“The mcu is too afraid to embrace the goofiness of the comics”. This is true. They water down a lot of more fantastical stories and characters to make them more generic and marketable.
However they are also too afraid to embrace the maturity of other comics. They’ve watered down a lot of the more grounded and serious stories and characters to make them more generic and marketable.
They’re just too afraid to have any creative vision at all to avoid making their box office numbers drop in any way.
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Steve Rogers // Captain America
and his habit of putting his hands on his belt
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You have to earn that title damnit.
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You know what i miss about mcu?
When the biggest problem was Tony's Iron man suit freezing in high altitudes. And thats partialy how he beat Obedaya then.
Today its magic writers dont even understand, nobody knows its real rules, every writer can add any shit they like, and technology that has no limitations.
Before Tony couldnt even fly too high above the Earth.
Now heroes can go to another planet and dimension. But its not even clear what they fight for.
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This meme and this excuse using in many Steve Rogers bashing fanfic. This is when Steve and Tony argue about Wanda in civil war, Steve called wand kid. The well in years later Wanda gone crazy *cough*MOM* cough*. Yeah many mocking Steve because of that.
But when Steve called Wanda kid , he not meant actually a child or minir, he called her kid like saying 'she is young don't to hard on her ' also Steve is like 100 and Wanda sin civil war like 20s early and of course in his eyes Wanda is 'a kid' but of course he aware Wanda is not minor
Ironically in same film Tony literally brought a minor in battlefield 14 years old boy got blackmailed by 40s adult to fight for him, and worse of it the actual kid didn't know why he was there in first place. And yet no one mocked Tony because of that.
I feel it's kind sexist in some way (well in my eyes) or who is they brought. I meant Wanda is well villain' and Peter is hero, so in some fans it's okey Peter is 14 getting blackmailed to be inside battlefield and Wanda is 20s villain', she always wrong don't give her excuse.
Wow, hypocrite much?
I get the feeling a lot of the people complaining about the "kid" thing are kids themselves. Because I remember in my 20's I didn't understand it either, but now that I'm in my 30's I definitely do call the 20-somethings "kids" sometimes. It's just something that happens with age.
Also, they're judging one scene where Steve calls her a kid but they're ignoring the previous scene in the movie where he goes to her room to have a chat with her and comfort her. (This gives me a great excuse to share this picture. I love it. 😍)
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He had taken the big brother role with her and from what he says during the initial battle (that they had been training together), it makes sense he's protective over her like a big brother would over his little sister. Hell, he's the only one we see actually going to speak with her after Lagos, nobody else does.
But you bring up a good point with Peter. He's younger than Wanda but they're both inexperienced and among the youngest in the Avengers (I refuse to buy WandaVision's claim that Wanda was born in 1989. She's not only two years younger than me, no freaking way), are they really surprised that Steve, a guy who is in his 30's for most of his time in the MCU and spent his entire childhood/teenage years being protected by Bucky, wouldn't feel overprotective over the youngest ones? Really? Especially when he was one of the first or... the first to trust in both Wanda and Pietro? Come on.
But yeah, him calling her a kid is awful. Even worse than recruiting a 14-year old to a battle with enhanced and armed adults in a foreign country. Sure, sure... 🙄
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Thank you for the tag, sweetie @hithertoundreamtof23 😉
I like my hair. Dyed it red early last year and my stylist showed me how to make it even more wavy than usual. She's lovely and so is the manager.
I like that I'm good at my job. It may sound lame but it makes me feel accomplished. Plus, my coworkers are awesome. We're a team and it shows. I really like that place.
I like my singing voice. Not to boast too much but... I can sing, baby.
I like that I'm a leftist. Elections are coming up and the far-right seems to be on the rise (please please Europeans, don't vote for those bastards! Also, what the hell, Von Der Leyen?! Meloni? Seriously?! I thought you were better than that!). I come from a family of right-wingers and I'm the only socialist. (Shoutout to my grandpa who fought in the civil war against the fascists. Too bad I never met him).
I love that I changed from being a pessimist to an optimist. Life is so much better that way and most people are great. Bad apples, yeah sure, but hey... society wouldn't work if most people were crap.
Damn, it took some time to think of something to say. Open tags!
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then send this to ten of your favorite followers!
