unsoundedcomic · 2 hours
Is Joan of Arc an inspiration for Mikaila?
Not an inspiration, but certainly a figure I've researched for Mikaila in the past. One of my favourite comics is Throne of Clay, and she features in it in all her depressing glory.
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unsoundedcomic · 1 day
'certain clans of waterwomen' how sexy are we talking here.
Well, Minnow is one of them. Did she do it for you?
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unsoundedcomic · 1 day
Lots of Senets go out to sea to avoid people? Or have those that could already left?
Senets go underground, into the old ogre passages and caverns. There is also talk of a deep and frozen place known by many names that may be the last sanctuary of many a forgotten old god. Duane believes this place exists still, as he heard the old salt lizard Shaensigin tell her inak companions she would take them there.
Typhoon whales live out at sea, though, as well as certain clans of waterwomen. You really don't want to come across them.
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unsoundedcomic · 1 day
Wait there's NEW Tainish? Since when??
Since roughly 1400 years ago :3 Alderode reformed the original Tainish language - the language of spellcasting - to try and protect pymary from spreading to its enemies. Pymary uses Old Tainish. Aldishmen today speak New Tainish. This isn't always differentiated by people. Old Tainish now is like Latin in our world. Only certain types of scholars know it and almost no one speaks it conversationally unless it's to shit talk an ignorant third party who might be listening.
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unsoundedcomic · 1 day
Is it ever difficult to make pymary target something that was invented recently? For instance, if a new alloy was found, would it be hard to describe in old Tainish?
Very difficult! This is actually how AP, or anti-pymary materials work. Myriad metals or other materials are combined, or disguised, completely confounding wrights. Duane likes to brag that he's a Materials master, and that's a very useful skill to have. It requires an extensive knowledge of the physical properties of the world, allowing a wright to quickly identify different types of stone, ore, ground cover, building material, animal, liquids, even certain gases, and know their Old Tainish name.
As you can imagine, most wrights on the street don't have this kind of dictionary knowledge, especially if they don't speak Old Tainish, and especially especially if they don't even speak New.
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unsoundedcomic · 1 day
Do Kasslynians think their gods hold any sway outside of Kasslyne?
There is no "outside Kasslyne" as far as they know or are concerned. The rest of the planet is a watery nothing. Kasslyne is the only continent.
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unsoundedcomic · 1 day
If the silver makes it possible to break reality because of how it disrupts the Khert, does that mean when you head out to sea really weird things occasionally happen.
Well, yes, but not because the khert is gone. Mostly because there are horrible monsters out there.
A reality almost identical to our own underlays the khert. This reality cannot exert itself in Kasslyne because the khert supersedes it. Weird things happen during khert-fires not because the khert is absent, but because the khert is malfunctioning. This still gives the underlying reality little chance to intervene.
That chance comes outside of Kasslyne, when the khert is not malfunctioning or burning, but is absent entirely. That outside world looks very much like our own (other than certain horrible monsters).
Kasslynians can survive outside Kasslyne, at sea, but it often makes them sick for a while. Their bodies are adapted to living inside the khert.
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unsoundedcomic · 2 days
have Quigley and Toma had a twosome?
Alas, Kasslyne is too grimdark for such a wholesome, welcomed activity~
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unsoundedcomic · 2 days
have Anadyne and Knock had a threesome?
No way, they're cousins and besties. Female friendship rep is really important to me so I don't mind saying they both are straight, and do not have romantic feelings for each other.
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unsoundedcomic · 2 days
Glass! Great update, but the back button goes back two pages instead of one on the current page!
Whoops! I fixed it, thankee :)
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unsoundedcomic · 2 days
Potentially excluding anything we haven't seen yet, what has been your favorite scene in the comic to write / draw? Or favorite chapter, if we want to be so broad.
I have been really into this chapter. I haven't taken a day off in a few months.
Before this one... man, it's hard to choose. Those three years doing the 14-15-16 trifecta were pretty wildly fun, and I think they're strong. So I'll just be super broad and say all of those :)
17 and 18 are a lot of spectacle, fights, and set pieces, with big character moments and resolutions. I'm mostly happy with them, but it's some intense artwork. I'm looking forward to when the next book starts and everything gets scaled back down to mortal levels. I spent three hours on one panel yesterday. That is not how you do comics! D< I want to go back in time and tell chapter 7 Ashley that it's in her power NOT to decree all khert backgrounds must be painted. The fool.
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unsoundedcomic · 2 days
If wrights knew about atoms and understood that heat was just a function of atomic movement, would they be able to take an object's heat aspect and use it as momentum instead? Or would the have to instruct the Khert to take momentum from each atom individually?
Nope. Pymary wasn't designed for atomic and subatomic targeting. The language just isn't in the system to do it.
There are other systems in the world though; systems from the First World, that predate pymary. Some of these are extant still in the bespoke kherts of the senet beasts.
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unsoundedcomic · 2 days
If Unsounded was an RPG, would it have sprite art or the early polygonal 3D kinda thing?
Could we have modern 3D? :3 Take a look at Sand Land that just came out, I think it does a solid job reimagining its manga cast and world into 3D!
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unsoundedcomic · 2 days
I want know how Duane would react to the second Sette prior to his current Sette fearing state? I imagine seeing jacaranda would be like when he saw the walking tree. Surprised that a lion like thing is even around.
Yeah, it's a shame that we killed off Duane and he's never ever coming back. Just gone forever, never to react to any of these startling new developments and characters, alas, alas~~~
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unsoundedcomic · 3 days
Hello! I asked discord also, but I am wondering if you could elucidate also. Is there like. A List of what Aspects exist, and can be manipulated? Off the top of my head, I can think of: State, temperature, contour, opacity, color, momentum (velocity?), mass... Or is it like. "Nah there's so many, it gets really granular, so knowing them all is like not super useful, unless it's like, your whole field of study." If so is there like a "Basics" list? Also, which ones are considered "Core" I mean it seems often times like "if an object can't logically be an object without this, then it's core" But surely there's a List of Those at least, since fucking with them would cause agitation.
Such lists might exist if I was interested in writing a Kasslynian sourcebook, but I'm really not. I enjoy pymary the most as a system that you write prose within; not as a system for dice or tabletop. That is to say, it's a system that'd designed to allow a writer to be creative; to think up your own Aspects and your own cool way to move them around. I don't want to curtail any of that with lists :)
An Aspect is defined as an objective physical attribute of a material. While we see big useful ones like Temperature and State and Velocity and Contour thrown around, you could absolutely get very granular with what you use. Duane once used Flammability in the comic, and then the Specularity of Light in "Interior Emanations," one of the side stories.
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unsoundedcomic · 3 days
Ashley I need your help, I can't beat inner genichiro
Yeah? He's not super different from regular Geni. Make sure you're attacking precisely and not mashing or you won't have time to parry/mikiri the perilous attacks he works into his combos. Give up on reversal for his lightning tennis, the timing is too weird, just mist raven it. Consider the shield for floating passage if you can't get the parries, and stay in his face to limit the attacks he'll use. Definitely stay aggressive and go for HP over Posture, or the fight drags on too long and you'll inevitably make a mistake.
Ganbare :)
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unsoundedcomic · 4 days
Are the people who have killed Etalarche'd people in the past considered heroes? Could the man who slays that detestable Roger Foi-Hellick expect to be made Vaosa?
Etalarche slayers have historically had a bad time of it. You'd think everyone would be happy that the accursed is dead; what more commonly happens is people are upset they were denied the honour of personally killing them. They don't get violent about it generally, but the gratitude and good feelings you'd expect don't tend to materialize.
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