Arvin x Reader One shot
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A/n: back again and most likely disappear had this in one of my drafts hehe hope you enjoy!! before you read there are mentions of a person unaliving themselves so slight trigger warning ‼️
You met Lenora at school sitting in the lunchroom all lonesome,you walked over to her and had stares like daggers when you made your way to her. She looked up and all she could do was stare at you and your bows in your hair with your nice smile as you placed your things on the table and sat across from her, “hi, im y/n, what's your name?” she asked as Lenora was in awe of your kindness, “im Lenora…you sure you wanna sit here?” she asked as you nodded, “yeah, is it okay if i sit here?” you asked as she smiled, “yes, it's very nice to have someone here,” she said as you two talked about anything. Lenora loved how she would spend time with you and she had even explained as to why she was all alone.Her family was such a talk around here, they had gone through so much. The time you had with her was nice. In the beginning you only saw her in the lunchroom, after school you never got sight of her. As time went on you found out why she sped on home, there was this group of boys who would tease her about herself and how her brother arvin had a special relationship according to them and no evidence at all of what was going on.
“They just got nothin better to do,” she explained and you fully believed in her word, “i believe you, those dumbasses probably have it worse that's why they say words that aren't true,” you said as she nodded as you and her walked out of school, “the good thing is they stopped, but it really scares me sometime,”
Out of nowhere this boy walked up to you two, “lenora i thought i told you to book it once the bell rings,” he spoke looking at you then her, “i know, but- oh god where are my manners, y/n this is arvin my brother and arvin this is probably my only friend in this whole school,” she said as you nodded, “hi, sorry for taking her away for a little, just wanted to make sure she was getting home fine,” you explained to arvin as he just couldn't keep his eye off you, “i-its okay sorry, its just i get real worried, it's nice to meet you y/n,” he said still stern as he was he walked back to his car as he looked over at you two talked, “well i'll see you later yeah?” lenora said, “yeah don't worry i'll probably see you at church at latest,” you suggested as she nodded having a better idea, “you know what, what if you come for dinner saturday, that way you can sleep over and we can go to church on sunday,” as you nodded, “Really? You sure?” you asked knowing her momma was strict about it. She was more sure than anything, her momma knew that she had no friends, but after hearing so much about you she was more than happy to have you over and spend time with them.
The time you had with the Russell family was like having another family. You only had your aunt who took you after your daddy died in the war. You didn't have a mother, she left you with your daddy after having you, so you had more in common with Lenora and her folks than people thought. This also gave you time with arvin on a personal level, he liked you since the minute he saw you, he felt what his daddy felt when he saw his momma. 
“Now come on, lenora wont mind, if anything she will be happy we got together,” arvin said as you walked along the sidewalk reading your book, “oh arvin you are such a tease, you do realize when she sees us together she seeing those damn bells ringing,” you smirked as he smiled, “oh honey you ain't seen nothin yet, you will hear those bells ringing i will be marrying you,” which made you look up, “you are one crazy boy,” he said placing a kiss on your cheek, “only for you sweetheart,”
When Lenora killed herself, you found her in the closet looking for her, she wasn't feeling too good for church so you brought her medicine to feel all better, “now where could she be? Lenora! Girl, where are you-” you opened the door and saw her hanging by the rope, your heart was clenching and it only took you a moment to react, “Oh my…Arvin! Help! Please!” you repeated over and over, arvin ran as quick as he could and saw you screaming for his sister, took him a moment to react too and help you get her off the rope. All you remember was there was so much screaming. Lenora was the last person you would think to do this. 
Which leads you to where you are now, you and arvin got married even after everything that happened to arvin you stuck with him. You two both had terrible lives, but now you were given the chance to live the way you deserved after everything. In a new town where no one knew yall. You bought a house together and worked jobs for the time being and just saw how life would treat you. 
You weren't feeling too good lately so you called out of work for a couple days, “you sure you're feeling good? Why don't I take you to the doctor, even better call him here hon,” you nodded, “im okay it's probably the flu arv, just go to work, i'll call you if anything happens, yeah?” you assured him as he nodded, he kissed you goodbye and headed to work hoping you were okay. He hated when you got sick he worried so much it had reminded him of his momma and especially Lenora. He knew you were not capable of doing such, but being sick just reminded him of awful memories. 
He hurried on home with some medicine and some soup hoping it made you feel better, he walked in and started calling your name, “y/n honey i got some soup and some stuff that will-” he was cut off seeing you laid out on the floor, he was quickly to panic trying to wake you up as you got out of the state you were in, “arvin, what happened,” you said looking around your surrounding seeing you had been on the ground, “you were just on the ground like you was dead, what- did someone do something? What happend?” he said, still quite panicked, " I was just getting water, that's it,” you said as he picked you up and he called the doctor. 
The doctor ran all the tests insisted by arvin wanting to make sure everything was okay, once the doctor walked toward arvin he was quick to stand, the news he had just heard was far from his mind than anything he expected.
He walked back to your room as you sat in bed reading your book, once you saw Arvin you were quick to put it down, “so? What is it arvin? Do we have to start praying,” you stood up as he was quick to hold you sitting you down, “no honey, well maybe, it's all good were havin a baby,” he spat very happy, “you serious, oh my arvin, were havin a baby, oh arv,” you said tearing up, “hey hey, it's all good news, i married you for a reason, i ain't going nowhere, we are havin this baby,” he said as you looked over at him as you shook your head, “oh arv it's nothing like that, it's just…lenora, she would be here,” you said as he hugged you, “i know honey, but hey, if we have a girl we can name her lenora,” you nodded very happy, “we can oh god we can,” you both were over the moon and emotional all in the same boat not wanting this moment to be over. You worked so hard to be where you are, you were both thanking god, even arvin.
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israel is bombing rafah. as you read this, israel is bombing the one place they told palestinians was safe. they kept pushing the palestinians south and now they are bombing the only "safe" place left. israel is bombing rafah.
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GETAWAY CAR — rockstar!e.m. x f!reader
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♬ I'm in a getaway car, I left you in a motel bar, put the money in a bag and I stole the keys, that was the last time you ever saw me. ♬
summary: in which you return to hawkins to attend your best friend nancy's wedding, facing the problems you left behind, and the one person you abandoned; eddie munson. — inspired by getaway car by t.s.
spotify playlist.
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warnings — ANGST, pining and slowburn, two idiots in love!!, second chance at romance, kinda friends to hating each other to lovers, strong language!, smut (eventually, minors dni), portrayal of a toxic, emotionally/physically absive relationship (not the main ship ofc), mentions of alc*hol and drg use.
pairings — rockstar!eddie munson x fem!reader, past billy hargrove x fem!reader
authors note — okay i sweeearr this is the last time. i made myself a cover and im sooo excited to share this series with yall again, this was one of the first series i posted but i rlly hated how i wrote that so this is almost like an entirely new version of it ! im so proud and so excited for you guys to read it ❥
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- CHAPTERS
chapter one: best of times, the worst of crimes
chapter two: where i end you begin.
chapter three: i’ll swim down, would you?
chapter four: two notes and a heart down
chapter five: struck a match & blew your mind
chapter six: all tomorrow's parties (coming soon ♡)
chapter seven: now what we don't talk (coming soon ♡)
chapter eight: TBA
chapter nine: TBA
chapter ten: TBA
+ more…
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- While the media calls it the resistance of the Ukrainian people to the Russian invasion, on the other hand, the resistance of the Palestinian people to the Israeli occupation is called terrorism.
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Sweet angel is traumatized and seeking emotional comfort..
Palestine - Gaza
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What should frighten you, as someone who's safe from this tragedy, is the audacity.
To kill thousands of children, knowing that the eyes of the world are on them and not to care.
To hear the echo of pain among people resonate across the continents, demanding their governments to intervene, and yet not pay them the slightest attention, reassured that their leaders will not listen to them. Because they're their partners in this crime.
Millions of voices have no resonance above the voices of a group of people sitting on some chairs.
