twistinthepuddle · 4 years
When u still paranoid af after 8 weeks clean off ice
Something random: *happens*
My brain: that proves every single one of ur delusions
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twistinthepuddle · 4 years
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twistinthepuddle · 4 years
7 weeks and 2 days sober. My mental obsession with twisin the puddle is still there but it gets easier every day. Life is getting better with each day too. Went to a small AA meeting yesterday and got some really good advice. Im still going to post what ever I want here. Probably food porn, photography and some philosophical stuff and some old meth related stuff still. I need to stay sober because whatever I was doing before wasn't working. Everyday gets easier and my body mind and spirit gets better. But life is fucking hard as fuck. But it is time for me to man the fuck up and live life on life's terms
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twistinthepuddle · 4 years
Light bulb bong.
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twistinthepuddle · 4 years
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I got more crackbacks than a chiropractic practice addict.
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twistinthepuddle · 4 years
Let your fucking hate envelop me. Wrap your spite around my soul. I harness the darkness and leave your corpse in a blood soaked hole. Your innards overflow and become more of my angst and sorrow. For thee who hast come forth and challenged a broken dismal hero whom once inhabited this body as a blissful delicate bloke. I turn into the murderous farrow hiding behind a clear glass window. Choke on the barrel of my pistol. Gag like a stupid slut and let thine eyes become tearful and deep throat your remmorsefull ego being blown out of the back of your skull. I can once again be cheerfull as thee simple drivel fades away in to my peripheral. Acts of sinful sacrificial vigil dwindle your geometrical visual into a artificial digital chiral signal ripple into the metaphysical right down into a single unidementional pixle. 1×1 resolution i outsmarted a average human with one battle after another one. Empty my emotions onto a socal media platform where they can be read and clicked on like porn. text gets worn and torn untill it has no more effect like the crystal meth in the pyrex its all gone i guess its time for bed because tomorrow the feds are gonna launch an investigation into all these missing persons that I launched threats at in public. They's a fuck witt like the other dimwits that couldn't hold up to the magic i inhabit. Grab the fuckin net i use to catch all these catchy lyrics and shit bring it right back to where it all happened to begin with. Let it go so it can happen all over again. i dont give a shit because each time i relapse i become more stronger that you could ever possibly imagin. I look dead because i sacrificed my physical appearances and health to gain superhuman intelligence and knowledge. Bitch i  smoked so much dope god is pissed because ive became more omnipotent than he is. My omnipresence allows me to stay one step ahead of these unintelligent snitches. Get it bitch. im the fucking tragic lesson sent here to deliver a message by ripping your limbs from the cartilage. Burn them all because i cant see the massacre if its dark. The stench of rotting corpses get me off. You soft. So you barf and i use it to jack off. Nail every false idol to the inverted cross then i pick off the ones that followed with my sawed off. Crucify the masses until there are none left to cause me any more agony. Got these bitches pleading on their knees as i gas the last of these sumbags who thought they they where hard untill they became part of my global holocaust. Wiping out every last one of us even me because humans are fucking trash you see. fuck the earth fuck the planet thats the last  piece of shit that's brain dead. I saved the best for last i put the piece to my head and ended the rest with the fuckin lead inside my forehead to a perfect ending scene.
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twistinthepuddle · 4 years
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MURDEROUS METH MONSTER 👹 I stab u and myself. This my face bitch u cant obsess over if dead because of it.
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twistinthepuddle · 4 years
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twistinthepuddle · 4 years
I fucked up big time. So long story short meth keeps fucking my life up really really bad. Or at least ppls problem and the stigma behind it does. I was working a shitty dishwashing job. Living in sober living. Moved out into my own spot. Started methin around again. Hours got to shitty to support my habit and pay rent. Got evicted. Been in detox at mental hospital last 6 days. Kicked me out cause all i did was sleep . i cant find a cold/ homeless shelter so i called an old friend from sober living. He is good friends with my old house manager. I think ill be able to get back in there. I hate the whole 12 step aspect and aa meetings but it beats freezing to death. I want to end my life so bad and kill everyone. I wish i could still party and continue this whole counter culture. Its the only place i fit in. I got some cool vids to post still just gotta edit them a little more. I can tell the negative impact my life style has done to me physically spiritually and mentally. Time to just chill find another job and take shit slow. I really am gonna miss weed though.
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twistinthepuddle · 5 years
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Imma start posting more shit and make this into a decent blog. Goin thru some crazy azz shit. Sometimes it gets to me but leave it to a mf like me to have fun with it. Lets just say i get why there aren't more more twackstas in my area.
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twistinthepuddle · 5 years
Put my thpughts to words
I hate realizing some real shit when I get baked, I do some pathetic stuff.. I'm a fuckin loser.. Tries to do whatever he can to win over just a fraction of of this the person's affection, I mean whatever.. From trying to lose weight and change my looks to doing whatever the person asked of me.. Meanwhile there off with someone else,someone better looking, skinny ,theyre own place & a car..
People are allowed to choose whatever they want to do and no one should judge, I'm not judging or saying this person fuckin sucks.. I can't expect them to feel the same way back because I do this and that for em, like nahhh they're free to feel how ever they want for whoever they want... Just cause it didn't work my way.. I can't hate them for doing what they want.. I get that, It's heartbreaking though.. to know it'll never happen, like it's something that is absolute.. Makes me feel lost & like a huge burden.. Not looking to hurt anyone or be shitty, just venting on my tumblr..
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twistinthepuddle · 5 years
Tru shit
The Mental Health Field is a Scam
They pray on the vulnerable with the pseudo promise of achieving happiness and stability. They try to fool us and tell us something is wrong in our brain, in order to push phony drug sales. They feed us medication to suppress our minds, dumb us down to make us easier to control. They make you feel good by saying “it’s not you, it’s an imbalance in your brain”. You can’t change it on your own though, in fact it’s incurable but you need to take medication everyday that will kill you to help the symptoms. I don’t necessary believe that mental illness is fake but the pharmaceutical industry takes advantage of our lack of knowledge about it. They know people are desperate for an answer. It’s an absolute falsehood to think they care about your wellbeing, you are just a dollar sign. More than 30 million Americans are on antidepressants, yet the suicide rate is at a 30 year high and continues to grow. We are more medicated, get more treatment, and are more educated than ever before yet it is obviously not helping and we continue to die.
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twistinthepuddle · 5 years
Fuck yea
If you listen, reblog:
-Ski Mask Slump God
-Triple Ones
-Brennan Savage
-Lil peep
-Yung Lean
-Night Lovell
-Danzel Curry
-Craig Xen
-$lug Chri$t
-Bill $aber
-City Morgue
-Kid Trunks
-Slutty Sonny
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twistinthepuddle · 5 years
Narcissistic sociopathic paranoid delusional mutha fukas. Spiteful af cuz a yungun really be makin it out here. Fuk da haters.
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twistinthepuddle · 5 years
The line between “drugs will destroy your life” and “we’ll destroy your life if we catch you doing drugs” is apparently a really blurry one.
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