ ✦ din        *   in      ‚   what means to me more is honor
━━ ✦ din        *   img      ‚   wherever i go‚ he goes
━━ ✦ din        *   mus      ‚   the word of the creed shall be forever forged into my heart
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tviirus · 6 months
“Trust yourself. You have survived a lot. And you will survive whatever is coming.”
— Unknown
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tviirus · 6 months
help me decide !!!
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tviirus · 6 months
help me decide !!!
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tviirus · 6 months
i swear i’m normal about d/in d/jarin 😭
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tviirus · 6 months
does anyone wanna plot ships 👉🏼👈🏼
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tviirus · 6 months
does anyone wanna plot ships 👉🏼👈🏼
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tviirus · 7 months
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when you get this, post theme songs for your muse! then tag 5 or more people!
i've been living in my lowest, it's safe to say / hope my little bit of hope don't fade away / i've been living in an island made of fate / can't go running back to home / i can't face her face
i will cut my hair short / trust me, i will / i will let my beard grow / trust me, i will / i will never tempt fate / not once, i swear / i will never trust ice / i will never trust a thing.
i was happy in the haze in a drunken hour / and heaven knows i'm miserable now / i was looking for a job and i found a job / and heaven knows im miserable now / in my life why do i give valuable time / to people who don't care if i live or die ?
╰┈➤ 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏.
a drink for the horrors that i've been / for the good guys and the bad guys / for the monsters that i've been / three cheers for tyranny / unapologetic apathy / 'cause there's no way that i'm coming back again.
am i going crazy ? / would i even know ? / am i right back where i started fourteen years ago ? / wanna guess the ending if it ever does ? / i swear to god that all i ever wanted was a little bit everything all of the time / a bit of everything all of the time / apathy's a tragedy / and boredom is a crime / i'm finished playing, and i'm staying inside.
stolen from: @gviirus
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tviirus · 7 months
like this for me to send something to ur inbox ??
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