untitlednerd ¡ 11 months
It Would be Impossible Not to Notice You
Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Summary: After everything you and Sebastian have been through, and after not speaking to him for awhile, you start to deal with many thoughts and wonders plaguing your mind.
Warnings: I was tired while writing this, so I apologize for it being bad. And it's short. Motivation has been meh. :(
A/N: If you understand the reference then yayyyy! You get ten house points! Also I had this idea when I started watching the Titanic movie, and I stopped watching it just so I could quickly write this. It doesn't make any sense to me, either. But it's okay, a fanfic came out of the random thought.
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After Sebastian killed his Uncle, and Anne left Feldcroft, you had distanced yourself from the boy – occupying yourself with things like helping the Keepers, fighting Poachers with Poppy, finding out Harlow’s secrets with Natty, and keeping Ominis company. 
Professor Fig’s funeral was the last time you talked to him. He knew you had grown close with Fig, and he wanted to check on you, even if he didn’t say much. 
After that, you hadn’t spoken for a while. No letters over the summer, and no words exchanged throughout your sixth year.
You both wanted to give each other space for different reasons, even though you missed each other dearly.
Sebastian thought you probably didn’t want to talk to him after everything he did – everything he put you through. He was rude to you. He used the torture curse on you. And you watched him kill his Uncle. Even if Solomon wasn’t the best person, he didn’t deserve to die.
You thought Sebastian needed time to process and think about what he did, and you knew that living with the fact that Anne didn’t want to see him would be hard. But after everything – from what he did, to Fig’s death, and Natty ending up in the hospital wing because she took a curse that was meant for you – you decided to keep your distance, feeling as if he had enough to deal with, and still trying to heal from it all yourself. 
You had Ominis, Poppy, Natty, and the others. But nothing would be like your little trio with the two Slytherin boys.
And right now, it was your first day back at Hogwarts for your seventh year. 
Though you entered the great hall for the welcoming feast with a happy mindset, that quickly changed as your thoughts started swarming. 
As you and Professor Fig grew closer during your fifth year, you had imagined the look on his face when you made it to your seventh. How he would look at you, and tell you how proud he was of you. How proud he was that despite everything – all of the hardships, stress, and pain – you made it. You got through it all.
But that wish never came true. Professor Fig was dead, and there you were, sitting in the Great Hall with a frown on your face. Poppy glanced over at you with a look of concern, but you only gave her a small smile, trying to reassure her that you were fine as you stood up, and walked out of the Great Hall.
Unbeknownst to you, though, a pair of brown eyes were watching you as you left. And they didn’t belong to Poppy.
After walking for a few minutes, you ended up in the Transfiguration Courtyard, sitting on the edge of the fountain in the center as you watched the water; the sound acting as a white noise trying to drown out the sound of your thoughts. 
You didn’t know how long you sat there – the time escaping you as you were left alone with nothing but the sound of the water running, and the crickets chirping – before you eventually heard footsteps, a voice following soon after.
“Is this seat taken?” You turned to face the owner of the voice – and it was none other than Sebastian Sallow, the boy you tried to forget for the sake of the both of you, even though you never could. At his question, you shook your head no, and he moved to sit next to you – many minutes passed before either of you spoke again.
“Did the welcoming feast finally bore you? I mean, this is the third time you’ve attended it.” Sebastian tried, wanting to get some sort of reaction - even if it was just a small smile. 
With a sigh, but a hint of amusement on your face, you replied.
“Well, it was technically the second considering I arrived at the end of my first. But no, it didn’t bore me.” You replied, turning your head to see him already looking at you.
“Then what are you doing out here? This is your last welcoming feast at Hogwarts. Don’t you want to be inside enjoying it?” He asked, his head tilted slightly in confusion as he looked at you.
“I could ask you the same question, considering the fact that you’re out here with me.” 
It was obvious he was amused by your answer, but his expression went sad as he looked at the fountain.
“I had been thinking about Anne, and how I always saw us starting and finishing our seventh year together. And now the thought of that seems like it only exists in another universe.” He sighed, his head hanging slightly.
You placed a hand on his shoulder gently, giving him an apologetic look. “Sebastian, I’m-”
“Don’t.” You started to take your hand off his shoulder, thinking he felt uncomfortable. But he was quick to grab your hand, placing it back on his shoulder and keeping his hand over yours, holding it. “Don’t..apologize. None of it was your fault. I know what I did, and it was my choice. I understand why she doesn’t want to speak to me, but what I did was based on my actions, and no one else's.” He said, looking at you again.
You didn’t know what to say. It had been so long since you last talked to him that you forgot how to talk to him. But since he asked you a question, you decided to finally answer it.
“Professor Fig.”
“I’m out here because of Professor Fig.” You moved your hand off his shoulder, but Sebastian continued to hold your hand gently as you moved your hand back to your side, giving you the chance to pull your hand back if you felt uncomfortable – but you didn’t.
