uwuwriting · 3 years
God's Tears
Pairing: Zhongli x fem!Reader (she/her pronouns)
Summary: After discovering his endeavours with the Fatui, she asked a question one that doomed them both. Now, months after his disappearance she finally finds him.
A/n: I live for Zhongli angst to fluff. He is just so easy to write angst for, same goes for Diluc haha. I love my boys. There will be a part 2 to this maybe just maybe a part 3. We will see. SPOILERS: Zhongli's identity
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Contracts were the expertise of Rex Lapis, his source of power, loyalty, control and ultimately, his demise. Or rather their demise since he wasn’t the only one who suffered. Rex Lapis, finally in his real form, was sitting alone under the grand tree of Nantianmen, head leaned back a sigh escaping his lips. For the first time in his long lasting life, he questions his actions, the existence of one contract in particular, a contract that caused his new life as a human to collapse. When he first decided to create said contract he merely wanted to protect his identity from becoming exposed. Now he pounders if his secrecy was worth losing her. In the far end of his mind, hope flickered like a dying candle flame; hope that she would come find him, search for him. The pain he caused and the wound he created in her heart was too deep, too fresh for her to push it aside and look. Tears threatened to escape his eyes again, but he refused to allow them. Gods don’t cry.
Too preoccupied drowning in his own sorrow, the god of contacts failed to hear the footsteps slowly approaching. They slowed to a stop in front of him. He raised his eyes to meet the ones he fell in love with, bloodshot and angry filled with fury and sadness, He had caused that. She always looked at him with such a tender gaze, eyes soft with love.
“You have some nerve.” Her voice trembled as she spoke, this time not from keeping back tears. She was furious. “You have some nerve disappearing to this place after everything we’ve been through.” She took a small step forward, eyes never wavering from his. “Coming here with no explanation, leaving me to pick up the pieces back at the Harbor, make excuses for your absence all these months, watch so many people look at me in pity when I waited for you to come home.” She took another calming sigh. “I despise pity. If you were planning on leaving then you should’ve cleared things up with the people around you and not let all that burden fall onto my shoulders!”
“I sincerely apologize for the harm I’ve caused but I couldn’t-”
“Don’t make excuses and don’t apologize for something you feel no remorse for!” Her hands fell limb to her sides; she was utterly exhausted. “You knew what you were doing…”
He knew all too well what he had done and she was right; as much as it pained him to see her in this state, to know what she had gone through because of him, he was not remorseful. The contract he had struck with himself was clear: Leave the moment someone suspects your identity. He was at a loss for words, for the first time in centuries.
“When I saw you with the Fatui Harbinger I knew it was bad news.” She had turned her back to him, arms wrapped around her waist in comfort. Comfort he wished to provide. “I thought that it was just a coincidence that you weren’t truly scheming with her.” Her shoulders trembled for only a moment before she composed herself again, straightening her back and turning to face him again a new spark in her eyes. “But then I heard you talking and making an agreement, a contract if you must, that I had no knowledge of.”
“I was planning on-”
“Three months! The Fatui said that it had taken her three months to convince you to hand the gnosis over! Did something so big slip your mind for three months, Morax?” The atmosphere worsened at the sound of his true name. A chill ran down his spine at the emotionless mention of his name on her lips. Before, when he imagined telling her the truth, she would call out to him the same way she used to before, the word Morax sweet like honey from her lips. Now it was merely full of venom. “You lied to me for years. You have been lying all this time and when I ask for an explanation you vanish.”
“The contract I struck was destroyed, this is my divine punishment.” He tried reaching out to her, in a moment of human desire, but she flinched away from him, closing more into herself. “I truly apologize for hurting you, I never wanted to come to this but you must understand that my identity came first in every endeavour I had once I became a human.” He reverts back to when she dropped the question, back to the moment his heart sank to his stomach in realisation of what must follow. “When you asked about my gnosis, wanting to know what it was, I had no choice but to leave. If I were to reveal to you who I was then not only would you be in great danger but you would also become a liability. I can not afford that.” He watched as a new emotion shone on her features. Betrayal.
“You thought I would expose you?” Hurt colored her whole face, causing him to panic and grasp her elbows this time pulling her to his chest, burying her head in the crook of his neck. Why does he keep saying the wrong things? “You trust me so little?”