What should insult you is the mockery of people's minds.
To try to mislead them in this era using methods that have been buried by time. To tell lies that would be almost laughable if it weren’t stained with the blood of innocent people.
They think they are smarter than their people and the people of their allies. They think that the youth of this generation will believe the news of infant beheadings without pictures.
They deny the countless images of the Palestinians, as if we were still in the era of newspapers that only convey to us what the government wants.
What should steal the sleep from your eyes is that they still continue despite the screaming. And your rulers still provide them with your money.
Palestine may be a country far away from you. Maybe you still don't know the whole story. Perhaps you, unfortunately, still believe the lies told by racism against Arabs and Muslims. I am sorry about that. But how can you be sure that this will not happen tomorrow to another people that you love, but whose enemy has enough money to silence your government? How do you ensure that this does not happen to you tomorrow? Because it seems that in this world, every soul has a price. And the price is no longer expensive.
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Nothing Lasts forever nothing stays the same pt:4
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A/N: hey hey hey, sorry for my terrible absence, so this is from the continued series in the Calum master list, this is probably like super old stuff but I figured I would continue it for those who have been waiting for ever. again so sorry I never came back up here. so here we go! thank you love you all!
Today was the release of your 3 eps and you were all pretty chaotic at the house today.
At the moment you were calling your mum, “you sure you aren't spreading yourself too thin? Are you guys eating and drinking water?'' She asked, going momma bear on you two, “yes mum we are fine, the stress comes with the job,'' Luke said as she hummed, “yes I know darling, but you don't need to work all the time. I trust you two to take care of one another,” she said as you glanced at luke and nodded, “yeah mum don’t worry, we will,” you said as she sighed, “alright well i love you both, please be safe and lord don't get any tattoos,” she said as you looked at one another with a smirk, “yes mum we won't, don't worry benny is here all the time,” luke said as you giggled and ended the call heading downstairs.
“So, you didn't get any tattoos yet?” he asked as you purse your lips, “uh no, haven't gotten one yet, why?” you asked as he shrugged, “would you want to get one with me? Like… a twin thing?” he asked you glanced at his eyes, “are you for real?” you asked as he nodded softly, “yeah, do you have any idea what we could get?” he asked as you shook your head, “i'm not sure, lu are you serious? When would we get this done?” you asked as he sighed, “not sure our 18th birthday maybe? And also it could be a part of your graduation gift?” he said as you rolled your eyes at him.
He was using this as a way to get a tattoo, your graduation, you ended finishing school overseas and well you finished thankfully, luke on the other hand decided to just drop out of it because he was not being able to do work any of the work, and when you finished he was really proud of you for finishing school and he thought why not get a tattoo.
“Lu, you can still finish school, you know that? And you don't have to do anything for me,” you said as he shook his head, “nonsense, we are getting a tattoo bean, we have a couple months, so whatever you think looks nice, we’ll get it done,” he said walking away leaving you as you shook your head with a smile.
After the release of your ep’s you were now filming your very first ever music video that included other people than just you guys..like an actual crew. You were all so happy that your ep’s were a hit, especially, she looks so perfect. Ash and Micheal had worked on this song together fast one day and we all immediately chose it for one of our main ep’s.
You were getting dressed in your dressing room as lu walked in asking for fashion advice, “y/n! Should i wear this top or this one?” he asked as you looked between both of them and chose the black one, “it's more punk i guess, i don't know, now help me,” you said as you pulled out two tank tops of your own, he looked at both of them and shook his head, “No? No what lu?” you asked as he looked for a t-shirt as you frowned, “what lu i don't want to wear a t-shirt, help me pick out between these two,” you said as he glared at you, “y/n as your brother i don't want to choose a shirt that will make guys want you, but since you asked the black one is nice,” he said as your lips formed a line and you shook your head, “in that case i will wear the red one, i don't want to match with you in a music video, we have enough christmas photos as is,” you said as he rolled his eyes leaving to go get his makeup done as you finished getting dressed.
Once you were all ready you all got into places and started to film. You felt so much excitement, the energy in the room was exactly how you wanted it, your lives were going to change after this. You were finally living your dreams. 
“CUT…okay y/n you and Luke have a bit too much eye contact and chemistry, try looking at uhh calum more,” the director said as you nodded, “okay let's roll these two scenes one more time…and ACTION!” he said as you moved over to calum who was singing and looking with a smirk making your chemistry public in the music video and well of course to all your fans. 
Weeks later as you were scrolling through twitter you had seen 5sos trending in the hashtags. You quickly sat up in excitement wondering why you were trending in the first place. You were quick to click on it and it had clips of you and Calum in the SLSP music video. You sighed then clicked on the tweets, you then looked at the comments.
@mikeycult2011: Is it just me or are y/n and Calum announcing their relationship in this video?
@calumy/nclub: so i think it's settled, y/n and calum are dating and not holding back.
@hemmotwinsdaily: y/n and calum are def dating, have you seen the behind the scenes?
That comment caught your eye, you clicked on the video with a small clip inserted…
You two were standing next to one another as you danced to the beat, then it moved on to a clip where you were being asked questions, “so y/n is this song about you?” the camera man asked as you giggled, “why?” you said as calum spoke, “its because shes so perfect, that is why we wrote this song..” he said as you giggle, “well who wrote the song?” he asked as cal grinned, “well i didn't, but i sung it..” he said and you looked at the camera man, “he's just jealous that i'm so perfect and he isn't,” you said looking at calum with a smile as he playfull rolled his eyes, “y/n..” he says softly making you smile, and then it cut to the others.
Okay maybe it was a little flirty between you two, but i mean how were they assuming that from one clip. You knew luke would be all over it because as soon as you were getting out of bed luke walked in slamming your door, as you looked at him with wide eyes, “Lu! At Least knock! You can't come in here like that!” you said as he shook his head, “NO there is a reason, you and calum are blowing up on twitter and instagram- uh pretty much everywhere, PEOPLE ARE EVEN SHIPPING YOU!” he yelled as you rolled your eyes, “Lu i was just following directions from the director, it's not a big deal,” you said as he walked back and forth, “what? Of course it's a big deal, we can't have people thinking your dating,” he said as you rolled your eyes, “luke robert hemmings, your being dramatic,” you said as he nodded, “okay fine i'm being dramatic, then why are we meeting with our media team later?” he said as you went pale, “what?” you said as he raised his eyebrows with a glare and walked out.
It was mostly true, there had been a meeting at the label to talk about our album but then Luke went on so they would talk about how we all wanted to continue with this, of course it was routine for us to do this when we release stuff.
 As you walked in, Calum was looking for you, but you just looked away because of Luke and when he grew distracted, you sat next to cal. He then whispered, “why is he freaking out?” he asked as your lips formed a line, “uh, its about uh- wait have you seen twitter?” you asked as he shook his head, “no why?” he said as you purse your lips and took out your phone and showed him as he scrolled for a good few minutes as his jaw dropped and looked at you, “yeah that's why he's freaking out and apparently that's what this meeting is about,” you said as he nodded, “oh, but what exactly?” he asked as you shrugged and that's when the team walked in and you were all paying attention to what they had to say.
 They pretty much told us all that this happened with every band and or artists, a scandal of some sorts, especially if there was a girl in the band. But you and cal behind the doors were together, you were dating. So how was this going to be resolved without hurting you two and the band.
“Okay, y/n your brother has told us that he wants these rumors to go away, but this is about you, and we suggest that we keep doing what we are doing, which is not say anything about it because this way in their eyes we are not confirming nor denying anything. You two clearly are good friends, and we can keep it that way from now on in the production, it's just how you two continue to act and if it's like this, we are more than happy to keep it that way, it's good publicity with the album coming out,” she said very eager as you looked over at luke who was a nervous wreck of course, but it was your life, “i think we should keep going like this, me and calum are just friends and if people can't handle a conversation between me and cal then they just have to get used to it. And also I think the fans are freaking out a bit just because this was our first music video and behind the scenes,” you said very blatantly as she agreed with you but seemed a tad bit upset but you knew if you agreed to what she said, it would have been worse. 