“In our fifth year, I imagined him seeing me get to seventh year and seeing how far I’ve come. How much I’ve learned, how much I’ve accomplished. All of it. But he isn’t here, not for any of it. I never even got to tell him how proud I was, and am, of him..” Sebastian gave you a sad smile, rubbing your hand with his thumb softly in a comforting manner.
“He knows. I promise you, he knows. He’s proud of everything you’ve done since he met you. As am I.” You looked at him as he spoke, hearing the sincerity in his voice.
“Anne will forgive you one day, if she hasn’t already. One day, you will cross paths again. I know it.” You replied, the two of you comforting each other in your own, awkward ways. 
“How did everything change so much? I mean, we met like two classmates normally would, and ended up searching for ways to break curses.” You laughed softly, having thought about it all yourself. 
“We went from classroom duels to ancient magic research and battling trolls.”
“That, we did.”
You smiled, but it eventually turned into a small frown full of thought. Sebastian noticed this, and decided to press slightly.
“What is it?”
“It’s just – I was wondering, had I arrived at this school normally, had I been here since first year, had I not been involved in a dragon attack, and had I not been given this ancient ability – I wonder if you would have even noticed me.”
Sebastian turned to face you, gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“It would be impossible not to notice you.”
You turned to look at him in surprise, searching his face for any sign of joking or lies. But there was one. There was only sincerity and adoration. 
The statement had caught you off guard, and had caused a blush to rise in your cheeks.
But before you could even answer, you felt a pair of chapped lips on yours. Not that you minded, though. Soft or not, they fit perfectly against yours.
It took a moment for you to register what he said, and then what he did, but you eventually kissed him back, moving to sit closer to him as you enjoyed the moment. 
You may not have had Professor Fig, and Sebastian may not have had Anne with him – but you both had each other, and that was enough for you at this moment.
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untitlednerd ¡ 1 year
"I've got you, and you've got me."
Neteyam x twin!reader
Summary: You and your brother were never apart, but one moment - amidst all of the chaos - would change that forever.
Warnings: Sadness, no spelling or grammar checks.
A/N - I'm not going to lie, I almost cried multiple times while writing this. I just finally watched the new Avatar movie yesterday, and this was just sitting in my thoughts.
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“I’m shot, I’m shot! You got me.” You laughed as you ran over to your brother, who was laying on the ground dramatically, playing dead. 
“I finally got you!” You said as you grabbed his hand, squeezing it gently and pulling him so he was sitting up. He squeezed your hand back.
“Yes, you did. Good job, little sister.” He smiled back at you, patting you on the head. You rolled your eyes, swatting his hand away.
“You’re only older than me by two minutes, Neteyam. Besides, isn’t it like a twin rule that you can’t argue about being older than the other?”
“I believe it’s the other way around, but since when did we care about rules like that anyway?” He answered as he stood up, pulling you into a hug. 
“Promise me that you won’t die, or leave. That we will always stick together.” You said, looking up at your brother who was slightly taller than you.
“I mean – I’ve got you, and you’ve got me. Right?” He asked, looking down at you. You gave him a look, causing him to sigh in amusement. 
“I promise, I promise. But only if you promise the same thing. I don’t want to hear that you slipped and fell, or died because of a tiny cut or something.” 
“I promise. Besides, I’m not that clumsy-” 
“Are too.”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“Neteyam!” You yelled as you chased your brother, who only laughed as he ran away from you. Eventually, you joined in on the laughing.
“You skxawng. I’m shot.” Is all you hear as your heart drops to your stomach. It took you what felt like hours, but was really only seconds, to register the words that Neteyam spoke – then, in almost a flash, you were swimming to his side, helping him to Tsireya’s Ilu, while Lo’ak and Spider held on. 
As Tsireya instructed the Illu to head swim, you kept your attention on Neteyam. Knowing what your father had told you about wounds like that, you already ripped off a piece of cloth, and shoved it onto his wound, keeping as much pressure on it as you could. He whined in pain because of it.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry – I have to try to stop the bleeding.” Your voice broke when you heard his whines, but you kept the cloth where it was, even as it got drenched in blood. You were the only thing keeping some of the blood from leaving your brother. And you knew that if he died because you did something wrong, then you would never forgive yourself. “Hold my hand, brother. Stay with me. I’ve got you, and you’ve got me.” Neteyam smiled softly through his pain when you said those words. Though you knew you couldn’t technically claim words, the two of you said them to each other for as long as you could remember. As far as you both knew, those words belonged to you. To your bond.
“It hurts, sister.” As much as you wanted to cry at his words and his whines, you knew you had to be there for him, so you forced the tears away, putting more pressure on his wound. 
“I know it does, but you’re going to be okay. We’re going to find mom and dad, and they’re going to help you. You’ll be okay. I promise.” You smiled as much as you could down at him as you held his hand, gently squeezing it once and awhile, to which he would squeeze back each time. A way to show each other that you were both still there.