“Heavens no! I trust you with my life, my love. I just didn’t know- didn’t think that I would ever meet someone like you, someone I could truly entrust with something of such importance. That’s why I made the contract.” He tightened his grip, rocking them slowly back and forth. “I’m sorry I left. I shouldn’t have, I know that now. I made you suffer and hurt you deeply, I’m so sorry my love.”
Slowly she reached up behind his back, grasping his tunic and hugging back. He could feel droplets hitting his skin as a slight tremble took over her form. But she didn’t let go.
“I want to go home.” She sniffled, holding on impossibly tight as if he would simply slip through her fingertips, off to another hiding place of his. “Please.”
Slowly, his golden veins started to revert back to their normal state, the skin on his arms taking a beige shade and his eyes losing their goldy glow. In a matter of a few seconds he was once again Zhongli, the funeral parlor employee. Zhongli, the person who would walk through the market tailing his love as she bought necessities for their small home. Zhongli, the one who would take her to a different tea shop every Friday night so they could listen to the different story tellers; only to constantly correct them by whispering the true events in her ear. The Zhongli who fell in love with a human woman. The Zhongli who wanted to give up godhood so he could live the rest of his days by her side. The Zhongli who was just a man. Kissing the top of her head he pushed her off his chest, cupping her cheeks and wiping her tears away gently with his thumb.
“Anything for you, my love.” For the first time, the god of contracts cried.
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uwuwriting · 3 years
Nope you're in tags don't worry
Oof thank you anon
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uwuwriting · 3 years
If someone checks the tags can yall tell me if my posts are on there bc I have a feeling they aren't showing up....
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uwuwriting · 3 years
Unexpected Diagnosis
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anon asked: I requested this a while ago but I think tumblr ate it. Could you maybe write Hawks comforting his S/O who recently got a diagnosis that’s freaking them out? I was recently told I might have a heart condition and it’s been freaking me out. If this isn’t okay for you to write then feel free to not write it. Thank you!
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Characters: Takami Keigo (Hawks), Aizawa Shouta (Erasurehead), Usagiyama Rumi (Mirko)
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a/n: I hope you are faring well and just know that you're giving an amazing battle no matter the disease you might have, know I'm proud of you for being such a strong person and pulling through this. Also know that my messages are always open for anyone who feels like ranting or releasing pent up feelings, I'm here for you. Love ya <3
TW: bad diagnosis, no disease mentioned just the bad news, crying and breaking down.
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KEIGO received the news through text. It was short and curt, a sign someone else had written it and not you. His heart dropped to his stomach upon the diagnosis, the files in his hands slipping away and spilling near his feet, eyes glued to the screen. He flies out of the agency and straight to the hospital, frantic labored breathing escaping his lips as he checks in at the main office and is led to your room. Your parent is standing outside, a troubled expression on their face as they clutch your phone in their hands. They step aside allowing him to enter, tear strikes on their cheeks as they quickly look away. You’re sitting on the bed facing the wall, fingers playing with your feather necklace, eyes blank as silent tears run down your cheeks. He sits next to you in silence, wings enveloping you as a shield and gently nudging you to lean on his shoulder, his fingers searching yours through the deafening silence. You begin to sob then, uncontrollable and loud, cutting off your breathing short and as he quickly brings you into his chest, he too feels your pain at the news. He strokes your hair, humming a small tune to calm you down, wiping away your tears with his thumb and leaving small kisses on your hairline. “Everything’s gonna be alright. I promise you we’ll get through this.”
AIZAWA was there. He witnessed the doctor’s crestfallen face, your smile disappearing, how your hands trembled and your face paled at the news. He caught you as you fell to your knees, thanking the doctor on their way out and holding you tightly to his chest as sobs wrecked your body. The news were bad, devastating and right now as you fell apart in his arms he didn’t know what to tell you to make you feel better. So he didn’t say anything. He just rocked you both back and forth, arms tightening around your frame and letting you claw at his chest. No hero training could prepare him for something like this, in reality he too wanted to burst into tears. Right now he wouldn’t because you needed him to be strong, you needed him in these moments and you always came first in his mind. Kissing the top of your head he grabbed your hand bringing it up to his lips allowing his actions to speak for him. “Shouta I can't-” “Of course you can.” His voice was soft and soothing almost as if he was afraid to break the silence. “You are the strongest person I know and if anyone can beat this it’s you. You’ll pull through, you’ll make it work.” He knew the sun would shine through, even if the sky seemed clouded at the moment.