As you and cal were in your booth together for the meet and greet, you two talked before fans were coming in, “i'm tired,” you spoke as cal looked over at you worried, “do you need a break? You can take a nap if you want,” he said as he looked over at Benny as you shook your head, “no i'm not that kind of tired, i'm tired of hiding us. I want to be with you, I just- i want to be with you, I'm tired of lying..” You said as a small sob escaped your mouth as his eyebrows knitted together softly as he held you despite eyes on you two, “I know love, I'm tired too, I know it's not easy, but we will make it, we just gotta let this pass, and well hopefully luke will be okay with this” he said as you nodded, “i hope so, i'm tired of this,” you said as you looked over at him while cal bit his lip, more than anything he wanted to hold you and kiss you but he knew he couldn't do that, especially here..
“Hi! How's it going?” you asked the girl that came through first, as cal was signing some stuff and having his own conversations, “its going good, how are you doing?” she said as you nodded, “it's going well, you gonna go to our acoustic show later? It's gonna be fun!” you said as she nodded, “oh yeah i am, you guys are amazing, when will you be doing stadium tours?” she asked as you looked at cal who shrugged, “i'm not sure when, but when we do you'll be the first to know,” he said with a smile as she nodded saying goodbye as the next person came through and after a while when fans were going over to your brother you and cal looked at one another with wide eyes, “stadium tours?! Like our own, not with one direction? Don't get me wrong they are awesome to open for but could you imagine doing our own?” you said as you laughed as he nodded, “i mean yeah we already have a bunch of ep’s out w-we have a whole selection! And with our album out we could,” he said as you nodded, '' I know! Oh my gosh!” you said as you two freaked out for a whole 5 minutes before talking to fans again.
As you walked down the stairs you had seen the house was quite empty, you looked around seeing no one was there, as you walked into the kitchen you made yourself a cup of tea. As you were waiting cal had crept up behind you giving you a big hug as you freaked out, “cal! Put me down!” you whisper yelled as you slapped his arms, “Cal! I'm serious! What if they catch us?!” you said as he kissed you placing you on the counter top as he grabbed the side of your head and you grabbed his neck. When he pulled away, you got down and slapped him, “Cal! Give me a warning next time,” you said as he smirked as you just stared at him, “cal what am i missing here?” you said as he sighed and kissed you again, “well love, you're brother and our best friends are going to london, which i think leaves us to…do, well anything you like..” he said as you frowned and you had totally forgot that this weekend your brother was going to london and you jumped hugging him and giving him a few more kisses.
As you two laid in bed he smiled admiring you, “what is it?” you asked as he shook his head, “no nothing, just looking at my girlfriend…which reminds me, we have a date tonight,” he said as you looked at him, “We do? What since when?” you asked as he chuckled, “starting right now, don’t worry it's later, which is why i will leave you to get ready, i'll be here to pick you up at 7,” he said as you giggled, “Cal you live one door away,” you said as he kissed you before leaving, “i'll be here at 7,” he said reminding you as you smiled. As soon as he shut the door you were quick to shower so you could plan your outfit and have enough time to do your hair and make up.
Your mom then called you up as you were getting dressed, “hey mum!” you said putting your shoes on, “hey darling- oh are you busy? I can call you back?” she said as you shook your head, “what no mum, i'm not, just getting ready is all,” you said as she nodded, “oh really for what may i ask?” she said with a smirk as you smiled, “a date with cal mum- i know what you're gonna say its too risky with eyes all over me, but i've never actually really gone on a date, so i just wanna experience this once, please?” you said as she smiled as you looked over at her with a frown, “mum what?” you said as she sighed, “i'm really happy you two are finally going on a date, i was gonna ask you if you and cal were up to anything because this would be a good chance to go out together without your brother knowing,” she said as you sighed, “oh mum- you should have just said,'' you giggled as she smiled, “oh darling, you know i'm here for the both of you, joy will be so happy to hear this, please send us pictures,” she said as you giggled. 
As you said goodbye to your mum, on cue, cal knocked on your door and you opened it with a smile, you gasped as you saw him with flowers in his hand, “oh cal, you didn't have to get me anything,” you said as he brought you into a hug, “of course i did, love i have been waiting to do this, even if we had to do it like this,” he said as you giggled, “oh cal, i am the luckiest girl in the world,” you said as he brought your lips into his, “and i'm the luckiest guy in the world…now lets go, we have a pretty huge night might i add,” he said as you nodded as you left the house hand in hand getting into the car.
When you arrived you saw that you were downtown and he had been leading you towards an abandoned building, you looked towards it then spoke, “bubs, where are we going?” you asked as he smiled, “it's a secret love, the whole point is that you don't know, i know how you love surprises,” he said as you two walked in and you glared at him playfully, “you better not be planning to kill me,” you said walking up the stairs as he quickly turned at you as he laughed, “love, i'm not going to kill you,” he said as you giggled and arrived to the top of the building..It was a rooftop dinner, Calum had managed to set it all up while you were getting ready and he couldn't be more proud. 
You walked up to the top, and you were fascinated with the view, you turned over to him as he admired you. He loves how your smile curved onto your cheeks and your dimples followed, “what?” you whispered as he looked down hiding his cheeks that were currently blushing, “nothing, just…im so in love with you,” he said in a whisper as he brought you close as you looked up at his brown eyes that told you everything you needed to hear, you knew what he meant was forever, you two never said i love you yet, so you knew that this was forever.
“I love you,” you said as he looked at you in awe of what you said, he knew he loved you since he met you, “you..do?” he said as you nodded, “i do, i love you more than words can describe, you make me feel safe. You are my person cal,” you said as he fell in love with you even more than he could ever describe, “i've loved you since the day we met, can't really describe it, but i knew that you would be in my life more than you already were…i can't believe this is our first date, and we have been together for 2 years already,” he said as you smiled, “i know i'm sorry, i promise you soon we will have many more dates to come,” you said as he kissed you and you grabbed onto his neck bringing you in closer.
As you ate dinner the night flew by so fast as you were in the park together walking hand in hand. It was a private park, so no one would be there to spy on you guys. You walked into this flower area, you were amazed by the flowers and how many there were. As Cal pulled you in closer to his chest, you looked up and kissed him. He put his hand in his pocket to get something out. It was a small box, you gasped as you looked at him, “what-” you said as he cut off, “i'm not proposing…yet, but this is just a promise to you, that i'll be here for you forever, no matter what you are first for me now and forever because i love you so much, i would move the sun and moon for you if i could, you're home to me..okay maybe i am proposing..” he said as you smiled with a giggle, he opened the box that revelaved the small ring and placed it on your finger. It was a simple ring, no attention would be brought to it, but you saw that inside it had engravings of the year you started dating, as well as a C in it. 
As morning came you woke up to cal sleeping on your chest as you giggled, you laid there a while rubbing his head as you felt his every breath and heartbeat that came through. You smiled seeing how peaceful he was sleeping in your arms. You then heard a loud thump as you jumped quickly heading to the door as you heard through it and the other 3 have finally arrived, you were quick to wake up cal, “babe, cal, wake up. Things 1, 2, and 3 are here,” you said as he moved around and looked at you, “what?” he said as you began to worry, “hemmo, clifford, and fletcher are here!” you yelled slightly as his eyes went wide and was quick to get out of bed he put his clothes on before heading out as he looked like hell coming out of your room.
On his way out he bumped into your brother, “woah, cal you look like hell, what did you do this weekend?” he asked as cal hesitated, “nothing just slept, wrote music, the usual,” he said as luke nodded, “and y/n? What did she do?” he asked as he shrugged, “not sure, but i think her friend came over to hang last night and slept over, but she left a while ago,” he said as he nodded and headed over to your room.