I love how my hair looks when I cut it really short
I love the way I can make people laugh
I love my freckles (yes I have them and they’re beautiful I love them)
I love the stories I write and concepts I come up with
I love how I feel like I’m growing closer to God
@sophieswundergarten @mvshortcut @illegally-blind-and-deaf @aeterna-auroral-avenger
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Surely we know the difference between "he's entitled to his feelings" and "that doesn't mean he can react however he pleases", yeah?
Feel sad, betrayed, annoyed, hurt, whatever... sure. Kill another human being for it? Especially one who is innocent? Uh... no?
Can Iron man dick riders take 2 seconds to use critical thinking skills. "What if it was your parents" NO ONE IS BLAMING TONY'S REACTION BUT DO YOU SERIOUSLY JUST EXPECT STEVE TO SIT THERE AND LET IT HAPPEN??
He knows Bucky has been tortured and been through fucking hell for 70 YEARS, not to mention that is his best friend, you want him to just stand and fucking watch?? They didn't 'jump tony' tony attacked first and they went as far as they needed to aka disabling Tony's weapon, that being his suit.
It makes me think that people haven't watched CATWS BC Bucky is quite literally as innocent as they can get, he was stripped of all his autonomy. He had no choice over his actions, do I need to define mind control for some people?? Seriously.
I feel like I need to reiterate like 10 times over, No one is blaming Tony but you cannot possibly blame Steve for protecting Bucky because Bucky is a victim.
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Who is the artist?? This is so good and sad, I’m crying 🥺🥺🥺
Edit: the artist is @muffinshark !! So incredible ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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“We all need family. The avengers are yours. Maybe more so than mine. I’ve been on my own since I was eighteen. I never really fit in anywhere, even in the army.
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My faith’s in people, I guess.
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Individuals. And I’m happy to say that, for the most part…they haven’t let me down. Which is why I can’t let them down either.“
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When Gamora was a child, Thanos took away her favorite toys. It wasn't fit for an assassin, it made her soft and childish.
As an adult, Gamora can have all the plushies she wants and if you touch them she'll skin you alive.
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RDJ asked the 'Avengers' cast to describe Hemsworth in three words; Evans wrote: "The second best Chris!"
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Yes some of the hate for captain carter is misogyny but that doesn't erase the real grievances people have with her especially when favoritism comes at the expense of another woman (sharon) and a black man (sam).
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How do they explain the success of GoTG then? 🤔
It's funny that the focus is always outwards (the audience, the youngsters, the geopolitical landscape bla bla bla), but never on themselves.
They see the younger generation as a bunch of idiots who don't know any better beyond memes and 10-second videos, and they write their movies/series accordingly. So when those kids demand better, the makers are all Pikachu face and blame the audience instead of themselves. How many times have we seen this? The issue is not the public or the creative lads, it's the execs.
"Oh, the two-hour format is too much, movies need to be shorter." Yeah, tell that to Nolan (I love you, Nolan). Sure, they want shorter movies for the benefit of the audience. Sure, sure... I bet it has nothing to do with their laziness and the declining quality of certain top-tier writers... 🙄
No, I'm pretty sure the real issue is that the MCU has been turning out terrible stories written by people with dubious track records.
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Elizabeth Olsen Behind the scenes.
Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff.
-infinity war (2018), dir by. Anthony/Joe Russo.
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i think that people should start using “in poor taste” as a descriptor again given it is often the most applicable and clearest phrase when discoursing about media and analysis; sometimes a piece of art isn’t actually THE most problematic thing of all time is is. ​just in poor taste (not JUST in poor taste as a reductive take on potential harm but/and as in regardless of intent the impact is this was an offensive or stupid take/choice)
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Steve Rogers is not afraid of strong women.
Steve Rogers is not afraid of strong women.
Stop it with the fic where Steve is terrified of Natasha, or Maria, or Pepper, or guh, Darcy. I guess people think it’s cute, or whatever.
Seriously. Strong women don’t make Steve scared, they make him swoon.
The only thing Steve is afraid of is that strong women won’t like him.
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One part I really liked in The Marvels was after Carol snaps at Kamala during battle she apologies?? And says “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have spoken to you that way”?? Like she understands that Kamala is young and looks up to her, and considers that her being harsh could hurt her confidence?? Tony Stark would never I’m just saying
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