The email came on RUMI’s phone. You had given the clinic her email address for some reason and she was the first to know. Reading through it, at first she thought they had made a mistake. This couldn’t be right… You were perfectly healthy! This must be a mistake. But upon continuing down the diagnosis she began finding things that had changed throughout the past few months. Symptoms that the both of you had taken too lightly blaming it on allergies, the weather, the strong wind or the rain that you had been caught in on the way home. How was she supposed to tell you? How was she supposed to look you in the eyes and share something like this? Dialing your phone number she asked you to meet her at your favorite cafe and order whatever you wanted from the menu while you waited. She found you with an untouched strawberry shortcake in front of you and a brightnining smile, not a care in the world. Sitting down, she intertwined her fingers with yours giving them a firm squeeze and running her finger over your wedding ring. With a deep sigh she began: “I have some news, darling…”
TAG LIST: @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @storage11037​ @ezoyscorner​ @letscheereachothron​ @wolfkid22 @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses​ @threeamwriting @ysatrap @idontlikeyourjob @gwynsapphire @yashinosakura @kenmaslov3r @kittys-in-space IF YOU WANT TO GET TAGGED OR IF I HAVEN'T TAGGED YOU PLZ DM ME
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uwuwriting · 3 years
Finding you awake late at night
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anon asked: JJK big three finding us awake bc of insomnia I have been suffering the last few months and i need some good old comfort
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Characters: Fushiguro Megumi, Itadori Yuji, Kugasaki Nobara
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authors.note: Yay I'm back and it feels great! thank you all for waiting patiently for me I swear I'll make it up to you guys. Love ya <3
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MEGUMI rarely sleeps 8 hours straight. He always ends up listening to music in his dorm room, calm lofi beats to lull him back to sleep. He thinks about tip-toeing to your room every single night with no exception, but he always convinces himself not to. After all, he shouldn’t disturb your beauty sleep. And on a rainy Saturday night, when he found you sitting cross legged on the common room’s couch, songs from the playlist he had made for you softly floating through the empty room, he decided to come looking for you and your warmth on the nights he couldn't shut off his brain. Silently rounding the couch he places his hand on your head tracing a line down to your chin tipping upwards before placing a soft kiss on your lips. You weren’t even spooked by his sudden appearance, just glad you had some company on this lonely night. You ended up cuddling up on the couch, wearing matching hoodies and being wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket while silently listening to the rain hitting the windows. No words shared, only a whispered I love you when the other falls asleep.
YUJI sleeps like a log. Loud snoring and getting tangled in the freshly washed sheets. He rarely wakes up in the middle of the night and when he does it's usually because he is hungry. Naturally he tredges to the kitchen ready to rampage through the pantry, Sukuna appearing on his cheek to chastise him for waking up, when he runs into you clad in your pajamas and fuzzy pink socks -the same pink as his hair- perched on the kitchen isle as a soft piano tune wafted through the air. You had a cookie in your mouth, the last one in the jar apparently, and a look of utter confusion in your eyes. “I wanted to eat that.” His voice is raspy and laced with sleep, eyes drooping close as he dragged his feet in front of you, plopping his head on your shoulder and nuzzling into your crook. “Mph sorry” You laced your fingers through his hair, scratching lightly at the roots when suddenly he leaps up chomping on your remaining cookie, leaving you stunned. “Sugary delight mhm.” and with that he wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you up and throwing you over his shoulder, taking you to his room. At least you’ll have company during this sleepless night.
NOBARA is scary when she wakes up. It’s always one of the two: a) she needs to pee or b) her phone went off. She is grumpy and huffing about something under her breath, taking off her eye mask and trudging to the bathroom only to come face to face with a wide awake you, wearing a full face of makeup, your smokey eye a little too intense making you look like a little raccoon caught committing a crime. And Nobara laughs. She laughs with her whole heart, tears gathering up in her eyes threatening to spill on her avocado face mask that has cracked at this point. She kneels down in front of you, still laughing hysterically, cupping your cheeks and kissing the pout off your face, giggling into the kiss and rubbing her nose on yours as she pulls away. “You little raccoon bandit.” You pout again, crossing your arms over your chest. “This is art, babe, doubt you’d understand.” She laughs again, poking your sides and pecking your nose. A comfortable silence falls over you, her eyes shining under the weak bathroom light making you lose yourself in the pools of chestnut. “Get out, I need to pee.”