On the other side of that, you were hiding everything that had Calum's name on it. So of course his hoodie, his sweats, the rings, anything that was given to you. Just then you heard a door knock as you ran over to the door and then turned to your room seeing everything was fine, you opened the door and you were faced with luke, “hey!” you said as you opened the door letting him in as he jumped on your bed and laid down, “hey, how was your weekend?” he asked as you gulped and looked at him, “good, one of my friends came over to hang last night and slept over, but she left over an hour ago,” you said as he nodded, “oh thats what calum ment?” he said as you nodded, “yeah, wait was he here?” you said as he nodded, “yeah- wait did you think he went with us?” he said as you nodded, “uh yes? I'm sorry you said that you were going with the guys, so I assumed everyone was going,” you said as you two laughed for a good minute as he caught you up with the news in london.
After the good weekend you were all back in the studio, your manager and well the rest of your team was there to deliver quite the news to you guys. You were going to have somewhat of your own tour, star stripe and maple syrup tour, and one direction had requested your presence in their stadium tour which left you all pretty speechless. You looked over at Calum with wide eyes as you two both said under your breaths, “stadium tour!” as your team was going over everything you were so excited than ever. You were gonna have your tour first before heading to the 1D tour, as well as your album being released before 1D as well. Things were all set for you.
Your tour had creeped up behind you quickly, you were on the road within hours. Right now you were heading over to your show in your tour bus as everyone was scattered doing their own thing.
Luke was next to you as he was on his phone doing god knows what, but you saw him smile a lot, “what are you doing on your phone lu?” you said as he hid his smile and looked at you, “what nothing bean? Just watching some videos,” he said as his smile crept as you squinted, “hemmo what are you doing?” you said getting close to his phone as the name Arzaylea popped up as you looked over at him, “who is Arzaylea? How ever you say that name,” you said as he rolled his eyes, “her name is Arzaylea, and she's is this girl im talking to, no big deal,” he said as your eyes went wide, “no big deal? Seems like it if you're smiling lukey poo,” you said teasing him as he groaned, “y/n stop that! She's just a girl I like, okay?” he said as you giggled, “that's good lu, you're meeting people, that's what it's all about lu,” you said as he smiled, “you think? She's really nice. I think you'll like her if she and I keep it going,” he said as you nodded, “yeah i think she seems nice. If you like her you know I'll be okay,” you said as you smiled knowing your brother was happy.
Once you arrived at your location you were all up and ready to rehearse your setlist for tonight then hang out for the rest of the day since the show was tomorrow. As your team was setting everything up you headed to your dressing room placing everything that you needed out. Just then luke walked in as you looked up, “hey bean, this guy shawn mendes, wants to know if we can hang, i said yes, unless you're not up for it,” he said as you nodded, the name was familiar, “yeah for sure, after rehearsal?” you asked as he nodded leaving you back to what you were doing.
As you were rehearsing you were in the front taking lead, halfway through the end you let Luke take lead as you were playing guitar. You had been practicing for a long time and you were now comfortable playing in front of the fans, they even loved it when you started posting, they couldn't wait to hear you, so far they were amazed by you and the band.
As you took a small break, due to luke needing to pee again, you all dispersed besides you and calum who stayed on stage, “so you excited?” he asked as you nodded, “yeah of course, i mean i'm playing a tour with my best friends and my boyfriend, how good does this get?” you smiled as he smiled, “i would say you're living the dream love,” he said as you smiled. Once everyone was back you all got back to rehearsing before hanging out with a friend of lukes, “oh by the way luke said we are hanging out with shawn mendes? Do you know him?” you asked as he nodded, “yeah he's got some good songs, check him out, but no yeah he's a cool dude,” he said as you nodded back to work. After rehearsing you are almost always allowed to go out for the night before the big show, so now you were out and about meeting Shawn mendes. As you all arrived to this party, you had no idea of, you wondered why you were meeting him at a party, but that's 5sos for ya at the moment.
As you walked in you went through this crowd and at the very end of it was shawn, luke had introduced you all to him as you all waved. As you were all hanging out he sat next to you as you smiled at him, “so you and luke are related?” he asked as you nodded, “yeah he's my twin brother,” you said as he nodded, “so what's it like being famous, is it as good as they say?” he asked as you shrugged, “well yeah i guess it is sometimes, but i never thought of us that way you know? I feel like we're still that band that does gigs every weekend, but now it's turned into more of an everyday thing which is cool,” you said very humbling as he nodded, “that's the dream huh? How old were you when you started,” he said as your conversation took off.
As the four guys looked at you two from afar luke was smirking and looked at the rest of the guys, “what if shawn and y/n date? Would that be the worst thing in the world?” he said as cal looked over at you as his jaw clenched, “i guess not, but should you really be getting in her business?” clifford asked as luke shrugged, “i don't know she was really supportive with me and this girl im talking to and well i wanna be supportive,” he said half drunk as ash looked over at cal who was ignoring all of this, “i don't know maybe they're just talking, they could just be friends?” Ash said as Luke smirked, “oh yeah you're just saying that cus you still like her,” he said as cal had enough and walked away.
From where you were sitting you noticed how angerly he was, you excused yourself heading to the rest of the gang, “hey where’s cal?” you asked as luke shrugged, “oh i think he went out- omg are you and shawn like..talking?” he said as he wiggled his eyebrows, “oh my gosh luke how drunk are you?” you said as ash spoke, “cal went over there,” he said as you nodded, “okay i'm gonna check on him, mike, watch luke please?” you said as you walked over to the door that lead to a balcony. You saw his shadow as you smelled and saw puffs floating around as you stood next to him, “since when do you..smoke?” you asked as he looked over with a frown, “i only do it when i'm stressed,” he said as you nodded, “oh okay..” you said as you looked around as he turned it off and held your hand, “im sorry, i just- with tour i don't know how to control my stress,” he said as you nodded, “it's fine cal, just please be careful with how much you smoke, people get addicted really easily,” you said as he nodded, “i promise,” he said as you nodded and got straight to it, “so why did you walk out so mad?” you asked as he rolled his eyes, “i know your brother is drunk and everything, but he has you already set with a guy? And ash still likes you, i c-cant win can i?” he said as you frowned shaking your head, “cal, hes my brother he says stupid stuff all the time, it doesn't mean he’s always right, and besides, shawn has a crush he was asking me to help him, he’s young as well and needs to be lead, we were him a few years ago. And ashton, he is my friend, nothing else, you already won a long time ago..” you said as he gave you half smile, “you always know what to say in the moment, i swear you have to be rehersing this,” he said as you giggled, “oh cal, i just say what i feel, and that's what i feel okay?” you said reassuring him as you two headed back to the party and had fun the rest of the night knowing that no one would remember it the next day.
Near the end of the tour, you were of course doing press or interviews and today, you were doing quite a fun one. You were asking each other some questions that the fans asked on twitter.
You went first asking your brother questions fans were curious about, “okay lukey poo, who in the band is your favorite?” you said reading it as you looked at him and he hesitated a bit, “uhh, for promo reasons i would say calum, but for non promo reasons i would say you,” he said as you giggled, “What- promo reasons? It would make sense for it to be me..” you said as you two laughed.
Next up was michael as you two couldn't even be serious not even for the shot, “i'm sorry michael is just too much…anyway clifford, what is your favorite condiment?” you asked as he shrugged, “what is a condiment?” he asked as you giggled, “its like what you put on food, like ketchup, ranch, mustard..?” you said as you looked over at the interviewer as she nodded, “yeah that's about right,” she said as you looked over at michael who twisted his mouth, “i don't know, i'm not a huge fan of any of those, but i'll say ranch,” he said as you giggled looking over at the camera.
As Ash came up you smiled as he smiled back, “Ok Ashton irwin, who is the best dancer in the band?” you asked as he really thought about it, “i would have to say you y/n,” he said as you nodded and put your hands up in the air, “nice!” you said as he smiled nodding back.