Your concentration on Neteyam’s wound was broken when you heard Lo’ak yell for your father.
“Dad! Here, take him.” Lo’ak said as you all helped your father pull Neteyam onto the rocks. In a split second, you were by his side again, sitting next to him as you continued to put pressure on the wound, only stopping when your dad gave you a new piece of cloth that wasn’t soaked in blood to put on the wound. 
“Good job, you’re doing great. Keep putting pressure like you have been.” Your dad said, kissing you on the head softly as he looked at you, and then at Neteyam. 
The two of you were twins. Bonded since birth. As close as you were with the rest of your siblings, it would never be the same as it was with him. He was part of you, and you were part of him. You both needed each other. You were rarely apart, because being apart killed you both inside. And right now, you were in pain because you saw him in pain. It wasn’t as if you could feel the pain of the wound, but you could feel the pain he was in just fighting to stay alive. Fighting to stay awake. Fighting to look at you. His other half. 
Your mother ran over when she saw Neteyam, and fell to his side. 
“I want to go home.” He said in the midst of his erratic breathing, looking back and forth between you and your parents. 
“I know, I know. We’re going.” Your dad said, looking down at him, his hand on Neteyam’s cheek as he tried to keep him looking at one of you. His breathing became more erratic as he started to cry, but you knew it wasn’t from just the pain of the wound. He was scared. Scared of dying. Scared of leaving you and the rest of his family. Scared of not being there to protect any of you anymore. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’ve got you, and you’ve got me, remember? Just focus on me. Stay awake, and keep looking at me, brother.” You said, not being able to hold back your tears as you held your hand on the cloth on his wound with one hand, and his hand with the other. 
Soon after you spoke, Neteyam stopped breathing. But he did what you asked. His eyes were open, looking at you. They were lifeless, but they were still looking at you. You squeezed his hand, but he didn’t squeeze back.
“Neteyam? Neteyam! Squeeze my hand back, you skxawng!” You yelled, still keeping pressure on the wound even as your dad tried to pull you away from him, to which you shoved him back with your hand, holding Neteyam’s hand again right after. Even as your mom closed your brother’s eyes, and even as she was screaming and sobbing in the background, you kept pressure on the wound. “You open your eyes, and you come back to me. You promised! You told me that you wouldn’t die! You told me that I had you and you had me, you liar!” You screamed, not able to hold any emotions back. Through all of the chaos and emotions, you didn’t even realize that Lo’ak, your dad, your mom, and Spider went to find your sisters. 
Tsireya put a hand on your shoulder, saying your name softly. 
“He’s gone..” She said, trying to get you to let go of him.
“No, he isn’t. Okay? He told me he wouldn’t die on me, so he isn’t going to die. Neteyam has never broken a promise.” You said, your breathing erratic as your thoughts were clashing in your mind. The rational side was telling you to quit trying to stop the bleeding because he was gone. But the side of shock, the side that loved your brother – that was telling you to keep going. To keep trying to stop the bleeding. To keep trying to keep him alive. 
Only when your dad returned with the rest of your family did he finally pull you off of him. You fought him, screaming and crying. But he was picking you up, his arms wrapped around you as your mom cried next to Neteyam. “I know, it’s okay. Everything is going to be okay.” He whispered to you, trying to calm you down.
“No, it isn’t okay! He wants to go home. We have to take him home! He will be okay then!” You yelled through your sobs, still kicking your dad. 
“No, sweetheart, he won’t..” Your dad held you until you were too tired to fight him, hugging you and sitting with you as you fell to your knees, just now seeing the blood all over your hands. Your twin’s blood. You were too tired to move, but you weren’t tired enough to not scream one last time. This one was full of pain, anguish, and loss. It was a scream that your whole family felt. Your dad had been numb from shock during the whole ordeal, but when he heard you, he broke. Tears fell from his eyes as he kept hugging you, whispering sweet and comforting words in your ear.
Later, once all of the light from the sky left, your brother was taken by your mother into the water after his body was prepared. As you looked into the sky while swimming next to your family, something felt different. The stars seemed brighter, and it seemed like there were more of them that night. While you lost a brother, the earth gained a bright and strong soul. Your other half resided in the stars. It was what you told yourself to keep you from crying again, even if there were no tears left to cry, you knew you could start sobbing again if you wanted to.
Before you let the rest of your family take Neteyam down into the water, you took his necklaces off of him, holding them in your hand as you climbed back onto the rocks, knowing you wouldn’t be able to watch your twin’s body disappear. 
Leaving your family to grieve, you went to find the ikran that you and Neteyam rode on the way to the Metkayina. 
It was only as you mounted the creature and were prepared to leave when your family found you. Tuk tried to go to you, but Kiri held her back. Your mom said your name, and you looked at her, emotionally numb and full of pain at the same time.
“Where are you going?” Your dad asked, pulling your attention to him.
