ur-fav-lucia · 11 hours
So listen i have this book coming out in uhhh 10 days and I am Worried about it, because it is a Comedy, and comedy is really hard to market (why????? it's funny pirates, what's not to like??) even when it is, yanno, normal mainstream comedy.
It is even worse when it is Unhinged Comedy That's Mostly Going To Be Funny To People On Tumblr. (For example, the main character being a supreme gremlin made of 90% memes by weight (examples: carries around a bag that is never called anything but his "little rucksack"; has a near-verbatim "stick me legy out real far" moment; talks about his metaphorical "orphan gruel bowl" which is a direct reference to that one Oliver Twist gif) because those are funny to me personally.) Unhinged Tumblr Comedy is difficult because tumblr is not a platform where it is easy to market things to people, because we are generally violently anti-capitalist and LOATHE advertisements and reflexively resist being marketed to for most anything. I LOVE that about this website. Except for right now, because I have bills to pay and a cat to feed. So look, fellow tumblr gremlins, I am just trying to say that if your personal brand of comedy is laughing at the kind of jokes that could only be produced on this hell website, and:
you like pirates
you're queer and want to read more books by queer authors
you want your fictional queer characters to be a hell of a lot more Messy and Unhinged than they often are depicted as being
you're interested in seeing a love triangle (M/M/NB) that resolves into polyamory
you want books where the hottest character gets to makes Passionate Speeches about rebelling against oppressive institutional regimes like governments and organized religions
you believe that capitalism is the most oppressive institutional regime of them all
you think it's fun when two characters have been in a 15-year-long relationship where the vibes have been "We're Newly Divorced" nearly since day one
you believe that All Cops Are Bastards and want to know what to do when you get pulled over by the boat cops
you think the Great British Bake-Off would be improved with weaponry, ritualized bribery/coercion of judges, and elaborate shit-talk
then this book might be for you. Beneath the wall-to-wall hijinks, it is political and it is righteously angry and it is the funniest thing I have ever written (which is saying something, because I have written some funny shit). It's called RUNNING CLOSE TO THE WIND. Here's a picture of it.
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If all that sounds cool, you can read a review of it here and the first chapter of it here to see if it as funny as I am claiming it is, and then if you think that it is, you can preorder it here. It comes out on June 11! Ten days from now!
Thank you for letting me market to you for a minute. Signal boosting would be very much appreciated.
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ur-fav-lucia · 11 hours
Friend of mine was dealing with a therapist's office and got frustrated with their actions, wrote out a letter to them, and this was part of their reply. I'm fucking livid.
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The last line shows a fundamental misunderstanding of who the people who have those things are, who we actually are as a community. The idea that someone with ADHD or ASD cannot be eloquent is fucking absurd. The absolute condescension and blatant display of medical ignore is just infuriating.
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ur-fav-lucia · 11 hours
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⬆️original panel
⬇️what I understand
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ur-fav-lucia · 11 hours
the unbreakable connection between me and a song I heard in a fanvid over ten years ago
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ur-fav-lucia · 11 hours
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Have i ever shared this here this was from pride month last year
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ur-fav-lucia · 11 hours
Tim: Do you think Alfred is pregnant? Alfred looks pregnant.
Damian: Don't be ridiculous, Drake! First of all she has been spayed, second of all she has never had sexual intercourse.
Tim: You let her roam the manor grounds on her own, how are you so sure?
Damian: because I made sure every tom in the neighborhood knows I will defend her honour with my sword!
Jason, who has only just started to come back to the manor and does not know about Alfred the cat, overhearing this:
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ur-fav-lucia · 11 hours
Jason insists on being the bait for a joint mission with the Bats. But the moment he starts “screaming” during the interrogation process, Batman calls the whole thing off and smashes right through the window and into the first thug.
Absolutely nobody is surprised by this development. Except Jason.
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ur-fav-lucia · 11 hours
Bruce: My gray hairs are coming in.. maybe I should dye it-
Bruce: …
Bruce: Yes, it was for all of us
Jason: but not more traumatizing than for me I’m the one that DIED!! I DIED BRUCE!!
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ur-fav-lucia · 11 hours
Unfortunately, this is our way of obtaining water in light of the power outage since October 7th There are no power generators to help transform the water, so we resorted to traditional methods 💔💔
Help me by sharing the link or donate if you can 😥
@el-shab-hussein @90-ghost @glaucopis @sayruq @wilwheaton
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ur-fav-lucia · 11 hours
everyone is like ‘oh sunshine duke thomas!’ how sunshiny would you be if you were working the fucking gotham dayshift
bro is up at the asscrack of dawn and is legitimately dc’s spiderman but everyone is too busy comparing tim and peter to do anything ABOUT IT SMH
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ur-fav-lucia · 11 hours
Hi, everyone. Do you have questions about Gaza? Send them to @ma7moudgaza who is currently in Gaza and he'll do his best to answer.
Don't forget to support his Gofundme. He is halfway to his goal
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ur-fav-lucia · 11 hours
This Pride I hope that all of you never ever forget that no amount of sanitizing your sex life or sanding down of your LGBT edges will make bigots accept you. So, don’t debase yourself by capitulating an inch to them, especially in ways that throw your fellow community members under the bus.
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ur-fav-lucia · 11 hours
I saw a post a long time ago that said something like “if you can’t imagine your version of Batman comforting a child, your Batman is not correct.” And I think they were 100% right
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Batman (:
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ur-fav-lucia · 11 hours
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Happy birthday Gilbert Baker!
Born on 2 June 1951, in Chanute, Kansas, Gilbert Baker was instrumental in the creation of the rainbow flag, now an internationally recognised symbol of the queer community.
In 1978, openly-gay politician Harvey Milk asked Gilbert to design a symbol for that year's pride celebrations in San Francisco. Gilbert chose the rainbow as a symbol that was beautiful, diverse, and natural.
Gilbert, along with other artists and volunteers, created the first rainbow flags by hand, dyeing the fabric in huge rubbish bins, and then rinsing it out late at night at a local laundromat.
The rainbow flag was first flown as a symbol of the queer community at San Francisco Pride on 25 June 1978.
Learn more
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ur-fav-lucia · 11 hours
do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets
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her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.
remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.
thank you, Marsha. we remember you.
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ur-fav-lucia · 11 hours
dick was definitely a “no no no no shhh don’t tell dad” older brother to jason
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ur-fav-lucia · 11 hours
happy pride month I’m a flaming bisexual with ADHD and an iced coffee addiction
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