And finally your boyfriend who was far more nervous than you making you laugh, “okay calum, cool guy cal! What is your favorite song to perform?” you said as your eyebrows rose looking up at him, “Can we say unreleased songs?” he said as you shrugged looking over at the guys who nodded, “oh we can, okay this song isn't out yet, but i have to say disconnected,” he said making you laugh.
As you moved on into the interview everyone had their turn with everyone, the same way you did with the guys. Ashton had gone up next as he was currently asking Luke questions. Later on Calum was now asking questions and he was asking Luke, “Okay Lucas, who in the band would you not let date y/n?” he said making a face as all of you giggled, “uhh i don't know, probably none of you guys…yeah none of you guys,” he said very confidently as you were next, “okay y/n, who is your best friend?” he said as you glared at him playfully, “i would say you, i don't know but i mean i've known you longer…sorry michael,” you said as he giggled, “suck it michael,” he said as you two giggled and moved on.
Now it was micheal turn and you were up first, “okay y/n hemmings, who in the band have you had a crush on,” he said as you smirked, “no one,” you said giggling as he moved his head side to side, “doesn't seem like it, wait have you had a crush on anyone?” he asked as you shook your head, “nope no one,” you said, popping the p as he nodded, “hmm okay i believe you,” he said as you giggled.
Summer time for you guys had just meant more work, your album was out and you were starting to make your footprint in the US, while touring with 1D once again. You guys even worked on a couple music videos that were from the album which was a success. As the tour with 1D ended you were all able to hang about letting things settle for a bit as fans endugled on the new album and the music videos.
You guys had gotten news that you were attending the VMA’s, just after attentings the ama’s in which you won the new artists award which was shocking to all of you. You couldn't not believe that 2 years into your career you were now winning awards, and honestly you had to thank your fans, they were the reason you were all here.
As you all sat in the living room you were thinking about what you were all going to wear, “wait, what are we wearing? We have to match, cus last time we were very bad at matching, we all wore what we wanted,” you said as luke scoffed, “no you went all out, i thought we decided on black and red, you were the one mismatching by wearing a dress,” he said as you frowned, “it was black, i thought we were supposed to go fancy? Or at least dress nicer than we usually do?” you said with your eyebrows rose while ash and micheal sat there in silence while cal had just walked into the tension of the room, “geez, what's going on?” he asked as michael spoke, “y/n wants us to match at the VMA’s, cuz apparently a black dress was not our style,” he said towards luke as he glared, “what was wrong with the dress? I thought you looked nice?” cal said as you smiled, luke had seen the smile you gave him, it was quite different then the smiles you gave to luke, “thank you! Thats what im saying, lu, i think we should be a little more serious with what we wear,” you said, looking at him as he glared at you but then softened his face, “yeah, okay fine, we will, is red our color still?” he asked as you nodded which then made you all disperse. Besides Luke, he was still going over the interaction you and Calum just had…this would change everything if it was true what he was suspecting.
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dude, don't crosstag your x readers with tags from other fandoms. seeing an eddie munson x reader when i'm looking in the eddie kaspbrak tag is so annoying, please remove that tag. every tumblr user thinks that's the most annoying thing you could do in a fandom space.
had no idea. just figured eddie munson fics would stay all together and not cross tag. considering it is super specific to who i am writing about.
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where did u go 😭
omg stop cus i just hopped back on here today, i’m still alive lol 💀 i just haven’t had time to write. i feel so bad cus i just write then disappear 😭little update i’m going back to school hehe😌, i doubt i will have time to write again, buttttt i’m willing to keep it going. i’m hopeful to be back again to keep writing. 🫶🏽🫶🏽
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hey everyoneeee, so i know it’s been like months since i’ve been writing but work has been my first priority for months and i will be writing some more just cus i miss it a lot and i will also be resuming one of the series that i’m writing on here. don’t wanna leave u guys hanging. love u allll
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There Are Worse Things I Could Do (Chapter One) - Eddie Munson Imagine
A/N: aaahhh okay, I’m so sorry, I know that I have my Charlie story pending and I promise it will be the next one BUUUUUT this idea has been in my mind for so long and today I was able to write the first part (which originally was a one-shot but now it’s a series so deal with it) soooo here’s my Eddie series, I really hope you guys like it! I know nobody asked for it but I heard this song and it was just… yeah, so
Warnings: bullying and reader being treated badly by ex (Jason) and former friends, mentions of smoking, reader gets hurt at the beginning and I think that’s it but please let me know if I miss anything
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger Things :D gif isn’t mine :)
Your name: submit What is this?
There Are Worse Things I Could Do
There are worse things I could do Than go with a boy or two Even though the neighborhood Thinks I’m trashy and no good I suppose it could be true But there are worse things I could do
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“Ready for your final year at Hawkins High School, monkey?”
“Stop calling me that” you rolled your eyes at your brother when he parked in front of your school.
“Come on! This is exciting!” Steve tried to encourage you. This is your Senior year! You’re going to have so much fun!”
“Right” you sighed, grabbing your things.
“Look, I know that… you have been in a bad mood since you and Jason broke up- BUT” he said when you were about to complain. “Don’t let that ruin your final year with your friends. Just go there and remind everyone who you are and have the time of your life, okay?”
“Did you just quote Dirty Dancing to me?”
“Well, I wouldn’t have to if you hadn’t made me watch it over a million times! Now go, you don’t want to be late for your first day of school” he said with a big smile. “Oh, and just… keep an eye on Dustin, okay?” he asked.
“Of course” you smiled back at Steve before you walked out of his car.
“Love you, bug” he smiled.
“Love you too, monkey” you smiled.
“Have fun, okay?” he yelled and you saw him wave at you before driving off. If only it were that easy.
Keep reading
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Masterlist: Stranger Things
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Preferences (coming soon)
Preference #1 - Their face when they meet you
Preference #2 - How they try to impress you
Preference #3 - When you make them smile
Preference #4 - How they kiss you
Preference #5 - When they are nervous around you
Preference #6 - When they see you crying after a fight
Preference #7 - How they cheer  you up after a bad day
Preference #8 - When someone else is flirting with you
Preference #9 - How they hug you
Preference #10 - How they make you feel beautiful
Preference #11 - Your first date
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Don’t You Want Me
Coming Soon…
One Of Us - reader being jealous of Steve and Nancy being so close
With Or Without You - Steve protects you in the upside down (also mixing three similar requests)
I Just Called To Say I Love You - clingy Steve
The Time Of My Life - reader and Steve work together and are 100% oblivious to the other one’s feelings
Against All Odds - reader doesn’t know abut the supernatural things happening in Hawkins, so when her boyfriend Steve spends a lot of time with his ex, Nancy, she can’t help to get jealous and start wondering if he’s still interested in her
Take My Breath Away - reader is a regular at Family Videos and Steve is always trying to impress her by recommending the best movies
Super Trouper - Steve saves you from Billy hitting you with his car at the Star Court mall (S3)
Open Your Heart - Steve with an unpopular reader
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Love Of My Life
There Are Worse Things I Could Do [IN PROGRESS]
Coming Soon…
That Went Wrong -  Eddie Munson with the prompt  “I think that went wrong in every way it could’ve.”
Never Tear Us Apart - reader used to date Billy and is now moving on with Eddie but she’s getting headaches, nightmares and is seeing things because of guilt (this might be a two-part because I’m mixing two similar request)
Livin’ On a Prayer - reader gets hurt while in the upside down and Eddie confesses his feelings because he’s scared to lose them
Walk This Way - Eddie is impressed when you want to join The Hellfire Club and know quite a lot about D&D
Say, Say, Say - Eddie falling for a sweet, soft-spoken, British!reader
Don’t You Forget About Me - Eddie and shy reader meet at detention
Sweet Child O’ Mine - Shy!reader has to ‘guard’ Eddie and keep him company to make sure he doesn’t wander around
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Coming Soon…
Holding Out For A Hero - reader goes into the watergate instead of Steve and Robin jumps in faster than Nancy 
Higher Love - Mayfield!reader does Robin’s makeup 
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Eddie Munson Fic Recs
smut indicated with *
all fic recs under #fic rec ! check at the bottom for when last updated!