“He wanted to go home.” You said, putting Neteyam’s smaller necklace around your neck, holding the bigger one he wore in your hand. “I’m taking him home.” Once you finished talking, the ikran you were on flew off, headed towards home. You didn’t look back at your family, knowing that it would break you. But you also knew you would see them again. But for now, you needed to bring your brother home, and you needed to grieve his death in the place the two of you felt most alive.
A/N - (I sincerely apologize for this.)
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untitlednerd ¡ 1 year
Sore Loser
Bradley Bradshaw x reader, Jake Seresin x reader (platonic) drabble/one-shot
Warnings: none, other than the fact that there was no spelling or grammar checks.
Though short and sweet, I thought the last one was a little depressing - so here! Coming up with this scenario in my head was fun :)
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“Draw four and change color to blue, my turn, skip you, and – four! I win!” You smiled innocently at Jake, as if you weren’t about to threaten him five minutes ago when you thought he was about to win. 
The two of you were sitting and playing Uno while Bradley watched. At first, you asked who wanted to play, and though Jake thought that Bradley would be the one to volunteer right away, he actually volunteered Jake instead. And with a smirk, he accepted. 
He was about to beat you, only having a yellow three and a red draw two left. Jake used the red draw two, and you got the cards you needed to win, and even though he drew a card after that, he still couldn’t go, which led you to make your winning move in the end.
“How the hell – you’re cheating!” Jake furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at you, only glancing at Bradley when he heard a snicker from the direction he was in. “What are you laughing at, Bradshaw?”
“Nothing, nothing. Just enjoying the fact that there’s finally a game you can’t win at.” With a proud grin on his face, he walked over to you, leaning down and kissing you on the head. “That’s the third time you two have played now, isn’t it? I thought you said the third time’s a charm?”
“No one ever said that four wasn’t a lucky number.” Jake grumbled – well, it was more of a pout – as he shuffled the deck of Uno cards, dealing you and himself seven each. Then, he laid one facing up, a green six. “Me first.” He said as he placed his first card down.
“As you wish, your highness.” You said with a small chuckle, putting a card down after him. Bradley was smiling as he stood behind your chair, the whole ordeal amusing him. All he knew is that he hoped you would win this round as well. He knew that if you didn’t, then Hangman would brag about beating you one time before it could even be pointed out that you beat him three other times first.
The fourth game actually went on longer than your first three. Ten minutes later and you had two cards while Jake had one. It was your turn, and the color was red, the number being four. Jake couldn’t go, and so he drew another card, and got a blue four, placing it down. When it was your turn again, you decided to sigh, acting as if he had you stumped. This resulted in a big grin on his face before you eventually placed down your blue reverse, and your blue two. You had never seen a grin fall so fast on Jake’s face in all of the time you had known him. But knowing that you caused that by finally beating him in a game made you smile. He was always one to brag about how good he was at games. Whether it was a sport, a board game, or even a game like tic tac toe. He always seemed to win. You decided that sometime you would have to challenge him at rock paper scissors, considering the fact that the game is purely based on statistics and chance, and not skill. 
With a huff of annoyance mixed with pouting, Jake looked at you, and held his hand out for a handshake. You complied, and shook his hand. “Good game, Lieutenant.” You said with a small smile. Bradley was just grinning proudly in the background again. 
“What now, Bradshaw?” Hangman questioned, looking up at him from where he sat.
“Oh, nothing still. I’m happy to see you lost again, especially considering the fact that she is as competitive as you – if not more. The difference is that she doesn’t mind losing. But she’s very adorable when she is happy about winning.” Bradley replied, leaning down and capturing your lips in a soft kiss while you were still grinning from your victory. 
“And I thought being in planes almost daily would make me barf-” Jake gagged before shaking his head and standing up from the chair, heading to the front door.
“Leaving so soon? What, no five time’s a charm?” Bradley joked as he watched Hangman leave.
“Nope, but the idea of beating Coyote at darts is making me feel better already.” Jake said, tipping his non-existent hat to you as a goodbye before he left, closing the front door. Right as the door closed, Bradley let out a laugh.
“He is such a sore loser.”
“Do you want to play a round with me?” You asked, looking up at him.
“No-” He answered right away.
“Because I don’t want to lose.”
“Who’s the sore loser now?” You asked with a grin. Bradley only raised an eyebrow. “Uh Oh-” You said before getting up from your chair, and running out of the room, down the hall. 
“Get back here!” You laughed as he chased you throughout the house, back and forth between different rooms. 
“You’ll never catch me alive!” You ran into your shared bedroom, forgetting that there was only one way in and out. You looked like a deer in headlights when Bradley ran in, his arms folded with a smirk on his face as he looked over at you.
“Never say never, sweetheart.” He tackled you onto the bed, careful not to hurt you before he started tickling you, making you laugh. You sometimes hated how you were still ticklish, but Bradley loved it, especially when you had fun little moments like this. 