TAG LIST: @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @storage11037​ @ezoyscorner​ @letscheereachothron​ @wolfkid22 @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses​ @threeamwriting @ysatrap @idontlikeyourjob @gwynsapphire @yashinosakura @kenmaslov3r @kittys-in-space IF YOU WANT TO GET TAGGED OR IF I HAVEN'T TAGGED YOU PLZ DM ME
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uwuwriting · 3 years
THERE'S A PART 2 OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that anti shogun training is kicking my ass and I can't beat it IDHSPINDPS;M I hate this game
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uwuwriting · 3 years
that anti shogun training is kicking my ass and I can't beat it IDHSPINDPS;M I hate this game
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uwuwriting · 3 years
that anti shogun training is kicking my ass and I can't beat it IDHSPINDPS;M I hate this game
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uwuwriting · 3 years
Hi! I'm not dead lmaooo I just got back from vacation and fic will begin being posted on Monday. Thank you to everyone for waiting and sticking around as well as sending in their requests and I'm sorry I went on such a long haitus. Love ya <3
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uwuwriting · 3 years
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uwuwriting · 3 years
No one: ...
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uwuwriting · 3 years
Lol a sugar daddy messaged me on snap lol
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uwuwriting · 3 years
are requests open?
I'm just on vacation rn and cant post anything until im back lol
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uwuwriting · 3 years
Salvation or Condemnation?
Pairing: Kazuha x fem!Reader (she/her pronouns)
Summary: He may have either doomed or saved her. Would she had been better off away from him, back home? Or would she hate him for leaving her behind?
Warnings: light SPOILERS FOR INAZUMA, second guessing your decisions, mentions of death, SPOILERS for Kazuha's story
A/n: Okay so I'm at this point in the archon quest where I can't beat the final boss and I just keep dying. My characters aren't on a high enough level and oiahoihia send reinforcements.
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“Paimon was wondering,” It was their second day on the ship, halfway across the ocean from Liyue to Inazuma. Both the Traveller and Paimon had been very talkative and friendly with the crew, joining in on their card games, watching the waves with captain Beidou and making conversation with a certain fugitive on board. And that’s where they find themselves; sitting alongside Kazuha on the edge of the quarterdeck who seemed to have become gloomy after they set off. “You must have left more people behind when you fled Inazuma. Aren’t you excited to see them?” The samurai’s eyes widened at the question, glistening over with memories of old for a moment before focusing back on the waves.
“No, not really.” He sighed, letting his eyelids fall shut as the breeze rustled his hair. “I had one person I cared for, very deeply. When time came for me to leave, against my better judgement, I took them with me.” He sighed again and turned his head towards the crew this time, eyes focusing on one individual in particular. “I am not certain I made the correct choice.”
“Oh! Are they here? Paimon wants to-” A hand came over the pixie’s mouth, shushing her immediately while the owner of said hand gave her a pointed look. Kazuha couldn’t help but laugh at their antics, admiring their relationship as it reminded him of his own back when things were less dangerous and more carefree.
“It’s quite alright my friend. You have met my companion dear Paimon, she beat you at poker on the first night.” A gasp escaped the pixie, brows furrowing as an unpleasant expression took hold of her features. She stomped her leg in the air three times before crossing her arms and looking away. Kazuha could have sworn he saw a stormcloud form over her head. “She has adapted quite well to this life, although to be honest she has always been versatile in these matters. As long as her loved ones are happy she is as well.” She is a kind soul and thankfully Inazuma’s cruelty has not damaged her pure nature. Kazuha has always held her in a special place in his heart, ever since she became his friend she made him lose himself. He remembers his friend talking to him about soulmates after their first encounter poking fun at the blush that still stained Kazuha’s cheeks hours later. He also remembers his friend’s sincere words about her: “She loves you, it’s evident from the way she looks at you. Protect her. Keep her safe. You wanted a goal in life, well, you’ve found it.” His heart clenched painfully at the memory inside his chest. So much has happened since that conversation; back then keeping that promise, keeping her safe, away from harm's way seemed as an easy task. Now? Now he fears he has only put her in more danger.