So damn into you* @peterthepark​
Eddie my Love @milkxcheese-ii
There Are Worse Things I Could Do (series) @once-upon-an-imagine
Sex, Drugs, Ect* @twoghostsfromeden-reblog
Sleepover* @chaoticvigilantes
You and Eddie are like parents to Dustin @unlikelyempathpruneauthor
Cheaper by the Dozen @muertawrites
Raw* @kyloxox
Eddie Munson x Henderson!reader pt 2 pt 3 @eddie-munsons-girlfriend
Trailer Park Princess* @h3avenguts
Not Friends @wouldpollyapprove 
Initiation @fandomimaginestrash 
Last Updated 7/7/22
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This Only Happens in the Movies - part 2
paring : eddie munson x fem!reader
read part 1 : here
warnings : swearing, fluff, hard angst, mention of porn, this is going to be a slowwww slow burn so hold on! there’s a small confession in this chapter hehe.
word count : 1.4k
a/n : i cried writing this LMFAO. also thank you for all the love on my stories <3. reblogs are greatly appreciated !
part 2 tag : @radical-munson
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Eddie’s Van, 1986, 8:23 pm
Eddie shut the driver side of his van, sticking his key into the ignition. Pressing play on the cassette playing in the front of the car, a loud wave of “Grinder” by Judas Priest floated through the large vehicle. Y/N immediately starts humming to the verse, causing a laugh from Eddie. He begins to pull out the parking lot. Y/N looks through the window of the Family Video store at Steve and Robin. The two were making silly faces and kissy lips through the window. Y/N rolled her eyes, laughing at the pair.
The ride back to Eddie’s trailer was soothing for the duration of the drive. The two sang from their chests to all of the tunes the metalhead had in his cassette arsenal. Eddie pulled into the “driveway” of his trailer, putting his van in park. He turned his body to face Y/N, blown away at how she looked as the moon of the Hawkins sky illuminated her Y/S/C skin. Once Y/N realized they were at his house, she turned to face him.
She smiled. Her radiant and plump lips were just asking for Eddie’s to collide with them. Eddie placed his hand on her thigh, causing sparks to fly down her spine. Y/N was used to Eddie touching her - in more ways than one, but each time the sensation of his cold metal rings felt modern. Her eyelashes fluttered softly, mascara softly coated on them, as she stared up at his beautifully sculpted dark brown eyes.
“This is your moment Y/N,” she thought contemplating. “Tell him what you want, it’s now or never.” As she began opening her mouth to speak, Eddie opened the door of the driver seat, resulting in a deep sigh from Y/N. As he got out he began walking to the passenger door, opening it for her. When she stepped out he bowed theatrically.
Eddie’s Trailer, 1986, 8:33 pm
“Welcome to Hell, m’lady.” Eddie said, slugging his arm over her shoulder, as the pair made their way to the front door. He reached in his pocket, fumbling with the many keys on his keychain. He unlocked the door, pushing it open for Y/N to walk in before him. It was the little acts of small chivalry that made Y/N want him even more.
“Why thank you, kind sir.” Y/N said sweetly bowing, mimicking his actions from before. She immediately made her way to his bedroom as he began walking to kitchen.
He reached into the back of the refrigerator, grabbing two beers. From the dark glow of the narrow hallway, he heard faint humming from his room. Y/N’s soft and supple voice lingered throughout the small trailer. It whistled beautifully to his ears. Everything she did made his head feel faint and dizzy out of pure love. The way her voice was like an angel singing down from heaven. He wanted her to see how he truly felt about her. Sure, the sex and the hangouts were great, but for her to be his would conquer it all.
Y/N flipped through the pages of the Playboy magazine that Eddie left under his pillow. Too focused on the naked women in front of her eyes, she didn’t hear Eddie walk into the room. He flopped down on the bed beside her saying,
“Whatcha’ lookin’ at, doll?” He said cocky, feeling like he had caught her red handed.
Her eyes widened at the tone of his voice, quickly throwing the porno magazine underneath her abdomen. He let out a chuckle at her fear, laughing with her, not at her. He slowly dragged out the elicit magazine from underneath her. He flipped open to his favorite page.
When Y/N saw the woman, her jaw dropped in confusion. The lady on the page, looked exactly like her. Her hair was styled the same way he had suggested her to do a few weeks before. Her makeup was painted the same way as her usual look. Y/N looked up at Eddie, dumbfounded. A smirk developed from the corner of mouth.
“Eddie, this woman-“ He cut her off before she could finish.
“Looks almost identical to you? I know sweetheart, it’s my favorite page. Though she’s not quite as gorgeous as you.” The smirk on his face grew into a full blown devilish grin as he watched her jaw open wider as the words left his mouth.
Eddie pointed down at the page, circling his finger around the necklace the model wore.
“What I love though, is the initial on her chain. Even more endearing, is that it’s an E.” He looked into her eyes, staring with pure vulnerability.
“An E, for… Eddie.” She looked back up into his eyes, returning the same gaze he gave her.
“Realistically, no. But it’s so happens that the jewelry store around the corner had a similar one.” He said reaching down underneath his bed. He popped back up, a small sea foam green box, with a lacy white ribbon sat in his hand. He placed the package into her hand as a rouge grew deep on to his cheeks.
Y/N carefully peeled off the white bow ribbon, opening the box, revealing the same necklace the model wore. Tears of excitement began to form on the corners of her eyes. She took the chain out of the box, as the little E dangled from the end. Eddie took the chain from her hand, pushing her hair off her neck. He clasped it around her neck, the gold E resting gracefully between her cleavage. He pushed her hair back, carefully down her back.
“Eddie, you didn’t have to do this. I mean this is beautiful.” She said, peppering a soft kiss onto his temple. She noticed a faint look of hesitation on his face.
“Just say it Eddie, tell her you dumbass! You bought her a necklace for God’s sake.” He thought to himself. The intimidating demeanor of his faltered, leaving a soft spot for Y/N, and only her.
“I don’t know, I just thought I’d get something nice for you. Since you’ve been such a great friend to me the past few months.”. As soon as the words left his mouth, he instantaneous watched Y/N’s face dropped.
Y/N had felt like she had been shot in the chest, with bullets of false hope and disappointment. The words “great friend” repeated on loop in her mind, as the pair sat silent while she was looking for a response.
“Well thank you Eddie, I’m glad you find me such a great friend.” She put a taste of spite on the last two words, causing Eddie to look down at his lap. When he finally got the courage to look at her face, tears ran out from them, not the excited tears from before. But tears of pain.
“Y/N, you know what I mean. Why are you crying?” His words sounded resentful.
“What do you mean “why you crying?”? You just bought me a fucking necklace with your initial on it, and you’re telling me we’re just friends!?”. The tears were flooding her lap now, leaving a wet spot on her jeans.
“I thought we agreed to keep this casual! No one gets hurt? Remember saying that!?” He said, accidentally shouting, causing Y/N to jump.
“That was before I fell in love with you! And I thought you felt the same, but I was clearly mistaken!” She said as she rose from his bed, darting for the front door. Eddie chased after her out of his room.
“Y/N, where the hell are you going?” Eddie began to tear up, slightly choking on his words.
“The hell away from you, that’s where!” Y/N said, opening the door. She ripped the chain from her neck, throwing at him. She slammed the door in his face, walking home.
Eddie leaned down to pick up the necklace, looking at it in his palms. Eddie ran back to his room, slamming the door as her sat on his bed crying. All the words came out wrong. He couldn’t get out what he truly wanted to say. All the thoughts that crowed his mind as he sat up at night, dreaming of her feeling the same way. He fiddled with the necklace in his hands, crying into it. He placed it on the nightstand beside his bed. All his hard work, building up the courage to voice his feelings. All down the drain.