“You win, you win! You’re not a sore loser!” After that, he finally stopped tickling you, leaning down to place a kiss on your cheek while using his fingers to brush through your hair, fixing it since tackling you messed it up a little. Not that he minded, but he knew you would. You laughed softly, your expression turning to relaxed as he did so. “Maybe next time, all of us should play. We could convince Nat and Bob to team up with us beforehand. If we convinced the others as well it would be suspicious.” You suggested, turning your head to look at him.
“I love your ideas, especially when they inevitably crush Hangman’s ego.” He replied with a proud smile before turning the TV on, the two of you deciding to relax for the rest of the day.
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untitlednerd ¡ 1 year
Mind Demons
Bradley Bradshaw x reader oneshot/drabble. Short and sweet.
Warnings: None, other than no spelling or grammar checks.
Summary: No matter how hard the battle between you and your mind gets, Bradley will always be there to fight by your side.
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“Sweetheart?” Bradley called out as he unlocked the front door, walking into your shared house.
He had been out at the Hard Deck with Phoenix, Bob, Hangman, and the others. The group tried to make sure to meet up outside of work at least once a week or once every two weeks. And most of the time you went with them. But today, much like the past few days, you felt off. You struggled with depression growing up, and anxiety as well. Both were like a virus. Once one started, it grew and multiplied with the other. 
It started with you being stressed about one little thing. It then turned into you comparing how you were managing the stress to how others would, and had. Doing so took a mental toll, and over time it grew inside your mind until it was nothing but fogs and shadows taking over, poisoning every good thought in your brain. 
You were bored, but wanted to do nothing at the same time. Sometimes you would be hungry, but would have no desire to eat. Other times you would feel like going for a walk, but it felt like an invisible force was keeping you on yours and Bradley’s shared bed. The only sound you heard was Criminal Minds playing on the TV. You were slightly curled up as you laid on the bed, your arm being used as a pillow despite the actual pillows behind you. 
It’s not as if you thought showing emotion meant weakness, but sometimes you thought the things you cried about when feeling this way were stupid. When attempting to eat a bowl of cereal earlier in the morning, a piece of it fell to the floor, bringing tears to your eyes. Little things like that happened throughout the past two days. Most of the time the moments just brought tears to your eyes, and sometimes you cried. 
Right now, you felt as if you were in a dramatic scene in a film, where the single tear was glistening as it fell down the actor’s cheek. 
While watching Criminal Minds, there was finally a happy moment throughout all of the bad. When you saw Spencer Reid with a bright and happy smile on his face, you felt a tear fall. And because you have the best luck, Bradley arrived in your shared room at the same time.
“Sweetheart?” He called again in more of a questioning manner this time, since you normally heard him when he walked through the front door. 
When he saw the tears in your eyes, and the happiness on the television, he smiled softly, and walked over to you, sitting down next to where you were laying. He waited a moment before speaking, just running his fingers lightly through your hair in a comforting manner. 
“Hard day?” He asked, looking down at you.
“Long day..” You mumbled in response, closing your eyes from the relaxation his hand running through your hair brought you. 
“Aww, I’m sorry, honey.” He gave a sympathetic smile, and moved to sit behind you, pulling you so you were sitting up slightly, your back resting against his chest, and your head laying back on his shoulder comfortably. He situated his arms so that he was gently hugging you, allowing you to fidget with his fingers at the same time. 
Bradley had been with you through a few moments like this throughout your time together. The first time, you tried to hide it from him. You didn’t want him to have to see you like that, let alone be around you while you acted differently. But he noticed the signs, having had similar moments like yours himself. Not just because of his job, but because of all he had been through over the years. So, now, whenever the two of you had a moment like this, you just made sure to be there for the other. If talking wasn’t wanted, then there would be no talking. And if space was needed, then space would be given, but for a reasonable amount of time. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Bradley asked, turning his head to place a soft kiss on your temple. 
“I don’t really know how to. It’s just the usual vicious cycle.” You grumbled in annoyance to the never ending cycle, to which Bradley laughed softly. 
“Do I need to have a talk with this vicious cycle inside your beautiful mind?” Ignoring the slight blush on your cheeks to his compliment, you shook your head no with a small, amused smile. “No, no. I think I do.” He sat you up a little more, sitting up himself as well. Once comfortable again, he poked your head, and then kissed you on the head, keeping his lips there as he talked. “I got a bone to pick with you, vicious cycle. You see – you’re trespassing. You’re not welcome in my wife’s head. Be gone, demon.” He made quiet whooshing sounds, as if the demons were being expelled from your head. If only it were that easy, but at least with him you weren’t alone in your battle. You let out a soft laugh at his antics, to which he smiled. “There she is. See? There’s no harm in getting a little help in battle, especially if it’s from your amazing husband.” He said with a grin.
“And I assume your mustache is your secret weapon?” You asked with a small smile still lingering on your face. You loved his mustache, one of the many reasons Bradley always kept it how it was. Growing up you weren’t attracted to mustaches much, but when you first saw Bradley, you confirmed right away that it was one of your favorite things about him. Your brain did a whole reset. 