“She seems happy. Why would you question your decision?” Paimon asked. “Ah?! Did you kidnap her? Is that why you left Inazuma?” A belly laugh escaped his lips making him double over for a few seconds. Oh he is telling her about this later.
“She could easily disarm me, I wouldn’t want to get on her bad side.” He laughed lightly again, his eyes searching for her amongst the crew before finally settling on her form as she talked to Beifou on the other side of the ship. “Her home was a small encampment on Yashiori Island. She was so far away enough from the vision hunt, she could’ve easily run away if they ever came for her.” He sighed again this time pinching his nose as a headache started to form. “The logical solution would have been to leave her there with her people and pray she had a pleasant life. My judgment got clouded however. I stopped thinking clearly once my friend was killed and I saw with my own eyes what losing a vision could cause.” He took a long pause. Neither the Traveller nor Paimon could possibly understand the whole situation, how desperate he was to ensure she was okay. The first couple of days after his friend’s death he didn’t sleep, he didn’t stop moving until he reached the outskirts of her camp and there, once he saw her exit her tent, he collapsed. He woke up three days later with a damp cloth on his forehead and a hand gently clasping his. It took him another three days to convince both her and her people that he was healthy enough to travel; that he’ll be okay on his own while leaving Inazuma. Two months later he was back in Yashiori Island, sneaking her out and into Beidou’s ship, executing one of the most reckless plans he had ever come up with. “Did you know that electro visions have almost eclipsed? No one from the new generations has one, the Raiden Shogun has stopped blessing anyone with her vision.”
“But Paimon saw-”
“That she has an electro vision.” He sat slowing on the deck, his elbows resting on his knees and head leaning on the wood behind him. “I’m suspecting she is the last that was bestowed with it.” It was during the second time visiting when he found out she had finally gotten her vision. It was her 16th birthday and Kazuha had decided to pay her a birthday visit only to trigger her vision causing an explosion the moment she saw him. It was quite the spectacle; lightning erupted from the earth itself wrapping around her arms and legs as she moved. She was as beautiful as a goddess at that moment. “The Raiden Shogun knows who she blesses. She knows that my love was the one who took the last electro vision. Her arrest warrant was bound to happen. The night we fled together was the night before the Tenryou Commission would come to collect her. My mind could only come up with one solution back then.” It was a desperate move made by desperate folks. He wouldn’t allow her to suffer a vision loss and she wouldn’t allow him to leave on his own. They are both stubborn and the argument that erupted that night was unforeseeable. A hand was placed on his shoulder, giving him a gentle squeeze. The Traveller’s eyes were like burning embers and he felt them pierce his soul with one simple gaze.
“You did what you thought was right. You are both alive and well. Dwelling on possibilities that could have been will get you nowhere.” And with that they stood up and left, descending the stairs just as someone ascended. And soon enough he was accompanied by none other than the one he loves most. His kindled flame. She leaned her head on his shoulder letting the sun reflect on her skin warming her up from the chilly breeze of the sea.
“What did I miss?” Her voice was like honey to his ears, causing him to practically melt and lean his head on her own.
“Just that I love you.”
“It’s never ‘just’ with you!”
“You’re also my hostage, a damsel that caught my eye and is now held against her will on this pirate ship.”
She burst out laughing, tears forming at the corners of her eyes causing him to lose his self control and join her. Their laughs mixed with the sounds of the sea chasing all his worries away.