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Hey! Would i be able to request a eddie×reader where her and eddie have been friends with benefits  ever since her co worker and friend robin/steve  sent her to eddie after moving to town on her own(to the same trailer park)and needing a new dealer. They have so much in common and just click and they're just stupid in love and afraid the other doesn't feel the same. With an eventual fluffy or smutty confession  🤌
This Only Happens in the Movies - Part 1
summary : as requested above!
word count : 1.5k
paring: eddie munson x fem!reader
characters : eddie munson, robin buckley, steve harrington
warnings : none!
a/n: omg this was so fun to write! thank you for the request! if you have any edits let me know <3
Family Video, 1986
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Y/N stood behind the counter at work, her face resting between her hands as she let out a sigh of relief. There were only a few costumers lurking around the store, around 7:40 pm. Robin, Y/N’s close friend walked behind her humming as she sat in the chair next to her.
“God, when will this store ever close. I mean how long does it take to find what movie you want and get the hell out of here.” Robin said, frustratedly waiting for closing time.
“Just hold on a little longer, Rob. There’s only 20 more minutes ‘till you and Harrington can goof off.”
When closing time finally came at 8:00 pm, Y/N looked up at the clock smiling knowing she’d finally get to go home and rest . She began to remove her green vest from herself as she heard the phone ring from the back room. She let out an annoyed sigh as she began to walk to the back of the store.
“Who could be calling this late?” Steve said as picked up the landline, rolling his eyes.
“Hello, this is Steve from Family Video, how may I help you?”. Steve put on a cheesy and cheery voice as he replied to the costumer on the other end.
“Hey, uh Steve is Y/N there? If she is tell her I’ll be there to pick her up in around 10 minutes.”. A familiar voice sang from the phone. Steve recognized at as no one other than Eddie Munson.
“Munson is that you?”
“Uh, yeah it’s me. Is she there?”. Steve could tell Eddie was dying to her Y/N’s sweet voice that he’d been longing for all day.
“Munson?” Y/N thought. Her heart skipped a beat or two realizing who Steve was talking to, and that he hadn’t called her over yet. She began speed walking towards the door of the back office pushing her ear to door to listen in on the conversation.
“Yeah she’s here. You’re lucky we closed about 5 minutes ago, I should have just let the phone ring.”. Eddie let out a soft chuckle on the other side of the phone.
“Well tell her I’ll be there in a few, and that I’ve got some weed if she wants any.”
“Well I’m sure she’ll be happy to hear that,” Steve sighed tensely. “Work was rough for her today, so I’m sure she’ll be glad to take the edge off.”
A gloom look splattered across Eddie’s face as he heard the words come from Steve’s mouth. He knew how much she hated her job and how she would ranted to him about it while they smoked. All of a sudden a blush rose from his cheeks, as he thought about seeing her later tonight. He genuinely cared about her. He wanted to move along this “fling” they had into something more serious. Everything about Y/N was perfect. The way she looked in her little work vest, her voice as it sang beautifully to him every time she spoke. But there was no way she thought the same about him, right?
“Right then uh, talk to you later Harrington.”
“Talk to you later.”. Steve let out a soft laugh as he placed the phone on the hook.
As soon as Y/N heard him place the phone back on the wall she ran back to the desk, pretending to flip though magazines hoping Steve didn’t hear her breathing at the door.
Robin looked at her confused at why she was acting all jittery. Steve opened the back office door, walking towards the front counter towards Robin and Y/N.
“What was that call about? Another costumer complaining about the movie they paid for?” Robin said as she walked towards Steve, clearly burned out.
“Uh, actually no. Eddie Munson called, looking for Y/N. Something about picking her up after her shift and some pot.”
Y/N’s head shot up at the sound of Eddie’s name, practically pushing Robin out of the way. Robin scoffed at the action.
“Eddie Munson called?” Steve and Robin looked at each other laughing at her reacting to his words.
“Yeah,” he began trying to hold back his laughter. “He’s coming to get you in like, 5 minutes.”
Y/N’s face lit up at the way he described Eddie’s words. After a long day of dealing with snobby costumers and cheapskates trying to get discounts, she needed a break. And who better to take the edge off things with than Eddie Munson.
“Oh Eddie! The guy we set you up with a couple months back? I was wondering how things were going with you two.” Robin watched as Y/N began running her fingers through her hair, in an effort to fix it.
“Oh things are going great, we hang out, smoke, and do other things…”
“Other things, like what?” Steve said wiggling his eyebrows towards Y/N.
“Like sex, Steve, duh. Every time Y/N comes to work after a night with him she has this “glow”. This “post-sex afterglow.” I bet we’ll see it tomorrow when she clocks in.”
“Robin! I do not!” Y/N said looking down at her hands, as she began to pick at the soft white nail polish on her nails.
“Hey, Y/N, it’s nothing to be ashamed of, we’re glad you’re finally putting yourself out there, y’know?” Steve said, elbowing Robin as a way of telling her to lay off.
“I’m not ashamed it’s just,” Y/N was bracing herself to admit what she had felt for the past 5 months. She needed more out of the silly hook-ups and hangouts. Y/N’s feelings for Eddie were beyond anything sexual. The way he completed her, the way his bright brown eyes looked into hers. Even when she was high out of her mind, one thing stayed the same. Y/N wanted to be with Eddie Munson. “I don’t know, I just actually like someone for once. I mean we have so much in common, the same taste in music, the same views on life. He’s like, my exact match.”
“Well, you gotta tell him! I’m sure he feels the same way.” Robin said, rubbing Y/N’s shoulder in comfort.
“I know how guys are, man, he was basically drooling on the phone when I told him how you had a bad day at work.” Steve said as he walked to the other side of Y/N.
“Maybe I should tell him tonight, I’m staying over at his. I just need him to know that I want more than just hooking up all the time.”
“You got this Y/N, I mean, who could ever say know to you?” Robin said, as she let out an awkward chuckle.
As Y/N looked up, she saw two bright headlights flash through the front of the store. As they dimmed, she saw a large van door swing open, and out walked Eddie. As he walked through the door, Robin grabbed Steve’s hand and began walking into one of the aisle to give the pair some space.
“Hey, sweetheart.”. Y/N looked up from the magazine she was pretending to read. His gaze met hers, sending fireworks into her stomach.
“Hey Eddie.” she said, walking out from behind the counter. His arms quickly met her waist pulling her in for a kiss. Y/N heard a faint laugh from one the the aisles, and an “Ow!”, as Robin slapped Steve’s shoulder, telling him to be quiet.
Y/N chuckled through the kiss as he pulled away. She stared into his eyes. God, they were beautiful. The way his eyes shined in the dim light of the store.
“You ready to go?”
“Yep, let me just grab my coat.”
While Y/N put on her coat, Eddie admired the way she looked. Though she had been working all day, dealing with people from all around town, and her two best friends goofing off all day, she still looked gorgeous. Her soft Y/H/C locks pushed behind her ears, only made her more perfect. He was truly falling harder for her the longer he looked.
“Alright, I’m ready. Can you dorks come out from the aisle and close up for me?” She chuckled, as they slowly admitted from behind the horror movie shelf. Steve scratched the back of his neck, softly giggling as Robin stumbled from behind the shelf. Eddie’s hand interlocked between Y/N’s fingers, gripping her hand.
Eddie nodded his head, pushing open the front door.
“See you later guys!” Y/N shouted from the door.
Steve and Robin walked towards the front door, watching and waving as Y/N stepped into the front seat as Eddie bowed theatrically opening the door for her.
“They’re too cute, I think I might barf.” Steve said as he pretended to gag.
“Oh, shut up, they’re so in love that they don’t even know it.” Robin said rolling her eyes as she walked behind the counter.
Tonight was the night to let him know. Tell him how you feel. And who knows? Maybe this doesn’t only happen in the movies.