“Well, it isn’t a secret now if you know.” He said jokingly.
“Does that mean you need to kill me?” You asked, turning your head to look at him.
“Nope, I just need to keep you close and never let you go.” He responded with an innocent and happy grin on his face, kissing you on the cheek. “Try to get some sleep now, sweetheart. You look tired, and the mind can be mentally draining sometimes.” He said softly, and you moved so that you were laying down.
“Will you stay with me?” You asked, knowing he needed to get up and change into comfy clothes, but not wanting him to leave the bed.
“I’m not going anywhere. Not now, not ever.” He smiled softly down at you, leaning down to place a soft kiss on your head. You muttered an ‘I love you’ like you usually did before falling asleep, and of course as usual he said it back before humming quietly, lulling you until you were taken over by only good dreams. No mind demons could get to you when Bradley was there to help cast them away.
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untitlednerd ¡ 1 year
Jake Seresin x reader
Songfic inspired by Mine by Taylor Swift
Summary: Being with a Naval Aviator in training is hard, but Jake believes that you can get through the rough patches together. 
Warnings: None, but I didn’t check for spelling or grammar errors, so please let me know if there are any. 
Words: Almost 3500
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You were in college, working part-time, waiting tables
Left a small town, never looked back
I was a flight risk, with a fear of fallin'
Wondering why we bother with love, if it never lasts
While in college, you worked at a coffee shop nearby in between classes to get extra money. Your parents agreed to pay most of the school expenses, but you had to be able to pay for food and everything else yourself.
Jake Seresin, who was attending the Naval Academy, drove out of his way to go to the coffee shop you worked at when he could. At first, he was just trying to find a good cup of coffee to wake him up. But after he met you, he continued to come back to the place you worked at. Getting coffee as well was always just a small bonus. 
“The usual I presume, Jake?” You would always ask with a smile whenever he walked up to you during one of your shifts. 
“Yes, ma’am.” Was always his response. He always answered you with a grin, his Texan accent making the whole conversation better. 
On rare occasions, he would even stay on the days you worked until closing time, and he would help you close everything up. You would play music as you both cleaned everything up, from wiping down the tables to making sure all of the coffee bean bags were closed and organized on the counter. Sometimes on those rare occasions, Jake would offer his hand to dance with you. And with a smile, you would take it – taking a break from whatever you were doing to lay your head on his shoulder and dance with him. 
The closer you two got, the more Jake tried to be available to hangout with you. And after months of your coffee shop hangouts, he decided to finally ask you on a real date, wanting to take you somewhere that wasn’t a place you worked at. 
I say, "Can you believe it?"
As we're lyin' on the couch
The moment, I can see it
Yes, yes, I can see it now
“Can you believe it, Jake?” You asked, laying on the couch in your apartment with your back against his chest as you watched TV. 
“Believe what, darlin’?” He asked back, his accent and the nickname creating a familiar and comforting warmth in your heart. 
“Believe that we’re here. You met me at a coffee shop. I mean- I had to talk to you, because I was taking your order. It’s not like you had a choice. And here we are now, almost a year later.” You smiled softly at all of the memories of the times the two of you had ever since you met replayed in your head. “I wonder if you would even notice me if we met now..” 
“Sweetheart,” He sat up with you slightly, putting a finger under your chin to turn your head to look at him. “It would be impossible not to notice you.” He kissed you softly, leaning back once he pulled away so that the two of you could lay in the same comfortable position as before. 
(Any TVDU fans see what I did there? 🙂)
Do you remember, we were sittin', there by the water?
You put your arm around me for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing, that's ever been mine
As you both laid there on the couch, you remembered the first time you hung out away from the coffee shop. 
You were supposed to be working at the time, but Jake had been so busy with stuff at the Naval Academy, and his only free time was during one of your late shifts one day. 
Your parents would sometimes tell you stories of the parties and pranks that they were part of in College, hoping you would be part of some yourself to break you out of your shell. But you did the opposite. You would hangout with some of the friends you made, and would take walks around campus, but other than that you focused on school and work most of the time. You knew not to push yourself when it came to work, but you also knew that sometimes college parties could be wild, so you never went to one. Sometimes your friends even teased you for always being at work on time, and never missing anything. Truth be told, you never skipped a shift because you never had a reason to.
Now you did have a reason to. All it took was one text from Jake to let you know he was free for you to change out of one of the outfits you normally saved for work, and then into another that you normally wore whenever you’d go out. 
You both texted back and forth until finally deciding to meet at a park near your college campus. The both of you talked and walked around for a while before starting to get tired, so you sat on the ground in front of the lake to watch the water.
You began to ramble about something that you and a friend talked about, stopping once you saw Jake staring at you, thinking that he was annoyed. But in reality, he was just looking at you in adoration, happy to see you relaxed and enjoying your time away from work where the two of you normally hung out. He gave you a small smile, putting an arm around you as the sun started to set and the breeze began to get cooler. He decided to ramble about his day and the people he talked to as well to show you that it was okay to do so. 