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uwuwriting · 3 years
Reassuring you while you're being treated after getting injured
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@windex-princess-ami asked: Hi!!! Can I request a fluffy angsty one where Bakugou/Shinsou/Todoroki hold and comfort their s/o while someone else removes shrapnel from a wound after a fight (bonus of their s/o is silently crying from the pain) please???
like, lots kisses and hugs and comforting words please 🥺 (i kinda picture them sitting on a counter or something) THANK YOU
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Characters: prohero! Bakugou Katsuki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Todoroki Shoto
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authors.note: I love comfort fics and just holding their s/o while they are in pain, I just generally like being reassured everything is going to be okay! Don’t judge me. Enjoy <3
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BAKUGOU had seen you get hit. He watched from the sidelines as the villain sent you flying through a glass window and punched you roughly to the ground, remnants of your blood on his knuckles as he hit you again and again. He doesn’t remember much of the remaining fight and it doesn’t really matter in his eyes, all he knows is that you have several bleeding wounds from glass being wedged into your skin. Without missing a beat he is up and running, you delicately in his arms reassuring words leaving his lips as he tries to calm both of you down. The medics are at loss of words when they see your state instructing Bakugou to lay you down on the stretcher and hold you as still as possible while they remove the shards. “Baby, baby, look at me.” You manage to focus on his eyes, wincing as they took out the shards slowly. You grasped his forearm as more searing pain shot through your side, a particularly large piece of glass giving the medics a hard time while also making the whole process a lot more painful. “I-it hurts- Ah!” He shushed you, guiding your forehead to his with a gloved hand on your nape, rubbing soothing circles on your forearm with his other hand. “I know baby I know. You just have to be strong for me, it’s almost over I promise.” And true to his word, a couple of shards later it was over. They stitched a few cuts that were too deep and wrapped up your torso preventing you from bleeding out. Bakugou still held you, opting to press light kisses on your cheeks and forehead, whispering how proud he was of you and how strong you were. You did pass out after a while giving him a heart attack but he was reassured by the med team that your body was just exhausted. He went back to his usual mean and loud self but he stayed close to your cot for the duration of your unconsciousness.
SHINSOU was tackled by you when the bomb went off. Both of you were blasted across the road but all the debris which were thrown alongside you collided with only your body ripping a pained cry from your throat. Shinsou tried to soften your impact with the ground by wrapping you in his arms, tucking you away but the damage had already been made as his uniform’s sleeves were stained crimson once they came into contact with your waist. After your very awkward landing, Hitoshi took one look at your state and immediately left the scene with you in his arms. He wasn’t about to lose you and besides, the others could take care of the villain. The med team helped him place you on the stretcher, cutting off your uniform and started taking out the shrapnel causing you to cry out and recoil from their touch. Hitoshi was quick to soothe you, coming into your line of view and making you focus all your attention on him and only him while simultaneously placing one of your palms over his heart knowing full well that the rhythmic beat always calmed you down. “Darling, follow my breathing. There you go.” He would squeeze your hand whenever a particularly large piece of metal was pried, wiping away stray tears with his thumb and rubbing lightly on the spot. Once everything was removed and you were all patched up, he helped you sit up on the bed, supporting all of your weight and not allowing you to stand up on your own. Now it was your turn to reassure him that everything was going to be okay, poor man was panicking.
TODOROKI hadn’t seen you get hit. Hell, he wasn’t even at the scene when it happened. He learned about it through your shared com system, the moment the phrase “Y/H/N has been hit!” left your sidekick’s mouth, he was sprinting to you, shoving anyone that got in his way completely disregarding his public image. He found you being supported by your sidekick, two metal columns sticking out from your sides while blood was already pooling at your feet. You could barely comprehend what was happening, your head hanging low and your feet dragging behind you as you tried to keep up with your sidekick. Shoto rushed to your side, taking you completely off your colleague’s hands and into his own wincing at the pained cry that left your lips as he heaved you into his arms. “I’m sorry, i’m so sorry, I’m going to get you help love okay? Stay awake for me.” He doubts if you even realized that he was talking to you. It’s hard to maneuver you without inflicting any pain and every pained groan or grunt or sob that leaves your body, breaks Shoto’s heart. The medics, upon seeing your condition, tried prying you from his arms but Shoto wasn’t having it. He seemed to be in a trance where only you and your pain occupied his mind. They managed to convince you to put you down on the stretcher but he didn’t leave; he stayed by your side calling your name and telling you things you could hardly make out. You must’ve been crying because he would lean in and kiss the skin under your eyes every few minutes, his own eyes shining with unshed tears. You passed out before they were done patching you up causing Shoto to go into a panic the moment your eyelids fell shut. Poor thing sat next to you until you woke up, kissing your knuckles, the tips of your fingers, your face, in an attempt to ease both of your pains.