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Being dustin's parents Pt: 2 (kinda)
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summary: just you and Eddie being great parents and taking a trip, nothing too excited..I think?
a/n: thank you so much for all the love on my headcannon! I wasn't expecting it to do so well, so I couldn't handle it and I made somewhat of a second part!
part 1
Okay with johnny, whenever you go out with dustin together, people are shocked, especially older people
“Oh wow, you two are awfully young  to have 2 kids already!”
“How do you do it?”
“You must have a lot of help with 2 kiddos”
“Who does he get the curly hair from?”
You and Eddie heard it all, you were used to it at this point
Like hell yeah! you do have 2 kids! Big deal
You guys even planned a trip to California to visit Will
This was made into a big trip with the whole gang
Of course you all try and chip in to getting an RV
Eddie suggested he could steal another one
Lowkey would be easier, but no way in hell you would let him do that
Big boy Steve was the designated driver
Nancy and robin were on snack duty
Eddie was on music, along with robin of course
They would fight on what really is music
And you were on babysitting duty 
Dustin was by your side hanging out with his little brother
“Wait, can you adopt us too?”
“We wanna be munsons too,”
“HEY! I can use a few too, i am a parent too,”
“Hey hey, you are all my kids, no one is loved less or more,” you teased.
Steve was kinda jealous how under control you had it.
“I’m just better at this than you,”
“Well yeah you have practice, that's not fair, I had to learn to take them under control.”
“Steve don't you forget I was here first, so I showed you how to control them,”
You would make stops along the way and take pictures, with this being your first family trip and all
“Okay okay, stand here, HENDERSON GET IN THIS!”
Eddie smiled through as he took the photos of you two
Of course you took a family picture with dustin too 
You took pictures of him as well and together so that way johnny had pictures of you guys
As well with the rest of the gang
He took small candids along the way wanting to catch you and Johnny in your element
From time to time he would take care of him and babysit the kids while you slept
Eddie has helped you a lot since you Johnny so he was used to doing all the messy work, along with dustin
After all you did all the work giving him a kid and giving Dustin a brother so, as he always did, he treated you like a princess, broke the gender norms and helped you out.
Once you arrived to Will’s house you all got out excitedly 
“Oh my gosh! You had the baby!”
Joyce would be all over you being so happy
She would hold on to Johnny for the most part.
“I miss when Will was like this, he would be all sleepy, Jonathan would be awake and kicked a lot,”
She would go through all the baby pictures she had and she even gave you some baby clothes 
She even had girls' outfits.
“We thought Will was gonna be a girl so we bought some clothes, but he surprised us all,”
“Here, you should have them, i have a feeling you're gonna have a girl next,”
Ahhh of course, next.
You and eddie wanted a big family you guys were going for 4 kids and of course made an exception for dustin, so in total you were having 5 kids
“Im hoping i get a girl too,”
Oh how crazy he was for trying for a girl, but for now he was okay with Johnny, of course he wanted them to be close in age, but wanted to wait until Johnny was a little bigger.
But you enjoyed his gushing
He saw the clothes and fell in love with the idea
“Oh my gosh, i can just imagine, she might be the opposite of me, she is definitely gonna come out as you, but likes what i like, if you decide you want more, maybe one will come out like me, all metal head, and nerdy, and look exactly like you,”
You could imagine it all already, you more than anything loved the idea.
“Wait, who will babysit them if Steve has kids? He will no longer be the babysitter,”
“Well we have a lot of help, the kids love you and they will want to help,”
When you got back from the trip you stayed in hawkins
You had talked with wayne, and he was gonna be home for a few days
So you stayed so he could see johnny
He hadn't met him and you knew this would be a good chance to spend time with him all together.
“Look at you two, all grown up, what's the little fellas name?”
“Johnny, johnny munson,”
He was shocked too at the last name
“I didn't think you wanted to keep the name?”
“I didn't at first, but y/n convinced me, i've grown to be proud of it,”
“So am i,”
a/n: thank you so much for all the love! I'm happy you all enjoy my writing glad I hope you stay along for the many not so many fics I write. for those who are knew I write and then I stop writing so be prepared for my bipolar writers block, love you all so much and thank you!
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Fic rec list, pt III
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Eddie Munson
Affection- Eddie Munson x fem!reader- by @blondedona
Double sided worry.- Eddie Munson x fem!reader- by @lady-ashfade
This blurb- Eddie Munson x reader- by @scoopsahoyharrington
This blurb- Eddie Munson x reader- by @ofstarsandvibranium
Period Pain- Eddie Munson x reader- by @iggee-rose
This blurb- Eddie Munson x reader- by @eddiebun
This headcanon- Eddie Munson x reader- by @eddiebun
This blurb- Eddie Munson x reader- by @eddiebun
This headcanon- Eddie Munson x reader- by @clemkruckinnie
This blurb- Eddie Munson x reader- by @erosso
This blurb- Eddie Munson x reader- by @eddiemunsonsbaby
you take eddie late night skinny dipping at the lake and he’s a whiny baby about it- Eddie Munson x reader- by @peppermint-toads
This blurb- Eddie Munson x reader- by @heartshapedcigarette
This blurb- Eddie Munson x reader- by @heartshapedcigarette
Roll for Initiative- Eddie Munson x fem!reader- by @starlightsearches
This blurb- Eddie Munson x fem!reader- by @mrvlbimbo
This blurb- Eddie Munson x reader- by @hellfireclubofficial
This blurb- Eddie Munson x fem!reader- by @strangerthings64
AN OFFER I CAN’T REFUSE- Eddie Munson x gn!reader- by @demo-bats
dear first love- Eddie Munson x Henderson!reader- by @sergeantbuckybarnes
angels cry to- Eddie Munson x reader- by @sergeantbuckybarnes
“Don’t you ever let me hear you say that again.”- Eddie Munson x reader- by @rainylana
Eddie knocking you up- Eddie Munson x reader- by @rainylana
𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭.- Eddie Munson x reader- by @earlgreydream
We’re not saying goodbye, not today, okay?- Eddie Munson x reader- by @strangerthangs1986
Forever yours, faithfully- Eddie Munson x reader- by @zaynsxsoul
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬- Eddie Munson x reader- by @creme-bruhlee
Nightmare- Eddie Munson x reader- by @tripthlightfantastic
the space he left behind.- Eddie Munson x reader- by @mypoisonedvine
guitar pick- Eddie Munson x fem!reader- by @yourfavouriterival
To Build a Home- Eddie Munson x gn!reader- by @itsactuallywhitewolf
My Hero- Eddie Munson x reader- by @mayfieldsqueen
“Why the hell would you say something like that?”- Eddie Munson x reader- by @rainylana
It Can’t Be- Eddie Munson x fem!reader- by @robynnnhooddd
YOU DID GOOD- Eddie Munson x fem!reader- by @ahoybuckleys
Without you- Eddie Munson x fem!reader- by @dysfunctionalaliens
This blurb- Eddie Munson x reader- by @f4irydaydreams
eddie munson giving you his ring- Eddie Munson x reader- by @f4irydaydreams
painting nails w eddie munson- Eddie Munson x reader- by @f4irydaydreams
Remus Lupin
Scars- Remus Lupin x gn!reader- by @disartrous
Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker
Spider Lilies- Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker x gn!reader- by @disartrous
Regulus Black
Hydrate or Diedrate- Regulus Black x gn!reader- by @disartrous
At the Age of Eleven- by @disartrous
Draco Malfoy
Cheek Kisses- Draco Malfoy x fem!reader- by @disartrous
Studying with Draco- Draco Malfoy x gn!reader- by @disartrous
George Weasley
Scrubbing Cauldrons- George Weasley x black!fem!Hufflepuff!reader- by @disartrous
Fred Weasley
Working at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes- Fred Weasley x gn!reader- by @disartrous
Tom Holland!Peter Parker
Him- Tom Holland!Peter Parker x gn!reader- by @disartrous
Tom Holland
MY MJ: SMAU T.H SERIES MASTERLIST- Tom Holland x oc- by @taylarose
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