Flash forward, and we're takin' on the world together
And there's a drawer of my things at your place
You learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guarded
You say we'll never make my parents' mistakes
Jake lived in a dormitory at the academy at first, but then moved into an apartment between the academy and your College campus so that it was easier for you both to visit each other when you had the free time to do so. You both had been together for a little over a year at the time, and he had a drawer that was labeled in his mind as yours. It had clothes for whenever you wanted to stay the night, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and more. 
He eventually asked you if you wanted to move in. Dorm and Apartment costs could be expensive, but it’s easier when the rent is split for Apartments. So, once you finally got him to agree to splitting the rent cost in half so that you both paid an equal amount instead of him paying most of it, you agreed to move in with him. 
Living together was a little hard at first, but you both acclimated to it pretty quickly. Sometimes it was difficult, since you were used to being alone whenever you were upset after getting home. But now you shared your home with someone else, and that came with seeing each other during vulnerable moments. 
Jake always knew how to make you feel better, though. If he knew you were upset about something, he would normally give you space for a little bit before trying to get you to talk. Not everyone deals with their emotions the same way, and he knew that. So, while he let you have your alone time, he would normally clean up around the apartment so you had less to worry about when you felt better, or he would do something random like watching TV or reading a book. 
After a little while, you would either go out and get food that you like, or he would get a snack together that you like before gently knocking on the door to your room so he wouldn’t scare you. You both had separate rooms. Sometimes you would sleep in Jake’s room, but whenever you were upset you would always stay in your own room.
Most of the time you would answer when he knocked, telling him he could come in. But sometimes you would stay silent, and Jake would just resort to opening the door.
“Hey, pretty girl.” He’d say, a soft and sad smile on his face as he walked in with the food for you. He would always see you hiding in your blankets on your bed, wearing one of the comfiest outfits he’d ever seen you in. And it would normally take a minute, but he would finally get the blankets away from your face, saying something like, “There she is.” 
He would always be gentle with you, which he was never like with anyone else. He may have been polite to some, but never sweet and gentle like he was with you. He’d try to get you to eat some of the food that he brought, even if it was just a little. As long as you took a few bites, Jake would be happy. Once he got you to eat, he would normally sit with you in silence, comforting you without speaking before eventually asking what was wrong. Sometimes that would result in tears – which he would gently wipe away with ease. And once you were done explaining, he would pull you to him, kissing you on the head and running a hand through your hair as he whispered sweet nothings until you were calm. 
“Jake, do you think people end up just like their parents, or their family in general? Is it inevitable..?” You asked one day when he was lying on your bed with you after you explained some family drama that was going on.
“I think we earn some of the same mannerisms as our parents. And I think that sometimes we may act like them personality wise, and we may have some faults that they may have. But I don’t believe that every kid ends up just like their parents, and no kid will ever make the exact same mistakes as them either.” He pulled you so your back was against his chest, and ran his fingers through your hair in a comforting manner. “You are your own person, sweetheart, and everything about you is beautiful.”
And we got bills to pay
We got nothin' figured out
When it was hard to take
Yes, yes
This is what I thought about
After a while, Jake became busier when it came to the Naval Academy and training. And because of that, half of the free time the both of you had was filled with arguing. 
Jake had less time for a side job, because he spent most of that time training. He only had enough free time to either have a job or spend time with you, and he wanted to spend time with you instead. The thought of having money problems alone scared you to the point of asking for more shifts whenever you had more time to work, which meant a little less time for homework, and a little more stress for you. The stress for the both of you is what caused the arguments. Someone would bring up the future, and from there it would just get even more stressful.
“So, I was thinking that after I graduate from the Academy, we could find an actual home for us. I don’t want to be separated from you after. Even if I have to leave for work when ordered to, I want it to be you that I come home to every time.” Jake said with a small smile, a dust of pink on his cheeks as he thought about a future with you. 
Though you would normally smile at stuff like that, at the time the thought of the future scared you. 
“Jake, it’s hard enough paying the rent for this place. How the hell are we going to afford a house? Let alone even have time to spend with each other in that house?” You asked as you stood up, starting to get ready for a late shift you decided to ask for so you could earn extra money. 
“Hey- I know it’s hard right now. We’re both busy, and I know I have less time with you than I did before, but,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair as he followed you around when you were getting ready. “Is it that bad to want a future with you?” He asked, following you into the bathroom as you quickly fixed your hair to look a little more presentable than it was before. 
“It’s not bad, but how can you think about it when it seems like a losing battle?” You asked, stopping to look at him. “You’re busier than you were before at the academy, and I’m closer to graduating as well. I’m working more than I used to so that I can have more money for this apartment and for essentials.” You finished fixing your hair, continuing to speak as you walked out of the bathroom to grab your car keys. “I want a future with you, okay? But it’s like the universe doesn’t care what I want, because when I look at my future, I always see you gone.” You said, tears in your eyes as you looked up at him after grabbing your keys. Not wanting to cry, you walked to the front door before he could say more on the subject.