TAG LIST: @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @storage11037​ @ezoyscorner​ @letscheereachothron​ @wolfkid22 @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses​ @threeamwriting @ysatrap @idontlikeyourjob @gwynsapphire @yashinosakura IF YOU WANT TO GET TAGGED OR IF I HAVEN'T TAGGED YOU PLZ DM ME
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uwuwriting · 3 years
Baby's first vaccine
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Anon asked: Hello! idk what to call you, sorry for that. Are you open for request? If you open, can I request for suna, kuroo, oikawa or anyone you want other than those three reaction to their babies get a vaccinations. yk how babies need to get their vaccine after they were born right or maybe when they were like a toddler (kind of like 6-14 months I guess. idk) . I wanna know their reactions, whether they will cry, upset or just normal when their babies got a shot. maybe perhaps add their mother in your headcanon reaction too. Hehe thank you!
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Characters: timeskip! Oikawa Tooru, Suna Rintaro, Kuroo Tetsuro
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authors.note: This is the req I was talking about I just find it so cute aaaa also I need to stop procrastinating and end up writing at 3 am. I need to get my sleeping schedule in check ASAP. Enjoy <3
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OIKAWA Tooru, world renowned volleyball player and member of the argentina olympics volleyball team is bawling his eyes out on the pediatrician’s bed while holding your 6 and a half month old daughter. It is your baby’s first vaccine, of course both of you are scared and concerned about your little girl’s reaction but Tooru isn’t handling it well at all. He had begun sniffling even from before heading in, treating the chubby baby in his arms as if these were her final moments. Your little girl wasn’t even acting concerned when the needle pierced her skin, she was completely calm in her father’s arms holding onto his index finger like she always did when he was hugging her. Things changed however, when Tooru -after the shot was over- decided to open the tear ducts and smother his baby in kisses. “Oh how brave my little Princesa!!! She didn't even shed a tear!” And at that the waterworks began. You don’t know if it was her dad’s own tears, an aftershock of the vaccine or just the drama queen gene she got from your husband but now you have two crying children in your car.
SUNA was calm and collected during the appointment. He sat on the bed with his little boy in his lap, fingers tickling his sides in an attempt to distract him from the needle steadily entering his arm and pressing light kisses on his brunette little head whenever his brows furrowed. The nurse conducting the vaccine called him a trophy dad after he successfully kept his son from crying out. All Suna had to say was that his little boy was just built different. Once back in the car he asked you to drive, opting to sit in the back with his son still in his arms, rubbing small circles on the boy’s back more as a soothing mechanism for him rather than the child. “You okay there, Rin?” You saw him place a few kisses on your son’s brow before lulling him to sleep on his chest. “Just a little shaken up is all, nothing to worry about.” At the next stoplight you couldn’t help yourself from taking a pic through the rearview mirror.
KUROO is an interesting case. He is completely calm, daring even to subtly boast about his wife to the doctor who was too busy scribbling down the name of the vaccine to care about your husband’s shenanigans. He holds your daughter gently, letting her play with his tie while the nurse gets everything ready and even starts talking with her despite her only responses being baby gibberish. And you think that everything is going to go smoothly; your baby rarely cries even when she falls on her butt during play time so getting a shot won’t be that bad. You’re wrong. Kuroo blanches when the needle comes into view, jerking his knee in the process. His stress soon is picked up from your little girl who looks up at her father with scrunched up brows reaching out with her little hand to touch his face. He simply kisses her chubby palm before bracing both himself and her for the upcoming vaccine. The moment she begins to cry -and the needle is out of course- he is up bouncing her in his arms and kissing her cheeks saying what a good girl she was for the nice ladies. He manages to calm her down fairly quickly but then needs to take a second to calm himself as well. Almost faints for a moment.
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uwuwriting · 3 years
Tumblr plus should only be used for smut. smutty. Smutty. Smut. Smut. uwu.
I don't like the idea of tumblr + in the slightest and I believe that a) it's not going to work under any circumstances and b) it's unfair to monetize any form of art that has been posted on a public platform especially fanfiction and fanart that are based on something else (characters of a certain series etc). I think that if someone truly wants to put their work behind a pay wall they should create a patreon, patreon is literally there for that sort of stuff. Nothing on tumblr should be monetized and I'm adamant on that.
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