“Wait, where are you going?” He asked, walking fast to keep up with you, and standing in front of the door so you couldn’t leave just yet.
“I told you, I’ve been working more.” You mumbled loud enough for him to hear before moving past him, and out the door. All he did was watch you leave with tears in his eyes.
Do you remember, we were sittin' there, by the water?
You put your arm around me, for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing, that's ever been mine
Do you remember all the city lights on the water?
You saw me start to believe, for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing, that's ever been mine
After the argument, you and Jake didn’t talk much for a little while. You were upset, and you were scared. And Jake was trying to figure out what he could say to assure you that everything would be okay.
No one knew what the future would hold, and he knew that he couldn’t see in the future either. But all he knew is that he wanted you in his future.
He also understood what you were thinking, and you loved and hated that. You both knew how hard it was to be in a relationship with someone who had to be away a lot with little communication when they were away. 
Growing up you always thought that if you fell in love, then you would spend a lot of time with your partner, and you would have conversations about how both of your days went while eating dinner. You always imagined that if you fell in love, it would be a movie kind of love. The one that everyone wants, but not many have. Even if you knew it wasn’t likely, it was still what you wanted.
And it seemed like the universe was against you. You had the movie love, but not the movie luck. When you thought about and imagined your future, all you saw were long and sad days without him. And that scared you. Neither of you were clingy unless you were in clingy moods, and you both liked to have your time to yourselves, understandably. But when you were together, you wanted to be able to spend time together without thinking of it as a short countdown until he had to leave again. 
And I remember that fight, two-thirty am
'Cause everything was slipping right out of our hands
I ran out, crying, and you followed me out into the street
Braced myself for the goodbye,
'Cause that's all I've ever known
Then, you took me by surprise
You said, "I'll never leave you alone"
After barely talking for the next week, Jake couldn’t take it anymore. He waited until you got back to the apartment after your last class of the day so that he could talk to you. 
“I just want to talk. You don’t even have to say anything, you can just listen if you want. Just please – don’t go.” He asked, a sad expression on his face as well as tired eyes. 
You nodded as if to say okay, setting your keys down before turning to face him. 
Once you agreed to listen, he smiled as he started to talk to you. It started as a normal conversation. He did his best to reassure you that everything would be okay in the future, and he started listing possible plans. But when it got to the subject of him not being there all the time, and having to deal with financial issues, you broke a little. It became like your usual arguments on the subject – but worse – until you eventually couldn’t take it anymore. You hated thinking of a future where he was away a lot. Even if it was for a good reason, the idea scared you especially with how young you were. So, with tears streaming down your face – you grabbed your keys and walked out, practically running to the parking lot. 
You didn’t realize Jake was following until you went to open your car door, and his hand stopped you before he moved to stand in front of the car door. It was pitch black outside, the only light being the ones from the streetlights nearby. 
You tried to move away, preparing yourself for him to end your relationship. You expected him to break up with you after you all but ghosted him for a week. 
But he didn’t. Instead, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a hug. The both of you stayed like that for a minute before he pulled back slightly, his hands cupping your cheeks and gently wiping your tears away with his thumbs. 
“I’ll never leave you alone, sweetheart..” He said with a sad smile on his face, kissing you on the forehead after. “I promise.”
You said, "I remember how we felt, sitting by the water
And every time I look at you, it's like the first time
I fell in love with a careless man's careful daughter
She is the best thing that's ever been mine"
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing, that's ever been mine
Do you believe it?
We're gonna make it now
And I can see it
The both of you hugged again, this hug lasting a little longer before Jake noticed you starting to become a little stressed again. So, after the week he spent trying to think of ways to reassure you, he thought now was a better time than ever.
“I remember how we felt, sitting by the water at the lake. It was the first time I took you somewhere for a date, and the first time we didn’t hangout at the coffee shop. And every time I look at you, it’s like our first date. I remember the smile on your face. It was the first time you skipped a shift, and I knew how the thought of missing work terrified you. But at the time you were so happy that you didn’t go. I fell in love with the girl you are – the girl I’m still in love with. The careful one who always tries to never miss anything, whether it’s work, school, or meeting me or a friend.” He said, looking at you with adoration. You smiled at the thought, letting out a small laugh at the memory of your first real date. 
“You made my careless self a rebel that day, Seresin.” You joked as Jake wiped the rest of your tears away.
“Do you believe that we will be okay now? Sweetheart, you’re not the only one scared of the future. It terrifies me. The thought of being away from you kills me. But the thought of not being with you at all, even when home, kills me more. We’re going to make it. We’re going to be okay.” He pulled you into another hug. “Even if you can’t see it now..”
You were silent for a minute as you hugged him back, thinking about everything he said before you answered.
“I can see it.”
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